07-16-2019 Work Session Minutes - DRAFT July 16, 2019 Work Session Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Work Session July 16, 2019 VIRGINIA: The Work Session of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held on July 16, 2019, in the Main Conference Room, County Administration Building, Chatham, Virginia 24531. Chairman, Dan River District, Joe B. Davis, called the Meeting to Order at 4:30 PM. The following Members were present: CALL TO ORDER (4:30 PM) Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Joe B. Davis Chairman - Dan River District Present 4:26 PM Charles H. Miller Vice Chairman - Banister District Present 4:22 PM Tim R. Barber Supervisor - Tunstall District Present 4:29 PM Elton W. Blackstock Supervisor - Staunton River District Present 4:29 PM Ben L. Farmer Supervisor - Callands-Gretna District Remote 4:28 PM Ronald S. Scearce Supervisor - Westover District Present 4:29 PM Robert W. "Bob" Warren Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District Present 4:19 PM Mr. Farmer participated remotely due to being on vacation. He called in from 328 Sandpiper Court, Nags Head, NC 27959. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED Motion to Amend Item 8b to include Project 500, and to add a Closed Session regarding the Pittsylvania County Service Authority Board and the purpose of Discussion of Performance of Board of Supervisors’ Appointee. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert W. "Bob" Warren, Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District SECONDER: Charles H. Miller, Vice Chairman - Banister District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve Agenda to include the proposed revisions and addition. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert W. "Bob" Warren, Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District SECONDER: Tim R. Barber, Supervisor - Tunstall District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren PRESENTATIONS STAFF, COMMITTEE, AND/OR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER REPORTS Board of Supervisors July 16, 2019 Work Session a. Discussion of Approval of Strategic Plan (Staff Contact: David M. Smitherman); (30 minutes) Mr. Smitherman stated that County Staff brought this item before the Board at the beginning of the year, and it was decided to table the item to a later time. Mr. Blackstock stated his concerns about the Public Information Officer (“PIO”) and stated that he is opposed to this and feels that there are two (2) County Administrators and does not feel this is necessary. Mr. Barber asked if funding had become available to implement this Plan and Mr. Smitherman stated there is nothing that would be pursued within the next year that would require money since there is no new funding for these items. He feels this is a statement of goals and direction and the Board would not be committing to any of these items at this time. Mr. Warren does not want to commit to hiring anyone with this document either, but his interpretation is that County Staff would evaluate that need and only pursue when necessary and when funding is available. Mr. Warren recommended the PIO item being changed to year 2021, and Mr. Hunt agreed to revise for the evening’s Business Meeting. Motion to amend the Business Meeting item to revise section 4(b) to make the potential implementation thereof the year 2020; and to Add a statement to the Strategic Plan requiring County Staff to bring any action item contained in the Strategic Plan involving an appropriation to the Board of Supervisors for approval before implementation. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert W. "Bob" Warren, Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District SECONDER: Ronald S. Scearce, Supervisor - Westover District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren b. Pet Center Update (Staff Contact: James P. McLaughlin); (15 minutes) Mr. James McLaughlin was present to give an FY9 update on the Pet Center. He stated in 2018, there was a 92% live release rate, and, for FY19, it stands at a 94% live release rate. Financials from January 1, 2019 through June 20, 2019, were $95,310 under Budget and there was a total revenue of $97,977. The Budget savings were due to revised staffing, updated protocols, animal transfers to partners, filling an Animal Care Manager, and over $45,000 in in-kind Grants and donations of supplies. The Pet Center is now partnering with PetSmart on adoptions. For every fifty (50) in store adoptions, PetSmart gives the Pet Center $1,000, on top of the regular adoption fee. Danville Toyota and the Pet Center have joined forces to promote the shelter dogs with the new Furry Friday Ride Along Program, and Wilson Lawn and Garden has agreed to participate in a Kioti Tractor Raffle. There will also be a Thrift Store at the Pet Center, which will be a joint operation with the SPCA. Some upcoming events Mr. McLaughlin has planned for the Pet Center are Wagfest, Tomahawk Mill Event, Golf Tournament, White Oak Mountain Music Festival, and a Fall Fundraising Event. Members of the Board commended Mr. McLaughlin for his hard work and dedication. c. Cascade E-911 Radio Coverage Update (Staff Contact: Richard N. Hicks); (15 minutes) Mr. Hicks stated that there are still two (2) towers, the Tunstall Fire Department and the Old Board of Supervisors July 16, 2019 Work Session Mayfield Tower, that are still under construction. Once these towers are completed, there will be significantly less coverage issue. It is anticipated that the completion of the Cascade E-911 Radio Coverage project will be around mid-November. d. Virginia Department of Health Changes (Staff Contact: Richard N. Hicks); 15 minutes) Mr. Hicks stated that he had a meeting with a representative with the Health Department and it was brought to his attention that House Bill 558 (HB558) mandated that the Health Department will no longer be the primary designer of septic systems. This law required the State Health Commissioner to develop a plan to reduce and eliminate evaluation and design services provided by VDH for onsite sewage system and private wells, shifting those direct services to the private sector. These services used to be free, but will now have a pretty substantial cost associated with them. The new State policy goes into effect July 11, 2019. e. Other Reports BUSINESS MEETING DISCUSSION ITEMS CLOSED SESSION Motion to enter Closed Session. The Board entered Closed Session at 5:24 PM. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Elton W. Blackstock, Supervisor - Staunton River District SECONDER: Robert W. "Bob" Warren, Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren a. Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body. (Staff Contact: Richard N. Hicks) (1) Legal Authority: Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(3) Subject Matter: Potential Solid Waste Convenience Center Site(s) Purpose: Discussion of Acquisition of Real Property for a Public Purpose b. Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. (Staff Contact: Matthew D. Rowe) (1) Legal Authority: Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(5) Subject Matter: Projects Emotion and G4 Board of Supervisors July 16, 2019 Work Session Purpose: Discussion of Prospective Business/ Economic Development Update c. Discussion, consideration, or interviews or prospective candidates for employment; assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining, or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of any public body. (1) Legal Authority: Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(1) Subject Matter: Pittsylvania County Service Authority Board Purpose: Discussion of Performance of Board of Supervisors’ Appointee RETURN TO OPEN SESSION & CLOSED SESSION CERTIFICATION a. Closed Session Certification (Staff Contact: J. Vaden Hunt, Esq.) The Board returned to Open Session at 6:49 PM, and the following Certification was recorded: CLOSED MEETING CERTIFICATION BE IT RESOLVED that at the Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on July 16, 2019, the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each Board Member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the Open Meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (the “Act”) and identified in the Motion authorizing the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed, or considered in the Closed Meeting. If any Member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Act, he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The Statement shall be recorded in the Board’s Minutes. Vote Tim R. Barber Yes Elton W. Blackstock Yes Joe B. Davis Yes Ben L. Farmer Yes Charles H. Miller, Jr. Yes Ronald S. Scearce Yes Robert W. Warren Yes ADJOURNMENT Mr. Davis adjourned the Meeting at 6:51 PM.