09-12-2012 EMAC MINUTESPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 1 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMAC MINUTES September 12, 2012 6:30PM Pittsylvania County Captain Martin’s Building Center St Chatham, VA Meeting was called to order by Chairman Cowan. Roll Call: Present: Jennifer Maurkais (Callands Rescue), Scott Cowan (Laurel Grove), Jim Davis, Scottie Adams (Cool Branch Rescue), Mike Shelton (640 Rescue), Dan Sleeper County Administrator Absent: Mt. Cross Rescue, Steve Finkner, Dr. Dallara, Blairs Fire & Res. Agenda was provided and approved. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Item 1: Financial Update Jim Davis provided a financial update from the County and the following signed update agreement with MED 3000 with the County. Both are also included in the attachments for your review and records. Additionally, Supervisor Marshal Ecker requested that the Finance Dept. provide more detailed reports per agency. Attached to this email are all the reports for each agency. Jim Davis advised that the information shown is always 30 days behind due to County Accounting methods. PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 2 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 3 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 4 Item 2: Status review of reporting to MED 3000. Chairman Cowan mentioned that he received the below email for all to see. ----- Original Message ----- From: Jackie Herrera To: Scott Cowan Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 12:09 PM Subject: RE: September EMAC Meeting Hi Scott, I hope all is well with you. Thanks for letting me know about the meeting. Please remind all of the squads to be sure they are updating the status in ImageTrend to “Ready to Bill”. We still have some occurrences when they are not doing this. Also, if you could please verify a good list of the contact with e-mail address for each of the squads so we can update our records. That’s all we have right now on our end. Let me know if you need any additional assistance. Best Regards, Jackie Jackie Herrera | EMS Billing MED3OOO, Inc. | Outcomes Matter P O Box 6401 | Virginia Beach, VA | 23456 Phone: 757-513-2235 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 5 Fax: 412-937-9221 Phone: 800-233-8989 ext 3065 jackie_herrera@MED3000.com | http://ems.med3000.com/ As a reminder Scottie Adams pointed out the following information to all agencies concerning face sheets: “Below is the address to send the face sheets and the name of the supervisor assigned to us: Mendy DiFrancesco | EMS Billing Supervisor MED3OOO, Inc. | 3131 Newmark Drive | Suite 100 | Miamisburg , OH | 45342 The fax is 937-291-2971” Item 3: Payment schedule change from once per year to quarterly Mr. Sleeper provided an update on the ordinance change. He has provided the letter of request from EMAC to the County Attorney. Language has been written and is being reviewed. This will be an agenda item on the 1st meeting in October for the Board of Supervisors. At that time it should be approved for a public hearing to be set on the Adjourned meeting in October. At the Adjourned meeting, providing ordinance is approved to change, funds will be available to the agencies beginning in January 2013 and the each quarter. New Business: No other items or discussion. Next Meeting Date: December 12, 2012 6:30PM County Administrators Conference Room Capt. Martins Building Center St, Chatham. Adjourn 7:45PM Respectfully submitted: Jim Davis