2012-04-07 L. Vernon Moon AppreciationPIT'I'SYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RF.SOLUTIUN 20t2-04-07 V1RGiNIA At the adjourned meeting of the Pittsvlvania County Board of Supervisors held on 'Tuesday, April 17, 2012 in the General I)islrict Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition. die fiillowing resolution was presented and adopted: ~i'hereas, 1.. Vcmun Moon, and his wife, Diane. have been working with the children of Pittsvlvania County in the Gretna community for the past 35 years: and Whereas, L. Vemon Moon has contributed greatly to the community. enriching the lives of numerotn students and has worked to enhance both academic and athletic opportunities for the residents in northern Pittsyh~ania County; and Whereas, L. Vernon Munn has devoted his personal resources to maximize the quality of life for those students and athletes who have participated in pmfn•ams in northern Piusylvania County and at Gretna High School; and Whereas, L. Vernon Moon is a major organizer and contributor to the Grefia High School Athletic Booster Pro~•am, particularly in the development of a new weigh) room and field house for the football leant, and dedicating additional land necessary to the school to provide practice fields and expansions of its athletic programs; and R'hereas, L Vernon Moun spearheulcd the projects that improved the football field's north end zone to improve the safety and appearance for the schcwl's football stadium at Gretna High School, led the fundraisers necessary to support the construction of a new concession stand, and other football field improvements at this stadium; and Whereas, L. Vcmun Muon has personally dedicated equipment and time, as well as his expertise, to the school's athletic programs fur the development of nevv opportunities for the students at Gretna Fligh School; and Whereas, L. Vernon Mewn has dedicate) many hours to serve the Gretna youth sports program, providing guidance, assistance and counseling to individuals participating in those programs; and Whereas, because of 1. Vernon Muun's contributions in providing students of the Gretna community and northern Pittsvlvania County with opportunities that they otherwise may not have possessed both on and of7~ the field. mama of these athletes and students have received scholarships and other post-high school academic opportunities that they may not have othcnvisc cnjoycd:then BF. IT REREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsvlvania County Board n( Supervisors would like to express their sincere ~atiuide and appreciation to L. Vernon Moon for his outstanding service [o the community in the Held of recreation and athletic support in the northern area of Pittsvlvania County and Gretna High School, providing outstanding service and exemplary leadership to die young citizens of Pittsvlvania C'ounly, giving unselfishly and dedicating himself to the success of this programs for the children of Pittsvlvania C'uunly: and BL• CT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of This resolution be presented to L. Vemon Moon of Gretna, Virginia. Given under my hand this die 1 T° day of April, 2012. ~2 t ~~~ Tim K. Barber. Chairman ~ Pittsvlvania only Board of Supervisors 11 ~~ ~ William D. Sleeper, C' rk Pittsvlvania County Board of Supervisors