03-05-2024 WCSP LLC Conservation Easement Proposal for CountyProposed Conservation Easement
WCSP,LLC Property (AKA,“Kent Farm”)
•Comprehensive Plan Recommends:
•“Medium to High Density Residential”
•“Traditional Neighborhood Design”
recommends mix of open space and
•Numerous parcels along Country Club Drive and
Blue Ridge Drive have previously been carved out
of the original parcel(s),increasing density
dramatically along the road frontages,as shown
in YELLOW on the following map.
Proposed Conservation Easement
•Comprehensive Plan Recommends:
•“protect and enhance the natural
•“seek to minimize conflicts between new
land uses and agricultural
•“Support the use of conservation easements to
protect and preserve open space,agricultural
areas and environmentally sensitive areas where
such uses are compatible with the Future Land
Use Map”
•Comprehensive Plan Recommends:
•“…the potential easement is proposed for
agricultural or conservation use in the
Future Land Use Map,or that protection of
the specific parcels involved is consistent
with the overall intent of the Future Land Use
Map and there is a public benefit to the
easement.The Commission needs to verify
that an easement is not granted in a prime
commercial or industrial growth area”
•Comprehensive Plan Conformance:
•Open space appropriate within “Medium to High
Density Residential”category where open space
supports residential development (Traditional
Neighborhood Design)=Consistent with Future
Land Use Map
•Property proposed for conservation easement
NOT within area planned for industrial or
•Easement will yield significant public benefit by
preserving prime farmland,streams and wetlands,
and scenic viewshed
•Numerous neighbors/citizens support easement
Proposed Conservation Easement
Proposed Conservation Easement
Proposed Conservation Easement
•Significant Conservation Value:
•Agriculture:Approximately 75%of the Property is designated as either
Class IV or Class V in the Department of Conservation and
Recreation's Agricultural Model,which evaluates the suitability of land
for agricultural uses.
•Agriculture:Class IV and Class V designations indicate that the
Property is highly suitable for agriculture.95%of the Property contains
Prime Soils or Soils of Statewide Importance.
•Water Quality:The Property is traversed by 2,300 linear feet of
perennial and 3,650 linear feet of intermittent tributaries to Sycamore
Creek (1.13 miles).Sycamore Creek is a tributary to the Roanoke River,
an important drinking water source,aquatic habitat,and recreational
resource for the public.
•Water Quality:According to the Virginia Department of Conservation
and Recreation’s Conservation Lands Database,approximately 80%
of the Property Scores for classes III,IV,V of watershed integrity for
downstream resource protection.
•Scenic Quality:The scenic values of the Property are dramatically
illustrated in this photograph,with a view looking across the streams to
the Peaks of Otter.
Proposed Conservation Easement
•Support for Proposed Conservation Easement:
•Land Savers United (DBA,Blue Ridge Land
Conservancy,Southern Virginia Land
Conservancy,and Central Virginia Land
Conservancy)strongly supports the conservation
•Former owner James Kent and his family,as
well as many neighbors/citizens have
voiced support for easement
WCSP,LLC Property (AKA,“Kent Farm”)