03-15-2011 BOS AdjournedAdjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Adjourned Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held
on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Addition in
Chatham, Virginia. Tim R. Barber, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The following
members were present:
Tim Barber Tunstall District
James Snead Dan River District
William H. Pritchett Banister District
Coy E. Harville Westover District
Fred M. Ingram Callands-Gretna District
Marshall Ecker Staunton River District
Henry A. "Hank" Davis, Jr. Chatham-Blairs District
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Mr. Greg
Sides, Assist County Administrator for Planning and Development, Mr. Odie H. Shelton, Jr., Director of
Code Compliance, Ken Bowman, Director of Economic Development and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy
Clerk to the Board, were also present.
Mr. Snead gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Davis, to approve the agenda with the
following additions/deletions:
(a) Closed Meeting -Callands Cannery
This issue requires the Board of Supervisors to review and discuss the
disposition of publicly held property where the discussion in Open Meeting
would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the
public body, the Board of Supervisors is authorized to go into Closed Session.
Authority: §2.2-3711 (A) (3) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Callands Cannery
Purpose: Negotiation for Sale
(a) Removal of Agenda Items
8- Recommendations from Finance Committee Meeting,
9-Recommendations from Recreation Committee
10- Resolution on Bond Financing and
16- Request for Public Hearing -Proposed Amendment to the Pittsylvania County Zoning
Ordinance, Chapter 35 -Zoning, Section 35-40 PRINCIPAL DEFINITIONS OF THE
ZONING ORDINANCE. Accessory Building to delete the following: An accessory
building shall not dominate a principal building in area, extent or purpose.
Mr. Harvilles's motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Hearing of the Citizens
Mr. Kenneth Bowman, Director of Economic Development for Pittsylvania County, informed
the Board that Lt. Governor Bill Bolling was coming the next day, at 3:OOpm, to present a check to the
Southern Virginia Regional Alliance in the amount of $200,000. Pittsylvania County is a member of this
alliance and the entire Board was invited to attend. Mr. Bowman also said that U.S. Green Energy
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
would be having a groundbreaking ceremony at the Cane Creek Centre at 2pm on March 24, 2011. Mr.
Snead would be representing the County but the entire Board was invited to attend. Lastly, Mr.
Bowman said that on March 25, 2011, Family Health Care, a part of Danville Regional, would be
having a groundbreaking ceremony at 1:30pm in the Brosville Industrial Park and all Board members
were invited to attend.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve the Consent
Agenda. The Board unanimously approved Mr. Harville's motion.
(a) National Animal Control Week 2011 -Proclamation
(b) National Government Purchasing Month 2011 -Proclamation
(c) National Public Safety Telecommunications Week 2011 -Proclamation
(d) National Volunteer Week 2011 -Proclamation
(e) 2011 Beautification and Clean Up Month-Proclamation
(f) Road Name Change: Camp Shawnee Road-Dan River District
Whereas, the National Animal Control Association has designated the second week in April each
year as Animal Control Appreciation Week; and
Whereas, the various Federal, State, and Local Government Officials throughout the Country
takes this time to recognize, thanJ~ and commend all Animal Control Officers for the dedicated service
they provide to the Citizens, various Public Safety, Public Service Agencies and Departments
throughout the Country; and
Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors would like to express its sincere thanks
and appreciation for the outstanding service the Pittsylvania County Animal Control Department
provides on a daily basis to the citizens of Pittsylvania County and to the various Public Safety, Public
Services Agencies and Departments; and
Whereas, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors recognizes and commends the Animal
Control Officers for the many dedicated and long hours of service they perform in serving this
community, and for fulfilling their commitment to providing the highest and most efftcient level of
service; and
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors wishes to commend each and every
Animal Control Officer for their service, which is in keeping with the long and distinguished tradition of
the Animal Control Profession; and
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Now, Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
officially recognize and proclaim the week of April 10`" through 16`" , 2011 as National Animal Control
Appreciation Week and respectfully asks all Citizens, Public Safety, Health, and Public Service
Personnel alike to join in expressing their sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for the many long
hours of outstanding service and quality performance these outstanding individuals provide throughout
the year to assure the safety and welfare of all.
By virtue ojthe awhwiry vested by the Corurirution in the Governor oJrhe
Commamveahh of Vbginia, there is hereby o~cia7fy recognized:
WHEREAg, the Virgink AuociMion of Cioremmemal Porchasittg, Inc. (VAOP), established in
I93p, is Iltc ~ Chaptcr O(IlK Nniaul hraiuu dQorerrettexal Pwehawq, Wllll approaltrNYly
I,IOD prokwioml pttMk ptechnirtg aaeaabera enlpbyed by ,early 300 public ewdtka, eanpriaed of
chin. cotuttics, towns. stale spsaeia, collagta, tswrenitks, ptAlk schools, htwpitala, auhorirka and
conetnnity aenkc boards tlroue6otw Virginia; and
wHeReAS, the Cttpital Area Iutchriag Aaaocialion (CAPA), also a draper of the Nariorol
Irsittae of Gorenancnnl Purchring, wn ealabliahed in 1971, Rpesenb approaitrately 230 ptopeaiaul
member in tltc Rich»nttd ntestopolitan ara; and
wHLpt6AE, the pttrcltnntg sad awesib tnaaagentem prukaaion, with an aggrsple purcMsing
power d billion ddolYn, hu a tremeadars impact on the «atony; and
WHLR6A8, pardraiq and arateriaM aarrgemwn Atopeariat~b WoA ~ligtagl, a calablidt
sad awitttain ethical al.tdrada in buying ad se~wg to incline tAtir boWktiK deplkiem procuremnrt
trttNtods, to dinemirrata taaAW idarttrliaw a its nte+nbera and b parole profeniwta6sm M publik
pun:Aning; an0
WHEREAS, hr adtfirion a pttretaatitrg psoda and serricsa. /re purehtaritrg and rrtaterials
ttrtaRmaM prokaaiorta engage in. a have dnect resportabiSly pos. es;acuittg, irtpkmenlitq and
adeaialsrhtg eatrrac4, deralopwg forccnls and pnscurmertl atrategin, supesrisin6 and taortitaing the
Ibw and savage dautnils, sad developing Waking rehstionhipa wilt s.tpplim; and
WNtpEAB, goreminertul ptrchaairtg profeaaicrtala emv{bete pnhircy a ow
CotrtattweahU'a public agencin sad aerricir by iaspovhq p~~i ntealtoda sad praeticea and by
tttiiaiag new IeeVobg4, b incewse etlicirncy and :nprove ptouaaea:
NOW, THEREiORE, I, Robcn F Nclbnnell, do hereby teNgniae hlrc6I011 a
I caR thu obvcrvancc b the aaentRm of all uur ani~ens.
U '_t,
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Apri! 10`x' -16`", 2011
Whereas, emergencies can occur at anytime that require police, fire or emergency medical
services; and
Whereas, when an emergency occurs the prompt response of police officers, firefighters and
EMS personnel is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property; and
Whereas, every day millions of people depend on the skill, expertise and commitment of the men
and women who work in public safety telecommunications; and
Whereas, Public Safety Telecommunicators are the first and most critical contact our citizens
have with emergency services; and
Whereas, Public Safety Telecommunicators are the single vital link for our police officers and
firefighters by monitoring their activities by radio, providing them information and insuring their safety;
Whereas, Public Safety Telecommunicators of the Pittsylvania County 9-1-1 Center have
contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals, suppression of fires and treatment of
patients; and
Whereas, these individuals save countless lives by responding to emergency calls, dispatching
emergency personnel and equipment and providing moral support to citizens in distress; and
Whereas, each dispatcher has exhibited compassion, understanding and professionalism during
the performance of their job in the past year;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors proclaims
the week of April 10'h through 16`h, 2011 to be National Telecommunications Week in Pittsylvania
County, Virginia, in honor of the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep our County
and citizens safe.
April 10-16, 2011
"Celebrating People in Action"
Whereas, the entire community can inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that
changes the word; and
Whereas, volunteers can connect with local community service opportunities through hundreds
of community service organizations and volunteer centers; and
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Whereas, individuals and communities are at the center of social change, discovering their
power to make a difference; and
Whereas, during this week all over Pittsylvania County and the Nation, service projects will be
performed and volunteers recognized for the commitment to service; and
Whereas, the giving of oneself in service to another empowers the giver and the recipient; and
Whereas, experience teaches us that government by itself cannot solve all of our nation's social
problems; and
Whereas, our country's volunteer force of over 63 million is a great treasure; and
Whereas, volunteers are vital to our future as a caring and productive nation; then
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors proclaims
the week of April 10`h - 19th, 2011 to be National Volunteer Week in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, in
honor of the citizens who volunteer in Pittsylvania County. By volunteering and recognizing those who
serve, we can replace disconnection with understanding and compassion.
APRIL 2011
Whereas, Pittsylvania County has won numerous State and National Awards for Beautification
and Clean up of Pittsylvania County; and
Whereas, the citizens of Pittsylvania County are proud of the appearance of their County; and
Whereas, it is necessary that citizens continue to work to clean up Pittsylvania County providing
a number volunteer hours for beautification and litter control; and
Whereas, the Keep Virginia Beautiful organization asks all Virginians to be mindful of cigarette
litter reduction, to reduce plastic shopping bag waste and litter, and to promote and support programs
that beautify and clean including community gardens, restoring vacant lots, highway and shoreline
enhancement, plantings, and graffiti abatement; therefore
THEN, BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors that
the month of April 2011 be declared "Beautification and Cleanup Month" in Pittsylvania County and
the Board of Supervisors requests all the citizens of Pittsylvania County to work for beautification and
cleanup of the County during this month.
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Public Hearings
Rezoning Cases
Case 1: Jerry Lee Heath -Tunstall District: R-11-007
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District
Mr. Barber opened the public hearing at 7:15pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Jerry Heath had
petitioned to rezone a total of 27.15 acres, three parcels, located on SR 612/Banister Road, in the
Tunstall Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural
District, to make the zoning consistent with the adjoining farm and for future subdivision of properties
for family members. The Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the
petition. Mr. Heath was there to represent the petition. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Barber
closed the hearing at 7:16pm. Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Snead, to rezone Case
R-11-007 from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District. The
following roll call vote was recorded: Mr. Ingram-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes;, Mr. Davis-
Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Pritchett-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Davis's motion was unanimously
approved by the Board.
Case 2: Donald R. Fritz & Linda W. Fritz -Callands/Gretna District: R-11-008
MHP, Residential Manufactured House Park District to A-1, Agricultural District
Mr. Barber opened the hearing at 7:17pm. Mr. Shelton explained that Donald and Linda Fritz
petitioned to rezone 0.40 acres, located off SR 978/Lakeside Road, in the Callands-Gretna Election
District from MHP, Residential Manufactured Housing Park District to A-1, Agricultural District, for a
single family dwelling for their permanent residence. The Planning Commission, with no opposition,
recommended granting the petitioner's request. No one signed up to speak and Mr. Fritz was there to
represent the petition. Mr. Barber closed the hearing at 7:18pm. Motion was made by Mr. Ingram,
seconded by Mr. Harville, to grant the petitioners' request and rezone Case R-11-008 from MHP,
Residential Manufactured Housing Park District to A-1, Agricultural District. The following roll call
vote was recorded: Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Pritchett-
Yes; Mr. Ingram-Yes; and Mr. Barber-Yes. Mr. Ingram's motion was unanimously approved by the
Case 3: Coy E. Harville & Jean D. Harville -Westover District: R-11-009
R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District
Mr. Harville abstained from voting on this case as he has interest in the property to be rezoned.
Mr. Barber opened the hearing at 7:20. Mr. Shelton stated that Coy and Jean Harville had
petitioned to rezone a total of 21.80 acres, three parcels, located of SR 870Nandola Road, in the
Westover Election District from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural
District, for agricultural use (harvesting timber). The Planning Commission, with no opposition,
recommended granting the petitioners' request with proffer. Mr. Shelton said he would represent the
petition if there were any questions. No one signed up to speak. (Proffer Attached)
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
RE: CASE 3, R-11-009 -Coy E. Harville Rt Jean D. Harville
Rezone the properties fsnm R-1, Residential SabHrbon Subdieasion Diutic< to A-1, figiic•H/lrim/ Distsict,
for ugticn/twm! Hre (timber bunrstin~, located off Stale Raad 870/ I ~undola Road, namely Tax Map
NHmbers 1386-974569/ 176-21-8, 1386-98-6549/ 176-21-11 C and 1386-98-4317/ 176-21-6A,
c»ntaimng u tote/ of 21.80 arnu, three patrols.
We, Coy E. Harville and Jean D. Harville, hereby voluntarily proffer to the Pittsylvania
County Board of Supervisors the following condition for the above referenced properties:
1. No single-wide mobile homes will be placed on the above-referenced properties.
Respectfully subtnitted:
Iwllr w. Mu~on/
MWwY IVbllc
Cowrwwwr~olw, a vwpwro
71 Nit4
MY 1 fup11N AUQ ~1, 4012
Coy . Flarsiille Dare
o City
My c ion expires
Swo and subscribed before me, in my presence
chi day of A Virginia
Nola Pu lic. In d Eor
Mr. Barber closed the hearing at 7:23pm. Motion was made by Mr. Pritchett, seconded by Mr. Snead, to
rezone Case R-11-009 from R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District to A-1, Agricultural District.
The following roll call vote was recorded: Mr. Ecker-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr.
Pritchett-Yes; Mr. Ingram-Yes; Mr. Harville-Abstained; and Mr. Barber-Yes. The Board unanimously
approved Mr. Pritchett's motion with 6 votes; Mr. Harville abstaining.
This concluded the public hearings.
New Business
Motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to approve a lease agreement between
Pittsylvania County and the Olde Dominion Agricultural Foundation (ODAF) in relation to placing the
Virginia Cooperative Extension Service in the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex (ODAC) in an area
containing 2,974 square feet. This in lieu of cash agreement is for Pittsylvania County to provide
services to the ODAC, including HVAC technical services, janitorial services, solid waste disposal,
landscaping, lawn maintenance and a supply of necessary paper goods as agreed to in November 2010,
and is for a one (1) year term, beginning March 1, 2011. These in-kind support services to the ODAF
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
are in the amount of $46,000.00 for the one (1) year period. Mr. Ingram's motion was unanimously
approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Mr. Ecker for the County Administrator to draw up a County credit card
use policy concerning how they are issued and how they are to be used, which was seconded by Mr.
Davis (for discussion purposes). Mr. Ecker felt Board members did not need to carry credit cards on a
fulltime basis, but rather they could check them out from the Purchasing Department as needed. He felt
that identity and credit card theft were too prevalent these days and the County should take precautions
to help avoid this from happening. Mr. Sleeper was asked if there had been in problems in the past, and
he stated he was only aware of one instance of a credit card problem and that came from a receipt not
being turned in, and once it was asked for, it was turned in. The Board then voted 1-6, with the majority
6 votes opposing and Mr. Ecker's motion failed.
Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Ingram, to approve a request from the Town of
Chatham for a Letter of Support for an application that the Town is submitting to the Tobacco
Commission that will request $600,000 from the Commission to upgrade the Town's water treatment
plant. Mr. Davis's motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Ingram to postpone all County action with the Gretna Industrial Park,
which was seconded by Mr. Pritchett, and unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Harville, to re-appoint Teresa Easley as the
Pittsylvania County Representative to the Dan River Alcohol Safety Action program, which was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, to appoint Mr. Barry Riddle as the
Pittsylvania County Representative to the Danville Community College Board, which was unanimously
approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Items to be Added
Mr. Sleeper stated he would like to have a point of order and ask the Board to reconsider the
approval of the agenda in order to add a request from the American Civil War Commission's request to
have Pittsylvania County on their tour. Mr. Davis made a motion, seconded by Mr. Snead, to amend the
motion approving the agenda in order to include the addition of the American Civil War Commission's
request, which was unanimously approved by the Board. Mr. Sleeper stated that he needed the Board's
approval, and pending approval of legal counsel, to grant the American Civil War Commission's request
to add Pittsylvania County to their tour route for the upcoming year. In approving this, the County
would have to provide certain services, such as overnight security of the traveling unit (semi-tractor
trailer) containing the historical presentation and volunteers to help while it is stationed at various
libraries in the County. Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Harville, to send the letter
back to America Civil War Commission, pending legal approval, stating that Pittsylvania County would
like to be placed on the tour route, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Closed Session
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Pritchett, to enter Closed Meeting Session
for the following reason:
Adjourned Meeting
March 15, 2011
Closed Meeting -Callands Cannery
This issue requires the Board of Supervisors to review and discuss the disposition of publicly held
property where the discussion in Open Meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or
negotiating strategy of the public body, the Board of Supervisors is authorized to go into Closed Session.
Authority: §2.2-3711 (A) (3) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Callands Cannery
Purpose: Negotiation for Sale
Mr. Harville's motion was unanimously approved by the Board and the Board entered Closed Session,
which began at 7:42pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Davis, to return to Open Meeting Session
and called for the Certification of Closed Meeting, which was unanimously approved by the Board. The
following certification resolution was read and approved by the following roll call vote:
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on March 15, 2011, the board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each
board member's knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting
requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing the
closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any member believes that
there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the
substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
Coy E. Harville Yes
Marshall A. Ecker Yes
Tim R. Barber Yes
James Snead Yes
Williams H. Pritchett Yes
Fred M. Ingram Yes
Henry A. Davis, Jr. Yes
Certification was unanimous and Open Session reconvened at 7:51 pm.
Motion was then made by Mr. Ingram seconded by Mr. Harville, to charge Mr. Jim Kendrick a price of
$500.00 for the Callands Cannery under the condition that he clean it up within a ninety (90) day period.
This clean up would include the dismantling and removal of the building and all associated debris. Mr.
Ingram's motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Reports from Board Members
Mr. Snead stated that he has been working with Connie Nyholm of the Virginia International
Raceway (VIR) on a new program called the VIR Pace Setters Club. He stated he would be sending
each Board member more detailed information concerning this program.
Mr. Harville wanted to thank Jim Davis, Director of Emergency Management, for providing a
list of all the County's road names and each road's State Route number.
Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Ecker, and unanimously
approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.