UntitledRegular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Monday, May 7, 2012
Regular Meeting
VIRGII~TIA: The Regulaz Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors was
held on Monday, May 7, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields
Addition in Chatham, Virginia. Tim R. Bazber, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:04
p.m. The following members were present:
Tim Bazber
James Snead
Coy E. Harville
Jessie L. Bazksdale
Jerry A. Hagerman
Brenda H. Bowman
Marshall Ecker
Tunstall District
Dan River District
Westover District
Banister District
Callands-Gretna District
Chatham-Blairs District
Staunton River District
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, and
Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Boazd, were also present.
Mr. Bazber led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Auaroval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve the agenda with
the following additions:
(a) Update on Danville Regional Medical Center by Mr. Eric Deaton
(b) Request to the Virginia Department of Transportation for Speed Limit Study
on a portion of the Museville Road
(c) County Owned Radio Towers
(d) Application to the Virginia Association of Counties - 2012 Environmental
Awazds -Authorization to submit application
(e) Set Public Hearing -Sale of County Owned Property
Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Hearin¢ of the Citizens
Ms. Bazbaza Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District commented to the Boazd that she
had read public notices in the Danville Register & Bee Newspaper advertising boazd and
commission boazd seat openings that citizens could apply for and that the County Boazd of
Supervisors should consider moving towazds posting their own boazd/commission openings so
that citizens in the County could formally apply for consideration to these openings.
Furthermore, Ms. Hudson stated that none of these community boazds/commissions/agencies
should be paid positions but should instead be considered community service.
Mr. Matthew Speck of the Staunton River District thanked the Boazd for all they do and
offered a prayer.
Mr. Richard Shumate of the Westover District made comments concerning the proposed
budget, stating the Boazd should keep all funding for police and fire protection and finds ways to
reduce the budget more in other azeas and to not spend all their revenues received.
Mr. George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District said the Boazd should stop making
all payments/interest payments on moral obligation bonds issued by local authorities such as the
Industrial Development Authority, the Regional Industrial Facilities Authority, the Pittsylvania
County Service Authority and the Economic Development Authority and that the citizens of the
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
County should always have the right to vote on bonds that County money would be spent to
Mr. James Dehazt of the Westover District thanked Mr. Hagerman's efforts in getting a
medical center for the Gretna community and thanked Ms. Bowman's efforts in the recent
county-wide cleanup project held on Apri121, 2012. Mr. Dehart then stated that while Wingate
did a good job on reassessment of property in the County, he found it more than coincidental that
County property values increased the same time the school bonds were issued, and couldn't
understand why the Boazd allowed this to happened and that the citizens needed more
explanation why Wingate was again awarded a contract for the upcoming County reassessment.
Ms. Shelby Barnette of the Chatham-Blairs District stated she was not satisfied with the
proposed budget; that citizens couldn't afford increased taxes or new fees; she had heazd from
teachers who were concerned about wasteful spending of the school budget by the County
School Boazd; she was concerned about the repayments over misspent Comprehensive Services
Act money and asked that the Board not approve the 2012/2013 budget as presented and
Mr. Joe Spence of the Dan River District made comments that he never agreed with the
school bonds; that pazents should be responsible for paying services provided through the
Comprehensive Services Act and not County tax dollars; and that any extra activities aside from
strictly educational programs that are offered within the schools should not be funded by tax
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
(a) Minutes: Apri12, 2012 -Regular Meeting
April 10, 2012 -Public Hearing - FY2012/13 Proposed School
Budget and County Budget
April 12, 2012 -Work Session with the Virginia Department of
April 17, 2012 -Adjourned Meeting
(b) Bill List -April 2012 (online)
(c) Resolution - Mt. Airy Elementary School Title I Award
(d) Music Festival Permit Application -Town of Gretna
(e) Proclamation -National Police Week, May 13-19, 2012
(f) Ratify Letter of Appreciation -County-wide Clean-Up during Earth Week
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve the Consent
Agenda, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
The following resolution was presented by the Boazd of Supervisors to Ms. Joyce Wright,
Principal and representative for the Mt. Airy Elementary School.
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held on
Monday, May 7, 2012, the following resolution was presented and adopted congratulating Mt. Airy
Elementary School for receiving a 2012 Title I Distinguished School Award:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Board of Education is honoring 92 of Virginia's 729 schools
for raising the academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students, with the awards
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
being based on student achievement on state assessments during the 2010-2011 and 2009-2010
school years; and
WHEREAS, Mt. Airy Elementary School in Pittsylvania County has been recognized as
a "Title I Distinguished School " for maintaining full state accreditation under the
Commonwealth's Standards of Learning Program for two consecutive years, meeting federal
benchmarks in reading and mathematics and having average test scores in both subjects at the
60`h percentile or higher without using the safe harbor provision; and
WHEREAS, the students and teachers of Mt. Airy Elementary School have brought
recognition not only to themselves for the exemplary accomplishments and expertise, but to their
school and to their County and its citizens and the Renan community;
THEN BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors, on behalf of all of the citizens of Pittsylvania County, express their sincere
appreciation, admiration, and congratulations to Mt. Airy Elementary School for their
dedication and achievement of academic excellence; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be presented to Mt. Airy
Elementary School.
May 13-19, 2012
Whereas, the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15 as
Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week in which it falls as Police Week; and
Whereas, the members of the law enforcement agency of Pittsylvania County plays an
essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Pittsylvania County; and
Whereas, it is important that all citizens know and understand the problems, duties and
responsibilities of their sheriff department, and that members of our sheriff department recognize
their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against
violence or disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against
oppression or intimidation; and
Whereas, the Sheriff's Department of Pittsylvania County has grown to be a modern and
scientific law enforcement agency which unceasingly provides a vital public service; then
Now, Therefore, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors call upon all citizens of
Pittsylvania County and upon all patriotic, civil, and educational organizations to observe the
week of May 13 through May 19, 2012, as Police Week with appropriate ceremonies in which
all of our people may join in commemorating police oj~cers, past and present, who by their
faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities have rendered a dedicated service to their
communities and, in doing so, have established for themselves an enviable and enduring
reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens; and
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Furthermore, the Board of Supervisors calls upon all citizens of Pittsylvania County to
observe Monday, May 14, 2012 as Peace Officers Memorial Day in Pittsylvania County in
honor of those peace oj~cers who, through their courageous deeds, have lost their lives or have
become disabled in the performance of duty.
Public Hearing: Public Hearing to receive citizen input on proposed amendment to
Pittsylvania County Code Chapter 17. Pursuant to the provisions of and authority
contained in Section 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Pittsylvania
County Board of Supervisors does hereby propose to establish a Solid Waste Disposal Fee.
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:31pm. Mr. Sleeper explained the purpose of
the public hearing was to receive citizen input on a proposed ordinance that is authorized by
§ 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The Board has worked for several
months on developing a solid waste fee as additional income to the 2012/2013 annual budget.
The current proposed budget is recommending a $5 per household monthly fee for Solid Waste.
This will add Article III to Chapter 17 of the Pittsylvania County Code. Following the public
hearing, the Boazd of Supervisors may approve the ordinance, which would require a Roll Call
Vote. The first person to speak was Mr. George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District who
preferred the Boazd's original idea of putting the $5 per month fee on the utility bills as opposed
to the current proposal of the fees being placed on the bi-annual tax bills sent out by the County.
Mr. Stanhope stated that he did approve of the County's adopting the fee. Ms. Deborah
Lovelace, also of the Callands-Gretna District, did not approve of the fee and felt it would
burden those people who least could afford it. Ms. Lovelace felt the annual amount of the
proposed solid waste fee would end up being higher than a 4 percent increase on real estate for
those persons with modest homes-homes that were assessed at $75,000 or less, and asked the
Board to at the very least postpone imposing the fee for at least another year. Mr. Phillip
Lovelace of the Callands-Gretna District also opposed the solid waste fee. Mr. James Dehart of
the Westover District felt the taxpayers were already paying for the landfill area and now it
seemed the Boazd wanted the citizens to pay to use it and questioned exactly who would be
allowed to use it. Mr. Dehart felt if all the waterline projects that the taxpayers were funding
were to be cut, those dollars could be saved in the budget and this new fee would be necessary.
Ms. Mary Catherine Plaster of the Chatham-Blairs District was also opposed to the proposed
solid waste fee and stated the Towns of Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt should pay this fee for their
residents since the residents were already being chazged by the Towns for pickup services and
believed it be a form of tax by another name. Mr. Darriel Barnette of the Chatham-Blairs
District made comments against the proposed 2012/13 County budget, but stated his biggest
complaint was concerning how tax moneys were being spent, particulazly on industrial parks and
waterlines that weren't going towazds industries and no one connecting to the service. Mr.
Barnette felt departments should be reduced and entities that have outlived their purpose should
be dissolved. Ms. Barbara Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District stated that the Commissioner
of Revenue should be done away with; that pazents need to pay their way in recreation; that the
Industrial Development Authority, the Economic Development Authority and the County's
Office of Economic Development were redundant entities, that the Pittsylvania County Service
Authority should be a department under County Administration and not an authority. Ms.
Hudson felt a significant amount of money could be saved it some of those suggestions were
implemented. Mr. Joe Spence of the Dan River District stated everyone should be recycling as
much of their solid waste as possible; that the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
should be used to find a way to use the landfill solid waste for an energy source; and that the
County should revert back to when people paid their own way through schools and get away
from socialism. No one else signed up to speak and Mr. Bazber closed the public hearing at
7:58pm. A motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to approve the
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
proposed amendment to Chapter 17 of the Pittsylvania County Code, pursuant to the provisions
of and authority contained in § 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which will
also include a monthly $5 solid waste fee, of which said fee would be placed on the County's
twice-a-yeaz tax tickets. A substitute motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr.
Ecker, to send the entire proposed budget back to the Finance Committee. After discussion, Mr.
Hagerman amended his substitute motion to only send back the proposed solid waste fee back to
the Finance Committee, which Mr. Ecker seconded. The following roll call vote was recorded
for the amended substitute motion: Mr. Hazville-Yes; Mr. Snead-No; Mr. Bazksdale-No; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-No; Mr. Ecker-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-No. Mr. Hagerman's
amended substitute motion failed by a 4-3 vote. The following roll call vote was recorded for
Mr. Snead's motion: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms. Bowman-Yes;
Mr. Ecker-No; Mr. Hazville-No; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Snead's motion passed by a 4 to 3
vote. Mr. Ecker stated that he would like to see some funding going towazds recycling programs
by using some of the money collected from the solid waste fees and asked if the County Attorney
could contact the Commonwealth's Attorney General to see if this is possible.
New Business
Mr. Eric Deaton, Chief Executive Officer of the Danville Regional Medical Center,
Danville, Virginia, gave a brief presentation to the Boazd on updates of the medical center and
new programs/facilities in the County that included a synopsis of: anew residency program;
working with the Danville Community College for 60 nursing scholazships; working similazly
with Averett University on Nursing B.S. scholazships; four new medical clinics in the County; an
urgent caze center that is open during the weekends; child caze programs; chairing the 2012
United Way program; and numerous other programs being developed to help citizens throughout
Danville and Pittsylvania County. Mr. Deaton stated that Danville Regional Medical Center
employs 1500 and slightly over 1000 aze County residents. The Boazd commended Mr. Deaton
his leadership and on how he and his staff have done a wonderful job in bringing all these
services to citizens of the County and City of Danville.
Recommendations from the Finance Committee:
(1) The Finance Committee recommended the full Boazd of Supervisors approve the
advertised School Budget by classification, totaling $87,170,899 with $14,790,922 in local
funds, with an amendment to be made in June 2012 once the County receives all the final
numbers from Richmond to approve the final 2012-2013 school budget. The following roll call
vote was recorded: Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. The Boazd unanimously approved the
Finance Committees recommendation regazding approval of the 2012/13 school budget.
Adopted Proposed
Budget Budget
2011-2012 2012-2013
From Sales Tax 8,678,101 9,065,767
From State Funds 44,040,696 45,781,292
From Federal Funds 10,590,369 8,372,272
From Local Funds 13,696,012 14,790,922
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Cafeteria Receipts
From Other Funds
Admn./Attend & Health Svcs
Pupil Transportation
Operation & Maintenance
Non-Instructional Operations
4,899,467 4,957,312
1,778,631 4,203,334
$ 83,683,276 $ 87,170,899
56,211,097 60,435,200
3,190,947 3,296,594
5,983,750 5,790,314
6,601,876 6,638,528
2,805,478 2,877,459
1,563,363 648,229
2,427,298 2,527,263
4,899,467 4,957,312
$ 83,683,276 $ 87,170,899
(2) The Finance Committee recommended that the full Board of Supervisors, in
accordance with §58.1-3912 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, extend the current due
date for taxes under Section 6-1.2(A) of the Pittsylvania County Code from June 5~' to July 16~',
2012 for the 2012 yeaz only and declare it an emergency ordinance change but would become
effective immediately, and have 60 days to have the required public hearing that modifies
Section 6-1.2(A) of the Pittsylvania County Code, changing the first installment due date for
taxes from June 5~' to July 16~' for the 2012 yeaz only. The following roll call vote was
recorded: Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. The Finance Committee's motion
concerning the aforementioned tax due date change was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Mr. Harville asked that Ms. Teresa Easley, Treasurer for Pittsylvania County, send a letter to the
Boazd explaining why this needed to occur.
(3) The Finance Committee recommended the full Boazd of Supervisors consider Budget
Resolution 2012-OS-O1 after the public hearing on the Solid Waste Fee. Motion was made by
Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to approve Resolution 2012-OS-O1. A substitute motion
was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to remove 310-4-094150-81825, the
Orphanage Road-Jefferson Road Waterline Project, totaling $332,000, from the budget and pass
the remainder of the advertised 2012/13 budget. The following roll call vote was recorded for
Mr. Ecker's substitute motion: Mr. Snead-No; Mr. Bazksdale-No; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms.
Bowman-No; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-No; and Mr. Bazber-No. Mr. Ecker's substitute
motion failed by a 6-1 vote of the Board. The following roll call vote was recorded for the
original motion: Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-No; Mr.
Harville-yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; and Mr. Barber-No. Mr. Snead's motion passed by a 4 to 3 vote of
the Boazd.
Presented: May 7, 2012
Adopted: May 7, 2012
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
VIRGINIA: At a regulaz meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on
Monday, May 7, 2012 in the General District Courtroom in the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse
Addition in Chatham, Virginia, the following resolution on the annual budget for Fiscal Yeaz
2013 was presented and adopted.
WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia require the governing body to
prepaze and approve a budget for fiscal and planning purposes, not withstanding additional
requirements for the schools, including revenues and expenditures for the ensuing yeaz by May
1, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia control the distribution of funds
by appropriations giving the Boazd of Supervisors authority to set such appropriations at such
periodic basis as outlined in Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, being fiirther identified
in this Resolution with Exhibit A and Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been properly advertised and held on April 10, 2012,
in accordance with state statute as shown by the affidavit of the publisher; then,
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Pittsylvania, that there be hereby adopted and appropriated a budget for Fiscal Yeaz 2013, the
full and complete budget is contained in the document entitled:
JULY 1, 2012 -JUNE 30, 2013
TOTALING: $ 186,796,834
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated budget total of $186,796,834
includes $14,790,922 total local effort for the Pittsylvania County Schools, and $2,010,002 in
reallocated carryovers for Capital Improvements, $1,441,037 carryover for Industrial
Development Local. Included in this budget is an approval of supplements for employees of the
Sheriffs Department including the jail. In addition, it includes a continued supplement of
$10,000 each for the Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue and Clerk of Courts and $5,000 for
the Commonwealth's Attorney for salary supplements.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds of the School Budget, the
Library Boazd, and the Welfaze Boazd shall be expended only by order and approval of those
respective boards and that no money shall be paid out for such contemplated expenditures unless
and until there has first been made an appropriation for such contemplated expenditures by the
Board of Supervisors; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the School Budget estimate for FY
2012-2013 be set at $87,170,899 with the local funds provided by the Boazd of Supervisors set at
$14,790,922 to be funded by classification as allowed by the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended,
and the school boazd to report back in amounts requested to be funded in each classification if
different than shown in the approved budget.
Regulaz Meeting
May 7, 2012
The local funds include the following:
General Fund Local $14,790,922 (Includes $45,000 Solid Waste)
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors shall receive
quarterly revenue and expenditure reports comparing receipts and expenditures to the approved
budget from the Office of the County Administrator; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the unit tax levy for the year commencing
January 1, 2012 shall be as follows:
Real Property:
Mobile Homes and Barns:
Machinery and Tools:
Contract Carrier:
Personal Property:
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100%
mazket value
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100%
mazket value
$ 4.50 per $100 of assessed value at 10%
of original cost
$4.50 per $100 of assessed value at fair
market value
$8.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of
market value.
In accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 58.1-3524 (C) (2) and Section 58.1-3912
(E) of the Code of Virginia, as amended by Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly (2004 Special
Session 1) and as set forth in Item 503.E (Personal Property Tax Relief Program) of Chapter 951
of the 2005 Acts of Assembly any qualifying vehicle sitused within the county commencing
January 1, 2012, shall receive personal property tax relief in the following manner:
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $1,000 or less will be eligible for 100% tax relief;
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $1,001 to $20,000 will be eligible for 56% tax relief;
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $20,001 or more shall only receive 56% tax relief on the
first $20,000 of value; and
^ All other vehicles which do not meet the definition of "qualifying" (business use
vehicles, farm use vehicles, motor home, etc.) will not be eligible for any of tax relief
under this program.
Generating Equipment:
Capital Merchant Tax:
Consumer Utility Tax:
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100% of
market value
$ 2.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of
inventory value
20% of the first $15.00 monthly for
residential users and 20% of the first
$100.00 monthly for commercial or
industrial users, except as required
for Gas and Electricity, as defined by
Regulaz Meeting
May 7, 2012
Chapter 6 Section 13 of the
Pittsylvania County Code 1975 as amended
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following fees will also be collected by
Pittsylvania County for tax yeaz beginning January 1, 2012 and for the fiscal year beginning on
July 1, 2012:
Motor Vehicle Fee: $38.75 per vehicle, except as specified by
Solid Waste Fee: $5.00 per household per month, except as
specified by ordinance
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
that, for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2012, and ending on June 30, 2013, the following
sections are hereby adopted.
Section 1. The cost center shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations
Resolution, Exhibit A, are hereby appropriated from the designated
estimated revenues as shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations
Resolution, Exhibit A. This appropriation does include the unappropriated
surplus. Funds may be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors as
needed during FY 2013 subject to the Boazd's by-laws for appropriations.
Section 2. Appropriations, in addition to those contained in this general
Appropriations Resolution, may be made by the Board of Supervisors only
if there is available in the fund unencumbered or unappropriated sums
sufficient to meet such appropriations.
Section 3. All appropriations herein authorized shall be on the basis of cost centers
for all departments and agencies excluding schools. The regular school
fund is specifically appropriated by category as listed on Exhibit A.
Section 4. The School Boazd and the Social Services Board are sepazately
granted authority for implementation of the appropriated funds for their
respective operations. By this resolution the School Boazd and the Social
Services Boazd are authorized to approve the transfer of any
unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of
expenditure to another within the same classification in their respective
funds in any amount. Transfers between classification or funds require
approval of the Board of Supervisors.
Section 5. The County Administrator is expressly authorized to transfer any
unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of
expenditure to another within the same cost center for the efficient
operation of government.
Section 6. All outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30,
2012 shall be reappropriated to the FY 2013 fiscal yeaz to the same cost
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
center and account for which they aze encumbered in the previous year. A
report of which shall be submitted to the Boazd.
Section 7. At the close of the fiscal yeaz, all unencumbered appropriations lapse for
budget items other than the School Cafeteria Receipts Fund 209, the State
Restricted Seizure Fund -Sheriff 241, the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund
242, the State Restricted Seizure Fund -Commonwealth's Attorney 243,
the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund -Commonwealth's Attorney 244, the
Animal Friendly Plates Fund 245, the Grants Fund 250, the Work Force
Investment Act Fund 251, Law Library Fund 260, the Library Memorial
Gift Fund 265, Cash Bonds Fund 305, the County Capital Improvements
Fund 310, the Jail Inmate Management Fund 311, the Courthouse
Maintenance Fund 312, the Jail Operating Fund 313, the Courthouse
Security Fund 314, the Jail Processing Fund 315, the Rural Roads Fund
320, the Industrial Development Local Fund 325, the Industrial
Development Cyclical Fund 330, the School Bond Fund 410, the Landfill
Bond Fund 415, the E911 Bond Fund 416, the Social Services Bond Fund
420, the Debt Service Reserve Fund 425, the Bond Fund-Schools 435, the
Landfill Enterprise Fund 520, the Rescue Billing Fund 530, the Special
Welfaze Fund 733 and the Pittsylvania County Employees Health Plan
734. Thus, all cancelled cash balances shall revert back to the General
Section 8. Appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of
the fiscal yeaz but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the
project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate ordinance or
resolution, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a
capital project, the County Administrator is hereby authorized to close out
the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This
section applies to all existing appropriations for capital projects at June 30,
2012 and appropriations in the FY 2013 Budget. The County
Administrator is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders
to contracts up to an increase of $10,000.00 and approve all change order
for reduction of contracts.
Section 9. The approval of the Boazd of Supervisors of any grant of funds to the
County shall constitute the appropriation of both the revenue to be
received from the grant and the County's expenditure required by the
terms of the grant, if any. The appropriation of grant funds will not lapse
at the end of the fiscal yeaz but shall remain appropriated until completion
of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate resolution,
changes or eliminates the appropriation. The County Administrator may
increase or reduce any grant appropriation to the level approved by the
granting agency during the fiscal year. The County Administrator may
approve necessary accounting transfers between cost centers and funds to
enable the grant to be accounted for the in correct manner.
Upon completion of a grant project, the County Administrator is
authorized to close out the grant and transfer back to the funding source
any remaining balance. This section applies to appropriations for grants
outstanding at June 30, 2012 and appropriations in the FY 2013 Budget.
Regulaz Meeting
May 7, 2012
Section 10. The County Administrator may reduce revenue and expenditure
appropriations related to programs funded all or in part by the
Commonwealth of Virginia and/or the Federal Government to the level
approved by the responsible state or federal agency.
Section 11. The County Administrator is authorized to make transfers to the various
funds for which there aze transfers budgeted. The County Administrator
shall transfer funds only as needed up to amounts budgeted or in
accordance with any existing bond resolutions that specify the matter in
which transfers are to be made.
Section 12. The Treasurer may advance monies to and from the various funds of the
County to allow maximum cash flow efficiency. The advances must not
violate County bond covenants or other legal restrictions that would
prohibit an advance.
Section 13. All purchases with funds appropriated herein shall be made in accordance
with the County purchasing ordinance and applicable state statutes.
Section 14. It is the intent of this resolution that funds be expended for the purposes
indicated in the budget; therefore, budgeted funds may not be transferred
from operating expenditures to capital projects or from capital projects to
operating expenses without the prior approval from the Board of
Supervisors. Also, funds may not be transferred from one capital project
to another without the prior approval of the Board of Supervisors.
Section 15. The County Administrator is authorized, pursuant to state statute, to issue
orders and warrants for payments where funds have been budgeted,
appropriated, and where sufficient funds are available. A warrant register
shall be presented to the Boazd of Supervisors not less frequently than
Section 16. Subject to the qualifications in this resolution contained, all appropriations
are declazed to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations
- the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the
amount named herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate
revenues collected and available during the fiscal yeaz for which the
appropriations are made are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full.
Otherwise, the said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable in such
proportion as the total sum of all realized revenue of the respective funds
is to the total amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal
yeaz by the Board of Supervisors.
Section 17. All revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of
Supervisors or by the School Board or by the Social Services Boazd not
included in its estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as
submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors may not be expended by said
agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School
Boazd or by the Social Services Board without the consent of the Board of
Supervisors being first obtained. Nor may any of these agencies or boazds
make expenditures, which will exceed a specific item of an appropriation.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Section 18. Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this resolution by any
or all county departments, bureaus or agencies under the control of the
Board of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expense
on account of the use of such officers and employees of their personal
automobiles in the dischazge of their official duties shall be paid at the
same rate as that established by the Internal Revenue Service and shall be
subject to change from time to time to maintain like rates.
Section 19. The County Administrator is directed to establish eight (8) petty-cash
accounts under non-departmental from funds in this budget for central
purchasing, the landfill, building inspections, zoning and recreation in
accordance with Section 15.2-1229 of the Code of Virginia as amended,
1950 with management plans as directed by the County Auditor.
Section 20. All previous appropriation ordinances or resolutions to the extent that they
are inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution shall be and the same
aze hereby repealed.
Section 21. This resolution shall be effective on July 1, 2012.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve the Deed of
Bazgain and Sale transferring the railroad spur from Norfolk Southern Railway to the Intertape
Polymer Corporation Building in the Ringgold West Industrial Pazk and authorize the Chairman
of the Boazd of Supervisors to sign on the behalf of Pittsylvania County in order to transfer this
property. The Board unanimously approved Mr. Bazksdale's motion.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve an agreement with
Norfolk Southem Railway Company, subject to legal review, that requires fee of $11,200 from
Pittsylvania County to Norfolk Southern Railway Company for the rights to cross the Norfolk
Southern Railway to install a force main under the railway that will continue to the Town of
Altavista, of which funds for this fee payment would come from the grand fund for the Hurt
Water and Sewer line project, and motion further authorizes the Chairman of the Boazd of
Supervisors to sign on the behalf of Pittsylvania County. Mr. Ecker's motion passed by a 6-1
majority vote of the Boazd, with Mr. Bazber opposing.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve a request from the
Riverbend Volunteer Fire Department to authorize the transfer of the first available surplus
vehicle from the Sheriff s Department fleet, to be utilized by the fire department for emergency
and transportation needs, with the requirement that if the fire department no longer needs this
vehicle, it is to be returned to the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors to be surplused to the
public. Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to authorize the County
Administrator to sign the required contract dated April 30, 2012 for a total of $29,950 with the
firm of Reynolds-Clazk Development, Inc. of Gretna, Virginia for the necessary engineering of
the Orphanage RoadlJefferson Road waterline, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve the reassessment
contract with Wingate Appraisal Service at $11.50 per pazcel of real estate in Pittsylvania
County and $5.75 for manufactured mobile homes, with an estimated total cost for pazcels and
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
manufactured homes at $613,847. Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Mr. Bazksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve sending a
letter to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation requesting they evaluate for
Scenic River Designations both the Banister River (from its headwaters at Beazskin Creek and
Strawberry Creek, to the Halifax County line) and the Staunton River (from the Leesville Dam to
the Halifax County Line) in Pittsylvania County. This request would join a same request from
Halifax County. Mr. Bazksdale's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve the
reappropriation of funds as follows: $279.13 to Boazd of Supervisors-Travel (100-4-011010-
5500), $190.00 to Sheriff-Wrecker Service (100-4-031200-3170), $21.97 to Sheriff-Fuel (100-4-
031200-6008), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $1,187.55 to Extradition (100-4-
033100-5550), $260.00 to Library-Postage (100-4-073100-5210), $784.31 to Library-Computer
Supplies (100-4-073100-6021), $12,883.06 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353160-5420). Mr. Harville's
motion required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve appropriation of
$312.02 to the Employee Fund line item in the Sheriffls FY 2012 budget (100-4-031200-6029).
The following roll call vote was recorded: Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-
Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Ecker's
motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve an appropriation
of $1,494 for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant. The following roll call vote was recorded:
Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the
Mr. Gary Thomas of the Callands-Gretna District spoke to the Boazd of Supervisors,
asking for them to consider using potential money they may acquire if the old Chatham
Elementary School is sold to take those funds to Ashland and bid to buy the name of the State
Fair of Virginia.
Added Items
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve Resolution
2012-OS-03, requesting that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) do a speed study
and reduce the speed limit as necessary on a portion of the Museville Road (SR 626) from the
intersection of Sago Road (SR 969) and the Museville Road to the intersection of Anderson Mill
Road (SR 649) and the Museville Road; approximately 1.5 miles, and authorize the County
Administrator to forwazd the resolution to VDOT for its review and consideration, which was
unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
VIRGINIA: At the regulaz meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
held on Monday, May 7, 2012, in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields
Courthouse Addition, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation is charged with the
responsibility of insuring that the speed limits established on these secondary roads provide both
the protection, consideration of the public and posting of those speeds; and
WHEREAS, the Museville Road (SR 626), from the intersection of the Sago Road (SR
969) and Museville Road to the intersection of Anderson Mill Road (SR 649) and the Museville
Road, a distance of approximately 1.5 miles, in the Callands-Gretna District appeazs to have a
need for reduction in speed to 35 miles per hour due to safety factors, heavy traffic use and
congestion in a residential azea; then
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
respectfully request the Virginia Department of Transportation to review the speed limit on
Museville Road (SR 626), from the intersection of the Sago Road (SR 969) and Museville Road
to the intersection of Anderson Mill Road (SR 649) and the Museville Road, a distance of
approximately 1.5 miles.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to pass a motion
invoking the exemptions under Section 35-40 of the Pittsylvania County for the designated sites
for the radio towers, which include: the Grit compactor site, the Mt. Airy compactor site;
Rockford School Road compactor site; the Callands compactor site; the Cascade compactor site;
and the Dan River Middle School site, that states "Property owned by Pittsylvania County or
any designated agent of Pittsylvania County which is devoted to or intended for government uses
is exempt from this Zoning Ordinance ". Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to submit an application
for the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) 2012 Achievement Awards under the
environmental category concerning the efforts of the Pittsylvania County Beautification
Committee, and the communities within Pittsylvania County in their involvement of the
County's cleanup day, April 21, 2012, and to authorize the County Administrator to sign the
completed application and forward it to VACo, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Ms. Bowman stated she would draft all the documents necessary for the application to submit to
the County Administrator for his review and signature.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve setting a public
hearing in accordance with § 15.2-1800 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the public
or private sale of property located on Sydenham Street in Pittsylvania County that the County
took over in 2009, and for the public hearing to be held in June, which was unanimously
approved by the Boazd.
Board Announcements
Mr. Harville suggested to the other members of the Board to look in their respective areas
to see if there was any dormant County owned properties that can be moved.
Mr. Snead thanked everyone for their hard work on the 2012/13 budget process.
Ms. Bowman stated she was excited over all the economic development occurring,
mentioning the opening of the Virginia Candle wazehouse, 2 new General Dollar Stores opening
and the groundbreaking of the new medical center at Mt. Hermon.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Mr. Ecker reminded everyone that academic achievements were even more important that
athletic achievements of schools and students and the Boazd needs to continue recognizing them
as they did tonight. He also inquired on whether the Board was still going to have a defense fund
in relation to the ACLU case.
Mr. Barber also thanked everyone for their work on the budget process, and added that
O'Kelley's would also be another new business to open in the Brosville azea.
Reports from County Administrator
Mr. Sleeper reminded the Boazd members of the May 22 Boazd and City of Danville
Council members BBQ; of the flag ceremony on May 26 at the Chatham Train Depot; of the
Peace Officers' Memorial Service on May 14 and the candlelight service on May 17; and of Ms.
Bowman's Town Hall meeting to be held at the Twins Springs Elementary School on Thursday,
May 31, 2012 at 7pm.
Closed Meeting
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to enter into Closed
Meeting under the following:
Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of
the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would
adversely affect the bazgaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(3) Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: old Chatham Elementary School
Purpose: Discussion of Proposal
Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd. The Boazd entered into Closed
Meeting at 9:56pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to re-enter into Open Meeting.
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Regulaz Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of
Supervisors on May 7, 2012 the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each
boazd member's knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open
meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion
authorizing the closed meeting were heazd, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any
member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state
prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the
minutes of the Boazd.
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Mazshall A. Ecker Yes
Brenda H. Bowman Yes
Coy E. Harville Yes
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Bazksdale Yes
Tim R. Bazber Yes
The Board re-entered Open Meeting at 10:13pm
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Snead, to authorize the County
Administrator to sign a contract of sale between the Board of Supervisors and Echelon for the
sale of the old Chatham Elementary School, which passed by a 6-1 majority vote of the Board,
with Mr. Harville in opposition.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead to adjourn the meeting, which
was unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Adjourned Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors was
held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Addition
in Chatham, Virginia. Tim R. Bazber, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:07p.m. The
following members were present:
Tim Bazber
James Snead
Jessie L. Bazksdale
Jerry A. Hagerman
Mazshall Ecker
Brenda H. Bowman
Tunstall District
Dan River District
Banister District
Callands-Gretna District
Staunton River District
Chatham-Blairs District
Mr. Coy E. Harville, Westover District, was absent and therefore nothing could be added to
the agenda.
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Mr.
Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development, Odie H. Shelton, Jr.,
Director of Code Compliance, Kenneth L. Bowman, Director of Economic Development, and Ms.
Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Boazd, were also present.
Mr. Bazber led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aauroval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the agenda with the
following items to postpone until the June 19, 2012 meeting as requested by Ms. Bowman;
Under Appointments, postpone:
Item 13(a): Dan River Small Business Development Center Boazd of Directors Mr.
Glenn Giles holds a seat that will expire on June 30, 2012. This is a 2 year term seat and
Mr. Giles is eligible for re-appointment;
Item 14: Danville Airport Commission - Mr. Eugene F. Jackson holds a seat that will
expire on June 30, 2012. This is a 3 year term position and Mr. Jackson is eligible
for re-appointment; and
Item 15(c): Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Boazd- Ms. Gayla R. Wood holds a
seat that will expire on June 30, 2012. At the end of her current term, Ms. Wood has indicated
she will be moving out of state and therefore cannot be re-appointed. This position represents the
Chatham-Blairs District;
And to postpone Item 17 Closed Session until the June 4, 2012 Board meeting:
Consultation with Legal Counsel and Briefings by Staff Members or
Consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultations or
briefings in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigation posture of
the Public Body; and consultation with Legal Counsel employed or retained by a
Public Body regazding specific legal matters requiring provision of legal advice to
such counsel.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Bazbaza Hudson vs. Pittsylvania County
Purpose: Briefing on Litigation Status
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville,
who was absent.
Hearing of the Citizens
Mr. Gerald Milkman of the Staunton River District made comments on constitutional rights
and encouraged the Boazd to be considerate of representing what local people wanted; felt there was
spiritual erosion going on in the country and offered a moment of prayer.
Ms. Bazbaza Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District had comments concerning matters that
arose at the last Board meeting (1)that the Boazd mentioned that renters don't pay tax and they do
pay taxes in the means of rent increases passed on by the owners to the renters; (2) that it was
mentioned that residents on Orphanage Road had bad water problems and only 2 residents came at
a previous meeting, and said the water had been tested and was found nothing wrong with it, other
than they don't like the taste of it; (3) it was mentioned by the Board that an aging population is not
good for economic development. There is a difference between an aging community and migration
. Pazents how moved into the azea as retirees also have children of working age who on occasion
also move here after visiting their parents, obtaining jobs, etc.
Ms. Nancy Smith of the Tunstall District made comments concerning the County budget,
comments against the payment/interest payments by the County on moral obligation bonds made by
authorities, and felt the Pittsylvania County Service Authority and its commission should be
dissolved and the Service Authority should report under County Administration.
The Reverend John Clazk of the Tunstall District thank the Board for allowing his to serve
on various boards and agencies over the yeazs, and now serves on the Southern Area Agency for
the Aging. Rev. Clazk offered a prayer for the board and the community.
Mr. George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District made comments on authority bonds
and was opposed to the Boazd paying anything against these moral obligation bonds, and would like
to see the Commonwealth remove these authorities ability to issue bonds.
Ms. Kazen Maute of the Westover District stated she would like to see the Boazd of
Supervisors respond when the Uranium Working Group (LJWG) releases its reports late this yeaz,
and wants the Boazd to think about creating a citizens group for making reports and brining back
information to the Boazd and to the citizens on the findings of the UWG.
Mr. David Grisham, a resident of Franklin County, made comments supporting the
Americans Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filing the case of Bazbaza Hudson vs. Pittsylvania
County, and that any prayer singling out specific religious believes is illegal.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the Consent
Agenda, which was unanimously approved with the exception of Mr. Harville, who was absent.
(a) Regional One -June 2012
(b) Out of State Travel to Cary, North Carolina -Economic Development
Public Hearings
Rezoning Cases
Case 1: Ricky Dale Carter And Others -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-018
DZ (R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District & B-2, Business District, General)
to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:35pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Ricky Carter
and Others had petitioned to rezone 0.97 acre, located on U.S. Highway 29, in the Chatham-Blairs
Election District from DZ (R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District andB-2, Business
District, General) to B-2, Business District, General (to make the zoning consistent with the
adjoining parcels of land and for future sale of the property).The Planning Commission, with no
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
opposition, recommended granting the- petitioners' request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to represent
the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Bazber closed the public hearing at 7:36pm. Ms.
Bowman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve rezoning R-12-018 from DZ to B-2.
The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. The
Boazd unanimously approved Ms. Bowman's motion to rezone R-12-018 from DZ to B-2, with the
exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 2: Ricky D. Carter -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-019
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:36pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Ricky Dale
Carter had petitioned to rezone 0.60 acre, located on U.S. Highway 29, in the Chatham-Blairs
Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District,
General (to make the zoning consistent with the adjoining parcel of land and for future sale of the
property). The Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioner's
request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to represent the petition and no one signed up to speak. Mr.
Barber closed the public hearing at 7:37pm. Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr.
Snead, to approve rezoning R-12-019 from R-1 to B-2. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded:
Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr.
Bazksdale-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. The Boazd unanimously approved Ms. Bowman's motion to
rezone R-12-019 from R-1 to B-2 with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent..
Case 3: Richard A. Dill & Amy M. Dill -Callands-Gretna District; R-12-020
B-1, Business District, Limited to RC-1, Residential Combined Subdivision District
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:38pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Richazd and
Amy Dill had petitioned to rezone 0.93acre, located at Harts Landing Subdivision, Lot 12, in the
Callands-Gretna Election District from B-1, Business District, Limited to RC-1, Residential
Combined Subdivision District (to allow for construction of their personal residence). The Planning
Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request. Richazd Dill was
there to represent the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Barber closed the public hearing
at 7:39pm. Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve rezoning R-
12-020 from B-1 to RC-1. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr.
Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; and Mr.
Bazber-Yes. The Board unanimously approved Mr. Hagerman's motion to rezone R-12-020 from
B-1 to RC-1 with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 4: James K. Reynolds & Patsy M. Reynolds -Staunton River District; R-12-021
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District & B-1, Business District, Limited to A-1,
Agricultural District
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:40pm. Mr. Shelton explained that James and
Patsy Reynolds had petitioned to rezone a total of 2.36 acres, two parcels, located on State Road
631/Dews Road in the Staunton River Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision
District and B-1, Busness District, Limited to A-1, Agricultural District (to allow for placement of a
single-wide mobile home for their step-granddaughter's residence on GPIN # 2565-42-9352 which
contains 2.06 acres). The Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the
petitioners' request. Teddie Reynolds was there to represent the petition and no one signed up to
speak. Mr. Barber closed the public hearing at 7:41 pm. Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded
by Mr. Barber, to approve rezoning R-12-021 from R-1 and B-1 to A-1. The following Roll Call
Vote was recorded: Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Ecker's motion to rezone R-12-021
Adjowned Meeting
May 15, 2012
from DZ to RFM was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who
was absent.
Case 5: Lawrence A. Weiss, Jr., & Stephanie R. Weiss -Callands-Gretna District; R-12-022
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District
Mr. Bazber opened the public heazing at 7:42pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Lawrence and
Stephanie Weiss had petitioned to rezone 1.00 acre, located on State Road 805/Tomahawk Creek
Road, in the Callands-Gretna Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District
to A-1, Agricultural District (to make the zoning consistent with the adjacent parcels of land). The
Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request.
Stephanie Weiss was there to represent the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Barber
closed the public heazing at 7:43pm. Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr.
Bazksdale, to rezone R-12-022 from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1,
Agricultural District. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr.
Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; and Mr.
Barber-Yes. Mr. Hagerman's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception
of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 6: Calvin C. Oakes &Zada P. Oakes -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-023
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Bazber opened the public hearing at 7:44pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Calvin and
Zada Oakes had petitioned to rezone 5.33 acres, located on U.S. Highway 41/Franklin Turnpike, in
the Chatham-Blairs Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2,
Business District, General (for future sale of the property). The Planning Commission, with
opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request with proffer. Calvin Oakes was there to
represent the petition.
RE: CASE 6; R-]2-023
ILZonr /hr p,oprrlyJSom R-l, Reridrntr'e/.Swbridissr .Srbdisr.rio» District ro B-2, B:vsinrsr Dirsrctt.
C~rwern/ an p prsy Ios~ond on U..T. Highawy 41 /Frvu.klr'n T piAea, aam ~ T Mop Nrmsbsr 2410-
34-8278/ 137 A-30B ron[~ i»g 5-33 oc,a.r.
Wc, Calvin C. Oaker and Zada P. Oakes, hereby voluntarily pro E£cr to the Pittcylvaava
County Board of Supervisors the following conditions Eor tlx above-r<f<r<nc<d peopercy:
1. All deeds shall have a ces cricsion aloud the Ksidential pmperttes
zoned Y41 regasirin~ the plllcemeat of a burger irf eccordaace wiW
rife PitOyivaaaia Cotmty ZoniaQ OMi[ience, c_.Ig,-CrI"cSl1~a ;~3,,t
FS75I!..I~x-.Sf.8E8~LG. Mwrf-tnrde Gssacin~ of netuewl
•crcarltryY tYaap be rcgvited a. cottdiNow for the issuance o[soain~
peetntts and special vas permtu.
Utaless oWaewLe required, fcaciaQ required of wppWcaars [oc
zoafa~ permit sheII mean ao sppmved fetlce whlcir prev<nu
viewirraa~~ Som otfa side to the oWoc, which is of utfi8osm coaatrucrfon
tad color, artd satatoh to not Ics• rlrlfa .ix (6) [cat is hat~Eat.
Scseenirlit ahafi lures a pleated 6ttnEs strip o[ trees or shevbs o[ tfot
lase th,a !;!lees (7S) feet is w[deh sari sot less Wee eiQlat (B) Feet to
Rerpeccfvlly submitted:
A,pp~ttcanr _ t7arc
Oafw~ai f~ Y~sie Swog}t-0 3is sfybs¢e efore m<. in my pc<a<nc<
~ >Mf! this ~r ~9 of - 20 2. A ~Iir is
N Pub or
oun /City
Public My co .riots ea -
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Mr. Oakes stated that he wanted the property rezoned because in the 30 yeazs he's owned this
property he had three (3) different offers for that property who wanted it for business use; first the
U.S. Post Office wanted it to place a local post office on; second a lumber supply company; and last
was John R. Atkinson and he would like to see it rezoned in case he had another business make him
an offer. There aze already commercial properties there along the road of RT 41, and the County's
compactor's site is there. The first person signed up to speak was Woodrow Hancock, who lives on
Jackson Heights, located directed behind and adjacent to Mr. Oakes' property. Mr. Hancock was
opposed to rezoning the property to commercial property right in front of a residential subdivision
that would be what people trying to enjoy their backyazds would see. Next Mr. Allen Holley, Jr. of
Jackson Heights was completely opposed to rezoning this property to business since this property is
adjoining their backyazds, and this would only increase the noise level for what has been a quiet
residential community for over 40 yeazs, and another concern would be the runoff water coming off
into their properties. Ms. Wanda Holley, also of Jackson Heights, was totally opposed to rezoning
this property since Mr. Oakes had already sold off the ingress and egress to this property, this
business would be right on top of them and would be the demise of a quiet and peaceful
neighborhood. Furthermore, the Jackson Heights subdivision is low-lying from RT 41 akeady have
a problem with runoff from RT 41 and any other land cleazed and paved between them and RT 41
would only increase this problem. As for the noise level, the compactor when operated already
signs like thunder and if anything comes any closer to them, their peaceful neighborhood is done
for and she hoped the Board would denying this request. Next, Ms. Donna Jones, of Church
Avenue, requested the Boazd to approve this request for rezoning since the properties to the left and
right, and across RT 41, were akeady rezoned as business and operating as businesses; and recently
a Dollaz General just opened in that azea. Ms. Jones asked the Boazd to approve Mr. Oakes request.
Next, Ms. Jody Stone of the Jackson Heights property was opposed to rezoning this property to B-
2. She doesn't want a lumber company on the other side of her backyard, or any commercial
property. Due to the runoff problem already occurring, this would only increase the flooding that's
happening across her property and she can provide photos of this water issue, including 2 sink holes
that have appeazed in the past yeaz, of which she can provide photos. The increased noise level is
an issue for her, is also concerned about the safety issue since commercial properties can entice
burglazies. Mr. Bazber asked Ms. Stone to speak with Mr. Greg Sides and directed Mr. Sides to see
if VDOT can do something about their water issue. Mr. Stone also stated that he and his wife were
starting a family and they understand that change occurs and businesses grow, but there's a big
difference in a tombstone business or a lawnmower business than an 84 Lumber business like Mr.
Oakes mentioned. The Stones felt this would certainly decrease the value of their property. Things
that were being developed on RT 41 were greatly impacting the property quality, and life quality of
the residents on Jackson Heights. Mr. Robert Hodges who lives on Jackson Heights supported all
the reasons previously stated that opposed rezoning the property, as did Mr. Barry Lewis of
Jackson, Mr. Steven Nichols, Donald Adkins, Joanne Adkinson, Elvin Whorley, Michael Crane, all
of Jackson Heights. Mr. Oakes then stated there was no more runoff water now than it was when
these people bought their properties, and he's sorry they aze dissatisfied, but he is dissatisfied at
paying a higher tax because he is in between commerical properties. Mr. Bazber closed the public
hearing at 8:38pm. Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Snead, to denying
rezoning R-12-023 from R-1, B-2 for the following reasons; she appreciates what Mr. Oakes is
trying with his property and supports growth in the community, but Jackson Heights was
established in the SOs and 60s and while the egress and ingress is on RT41 ad borders other
properties on Jackson Heights, and because of the clearing that has akeady occurred they aze now
seeing all the commercial development, development that is causing runoff that is eroding their
properties ;the noise has increased in residential azea; and further development would reduce the
home values. She is denying rezoning but suggests that the Board of Assessors consider reducing
the assessed value of Mr. Oakes property and would be glad to help Mr. Oakes in pursuing that
avenue. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Ms.
Bowman's motion to deny rezoning Case R-12-023 was unanimously approved by the Board with
the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 7: Perkins Tire & Service, LLC -Banister District; R-12-024
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 8:40pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Perkins Tire &
Service, LLC, had petitioned to rezone a total of 3.38 acres, three parcels, located on U.S. Highway
29 North, in the Banister Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to
B-2, Business District, General (for future commercial development). The Planning Commission,
with opposition, recommended denying the petitioner's request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to
represent the petition. Mr. Yeatts stated the Mr. Perkins was no longer interested in pursuing the
rezoning of this property. However, Mr. Bazber stated there were people signed up to speak and
they would still be allowed to speak. Ms. Tiny McLaughlin was in opposition of rezoning this
property and also read a letter from Mr. and Ms. Willie and Lillian Fitzgerald, who were currently
out of town that were also opposed to rezoning the property. Mr. Marilyn Keyes, Mr. Dora Adams,
and Reverend Floyd Jones were all opposed to a tire business coming into a residential azea. Mr.
Barber closed the public heazing at 8:SSpm. Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr.
Ecker, to deny rezoning Case R-12-024. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-
Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-
Absent; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Bazksdale's motion to deny rezoning Case R-12-024 was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
This concluded the Re-zoning Cases.
Unfinished Business
At the May 7, 2012 meeting of the Boazd of Supervisors, a motion was made by Mr.
Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, for the reappropriation of funds as follows: $279.13 to Boazd of
Supervisors-Travel (100-4-011010-5500), $190.00 to Sheriff-Wrecker Service (100-4-031200-
3170), $21.97 to Sheriff-Fuel (100-4-031200-6008), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030),
$1,187.55 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $260.00 to Library-Postage (100-4-073100-5210),
$784.31 to Library-Computer Supplies (100-4-073100-6021), $12,883.06 to WIA-Rent (251-4-
353160-5420). This motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met and the following
Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Harville's motion
was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Hazville who was absent.
New Business
Mr. George Angerbauer with Williams Pipeline gave a brief presentation on William's
upcoming project of the Virginia Southside pipeline expansion from Pittsylvania County to
Brunswick County by providing a 24-inch gas line from Pittsylvania County to Brunswick County
in order to support Dominion Power's new 1,300-megawatt, combined-cycle natural gas-fired
power station in Brunswick County. The project will pazallel the existing 36-inch and 30-inch
lines in the Transco right-of--way.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to approve using the current
employer retirement rate of 9% used for the FY 2012 budget yeaz instead of the suggested rate from
VRS of 12.34% and to approve Resolution 2012-OS-04 to elect the alternate employer rate of 9%
effective July 1, 2012 with the Virginia Retirement System, which was unanimously approved by
the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Resolution 2012-OS-04
Employer Contribution Rates for Counties, Cities,
Towns, School Divisions and Other Political Subdivisions
(In accordance with the 2012 Appropriation Act Item 468(H))
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County 55171 does hereby acknowledge that its contribution rates
effective July 1, 2012 shall be based on the higher of a) the contribution rate in effect for FY 2012, orb) seventy
percent of the results of the June 30, 2011 actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities as approved by the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2012-14 biennium (the "Alternate Rate") provided that, at its option,
the contribution rate may be based on the employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement System
Board of Tnrstees pursuant to Virginia Code § Sl.1-145(I) resulting from the June 30, 2011 actuarial value of assets
end liabilities (the "Certified Rate'7; and
BE Tl' ALSO RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County SS 171 does hereby certify to the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees that it elects to pay the following contribution rate effective July 1, 2012:
(Check only one box)
O The Certified Rate of 12.34% B The Alternate Rate of QQQ%; and
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvanis County SS 171 does hereby certify to the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees that it has reviewed and cmderstands the information provided by the Virginia
Retirement System outlining the potential future fiscal implications of any election made under the provisions of this
resolution; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the officers of Pittsylvania County 55171 are hereby authorized and directed in the
name of the Pittsylvania County to carry out the provisions of this resolution, and said officer: of the Pittsylverria
County are authorized and dvected to pay over to the Treasurer of Virginia from time to time such sums as are due
to be paid by Pittsylvania County for this purpose.
Governing Body/School Division G7rairman
1, iTilliat. D. Sleeper , Clerk of the Pittsylvania County, certify that the foregoing is
a hue and correct copy of a resolution passed at a lawfully organized meeting of the Pittsylvania County held at
Chatha ,Virginia at 7:OOya o'clock on Ma 1 , 2012. Given under my hand
seal of the Pittsylvania County this 15 day of ~9 2012.
This resolution must be passed prbr to 7ufy i, 2012 and
received by VRS no later than duly 10, 2012.
Adjotrtned Meeting
May 15, 2012
2012 Appropriation Act
Item 468(Ii)
Central Appropriations Language
"H.1. Except as authorized in Paragraph H.2. of this Item, rates paid to the VRS on behalf of
employees of participating (i) counties, (ii) cities, (iii) towns, (iv) local public school divisions
(only to the extent that the employer contribution rate is not otherwise specified in this act), and
(v) other political subdivisions shall be based on the higher of a) the contribution rate in effect
for FY 2012, orb) seventy percent of the results of the June 30, 2011 actuarial valuation of assets
and liabilities as approved by We Virginia Retirement System Boerd of Trustees for the 2012-14
biennium, eighty percent of the results of the June 30, 2013 actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2014-16
biennium, ninety percent of the results of the June 30, 2015 actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2016-18
biennium, one-hundred percent of the results of the June 30, 2017 actuarial valuation of assets
and liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2018-20
2. Rates paid to the VRS on behalf of employees of participating (i) counties, (ii) cities, (iii)
towns, (iv) local public school divisions (only to the extent that the employer contribution rate is
not otherwise specified in this act), and (v) other political subdivisions may, at each participating
employers option, be based on the employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia
Retirement System (VRS) Board of Trustees pursuant to § 51.1-145(n, Code of Virginia
3. Every participating employer must certify to the board of the Virginia Retirement System by
resolution adopted by its local governing body that it: has reviewed and understands the
information provided by the Virginia Retirement System outlining the potential future fiscal
implications of electing or not elceting to utilize the employer contribution rates certified by the
Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Board of Trustees, as provided for in paragraph H.2.
4. Prior to electing to utilize the employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement
System (VRS) Board of Trustees, as authorized in paragraph H.2, local public school divisions
must receive the concurrence of the local governing body. Such concurrence must be
documented by a resolution of the governing body.
5. The board of the Virginia Retirement System shall provide all employers participating in the
Virginia Retirement System with a summary of the implications inherent in the use of the
employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Board of
Trustees set out in paragraph H.2, and the alternate employer contribution rates set out in
paragraph H.1."
(This amendment allows for the phase-in of the VRS Board-approved employer contribution
rates for local employers over three biennia.)
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve to phasing in the
member contribution over a 5 year period. Employees of Pittsylvania County would receive a 1
salary increase beginning July 1, 2012 in order for them to contribute 1% to the Virginia Retirement
System. This method would continue for the next 5 years until Pittsylvania County employees pay
the entire 5% member contribution. All employees hired by Pittsylvania County after July 1, 2012
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
will automatically pay the 5% member contribution upon commencement of employment. It is not
an option to phase these individuals in, and approve Resolution 2012-OS-OS, which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Resolution 2012-OS-05
Member Contributions by Salary Reduction for Counties, Cities,
Towns, and Other Political Subdivisions
(In accordance with Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497))
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County SS l 71 employees who are Virginia Retirement System
members who commence or recommence employment on or aRer July 1, 2012 ("FY2013 Employees" for
purposes of this resolution), shall be required to contribute five percent of their creditable compensation by
salary reduction pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 414(h) on a pre-tax basis upon commencing or
recommencing employment; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County 55171 employees who are Virginia Retiranent System
members and in service on June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute five percxat of their creditable
compensation by salary reduction pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 414(h) on a pre-tax basis no later
than July 1, 2016; and
WHEREAS, such employees in service on Juae 30, 2012, shall contribute a minimum of an
additional one percent of their creeditabk compensation beginning on each July 1 of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
and 2016, or until the employees' contributions equal five percent of creditable compensation; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County 55171 may elect to require such employees in service on June
30, 2012, to contribute more than an additional one percart each year, in whole percentages, until the
employees' contribtrtions equal five percent of creditable compensation; and
WHEREAS, the second enactment clause of Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497)
nxluires an increase in toW creditable compensation, effective July 1, 2012, to each such employee in
service on June 30, 2012, to offset the cost of the manber contributions, such increase in total creditable
compensation to be equal to the difference between five percent of the employee's total creditable
compensation and the percentage of the member contribution paid by such employee on January 1, 2012.
BE TT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvatua County 55171 does hereby certify to the
Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees that it shall effect the implementation of the member
contnbution requirements of Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497) according to the following
schedule for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 (i.e., FY2013):
Type of
Employee Employer Paid
Member Contn'Mttion Employee Paid
Member Contn'bution
Plan 1 4 Y• 1 Y.
Plan 2 4 •ti l Y.
FY2013 Employees Oy. SY.
(Note: Each row must add up to S percent.); and
BE TI' FURTHER RESOLVED, that such contributions, although designated as member
contnbutions, are to be made by the Pittsylvania County in lieu of member contributions; and
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pick up member contributions shall be paid from the same
source of funds as used in paying the wages to affected employees; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that member contributions made by the Pittsylvania County under
I the pick up arrangement shall be treated for all purposes other than income taxation, including but not limited
to VRS benefits, in the same manner and to the same extent as member contributions made prior to the pick
up arrangement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing herein shall be construed so as to permit or extend an
option to VRS members to receive the pick up contributions made by the Pittsylvania County directly instead
of having them paid to VRS; and
BE PT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notwithstanding any contractual or other provisions, the wages
of each member of VRS who is an ennployee of the Pittsylvania County shall be reduced by the amount of
member contributions picked up by the Pittsylvania County on behalf of such employee pursuant to the
foregoing resolutions.
NOW, THEREFORE, the officers of Pittsylvania County 55171 are hereby authorized and directed
in the name of the Pittsylvania County to carry out the provisions of this resolution, and said officers of the
Pittsylvania County are authorized and dirocted to pay over to the Treasurer of Virginia from time to time
such sums as are due to be paid by the Pittsylvania County for this purpo
Governing Chairman
I, Hilliaa D. Sleeper , Clerk of the Pittsylvania County, certify that the
foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed at a lawfully organized meetin of the
Pittsylvania County held at Cba ,Virginia at 7sl>D~ o'clock on ~g15
2012. Given under my hand and seal of the Pittsylvania County this 1S day of
~7 , 2012.
This resolution must be passed prior to 7uly 1, 2012 and
received by VttS no later than 7uly 10, 2012.
Adjotttned Meeting
May 15, 2012
An Act to amend and reenact § Sl.1-144 ojthe Code of Virginia, relating to Virginia Retirement System
employee contributions; local employees; school board employees.
[S 497]
Approved April l8, 2012
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. Tkat § Sl.1-144 of the Code of Virginia is amended sari reenacted as follows:
§ 51.1-144. Member c~tributions.
A. Each member shall contribute five percent of his creditable compensation for each pay period for
which he receives compensation.
The employer shall ieiuct the contn'bution payable by the member. Every emplo ee tin
empkryment shall be deemed to conser-t and aggrreee to any deductions from his compeasati n re~ired by
this chapter. ble deAttetiss ekaii bs takes f'resa tbs eeatpeeesties of a e~stsbsr alter hie sermel
retireetsst date i€ the ss~ber sk+ets set to eeairr~aie:
B. In determining the creditable compensation of a member in a payroll period, the Board may
consider the rate of campensation payable to the member on the date of entry or removal of his name
from the payroll as having been received throughout the month if service for the month is creditable. If
service for the month is not creditable, the Board may consider any compensation payable during the
month as not being creditable compensation,
C. The minimum compensation provided by law for any member shall be reducod by the deduction
required by this section. Except for any beae6b pmvidod by thin chapter, payment of compensation
mmus the dedr~tions shall be a full and complete discharge of all claims for services renderod by the
member during the period coverod by the paymart.
D. No deduction shall be made from any member's compensation if the employer's contribution is in
E. The Board may modify the method of collecting the contributions of members so that the
~pp~oyer may retain the amounts deducted from mentbera' salaries and have a corresponding amount
deducted from state funds otherwisepaxabk to the employer.
F. 1. Except as provided in etrbiivtetes subdivisions ~ 3 and 4, any employer may elect to ppaay an
equivalent amount in lieu of all member contributions required of its employees. Such payments shall be
credited to the members' contribution account. These contributions shall not be considered wages for
purposes of Chapter 7 (§ S 1.1-700 et seq.) of this this, nor shall Way be considered to be salary for
purposes of this chapter.
2. A person who becomes a member oa or efts Jul~r 1, 2010, shall be required to pay member
contributions on a salary reduction basis in accordance wrth § 414(h) of We huemai Revenue Code in
the amount of 5ve percent of creditable compensation if the person is (i) a member wvered by the
de5aed bene5t plan established under this chapter, (ir) a member of the State Police Officers' Retirement
System under Chapter 2 (§ 51.1-200 et seq.), (iii) a member of the Vugrma Law Officers' Retirement
System under Chapter 2.1 (§ 51.1-211 et seq.), (iv) a member of the Judicial Retirement System under
Chappter 3 (§ 51.1-300 et seq.), or (v) earning the benefits permitted by § 51.1-138.
Baeb eeusq, eii}; taws; ieeal psblie wheel beard; er ether iesai erepleysr sxp sleet to pay aA
equivalent esreust s2 lieu of tbs e9smbsr asatribuiiese rsquirsd e1' ~ employees dseedMd k this
subdwieiem ~e eeuatyr eityr fewer ieeal Pxblis sebeel bew$ er etisar lesal e®pleyer may gsyr ie
avkele perssatagesr up to i?'tvs of tM ardiiabls eerspaesatiee eih~wias rw~irsA of sash
~+Pr 4 that tits ea!~p~pays the sales ef' et~iable eeespeaeettes 1'er all sash
sstpleyses; ssi is all eteanber eeatr~utiess p~q~~der ibis eseties far sli el' tts ether
ssember employees P~ ie ibis wbdtviieie~ +4ay petftss of ibe frw peteest of erediteble
eea~tpeeaebee ei: a pstsen wbe beeerese a s+erebsr en er aiher ,Tiny 4s 3A1EAi, that k set paid by
+~ ~Yr ~Yr ~k iesal put-lie es)leei beard; er ether laeai estpleyeF ebsTi bs patd by sash parses:
l-Ie exspieyer ether ibae s eeasg-r eiiyr ieV1'tk sees! publie se>leei beard: er ether leeai empieyar stu~ll
be ailwveri to sleet ZB say ssreust of tM ntaabsr ees~ibutiess requital of a parses wlts beeeases a
sieerbw ee er ei3er Ju~y yir ;iAiB=
3. A member who is an employee of a county, city, town, or other local employer other Jhan a local
public school board, regardless of whether the membtr rs a person who becomes a member on or a,Jter
July 1, 1010, shall be required to pay member contributions on a salary reduction basis in acrnrdance
with § 414(h) of the Internal Revarue Code in the amount ojfrve percent of creditable compensation as
jol/ows: (i) ony member who commences or recommences employment on or after July 1, 1012, shall be
required to contribute frve percent of his creditable compensation upon commencing or recommencing
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
~ 2 of 2
employment and (ti) members in service on June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute five percent
of their creditable compensation no later than July 1, 2016. Such member described in subdivision (ii)
shall contribute a minimum of an additional one percent of his creditable compensation beginning on
each July 1 of 2012, 2013, 2014, 201 S, and 2016, or until the member's contribution equals five percent
of creditable compensation, but the county, city, town, or other local employer other than a local public
i school board may elect to require members to contribute more than on additional one percent each
year, in whole percentages. In no case shall a member be required to contribute more than free percent
of has creditable compensation jar each pay period jar which he receives compensation. No county, city,
lawn, or other local employer other than a local public school board shall be allowed to elect to pay
any amount ojmember contributions except to the d~erence between frve percent and the employee
contribution during the phase-in period described in this subdivision jar a member who was to service
on June 30, 2012.
~ 4. A member who is an employee of a local public school board, regardless of whether the member
i is a person who becomes a member on or after July 1, 2010, shall be required to pay member
contributions on a salary reduction basrs in accordance with § 414(h) of the I»tenta! Revenue Code in
the amount of frve percent of creditable compensation as follows: (i) any member who commences or
recommences employment on or after July 1, 20IT, shall be required to contribute five percent of his
creditablt compensation upon commencing or recommencing loyment and (ii) members in service on
~ June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute frve percent their creditable compensation no later
than July I, 2016. Such member described in subdivision (it) shall contribute a minimum of an
~ additional one percent of his creditable compensation beginning on each July 1 of 2012, 2013, 2014,
201 S, and 2016, or until the member's contribution equals five percent of creditable compensation, but
the local public school board employer may elect to require mtmbers to contrtbute more than on
' additional one percent each year, in whole percentages. In no case shall a member be required to
contribute more than frve percent of his creditable compensation for each pay period for which he
j receives compensation. No local public school board employer shall be allowed to elect to pay any
amount of member contributions exetpt to pay the dt~trenct between five percent atwd the employee
contribution during the phase-tn period described in t Ls subdivision jar o member who was in service
on June 30, 2012.
3: S. Notwithstanding anX other provision of this section or other law, only those employers who
were ~-aaying member contributions as of February 1, 2010, may pay member contributions. The
provistoos of this subdivisi~ shall not apply to a county, city, town, local public school board, or other
.ml employer.
(i. Sa)tjwt to she previs;eas e[ subeeetien 14 eery eestleyer whew «npieyees an area~ber
eeetribaiiens sB the retireetent ea s salary rudretiea basis in aeeerdeeee wits 414E of the
letereel lEevenue 6sde ntsy ~en the paynieet e[ the nisasber eenMibatiees ee behel€ of its
atrpleyess apen eetiSeatien to the $eard e[ tM eea~leye~e intent ie e~lce each paygwats, the $eerel
the ere net ems[' ihs tune bg w6iels the pbae~tn a6ai4 ba ee®pleted net to exeeeA si>E years ftnm
bl. l4ay ee~isyer thatr b~y~miwelatses Seveeeiag bedys ekete to retirotnsat ee~verege far
its e®pieyees at saeerdsaes wild ~ "~ ea er eikr September ~; ~9 S aUew its ~pleyeea to
pay erunber een~ibtatiens ie the retirement eystaxs ea a salary rsdaetiee basis is eeserelanes wuh
§ 4~ of tats letaeal Itevee>tie beds in lieu e~' paying the a+eesber eentrr~utien ee behel€ of its
e®pleyses ie eeeerdaeee will! the previsions e[ eabesetien ~:
l: The Board may develop procedures to effect the transfer of member contributions paid by
employers on or after July 1, 1980, and accrued interest on those contributions, to the member
contribution account of the member, if such contributions have been previously deposited into the
retirement allowance account of the employer.
2. That any county, city, town, local pnb8c school board, or other local employer that currently
j pays any portkn o member eonMbatioas to the Vhginia Retirement System that the member wW
be responsible for paying pnnaant to the proviaiona o[ this act shall provide an Increase in total
crediabk compenaatbn, effectlve July 1, 2012, to each affected member who wan in service on
Jnne 30, 2012, to offset the cost of the member coaMbotions. Such increase in total creditable
compensatlon shall be equal to the difference between five percent of an empbyee's total
crediabk compensation and the perceatate of the member coatribafbn paW by the local member
on January 1, 2012. It a county, dry, town, local pnbfk school board, or other local employer
elects to phase in the member contribatbns parsaant b subdivisioa F 3 sr F 4 of $ Sl.1-144 of the
~ Code o[ Virginia, the increase in total crediable compeosatbn may also be phased in at the same
~ rate.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Hagerman,for the Board of Supervisors to
review Chapter 21, under Section 21-8; Enforcement of Rates, Charges, and Fees, and request that
the Pittsylvania County Service Authority implement the statutory connection costs to all the
homeowners along the proposed areas of extended water and sewer service. This would require the
homeowners to either hook-up to the system or to pay the price as if they were hooked-up to the
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
system, and would become effective for future residential waterlines, which was unanimously
approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to reappoint the Reverend
John Clark for a second 3-year term on the Southern Area Agency on Aging, with the new term
beginning July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the
exception of Mr. Harville, who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded Mr. Hagerman, to reappoint Mr. Donnie Stevens
for a second 2-yeaz term to the Dan River Small Business Development Center Boazd of Directors
with his new term beginning July 1, 2012 -June 30, 2014, which was unanimously approved by the
Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to withdraw the postponing of
Item 14, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who
was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to send the name of Eugene
Jackson to the Danville City Council for consideration of re-appointment to the Danville Regional
Airport Boazd of Directors, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of
Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to appoint Ms. Gracie Mays to
represent the Tunstall District on the Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Boazd of Directors
to serve a 3-yeaz term beginning July 1, 2012 June 30, 2015, which was unanimously approved by
the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Board Announcements
Mr. Ecker reminded everyone of the candlelight service for the Peace Officers Memorial to
be held May 17, 2012.
Ms. Bowman reminded everyone of her town hall meeting at the Twin Springs Elementary
School on May 31, 2012 at 7pm; and of the Flag Dedication by the American Legion for the
Chatham Train Depot on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
Mr. Hagerman reminded everyone of the Gretna Festival on May 26, 2012.
Mr. Snead reminded the County staff to make sure the Boazd is notified when Williams
Pipeline holds their public hearing in July.\; and of the Chamber Picnic for the following Tuesday.
Closed Meetin¢
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to enter into Closed Session for:
Closed Session: Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry
or the expansion of an existing business or industry, where no previous
announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in
locating or expanding its facilities in the community.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(5) of the Code of Virginia,1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Industry 12011-08-08
Purpose: Discussion of Incentives
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent and the Boazd entered Closed Session at 9:56pm.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to re-enter Open Session.
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on May 15, 2012 the Boazd hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each
Boazd member's knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting
requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing
the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any member
believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state prior to the
vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the
Mazshall A. Ecker Yes
Brenda H. Bowman Yes
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Coy E. Harville Absent
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Barksdale Yes
Tim R. Barber Yes
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent.
The Board re-entered Open Session at 10:15pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to authorize the County
Administrator to apply for Tobacco Grant Funds and for Governor Opportunity Funds for industry
12011-08-08, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Snead, which was unanimously approved
by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:52pm.
Board of Supervisors
Children at Play signs-Hodnett Road
Watch for Children Sign
Mr. Sleeper
The Honorable Brenda Bowman has requested a resolution be sent to the Virginia Department of
Transportation (VDOT) for Watch for Children signs on Waller Lane.
Attached hereto you will find the required resolution requesting VDOT place Watch for Children signs on
Waller Lane.
Staff submits this to the Board of Supervisors for their review and consideration and approval.
WHEREAS, the 1997 session of the General Assembly amended the Code of
Virginia with the addition of Section 33.1-210.2 which allows the installation of "Watch
for Children" signs; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors has received a request
from the residents of Waller Lane (State Road 839) in the Chatham-Blalrs District; one
sign to be place on the beginning of Waller Lane at its entry off of SR 41/Franklin
Turnpike, on the right side of the highway between E911 addressing 264 Waller Lane
and 306 Waller Lane, and the second sign to be placed at the opposite end of Waller
Lane, on the left side of the highway, across from E911 addressing 748 Waller Lane; for
the installation of these signs that would be approximately 1.8 miles apart; and
WHEREAS, a review of this area indicates that it meets the criteria set forth by
the Virginia Department of Transportation,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board
of Supervisors does hereby request the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of
Transportation to use funds from the Secondary Construction Budget to install "Watch
for Children" signs at the above noted location.
Given under my hand this 4th day of June 2012.
Tim R. Barber, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Amend Resolution 2012-02-02: No Thru Trucks on
SR640; (Wazds Road); SR633 (Clover Road); and
SR633 (Stone Road) in the Staunton River District
Amendment to Resolution 2012-02-02
Mr. Sleeper; Mr. Sides
At the February 6, 2012 meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors, the Boazd held the required
public hearing for citizen input to establish an additional no through truck restriction on roads in the Staunton
River District to stop Semi-tractor trailer trucks hauling mostly wood chips from cutting through to the Power
Plant on narrow county roads. The intent was to stop trucks crossing the Manson bridge into Pittsylvania
County and using either Wazds Road, Clover Road, or Stone Mill Road to get to Grit Road. The County
Roads aze very narrow and curvy. This creates a danger to passenger vehicles and school buses using these
roads. The county already received restrictions on Blue Ridge Drive, however trucks are now looking for
other routes on narrow county roads. A reasonable alternate is to follow Gladys Road, State Road 699, in
Campbell County to U.S. Route 29 Wazds road, then south to Route 712 exit at A1taVista, then on to
Business 29 Main Street, to Pittsylvania Avenue, then East onto State Route 668 Grit Road.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) noted concerns from Campbell County and the Town of
Altavista with adding their portion of SR 640 into the truck route restriction request. (See attached email).
Furthermore, VDOT has asked for supplement documents, and that Pittsylvania County amend Resolution
2012-02-02 by inserting specific documentation into the resolution (see attached draft of Resolution 2012-02-
Staff recommends the Boazd of Supervisors approve the amendment to Resolution 2012-02-02 and submit it
along with other requested documents to VDOT, and authorize the County Administrator to contact
Campbell County staff to begin discussion on reaching an agreement concerning the alternate truck route that
travels through Campbell County.
Rebecca Flippen
From: Harter, Gerry (VDOT) (Gerry.Harter@vdot.virginia.govj
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:38 AM
To: Greg Sides
Cc: Rebecca Flippen; Conner, Matthew L., P.E. (VDOT); Austin Sr., Donald L. (VDOT); Guercia,
Robert F.,P.E. (VDOT); Martin, Kenneth C. (VDOT)
Subject: RE: Truck Routes -Pittsylvania County -Altavista
Don Austin had a preliminary conversation with Campbell County staff regarding this. Based on this conversation,
Campbell County had concerns with adding their portion of 640 into the truck route restriction request. Based on my
understanding, their reasoning was that when the Mansion Bridge was improved, Campbell County participated in the
funding to widen the bridge and approaches to actually accommodate trucks to/from the power plant. If there is a desire
to push this forward with Campbell County, Pittsylvania County would need to do so at this stage. As of now, VDOT
would have to deny the resolution for 633 and 640 due to the reasons stated in number 4 below.
Regarding what else Pittsylvania needs to do to correct the truck route restriction resolution, I offer the following from my
May 21 S~ email to you:
"....Based on VDOT's "Procedures for Considering Requests for Restricting Through Trucks on Primary and Secondary
Highways", we are still in need of the following information:
1. A copy of all Public Notices regarding the truck route restrictions.
2. A transcript of the public hearing discussing and ultimately approving the truck route restriction resolutions.
3. Language in the Resolution stating that "[Pittsylvania County] will use its good offices for enforcement of the
proposed restriction by the appropriate local law enforcement agency." We discussed that this additional
language was not in the original resolutions but could be amended by the Board through another regular meeting.
4. The resolution as written for Routes 633 and 640 is somewhat problematic as the alternative route provided does
not have the same termini as the routes themselves. Also, since both of these proposed truck route restrictions
start at the County line, there is no logical area for a tractor trailer to tum around. As we discussed, the portion of
Route 640 in Campbell County would also need to be a part of this truck route restriction in order for it to be
legitimate... "
We are going to go ahead and move forward with our counts, even though Campbell may not be totally on board with
this. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks.
C~Crr~ htArttr, ~.E. FTDE
Area/District Traffic Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation
4219 Campbell Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Office: 434-856-8211
Fax: 434-947-2465
From: Greg Sides [maitto:Greg.SidesCalpittgov.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:59 AM
To: Harter, Gerry (VDOT)
Cc: Rebecca Flippen
Subject: Truck Routes -Pittsylvania County -Altavista
I attended the meeting in Altavista when the County's request about truck restrictions to the power plant was discussed.
Our Board Clerk has told me that Mr. Ecker wants this topic added to our next Board of Supervisors meeting so that our
previous resolution can be revised. I am not completely familiar with all aspects of this project, can you tell me what
revisions Pittsylvania County needs to make to our truck traffic resolution to make it more correct and accurate?
I also recall that a resolution is needed from Campbell County. I believe VDOT was going to make the contact with
Campbell County. Do we need to take any action requesting a resolution from Campbell?
I decided to a-mail these questions to give you time to check your files, rather than hitting you cold on the phone. If you
need to discuss, please feel free to give me a call. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Greg Sides Tel. (434) 432-7974
Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development Fax. (434) 432-7714
County Administration Gree.Sides(a~,pittgov.orP
21 North Main Street
~, ~ • :%~ • ~ Chatham, VA
`~r.'. ~ VIR.GINIA~ 24x31
Any a-mail or other correspondence sent to a member of the Board o/Supervisors, or any other public official and/or employee of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (the
`Counfy~, in the frensacfion of public business, is considered a public record, and such records are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act ('VA
FOIA7. This means that Virginia law generally requires the County to provide a copy of any such a-mail, upon request for inspecfron and copying to any citizen of
the Commonwealth, or to any member of the news media, unless lawfully exempted fiom produdioNdisGosure under VA FOIA. I/you have received this email or
any attachments in error, please notify the sender immediately at (434) 432-7700, and by reply email, and delete this email and any attachments toff /rom your in-
box, sent ffems, and deletedffems. Thank you.
v~,~~- s
VIRGINIA: At a regulaz meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors on Monday,
February 6, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse
Addition the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, numerous citizens have complained to the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors about heavy truck traffic, pazticulazly wood chip trucks, using State Route 640
(Wazds Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State Route 633 (Clover Road) and State Route
633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching State Route 668 (Grit Road) to gain access
to the Dominion Power Plan at Hurt; and
WHEREAS, the citizens requested that the Boazd of Supervisors consider "No Thru
Truck" signs on these roads in order to improve the safety and welfaze of the community, protect
the children and school buses on the road and reduce the potential of serious accidents on these
secondary roads; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors held a public hearing on
Monday, February 6, 2012 to receive citizen input on the consideration of "No Thru Trucks" on
State Route 640 (Wazds Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State Route 633 (Clover Road)
and State Route 633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching State Route 668 (Grit
Road) with an alternate utilizing U.S. Route 29; and
WHEREAS, the Board held a public hearing on Monday, February 6, 2012, in
accordance with Section 46.2-809 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and received the
required citizen input and has recommended an alternate to the Commonwealth of Virginia; and
WHEAREAS, Pittsylvania County will use its good offices for enforcement of the
proposed restrictions by the appropriate local law enforcement agency; and
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors,
requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to place truck restrictions and "No Thru
Truck" traffic signs on State Route 640 (Wazds Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State
Route 633 (Clover Road) and State Route 633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching
State Route 668 (Grit Road) in Pittsylvania County with a primary alternate of continuing on
State Route 699 (Gladys Road) to RT 29 (Wazds Road); RT29 South to the northern most exit
for Altavista, RT 712 then South on BUS 29, come back through town to Pittsylvania Avenue
and turn east onto State Route 668 (Grit Road); restriction should be on any truck or truck and
trailer or semi-trailer combination, except pickup or panel trucks, or solid waste trucks
performing their duties; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwazded to the
Lynchburg District Office of the Virginia Department of Transportation and to Dominion Power.
Given under my hand this 4`~ day of June, 2012.
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Expenditure Refunds-Requires a motion and a 10-day ACTION:
layover Yes
Budget Amendment for expenditure refunds
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
Attached is a list of expenditure refunds for the month of May, 2412 for review. As discussed earlier with
the Board, the simple routine of putting every refund back in the budget is extremely time consuming and
leaves room for errors. To stay in balance with the Treasurer, we need to reappropriate refunds into the
budget so the budget would increase with every expenditure refund.
Staff recommends the reappropriation of funds as follows: $1,260.00 to Circuit Court Clerk-Part-time (100-
4-021600-1300), $1,169.48 to Sheriff-Service Contracts (I00-4-031200-3320), $351.65 to Sheriff-
Subsistence & Lodging (100-4-031200-5530), $6,568.13 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $4,840.71 to
Sheriff-Labor (100-4-031200-6431), $67.20 to Fire Marshal-Training & Education (100-4-031700-5540),
$1,222.29 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $292.52 to E911-Service Contracts (100-4-035500-3320),
$708.74 to B&G-Service Contracts (100-4-043100-3320), $7,324.11 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353160-5420).
~ ~~
Fiaaaca Dapartmaat ** Phoaa (434) 432-??40
Fax (434) 432-7746
P.O. Box 426 * * * Gretna/Host (434) 656-6211
Chatham, Virgiaia 24531 * * ~ * * * Bachelors Hall/WhitmeII (434) ?97-9550
y ~~r
MEMO TO: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
FROM: Kim Van Der Hyde
Finance Director
SUBJECT: May Expenditure Refunds
DATE: June 1, 2012
The list below shows all expenditure refunds that were sent to the Finance Department
during the month of May. I am recommending that all of the following expenditure
refunds be reappropriated by the Board of Supervisors:
100-4-021600-1300 Circuit Court Clerk-Part-time 1,260.00
State Reimbursement
100-4-031200-3320 Sheriff-Service Contracts 1,169.48
100-4-031200-5530 Sheriff-Subsistence & Lodging 351.65
100-4-031200-6030 Sheriff-Parts 6,568.13
Insurance Reimbursement/Restitution
100-4-031200-6031 Sheriff-Labor 4,840.71
Insurance Reimbursement
100-4-031700-5540 Fire Marshal-Training & Education 67.20
100-4-033100-5550 Jail-Extradition 1,222.29
100-4-035500-3320 E911-Service Contracts 292.52
100-4-043100-3320 B&G-Service Contracts 708.74
251-4-353160-5420 WIA-Rent 7,324.11
Rent Payments
Board of Supervisors
6-04-12 7
Jail -Appropriation of Additional Fund for Boarding
of External of Prisoners - Requires a motion and a ACTION: INFORMATION:
10-day layover Yes
Appropriation of additional funds for boazding of
external prisoners
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
It is the responsibility of the County to house prisoners in the County operated Jail. When this is not
possible, prisoners aze boazded in other facilities and the County is billed for these charges. A total of
$500,000 was budgeted for Boazding of External Prisoners in the FY 2012 budget.
Because the Pittsylvania County Jail is overpopulated, the County has had no other option but to house the
overflow prisoners in other facilities. A total of $585,812.50 has been spent for the boazding of prisoners in
external facilities through May 31, 2012, exceeding the budget currently by $85,812.50. It is anticipated that
we will spend an additional $139,187.50 for the month of June. Therefore, a total of $225,000.00 of
additional funds aze needed to cover this anticipated overage.
Staff recommends that the Boazd amend the Jail's budget and approve an appropriation of $225,000 from
Unappropriated Surplus to line item 100-4-033100-3174 (Boazding of Prisoners-External). REQUIRES A
Board of Supervisors
6-04-12 g
Jail -Appropriation of Additional Fund of Funds
Received - Requires a motion and a 10-day layover ACTION: INFORMATION: ~,
Appropriation of additional funds received by the ACTION: INFORMATION:
Sheriff s Department and Jail
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
The Jail has pay phones that aze located in the facility for inmates to use. These pay phones generate a profit
that is returned to the General Fund. The total received this fiscal yeaz for Jail-Telephone Commissions is
In addition to these funds, jail deputies as well as sheriffs deputies work extra assigned duty assignments
that aze billed by the County for their work. These funds aze deposited into the General Fund and the monies
aze used to offset the overtime chazged for these assignments. Currently, a total of $27,097.13 has been
received that has not yet been appropriated for expenditure.
The funds discussed above have been used by the Jail in the past to balance their yeaz-end budget. Therefore,
a total of $29,425.68 needs to be appropriated to the Jail's telephone line item (100-4-033100-5230) and
$27,097.13 needs to be appropriated to the Jail's overtime line item (100-4-033100-1200).
Staff recommends that the Board amend the Jail's budget and approve a total appropriation of $56,522.81 as
Board of Supervisors
Departmental Transfers
Approval of transfer from the Court Service Unit
Budget to the Building and Grounds Budget
Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
The Court Service Unit (CSU) contacted the Building & Grounds department concerning replacement of the
carpet in the CSU office because the existing carpet is frayed and is posing a safety issue. The CSU
coordinator said that they were willing to use money in their budget to cover the expense of the carpet since
she knew that additional monies would be available in the Outreach budget line item. The Building and
Grounds department does not have sufficient funds to cover the cost of carpet replacement. The estimated
cost for this project is $6,500.00. Because this transfer is between two departments, it requires Board
Staff recommends that the Boazd of Supervisors approve a transfer of $6,500 from the CSU Outreach line
item (100-4-033300-3183) to Building & Grounds Repairs and Maintenance line item (100-4-043100-3310).
Board of Supervisors
Library Transfers
Approval of library transfer from the Memorial Gifts CONSENT AGENDA:
Fund to the Library local budget ACTION:
Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
Attached is a list of transfers approved by the Board of Trustees for the Library at their May 24, 2012
meeting. Because this transfer is requesting funds be moved from the Memorial Gift Fund to the Library
local budget, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors must approve this request.
Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the attached transfers, which includes a transfer of
$1,975.57 from the Memorial Gift Fund to the Library local budget.
FY 2011-2012
MAY 2Q12
NOTE: Approved by the Library Board of Trustees at their May 24, 2012 meeting.
To be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval at their
next meeting.
Transfer funds to accounts where needed:
100-4-073100-1100 FR Salaries {3,273.83)
100-4-073100-1300 P/T Salaries 1,335.70
100-4-073100-2100 FICA 895.22
100-4-073100-2210 VRS (486.90)
100-4-073100-2600 Unemployment Ins (360.76)
100-4-073100-3171 Emp Cont Gen 203.00
100-4-073100-3600 Advertising (100.00)
100-4-073100-5110 Electricity 300.00
100-4-073100-5120 Heating Fuels 1,750.00
100-4-073100-5130 Water 8~ Sewer 100.00
100-4-073100-5230 Telephone (1,000.00)
100-4-073100-5420 Rental of Buildings 1,800.00
100-4-073100-5500 Travel 1,400.00
100-4-073100-5540 Training & Education 128.73
100-4-073100-5840 Awards & Certificates 105.00
100-4-073100-6003 Furniture ~ Fixtures 760.77
100-4-073100-6005 Janitorial Supplies (350.00)
100-4-073100-6008 Fuels-Vehicle (1000.00)
100-4-073100-6030 Serv Costs -Parts (3851.50)
100-4-073100-6031 Serv Costs -Labor (331.00)
265-4-073310-6012 Memorial Gift Fund 1975.57
265-4-073320-3310 Rep 8~ Maint -Off Equip 696.00
265-4-073320-3320 Serv Cont Off Equip (696.00)
11,449.99 (11,449.99}
0.00 0.00
PREPARED BY:Susan Harbrook
Board of Supervisors
6-04-12 11
Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) Repayment
Discussion and decision concerning the School CONSENT AGENDA:
Board's responsibility in repaying monies due to the ACTION: INFORMATION:
Commonwealth of Virginia based on the CSA audit
Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
The County is responsible for repaying the Commonwealth of Virginia a total of $2.5 million over a 10 year
period based on an audit of the CSA program conducted by the Auditor of Public Accounts in 2011.
Repayment of these funds in the amount of $250,000 annually began in this fiscal year and was withheld
from our most recent draw of CSA funds.
Currently, Pittsylvania County owes Pittsylvania County Schools a reimbursement of CSA expenditures in
the amount of $1,050,326.56. Since Pittsylvania County has already made the first payment to the State
regarding the CSA audit, the Board of Supervisors needs to determine if they plan on sharing this liability
with the School Board or if they plan on covering 100% of this repayment
The Board needs to consider the level of responsibility the School Board has concerning repayment of CSA
monies to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Board of Supervisors
Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program-Articles of 06-04-2012
Agreement Resolution
Watch for Children Sign
Mr. Sleeper
The Counties of Pittsylvania, Franklin, Henry, and Patrick, and the Cities of Danville and Martinsville
participate with the Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP), who provides services to the courts
of these localities, and develops programming and alcohol service delivery mechanisms that will primarily
serve to substantially reduce the number of highway hazards and accidents from the consumption of alcohol
and drugs.
Attached hereto you will find an Articles of Agreement Resolution that each subdivision with the Dan River
ASAP is being asked to approve by resolution, and submit to Dan River ASAP. (see attached).
Staff recommends the Boazd of Supervisors approve the Articles of Agreement Resolution #2012-06-03,
authorize the Chairman to sign on behalf of the County, and forwazd the resolution to Dan River ASAP.
Dan River
r ~ ~ 1~
~, ,
~~ ~,~
May 9, 2012
Safety Action Program
County of Pittsylvania
William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
PO Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
RE: Dan River ASAP Articles of Agreement
Dear Mr. Sleeper:
135 East Market Street
Martinsville, VA 24112
(276) 632-6303
(2761632-6304 fax
__ ~~~1 ~> Vii!' --
'~ i _i l I j l
;~~~~ MAY 1 4 2012 ~'~ ~fI
t;' V j
t~ ~;tJ ~
Attached are the Articles of Agreement concerning Dan River Alcohol Safety Action
Program, also known as Dan River ASAP.
The City of Martinsville through letter of confirmation dated June 20, 2011 agreed to
serve as Fiscal Agent for Dan River ASAP. The Dan River ASAP Policy Board
members at their quarterly meeting on September 26, 2011 approved the amended
Articles of Agreement to read such (third paragraph).
Each political subdivision concurring with these Articles of Agreement and desiring
representation on the Policy Board of the Dan River ASAP, should indicate their
approval of these Articles of Agreement by Adoption of a resolution, a copy of which
should be signed by the appropriate subdivision and submitted to Dan River ASAP.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
TamQV m Foad
Executive Director
Attachment: (1)
Serving the cities of Danville and Martinsville, and the counties of Franklin, Henry, Patrick and Pittsylvania
These proposed Articles of Agreement are between the City of Danville, City of
Martinsville, County of Franklin, County of Henry, County of Patrick, County of Pittsylvania,
and Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program, or any combination of the above-listed political
subdivisions approving these Articles, along with Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program,
hereinafter referred to as Dan River ASAP.
WHEREAS, Dan River ASAP came into existence by resolution of the City Council of
Danville, Virginia, under the provisions §18.2-271.1, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and
WHEREAS, The City of Martinsville, Virginia, has agreed to be cash flow agency
(fiscal agent) for Dan River ASAP; and
WHEREAS, Dan River ASAP provides services to the courts of the City of Danville and
City of Martinsville, County of Franklin, County of Henry, County of Patrick, and County of
Pittsylvania, and develops programming and alcohol service delivery mechanisms that will
primarily serve to substantially reduce the number of highway hazards and accidents resulting
from the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
WHEREAS, A Policy Boazd is established to govern and operate the Dan River ASAP,
1. A Policy Boazd of the Dan River ASAP shall be established whose purpose shall
be to develop and implement operational and personnel policies of the program in
keeping with the needs of the Courts, as they relate to drinking drivers, first time
drug offenders, and such other ancillary programs as may be approved by the
Boazd and necessitated by statutory changes of the Code of Virginia. The Policy
Boazd shall develop and adopt a set of by-laws for the Boazd to conduct the
business of Dan River ASAP as it serves the 21St & 22°d Judicial Districts; and
Articles of Agreement
Page 2
2. Appointees to serve as members of the Policy Board may be designated by each
political subdivision approving these Articles of Agreement. Each political
subdivision, after approving these Articles of Agreement, may appoint up to two
(2) members to the Policy Boazd, each to serve a three year term, with each
succeeding re-appointed member to serve a three year term; and
3. District Court Judges within the geographical area of the 21St and 22"d Judicial
Districts may be members of the Policy Boazd; and
4. Ex-officio member of the Policy Board shall be the Dan River ASAP Director;
5. The Policy Board of Dan River ASAP shall be and is empowered to employ the
Director of Dan River ASAP; implement personnel and operations policies for
Dan River ASAP in keeping with the provisions of the Commission on VASAP
Policy and Procedure Manual; develop and submit annual operational budgets for
the Dan River ASAP; solicit bids and execute contracts for services and in general
tend to the physical, financial and actual operation of Dan River ASAP. The
Policy Board shall be and is empowered to delegate such powers as it deems
necessary and/or advisable to the Director of the Dan River ASAP; and
6. Dan River ASAP shall be self-supporting or draw funds from Federal or State
grant funds in such manner as to insure there is, and will be, no fmancial liability
to any participating political subdivision; and
7. The Policy Board may also select members for the Policy Boazd from among
professional groups such as law enforcement, educational, medical and/or civic
groups concerned with highway safety; and
8. These Articles of Agreement shall remain in force until specifically revoked or
canceled by participating jurisdictions approving these Articles of Agreement.
Each political subdivision concurring with these Articles of Agreement and desiring to be
represented on the Policy Boazd of the Dan River ASAP should indicate their approval of these
Articles of Agreement by adoption of a resolution, a copy of which should be signed by the
appropriate subdivision and submitted to the regional office of Dan River ASAP.
Revisions approved by the Dan River ASAP Policy Board on
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tim R. Bazber, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Sheriff sOffice -Wellness Program -Phase III
Sole Source Award
Sole Source Award
Mr. Sleeper, Sheriff Taylor, Ms. Meeks
In 2009 the Sheriff implemented Phase I of the Employee Wellness Program. The Jail Nurse conducted an
EKG and drew blood samples from the employees that had volunteered to participate in the program. The
Board awarded Phase II to Piedmont Prime Care/Centra Health for the medical and physical therapist
screenings to be sure the employees could participate in strenuous activities. It also included the screening of
the blood samples and reviewing the EKG and physical capability assessment per job description.
We are now ready to implement Phase III of the program. This will include the Functional Movement
Screen, body composition analysis, and a physical injury risk analysis using the Y-balance test. FMS
(Functional Movement Systems) is the sole provider in the Pittsylvania County area of the FMS Pro software
system, which will deliver personalized exercise programs in both paper and electronic format. This is the
results phase of our program where as overall health and conditioning will be seen and data analysis
recordings of each participant tracted. Data and performance measurements will allow for future application
for continued employee wellness related goals.
Attached is a letter from Functional Movement Systems stating that they are the sole provider in the
Pittsylvania County area. A quote is attached from FMS for a total cost of $17,370 for Phase III of the
Sheriff s Office Employee Wellness Program.
$9,000 is available in the Byrne/JAG Grant (Rapid Deployment Team), line item 250-4.031741-3163
Consultants. The balance of $8,370 will be charged to the Sheriff s Local Budget -line item 100-4.031200-
311520 Wellness Program. That line item currently has a balance of $9,231.
Executive Summary
Sheriff s Wellness Program -Phase III -Sole Source
Page 2
The staff recommends that the Board award the contract to FMS (Functional Movement Systems) at a total
cost of $17,370, as a sole source.
Functianel Movem¢nt Systems
May 10, 2012
Donna Meeks, Purchasing Manager
Pittsylvania County Finance Department
21 North Main Street
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Functional Movement Systems (FMS) is the creator of The Functional Movement
Screen, which is a testing system used by professional athletes, military and many other
high level organizations in their effort to improve performance and reduce injury risk This
system has been trademarked and should only be implemented by exercise professionals
who have become certified in the Functional Movement Screen. Functional Movement
Systems will be offering functional testing through the Functional Movement Screen, body
composition analysis, and a physical injury risk analysis using the Y-balance test FMS is
the sale provider in the Pittsylvania County area of the FMS Pro software system, which
will deliver personalized exercise programs to the Sheriffs Office Personnel in both paper
and electronic format At the end of the program, each Sheriff will be retested in order to
show any progress that has been made.
Lee Burton, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Functional Movement Systems
May 10, 2012
Proposal Outline for Pittsylvania County Sheriffs Department
Wellness and Fitness Program
History and Description:
Functional Movement Systems (FMS) was formed in 1999 to improve the overall scope of
rehabilitation, injury prevention, and performance enhancement in active individuals. FMS
works to achieve these goals providing education and consulting services to a wide variety
of professional organizations and individuals. Currently, FMS consults with industrial,
collegiate sports organizations, and clinics over several states.
Services that can be provided:
Functional Movement Systems currently has the capability to provide movement screening,
body composition, wellness and exercise program design as well as an exercise facility for
the employees of the Pittsylvania County Sheriffs Department Movement screening is an
advanced physical assessment that provides an individual exercise program for each
employee. It specifically identifies physical weakness and flexibility problems that could
actually increase potential injury risk.
Current research shows that a fitness level alone is not the best indicator of injury in active
occupations. Flexibility issues, balance issues, alignment and postural issues all play
important roles in overall fitness. Movement screening targets early indicators of future
musculoskeletal injury and incorporates the remedies for these into the exercise and
fitness program.
Functional Movement Systems also has a computerized body composition machine, which
presents the most cutting-edge technology to assess percentage of body weight and muscle
ratios in exercise participants. Body mass index charts are inaccurate and sometimes
inconsistent whereas body composition tracks the amount of fat and muscle. This can give
important direction and indicators to help target fitness goals toward reducing fat or
adding muscle based on this scientific data.
Body composition testing is a more thorough way to look at exercise benefits for
Pittsylvania County employees as often gaining muscle and losing fat does not indicate an
overall weight loss although the percentage of body fat could fall drastically without a
change in overall body weight The body composition testing and movement screen will
allow the physical therapist, athletic trainer and exercise professionals at Functional
Movement Systems to individualize a program for each Pittsylvania County employee. At
this point, each employee will receive an orientation to the facility as well as an individual
P.0 Box 911 Chatham, Yp 24531 Phona: 434.432-3677 F~ 434.432-3367
program and to meet the staff. From that point, they will beput on auser-friendly program.
Although we will not provide personal training services, our staff is accessible to them
during their workouts. Their workouts will be presented to them in a file format and all
exercises will be documented on sheets both with verbal instructions and photographs.
In the event that screening reveals a musculoskeletal problem, Functional Movement
Systems will quickly advise the employee about appropriate action and no extra fee will be
incurred as this is a benefit of the wellness program. If physical therapy or orthopedic
consultations are needed, we can help facilitate those arrangements if necessary.
Goals of Program:
• Enhance Understanding and increase awareness in the areas of Health and Fitness
• Increase Performance and Durability in individuals
• Reduce the Risk for injury and costs related to injuries
Program Fees:
Functional Movement Screen $75/person
Computerized Body Composition test: $15/person
Use of FMS Facility fee per person $25 jmonth
Proposal Total:
Functional Movement Screen (30 individuals x $75) $ 2,250.00
Computerized Body composition (48 individuals x $15) $ 720.00
Gym membership (48 individuals x $25/mo x 12 months) $14,400.00
TOTAL $17,370.00
Lee Burton, PhD, ATC, CSCS
P.O Bax 911 Chatham, YA 24531 Plwna: 434.431-3677 Fmc 434.432-336T
Board of Supervisors
Applications for Committees -New Board Policy 06-04-12 14
New Program
The Honorable Brenda Bowman, representative from the Chatham-Blairs District, has requested that an
application process be instituted by the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors for citizens of Pittsylvania
County to make application for positions open for politican appointment to committees, boazds and
commission of Pittsylvania County.
Attached hereto aze proposals that were re-drafted from the City of Danville's application process for the
Boazd of Supervisors to approve concerning citizen application for appointed positions.
In addition, the Honorable Brenda Bowman has presented the issue of whether or not should be with no pay.
This would require the Board of Supervisors to consider establishing ordinances that set up the definitions of
pay or no pay, similaz to the Boazd of Supervisors' Chapter 22- Compensation for the Board of Supervisors,
of the Pittsylvania County Code.
Staff submits this for the Board of Supervisors for their review and approval.
Mr_ Cleenar Vow
Serve on a Board or Commission
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, is pleased to provide you with a guide to the County's
boazds and commissions. It is hoped the information will be helpful and encourage you to
shaze your talents and abilities through participation in County Government by volunteer
service on a County board or commission.
If you aze interested in serving on a board or commission, please complete the Boards and
Commissions Application. For additional information about the appointment process,
please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at (434) 432-7710.
Current Boards and Commissions
Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program
Dan River Small Business Development Center
Danville Community College Boazd of Trustees
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Policy and Management Board
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Boazd
Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority
Pittsylvania County Agricultural Development Board
Pittsylvatua County Beautification Committee
Pittsylvania County Board of Assessors
Pittsyivania County Building Code Boazd of Appeals
Pittsylvania County Community Action Boazd
Pittsylvania County Industrial Development Authority
Pittsylvania County Planning Commission
Pittsylvania County Public Library Board
Pittsylvania County Road Viewers
Pittsylvatua County Service Authority
Pittsylvania County Social Services Board
Roanoke River Basin Association
Southern Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Tri-County Lake Administrative Commission
West Piedmont Planning District Commission
I am interested in serving on an Authority, Boazd, Commission or Committee as follows:
1st Choice
2nd Choice
(First); (Middle/Maiden); (Last)
Home Address:
(Street/Number); (City); (Zip); (Telephone)
Are you a registered voter in Pittsylvania County? Yes No Length of time at
present address?
Electoral District:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Highest Education Received:
Civic Activities: (offices held, honors, etc.)
Present Place of Employment:
Business Address:
(Street/Number); (City); (State); (Zip); (Telephone)
Job Title:
Type of Organization:
Job Duties:
Do you have a valid Virginia driver's license? Yes
Are your accounts current with the County (Taxes, etc.)? Yes
References: (Persons who are not relatives). List name, address, and phone number(s).
Additional Information: (Time available, interests, unique qualifications, etc.)
Criminal Record and Child Protective Services Information:
(Provide information regazding the nature of the convictions and approximate date(s) of "Yes"
1. Except for minor traffic violations, have you been convicted of any violation of law?
2. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
3. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude (any offense
involving lying, stealing, or cheating) since your eighteenth (18`x') birthday?
No If no, please
No_. If no, please
4. Are there any criminal charges or proceedings pending against you?
I hereby certify that the information provided on this application is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I also hereby authorize the officials of the Central Criminal Records
Exchange, and law enforcement official or officer, the Commissioner of the Department of
Motor Vehicles, or any officer or employee of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the
Commissioner of the Revenue of the County of Pittsylvania, Virginia, the Treasurer of the
County of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, the Director of Central Collections for the County of
Pittsylvania, Virginia, and/or any other person or official to provide any information relating
to my record with respect to convictions for traffic violations or other offenses involving the
operation of a motor vehicle, felony, or misdemeanor convictions, if any, and/or taxes assessed
against me or my property which are delinquent, if any, to the County Clerk, the Board of
Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and/or to any other person designated by the
Board of Supervisors to receive such information.
NOTE: Successful candidates for the Board of Planning Commission and IDA, are
required by State Law to complete a Conflict of Interest Form as a condition of taking
office and thereafter annually on or before January 15cn.
William D. Sleeper
Pittsylvania County Administrator
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
Telephone: (434) 432-7710
Fax: (434) 432-7714
Email: Dan.Sleeper@pittgov.org
Board of Supervisors
Appointment -Dan River Small Business 06-04-2012 15
Development Center q
Appointment Boazd of Directors for the Dan River
Small Business Development Center
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boazds and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Board of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County, or aze appointed to represent
Pittsylvania County as part of a regional organization.
The Chairman of the Boazd of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments are made to any
committees, boazds, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Board of Supervisors prior to the
boazd meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that board, agency, committee or
(a) Mr. Glenn Giles represents the Private Sector on the Boazd of Directors for the Dan River Small Business
Development Center, and is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Board. This seat's term will expire on June 30,
2012 and Mr. Giles no longer wishes to serve as the Private Sector representative. This seat is a 2-yeaz term.
Members may serve up to two 2-yeaz consecutive terms.
The Honorable Brenda Bowman has nominated Mr. Shannon Hair for consideration of this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Board of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Board of Supervisors
Appointment -Danville-Pittsylvania Community 06-04-2012 16
Services Board of Directors -Staunton River District
Appointments to Danville-Pittsylvania Community
Services Boazd of Directors: Staunton River District
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boards and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Boazd of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County. The Danville-Pittsylvania
Community Services Board of Directors is a boazd in which a representative from each district is appointed by
the Boazd.
The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments are made to any
committees, boards, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors prior to the
boazd meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that board, agency, committee or
commission. The Staunton River District seat on the Boazd of Directors for the Danville-Pittsylvania Community
Services Boazd has a term that will expire on June 30, 2012. Members may serve up to three 3-yeaz consecutive
terms. Mr. Dean Jennings holds a seat with a term that will expire on June 30, 2012. Mr. Jennings has already held
three (3) consecutive 3-yeart terms and is not eligible for re-appointment. This position represents the Staunton
River District.
The Honorable Marshall Ecker has submitted the name of Gerald Milliman to be considered for this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Board of Supervisors
Appointment - Pittsylvania County Library Boazd of 06-04-2012 17
Trustees -Staunton River District
Fulfillment of term on Library Board of Trustees
Staunton River District
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boazds and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Boazd of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County. The Danville-Pittsylvania
Community Services Boazd of Directors is a board in which a representative from each district is appointed by
the Board.
The Chairman of the Boazd of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments are made to any
committees, boazds, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors prior to the
board meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that board, agency, committee or
commission. Currently Ms. Lucy Johnson holds a seat as the Staunton River District representative on the
Pittsylvania County Library Board of Trustees with a term that will expire June 30, 2015. Ms. Johnson can no
longer serve on that boazd and a new appointment will need to be made to fulfill the remainder of that term.
The Honorable Marshall Ecker has submitted the name of Michael Hudson to be considered for this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Darrell W. Dalton, Superintendent
Building & Grounds Department
51 N. Main St.
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
E-mail: darrell.dalton@pittgov.org
Phone (434)432-7958
Fax (434) 432-2294
Gretna/Hurt (434) 656-6211
Bachelors Hall/Whitmell (434) 797-9550
To: Otis S. Hawker, Assistant County Administrator n~
From: Heather Inge, Secretary of Building & Grounds ~'~'~`~ ~ v
Date: May 31, 2012
Attached please find a listing, by department, of completed work orders for the month of May.
This list does not reflect work orders in progress but not yet completed, actual expenses
incurred, or routine maintenance necessary for the smooth operation of the County facilities.
However, it does reflect the total number of man-hours.
Presently, there aze approximately 20 work orders still outstanding.
If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
Darrell W. Dalton, Superintendent of Building & Grounds
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
being based on student achievement on state assessments during the 2010-2011 and 2009-2010
school years; and
WHEREAS, Mt. Airy Elementary School in Pittsylvania County has been recognized as
a "Title I Distinguished School " for maintaining full state accreditation under the
Commonwealth's Standards of Learning Program for two consecutive years, meeting federal
benchmarks in reading and mathematics and having average test scores in both subjects at the
60<h percentile or higher without using the safe harbor provision; and
WHEREAS, the students and teachers of Mt. Airy Elementary School have brought
recognition not only to themselves for the exemplary accomplishments and expertise, but to their
school and to their County and its citizens and the Renan community;
THEN BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors, on behalf of all of the citizens of Pittsylvania County, express their sincere
appreciation, admiration, and congratulations to Mt. Airy Elementary School for their
dedication and achievement of academic excellence; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be presented to Mt. Airy
Elementary School.
May 13-19, 2012
Whereas, the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 1 S as
Peace O, f~icers Memorial Day, and the week in which it falls as Police Week; and
Whereas, the members of the law enforcement agency of Pittsylvania County plays an
essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Pittsylvania County; and
Whereas, it is important that all citizens know and understand the problems, duties and
responsibilities of their sheriff department, and that members of our sheriff department recognize
their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against
violence or disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against
oppression or intimidation; and
Whereas, the Sheriff's Department of Pittsylvania County has grown to be a modern and
scientific law enforcement agency which unceasingly provides a vital public service; then
Now, Therefore, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors call upon all citizens of
Pittsylvania County and upon all patriotic, civil, and educational organizations to observe the
week of May 13 through May 19, 2012, as Police Week with appropriate ceremonies in which -
all of our people may join in commemorating police officers, past and present, who by their
faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities have rendered a dedicated service to their
communities and, in doing so, have established for themselves an enviable and enduring
reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens; and
Regulaz Meeting
May 7, 2012
Furthermore, the Board of Supervisors calls upon all citizens of Pittsylvania County to
observe Monday, May 14, 2012 as Peace Officers Memorial Day in Pittsylvania County in
honor of those peace officers who, through their courageous deeds, have lost their lives or have
become disabled in the performance of duty.
Public Hearin: Public Hearing to receive citizen input on proposed amendment to
Pittsylvania County Code Chapter 17. Pursuant to the provisions of and authority
contained in Section 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Pittsylvania
County Board of Supervisors does hereby propose to establish a Solid Waste Disposal Fee.
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:31 pm. Mr. Sleeper explained the purpose of
the public hearing was to receive citizen input on a proposed ordinance that is authorized by
§ 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The Board has worked for several
months on developing a solid waste fee as additional income to the 2012/2013 annual budget.
The current proposed budget is recommending a $5 per household monthly fee for Solid Waste.
This will add Article III to Chapter 17 of the Pittsylvania County Code. Following the public
hearing, the Board of Supervisors may approve the ordinance, which would require a Roll Call
Vote. The first person to speak was Mr. George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District who
preferred the Board's original idea of putting the $S per month fee on the utility bills as opposed
to the current proposal of the fees being placed on the bi-annual tax bills sent out by the County.
Mr. Stanhope stated that he did approve of the County's adopting the fee. Ms. Deborah
Lovelace, also of the Callands-Gretna District, did not approve of the fee and felt it would
burden those people who least could afford it. Ms. Lovelace felt the annual amount of the
proposed solid waste fee would end up being higher than a 4 percent increase on real estate for
those persons with modest homes-homes that were assessed at $75,000 or less, and asked the
Board to at the very least postpone imposing the fee for at least another year. Mr. Phillip
Lovelace of the Callands-Gretna District also opposed the solid waste fee. Mr. James Dehart of
the Westover District felt the taxpayers were already paying for the landfill area and now it
seemed the Board wanted the citizens to pay to use it and questioned exactly who would be
allowed to use it. Mr. Dehart felt if all the waterline projects that the taxpayers were funding
were to be cut, those dollars could be saved in the budget and this new fee would be necessary.
Ms. Mary Catherine Plaster of the Chatham-Blairs District was also opposed to the proposed
solid waste fee and stated the Towns of Chatham, Gretna, and Hurt should pay this fee for their
residents since the residents were already being charged by the Towns for pickup services and
believed it be a form of tax by another name. Mr. Darriel Barnette of the Chatham-Blairs
District made comments against the proposed 2012/13 County budget, but stated his biggest
complaint was concerning how tax moneys were being spent, particularly on industrial pazks and
waterlines that weren't going towards industries and no one connecting to the service. Mr.
Barnette felt departments should be reduced and entities that have outlived their purpose should
be dissolved. Ms. Barbaza Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District stated that the Commissioner
of Revenue should be done away with; that parents need to pay their way in recreation; that the
Industrial Development Authority, the Economic Development Authority and the County's
Office of Economic Development were redundant entities, that the Pittsylvania County Service
Authority should be a department under County Administration and not an authority. Ms.
Hudson felt a significant amount of money could be saved it some of those suggestions were
implemented. Mr. Joe Spence of the Dan River District stated everyone should be recycling as
much of their solid waste as possible; that the Institute for Advanced Learning and Reseazch
should be used to find a way to use the landfill solid waste for an energy source; and that the
County should revert back to when people paid their own way through schools and get away
from socialism. No one else signed up to speak and Mr. Barber closed the public hearing at
7:58pm. A motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to approve the
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
proposed amendment to Chapter 17 of the Pittsylvania County Code, pursuant to the provisions
of and authority contained in § 15.2-2159 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, which will
also include a monthly $5 solid waste fee, of which said fee would be placed on the County's
twice-a-yeaz tax tickets. A substitute motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr.
Ecker, to send the entire proposed budget back to the Finance Committee. After discussion, Mr.
Hagerman amended his substitute motion to only send back the proposed solid waste fee back to
the Finance Committee, which Mr. Ecker seconded. The following roll call vote was recorded
for the amended substitute motion: Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-No; Mr. Bazksdale-No; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-No; Mr. Ecker-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-No. Mr. Hagerman's
amended substitute motion failed by a 4-3 vote. The following roll call vote was recorded for
Mr. Snead's motion: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms. Bowman-Yes;
Mr. Ecker-No; Mr. Harville-No; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Snead's motion passed by a 4 to 3
vote. Mr. Ecker stated that he would like to see some funding going towazds recycling programs
by using some of the money collected from the solid waste fees and asked if the County Attorney
could contact the Commonwealth's Attorney General to see if this is possible.
New Business
Mr. Eric Deaton, Chief Executive Officer of the Danville Regional Medical Center,
Danville, Virginia, gave a brief presentation to the Board on updates of the medical center and
new programs/facilities in the County that included a synopsis of: anew residency program;
working with the Danville Community College for 60 nursing scholazships; working similarly
with Averett University on Nursing B.S. scholarships; four new medical clinics in the County; an
urgent caze center that is open during the weekends; child caze programs; chairing the 2012
United Way program; and numerous other programs being developed to help citizens throughout
Danville and Pittsylvania County. Mr. Deaton stated that Danville Regional Medical Center
employs 1500 and slightly over 1000 aze County residents. The Board commended Mr. Deaton
his leadership and on how he and his staff have done a wonderful job in bringing all these
services to citizens of the County and City of Danville.
Recommendations from the Finance Committee:
(1) The Finance Committee recommended the full Boazd of Supervisors approve the
advertised School Budget by classification, totaling $87,170,899 with $14,790,922 in local
funds, with an amendment to be made in June 2012 once the County receives all the final
numbers from Richmond to approve the final 2012-2013 school budget. The following roll call
vote was recorded: Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. The Board unanimously approved the
Finance Committees recommendation regarding approval of the 2012/13 school budget.
Adopted Proposed
Budget Budget
2011-2012 2012-2013
From Sales Tax 8,678,101 9,065,767
From State Funds 44,040,696 45,781,292
From Federal Funds 10,590,369 8,372,272
From Local Funds 13,696,012 14,790,922
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Cafeteria Receipts
From Other Funds
Admn./Attend & Health Svcs
Pupil Transportation
Operation & Maintenance
Non-Instructional Operations
4,899,467 4,957,312
1,778,631 4,203,334
$ 83,683,276 $ 87,170,899
56,211,097 60,435,200
3,190,947 3,296,594
5,983,750 5,790,314
6,601,876 6,638,528
2,805,478 2,877,459
1,563,363 648,229
2,427,298 2,527,263
4,899,467 4,957,312
$ 83,683,276 $ 87,170,899
(2) The Finance Committee recommended that the full Boazd of Supervisors, in
accordance with §58.1-3912 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, extend the current due
date for taxes under Section 6-1.2(A) of the Pittsylvania County Code from June 5~' to July 16~',
2012 for the 2012 yeaz only and declare it an emergency ordinance change but would become
effective immediately, and have 60 days to have the required public heazing that modifies
Section 6-1.2(A) of the Pittsylvania County Code, changing the first installment due date for
taxes from June 5~' to July 16~' for the 2012 year only. The following roll call vote was
recorded: Mr. Hazville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. The Finance Committee's motion
concerning the aforementioned tax due date change was unanimously approved by the Board.
Mr. Harville asked that Ms. Teresa Easley, Treasurer for Pittsylvania County, send a letter to the
Boazd explaining why this needed to occur.
(3) The Finance Committee recommended the full Boazd of Supervisors consider Budget
Resolution 2012-OS-O1 after the public hearing on the Solid Waste Fee. Motion was made by
Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to approve Resolution 2012-OS-O1. A substitute motion
was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to remove 310-4-094150-81825, the
Orphanage Road-Jefferson Road Waterline Project, totaling $332,000, from the budget and pass
the remainder of the advertised 2012/13 budget. The following roll call vote was recorded for
Mr. Ecker's substitute motion: Mr. Snead-No; Mr. Bazksdale-No; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms.
Bowman-No; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Hazville-No; and Mr. Bazber-No. Mr. Ecker's substitute
motion failed by a 6-1 vote of the Boazd. The following roll call vote was recorded for the
original motion: Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-No; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-No; Mr.
Harville-yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-No. Mr. Snead's motion passed by a 4 to 3 vote of
the Boazd.
Presented: May 7, 2012
Adopted: May 7, 2012
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
VIRGINIA: At a regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on
Monday, May 7, 2012 in the General District Courtroom in the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse
Addition in Chatham, Virginia, the following resolution on the annual budget for Fiscal Year
2013 was presented and adopted.
WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia require the governing body to
prepare and approve a budget for fiscal and planning purposes, not withstanding additional
requirements for the schools, including revenues and expenditures for the ensuing year by May
1, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia control the distribution of funds
by appropriations giving the Board of Supervisors authority to set such appropriations at such
periodic basis as outlined in Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, being further identified
in this Resolution with Exhibit A and Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been properly advertised and held on April 10, 2012,
in accordance with state statute as shown by the affidavit of the publisher; then,
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Pittsylvania, that there be hereby adopted and appropriated a budget for Fiscal Year 2013, the
full and complete budget is contained in the document entitled:
JULY 1, 2012 -JUNE 30, 2013
TOTALING: $ 186,796,834
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated budget total of $186,796,834
includes $14,790,922 total local effort for the Pittsylvania County Schools, and $2,010,002 in
reallocated carryovers for Capital Improvements, $1,441,037 carryover for Industrial
Development Local. Included in this budget is an approval of supplements for employees of the
Sheriff s Department including the jail. Iri addition, it includes a continued supplement of
$10,000 each for the Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue and Clerk of Courts and $5,000 for
the Commonwealth's Attorney for salary supplements.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds of the School Budget, the
Library Board, and the Welfare Board shall be expended only by order and approval of those
respective boards and that no money shall be paid out for such contemplated expenditures unless
and until there has first been made an appropriation for such contemplated expenditures by the
Board of Supervisors; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the School Budget estimate for FY
2012-2013 be set at $87,170,899 with the local funds provided by the Board of Supervisors set at
$14,790,922 to be funded by classification as allowed by the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended,
and the school board to report back in amounts requested to be funded in each classification if
different than shown in the approved budget.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
The local funds include the following:
General Fund Local $14,790,922 (Includes $45,000 Solid Waste)
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Boazd of Supervisors shall receive
quarterly revenue and expenditure reports compazing receipts and expenditures to the approved
budget from the Office of the County Administrator; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the unit tax levy for the yeaz commencing
January 1, 2012 shall be as follows:
Real Property:
Mobile Homes and Barns:
Machinery and Tools:
Contract Carrier:
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100%
mazket value
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100%
mazket value
$ 4.50 per $100 of assessed value at 10%
of original cost
$4.50 per $100 of assessed value at fair
mazket value
Personal Property: $8.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of
mazket value.
In accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 58.1-3524 (C) (2) and Section 58.1-3912
(E) of the Code of Virginia, as amended by Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly (2004 Special
Session 1) and as set forth in Item 503.E (Personal Property Tax Relief Program) of Chapter 951
of the 2005 Acts of Assembly any qualifying vehicle sitused within the county commencing
January 1, 2012, shall receive personal property tax relief in the following manner:
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $1,000 or less will be eligible for 100% tax relief;
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $1,001 to $20,000 will be eligible for 56% tax relief;
^ Personal use vehicles valued at $20,001 or more shall only receive 56% tax relief on the
first $20,000 of value; and
^ All other vehicles which do not meet the definition of "qualifying" (business use
vehicles, farm use vehicles, motor home, etc.) will not be eligible for any of tax relief
under this program.
Generating Equipment:
Capital Merchant Tax:
Consumer Utility Tax:
$.56 per $100 of assessed value, 100% of
market value
$ 2.75 per $100 of assessed value, 30% of
inventory value
20% of the first $15.00 monthly for
residential users and 20% of the first
$100.00 monthly for commercial or
industrial users, except as required
for Gas and Electricity, as defined by
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Chapter 6 Section 13 of the
Pittsylvania County Code 1975 as amended
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following fees will also be collected by
Pittsylvania County for tax yeaz beginning January 1, 2012 and for the fiscal yeaz beginning on
July 1, 2012:
Motor Vehicle Fee: $38.75 per vehicle, except as specified by
Solid Waste Fee: $5.00 per household per month, except as
specified by ordinance
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
that, for the fiscal yeaz beginning on July 1, 2012, and ending on June 30, 2013, the following
sections are hereby adopted.
Section 1. The cost center shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations
Resolution, Exhibit A, aze hereby appropriated from the designated
estimated revenues as shown on the attached table labeled Appropriations
Resolution, Exhibit A. This appropriation does include the unappropriated
surplus. Funds may be appropriated by the Boazd of Supervisors as
needed during FY 2013 subject to the Board's by-laws for appropriations.
Section 2. Appropriations, in addition to those contained in this general
Appropriations Resolution, may be made by the Boazd of Supervisors only
if there is available in the fund unencumbered or unappropriated sums
sufficient to meet such appropriations.
Section 3. All appropriations herein authorized shall be on the basis of cost centers
for all departments and agencies excluding schools. The regulaz school
fund is specifically appropriated by category as listed on Exhibit A.
Section 4. The School Board and the Social Services Boazd aze sepazately
granted authority for implementation of the appropriated funds for their
respective operations. By this resolution the School Boazd and the Social
Services Boazd are authorized to approve the transfer of any
unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of
expenditure to another within the same classification in their respective
funds in any amount. Transfers between classification or funds require
approval of the Boazd of Supervisors.
Section 5. The County Administrator is expressly authorized to transfer any
unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one line item of
expenditure to another within the same cost center for the efficient
operation of government.
Section 6. All outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30,
2012 shall be reappropriated to the FY 2013 fiscal year to the same cost
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
center and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. A
report of which shall be submitted to the Boazd.
Section 7. At the close of the fiscal yeaz, all unencumbered appropriations lapse for
budget items other than the School Cafeteria Receipts Fund 209, the State
Restricted Seizure Fund -Sheriff241, the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund
242, the State Restricted Seizure Fund -Commonwealth's Attorney 243,
the Federal Restricted Seizure Fund -Commonwealth's Attorney 244, the
Animal Friendly Plates Fund 245, the Grants Fund 250, the Work Force
Investment Act Fund 251, Law Library Fund 260, the Library Memorial
Gift Fund 265, Cash Bonds Fund 305, the County Capital Improvements
Fund 310, the Jail Inmate Management Fund 311, the Courthouse
Maintenance Fund 312, the Jail Operating Fund 313, the Courthouse
Security Fund 314, the Jail Processing Fund 315, the Rural Roads Fund
320, the Industrial Development Local Fund 325, the Industrial
Development Cyclical Fund 330, the School Bond Fund 410, the Landfill
Bond Fund 415, the E911 Bond Fund 416, the Social Services Bond Fund
420, the Debt Service Reserve Fund 425, the Bond Fund-Schools 435, the
Landfill Enterprise Fund 520, the Rescue Billing Fund 530, the Special
Welfare Fund 733 and the Pittsylvania County Employees Health Plan
734. Thus, all cancelled cash balances shall revert back to the General
Section 8. Appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of
the fiscal yeaz but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the
project or until the Boazd of Supervisors, by appropriate ordinance or
resolution, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a
capital project, the County Administrator is hereby authorized to close out
the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This
section applies to all existing appropriations for capital projects at June 30,
2012 and appropriations in the FY 2013 Budget. The County
Administrator is hereby authorized to approve construction change orders
to contracts up to an increase of $10,000.00 and approve all change order
for reduction of contracts.
Section 9. The approval of the Boazd of Supervisors of any grant of funds to the
County shall constitute the appropriation of both the revenue to be
received from the grant and the County's expenditure required by the
terms of the grant, if any. The appropriation of grant funds will not lapse
at the end of the fiscal yeaz but shall remain appropriated until completion
of the project or until the Boazd of Supervisors, by appropriate resolution,
changes or eliminates the appropriation. The County Administrator may
increase or reduce any grant appropriation to the level approved by the
granting agency during the fiscal yeaz. The County Administrator may
approve necessary accounting transfers between cost centers and funds to
enable the grant to be accounted for the in correct manner.
Upon completion of a grant project, the County Administrator is
authorized to close out the grant and transfer back to the funding source
any remaining balance. This section applies to appropriations for grants
outstanding at June 30, 2012 and appropriations in the FY 2013 Budget.
Regulaz Meeting
May 7, 2012
Section 10. The County Administrator may reduce revenue and expenditure
appropriations related to programs funded all or in part by the
Commonwealth of Virginia and/or the Federal Government to the level
approved by the responsible state or federal agency.
Section 11. The County Administrator is authorized to make transfers to the various
funds for which there are transfers budgeted. The County Administrator
shall transfer funds only as needed up to amounts budgeted or in
accordance with any existing bond resolutions that specify the matter in
which transfers aze to be made.
Section 12. The Treasurer may advance monies to and from the various funds of the
County to allow maximum cash flow efficiency. The advances must not
violate County bond covenants or other legal restrictions that would
prohibit an advance.
Section 13. All purchases with funds appropriated herein shall be made in accordance
with the County purchasing ordinance and applicable state statutes.
Section 14. It is the intent of this resolution that funds be expended for the purposes
indicated in the budget; therefore, budgeted funds may not be transferred
from operating expenditures to capital projects or from capital projects to
operating expenses without the prior approval from the Boazd of
Supervisors. Also, funds may not be transferred from one capital project
to another without the prior approval of the Boazd of Supervisors.
Section 15. The County Administrator is authorized, pursuant to state statute, to issue
orders and warrants for payments where funds have been budgeted,
appropriated, and where sufficient funds are available. A warrant register
shall be presented to the Boazd of Supervisors not less frequently than
Section 16. Subject to the qualifications in this resolution contained, all appropriations
are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations
- the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the
amount named herein if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate
revenues collected and available during the fiscal year for which the
appropriations are made aze sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full.
Otherwise, the said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable in such
proportion as the total sum of all realized revenue of the respective funds
is to the total amount of revenue estimated to be available in the said fiscal
year by the Board of Supervisors.
Section 17. All revenue received by any agency under the control of the Board of
Supervisors or by the School Boazd or by the Social Services Boazd not
included in its estimate of revenue for the financing of the fund budget as
submitted to the Board of Supervisors may not be expended by said
agency under the control of the Board of Supervisors or by the School
Boazd or by the Social Services Board without the consent of the Board of
Supervisors being first obtained. Nor may any of these agencies or boazds
make expenditures, which will exceed a specific item of an appropriation.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Section 18. Allowances out of any of the appropriations made in this resolution by any
or all county departments, bureaus or agencies under the control of the
Boazd of Supervisors to any of their officers and employees for expense
on account of the use of such officers and employees of their personal
automobiles in the discharge of their official duties shall be paid at the
same rate as that established by the Internal Revenue Service and shall be
subject to change from time to time to maintain like rates.
Section 19. The County Administrator is directed to establish eight (8) petty-cash
accounts under non-departmental from funds in this budget for central
purchasing, the landfill, building inspections, zoning and recreation in
accordance with Section 15.2-1229 of the Code of Virginia as amended,
1950 with management plans as directed by the County Auditor.
Section 20. All previous appropriation ordinances or resolutions to the extent that they
aze inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution shall be and the same
aze hereby repealed.
Section 21. This resolution shall be effective on July 1, 2012.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve the Deed of
Bazgain and Sale transferring the railroad spur from Norfolk Southern Railway to the Intertape
Polymer Corporation Building in the Ringgold West Industrial Pazk and authorize the Chairman
of the Boazd of Supervisors to sign on the behalf of Pittsylvania County in order to transfer this
property. The Boazd unanimously approved Mr. Bazksdale's motion.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve an agreement with
Norfolk Southern Railway Company, subject to legal review, that requires fee of $11,200 from
Pittsylvania County to Norfolk Southern Railway Company for the rights to cross the Norfolk
Southern Railway to install a force main under the railway that will continue to the Town of
Altavista, of which funds for this fee payment would come from the grand fund for the Hurt
Water and Sewer line project, and motion further authorizes the Chairman of the Boazd of
Supervisors to sign on the behalf of Pittsylvania County. Mr. Ecker's motion passed by a 6-1
majority vote of the Board, with Mr. Bazber opposing.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve a request from the
Riverbend Volunteer Fire Department to authorize the transfer of the first available surplus
vehicle from the Sheriff's Department fleet, to be utilized by the fire department for emergency
and transportation needs, with the requirement that if the fire department no longer needs this
vehicle, it is to be returned to the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors to be surplused to the
public. Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to authorize the County
Administrator to sign the required contract dated April 30, 2012 for a total of $29,950 with the
firm of Reynolds-Clark Development, Inc. of Crretna, Virginia for the necessary engineering of
the Orphanage RoadlJefferson Road waterline, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve the reassessment
contract with Wingate Appraisal Service at $11.50 per parcel of real estate in Pittsylvania
County and $5.75 for manufactured mobile homes, with an estimated total cost for parcels and
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
manufactured homes at $613,847. Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Mr. Bazksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve sending a
letter to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation requesting they evaluate for
Scenic River Designations both the Banister River (from its headwaters at Beazskin Creek and
Strawberry Creek, to the Halifax County line) and the Staunton River (from the Leesville Dam to
the Halifax County Line) in Pittsylvania County. This request would join a same request from
Halifax County. Mr. Bazksdale's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve the
reappropriation of funds as follows: $279.13 to Boazd of Supervisors-Travel (100-4-011010-
5500), $190.00 to Sheriff-Wrecker Service (100-4-031200-3170), $21.97 to Sheriff-Fuel (100-4-
031200-6008), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $1,187.55 to Extradition (100-4-
033100-5550), $260.00 to Library-Postage (100-4-073100-5210), $784.31 to Library-Computer
Supplies (100-4-073100-6021), $12,883.06 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353160-5420). Mr. Harville's
motion required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve appropriation of
$312.02 to the Employee Fund line item in the Sheriff's FY 2012 budget (100-4-031200-6029).
The following roll call vote was recorded: Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-
Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Ecker's
motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve an appropriation
of $1,494 for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant. The following roll call vote was recorded:
Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the
Mr. Gary Thomas of the Callands-Gretna District spoke to the Boazd of Supervisors,
asking for them to consider using potential money they may acquire if the old Chatham
Elementary School is sold to take those funds to Ashland and bid to buy the name of the State
Fair of Virginia.
Added Items
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve Resolution
2012-OS-03, requesting that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) do a speed study
and reduce the speed limit as necessary on a portion of the Museville Road (SR 626) from the
intersection of Sago Road (SR 969) and the Museville Road to the intersection of Anderson Mill
Road (SR 649) and the Museville Road; approximately 1.5 miles, and authorize the County
Administrator to forwazd the resolution to VDOT for its review and consideration, which was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
held on Monday, May 7, 2012, in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields
Courthouse Addition, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation is charged with the
responsibility of insuring that the speed limits established on these secondary roads provide both
the protection, consideration of the public and posting of those speeds; and
WHEREAS, the Museville Road (SR 626), from the intersection of the Sago Road (SR
969) and Museville Road to the intersection of Anderson Mill Road (SR 649) and the Museville
Road, a distance of approximately 1.5 miles, in the Callands-Gretna District appeazs to have a
need for reduction in speed to 35 miles per hour due to safety factors, heavy traffic use and
congestion in a residential area; then
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
respectfully request the Virginia Department of Transportation to review the speed limit on
Museville Road (SR 626), from the intersection of the Sago Road (SR 969) and Museville Road
to the intersection of Anderson Mill Road (SR 649) and the Museville Road, a distance of
approximately 1.5 miles.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to pass a motion
invoking the exemptions under Section 35-40 of the Pittsylvania County for the designated sites
for the radio towers, which include: the Grit compactor site, the Mt. Airy compactor site;
Rockford School Road compactor site; the Callands compactor site; the Cascade compactor site;
and the Dan River Middle School site, that states "Property owned by Pittsylvania County or
any designated agent of Pittsylvania County which is devoted to or intended for government uses
is exempt from this Zoning Ordinance ". Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to submit an application
for the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) 2012 Achievement Awazds under the
environmental category concerning the efforts of the Pittsylvania County Beautification
Committee, and the communities within Pittsylvania County in their involvement of the
County's cleanup day, April 21, 2012, and to authorize the County Administrator to sign the
completed application and forwazd it to VACo, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd.
Ms. Bowman stated she would draft all the documents necessary for the application to submit to
the County Administrator for his review and signature.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve setting a public
hearing in accordance with § 15.2-1800 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for the public
or private sale of property located on Sydenham Street in Pittsylvania County that the County
took over in 2009, and for the public hearing to be held in June, which was unanimously
approved by the Board.
Board Announcements
Mr. Harville suggested to the other members of the Boazd to look in their respective azeas
to see if there was any dormant County owned properties that can be moved.
Mr. Snead thanked everyone for their hazd work on the 2012/13 budget process.
Ms. Bowman stated she was excited over all the economic development occurring,
mentioning the opening of the Virginia Candle wazehouse, 2 new General Dollaz Stores opening
and the groundbreaking of the new medical center at Mt. Hermon.
Regular Meering
May 7, 2012
Mr. Ecker reminded everyone that academic achievements were even more important that
athletic achievements of schools and students and the Boazd needs to continue recognizing them
as they did tonight. He also inquired on whether the Boazd was still going to have a defense fund
in relation to the ACLU case.
Mr. Bazber also thanked everyone for their work on the budget process, and added that
O'Kelley's would also be another new business to open in the Brosville azea.
Reports from County Administrator
Mr. Sleeper reminded the Boazd members of the May 22 Boazd and City of Danville
Council members BBQ; of the flag ceremony on May 26 at the Chatham Train Depot; of the
Peace Officers' Memorial Service on May 14 and the candlelight service on May 17; and of Ms.
Bowman's Town Hall meeting to be held at the Twins Springs Elementary School on Thursday,
May 31, 2012 at 7pm.
Closed Meeting
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to enter into Closed
Meeting under the following:
Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of
the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would
adversely affect the bazgaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(3) Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: old Chatham Elementary School
Purpose: Discussion of Proposal
Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Board. The Boazd entered into Closed
Meeting at 9:56pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to re-enter into Open Meeting.
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of
Supervisors on May 7, 2012 the Boazd hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each
boazd member's knowledge only public business matters lawfiilly exempted from the open
meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion
authorizing the closed meeting were heazd, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any
member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state
prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the
minutes of the Boazd.
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Mazshall A. Ecker Yes
Brenda H. Bowman Yes
Coy E. Harville Yes
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Bazksdale Yes
Tim R. Bazber Yes
The Boazd re-entered Open Meeting at 10:13pm
Regular Meeting
May 7, 2012
Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Snead, to authorize the County
Administrator to sign a contract of sale between the Boazd of Supervisors and Echelon for the
sale of the old Chatham Elementary School, which passed by a 6-1 majority vote of the Boazd,
with Mr. Harville in opposition.
Motion was made by Mr. Hazville, seconded by Mr. Snead to adjourn the meeting, which
was unanimously approved by the Boazd. The meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Adjourned Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors was
held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Addition
in Chatham, Virginia. Tim R. Bazber, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:07p.m. The
following members were present:
Tim Bazber
James Snead
Jessie L. Bazksdale
Jerry A. Hagerman
Mazshall Ecker
Brenda H. Bowman
Tunstall District
Dan River District
Banister District
Callands-Gretna District
Staunton River District
Chatham-Blairs District
Mr. Coy E. Harville, Westover District, was absent and therefore nothing could be added to
the agenda.
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Mr.
Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development, Odie H. Shelton, Jr.,
Director of Code Compliance, Kenneth L. Bowman, Director of Economic Development, and Ms.
Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Boazd, were also present.
Mr. Bazber led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Anoroval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the agenda with the
following items to postpone until the June 19, 2012 meeting as requested by Ms. Bowman;
Under Appointments, postpone:
Item 13(a): Dan River Small Business Development Center Boazd of Directors Mr.
Glenn Giles holds a seat that will expire on June 30, 2012. This is a 2 year term seat and
Mr. Giles is eligible for re-appointment;
Item 14: Danville Airport Commission - Mr. Eugene F. Jackson holds a seat that will
expire on June 30, 2012. This is a 3 year term position and Mr. Jackson is eligible
for re-appointment; and
Item 15(c): Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Boazd- Ms. Gayla R. Wood holds a
seat that will expire on June 30, 2012. At the end of her current term, Ms. Wood has indicated
she will be moving out of state and therefore cannot be re-appointed. This position represents the
Chatham-Blairs District;
And to postpone Item 17 Closed Session until the June 4, 2012 Boazd meeting:
Consultation with Legal Counsel and Briefings by Staff Members or
Consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultations or
briefings in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigation posture of
the Public Body; and consultation with Legal Counsel employed or retained by a
Public Body regazding specific legal matters requiring provision of legal advice to
such counsel.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Bazbaza Hudson vs. Pittsylvania County
Purpose: Briefing on Litigation Status
Adjourned Meeting
May I5, 2012
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville,
who was absent.
Hearing of the Citizens
Mr. Gerald Milliman of the Staunton River District made comments on constitutional rights
and encouraged the Board to be considerate of representing what local people wanted; felt there was
spiritual erosion going on in the country and offered a moment of prayer.
Ms. Bazbaza Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District had comments concerning matters that
arose at the last Boazd meeting (1)that the Board mentioned that renters don't pay tax and they do
pay taxes in the means of rent increases passed on by the owners to the renters; (2) that it was
mentioned that residents on Orphanage Road had bad water problems and only 2 residents came at
a previous meeting, and said the water had been tested and was found nothing wrong with it, other
than they don't like the taste of it; (3) it was mentioned by the Boazd that an aging population is not
good for economic development. There is a difference between an aging community and migration
. Parents how moved into the area as retirees also have children of working age who on occasion
also move here after visiting their parents, obtaining jobs, etc.
Ms. Nancy Smith of the Tunstall District made comments concerning the County budget,
comments against the payment/interest payments by the County on moral obligation bonds made by
authorities, and felt the Pittsylvania County Service Authority and its commission should be
dissolved and the Service Authority should report under County Administration.
The Reverend John Clazk of the Tunstall District thank the Board for allowing his to serve
on various boazds and agencies over the years, and now serves on the Southern Area Agency for
the Aging. Rev. Clazk offered a prayer for the board and the community.
Mr. George Stanhope of the Callands-Gretna District made comments on authority bonds
and was opposed to the Board paying anything against these moral obligation bonds, and would like
to see the Commonwealth remove these authorities ability to issue bonds.
Ms. Karen Maute of the Westover District stated she would like to see the Board of
Supervisors respond when the Uranium Working Group (LJWG) releases its reports late this yeaz,
and wants the Boazd to think about creating a citizens group for making reports and brining back
information to the Board and to the citizens on the findings of the UWG.
Mr. David Grisham, a resident of Franklin County, made comments supporting the
Americans Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filing the case of Barbara Hudson vs. Pittsylvania
County, and that any prayer singling out specific religious believes is illegal.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the Consent
Agenda, which was unanimously approved with the exception of Mr. Harville, who was absent.
(a) Regional One -June 2012
(b) Out of State Travel to Cary, North Carolina -Economic Development
Public Hearings
Rezoning Cases
Case 1: Ricky Dale Carter And Others -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-018
DZ (R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District & B-2, Business District, General)
to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:35pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Ricky Carter
and Others had petitioned to rezone 0.97 acre, located on U.S. Highway 29, in the Chatham-Blairs
Election District from DZ (R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District andB-2, Business
District, General) to B-2, Business District, General (to make the zoning consistent with the
adjoining parcels of land and for future sale of the property).The Planning Commission, with no
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to represent
the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Bazber closed the public hearing at 7:36pm. Ms.
Bowman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve rezoning R-12-018 from DZ to B-2.
The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. The
Boazd unanimously approved Ms. Bowman's motion to rezone R-12-018 from DZ to B-2, with the
exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 2: Ricky D. Carter -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-019
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Bazber opened the public hearing at 7:36pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Ricky Dale
Cazter had petitioned to rezone 0.60 acre, located on U.S. Highway 29, in the Chatham-Blairs
Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District,
General (to make the zoning consistent with the adjoining parcel of land and for future sale of the
property). The Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioner's
request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to represent the petition and no one signed up to speak. Mr.
Bazber closed the public hearing at 7:37pm. Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr.
Snead, to approve rezoning R-12-019 from R-1 to B-2. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded:
Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr.
Bazksdale-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. The Boazd unanimously approved Ms. Bowman's motion to
rezone R-12-019 from R-1 to B-2 with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent..
Case 3: Richard A. Dill & Amy M. Dill -Callands-Gretna District; R-12-020
B-1, Business District, Limited to RC-1, Residential Combined Subdivision District
Mr. Bazber opened the public hearing at 7:38pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Richazd and
Amy Dill had petitioned to rezone 0.93acre, located at Harts Landing Subdivision, Lot 12, in the
Callands-Gretna Election District from B-1, Business District, Limited to RC-1, Residential
Combined Subdivision District (to allow for construction of their personal residence).The Planning
Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request. Richazd Dill was
there to represent the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Barber closed the public hearing
at 7:39pm. Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve rezoning R-
12-020 from B-1 to RC-1. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr.
Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; and Mr.
Bazber-Yes. The Board unanimously approved Mr. Hagerman's motion to rezone R-12-020 from
B-1 to RC-1 with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 4: James K. Reynolds & Patsy M. Reynolds -Staunton River District; R-12-021
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District & B-1, Business District, Limited to A-1,
Agricultural District
Mr. Bazber opened the public hearing at 7:40pm. Mr. Shelton explained that James and
Patsy Reynolds had petitioned to rezone a total of 2.36 acres, two parcels, located on State Road
631/Dews Road in the Staunton River Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision
District and B-1, Busness District, Limited to A-1, Agricultural District (to allow for placement of a
single-wide mobile home for their step-granddaughter's residence on GPIN # 2565-42-9352 which
contains 2.06 acres). The Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the
petitioners' request. Teddie Reynolds was there to represent the petition and no one signed up to
speak. Mr. Bazber closed the public hearing at 7:41pm. Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded
by Mr. Bazber, to approve rezoning R-12-021 from R-1 and B-1 to A-1. The following Roll Call
Vote was recorded: Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Ecker's motion to rezone R-12-021
Adjowned Meeting
May 15, 2012
from DZ to RFM was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who
was absent.
Case 5: Lawrence A. Weiss, Jr., & Stephanie R. Weiss -Callands-Gretna District; R-12-022
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:42pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Lawrence and
Stephanie Weiss had petitioned to rezone 1.00 acre, located on State Road 805/Tomahawk Creek
Road, in the Callands-Gretna Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District
to A-1, Agricultural District (to make the zoning consistent with the adjacent parcels of land). The
Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request.
Stephanie Weiss was there to represent the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Barber
closed the public heazing at 7:43pm. Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr.
Bazksdale, to rezone R-12-022 from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1,
Agricultural District. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Harville-Absent; Mr.
Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; and Mr.
Barber-Yes. Mr. Hagerman's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception
of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 6: Calvin C. Oakes &Zada P. Oakes -Chatham-Blairs District; R-12-023
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:44pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Calvin and
Zada Oakes had petitioned to rezone 5.33 acres, located on U.S. Highway 41/Franklin Turnpike, in
the Chatham-Blairs Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2,
Business District, General (for future sale of the property). The Planning Commission, with
opposition, recommended granting the petitioners' request with proffer. Calvin Oakes was there to
represent the petition.
RE: CASE 6; R-12-623
R.Zonr tbs proprrry, fim R-1, Re~idrwtio/ Srbrrdor S.rbd "av.rion Dsitrict to B-?, Bivs "nesr Dirtrs<t.
C~inssn! on property /on^hd on LT..S'. Hidb,s y 47/F .EGn T piAes, nonss/y T Mup Numbar 2410-
34-8278/ f 37 A-30B rnn<~ ing 5.33 ocser.
We, C^lvin C- Oake^ and Zada P. Oakes, hereby volunurily proffer co the PittcytvNnia
County Board of Supervisors cbe following condiciona Eor the above-referenced property:
1. All deeds shall have a re. tricdon aloaa~ the re^Ldcntial peopcrdee
zooad Rr1 requiiein~ the pLcemeat of a bvffier isa accordance wida
tha Hit4Fyhxaaia Cotmty zonLtQ Otdipattce, S~+-c'3'I Imo' ss-i~t-
Fglr~~A S~~rescr`=0, Man-atif~de Esncfn~ oe naatural
•cseetsltt~ tl^t-Y be acqulrcd as coadidow [oe the i:•auance of zoniatq
peemlta and special we permit..
Unlcu oaftecwi.e rcyuired, tcacirag requited of wppUcaats Eor
zoaiw~ permit ah'II mesa an approved fancc which prevnnta
viowian~~r 80m o/gt0 aide ro the othoc, which iw of unl.Borm conatrucsion
wad color, sad. svlsieh fa ant leas tltaa six (6) feat la 6oi~bt.
Sesee shall mesa a phmtcd buffiar • p of tree. or ^htub^ of not
lea. ttaan en (1Sj Lest is width sad ant Lea^ tban eiQbc (B) Feee in
Respecefially submitted:
.s- s _zm f ~
Appltct+nr r~wgc
Qaat~^r ~a Swo to n ^ub^eefor^ sae, io my pee^er.ce
~ ~ ~= chia p of 20 A ~i<ugia is
N pub7Lc or
Yublic My co sion
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Mr. Oakes stated that he wanted the property rezoned because in the 30 yeazs he's owned this
property he had three (3) different offers for that property who wanted it for business use; first the
U.S. Post Office wanted it to place a local post office on; second a lumber supply company; and last
was John R. Atkinson and he would like to see it rezoned in case he had another business make him
an offer. There aze already commercial properties there along the road of RT 41, and the County's
compactor's site is there. The first person signed up to speak was Woodrow Hancock, who lives on
Jackson Heights, located directed behind and adjacent to Mr. Oakes' property. Mr. Hancock was
opposed to rezoning the property to commercial property right in front of a residential subdivision
that would be what people trying to enjoy their backyazds would see. Next Mr. Allen Holley, Jr. of
Jackson Heights was completely opposed to rezoning this property to business since this property is
adjoining their backyazds, and this would only increase the noise level for what has been a quiet
residential community for over 40 yeazs, and another concern would be the runoff water coming off
into their properties. Ms. Wanda Holley, also of Jackson Heights, was totally opposed to rezoning
this property since Mr. Oakes had already sold off the ingress and egress to this property, this
business would be right on top of them and would be the demise of a quiet and peaceful
neighborhood. Furthermore, the Jackson Heights subdivision is low-lying from RT 41 already have
a problem with runoff from RT 41 and any other land cleared and paved between them and RT 41
would only increase this problem. As for the noise level, the compactor when operated already
signs like thunder and if anything comes any closer to them, their peaceful neighborhood is done
for and she hoped the Board would denying this request. Next, Ms. Donna Jones, of Church
Avenue, requested the Boazd to approve this request for rezoning since the properties to the left and
right, and across RT 41, were already rezoned as business and operating as businesses; and recently
a Dollar General just opened in that azea. Ms. Jones asked the Boazd to approve Mr. Oakes request.
Next, Ms. Jody Stone of the Jackson Heights property was opposed to rezoning this property to B-
2. She doesn't want a lumber company on the other side of her backyazd, or any commercial
property. Due to the runoff problem already occurring, this would only increase the flooding that's
happening across her property and she can provide photos of this water issue, including 2 sink holes
that have appeazed in the past yeaz, of which she can provide photos. The increased noise level is
an issue for her, is also concerned about the safety issue since commercial properties can entice
burglazies. Mr. Bazber asked Ms. Stone to speak with Mr. Greg Sides and directed Mr. Sides to see
if VDOT can do something about their water issue. Mr. Stone also stated that he and his wife were
starting a family and they understand that change occurs and businesses grow, but there's a big
difference in a tombstone business or a lawnmower business than an 84 Lumber business like Mr.
Oakes mentioned. The Stones felt this would certainly decrease the value of their property. Things
that were being developed on RT 41 were greatly impacting the property quality, and life quality of
the residents on Jackson Heights. Mr. Robert Hodges who lives on Jackson Heights supported all
the reasons previously stated that opposed rezoning the property, as did Mr. Barry Lewis of
Jackson, Mr. Steven Nichols, Donald Adkins, Joanne Adkinson, Elvin Whorley, Michael Crane, all
of Jackson Heights. Mr. Oakes then stated there was no more runoff water now than it was when
these people bought their properties, and he's sorry they aze dissatisfied, but he is dissatisfied at
paying a higher tax because he is in between commerical properties. Mr. Barber closed the public
hearing at 8:38pm. Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Snead, to denying
rezoning R-12-023 from R-l, B-2 for the following reasons; she appreciates what Mr. Oakes is
trying with his property and supports growth in the community, but Jackson Heights was
established in the SOs and 60s and while the egress and ingress is on RT41 ad borders other
properties on Jackson Heights, and because of the clearing that has akeady occurred they aze now
seeing all the commercial development, development that is causing runoff that is eroding their
properties ;the noise has increased in residential area; and further development would reduce the
home values. She is denying rezoning but suggests that the Board of Assessors consider reducing
the assessed value of Mr. Oakes property and would be glad to help Mr. Oakes in pursuing that
avenue. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr.
Adjourned Meeting
May I5, 2012
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Ms.
Bowman's motion to deny rezoning Case R-12-023 was unanimously approved by the Boazd with
the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Case 7: Perkins Tire & Service, LLC -Banister District; R-12-024
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to B-2, Business District, General
Mr. Bazber opened the public hearing at 8:40pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Perkins Tire &
Service, LLC, had petitioned to rezone a total of 3.38 acres, three parcels, located on U.S. Highway
29 North, in the Banister Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to
B-2, Business District, General (for future commercial development). The Planning Commission,
with opposition, recommended denying the petitioner's request. Ramsey Yeatts was there to
represent the petition. Mr. Yeatts stated the Mr. Perkins was no longer interested in pursuing the
rezoning of this property. However, Mr. Bazber stated there were people signed up to speak and
they would still be allowed to speak. Ms. Tiny McLaughlin was in opposition of rezoning this
property and also read a letter from Mr. and Ms. Willie and Lillian Fitzgerald, who were currently
out of town that were also opposed to rezoning the property. Mr. Marilyn Keyes, Mr. Dora Adams,
and Reverend Floyd Jones were all opposed to a tire business coming into a residential area. Mr.
Barber closed the public hearing at S:SSpm. Motion was made by Mr. Bazksdale, seconded by Mr.
Ecker, to deny rezoning Case R-12-024. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-
Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-
Absent; and Mr. Bazber-Yes. Mr. Bazksdale's motion to deny rezoning Case R-12-024 was
unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
This concluded the Re-zoning Cases.
Unfwished Business
At the May 7, 2012 meeting of the Boazd of Supervisors, a motion was made by Mr.
Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, for the reappropriation of funds as follows: $279.13 to Boazd of
Supervisors-Travel (100-4-011010-5500), $190.00 to Sheriff-Wrecker Service (100-4-031200-
3170), $21.97 to Sheriff-Fuel (100-4-031200-6008), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030),
$1,187.55 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $260.00 to Library-Postage (100-4-073100-5210),
$784.31 to Library-Computer Supplies (100-4-073100-6021), $12,883.06 to WIA-Rent (251-4-
353160-5420). This motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met and the following
Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Bazksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms.
Bowman-Yes; Mr. Ecker-yes; Mr. Harville-Absent; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Harville's motion
was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
New Business
Mr. George Angerbauer with Williams Pipeline gave a brief presentation on William's
upcoming project of the Virginia Southside pipeline expansion from Pittsylvania County to
Brunswick County by providing a 24-inch gas line from Pittsylvania County to Brunswick County
in order to support Dominion Power's new 1,300-megawatt, combined-cycle natural gas-fired
power station in Brunswick County. The project will pazallel the existing 36-inch and 30-inch
lines in the Transco right-of--way.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to approve using the current
employer retirement rate of 9% used for the FY 2012 budget yeaz instead of the suggested rate from
VRS of 12.34% and to approve Resolution 2012-OS-04 to elect the alternate employer rate of 9%
effective July 1, 2012 with the Virginia Retirement System, which was unanimously approved by
the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Resolution 2012-OS-04
Employer Contribution Rates for Counties, Cities,
Towns, School Divisions and Other Political Subdivisions
(In accordance with the 2012 Appropriation Act Item 468(H))
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsyivania County 55171 does hereby acknowledge that its contribution rates
effective July 1, 2012 shall be based on the higher of a) the contribution rate in effect for FY 2012, orb) seventy
percent of the results of the June 30, 2011 actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities as approval by the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2012-14 biennium (the '`Alternate Rate") provided that, at its option,
the contribution rate may be based on the employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement System
Board of Trustees pursuant to Virginia Code § S 1.1-145(I) resulting from the June 30, 2011 actuarial value of assets
and liabilities (the "Certified Rate"); and
BE TT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County SS i 7l does hereby certify to the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees that it elects to pay the following contribution rate effective July 1, 2012:
(Check only one box)
O The Certified Rate of 12.34% B The Alternate Rate of QQQ'~o; and
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvanis County SS 171 does herby certify to the Virginia
Retirement System Board of Trustees that it has reviewed and understands the information provided by the Virginia
Retirement System outlining the potential future fiscal implications of any election made under the provisions of this
resolution; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the officers of Pittsylvania County 55171 are hereby authorized and directed in the
name of the Pittsylvania County to carry out the provisions of this resolution, and said officers of the Pittsylvania
County ere authorized and directed to pay over to the Treasurer of Virgiria from time to time such sums as are due
to be paid by Pittsylvania County for this purpose. ~\
Governing Body/School Division Chairman
1, tiillia~ D. Sleeper , Cierkofthe Pittsylvania County, certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct copy of a resolution passed at a lawfully organized meeting of the Pittsylvania County held at
~atLa~ ,Virginia at 7:OOya o'clock on !ta 1 , 2012. Given under my hand
seal of the Pittsylvania County this 15 day of May 2012.
This resolution must be passed prior to 7uly i, 2012 and
received by VRS no later than )uly 10, 2012.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
2012 Appropriation Act
Item 468(Fn
Central Appropriations Language
"H.1. Except as authorized in Paragraph H.2. of this Item, rates paid to the VRS on behalf of
employees of participating (i) counties, (ii) cities, (iii) towns, (iv) local public school divisions
(only to the extent that the employer contribution rate is not otherwise specified in this act), and
(v) other political subdivisions shall be based on the higher of a) the contribution rate in effect
for FY 2012, or b) seventy percent of the results of the June 30, 2011 actuarial valuation of assets
and liabilities as approved by We Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2012-14
biennium, eighty percent of the results of the June 30, 2013 actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2014-16
biennium, ninety percent of the results of the June 30, 2015 actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2016-18
biennium, one-hundred percent of the results of the June 30, 2017 actuarial valuation of assets
and liabilities as approved by the Virginia Retirement System Board of Trustees for the 2018-20
2. Rates paid to the VRS on behalf of employees of participating (i) counties, (ii) cities, (iii)
towns, (iv) local public school divisions (only to the extent that the employer contribution rate is
not otherwise specified in this act), and (v) other political subdivisions may, at each participating
employers option, be based on the employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia
Retirement Systmn (VRS) Board of Trustees pursuant to § 51.1-145(n, Code of Virginia.
3. Every participating employer must certify to the board of the Virginia Retirement System by
resolution adopted by its local governing body that it: has reviewed and rmderstands the
information provided by the Virginia Retirement System outlining the potential future fiscal
implications of electing or not electing to utilize the employer contribution rates certified by the
Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Board of Trustees, as provided for in paragraph H.2.
4. Prior to elxtirrg to utilize the employs contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement
System (VRS) Board of Trusters, as authorized in paragraph H.2, local public school divisions
must receive the concurrence of the local governing body. Such concurrence must be
documented by a resolution of the governing body.
5. The board of the Virginia Retirattent System shall provide all employers participating in the
Virginia Retirement System with a summary of the implications inherent in the use of the
employer contribution rates certified by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Board of
Trustees set out in paragraph H.2, and the alternate employer contribution rates set out in
paragraph H.1."
(This amendment allows for the phase-in of the VRS Board-approved employer contribution
rates for local employers over three biennia.)
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve to phasing in the
member contribution over a 5 year period. Employees of Pittsylvania County would receive a 1
salary increase beginning July 1, 2012 in order for them to contribute 1% to the Virginia Retirement
System. This method would continue for the next 5 years until Pittsylvania County employees pay
the entire 5% member contribution. All employees hired by Pittsylvania County after July 1, 2012
Adjot>rtted Meeting
May 15, 2012
will automatically pay the 5% member contribution upon commencement of employment. It is not
an option to phase these individuals in, and approve Resolution 2012-OS-OS, which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of 1VIr. Harville who was absent.
Resolution 2012-05-05
Member Contributions by Salary Reduction for Counties, Cities,
Towns, and Other Political Subdivisions
(In accordance with Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497))
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County S 5171 employees who are Virginia Retirement System
members who commence or recommence employment on or aRer July 1, 2012 ("FY2013 Employees" for
purposes of this resolution), shall be required to contribute five percent of their creditable compensation by
salary reduction pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 414(h) on a pre-tax basis upon commencing or
recommencing employment; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County 55171 employees who are Virginia Retirement System
members and in service on June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute five percent of their creditable
compensation by salary reduction pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 414(h) on a pre-tax basis no later
than July 1, 2016; and
WHEREAS, such employees in service on June 30, 2012, shall contribute a minimum of an
additional one pet+catt of their ca+editabk compensation beginning on each July 1 of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
and 2016, or until the employees' contributions equal five percent of creditable compensation; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County 55171 may elect to require such employees in service on June
30, 2012, to c~tribute more than an additional one percent each year, in whole percentages, until the
employees' contributions equal five percent of creditable compensation; and
WIiEREAS, the second enactment clause of Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497)
roquirts an increase in total creditable compensation, effective July 1, 2012, to each such employee in
service on June 30, 2012, to offset the cost of the member contributions, such increase in total creditable
compensation to be equal to the difference between five percent of the employee's total creditable
compensation and the percentage of the member contribution paid by such employee on January 1, 2012.
BE 1T THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County 55171 does hereby certify to the
Virginia Retirement System Board of Trnstees that it shall effect the implementation of the member
contribution requirements of Chapter 822 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly (SB497) according to the following
schedule for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 (i.e., FY2013):
Type of
Empbyee Employer Paid
Membu Contribution Employee Paid
Member Contribution
Plan 1 4 Yi 1 Ye
Plan 2 4 % l Y•
FY2013 Employees 0•ti SY•
(Note: Each row moat add up to S percent.); and
BE Tf FURTHER RESOLVED, that such contributions, although designated as member
contributions, are to be made by the Pittsylvania County in lieu of member contributions; and
Adjourned Meeting
May I5, 2012
1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pick up member contributions shall be paid from the same
source of funds as used in paying the wages to affected employees; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that member contributions made by the Pittsylvania County under
the pickup arrangement shall be treated for all purposes other than income taxation, including but not limited
to VRS benefits, in the same manner and to the same extent as member contributions made prior to the pick
up arrangement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing herein shall be construed so as to permit or extend an
option to VRS members to receive the pick up contributions made by the Pittsylvania County directly instead
of having them paid to VRS; and
BE PT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notwithstanding any contractual or other provisions, the wages
of each member of VRS who is an employee of the Pittsylvania County shall be reduced by the amount of
member contributions picked up by the Pittsylvania County on behalf of such employee pursuant to the
foregoing resolutions.
NOW, THEREFORE, the officers of Pittsylvania County 55171 are hereby authorized and directed
in the name of the Pittsylvania County to carry out the provisions of this resolution, and said officers of the
Pittsylvania County are authorized and dieoctod to pay over to the Treasurer of Virginia from time to time
such sums as are due to be paid by the Pittsylvania County for this purpo
~~ .
Governing Chairman
I, Niliiaa, D. Sleeper ,Clerk ofthe Pittsylvania County, certify that the
foregoing is a true and correct co y of a resolution passed at a lawfully organized meetin of the
Pittsylvania County held at ~~ ,Virginia at 7'0~ o'clock on ~ ~5
2012. Given under my hand and seal of the Pittsylvania County this 1S day of
~7 , 2012.
Tfiis resolution must be passed prior to duly 1, 2012 and
received by VRS no later than 7uly 10, 2012.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
An Act to amend and reenact § Sl.1-144 ojthe Code of Virginia, re/sting to Virginia Retirement System
employee contribwtions; local employees; school board employees.
[S 497J
Approved April 18, 2012
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That § Sl.1-114 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§ 51.1-144. Member contributions.
A. Each member shall contribute five percent of his creditable compensation for each pay period for
which he receives compeasa~ion.
The employer shall deduct the contribution payable by the member. Every employee accepting
employment shall be deemed to consent and a e to any deductions from his compensation b
required y
this chapter. lie dedr«ian ehaii be Ukee the eea~eeastien of a nmer~nbeE eRet l~ sermel
retiseagsat date i€ the sleets eel to eentAbtitst
B. In determining the creditable compensation of a member in a payroll period, the Board may
consider the rate of compensation payable to the member on the date of entry or removal of his name
from the payroll as having been received throughout We month if service for the month is creditable. If
service for the month is not creditable, the Board may consider any compen.ation payable during the
month as not being creditable compensation.
C. The minimum compensation provided by law for any member shall be reduced by the deduction
required by this section. Except for any benefits provided by this cbapter, Payment of compensation
minus the deduetions shall be a full and complete discharge of aU claims for services rendered by the
member during the period covered by the payment.
D. No deduction shall be made from any member's compensation if the employer's contribution is in
E. The Board may modify the method of collecting the contributions of members so that the
anppayer may tetaia the amounts deducted fiom members' salaries and have a corresponding amount
deducted from state funds otherwise ppaa~abk to the employer.
F. 1. Except as provided is at~iwaren subdivirioru 3 3 and 4, any employer may elect w ppaay ao
equivalent amount in lieu of ali member contributions required of its empbyees. Such payments shall be
credited to the members' contribution account. These contributions shall not be considered wages for
purposes of Chapter 7 (§ 51.1-700 et seq.) of drier titie, nor shall they be considered to be salary for
Purposes of this chapter.
2. A person who becomes a member on or after Jul~r 1, 2010, shall be required to pay member
contributions on a salary reduction basis in accordance wtth § 4I4(h) of the Internal Revemre Code in
the amount of Eve pet+cent of creditable compensation if the person is (i) s member covered by the
defined benefit plan established under this chapter, (ir) a member of the State Police Offices' Retiranent
System under Chapter 2 (§ 51.1-200 et seq.), (iii) a member of the Vt'rgmra Law Officers' Retirement
System under Chapter 2.1 (§ 51.1-211 et seq.), (iv) a member of the Judicial Retirement System under
Chapter 3 (§ 51.1-3300 et seq.), or (v) earning the benefits permitted by § 51.1-138.
Eaeh eeueq, ~ fewer leeai }wblia wheel beart~ of et6sF legal erepiepsr rosy Bleat to ~ an
equivtdeet arneuet ie lieu of tha membaF aen~butieee ragMired of its e>spleyaea dseaei'baA ie this
~ha eetietyr eityr fewer level ~nblia seheei bear$ er etl~ level oreplelrar ~y payr ie
whsle pawaai~asi eP to 4'we ef` 1M aniiiabls eempaeaatiea ethK+wisa ~irad of suet
eeipleyesat A t>!at the da~p~paya rite sexes eF anditable eetstpaeeapse ~'ee all sash
eespleyessr sad ie a~sg all ink eeattsb>Kiena p~~aadeE this seetiee fee ail of its ether
issmbar aeeplepaea PrreE dseaebad in ihie wbdi+weien: lkey Pertsae of iM Eves pwvaeE of ersiitable
eempeesatiea of a psrsee whe bseetese a member ee eF aRaf iaiy ~ ;~A; thst is Bet paid b'Y
t~ ~i'r ~'Ys tewnr lessl pYbiio wheel beard; et: etbsF lssei sanpleys~ ehail bs paid bjr sash Meeen:
alea~p etbeF there a eeueg-t eityr fewer lesal ptiblia ssheei bearbr er ether lessl mepleyse shell
ire alisvr/i ~ nelwt is any aerewit of the mssnbsr aeeti9batiees n of • panes wire bssernes a
anaaibsr ea eE ailsr Ju y~~ ~&
3..f member who is an employee of a county, city town, or other local employer other than a local
public school board, regardless of whether the member is a person who becomes a member on or after
July 1, 1010, shall be regwired to pay member contributions on a salary reduction basis in accordance
with § 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code in the amount of five percent of creditable compensation as
follows: (i) any member who commences or recommences employment on or after July 1, 1012, shall be
required to contribute five percent of his creditable compensation upon commencing or recommencing
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
i 2of2
employment and (ti) members in service on June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute five percent
of their creditable compensation no later than July 1, 2016. Such member described in subdivision ri)
shall contribute a minimum of an additional one percent of his creditable compensation beginning on
each July 1 oj2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, or until the member's contribution equals frve rcent
ojcreditable compensation, but the county, city, town, or other Local employer other than a local rublic
school board may elect to require members to contribute more than on additional one percent each
year, to whole percentages. In no case shall a member be required to contribute more thou five percent
of his creditable compensation for eoch pay period jor which he receives comppensation. No county, city,
town, or other local employer other thou aloco/ public school board shall be allowed to elect to pay
any amount ojmember contributions except to pay the d~erenee between frve percent and the employee
contribution during the phase-in period described in this subdivision jor a member who was in service
on June 30, 2012.
4. A member who is an employee of a local public school board, regardless of whether the member
rs a person who becomes a member on or aJler July 1, ZO10, dull be required to pay member
contributions on a salary reduction basis in accordance with § 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code in
the amount of frve percent of creditable compensation as follows: (i) any member who commences or
recommences employment on or ajler July 1, 2012, shall be required to contribute five percent of his
creditable compensation upon commencing or recommencing loyment and (ii) members in service on
June 30, 2012, shall be required to contribute frve ppeerrccent o~their credltable conepentation no Toter
than July 1, 2016. Such member described in subdivision (ti) shall contribute a minimum of on
additional one percent of his creditable compensation begrnning on each July 1 of 2012, 2013, 1014,
201 S, and 2016, or until the member's contribution egaals five percent of creditable compensation, but
the local public school board employer may elect to require members to contribute more than an
' additional one percent each year, in whole percentages. In no case shall a member be required to
contribute more than frve percent off' his creditable eompenration jor each pay period for which he
receives compensation. No local public school board employer shall be allowed to elect to pay any
amount of member contributions except to pay the di rend between frve percent and the employee
contribution during the phase-tn period described in thls subdivision for a member who was in service
on June 30, 2012.
3: S. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or other law, only those employers who
were haying member contributions as of February 1, 2010, may pay mea-ber contributions. The
vistoos of this subdivision shall not apply to a county, city, town, local public school board, or other
..local employer.
!; G. Subjoot sa sbe previsieae of sxbeeetien pr aey oestieyor lvhees etnpleyese errs t~bsr
' eea~ibntises ie the ~etieement ea a salary tralnNiea baste ie sseeraaees witk 41!4Ela e€ tM
bstereel Itsvsnas 6sds tgay ~ tM psyetent ef` tbs tnernboF seelributieea ea behsif of ire
anpleyeee rrpee eetr1'isatiea to tM $eard of tAo sedpleyarta inhet to make swab po}4eoeta< ~Ae $eard
the ~ of tbs lisle bg which tlts phae-is shall bs eeetpieteA net to exceed oia bears #~
~. fey se~leyar tbatr ieaointtee Sewreiag bsdyr sisets to ire retiFSeseet eewrsge £er
its easpleyeee m aeeerdaaee wills f 31:1- }30 en eF sf~ Sspteasber ~ ~ spew ito srhpleyseo ie
}-ay t eetNn~t6eae sB the eetiteroeat oyetmx BB a eaku~y tealnetien basis i$ aeeer~aees will,
§ 4~ of tbs letnaai Itevea>is Cis in lien of payieS tbs nrembsE eeat~uliett ea behalf of its
e®pleysee in aeserdaeee with lhs ptevisiees of ettbas~iea I~:
The Board may develop procedures to effect the transfer of mtmber contributions paid by
employers on or after July 1, 1980, and accrued interest on those contributions, to the member
contribution account of the member, if such contributions have been previously deposited into the
retirement allowance account of the employer.
2. That soy county, city, town, local peb8c school board, or other local employer that currently
j pays any portioe of member eontribationa to the Virginia Retirement System that the member wW
be responsible for paying pnnnant to the provisions o[ this act shall provide ere increa:c ie total
creditable compensatbn, eRectlve Jnly i, 2012, to each affected member who was in servke on
Jnae 30, 2012, to offset the coat of the member cseMbotions. Such incrtiase ie toW creditable
~ compensatbe Btall be equal to the difference between five percent of an empbyee's toW
creditable compeeatioe and the percentage of the member coatribntion paW by the local member
on January 1, 2012. If a county, dry, town, h-cal peblk scltooi board, or other local employer
deers to phase is the member contribndoes pnrwant is anbdivhfioe F 3 or F 4 of § Sl.1-144 of the
Code of Virginia, the increase in total creditable compeesatbn may also be phased ie at the same
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Hagerman,for the Board of Supervisors to
review Chapter 21, under Section 21-8; Enforcement of Rates, Chazges, and Fees, and request that
the Pittsylvania County Service Authority implement the statutory connection costs to all the
homeowners along the proposed azeas of extended water and sewer service. This would require the
homeowners to either hook-up to the system or to pay the price as if they were hooked-up to the
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
system, and would become effective for future residential waterlines, which was unanimously
approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Bazksdale, to reappoint the Reverend
John Clazk for a second 3-yeaz term on the Southern Area Agency on Aging, with the new term
beginning July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the
exception of Mr. Harville, who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded Mr. Hagerman, to reappoint Mr. Donnie Stevens
for a second 2-year term to the Dan River Small Business Development Center Boazd of Directors
with his new term beginning July 1, 2012 -June 30, 2014, which was unanimously approved by the
Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to withdraw the postponing of
Item 14, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville who
was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to send the name of Eugene
Jackson to the Danville City Council for consideration of re-appointment to the Danville Regional
Airport Board of Directors, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of
Mr. Harville who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to appoint Ms. Gracie Mays to
represent the Tunstall District on the Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Boazd of Directors
to serve a 3-year term beginning July 1, 2012 -June 30, 2015, which was unanimously approved by
the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville who was absent.
Board Announcements
Mr. Ecker reminded everyone of the candlelight service for the Peace Officers Memorial to
be held May 17, 2012.
Ms. Bowman reminded everyone of her town hall meeting at the Twin Springs Elementary
School on May 31, 2012 at 7pm; and of the Flag Dedication by the American Legion for the
Chatham Train Depot on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
Mr. Hagerman reminded everyone of the Gretna Festival on May 26, 2012.
Mr. Snead reminded the County staff to make sure the Boazd is notified when Williams
Pipeline holds their public hearing in July.\; and of the Chamber Picnic for the following Tuesday.
Closed Meetine
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to enter into Closed Session for:
Closed Session: Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry
or the expansion of an existing business or industry, where no previous
announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in
locating or expanding its facilities in the community.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(5) of the Code of Virginia,1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Industry 12011-08-08
Purpose: Discussion of Incentives
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent and the Board entered Closed Session at 9:56pm.
Adjourned Meeting
May 15, 2012
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to re-enter Open Session.
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on May 15, 2012 the Boazd hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each
boazd member's knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting
requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing
the closed meeting were heazd, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any member
believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state prior to the
vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the
Mazshall A. Ecker Yes
Brenda H. Bowman Yes
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Coy E. Harville Absent
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Bazksdale Yes
Tim R. Bazber Yes
Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent.
The Board re-entered Open Session at 10:15pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to authorize the County
Administrator to apply for Tobacco Grant Funds and for Governor Opportunity Funds for industry
12011-08-08, which was unanimously approved by the Boazd with the exception of Mr. Harville
who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Snead, which was unanimously approved
by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:52pm.
Board of Supervisors
Children at Play signs-Hodnett Road
Watch for Children Sign
Mr. Sleeper
The Honorable Brenda Bowman has requested a resolution be sent to the Virginia Department of
Transportation (VDOT) for Watch for Children signs on Waller Lane.
Attached hereto you will find the required resolution requesting VDOT place Watch for Children signs on
Waller Lane.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration and approval.
WHEREAS, the 1997 session of the General Assembly amended the Code of
Virginia with the addition of Section 33.1-210.2 which allows the installation of "Watch
for Children" signs; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors has received a request
from the residents of Waller Lane (State Road 839) in the Chatham-Blalrs District; one
sign to be place on the beginning of Waller Lane at its entry off of SR 41/Franklin
Turnpike, on the right side of the highway between E911 addressing 264 Waller Lane
and 306 Waller Lane, and the second sign to be placed at the opposite end of Waller
Lane, on the left side of the highway, across from E911 addressing 748 Waller Lane; for
the installation of these signs that would be approximately 1.8 miles apart; and
WHEREAS, a review of this azea indicates that it meets the criteria set forth by
the Virginia Department of Transportation,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Boazd
of Supervisors does hereby request the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of
Transportation to use funds from the Secondary Construction Budget to install "Watch
for Children" signs at the above noted location.
Given under my hand this 4th day of June 2012.
Tim R. Barber, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Amend Resolution 2012-02-02: No Thru Trucks on
SR640; (Wazds Road); SR633 (Clover Road); and
SR633 (Stone Road) in the Staunton River District
Amendment to Resolution 2012-02-02
Mr. Sleeper; Mr. Sides
At the February 6, 2012 meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors, the Boazd held the required
public hearing for citizen input to establish an additional no through truck restriction on roads in the Staunton
River District to stop Semi-tractor trailer trucks hauling mostly wood chips from cutting through to the Power
Plant on narrow county roads. The intent was to stop trucks crossing the Manson bridge into Pittsylvania
County and using either Wazds Road, Clover Road, or Stone Mill Road to get to Grit Road. The County
Roads are very narrow and curvy. This creates a danger to passenger vehicles and school buses using these
roads. The county already received restrictions on Blue Ridge Drive, however trucks aze now looking for
other routes on narrow county roads. A reasonable alternate is to follow Gladys Road, State Road 699, in
Campbell County to U.S. Route 29 Wazds road, then south to Route 712 exit at A1taVista, then on to
Business 29 Main Street, to Pittsylvania Avenue, then East onto State Route 668 Grit Road.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) noted concerns from Campbell County and the Town of
Altavista with adding their portion of SR 640 into the truck route restriction request. (See attached email).
Furthermore, VDOT has asked for supplement documents, and that Pittsylvania County amend Resolution
2012-02-02 by inserting specific documentation into the resolution (see attached draft of Resolution 2012-02-
Staff recommends the Boazd of Supervisors approve the amendment to Resolution 2012-02-02 and submit it
along with other requested documents to VDOT, and authorize the County Administrator to contact
Campbell County staff to begin discussion on reaching an agreement concerning the alternate truck route that
travels through Campbell County.
Rebecca Flippen
From: Harter, Gerry (VDOT) [Gerry.Harter@vdot.virginia.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:38 AM
To: Greg Sides
Cc: Rebecca Flippen; Conner, Matthew L., P.E. (VDOT); Austin Sr., Donald L. (VDOT); Guercia,
Robert F.,P.E. (VDOT); Martin, Kenneth C. (VDOT)
Subject: RE: Truck Routes -Pittsylvania County -Altavista
Don Austin had a preliminary conversation with Campbell County staff regarding this. Based on this conversation,
Campbell County had concerns with adding their portion of 640 into the truck route restriction request. Based on my
understanding, their reasoning was that when the Mansion Bridge was improved, Campbell County participated in the
funding to widen the bridge and approaches to actually accommodate trucks to/from the power plant. If there is a desire
to push this forward with Campbell County, Pittsylvania County would need to do so at this stage. As of now, VDOT
would have to deny the resolution for 633 and 640 due to the reasons stated in number 4 below.
Regarding what else Pittsylvania needs to do to correct the truck route restriction resolution, I offer the following from my
May 215 email to you:
....Based on VDOT's "Procedures for Considering Requests for Restricting Through Trucks on Primary and Secondary
Highways", we are still in need of the following information:
1. A copy of all Public Notices regarding the truck route restrictions.
2. A transcript of the public hearing discussing and ultimately approving the truck route restriction resolutions.
3. Language in the Resolution stating that "[Pittsylvania County] will use its good offices for enforcement of the
proposed restriction by the appropriate local law enforcement agency." We discussed that this additional
language was not in the original resolutions but could be amended by the Board through another regular meeting.
4. The resolution as written for Routes 633 and 640 is somewhat problematic as the alternative route provided does
not have the same termini as the routes themselves. Also, since both of these proposed truck route restrictions
start at the County line, there is no logical area for a tractor trailer to tum around. As we discussed, the portion of
Route 640 in Campbell County would also need to be a part of this truck route restriction in order for it to be
We are going to go ahead and move forward with our counts, even though Campbell may not be totally on board with
this. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks.
eerr~ 1-tartcr, p.e. Pro6
Area/District Traffic Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation
4219 Campbell Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Office: 434-856-8211
Fax: 434-947-2465
From: Greg Sides [mailto:Grea.Sides@pi~gov.Qral
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:59 AM
To: Harter, Gerry (VDOT)
Cc: Rebecca Flippen
Subject: Truck Routes -Pittsylvania County -Altavista
I attended the meeting in Altavista when the County's request about truck restrictions to the power plant was discussed.
Our Board Clerk has told me that Mr. Ecker wants this topic added to our next Board of Supervisors meeting so that our
previous resolution can be revised. I am not completely familiar with all aspects of this project, can you tell me what
revisions Pittsylvania County needs to make to our truck traffic resolution to make it more correct and accurate?
I also recall that a resolution is needed from Campbell County. I believe VDOT was going to make the contact with
Campbell County. Do we need to take any action requesting a resolution from Campbell?
I decided to a-mail these questions to give you time to check your files, rather than hitting you cold on the phone. If you
need to discuss, please feel free to give me a call. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Greg Sides Tel. (434) 432-7974
Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development Faa. (434) 432-7714
County Administration Gree.SidesCa~pittgov.org
21 iYarth Main Street
`~,r -\.:°~. • f Chatham, VA
~~.. VIRGINIAe 24531
Any a-mail or other correspondence sent to a member of the Board of Supervisors, or any other public official and/or employee of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (the
'County), in the transaction of public business, is considered a public record, and such recorr/s aria subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act ('VA
FOIA'1. This means that Virginia law generally requires the County to provide a copy of any such a-mail, upon request, for inspection and copying to any atizen of
the Commonwealth, or to any member of the news media, unless lawfully exempted from production/disctosure under VA FOIA. If you have received this email or
any attachments in error, please notify the sender immediately at (434) 432-771)0, and by reply email, and delete this email and any attachments to it from your in-
box, sent items, and deleted items. Thank you.
v~~~- ^
VIRGINIA: At a regulaz meeting of the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors on Monday,
February 6, 2012 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse
Addition the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, numerous citizens have complained to the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors about heavy truck traffic, particulazly wood chip trucks, using State Route 640
(Wazds Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State Route 633 (Clover Road) and State Route
633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching State Route 668 (Grit Road) to gain access
to the Dominion Power Plan at Hurt; and
WHEREAS, the citizens requested that the Boazd of Supervisors consider "No Thru
Truck" signs on these roads in order to improve the safety and welfaze of the community, protect
the children and school buses on the road and reduce the potential of serious accidents on these
secondary roads; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors held a public hearing on
Monday, February 6, 2012 to receive citizen input on the consideration of "No Thru Trucks" on
State Route 640 (Wards Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State Route 633 (Clover Road)
and State Route 633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching State Route 668 (Grit
Road) with an alternate utilizing U.S. Route 29; and
WHEREAS, the Boazd held a public hearing on Monday, February 6, 2012, in
accordance with Section 46.2-809 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and received the
required citizen input and has recommended an alternate to the Commonwealth of Virginia; and
WHEAREAS, Pittsylvania County will use its good offices for enforcement of the
proposed restrictions by the appropriate local law enforcement agency; and
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors,
requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to place truck restrictions and "No Thru
Truck" traffic signs on State Route 640 (Wazds Road) beginning at Manson Bridge to State
Route 633 (Clover Road) and State Route 633 (Stone Road) from Manson Bridge until reaching
State Route 668 (Grit Road) in Pittsylvania County with a primary alternate of continuing on
State Route 699 (Gladys Road) to RT 29 (Wazds Road); RT29 South to the northern most exit
for Altavista, RT 712 then South on BUS 29, come back through town to Pittsylvania Avenue
and turn east onto State Route 668 (Grit Road); restriction should be on any truck or truck and
trailer or semi-trailer combination, except pickup or panel trucks, or solid waste trucks
performing their duties; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwazded to the
Lynchburg District Office of the Virginia Department of Transportation and to Dominion Power.
Given under my hand this 4~' day of June, 2012.
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
vEw sL sivESs
Board of Supervisors
AGENDA TITLE: 6-04-12 6
Expenditure Refunds-Requires a motion and a 10-day ACTION:
layover Yes
Budget Amendment for expenditure refunds
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
Attached is a list of expenditure refunds for the month of May, 2012 for review. As discussed eazlier with
the Boazd, the simple routine of putting every refund back in the budget is extremely time consuming and
leaves room for errors. To stay in balance with the Treasurer, we need to reappropriate refunds into the
budget so the budget would increase with every expenditure refund.
Staff recommends the reappropriation of funds as follows: $1,260.00 to Circuit Court Clerk-Part-time (100-
4-021600-1300), $1,169.48 to Sheriff-Service Contracts (I00-4-031200-3320), $351.65 to Sheriff-
Subsistence & Lodging (100-4-031200-5530), $6,568.13 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $4,840.71 to
Sheriff-Labor (100-4-031200-6031), $67.20 to Fire Mazshal-Training & Education (100-4-031700-5540),
$1,222.29 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $292.52 to E911-Service Contracts (100-4-035500-3320),
$708.74 to B&G-Service Contracts (100-4-043100-3320), $7,324.11 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353160-5420).
* T ~`~
Finance Department * ~
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531 * * o * *
* ~
~. X787 1
MEMO TO: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
FROM: Kim Van Der Hyde ~~
Finance Director
SUBJECT: May Expenditure Refunds
DATE: June 1, 2012
Phone (434) 432-?740
Fax (434) 432-??46
Gretna/Hart (434) 656-6211
Bachelors Hall/WhitmeII (434) 79?-9550
The list below shows all expenditure refunds that were sent to the Finance Department
during the month of May. I am recommending that all of the following expenditure
refunds be reappropriated by the Board of Supervisors:
100-4-021600-1300 Circuit Court Clerk-Part-time 1,260.00
State Reimbursement
100-4-031200-3320 Sheriff-Service Contracts 1,169.48
100-4-031200-5530 Sheriff-Subsistence & Lodging 351.65
100-4-031200-6030 Sheriff-Parts 6,568.13
Insurance Reimbursement/Restitution
100-4-031200-6031 Sheriff-Labor 4,840.71
Insurance Reimbursement
100-4-031700-5540 Fire Marshal-Training & Education 67.20
100-4-033100-5550 Jail-Extradition 1,222.29
100-4-035500-3320 E911-Service Contracts 292.52
100-4-043100-3320 B&G-Service Contracts 708.74
251-4-353160-5420 WIA-Rent 7,324.11
Rent Payments
Board of Supervisors
Jail -Appropriation of Additional Fund for Boazding
of External of Prisoners - Requires a motion and a
10-day layover
Appropriation of additional funds for boarding of
external prisoners
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
It is the responsibility of the County to house prisoners in the County operated Jail. When this is not
possible, prisoners are boazded in other facilities and the County is billed for these chazges. A total of
$500,000 was budgeted for Boazding of External Prisoners in the FY 2012 budget.
Because the Pittsylvania County Jail is overpopulated, the County has had no other option but to house the
overflow prisoners in other facilities. A total of $585,812.50 has been spent for the boarding of prisoners in
external facilities through May 31, 2012, exceeding the budget currently by $85,812.50. It is anticipated that
we will spend an additional $139,187.50 for the month of June. Therefore, a total of $225,000.00 of
additional funds aze needed to cover this anticipated overage.
Staff recommends that the Boazd amend the Jail's budget and approve an appropriation of $225,000 from
Unappropriated Surplus to line item 100-4-033100-3174 (Boarding of Prisoners-External). REQUIRES A
Board of Supervisors
6-04-12 8
Jail -Appropriation of Additional Fund of Funds
Received - Requires a motion and a 10-day layover ACTION: INFORMATION:
Appropriation of additional funds received by the ACTION: INFORMATION:
Sheriff's Department and Jail
Sleeper, VanDerHyde
The Jail has pay phones that are located in the facility for inmates to use. These pay phones generate a profit
that is returned to the General Fund. The total received this fiscal year for Jail-Telephone Commissions is
In addition to these funds, jail deputies as well as sheriff's deputies work extra assigned duty assignments
that aze billed by the County for their work. These funds aze deposited into the General Fund and the monies
aze used to offset the overtime chazged for these assignments. Currently, a total of $27,097.13 has been
received that has not yet been appropriated for expenditure.
The funds discussed above have been used by the Jail in the past to balance their yeaz-end budget. Therefore,
a total of $29,425.68 needs to be appropriated to the Jail's telephone line item (100-4-033100-5230) and
$27,097.13 needs to be appropriated to the Jail's overtime line item (100-4-033100-1200).
Staff recommends that the Boazd amend the Jail's budget and approve a total appropriation of $56,522.81 as
Board of Supervisors
Departmental Transfers
Approval of transfer from the Court Service Unit
Budget to the Building and Grounds Budget
i Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
The Court Service Unit (CSU) contacted the Building & Grounds department concerning replacement of the
carpet in the CSU office because the existing carpet is frayed and is posing a safety issue. The CSU
coordinator said that they were willing to use money in their budget to cover the expense of the carpet since
she knew that additional monies would be available in the Outreach budget line item. The Building and
Grounds department does not have sufficient funds to cover the cost of carpet replacement. The estimated
cost for this project is $6,500.00. Because this transfer is between two departments, it requires Board
Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a transfer of $6,500 from the CSU Outreach line
item (100-4-033300-3183) to Building & Grounds Repairs and Maintenance line item (100-4-043100-3310).
Board of Supervisors
Librazy Transfers
Approval of librazy transfer from the Memorial Gifts
Fund to the Librazy local budget
Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
Attached is a list of transfers approved by the Boazd of Trustees for the Librazy at their May 24, 2012
meeting. Because this transfer is requesting funds be moved from the Memorial Gift Fund to the Library
local budget, the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors must approve this request.
Staff recommends that the Boazd of Supervisors approve the attached transfers, which includes a transfer of
$1,975.57 from the Memorial Gift Fund to the Library local budget.
FY 2011-2012
MAY 2012
NOTE: Approved by the Library Board of Trustees at their May 24, 2012 meeting.
To be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval at their
next meeting.
Transfer funds to accounts where needed:
100-4-073100-1100 FR Salaries (3,273.83)
100-4-073100-1300 P/T Salaries 1,335.70
100-4-073100-2100 FICA 895.22
100-4-073100-2210 VRS (486.90)
100-4-073100-2600 Unemployment Ins (360.76)
100-4-073100-3171 Emp Cont Gen 203.00
100-4-073100-3600 Advertising (100.00)
100-4-073100-5110 Electricity 300.00
100-4-073100-5120 Heating Fuels 1,750.00
100-4-073100-5130 Water 8~ Sewer 100.00
100-4-073100-5230 Telephone (1,000.00)
100-4-073100-5420 Rental of Buildings 1,800.00
100-4-073100-5500 Travel 1,400.00
100-4-073100-5540 Training & Education 128.73
100-4-073100-5840 Awards & Certificates 105.00
100-4-073100-6003 Furniture 8~ Fixtures 760.77
100-4-073100-6005 Janitorial Supplies (350.00)
100-073100-6008 Fuels-Vehicle (1000.00)
100-4-073100-6030 Serv Costs -Parts (3851.50)
100-4-073100-6031 Serv Costs -Labor (331.00)
265-4-073310-6012 Memorial Gift Fund 1975.57
265-4-073320-3310 Rep 8~ Maint -Off Equip 696.00
265-4-073320-3320 Serv Cont Off Equip (696.00)
11,449.99 (11,449.99}
0.00 0.00
PREPARED BY:Susan Harbrook
Board of Supervisors
Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) Repayment
Discussion and decision concerning the School
Boazd's responsibility in repaying monies due to the
Commonwealth of Virginia based on the CSA audit
Sleeper, Van Der Hyde
The County is responsible for repaying the Commonwealth of Virginia a total of $2.5 million over a 10 yeaz
period based on an audit of the CSA program conducted by the Auditor of Public Accounts in 2011.
Repayment of these funds in the amount of $250,000 annually began in this fiscal yeaz and was withheld
from our most recent draw of CSA funds.
Currently, Pittsylvania County owes Pittsylvania County Schools a reimbursement of CSA expenditures in
the amount of $1,050,326.56. Since Pittsylvania County has already made the first payment to the State
regazding the CSA audit, the Boazd of Supervisors needs to determine if they plan on sharing this liability
with the School Board or if they plan on covering 100% of this repayment
The Boazd needs to consider the level of responsibility the School Board has concerning repayment of CSA
monies to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Board of Supervisors
Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program-Articles of 06-04-2012
Agreement Resolution
Watch for Children Sign ACTION:
Mr. Sleeper
The Counties of Pittsylvania, Franklin, Henry, and Patrick, and the Cities of Danville and Martinsville
participate with the Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP), who provides services to the courts
of these localities, and develops programming and alcohol service delivery mechanisms that will primarily
serve to substantially reduce the number of highway hazards and accidents from the consumption of alcohol
and drugs.
Attached hereto you will find an Articles of Agreement Resolution that each subdivision with the Dan River
ASAP is being asked to approve by resolution, and submit to Dan River ASAP. (see attached).
Staff recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the Articles of Agreement Resolution #2412-06-43,
authorize the Chairman to sign on behalf of the County, and forward the resolution to Dan River ASAP.
Dan River
t_ ~ '
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L_~ ~~
May 9, 2012
Safety Action Program
County of Pittsylvania
William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
PO Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
RE: Dan River ASAP Articles of Agreement
Deaz Mr. Sleeper:
135 East Market Street
Martinsville, VA 24112
(276) 632-6303
(2761632-6304 fax
'~i il; Ijl
~' ~; MAY ~ ~'~ ~ `'
~~ 4 2012 + ',~
~- ~ rtJ
~~ j~
Attached are the Articles of Agreement concerning Dan River Alcohol Safety Action
Program, also known as Dan River ASAP.
The City of Martinsville through letter of confirmation dated June 20, 2011 agreed to
serve as Fiscal Agent for Dan River ASAP. The Dan River ASAP Policy Board
members at their quarterly meeting on September 26, 2011 approved the amended
Articles of Agreement to read such (third paragraph).
Each political subdivision concurring with these Articles of Agreement and desiring
representation on the Policy Board of the Dan River ASAP, should indicate their
approval of these Articles of Agreement by Adoption of a resolution, a copy of which
should be signed by the appropriate subdivision and submitted to Dan River ASAP.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Y ,
Executive Director
Attachment: (1)
Serving the cities of Danville and Martinsville, and the counties of Franklin, Henry, Patrick and Pittsylvania
These proposed Articles of Agreement are between the City of Danville, City of
Martinsville, County of Franklin, County of Henry, County of Patrick, County of Pittsylvania,
and Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program, or any combination of the above-listed political
subdivisions approving these Articles, along with Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program,
hereinafter referred to as Dan River ASAP.
WHEREAS, Dan River ASAP came into existence by resolution of the City Council of
Danville, Virginia, under the provisions §18.2-271.1, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and
WHEREAS, The City of Martinsville, Virginia, has agreed to be cash flow agency
(fiscal agent) for Dan River ASAP; and
WHEREAS, Dan River ASAP provides services to the courts of the City of Danville and
City of Martinsville, County of Franklin, County of Henry, County of Patrick, and County of
Pittsylvania, and develops programming and alcohol service delivery mechanisms that will
primarily serve to substantially reduce the number of highway hazards and accidents resulting
from the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
WHEREAS, A Policy Board is established to govern and operate the Dan River ASAP,
1. A Policy Boazd of the Dan River ASAP shall be established whose purpose shall
be to develop and implement operational and personnel policies of the program in
keeping with the needs of the Courts, as they relate to drinking drivers, first time
drug offenders, and such other ancillary programs as may be approved by the
Boazd and necessitated by statutory changes of the Code of Virginia. The Policy
Boazd shall develop and adopt a set of by-laws for the Boazd to conduct the
business of Dan River ASAP as it serves the 21St & 22°d Judicial Districts; and
Articles of Agreement
Page 2
2. Appointees to serve as members of the Policy Board may be designated by each
political subdivision approving these Articles of Agreement. Each political
subdivision, after approving these Articles of Agreement, may appoint up to two
(2) members to the Policy Boazd, each to serve a three year term, with each
succeeding re-appointed member to serve a three year term; and
3. District Court Judges within the geographical area of the 21S` and 22"d Judicial
Districts may be members of the Policy Board; and
4. Ex-officio member of the Policy Board shall be the Dan River ASAP Director;
The Policy Boazd of Dan River ASAP shall be and is empowered to employ the
Director of Dan River ASAP; implement personnel and operations policies for
Dan River ASAP in keeping with the provisions of the Commission on VASAP
Policy and Procedure Manual; develop and submit annual operational budgets for
the Dan River ASAP; solicit bids and execute contracts for services and in general
tend to the physical, financial and actual operation of Dan River ASAP. The
Policy Boazd shall be and is empowered to delegate such powers as it deems
necessary and/or advisable to the Director of the Dan River ASAP; and
6. Dan River ASAP shall be self-supporting or draw funds from Federal or State
grant funds in such manner as to insure there is, and will be, no fmancial liability
to any participating political subdivision; and
7. The Policy Board may also select members for the Policy Board from among
professional groups such as law enforcement, educational, medical and/or civic
groups concerned with highway safety; and
8. These Articles of Agreement shall remain in force until specifically revoked or
canceled by participating jurisdictions approving these Articles of Agreement.
Each political subdivision concurring with these Articles of Agreement and desiring to be
represented on the Policy Boazd of the Dan River ASAP should indicate their approval of these
Articles of Agreement by adoption of a resolution, a copy of which should be signed by the
appropriate subdivision and submitted to the regional office of Dan River ASAP.
Revisions approved by the Dan River ASAP Policy Board on
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tim R. Bazber, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors
Board of Supervisors
Sheriff sOffice -Wellness Program -Phase III
Sole Source Award
Sole Source Award
Mr. Sleeper, Sheriff Taylor, Ms. Meeks
In 2009 the Sheriff implemented Phase I of the Employee Wellness Program. The Jail Nurse conducted an
EKG and drew blood samples from the employees that had volunteered to participate in the program. The
Board awarded Phase II to Piedmont Prime Care/Centra Health for the medical and physical therapist
screenings to be sure the employees could participate in strenuous activities. It also included the screening of
the blood samples and reviewing the EKG and physical capability assessment per job description.
We are now ready to implement Phase III of the program. This will include the Functional Movement
Screen, body composition analysis, and a physical injury risk analysis using the Y-balance test. FMS
(Functional Movement Systems) is the sole provider in the Pittsylvania County area of the FMS Pro software
system, which will deliver personalized exercise programs in both paper and electronic format. This is the
results phase of our program where as overall health and conditioning will be seen and data analysis
recordings of each participant tracted. Data and performance measurements will allow for future application
for continued employee wellness related goals.
Attached is a letter from Functional Movement Systems stating that they are the sole provider in the
Pittsylvania County area. A quote is attached from FMS for a total cost of $17,370 for Phase III of the
Sheriff's Office Employee Wellness Program.
$9,000 is available in the Byrne/JAG Grant (Rapid Deployment Team), line item 250-4.031741-3163
Consultants. The balance of $8,370 will be charged to the Sheriff's Local Budget -line item 100-4.031200-
311520 Wellness Program. That line item currently has a balance of $9,231.
Executive Summary
Sheriffs Wellness Program -Phase III -Sole Source
Page 2
The staff recommends that the Board award the contract to FMS (Functional Movement Systems) at a total
cost of $17,370, as a sole source.
~ ,
Functional Movement Systems
May 10, 2012
Donna Meeks, Purchasing Manager
Pittsylvania County Finance Department
21 North Main Street
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, VA 24531
Functional Movement Systems (FMS) is the creator of The Functional Movement
Screen, which is a testing system used by professional athletes, military and many other
high level organizations in their effort to improve performance and reduce injury risk This
system has been trademarked and should only be implemented by exercise professionals
who have become certified in the Functional Movement Screen. Functional Movement
Systems will be offering functional testing through the Functional Movement Screen, body
composition analysis, and a physical injury risk analysis using the Y-balance test FMS is
the sole provider in the Pittsylvania County area of the FMS Pro software system, which
will deliver personalized exercise programs to the Sheriffs Office Personnel in both paper
and electronic format At the end of the program, each Sheriff will be retested in order to
show any progress that has been made.
Lee Burton, PhD, ATC, CSCS
May 10, 2012
Proposal Outline for Pittsylvania County Sheriffs Department
Wellness and Fitness Program
History and Description:
Functional Movement Systems (FMS) was formed in 1999 to improve the overall scope of
rehabilitation, injury prevention, and performance enhancement in active individuals. FMS
works to achieve these goals providing education and consulting services to a wide variety
of professional organizations and individuals. Currently, FMS consults with industrial,
collegiate sports organizations, and clinics over several states.
Services that can be provided:
Functional Movement Systems currently has the capability to provide movement screening,
body composition, wellness and exercise program design as well as an exercise facility for
the employees of the Pittsylvania County Sheriffs Department. Movement screening is an
advanced physical assessment that provides an individual exercise program for each
employee. It specifically identifies physical weakness and flexibility problems that could
actually increase potential injury risk.
Current research shows that a fitness level alone is not the best indicator of injury in active
occupations. Flexibility issues, balance issues, alignment and postural issues all play
important roles in overall fitness. Movement screening targets early indicators of future
musculoskeletal injury and incorporates the remedies for these into the exercise and
fitness program.
Functional Movement Systems also has a computerized body composition machine, which
presents the most cutting-edge technology to assess percentage of body weight and muscle
ratios in exercise participants. Body mass index charts are inaccurate and sometimes
inconsistent whereas body composition tracks the amount of fat and muscle. This can give
important direction and indicators to help target fitness goals toward reducing fat or
adding muscle based on this scientific data.
Body composition testing is a more thorough way to look at exercise benefits for
Pittsylvania County employees as often gaining muscle and losing fat does not indicate an
overall weight loss although the percentage of body fat could fall drastically without a
change in overall body weight The body composition testing and movement screen will
allow the physical therapist, athletic trainer and exercise professionals at Functional
Movement Systems to individualize a program for each Pittsylvania County employee. At
this point, each employee will receive an orientation to the facility as well as an individual
P.0 Box 911 Chatham, YA 24531 Phony: 434.432-3677 F~ 434-432-3367
program and to meet the staff. From that point, they will be put on auser-friendly program.
Although we will not provide personal training services, our staff is accessible to them
during their workouts. Their workouts will be presented to them in a file format and all
exercises will be documented on sheets both with verbal instructions and photographs.
In the event that screening reveals a musculoskeletal problem, Functional Movement
Systems will quickly advise the employee about appropriate action and no extra fee will be
incurred as this is a benefit of the wellness program. if physical therapy or orthopedic
consultations are needed, we can help facilitate those arrangements if necessary.
Goals of Program:
• Enhance Understanding and increase awareness in the areas of Health and Fitness
• Increase Performance and Durability in individuals
• Reduce the Risk for injury and costs related to injuries
Program Fees:
Functional Movement Screen $75/person
Computerized Body Composition test: $15/person
Use of FMS Facility fee per person $25 jmonth
Proposal Total:
Functional Movement Screen (30 individuals x $75) $ 2,250.00
Computerized Body composition (48 individuals x $15) $ 720.00
Gym membership (48 individuals x $25/mo x 12 months) $14,400.00
TOTAL $17,370.00
Lee Burton, PhD, ATC, CSCS
P.0 Box 911 Chatham. YA 24531 Phony. 434.432-36T7 Faoc 434.432-33b7
Board of Supervisors
Applications for Committees -New Boazd Policy
New Program
The Honorable Brenda Bowman, representative from the Chatham-Blairs District, has requested that an
application process be instituted by the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors for citizens of Pittsylvania
County to make application for positions open for politican appointment to committees, boards and
commission of Pittsylvania County.
Attached hereto aze proposals that were re-drafted from the City of Danville's application process for the
Boazd of Supervisors to approve concerning citizen application for appointed positions.
In addition, the Honorable Brenda Bowman has presented the issue of whether or not should be with no pay.
This would require the Boazd of Supervisors to consider establishing ordinances that set up the definitions of
pay or no pay, similaz to the Boazd of Supervisors' Chapter 22- Compensation for the Boazd of Supervisors,
of the Pittsylvania County Code.
Staff submits this for the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and approval.
Mr. Sleeper vP~
Serve on a Board or Commission
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, is pleased to provide you with a guide to the County's
boards and commissions. It is hoped the information will be helpful and encourage you to
share your talents and abilities through participation in County Government by volunteer
service on a County board or commission.
If you aze interested in serving on a board or commission, please complete the Boazds and
Commissions Application. For additional information about the appointment process,
please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at (434) 432-7710.
Current Boards and Commissions
Dan River Alcohol Safety Action Program
Dan River Small Business Development Center
Danville Community College Boazd of Trustees
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Policy and Management Board
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Board
Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority
Pittsylvania County Agricultural Development Board
Pittsylvania County Beautification Committee
Pittsylvania County Board of Assessors
Pittsylvania County Building Code Board of Appeals
Pittsylvania County Community Action Boazd
Pittsylvania County Industrial Development Authority
Pittsylvania County Planning Commission
Pittsylvania County Public Library Board
Pittsylvania County Road Viewers
Pittsylvania County Service Authority
Pittsylvania County Social Services Boazd
Roanoke River Basin Association
Southern Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Tri-County Lake Administrative Commission
West Piedmont Planning District Commission
I am interested in serving on an Authority, Board, Commission or Committee as follows:
1st Choice
2nd Choice
(First); (MiddleiMaiden); (Last)
Home Address:
(StreetJNumber); (City); (Zip); (Telephone)
Are you a registered voter in Pittsylvania County? Yes
present address?
Electoral District:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Highest Education Received:
Civic Activities: (offices held, honors, etc.)
Present Place of Employment:
No Length of time at
Business Address:
(Street/Number); (City); (State); (Zip); (Telephone)
Job Title•
Type of Organization:
Job Duties:
Do you have a valid Virginia driver's license? Yes No If no, please
Are your accounts current with the County (Taxes, etc.)? Yes_ No_. If no, please
References: (Persons who aze not relatives). List name, address, and phone number(s).
Additional Information: (Time available, interests, unique qualifications, etc.)
Criminal Record and Child Protective Services Information:
(Provide information regarding the nature of the convictions and approximate date(s) of "Yes"
1. Except for minor traffic violations, have you been convicted of any violation of law?
2. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
3. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude (any offense
involving lying, stealing, or cheating) since your eighteenth (18~') birthday?
4. Are there any criminal charges or proceedings pending against you?
I hereby certify that the information provided on this application is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I also hereby authorize the officials of the Central Criminal Records
Exchange, and law enforcement official or officer, the Commissioner of the Department of
Motor Vehicles, or any ofEcer or employee of the Department of Motor Vehicles, the
Commissioner of the Revenue of the County of Pittsylvania, Virginia, the Treasurer of the
County of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, the Director of Central Collections for the County of
Pittsylvania, Virginia, and/or any other person or official to provide any information relating
to my record with respect to convictions for traffic violations or other offenses involving the
operation of a motor vehicle, felony, or misdemeanor convictions, if any, and/or taxes assessed
against me or my property which are delinquent, if any, to the County Clerk, the Board of
Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and/or to any other person designated by the
Boazd of Supervisors to receive such information.
NOTE: Successful candidates for the Board of Planning Commission and IDA, are
required by State Law to complete a Conflict of Interest Form as a condition of taking
office and thereafter annually on or before January 15~b.
William D. Sleeper
Pittsylvania County Administrator
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
Telephone: (434) 432-7710
Fax: (434) 432-7714
Email: Dan.Sleeper@pittgov.org
Board of Supervisors
Appointment -Dan River Small Business 06-04-2012 15
'Development Center
Appointment Boazd of Directors for the Dan River
Small Business Development Center
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boazds and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Boazd of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County, or aze appointed to represent
Pittsylvania County as part of a regional organization.
The Chairman of the Boazd of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments aze made to any
committees, boazds, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors prior to the
boazd meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that board, agency, committee or
(a) Mr. Glenn Giles represents the Private Sector on the Boazd of Directors for the Dan River Small Business
Development Center, and is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Boazd. This seat's term will expire on June 30,
2012 and Mr. Giles no longer wishes to serve as the Private Sector representative. This seat is a 2-yeaz term.
Members may serve up to two 2-yeaz consecutive terms.
The Honorable Brenda Bowman has nominated Mr. Shannon Hair for consideration of this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Board of Supervisors
Appointment -Danville-Pittsylvania Community 06-04-2012 16
Services Boazd of Directors -Staunton River District
Appointments to Danville-Pittsylvania Community
Services Board of Directors: Staunton River District
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boazds and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Boazd of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County. The Danville-Pittsylvania
Community Services Boazd of Directors is a boazd in which a representative from each district is appointed by
the Boazd.
The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments are made to any
committees, boards, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors prior to the
board meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that boazd, agency, committee or
commission. The Staunton River District seat on the Boazd of Directors for the Danville-Pittsylvania Community
Services Board has a term that will expire on June 30, 2012. Members may serve up to three 3-yeaz consecutive
terms. Mr. Dean Jennings holds a seat with a term that will expire on June 30, 2012. Mr. Jennings has already held
three (3) consecutive 3-yeart terms and is not eligible for re-appointment. This position represents the Staunton
River District.
The Honorable Marshall Ecker has submitted the name of Gerald Milliman to be considered for this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Board of Supervisors
Appointment -Pittsylvania County Library Boazd of 06-04-2012 17
Trustees -Staunton River District
Fulfillment of term on Library Boazd of Trustees
Staunton River District
Mr. Sleeper
Agencies, Boards and Commissions that operate under Pittsylvania County make nominations to the Boazd of
Supervisors for appointments representing each election district within the County. The Danville-Pittsylvania
Community Services Boazd of Directors is a boazd in which a representative from each district is appointed by
the Boazd.
The Chairman of the Boazd of Supervisors has requested before any nominations for appointments are made to any
committees, boazds, agencies or commissions, that the name be submitted to the Boazd of Supervisors prior to the
boazd meeting of the proposed candidate to be nominated for an appointment to that board, agency, committee or
commission. Currently Ms. Lucy Johnson holds a seat as the Staunton River District representative on the
Pittsylvania County Library Boazd of Trustees with a term that will expire June 30, 2015. Ms. Johnson can no
longer serve on that board and a new appointment will need to be made to fulfill the remainder of that term.
The Honorable Marshall Ecker has submitted the name of Michael Hudson to be considered for this appointment.
Staff submits this to the Boazd of Supervisors for their review and consideration.
Darrell W. Dalton, Superintendent
Building & Grounds Department
51 N. Main St.
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
E-mail: darrell.dalton@pittgov.org
Phone (434) 432-7958
Fax (434) 432-2294
Gretna/Hurt (434) 656-6211
Bachelors Hall/Whitmell (434) 797-9550
To: Otis S. Hawker, Assistant County Administrator
From: Heather Inge, Secretary of Building & Grounds ~''~'~ ~~
Date: May 31, 2012
Attached please find a listing, by department, of completed work orders for the month of May.
This list does not reflect work orders in progress but not yet completed, actual expenses
incurred, or routine maintenance necessary for the smooth operation of the County facilities.
However, it does reflect the total number ofman-hours.
Presently, there are approximately 20 work orders still outstanding.
If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
Darrell W. Dalton, Superintendent of Building & Grounds
7AII, 41 52
YEAR i0 DATE 07/01/2011- 06/30/2012
~„. 963 1,979
William D. Sleeper
County Administrator
P.O. Box 426
Chatham, Virginia 24531
e-mail: dsleeper@pittgov.org
'/ . f
~ r~is~
Phone (434) 432-7710
Fax (434)432-7714
Gretna/Hurt (434) 656-6211
To: Otis S. Hawker, Assistant County Administrator
From: Henry Boswell, Jr., Chief Animal Control Officer
Date: Junel, 2012, Subject: Animal Control Activity Report
During the period of Mayl, 2012 through, May 31, 2012, the Animal Control Officers responded to 344
calls as per Henry Boswell, Chief Animal Control Officer, resulting in the following:
Description Number Remarks
Animals taken into custod 186
Dogs 65
Cats 119
Other 2 1-Turkey/Wild 1-opossum
Animals on hand at month end 13
Animals dis etched 38 Cats-7 do s- 31
Licenses checked 59
Court cases 12
Summons 14
Animals Ado ted 6
Animals returned to owners 4
Cats taken to the Humane Socie 112
Animals Transferred 18 LAP-1 DAHS-1 FCHS-16
Inured animals icked u 5
Animals found in tra s 57
Ex osures: Human/Saliva 0
Ex osures: Do s/Cats/Wildlife 0
Do Bites 6
Cat Bites 0
Cruel Checks 2
Well-being Checks 20
Cat/Do Fi hts 1
Investi ated killin s b do s/cats 2
Investi ate killin s b Co otes 0
If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
William D. Sleeper Q -l r 9 Phone 434 432-7710
County Administrator o ., Fax (434 432-7714
P.O. Box 426 a ,~ry ~` c ~ )
< / ~ z Gretna Hurt 434 656-6211
Chatham, Virginia 24531 Y ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ )
e-mail: dsleeper@pittgov.org `~' /"~'
~ ~F~
To: Otis S. Hawker, Assistant County Administrator
From: Henry Boswell, Jr., Chief Animal Control Officer
Date: June 1, 2012
Subject: Conservators of the Peace
Solid Waste Monitoring Report
The Animal Control Officers whom have been appointed to the position of Conservators of the Peace
monitoring solid waste sites in Pittsylvania County, as per Henry (Pete) Boswell, Chief Animal Control
Officer, for the period of May 1, 2012 through May 31,2012.
Description Number Remarks
96 hrs
Total hours monitored
Vehicles entering sites 1,116
Vehicles checked 77
Summons' issued 15
Court Cases 1
Convictions 1
5-June 4a' , 8- June 25tH
If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
cc: William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
May 2012
84 I N PERM T FE ETD 6,051.
6 NEW DWELLINGS $1,725,000.00
2 MODULAR 280,310.00
61 MISCELLANEOUS 561,924.00
84 TOTAL $3,368,426.00
NONTAXABLE: $972,585.00 $170,440,342.00
4 TOTAL $531.25
R/espectfully Submitted,
Odie H. Shelton, Jr.
Director of Code Compliance/
Zoning Administrator