07-05-2011 BOS Regular MeetingRegular Meeting
July 5, 2011
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Monday, ,July 5, 2011
Regular Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was
held on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields
Addition in Chatham, Virginia. Tim R. Barber, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
7:04p.m. The following members were present
Tim Barber
James Snead
William H. Pritchett
Coy E. Harville
Marshall Ecker
Henry A. "Hank" Davis, Jr
Tunstall District
Dan River District
Banister District
Westover District
Staunton Kivcr District
Chatham-Blairs District
The Honorable Fred M. Ingram, Callands-Gretna Supervisors, was absent.
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mc J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney,
Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator, and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the
Board, were also present.
Mr. Sleeper gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. 1 Iarville, to approve the agenda, which
was unanimously approved by the Board, except for Mr. [ngram, who was absent.
Hearin¢ of the Citizens
Ms. Barbara Hudson of the Callands-Gretna District made comments concerning a lack
of discussion and opportunity for citizen input during a recent Planning Commission meeting,
specifically one which proposed changes to the Pittsylvania County Zoning Ordinance
concerning the definition of accessory buildings. She also made comments on wanting the board
to prohibit toxic wastes and solid waste production detrimental to the citizens of Pittsylvania
Ms. Karen Maute of the Westover District agreed with Ms. Hudson's comments on the
proposed ordinance change concerning accessory buildings.
Ms. Deborah Dix of the Chatham-Blairs District made comments concerning the recent
State officials' trip to France to observe uranium mining there and how the tour appeared to be
one-sided in favor of the mining corporation and those corporations in favor of lifting the
Ms. Ann Cockrell of the Chatham-Blairs District stated she believed the Virginia
Uranium Inc. could afford to pay for well water testing to set a benchmark prior to any further
Mr. Gary Thomas of the Callands-Gretna District made comments concerning his
disappointment at there being no second to Mr. Ecker's motion at the previous meeting to send
communication to the Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Mines,
Minerals and Energy, asking they consider benchmark tests for well water in the Coles Hill area
prior to any more drilling.
"fhis concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Regular Meeting
July 5, 201 1
Consent Agenda
(a) Minutes: June 6, 20 L 1 -Regular Meeting
June 21, 2011-Adjourned Meeting
(b) Bill List-June 2011
(c) Merger oP Pittsylvania County and City of Danville Emergency Planning
(d) National Night Out
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve the
Consent Agenda. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Harville - Ycs; Mr.
Ecker-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Pritchett-Yes; Mr. Barber-Yes; and Mr.
Ingram-Absent. Mr. I [arville's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent.
Unfinished Business
Mr. Barber relinquished the chair to Mc Snead and abstained from this issue as he
declared a conflict of interest since he has business ties with the Brosville Industrial Park. At the
June 21, 2011 adjourned tnceting of the Board of Supervisors, a motion was made by Mr.
Harville, seconded by Mr. Ingram, to adopt a Memorandum of Understanding for the County
Industrial Parks, or businesses and indttstrics utilizing industrial park roads for devclopntent, be
offered the same incentive for providing twenty-tive (25) jobs or more as the F,nterprise lone
and to approve a specific request for $7,500 from unappropriated surplus Ybr incentives of the
Brosville Industrial Park for a new enterprise from the Danville Regional Medical Center that
will provide 25 or more jobs at its facility. The $7,500 would be paid by the County to the
Pittsylvania County Service Authority, waiving the water and sewer fee as an incentive to the
medical center. This motion had now met the 10-day layover. Mr. Ecker questioned that he
believed it was supposed to be a Performance Agreement, not a Memorandum of Understanding.
After discussion, Mr. Harville amended his motion from Memorandum of Understanding to a
Performance Agreement and that this issue be placed back on the agenda for the July 19, 20l 1
meeting when the Performance Agreement could be reviewed and then voted on.
At the .tune 21, 2011 adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors, motion was made
by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to appropriate $14,310.50 from unappropriated surplus to
pay the required tees from "froutman Sanders LLP concerning General Obligation Refunding
Bonds, Series 2011 and litigation information indentit3ed in the required billing. "fhis motion
required a 10-day layover that had now been met. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded:
Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Pritchett-Yes; Mr. Ingram-Absent; Mr.
[-Iarville-Yes; and Mc Barber-Yes. Mr. Snead's motion was unanimously approved by the
Board with the exception of Mr. [ngram, who was absent.
New Business
Mr. Tom Leahy, Director of Public Utilities for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
gave a PowerPoint presentation on a study of possible catastrophe scenarios and their impacts if
uranium mining was taking place in regards to whether or not rivers, streams and lakes from
Pittsylvania County to Virginia Beach and onto the Atlantic Ocean would or would not be
detrimentally affected.
Motion was made by Mr. I-Iarville, seconded by Mr. Davis, to approve the updated
Financial Management Policy and to review it every two (2) years, which was unanimously
approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent.
Regular Meeting
July 5, 201 I
Motion was made by Mr. I-larvillq seconded by Mr. Snead, for the County Administrator
to not serve nn the Research "triangle Institute (RT[) of North Carolina's panel as an advisory
member to provide input on what should be studied in a socioeconomic study involving the
development of the Coles I-Till Uranium Mine and Mill site and to forward a letter to RTI that
Mr. Sleeper was not to serve and they should select another person in his place, which was
approved by a 5-1 majority vote of the Board with Mr. Ecker opposing and Mr. Ingram who was
Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve a Memorandum of
Agreement between the Board of Supervisors and the participating rescue squads in Pittsylvania
County for the ambulance billing program, and to authorize the County Administrator to sign on
the behalf of the Board oP Supervisors following approval of the County Attorney for the
Ambulance Participation Billing. "I~he participating rescue squads are "the Blairs Volunteer Fire
and Rescue Squad, Inc., Laurel Grove Fire and Rescue Services, Mount Cross Volunteer Fire
and Rescue Squad, Inc., Route 640 Rescue Squad, Inc., Cool Branch Volunteer Rescue, and
Callands Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, Inc. Mr. Davis's motion was unanimously approved
by the Board with the exception of Mr. Ingram, who was absent. Mr. Ecker asked Mr. Sleeper to
contact Mr. Ingram when he becomes available and set a Dire and Rescue Policy and Procedures
Committee meeting concerning those squads that elected not to participate in the EMS Billing
with the County.
Motion was made by Mr. Harvillc, seconded by Mr. Davis, to approve Change Order #I
of the Berry I-till Road Waterline Extension project in the amount of $116,326.00 and authorize
the County Administrator to sign all necessary documentation, which was unanimously approved
by the Board with the esception of Mc Ingram who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. tlarville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve Change Order #8
for the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex (ODAC) Water & Sewer Extension project in the
amount of $4,950.00, contingent that the "town of Chatham agree to amend the Cease Purchase
Agreement for the ODAC between the "town oP Chatham and Pittsylvania County from
$94,000.00 to $98;950.00, and authorize the County Administrator to sign all necessary
documentation. Mc Flarvillc's motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. ingram who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. 1-Iarville, seconded by Mr. Pritchett, to amend the Engineering
Services Agreement with Dewberry & Davis, Inc. in the lump sum amount of $7,000 for Storm
Water Monitoring at the Pittsylvania County Landfill and authorize the County Administrator to
sign all necessary documentation, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. higram who was absent.
Motion was made by Mc I larville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to amend the Dewberry &
Davis; Inc. contract in the amount of $99,300.00 for Phase I and Phase [[ of [he Landfill
Groundwater Monitoring and authorize the County Administrator to sign all necessary
documents, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Ingram
who was absent.
Motion was made by Mr. 1-[arville, seconded by Mr. Snead; to amend the Dewberry &
Davis, Inc. contract in the amount of $6,800 for Phase [and Phase II of the Landfill Gas
Monitoring and authorize the County Administrator to sign all necessary documents which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. ingram, who was absent.
Motion was made by Mc Davis, seconded by Mr. Pritchett, to approve the contract
between the Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Board and Pittsylvania Cotmty and the
22"d Judicial District Court Service Unit [o provide this grant activity in Pittsylvania County and
authorize the County Administrator to sign on the behalf of Pittsylvania County which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent.
Regular Meeting
July 5, 2011
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr, Snead, to approve the proposal of
the Planning Commission of which a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on
May 17, 2011 for citizen input, to amend the Pittsylvania County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 35-
7.oning, Section 25-40. Principal Definitions of the Zoning Ordinance, to Accessory Building to
delete the fallowing: An accessory building shall not do~ninrAe a principal huilding in area.
extent or purpose. The following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Davis-No; Mr. Snead-Yes;
Mr. Pritchett-Yes; Mr. Ingram-Absent; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. ticker-No; and Mr. Barber-Yes.
Mr. Harville's motion passed by a 4-2 majority vote with Mr, Ingram being absent.
Motion was made by Mr. Ecker, seconded by Mr. Harville to reappropriate the following
funds: $9.99 to Sheriff-Computer Supplies (100-4-031200-6021), $969.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-
4-031200-6030), $671.20 to Sheriff-Labor (1 00-4-03 1 200-603 1), $3,445.97 to Sheriff-Capital
Outlay-Vehicle (100-4-031200-8105), $10,967.19 to Jail-Professional [-lealth Services (100-4-
033100-3110), $12.00 to Gconomic Development-Travel (1 00-4-0825 1 0-5 500), $15,574.27 to
WIA-Rent (25 1-4-353 1 60-5420), This motion required a 10-day layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. [-latville, to amend the library's budget
and appropriate $1,180.82 to the telephone line item (100-4-073100-5230) and approve a transfer
and appropriation of $5,167.78 to the construction fund line. This motion required a 10-day
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Pritchett, to approve Resolution 2011-
07-01; Supporting Federal Aviation Administration Punding at Danville Regional Airport, and
authorize the County Administrator to forward to the Congressional Delegation in Washington,
D. C, to assist in single grant funding, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent.
RESOLUTION 2011-07-01
VIRGINIA: At the adjourned meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board oP Supervisors held on
Tuesday, Jwtc 21, 2011, in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse
Addition, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Pittsylvania County has worked in partnership with the City of Danville
over many years to continue the support of the Danville Regional Airport and that the critical
importance of the transportation and economic development in this region; and
WHEREAS, the current construction of the Danville Regional Airport requires
renovations to move a highpoint and visual deficiency in the runway; and
WHEREAS, the Pederal Aviation Administration has agreed to work with the City of
Danville and the Danville Airport Commission to provide 95% of the required funding necessary
to do the renovations at the Danville Regional Airport for shortening the runway by 600 feet to
5,900 feet and to reduce the landing capacity from 120,000 pounds to 65,000 pounds while
narrowing the runway from 150 feet to 100 feet; and
WHEREAS, this is a significant project requiring substantial rehabilitation of the
Danville Airport and the closing of the primary runway during this construction that is
imperative that the project could be completed in a single grant in order to avoid jeopardizing
any additional impacts on the economic development and transportation needs of the community;
Regular Meeting
July 5, 201 I
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors submits its full support of the City of Danville and the Danville Regional Airport
Commission for the Federal Aviation Administration funding necessary to provide for the
engineering and financial construction expenses necessary to provide the rehabilitation of a
5,900 foot runway under a single grant for the Danville Regional Aitport; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors request the County
Administrator to forward copies of this resolution to the County's Congressional Representatives
seeking their support and insuring that the Federal Aviation Administration funds a single grant
for the rehabilitation project of the Danville Regional Airport.
Motion was made by Mr. I-[arville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve Resolution 2011-
07-02; Virginia Department of Aviation-Danville Regional Airport, and authorize the County
Administrator to forward to the Virginia Aviation Board with copies to the Governor and the
County's General Assembly Delegates, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent.
RESOLUTION 2011-07-02
VIRGINIA: At the adjourned meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held on
Tuesday, June 21, 2011, in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin K. Shields Courthouse
Addition, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the City of Danville and the Danville Regional Airport Commission have
filed two (2) grant applications with the Virginia Aviation Board to provide necessary
improvements at the Danville Regional Airport; and
WHERF,AS, the two grant applications incorporate one for the necessary engineering of
improvements to the Danville Regional Airport for extending the runway, providing changes to
the navigational equipment and drainage to match the improvements made by the Federal
Aviation Administration Grant; and
WHEREAS, a second grant is requested in a timely manner to provide supplemental
funding for the construction of the extension of the runway and the navigational aids to match
the Federal Aviation Administration improvements at the Danville Regional Airport; and
WHEREAS, the Danville Regional Airport is a critically important transportation and
economic development asset in the region providing required business and commercial jet
aircraft service, as well as the Averett University Flight School; and
WHEREAS, the approval of these grants by the Virginia Aviation Board is critical in
providing the necessary supplement Cunding and accomplishing the required crossed benellts of
coordinating with the existing construction and renovation project; then
BE iT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors respectftilly
request the Virginia Aviation Board to approve the two grant applications submitted by the City
of Danville and the Danville Regional Airport Commission for the required engineering and
Regular Meeting
July 5, 201 I
construction supplementing the Federal Aviation Administration runway project at the Danville
Regional Airport providing a 600 toot extension and necessary navigational aids and drainage to
that project; and
I3F IT FUR'CNER RESOLVF,D, that the County Administrator is directed to provide a
copy of this resolution to the I-lonorable Robert F. McDonnell, Governor, Commonwealth of
Virginia and the I-lonorable Danny Marshall, the I-lonorable Ronald Merricks, the Honorable
Charles Poindexter and the I-lonorable Bill Stanley.
Motion was made by Mr. 1[arville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to re-appointment the
following members to the Recreation Advisory Board fora 1-year term beginning July I, 2011
and ending June 30, 2012: Jean B. Shields-Chatham-Blairs District; Donald I-[ylton-Westover
District; Donnie DcVall, Jr. - Tunstall District; 'f.O. Rowland-Staunton River District; George
Winn-Callands-Gretna District; Willie 1-I. Craft-Banister District; L.C. Moore-Dan River
District; and Mr.. W. Neal Oakes -School Board Representative.
Board Announcements
There was a discussion between Board members concerning news paper articles written
that had appeared in the Star Tribune and comments made by Board members at previous
Mr. Ecker asked that Solid Waste Committee meeting be held on July 19, 201 l at 5:30pm
concerning tipping fee waivers.
Reports from Leal Counsel
Mc Hunt gave the Board copies of the Attorney General's opinion concerning Liquor by
the Drink and whether the Board was allowed to have the question placed on the 201 I November
ballot The Attorney General's opinion was that it was up the citizens to have this placed on the
ballot, and that would require a petition in favor of the question signed by 10% of the County's
41, 000 registered voters. Mr. Flunt stated that he had reported this to Mr. Paul Lewis, who has
already began the circulation of such a petition.
Reports from County Administrator
Mr. Sleeper reminded the Board that there would be a Computer / Radio /
'fclecommunications Committee meeting beginning at I pm -Spm on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
and again on "fhursday, July 21, 2011 from Sam -Spm at the Chatham Volunteer Fire
Department concerning interviews of equipment vendors for the E91 I System Upgrades, and
that all Board members were encouraged to attend.
Mc Sleeper stated that a Finance Committee meeting would be held on Tuesday, July 19,
2011 at 4:30pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. llarvillc, to adjourn, which was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Ingram who was absent. The
meeting adjourned at 8:d5pm.