03-14-2012 BOS RetreatBoard of Supervisors Retreat
March 14, 2012
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Wednesday March 14, 2012
VIRGINIA: A Retreat of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held on
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 in Conference Room 2 of the Captain Martin Building in Chatham,
Virginia. James H. Snead, Vice-Chairman, called the Board of Supervisor Retreat meeting to
order at 8:49am. The following members were present:
James H. Snead Dan River District
Jessie L. Barksdale Banister District
Marshall A. Ecker Staunton River District
Brenda H. Bowman Chatham-Blairs District
Jerry A. Hagerman Callands-Gretna District
Mr. Tim R. Barber, Chairman, Tunstall District, and Mr. Coy E. Harville, Westover
District, were absent.
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to
the Board, were also present.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to approve the agenda.
(a) Meeting with Tim Davis, Editor of the Chatham Star Tribune - To discuss future
Supervisor reports/column
(b) Meeting with H.F. Haymore, Clerk of Court
(c) Meeting with Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator of Planning &
(d) Meeting with Odie Shelton, Jr., Director of Code Compliance
(Adjourn for Lunch)
(e) Meeting with Ken Bowman, Director of Economic Development
(f) Meeting with Donna Meeks, Purchasing Manager
(h) Meeting with Scott Budd, Director of Information Technology
(i) Meeting with Jim Davis, Director of Emergency Services
(j) Meeting with William D. Sleeper, County Administrator
Mr. Ecker's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr.
Barber and Mr. Harville, who were absent.
New Business
The Board met with Mr. Tim Davis, Editor for the Star Tribune. They discussed the
Board members having monthly or bi-monthly columns in the paper. Mr. Davis made
suggestions on how they should write their columns and length limitations. The Board thanked
Mr. Davis for meeting with them.
The Honorable H.F. Haymore, Clerk to the Circuit Court for Pittsylvania County, met
with the Board and gave a brief synopsis of how his office operates, their responsibilities and
duties, and budget concerns for the upcoming fiscal year. Mr. Haymore discussed the changes
that had occurred in over during the 27 years he'd been the Clerk, and that for the first time in
those 27 years, he has had a few employees looking towards employment in the private sector
Board of Supervisors Retreat
March 14, 2012
since they had not been able to have a pay raise, like the other employees of the County, for over
5 years. The Board thanked Mr. Haymore for meeting with them.
Mr. Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development met
with the Board and give them a briefing on what he is responsible for, and who works for him.
He then discussed the updated Comprehensive Plan for the County and the importance of long-
range planning. Mr. Sides discussed how Tobacco Commission grants are applied for and who
competes for them, as well as other types of grants offered thru the Commonwealth. Lastly, Mr.
Sides briefly covered the purposes of the West Piedmont Planning District, Enterprise Zones, the
Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Long Range Transportation Plan. The Board
thanked Mr. Sides for meeting with them.
Mr. Odie H. Shelton, Jr., Director of Code Compliance, met with the Board and gave a
briefing on who his staff were and their responsibilities and duties. Ms. Bowman asked how
Board members can know what businesses are being developed within their districts prior to the
business actually opening. Mr. Shelton stated that he could have his staff email the Board when
building permits were issued for industrial or commercial development. There was discussion on
junk yards and how the County ordinance works concerning that topic. Mr. Shelton ended the
meeting with encouraging each Board member to keep in contact with their appointed Planning
Commission representative. The Board thanked Mr. Shelton for meeting with them.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Hagerman, to nominate Mr. Ecker
to be the Moderator for the afternoon session as Mr. Snead could not return after lunch due to a
schedule conflict. Mr. Barksdale's motion was unanimously approved by the Board, with the
exception of Mr. Barber and Mr. Harville, who were absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to adjourn for lunch,
which was unanimously approved by the Board. Adjournment for lunch was at 12:OOpm.
Call Back to Order was made by Mr. Ecker at I :08pm.
Mr. Ken Bowman, Director of Economic Development, presented a PowerPoint
presentation to the Board that briefed them on the number of contacts he had made since
assuming the office, and the number of results from those contacts. He also gave the Board a
comparison of what surrounding jurisdictions fund their respective Economic Development
offices and that of Pittsylvania County. Mr. Bowman discussed the basic functions of the
Industrial Development Authority and the Southern Virginia Regional Alliance. Marketing trips,
obstacles the County faces in the developing economically, and that true blue collar skills for
workers located here are a key factor in enticing business to the area. Mr. Bowman also stated
that he either needed his assistant, who is now shared between himself and the County Attorney,
back on a fulltime basis, or that he be allowed to hire a fulltime assistant for his office. The
Board thanked Mr. Bowman for meeting with them.
Mr. Donna Meeks, the Purchasing Department Manager, gave the Board a brief
description of what her responsibilities and duties were, as well as her one assistant. Ms. Meeks
emphasized to the Board the need to update their Procurement Plan in order for it to mirror the
State Procurement Plan, and that she has a proposed update she and the County Attorney had been
working on that was available to them when they are ready to review. The Board thanked Ms.
Meeks for coming to meet with them.
Board of Supervisors Retreat
March 14, 2012
Mr. Scott Budd, Director of Information Technology, gave a PowerPoint presentation on
information technology and all that entails, who his staff was and what their respective jobs and
responsibilities are. There was discussion between Mr. Budd and the Board on what equipment
would be purchased in order to make the Captain Martin Building a good fit for County
Administration in respect to his department and the functions necessary for offices to operate
efficiently as well as with along-range plan in mind to offset unnecessary updates. The last thing
discussed was possible solutions to improving the Internet reception in certain communities of the
County. The Board thanked Mr. Budd for his time.
Mr. Jim Davis, Director of Emergency Management, met with the Board and presented a
PowerPoint presentation on his department, giving statistical data on the types and number of
calls that come through and from his department over the past year. Mr. Davis stated his concern
for the dispatchers needing new consoles (the furniture section). The new upgrades to the E911
Towers and Communication system were discussed. The Board thanked Mr. Davis for meeting
with them.
Mr. William Sleeper, County Administrator, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation to the
Board that covered the various departments that reported to his office, the County Organizational
Chart; State funding reductions and State mandated funding by localities that have adversely
impacted the County, increased bond debt of the County, and the responsibilities of himself and
of his office staff. Mr. Sleeper covered the various economic projects that have developed in the
County. Mr. Sleeper asked the Board to consider eliminating some committees that have
fulfilled their obligations to the intent for which they were formed, such as the Recreation
Advisory Board. He also suggested to the Board that they consider looking to revamp fees
charged by various departments. And, then Mr. Sleeper briefly went over the current status of the
FY2012/13 proposed budget. The Board thanked Mr. Sleeper for meeting with the Board.
Motion was made by Ms. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Bowman to adjourn, which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barber, Mr. Harville and Mr.
Snead, who were absent.
The Retreat adjourned at S:OSpm.