10-15-2012-Domestic Violence Awareness MonthPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY 130ARD OF SUPRRVISORS PROCLA,~IATION Domestic Violence Awareness Month Ochrbrr 2/112 {I%trreus. 1 in cnenr J wanen will experience domestic violence Juring her lifetime; {Vereas', approximately 15.5 million chilrtrzn rrre erprrsed to domestic violence every year; Hhereas, when a family member is• abused it cmr has•e long-term damaging effects nn the victim that also leave a murk on fermily, jriendc, acrd the comuumity of large; Whereas, families are indispencahle to u sruhle society. and they should he n pluc•e gfsupport !o instill responsibility and values in (he next grneratiun; NBereas, Jamestic violence is widrsprrurl and is devas(ating !o sockn' as a whole, hrrr particularh svnmen and children; and WGereac, violence against wnnren unr! chilrlrrn is a prevalent social tl! <lue !u the hislorica! imhrrlarce of power in grnder mrd age: unJ IVhereas, the problem of domestic vinknc•e !.c not crn fined to m~+ group or gragzr njpenple, but crncces all economic, racial, grnder, educatimral, religk>uc, and sn•ietal barriere•, urrd is svrs(uined by societal indiJ)'ererrce: and {i7~rrras•, the crime ojdmnectic violence vinlarec art individual's privacy, dignity, security, and humanity due to the sysremutic• use uj physical ernotianul. scaual. psychological. and economic control unrL'or abuse, and Whereas, victims shutdJ hove help to fnrl the compassion. cornJort. and healurg ring' need mul Jnmeslic• rrhasers should he pwushed to theclull extent nj the lasv; and Whereas, viclims oJ'violence .chnulrl /rrn•e accrcc to nredic•al and legal.crrvices, counseling, rransinonal hooting, mrd ofleer .supportive srn•icec .cn thm deey can escape the cycle njubns e; and Whereas, sce encourage domestic vkrlenee victims nnrl their families ra seek rrssiskmce from upprupriate viclims' servicu• urganr_ahons and 1hr:Valinnal Domes!!c Violence Holhne {I-NOO--99-Sr1 FEI: and Whereas, it is' havered women thenu'elres who have hren err lhe,JbreJronl gjejfurls !o bring peace, eyna!!h'. and healing fo orrr !rooter urrd cnnrmun8ier: and lVhereax, local progranrc, .crate coalittmrr, national orgmrimtionc, and othzr agencies nminnwide are rnmmilted n> increasing pahlic• awareness uj<lumestie violence un! its prevnlener, and lu elimiruning it (hrough prevention and education: and Whereas, important partnerships /rove been formed <unong tremens! anJ,javen!!e justice agencies, )realrherrre providers. a!lieJ prgjessrunals. and victim srrvims to assist victims of dmnestic• violence and theirlamilies; mrd {{'hrreus, our Cmmfr oust! dedicate aurselres to protecting vuhurable members njmrr society; and Whereas, our Corurty hrrr n mural obligation ro work to prevent rlameatic• violence ern<t to address its brutrr! and deslnrclive cJjecu: and {Vherras, our County mast make ending dnmevic vinlzncr a national priavry•r dren ,1'OW' T/Ih.'RF.'P~ORF.•, in recogniGun ~j(he nnportant worA done !,t' dumesnr• violence programs and retreats' service providers, 11'e, the UourJ gjSupervuors, of Piusylvania C'uunly do herehv proclaim the month nj Ocmber 2011 as Domrsflc VIu/race Awurrnrss' :Hon/h and urge all citi_ens ur actively participate in the scheduled activities atd prngranc tlrraughnut Pittwlvada Cnmrty to work lowmJs the eliminuliun of persatul «n<I ins(ituGunal violence against women mul girls. Giyen under my hand this l5'h day r jOetober, 10!1. 11'i ram ! .Sleeper, Clerk Pittsvlvania Corurty 6aard of Sapervrsors PI'1"1'SYLVANIA COUNTY I30ARD OF' Sl1PERVISORS PROCLA_~IATION Domestic Vinleuce Awareness,Naelh Ocdrber 2012 Whereto, 1 in evens d wanerr atilt erperience dornecric v6rlence daring her ti%time: Whereas, approximately 15.5 nrilhon children arc atrpnsed m domestic violence every yerv li7lereas, when a fmnilr member rs uhtrred, it cap hint long-term damaging effects on the victim that aG'o (ewe « nmrk on )amity. jrienrG'. and !ha community at (<rrge: W'hereus, families are mdtspencahle to a stab/e society, and they should he a place u%sappa•! !o instill respnnsibtliN and values in the nest generation; fi%tereas, domestic violence is widespread amt is drs•usmrhrg to snc•iety as a whole, belt parriculmly x'omen uud cluldren; and IVhereas, violence against women and children is « prevalent social ill chce to the historical imbalance njpnwzr in gender and age; acrd Whereas, the problem ojdomrslic• violence is not c•or~ined to onv group nr groups oJ'people, but crw•ses all ecarumic, racial, gender, erhrc•ntional, religinrrs, and societal harriers, and is curtained t!v soc•ielu( inrliJjerence: and Nhereas, !!re crime of domesnc vintenc•e violates an individual '.r privacyt dignity, secrrrily, and hrmrrrnity doe to the systematic use of physical, enmtinnal, srrua/, psyc'holugical. and economic c•ontru/ mrrl/or abase; mrd fi%erens, victims should have help to find The compassion, cumlurr, and healing they need aul domecttc ahucerc shrmld he punicbed to the full extent u%the Imvr and IVhereas, victims u% violence should hme access n, medical and legal cervices, counceling, transitional housing, and other supportive sa<n•ices so shat Ihery can escape the cycle njahase; and f{hereas~. see zncoarage dnmenic violence victims and their jumities to Berk assistance %rom appropriate victims' .cervices organisniuru « n<I the Nations! Domestic I'iolence Hotline (1-R00-%99-,S.I FF./; mtd IVhereas, it is bultereJ women lhemseh~rs who have been in t/rcaore%runt ojr./jorts fo bring peace, equality, «nd healing to our homes and communities; and Whereas, loco! programs, slate coalittonr, nntinrml aganizationr, mtd other agencies nafionwide are contmitled to imxeming public awarenecc n1 domestic violence and i!s prevalence, and !u rliminuting it Through pr«vcovion and educrttion: and IVhereas, impnrrmn parnrenchips hwe been formed among criminuf arrd,prnerrilejus'tice neeucies. heulthc«rr provrdere. allied prn~ssionuh, and victim services to rasisl victims oJ'd~mestic vtnlance and theirldmiliec; and IVhereas, our Canty mwt dedicate ourselves fo protecting vuburnbte memherc ojnm• society; artd Rhereas, our C'orrntp h«s a moral uhligaiun la work ro prevrrrt romestic• violence mxl to address its bruin! and destructive effects; and N'hrreas, our Cwmh• neat make ending domestic violence n natimral priorih•; then :YOfi' THEFEFORE, in recognition o(the inrpnrtmu work <Inne ht' danesnc• violence prugronu and riciims' service providers. Ii:<. the Rom~d nJ Supervisurs~. ~j l'itaylvnnta C'ormty do hereQv prrx~laiur /he mondt of Ocmbrr 111!1 as Donrevtic ['iotence.lwarenecs :Ranh and urge a!! citi=rns ra active/t• participate in dte .cchrduled actisitiec mrd prngrarrec thrnughora /'iusvh•nnin (.'oun[v to work towards the elimination njpersonal and rraslitulional violence against women amt girls. Given render my hmrd this 15°i day ojOcraher, 2012. IVi iunr L .Sleeper Clerk ~~~ Pitisvfvania Cnunn• Roarrl of Supervrsors