06/04/2013PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 4, 2013 MINUTES VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Plauning Cotmnission met on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, in the General Disuict CouTtsoom, Chatham, Virgixua. Mx. Stowe, Chairman, called the meeting to order at appxo�mately 7:00 p.m. Mr. Stowe called the zoll. PRESENT nlorris Stowe Richaxd Motley Janet Mease Dr. Charles H. Miller, Jr. Curtis Arthur Larry Welborn Jexry Hagerman Odie H. Shelton, Ji. Gxeg Sides ABSENT Tunstall District Chatham-Blairs Disttict Callands-Gxema District Banister District Staunton River District Dan Rivex Distsict Board of Superoisois Representative Dizector of Code Compliance/Zoning Adininistratox Assistant Counry Adininistxator/D'uectoz of Planning David Weatherfoxd Westover District HEARING OF THE CITIZENS No citizens came forwazd to speak. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES A modon was made by Ivlr. Modey, seconded by Ms. Axthur, and by unannnous vote the May 7, 2013, xninutes wexe approved as psesented. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT There was no Cha�man's Repoxt. THE ZONING PRECEPTS WERE READ by Mr. Stowe TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING at appro�nately 7:04 p.m. Planrung Commission June 4, 2013 Page 2 Case 1. Kathy Phillips Hazelwood R-]3-029 — Mx. Stowe opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. Mr. Shelton, Director of Code Compliance, reported that Kathy Hazelwood had petitioned to rezone 73.78 acres, located on U.S. Highway 41/Franklin Tumpike, in the Tunstall Elecrion District fxom R-1, Residendal Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business Distxict, General for a kennel. Lauza Lewis was ptesent to represent the peririon. She stated this propert�� would be the futuxe locarion of the No Kill Anunal Shelter fox the Anitnal Welfaxe League of Pittsylvania Counry. Several of the Board members quesnoned Mrs. Lewis regarding the shelter. She stated this site is a xescue mission for possible adoption of the anunals; however, she did not know the exact number of domesticated animals that would be located at the site. Mrs. Lewis stated a kennel would be built; however, she did not know if the kennel would be soundpzoof and she also stated she did not know about the procedute for buxial oz cTemation of deceased aiiimals. Doc Kelly, John Haskins and Van Amos spoke in opposition to the perition. Theiz concerns included, but were not limited to, the following: unpleasant smell, noise, possible danger of a dog escaping the pTemises and attacking children, as well as concerns that this site is the wxong place for a kennel to be located (in their front yards). Mrs. Lewis offered a rebuttal and stated this is a No Kill Sheltex, it is humane, and the site would be handled to provide for the well-being of the neighbors and pxoperty. Mr. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. During the discussion, it was stated there axe too many unanswered quesrions regarding this case. A motion was made by Mr. Modey, seconded by Ms. Mease, to recommend the Boaxd of Superoisoxs deny this Tezoning case. Motion passed unanunously. Case 2. Michael D. Thomas & Sherri M Thomas, R-13-030 — Mr. Stowe opened the public hearing at 7:]9 p.m. Mr. Shelton, Dixector of Code Compliance, ceparted that Michael and Shezri Thomas had peririoned to rezone a rotal of 17.28 acres, two (2) pazcels of land, located on State Road 947/Mountain Hill Road, in the Dan Ricez Elecdon District from R-1, Residendal Sub�ban Subdivision Disuict to A-1, Agricultural District to allow for construction of a single family dwelling on the vacant parcel. Barbara and Charles Mooxefield were present to xepresent the pedtion. b�ss. Mooiefield stated she had nothing to add and this was the same property her daughter had lived on and this would allow a right-of-way to the vacant parcel of land. There was no opposition to the perition. Mr. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. A modon was made by MT. Welborn, seconded by Mx. Arthux, to cecommend the Boaxd of Superoisors rezone the properries �om R-1, Residendal Subucban Subdivision Distnct to A-1, Agricultuxal District. Motion passed unannnously. Case 3, Elizabeth J. Gill, R-]3-031— Mr. Stowe opened the public hearing at 722 p.m. Mx. Shelton, Director of Code Compliance, reparted that Elizabeth Gill had petirioned to xezone a total of 32.71 acres, two pazcels of land, located on State Road 691 /Mill Creek Road, in the Banistec Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultuxal District foc agricultuxal use and for sale of the Properries. Ramsey Yeatts was present to represent the pcudon. He stated these properties are under contsact and will be sold contingent on the properties being rezoned. He also stated these properties had been used foc agricultural purposes in the past (ctops), thete is a pond on the premises and the ptospectiae buyexs wanted to move their horses on the pxoperties. Isaac Jackson, Doxis Jackson, Anthony Whittle, Ivan Minter, Chaxles Minter, Jr., Frances Webb, Vicky Robertson, Sandxa McLaughlin, Edna "I'exry, Lester Terry, Jr., Betry Jamerson and Sherl Jamerson spoke in opposition to the peduon. Some of their concerns included, but were not lixnited tq the following: cxearion of adverse effects, including runoff, noise, smell, insects, traffic contcol, ciisposal of waste and dead anixnals, advexse effect on the drinking watez, depreciarion of their properties, xezoning of the properdes to A-1 would open the dooc to many uses, and the desue to kcep the neighborhood peaceful and quiet. Mx. Yeatts offered a xebuttal and stated he wanted the prospecrive buyexs to enjoy the� pxopernes and this would unprove the axea. He also stated he hoped a compxomise could be met and that he would discuss a deed restricdon with the pTOSpective buyexs stating the propexties would be used fox a few horses only, should the Planning Cormnission recommend this acrion. Following questions from sevexal of the Boaxd members, MT. Yeatts stated the pxospecrive buyers plan to fence the entue area, and they would have appxoximately two (2) or Planning Conimission june 4, 2013 Page 3 three (3) horses. Mx. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:41 pm. During the discussion, it was stated residents of the communiry were concer�ed and did not want to disturb the peace and tranquiliry of their neighborhood since many xetued people live thece. It was also stated if these propezties wexe xezoned to A-1, Agricultueal Distsict, and four (4) ox five (5) yeaxs later the properdes were sold, thexe would be no protection ro the neighbozhood. A morion was made by Dr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Welbom, to recommend the Board of Supervisoxs deny this Tezoning request. Motion passed unannnously. Case 4. Carolvn Diane Strange Bell & Linda Ftenzola Strange-Dillard R-13-032 — bZr. Stowe opened the public heanng at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Shelton, DirectoT of Code Compliance, reported that Carol}'n Bell and Linda Strange-Dillaxd had peririoned to rezone 5.90 aczes, located off State Road 622/Cascade Road, in the Tunstall Election District from R-1, Residenrial Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural Distxict to subdivide a lot for theix niece. James Bell was present to represent the petition. He stated he had nothing to add except that the only purpose for this rezoning request was to subdivide a lot for theic niece. 1'heTe was no opposirion to the petirion. Mr. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. A motion was made by Mr. Modey, seconded by Mx. Arthur, to xecommend the BoaTd of Supervisors rezone the pxoperry fxom R-1, Residendal Subutban Subdivision District to �i-1, Agriculhual District. Morion passed unannnously. Case 5. Steve Douglas Shields. R-13-033 — Mx. Stowe opened the public heaxing at 7:47 p.m. Mr. Shelton, Dixectox of Code Compliance, reported that Steve Shields had petitioned to rezone 0.08 acre (part of 0.50 acTe), located on State Road 768/Pittsville Road, in the Staunton Rives Elecrion District from A-7, Agricultural District to R-1, Residenual Suburban Subdivision District to combine with the adjacent parcel of land zoned R-1, Residenrial Suburban Subdivision District. Steve Shields was pxesent to represent the petition. He stated he had nothing to add. Thexe was no opposition to the peution. Ms. Stowe closed the public hearing at 7:49 p.m. During the discussion, it was stated this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A morion was made by Mr. Arthur, seconded by Mr. Welbom, to recommend the Board of Superoisors rezone the property from A-7, Agxicultural District to R-1, Residenrial Suburban Subdivision District. Morion passed unannnously. This concludes the Rezoning cases. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Shelton stated a grass ordinance packet will be distributed to the Legislauve Coimnittee at their next meeting on 'I'uesday, June 18, 2013. He also stated Campbell County has the best ozdinance that is closest to Pittsylvania Counry's. The meeting was adjourned at approacitnately 7:57 p.m. Morris Stowe, Chairman Kathy H. Belton, Clerk