04-04-2016 Regular MeetingRegular Meeting April 4, 2016 Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Monday, April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting VIRGINIA: The Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, April 4, 2016 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Addition in Chatham, Virginia. Jessie L. Barksdale, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Jessie L. Barksdale Banister District Elton W. Blackstock Staunton River District Tim Barber Tunstall District Ronald S. Scearce Westover District Jerry A. Hagerman Callands-Gretna District Robert W. Warren Chatham-Blairs District Joe B. Davis Dan River District Mr. Clarence C. Monday, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Ms. Kim Van Der Hyde, Director of Finance, and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Board were also present. Mr. Barksdale led the Moment of Silence, and then the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Agenda Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Blackstock, to approve the agenda, which was unanimously approved by the Board. Hearing of the Citizens Richard Shumate of the Westover District offered a word of prayer. Mr. Shumate then commented that instead of finding more ways to spend money the Board should look for more ways to cut the budget, like scaling back on the plans for the proposed animal shelter and planning for a new jail Dr. Julie Brown, of the Chatham-Blairs District, and Rachel Covington, thanked the Board for their support by having on the Consent Agenda a Proclamation supporting April 5th as County Day for Recognition of National Service. This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens. Mr. Barksdale acknowledged the attendance of the Honorable Mike Taylor, Sheriff, and Laurie Moran, Executive Director of the Danville-Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce. Consent Agenda Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve the Consent Agenda, which was approved by the Board of Supervisors. (a) Minutes: March 7, 2016 – Regular Meeting March 15, 2016 – Regular Meeting March 21, 2016 – Public Hearings: FY2016/17 School & County Budgets (b) Bill List – March 2016 (Online) (c) Proclamation – National County Government Month: April 2016 (d) Proclamation – National Animal Control Appreciation Week : April 10-16, 2016 (e) Proclamation – National Public Safety Telecommunications Week: April 10-16, 2016 (f) Proclamation – National Child Abuse Prevention Month : April 2016 (g) Resolution – VDOT Rural Rustic Road: Cooksburg Road; Information Revision to Resolution 2013-08-04 (h) Proclamation – County Day of Recognition of National Service – April 5, 2016 Mr. Blackstock’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board. Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT MONTH April 2016 “Safe and Secure Counties” Whereas, the nation’s 3,069 counties serving more than 300 million Americans provide essential services to create healthy, safe, vibrant and economically resilient communities; and Whereas, Pittsylvania County and all counties take pride in their responsibility to protect and enhance the health, welfare and safety of its residents in efficient and cost-effective ways; and Whereas, through National Association of Counties (NACo) President Sallie Clark’s “Safe and Secure Counties” initiative, NACo is encouraging counties to focus on strengthening the safety and security of their communities; and Whereas, in order to remain healthy, vibrant, safe and economically competitive, America’s counties provide public health, justice, emergency management and economic services that play a key role in everything from resident’s daily lives to disaster response; and Whereas, each year since 1991 the National Association of Counties has encouraged counties across the country to actively promote their own programs and services to the public they serve; and Whereas, Pittsylvania County has invested in creating healthy, vibrant and economically resilient communities for its citizens in providing public health, justice, emergency management and economic services; then Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim April 2016 as National County Government Month and encourage all county officials, employees, schools and residents to participate in county government celebration activities. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL APPRECIATION WEEK April 10th – April 16th, 2016 Whereas, the National Animal Control Association has designated the second week in April each year as Animal Control Appreciation Week; and Whereas, the various Federal, State, and Local Government Officials throughout the Country take this time to recognize, thank, and commend all Animal Control Officers for the dedicated service they provide to the Citizens, various Public Safety, Public Service Agencies and Departments throughout the Country; and Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors would like to express its sincere thanks and appreciation for the outstanding service the Pittsylvania County Animal Control Department who risk their lives and spend huge amounts of personnel resources including time away from family and friends while serving the public like all other public safety and law enforcement agencies involved and empowered with the same duties; and Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors recognizes and commends the Animal Control Officers for the many dedicated and long hours of service they perform in serving this community, and for fulfilling their commitment to providing the highest and most efficient level of service; and Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors wishes to commend each and every Animal Control Officer for their service, which is in keeping with the long and distinguished tradition of the Animal Control Profession; then NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors officially recognize and proclaim the week of April 10th through 16th, 2016 as National Animal Control Appreciation Week and respectfully asks all Citizens, Public Safety, Health, and Public Service Personnel alike to join in expressing their sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for the many long hours of outstanding service and quality performance these outstanding individuals provide throughout the year to assure the safety and welfare of all. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATIONS WEEK April 10th – 16th, 2016 Whereas, emergencies can occur anytime that require police, fire or emergency medical services; and Whereas, when an emergency occurs the prompt response of police officers, firefighters and paramedics is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property; and Whereas, the safety of our police officers and firefighters is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the Pittsylvania County E-911 Communications Center; and Whereas, Public Safety Dispatchers are the first and most critical contact our citizens have with emergency services; and Whereas, Public Safety Dispatchers are the single vital link for our police officers and firefighters by monitoring their activities by radio, providing them information and insuring their safety; and Whereas, Dispatchers in Pittsylvania County Emergency Management have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals, suppression of fires and treatment of patients; and Whereas, each dispatcher, the unseen individual providing a calm voice when emergencies arise, has exhibited compassion, empathy, and professionalism, keeping our county and citizens safe, and providing moral support to citizens in distress; and Whereas, each dispatcher has exhibited compassion, understanding and professionalism during the performance of their job in the past year; then THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors proclaims the week of April 10th through 16th, 2016 to be National Telecommunications Week in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, in honor of the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep our County and citizens safe. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH April, 2016 Whereas, regardless of who they are or the circumstances of their birth, every child deserves care and to be kept safe from harm; and Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Whereas, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month; and Whereas, during Child Abuse Prevention Month, Virginians are reminded of the courage it takes to raise a child and that fundamental human rights means living free from violence and abuse; and Whereas, child abuse is considered to be one of our nation’s most serious public health problems, with scientific studies documenting the link between the abuse and neglect of children and a wide range of medical, emotional, psychological, and behavioral disorders; and Whereas, child abuse can disrupt early brain development, and serious chronic stress can impair the development of nervous and immune systems; and Whereas, keeping children safe from abuse means playing an active role in their life, having check- ins, and teaching them the warning signs of abuse and how to protect themselves; and Whereas, empowering our children and providing them with safe places to live, learn, and play is vital to keeping them safe from harm; and Whereas, Pittsylvania County remains committed to sustaining safe, nurturing, and supportive environments within its communities for families raising children; and Whereas, effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships between families, social services agencies, schools, faith communities, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and Whereas, displaying a pinwheel during the month of April will serve as a positive reminder that together we can prevent child abuse and neglect and in doing so keep children safe; then NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors does hereby recognize April, 2016 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month in Pittsylvania County. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors RESOLUTION 2016-04-02 VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia on Monday, April 4, 2016, the following resolution was presented and adopted: WHEREAS, Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, permits the hard surfacing of certain unpaved roads deemed to qualify for designation as a Rural Rustic Road; and WHEREAS, any such road must be located in a low-density development area and have no more than 1,500 vehicles per day; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“Board”) desires to consider whether Route 644 (Cooksburg Road), From: Oxford Road/State Route 750 to a point 2.29 miles west of Route 750 at the end of existing pavement, a distance of 2.29 miles; should be designated a Rural Rustic Road; and WHEREAS, the Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect the existing traffic on this road; and WHEREAS, the Board believes that this road should be so designated due to its qualifying characteristics; and WHEREAS, this road is in the Board’s six-year plan for improvements to the secondary system of state highways. Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board requests that this road be hard surfaced and, to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing right-of-way and ditch- lines to preserve as much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural rustic character along the road in their current state. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation COUNTY DAY OF RECOGNITION FOR NATIONAL SERVICE April 5, 2016 Whereas, service to others is a hallmark of the American character, and central to how we meet our challenges; and Whereas, the nation’s counties are increasingly turning to national service and volunteerism as a cost-effective strategy to meet county needs; and Whereas, participants in AmeriCorps and Senior Corps address the most pressing challenges facing our cities, towns, and counties, from educating students for jobs of the 21st century and supporting veterans and military families to providing health services, and helping communities recover from natural disasters; and Whereas, national service expands economic opportunity by creating more sustainable resilient communities and providing education, career skills, and leadership abilities for those who serve; and Whereas, national participants of all ages and backgrounds serve in Pittsylvania County, providing vital support to county residents and improving the quality of life in our county, and bolstering the civic, neighborhood, and faith-based organizations that are so vital to our county’s economic and social well-being; then Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim April 5, 2016 as County Day of Recognition for National Service, and encourage all citizens to recognize the positive impact of national service in our county, and thank those who serve; and to find ways to give back to their communities. Unfinished Business At the March 7, 2016 meeting a motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, for a reappropriation of $41,184.32 as follows: $200.00 to Clerk of Court-Copier Lease (100-4- 021600-60051), $538.50 to Sheriff-Printing (100-4-031200-3500), $74.63 to Sheriff-Postage (100-4- 031200-5210), $43.74 to Sheriff-Office Supplies (100-4-031200-6001), $4,700.00 to Sheriff-Rental (100-4-031200-6005), $240.49 to Sheriff-Fuel, $697.80 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $380.00 to Sheriff-Labor (100-4-031200-6031), $33.23 to VFD-United Way Contribution (100-4- 032200-5667), $418.10 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $106.90 to Jail-Food Supplies (100-4- 033100-6002), $10,542.54 to E911-Telephone (100-4-035500-5230), $507.00 to B&G-Boiler Insurance (100-4-043100-5301), $3,933.00 to B&G-Fire Insurance (100-4-043100-302), $250.00 to CSA-Training & Education (100-4-053500-5540), $260.00 Library-Postage (100-4-073100-5210), $797.00 to Library-Office Supplies (100-4-073100-6001), $11.08 to Library-Furniture &Fixtures (100-4-073100-6003), $500.00 to Library-Books & Subscriptions (100-4-073100-6012), $14,429.42 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353853-6014), $2,500.00 to WIA-Other Operating (251-4-353878-6014), $20.89 to SW Disposal-Telephone (520-4-042400-5230). This motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Blackstock-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Barksdale-Yes. Mr. Barber’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board. At the March 7, 2016 meeting a motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Barber, to appropriate $37,934 from unappropriated funds to line item 520-4-042400-603400 for the purpose of repairing the 836G Caterpillar Compactor used as a backup machine to achieve the compaction rates and provide daily cover of the landfill required by the DEQ. This motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met and the following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber - Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Blackstock-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Barksdale-Yes. Mr. Blackstock’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board. New Business Mr. Monday explained the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing for citizen input on the school’s budget. A public hearing was held on Monday, March 21, 2016 to allow citizens to comment on the proposed FY 2016/17 Pittsylvania County Public Schools Budget with a proposed total of $91,489,633. This public hearing was advertised in the Chatham Star Tribune on March 9, 2016, which met the requirement of State Code §15.2-2506 concerning publication and notice. The required 7 days had passed and the budget could be voted on at this time, should that be the Board’s desire. Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve the school budget as presented: T The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Blackstock- Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Barksdale-Yes. Mr. Blackstock’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board. Mr. Monday explained that on March 21, 2016, the Board of Supervisors had held a duly advertised public hearing for citizen input on the proposed FY 2016/17 Pittsylvania County Budget. Pittsylvania County Budget with a proposed total budget of $175,800,032. This public hearing was advertised in the Chatham Star Tribune on March 9, 2016, which met the requirement of State Code §15.2-2506 concerning publication and notice. The required 7 days had passed and the budget could Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 be voted on at this time, should that be the Board’s desire. Mr. Monday continued explaining that the total budget was $175,800,032. This budget included a new compactor site in Keeling; the initial expenses of reassessment; the 1% VRS Mandate; a 2% COLA for full -time County employees and Constitutional employees; the tourism project with the Danville-Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce and the City of Danville; and the principal plus interest payment to start paying down the remaining $15 million (to be paid over a 15-year period) of High School Construction capital costs. The County Budget, which includes the School Budget in the amount of $91,489,633, provides the schools with a local appropriation of $16,736,709. It also authorizes up to $349,992 in carryover funds from FY16 to the FY17 School Operating Budget, contingent upon such savings in the current fiscal year’s School Operating Budget. This would provide level local funds for education to accompany additional funding included in the State Budget. Other important budget items include: the authorization for Fire & Rescue to carryover up to $160,000 of unexpended funds from FY16 to FY17 to be used for training and communications, and the cost of a second ambulance; $25,000 for an updated jail study; and the balloon payment of $1,864,300 for the final payment of the 2009 Refinance of School/Landfill Bonds. Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Davis, to approve the budget as presented. Mr. Scearce stated that he had been elected as a fiscal conservative and didn’t believe the budget had any fiscal constraints, and thus would be voting in opposition to the budget. Mr. Barber stated that there were some things he liked about the budget, such as paying down the school debt, adding funding for Fire & Rescue, and the employee raises, but he felt the budget relied too much on the General Fund to be a true balanced budget. Mr. Hagerman agreed with both Mr. Scearce and Mr. Barber. Mr. Blackstock stated that he did not feel the budget as presented would adversely affect the financial status of the County; felt that by the end of the FY 2016/17 year unspent department funds would balance out, if all the previous years were indications, much of the amount presently coming from the General Funds to balance the budget; and if there had not been the $1,864,300 balloon payment for the final payment of the 2009 Refinance of the School/Landfill Bonds, and the elimination of the Solid Waste Fee that created a $1.6 million deficit, the budget would have been balanced without using any money from the General Fund. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-No; Mr. Hagerman-No; Mr. Blackstock-Yes; Mr. Scearce-No; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Barksdale-Yes. Mr. Blackstock’s motion passed by a majority 4 to 3 vote of the Board, with Mr. Barber, Mr. Hagerman, and Mr. Scearce opposing. Presented: April 4, 2016 Adopted: April 4, 2016 RESOLUTION 2016-04-01 VIRGINIA: At a regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on Monday, April 4, 2016 in the General District Courtroom in the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia, the following resolution on the annual budget for Fiscal Year 2017 was presented and adopted. WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia require the governing body to prepare and approve a budget for fiscal and planning purposes, notwithstanding additional requirements for the schools, including revenues and expenditures for the ensuing year by May 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia control the distribution of funds by appropriations giving the Board of Supervisors authority to set such appropriations at such periodic basis as outlined in Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, being further identified in this Resolution with Exhibit A and Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been properly advertised and held on March 21, 2016, in accordance with state statute as shown by the affidavit of the publisher; then, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania, that there be hereby adopted and appropriated a budget for Fiscal Year 2017, the full and complete budget is contained in the document entitled: Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 "PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY ADOPTED BUDGET" FISCAL YEAR 2017 JULY 1, 2016 - JUNE 30, 2017 TOTALING: $ 175,800,032 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated budget total of $175,800,032 includes $16,736,709 total local effort for the Pittsylvania County Schools, and $1,646,045 in reallocated carryovers for Industrial Development Local. Included in this budget is an approval of supplements for employees of all five (5) Constitutional Offices. These offices include the Sheriff, Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue, Clerk of Courts and Commonwealth’s Attorney. Personnel costs for these offices, which include an appropriation of local funding and compensation board funding cannot be overspent. BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds of the School Budget, the Library Board, and the Welfare Board shall be expended only by order and approv al of those respective boards and that no money shall be paid out for such contemplated expenditures unless and until there has first been made an appropriation for such contemplated expenditures by the Board of Supervisors; and, BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the School Budget estimate for FY 2016-2017 be set at $91,489,633 with the local funds provided by the Board of Supervisors set at $16,736,709 to be funded by classification as allowed by the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, and the school board to report back in amounts requested to be funded in each classification if different than shown in the approved budget. The local funds include the following: General Fund Local $16,736,709 (Includes $45,000 Solid Waste) BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors shall receive quarterly revenue and expenditure reports comparing receipts and expenditures to the approved budget from the Office of the County Administrator as well as a list of transfers approved by the County Administrator and, BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the unit tax levy for the year commencing January 1, 2016 shall be as follows: Real Property: $.59 per $100 of assessed value, 100% market value Mobile Homes and Barns: $.59 per $100 of assessed value, 100% market value Machinery and Tools: $ 4.50 per $100 of assessed value at 10% of original cost Contract Carrier: $4.50 per $100 of assessed value at fair market value Personal Property: $8.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of market value. In accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 58.1-3524 (C) (2) and Section 58.1-3912 (E) of the Code of Virginia, as amended by Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly (2004 Special Session 1) and as set forth in Item 503.E (Personal Property Tax Relief Program) of Chapter 951 of the 2005 Acts of Assembly any qualifying vehicle sitused within the county commencing January 1, 2016, shall receive personal property tax relief in the following manner:  Personal use vehicles valued at $1,000 or less will be eligible for 100% tax relief;  Personal use vehicles valued at $1,001 to $20,000 will be eligible for 52% tax relief;  Personal use vehicles valued at $20,001 or more shall only receive 52% tax relief on the first $20,000 of value; and Regular Meeting April 4, 2016  All other vehicles which do not meet the definition of “qualifying” (business use vehicles, farm use vehicles, motor home, etc.) will not be eligible for any of tax relief under this program. Generating Equipment: $.59 per $100 of assessed value, 100% of market value Capital Merchant Tax: $ 2.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of inventory value Consumer Utility Tax: 20% of the first $15.00 monthly for residential users and 20% of the first $100.00 monthly for commercial or industrial users, except as required for Gas and Electricity, as defined by Chapter 6 Section 13 of the Pittsylvania County Code 1975 as amended AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following fees will also be collected by Pittsylvania County for tax year beginning January 1, 2016 and for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2016: Motor Vehicle Fee: $38.75 per vehicle, except as specified by ordinance Building Inspection Fees: These fees included in Exhibit C Fire Prevention Fees: These fees included in Exhibit D AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors that, for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2016, and ending on June 30, 2017, the following sections are hereby adopted. Section 1. The cost center shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations Resolution, Exhibit A, are hereby appropriated from the designated estimated revenues as shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations Resolution, Exhibit A. This appropriation does include the unappropriated surplus. Funds may be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors as needed during FY 2017 subject to the Board’s by-laws for appropriations. Section 2. Appropriations, in addition to those contained in this general Appropriations Resolution, may be made by the Board of Supervisors only if there is available in the fund unencumbered or unappropriated sums sufficient to meet such appropriations. Section 3. All appropriations herein authorized shall be on the basis of cost centers for all departments and agencies excluding schools. The regular school fund is specifically appropriated by category as listed on Exhibit A. Section 4. The School Board and the Social Services Board are separately granted authority for implementation of the appropriated funds for their respective operations. By this resolution the School Board and the Social Services Board are authorized to approve the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of expenditure to another within the same classification in their respective funds in any amount. Transfers between classification or funds require approval of the Board of Supervisors. Section 5. The County Administrator is authorized to make intra-departmental transfers. This allows for the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of expenditure to another within the same cost center for the efficient operation of government. The County Administrator is also authorized to make inter-departmental transfers up to $25,000. This type of transfer allows Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 for the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another. Inter-departmental transfers in excess of $25,000 require the approval of the Board of Supervisors. Section 6. All outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 2016 shall be reappropriated to the FY 2017 fiscal year to the same cost center and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. A report of which shall be submitted to the Board. Section 7. At the close of the fiscal year, all unencumbered appropriations lapse for budget items other than the School Cafeteria Receipts Fund 209, the State Restricted Seizure Fund - Sheriff 241, the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund 242, the State Restricted Seizure Fund – Commonwealth’s Attorney 243, the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund – Commonwealth’s Attorney 244, the Animal Friendly Plates Fund 245, the Grants Fund 250, the Work Force Investment Act Fund 251, Law Library Fund 260, the Library Memorial Gift Fund 265, Cash Bonds Fund 305, the County Capital Improvements Fund 310, the Jail Inmate Management Fund 311, the Courthouse Maintenance Fund 312, the Courthouse Security Fund 314, the Jail Processing Fund 315, the Rural Roads Fund 320, the Industrial Development Local Fund 325, the Industrial Development Cyclical Fund 330, the School Bond Fund 410, the Landfill Bond Fund 415, the E911 Bond Fund 416, the Social Services Bond Fund 420, the Debt Service Reserve Fund 425, the Bond Fund-Schools 435, the Rescue Billing Fund 530, the Special Welfare Fund 733 and the Pittsylvania County Employees Health Plan 734. Thus, all cancelled cash balances shall revert back to the General Fund. Section 8. Appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate ordinance or resolution, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, the County Administrator is hereby authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to all existing appropriations for capital projects at June 30, 2016 and appropriations in the FY 2017 Budget. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders to contracts up to $50,000.00 and approve all change order for reduction of contracts. Section 9. The approval of the Board of Supervisors of any grant of funds to the County shall constitute the appropriation of both the revenue to be received from the grant and the County’s expenditure required by the terms of the grant, if any. The appropriation of grant funds will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate resolution, changes or eliminates the appropriation. The County Administrator may increase or reduce any grant appropriation to the level approved by the granting agency during the fiscal year. The County Administrator may approve necessary accounting transfers between cost centers and funds to enable the grant to be accounted for the in correct manner. Upon completion of a grant project, the County Administrator is authorized to close out the grant and transfer back to the funding source any remaining balance. This section applies to appropriations for grants outstanding at June 30, 2016 and appropriations in the FY 2017 Budget. Section 10. The County Administrator may reduce revenue and expenditure appropriations related to programs funded all or in part by the Commonwealth of Virginia and/or the Federal Government to the level approved by the responsible state or federal agency. Section 11. The County Administrator is authorized to make transfers to the various funds for which there are transfers budgeted. The County Administrator shall transfer funds only as needed up to amounts budgeted or in accordance with any existing bond resolutions that specify the matter in which transfers are to be made. Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Section 12. The Treasurer may advance monies to and from the various funds of the County to allow maximum cash flow efficiency. The advances must not violate County bond covenants or other legal restrictions that would prohibit an advance. Section 13. All purchases with funds appropriated herein shall be made in accordance with the County purchasing ordinance and applicable state statutes. Section 14. It is the intent of this resolution that funds be expended for the purposes indicated in the budget; therefore, budgeted funds may not be transferred from operating expenditures to capital projects or from capital projects to operating expenses without the prior approval from the Board of Supervisors. Also, funds may not be transferred from one capital project to another without the prior approval of the Board of Supervisors. Section 15. The County Administrator is authorized, pursuant to state statute, to issue orders and warrants for payments where funds have been budgeted, appropriated, and where sufficient funds are available. A warrant register shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors not less frequently than monthly. Section 16. Subject to the qualifications in this resolution contained, all appropriations are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations – the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amount named herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues collected and available during the fiscal year for which the appropriations are made are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise, the said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total sum of all realized revenue of the respective funds is to the total amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal year by the Board of Supervisors. Section 17. All revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Social Services Board not included in its estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as submitted to the Board of Supervisors may not be expended by said agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Social Services Board without the consent of the Board of Supervisors being first obtained. Nor may any of these agencies or boards make expenditures, which will exceed a specific item of an appropriation. Section 18. Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this resolution by any or all county departments, bureaus or agencies under the control of the Board of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expense on account of the use of such officers and employees of their personal automobiles in the discharge of their official duties shall be paid at the same rate as that established by the Internal Revenue Service and shall be subject to change from time to time to maintain like rates. Section 19. The County Administrator is directed to maintain eight (8) petty cash accounts and establish any other petty cash accounts authorized by the Board of Supervisors. The current petty cash accounts are located in central purchasing, the landfill, building inspections, zoning and recreation. These petty cash accounts are maintained in accordance with Section 15.2-1229 of the Code of Virginia as amended, 1950 with management plans as directed by the County Auditor. Section 20. All previous appropriation ordinances or resolutions to the extent that they are inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 21. This resolution shall be effective on July 1, 2016. Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Davis, to award a proposal for reassessment appraisal services to Wingate Appraisal Services for a cost proposal of $12.95 per parcel, which was $9.05 less than the closest competitor, noting that after the initial assessment was complete, Wingate would complete any new constructions for 2 years, 2019 and 2020; and that the cost of reassessment, spread over two fiscal years, would be $644,133, not including new construction after the reassessment is complete. The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Mr. Blackstock’s motion. Motion was made by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve a proclamation declaring the month of April as the Annual Countywide Spring Cleanup Month in Pittsylvania County, and to approve waiving tipping fees for citizens bringing their trash to the landfill from 7:30am until 3:30pm on Friday, April 22, 2016 and from 10:00am until 2:00pm on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Blackstock-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Barksdale-Yes. Mr. Warren’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Proclamation COUNTYWIDE SPRING CLEANUP April 2016 VIRGINIA: AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN THE GENERAL DISTRICT COURTROOM IN CHATHAM, VIRGINIA ON MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016, THE FOLLOWING PROCLAMATION WAS PRESENTED AND ADOPTED: Whereas, Pittsylvania County is rich in beauty and natural resources; and Regular Meeting April 4, 2016 Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County and the Pittsylvania County Beautification Committee strive to improve the quality of life in our community through enhanced community awareness, education, and public/private partnerships working together on projects that keep our environment clean and free of debris, beautify our neighborhoods and public spaces, and instill pride and a sense of ownership in our community; and Whereas, Pittsylvania County Citizens realize a cleanup effort is needed to display pride in our community for ourselves, our visitors, and for industrial prospects; and Whereas, all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment with economic growth; and Whereas, all residents of Pittsylvania County have a citizenship responsibility to protect and care for the beauty and natural resources of Pittsylvania County, and a countywide cleanup campaign will encourage individuals to participate in the improvement of their community’s environment through the three main focus areas of litter prevention, waste reductions and recycling, and beautification; and Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors will sponsor a “Take Your Trash to the Landfill On Us” from 7:30am until 3:30pm on Friday, April 22, 2016 AND from 10:00am until 2:00pm on Saturday, April 23, 2016, waiving tipping fees for citizens bringing their trash to the landfill on that day; then Now, Therefore, Be It Proclaimed, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors proclaims April 2016 as Countywide Spring Cleanup Month in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and encourages all communities, civic and professional groups, businesses, churches, schools, families and individual citizens to take an active role in making the communities in Pittsylvania County a more beautiful place to live, work and play. Board Announcements Mr. Barksdale stated there would be: an Agribusiness Conference in South Boston on April 5/6, 2016; Danville-Pittsylvania County Community Services would have a ribbon cutting for a new group home in the Mt. Hermon area on April 6, 2016 at 3:30pm; on April 7, 2016 at 8:30 am Congressman Robert Hurt would be holding an appreciation breakfast for LEO (Local Elected Officials); and on April 7, 2016 there would be a community Job Fair at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research. Adjournment Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to adjourn the meeting, which was unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting ended at 7:45 pm. __________________________________________ Jessie L. Barksdale, Chair Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors __________________________________________ Clarence C. Monday, Clerk Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors