2024-07-04 Support for Williams’ Proposed Efforts to Construct the Transco Southeast Supply Enhancement Project and Additional Units at Station 165 in the County PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
RESOLUTION #2024-07-04
Support for Williams Cos. Proposed Efforts to Construct the Transco Southeast Supply
Enhancement Project("SSE Project') and additional units at Station 165 in Pittsylvania
County, Virginia ("County')
VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors'("Board") Business Meeting
on July 16, 2024, the following Resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Williams is a national energy infrastructure company that owns and operates
the Transco Natural Gas Pipeline,providing more than fifty percent(50%)of the natural gas used
in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the SSE Project consists of installing 26.3 miles of pipeline adjacent to its
existing Transco corridor and additional compressor units located at Station 165 on Transco Road
in the County; and
WHEREAS, the SEE Project is a well-designed expansion that will provide significant
incremental supplies of natural gas energy for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in
the County and region; and
WHEREAS,the SSE Project will provide a safe,reliable, and affordable source of natural
gas that will further enhance the attractiveness of the Southern Virginia Megasite at Berry Hill in
the County; and
WHEREAS,the SSE Project will further strengthen economic development opportunities
in the County and region through additional natural gas deliveries to the City of Danville,Virginia;
WHEREAS, the Board appreciates Williams providing safe, reliable clean energy to the
region and Virginia for more than seventy(70)years; and
WHEREAS,Williams has proven to be a responsible neighbor actively engaging with the
County and its communities; and
WHEREAS,the Board commends Williams for its willingness to listen,inform,and engage
on these issues in a transparent and open manner as demonstrated by its communication with
nearby landowners; and
WHEREAS,the Board recognizes that Williams' SSE Project will bring an economic boost
to the County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board supports Williams'
efforts to build the SSE Project and increase the units at Station 165 in the County and looks
forward to Williams' ongoing partnership with the County and the local community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board formally authorizes the Board Chairman
to transmit this Resolution to FERC (Docket Number: PF24-2-000)under separate cover.
Given under my hand this 16t day of July, 2024.
ell W. Dal on
_ Y hairman
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
- Kaylyn'1 . Buster, MMC
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Approved as to For :
7. at-
J. Vaden Hunt, Esq.
Pittsylvania County Attorney
Darrell W. Dalton(Chairman) Yes
Robert M. Tucker, Jr. (Vice-Chairman) Yes
Kenneth L. Bowman Yes
Timothy W. Dudley Yes
Eddie L. Hite, Jr. Yes
William V. ("Vic") Ingram Yes
Murray W. Whittle Yes
Ayes 7 Nays 0 Abstentions 0