2012-04-04 Screen Free WeekPl'P"TSYLV.4NIA COUNTY BOARD OF SliPERVISORS RESOLCTION zu) z-ua-oa VIRGINIA: At a adjourned meeting of the Pittsyhania County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of t}te Ldwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition the li~llowing resolution +vas presented and adopted: WIIEItEAS, youth R to 1R years of age spend an average of 7.5 hours a day viewing entertainment media on a variety of devices, including televisions, computers. video game consoles and cell phones: and WHEREAS, "screen time" is a contributing I•actor to childhood obesity because it decreases the time children spend in physical activities; leads to increased caloric intake through snacking and eating meals in Lunt of the 'fV: and intluences children to make unhealthy food choices through exposure to food advertisemen[s; a~td WHEREAS, Screen Free Week is an annual celebration cncotuaging schools, families and communities to turn off screens and explore other ways to spend free time together: and WHEREAS, Get Fit Dan River Region is partnering with the Virginia Foundation For Healthy Youth to engage local, regional and state partners to promote 2012 Screen Free 1L'eek: and VI'HEREAS, the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth is chazgcd by the Virginia General .Assembly +vith reducing and preventing childhood obesity across the Commomvealth. In addition. Get Fit is charged by the Danville Regional Foundation v+~th reducing obesity among all residents within the Dan River Region; and WHEREAS, during Semen Free Week, schools, childcare centers, faith-based organizations, afterschool centers and other partner ++•ill promote ahcrnativcs to screen time for children and families such as instant recess activities and community events encouraging families w spend time together away from the screen: then NOW, THEREFORE tee it resoh•ed, that tltc Yittsylvania County Boazd of Supen~isors dues hereby recognize April 3U May 6. 2013, as SCRF.F.N FREE WEEK in Pitisylvania County and [call this observance to the attention of all our citizens; and RE IT FURTHER RESOL~'Ell, that a copy of this resolution he forwarded to all local media sources. Given under my hand this 17th day of April, 2012. Tim R. Barber, Chairman Pinsyh~ani County Hoard of Supervisors + e:e R'illiam D. Slee r C~-~~~~~~ pe Pittsyh~ania County Board of Supervisors