08-15-2023 Business Meeting Agenda Packet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 7:00 PM Board Meeting Room 39 Bank Street, SE, Chatham, Virginia 24531 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER (7:00 PM) ROLL CALL MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED APPROVAL OF AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA a.July Board Meeting Minutes Approval (Staff Contact: Kaylyn McCluster) b.County's 2023 July Bill List Approval (Staff Contact: Kim VanDerHyde) c.Appointments: CPMT (2); (Parent Representative; Private Provider); (Dickens; Karavanic) (Staff Contact: Cheryl Boswell) d.Appointment: DPCS (Chatham-Blairs District); (Fuller) (Staff Contact: Robert Warren) e.Resolution # 2023-08-03 (Revised Emergency Operations Plan) Adoption (Staff Contact: Christopher Key) f.Solid Waste Engineering Services Contract Award Approval (LaBella) (Staff Contact: Chris Adcock) g.Service Weapon Purchase Approval (Deputy Sheriff Howard Crump) (Staff Contact: Michael Taylor) h.Service Weapon Purchase Approval (Christopher Talley) (Staff Contact: Michael Taylor) i.Resolution # 2023-08-01 (Dodson Recognition) Adoption (Staff Contact: Board of Supervisors ) j. Resolution # 2023-08-02 (FY23-24 VJCCCA Plan) Approval Ratification (Staff Contact: Dawn Loving) k. Certificates of Excellence (County Interns) Approval (Staff Contact: Kaylyn McCluster) l. Certificates of Recognition Approvals (2); (Dan River High School Students); (Thomas; Ferguson) (Staff Contact: Nancy Eanes) m. Appointment: Danville Community College Advisory Board (Full Board Appointment); (Randy L. Shackleford) (Staff Contact: Board of Supervisors) n. Resolution # 2023-08-04 (Authorization for Purchase of Property for a Public Purpose) Adoption (Staff Contact: Vaden Hunt) 8. PRESENTATIONS a. General Presentations (Board of Supervisors); (if any) 9. HEARING OF THE CITIZENS Each person addressing the Board under Hearing of the Citizens shall be a resident or land owner of the County, or the registered agent of such resident or land owner. Each person shall step up, give his/her name and district in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Chairman, shall limit his/her address to three (3) minutes. No person shall be permitted to address the Board more than once during Hearing of the Citizens. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any individual member thereof. Hearing of the Citizens shall last for a maximum of forty-five (45) minutes. Any individual that is signed up to speak during said section who does not get the opportunity to do so because of the aforementioned time limit, shall be given speaking priority at the next Board meeting. Absent Chairman’s approval, no person shall be able to speak who has not signed up. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Other Public Hearings Each person addressing the Board under a Public Hearing shall step up, give his/her name and district, and/or his/her place of residency for non-County citizens, in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Chairman, shall limit his/her address to three (3) minutes; speakers for a group shall be limited to ten (10) minutes. Speakers shall conclude their remarks at that time, unless the consent of the Board is affirmatively given to extend the speakers allotted time. Absent Chairman’s approval, no person shall be able to speak who has not signed up. 1. FY 2023 Year-End County Budget Amendments (Staff Contact: Kim VanDerHyde) 2. Public Hearing: Pittsylvania County Code Amendments (RPD); (PCC §§ 35-35, -295, -296, -298, -301, and -305) (Staff Contact: Emily Ragsdale) b. Rezoning Public Hearings Pursuant to Article V, Division 6, of the Pittsylvania County Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Supervisors have been empowered to hear and decide specific zoning issues and zoning map changes in support of said Ordinance. In accomplishing this important task, the Board is responsible for promoting the health, safety, and general public welfare of the citizens of Pittsylvania County. The Board must ensure that all of its decisions and regulations be directed to these goals and that each be consistent with the environment, the comprehensive plan, and in the best interest of Pittsylvania County, its citizens, and its posterity. 1. Public Hearing: Case R-23-018 Rhetson Companies, Inc; Rezoning M-1, Industrial District, Light Industry, to B-2, Business District, General; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Scearce) (Staff Contact: Emily Ragsdale) 2. Public Hearing: Case R-23-019; Neil Waltman; Rezoning from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Eanes) (Staff Contact: Emily Ragsdale) 3. Public Hearing: Case R-23-020; Emmanuel Pentecostal Holiness Church; Rezoning A-1, Agricultural District, to R- 1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Ingram) (Staff Contact: Emily Ragsdale) 4. Public Hearing: Case R-23-016; Southside Investing, LLC; Amending the Future Land Use Designation from Agricultural and Rural Residential to Medium to High Density Residential and Rezoning from A-1, Agricultural District, to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 6-0 vote, with opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Ingram) (Staff Contact: Emily Ragsdale) 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. MATTERS FROM WORK SESSION (IF ANY) 14. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 15. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORTS 16. ADJOURNMENT 7.a. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: July Board Meeting Minutes Approval Staff Contact(s): Kaylyn McCluster Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.a. Attachment(s): 1. 07-18-2023 Joint Meeting with School Board - DRAFT 2. 07-18-2023 Work Session - DRAFT 3. 07-18-2023 Business Meeting - DRAFT Reviewed By: SUMMARY: For the Board's review and consideration, attached are the following July Board Meeting Minutes: (1) 07/18/2023 Joint Meeting with School Board; and (2) 07/18/2023 Work Session; and (3) 07/18/2023 Business Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board approve the July Board Meeting Minutes as attached and presented. MOTION: "I make a Motion approving the July Board Meeting Minutes as attached and presented." PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ WORK SESSION July 18, 2023 VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors' ("Board") Work Session was held on July 18, 2023, in the Board Meeting Room, 39 Bank Street, SE, Chatham, Virginia 24531. CALL TO ORDER (4:30 PM) Dalton called the Meeting to Order at 4:30 PM. ROLL CALL The following Board Members were present: Darrell W. Dalton - Chairman, Callands-Gretna District Timothy W. Dudley - Vice-Chairman, Staunton River District Nancy K. Eanes – Dan River District William V. (“Vic”) Ingram - Tunstall District Ronald S. Scearce - Westover District Robert M. Tucker, Jr. - Banister District Robert (“Bob”) W. Warren - Chatham-Blairs District APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve Agenda. RESULT: 7-0 (Approved) MOVER: Tucker SECONDER: Ingram AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None PRESENTATIONS a. VDOT Tightsqueeze Improvements/57 East Bridge Update Christopher Winstead, VDOT's Lynchburg District Engineer, presented the Board with an update on the VDOT’s Tightsqueeze Improvements and the 57 East Bridge. Winstead did provide a potential alternative to canceling the Project on Tightsqueeze and Fairview Roads at the intersection of Route 29, which can be found on the County's website. He also stated the Route 57 Bridge over the Banister River was inspected in May 2023 and is safe, there are no weight restrictions for any vehicles, and the signals cycle in less than one (1) minute. VDOT plans to continue to assess the condition of the bridge and are exploring possible options while keeping the Board informed. Both presentations can be found on the County's website at www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov. b. 2024 Reassessment Update Mr. Pearson presented the Board with an update regarding the County’s 2024 Reassessment. He reviewed the completion schedule and stated they are on time to have everything completed and the reassessment book signed by December 28, 2023. So far, they have visited 53,000 parcels and obtained pictures of dwellings/improvements, as well as completion of data entry on 36,000 parcels and he expects to have all data entries completed by August. His full presentation can be found on the County's website at www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov. STAFF, COMMITTEE, AND/OR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER REPORTS a. County Health Insurance Premium and Contribution Changes Presentation VanDerHyde updated the Board on the County's Health Insurance renewal. Expected rates have increased on average by 14.52% from the prior year and goals for the upcoming year are to make the family plan more affordable, structure the rates to encourage a migration to the high deductible plan, and increase the HSA contribution from $800 to $1,000 per employee, per year. The estimated cost is approximately $300,000 and carryover funds will be used to cover the increased cost. The full presentation can be found on the County's website at www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov. CLOSED SESSION Motion to enter Closed Session. The Board entered Closed Session at 5:45 PM. RESULT: 7-0 (Approved) MOVER: Ingram SECONDER: Tucker AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None a. Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body. (1) Legal Authority: Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(3) Subject Matters: Potential Real Property Acquisition for Public Purposes (Jail Land) Purpose: Review/Discussion Regarding the Same RETURN TO OPEN SESSION & CLOSED SESSION CERTIFICATION The Board returned to Open Session at 6:45 PM and the following Certification was recorded: PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ CLOSED MEETING CERTIFICATION BE IT RESOLVED that at the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors’ (“Board”) Work Session on July 18, 2023, the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each Board Member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the Open Meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (“Act”) and identified in the Motion authorizing the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed, or considered in the Closed Meeting. If any Board Member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Act, he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The Statement shall be recorded in the Board's Minutes. Vote Nancy K. Eanes Yes William V. (“Vic”) Ingram Yes Ronald S. Scearce Yes Robert M. Tucker, Jr. Yes Robert (“Bob”) W. Warren Yes Timothy W. Dudley Yes Darrell W. Dalton Yes ADJOURNMENT Dalton adjourned the Meeting at 6:45 PM. PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ BUSINESS MEETING July 18, 2023 VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors' ("Board") Business Meeting was held on July 18, 2023, in the Board Meeting Room, 39 Bank Street, SE, Chatham, Virginia 24531. CALL TO ORDER (7:00 PM) Dalton called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL The following Board Members were present: Darrell W. Dalton - Chairman, Callands-Gretna District; Timothy W. Dudley - Vice-Chairman, Staunton River District; Nancy K. Eanes – Dan River District; William V. ("Vic") Ingram - Tunstall District; Ronald S. Scearce - Westover District; Robert M. Tucker, Jr. - Banister District; and Robert (“Bob”) W. Warren - Chatham-Blairs District. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED Motion to add the following item to the Agenda as item 13a under Matters from Work Session: • County's Health Insurance Premium and HSA Contribution RESULT: 7-0 (Approve) MOVER: Warren SECONDER: Dudley AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve Agenda with the removal of the PCC Chapter 35 Public Hearing and defer it to the Board's August Business Meeting. RESULT: 7-0 (Approve) MOVER: Ingram SECONDER: Dudley AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ITEMS REMOVED FROM AGENDA Public Hearing: Pittsylvania County Code Amendments (RPD); (PCC §§ 35-295, -296, -298, -301, and -305) CONSENT AGENDA Motion to approve Consent Agenda. RESULT: 7-0 (Approve) MOVER: Warren SECONDER: Scearce AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None a. June Board Meeting Minutes Approval b. MVP Southgate Project FERC Extension Support Letter Submission Ratification c. County's 2023 June Bill List Approval d. Water Tank Maintenance Contract Cancellations/Re-bid Approvals (3) e. Solid Waste Equipment Lease Approval f. Solid Waste 2024 Roll-Off Truck Purchase Approval g. FY 2024 Fire and Rescue Service Agreement Approval h. 2023 Virginia Rules Summer Camp Grant Acceptance Approval i. Certificates of Appreciation Approval (Retirements; Pamela Holley; Kelly Agnor) j. Deferral of Public Hearing Request (Southside Investing, LLC Rezoning Application) Approval k. Resolution # 2023-07-01 (Supporting the Operational Framework for a Water Main Extension to the VIR Campus) Approval PRESENTATIONS The Board presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Pamela Holley honoring her retirement. HEARING OF THE CITIZENS Nathalie Bennett spoke in opposition of the proposed development project and shared her concerns regarding the amount of people it would bring to that area. John Crews spoke in opposition of the proposed development project. He stated property taxes would go up because of this development and stated their community wouldn't benefit anything from this project. Alaina Kiskadden stated she lives on Sugar Tree Church Road in the Tunstall District, and she is a relatively new resident. She chose this area because she wanted an agricultural lifestyle and wanted to live in the quiet, and she wanted her child to have the quality education that she knows the Tunstall District offers. She stated the concerns of the citizens already here is what needs to be considered and they want small, single-family homes. Jim Scearce stated that Eanes was appointed as the Chair of the Department of Social Services Board the previous night, and he also spoke on Brightminds and Pearson's Reassessment and how they will affect the tax rate. Kim Greer stated she lives on Martin Drive and would be one of the properties that will be hemmed in by the proposed development, with roads on both sides of her property. She stated one of her biggest fears is that in time the roads will need to be widened and that will take the land away from the landowners and really bothers her due to having a graveyard in her front yard. She is thankful that the developer has agreed to do a traffic study, but believes that the people in this area should be the ones to vote for or against this project. Jason Hedman stated he lives directly across from this proposed development. He read a section from the Board Bylaws and shared that he felt the letter was not detailed, nor were the signs placed along the road. Debra Taylor stated she lives on 58 West directly across this proposed development. She stated if the Board chooses to make these proposed revisions to the Pittsylvania County Code, these developments could pop up anywhere in the County. She stated the County already suffers from lack of teachers, Fire and EMS, and Law Enforcement. Thomas Murphy, Tunstall District, spoke about the population density that this type of development will bring to the County. He stated that putting 5,000 or 6,000 people within a square mile would double the size of the whole Axton community. Jane Kendrick, Tunstall District, stated she is part of the community group regarding this project. She stated the community welcomes housing in a moderate size and they welcome working with the developers, and we should always be very aware of the people who already live here as she feels they have constantly been left out. David Willis stated he has 300 signatures against the Code changes. He stated there was a Facebook discussion page created but he was cut off from posting comments and his postings were deleted because the whole page was deleted. Josh Austin, Tunstall District, stated when he moved here, he was looking for rural country to raise his kids. He stated the community does not mind bringing people into their community, but do not create a local Charlotte, Greensboro, or a Raleigh. Frank Fox, Chatham-Blairs District, stated the regional investment in the Southern Virginia Megasite is over $240M to date and many question what is being done to attract businesses to that site. He stated that Rezoning Case R-21-016 deserves sincere consideration by the Board since there are housing needs in the County. PUBLIC HEARINGS Rezoning Public Hearings 1. Case R-23-015; Wayne and Sandra Troxler; Rezoning from RC-1, Residential Combined Subdivision District, to A-1, Agricultural District. The Planning Commission recommended, by a 6-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioners' request be granted with the offered proffers (Supervisor Dalton) In Case R-23-015, Wayne and Sandra Troxler (“Petitioners”) have petitioned to rezone 1.61 acres from RC-1, Residential Combined Subdivision District, to A-1, Agricultural District (to allow for a second dwelling to be constructed on the property). The subject property is located off Locust Lane in the Callands-Gretna Election District, and shown on the Tax Maps as part of GPIN # 1563-43- 8791. Once the property is rezoned to A-1, all uses listed under Pittsylvania County Code § 35-178 are permitted. On June 6, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 6-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioners’ request be granted with the proffers offered by the Petitioner. Dalton opened the Public Hearing at 7:58 PM. No one signed up to speak and Dalton closed the Public Hearing at 7:58 PM. Motion to approve the rezoning of 1.61 acres from RC-1, Residential Combined Subdivision District, to A-1, Agricultural District, to allow a second dwelling to be constructed on the property, with the proffers offered by the applicant. RESULT: 7-0 (Approve) MOVER: Dudley SECONDER: Warren AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None MATTERS FROM WORK SESSION a. County's Health Insurance Premium and HSA Contribution Motion to accept the proposed premium breakdown as discussed in the Work Session and increase the HSA contribution from $800 to $1,000 per employee, per year. RESULT: 7-0 (Approve) MOVER: Warren SECONDER: Tucker AYES: Dalton, Tucker, Warren, Scearce, Dudley, Ingram, Eanes NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None BOARD MEMBER REPORTS • Eanes welcomed everyone at the meeting and asked everyone to remember Chesher and Chris Seay’s family. • Ingram recognized dispatchers as first responders and stated he was honored to remember Holley. He also stated that public turnout at a meeting is a beautiful thing, as he was able to work with the developers to organize six (6) meetings. He stated this all comes back to everyone working together and he thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting. • Scearce welcomed Eanes to the Board and thanked her for her good work on the Department of Social Services Board. He also mentioned the Fire & Rescue Service Agreement and is glad it was approved under tonight's Consent Agenda. He stated he only wanted the accountability brought back and the new service agreement does that. • Warren thanked everyone for coming out tonight and thanked the developers for listening and being accommodating to those in the community. He encouraged citizens to seek out truthful and factual information. He stated citizens can gather a lot of information from the County offices, the County website, and even through VA FOIA requests. Many of the websites and Facebook are nothing but gossip and lies and are meant to tear others down. • Dudley thanked everyone for coming out and speaking at the meeting. He stated their phone calls, texts, and voices matter, and he thanked the developers for coming and staying for the meeting. He also thanked County Staff for putting the meetings together and making sure they run as smooth as possible, and he welcomed Eanes to the Board. • Tucker welcomed Eanes to the Board and thanked Staff for a job well done in terms of putting the meetings and the agendas together. He thanked the developers for being in attendance tonight and he appreciated all the citizens for coming out. They have been listened to and he feels they can all work together and find some common ground. He thanked Chairman Dalton for a good meeting, as well as the Board. • Dalton thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting. He also thanked those who spoke for being respectful of their time, and to the developers for coming and staying. He welcomed Eanes to the Board and thanked the Board for a good meeting. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REPORTS Turille welcomed Eanes to the Board. He commended Human Resources and Finance for this year's insurance changes regarding the family medical health plan and feels this will aid in recruitment of staff. He thanked the Board, County Staff, and citizens for the continued advice as he transitions his life to this community. ADJOURNMENT Dalton adjourned the Meeting at 8:15 PM. 7.b. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: County's 2023 July Bill List Approval Staff Contact(s): Kim VanDerHyde Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.b. Attachment(s): None Reviewed By: SUMMARY: At each Board Business Meeting, the County’s Auditors recommend the Board review and approve payments made by the County as oversight of County Fund expenditures. For the Board's review and consideration, the County's June Bill List is found at the link below: https://weblink.pittgov.net/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=484296&dbid=0&repo=Pitt GovDocs FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board approve the County’s 2023 July Bill List as presented. MOTION: “I make a Motion approving the County’s 2023 July Bill List as presented.” 7.c. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Appointments: CPMT (2); (Parent Representative; Private Provider); (Dickens; Karavanic) Staff Contact(s): Cheryl Boswell Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.c. Attachment(s): 1. 07-01-2023 Courtney Dickens - CPMT 2. 07-01-2023 Monica Karavanic - CPMT Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Virginia Code § 2.2-5205 authorizes the Board to appoint members to the County’s Community Policy and Management Team (“CPMT”). FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff and Cheryl J. Boswell, CSA Coordinator, recommend that the Board appoint Courtney Dickens as CPMT Parent Representative and Monica Karavanic as CPMT Private Provider for terms effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. MOTION: "I make a Motion appointing Courtney Dickens as CPMT Parent Representative and Monica Karavanic as CPMT Private Provider for terms effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024." BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. Box 426 • 1 Center Street Chatham, Virginia 24531 Phone (434) 432-1987 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS SAVVY. PEOPLE FRIENDLY. Committee, Board, and Commission Interest Form Name_______________________________________________ Date __________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Voting District____________________________________ Email________________________________________________________________________________ Committee, Board, or Commission of Interest__________________________________________ Education Background_______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation_________________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to serve on this Board? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Special Skills/Interests/Qualifications that would be of benefit to appointment _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ *Please feel free to attach a cover letter or resume; although it is not required. *I agree that if appointed to any Committee, Board, or Commission I will complete the required Conflict of Interest Annual Filings and will adhere to the Code of Ethics/Model of Excellence as included in the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Bylaws. Yes No DISCLAIMER: The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors reserves the absolute legal right to appoint an individual to any Committee, Board, or Commission. Moreover, completion and submission of the Citizen Committee Interest Form does not guarantee an appointment to a committee by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors. 7.d. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Appointment: DPCS (Chatham-Blairs District); (Fuller) Staff Contact(s): Robert Warren Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.d. Attachment(s): 1. 07-26-2023 Rufus Fuller - DPCS Reviewed By: SUMMARY: DPCS' Chatham-Blairs District Representative seat is currently vacant. Supervisor Warren desires to appoint Rufus Fuller (“Fuller”) to fill an unexpired term for said seat beginning on August 15, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2024. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board appoint Fuller to the DPCS Board to fill an unexpired term for the Chatham-Blairs District Representative beginning on August 15, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2024. MOTION: "I make a Motion appointing Fuller to the DPCS Board to fill an unexpired term for the Chatham-Blairs District Representative beginning on August 15, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2024." Serve on a Board or Commission Submission Date: 07/26/2023 3:00 Full Name Rufus Fuller Full Address 2672 Golf Club Road Danville, Va 24540 Election District Chatham-Blairs Phone (336) 613-1952 Email pastorrfulleriii@yahoo.com Board, Committee, or Commission of Interest Danville-Pittsylvania County Community Services Board *Disclaimer* Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals are appointed by a local judge. The Board of Supervisors can make recommendations, but a judge actually makes the appointment. Resume or Cover Letter Education Background Doctorate in theology Occupation Pastor Why do you want to serve on this Board? Been on DPCS for three or four years, but moved to the County and unable to serve as the City representative, but would love to serve as the Chatham Blair’s representative. What special skills/interests/qualifications would benefit you in this appointment? Previous experience and knowledge of being on this board Code of Ethics/Model of Excellence Yes 7.e. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Resolution # 2023-08-03 (Revised Emergency Operations Plan) Adoption Staff Contact(s): Christopher Key Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.e. Attachment(s): 1. 2023 EOP Promulgation 2. 2023-08-03 Emergency Operations Plan 3. Pittsylvania County EOP 2023 Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Virginia Code § 44-146.19 requires that all Virginia Counties develop and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan (“EOP”), which addresses its planned response to major emergency situations and disasters (such as severe weather events, hazardous material releases, etc.). The EOP must be reviewed, updated as needed, and formally adopted by the County’s Governing Body. Over the past several months, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s Planning Section has worked with County Staff to review and revise the County’s EOP. Minor changes were made and contacts within the County’s EOP have been updated. For the Board's review, consideration, and potential adoption, Resolution # 2023-08-03 evincing the same is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution # 2023-08-03 and the corresponding revised EOP as attached and presented. MOTION: “I make a Motion adopting Resolution # 2023-08-03 and the corresponding revised EOP as attached and presented.” PROMULGATION OF THE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 44-146.19 of the Code of Virginia as the Emergency Services Director, I hereby promulgate and issue the Emergency Operations Plan (“the Plan”), dated January 1, 2023, which provides for a County response to emergencies and disasters wherein assistance is needed by affected citizens in order to save lives; to protect public health, safety, and property; to restore essential services; and to effect an economic recovery. As necessary, the Emergency Management Coordinator, on behalf of the Director, is hereby authorized to activate the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in order to direct and control County emergency operations. Activation of the County’s EOC shall constitute implementation of the Plan. As directed by the Plan, the Director of Emergency Management is responsible for command and control, and direction of recovery efforts following any disaster that confronts the County. In the absence of the Director, the Deputy Director assumes the responsibility. In the absence of both the Director, and Deputy Director, this responsibility is assumed by the Coordinator. In accordance with the duties and responsibilities assigned in the Plan, each designated county department or agency shall: 1. Become familiar with and maintain the part(s) of the Plan for which it is responsible; 2. Conduct an on-going training program and participate in exercises as needed in order to maintain an appropriate emergency response capability; 3. In time of emergency, implement emergency response actions as specified in the Plan, in coordination with the County’s EOC; and 4. Assist with post-disaster restoration and recovery operations as required. The Plan is consistent with the Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Laws of 2000, as amended (Chapter 3.2, Title 44 of the Code of Virginia) and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288, as amended) and its implementing regulations. This Executive Order shall be effective upon its signing and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or rescinded by further executive order. PROMULGATION OF THE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN (Continued) Given under my hand and under the seal of Pittsylvania County this _______day of ________________, 20_____. Chairman, Board of Supervisors PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION # 2023-08-03 _____________________________________________________________________________ REVISED EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN ADOPTION _____________________________________________________________________________ VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors’ (“Board”) Business Meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, the following Resolution was presented and adopted: WHEREAS, under the Virginia Code, the Board is charged with protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens and visitors; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of this goal, the Board recognizes the need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and manmade disasters; and WHEREAS, Virginia Code § 44-146.19 requires that all Virginia Counties develop and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan (“EOP”), which addresses its planned response to major emergency situations and disasters (such as severe weather events, hazardous material releases, etc.); and WHEREAS, the EOP must be reviewed, updated as needed, and be formally adopted by the County’s Governing Body; and WHEREAS, over the past several months, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s Planning Section has worked with County Staff to review and revise the County’s EOP; and WHEREAS, minor changes were made and contacts within the County’s EOP have been updated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board does hereby formally adopt the attached, revised EOP; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the County’s Emergency Services Director, or his/her designee, are tasked and authorized to maintain and revise as necessary this EOP over the next four (4)-year period, or until such time be ordered to come before this Board. Given under my hand this 15th day of August, 2023. ________________________________________________ Darrell W. Dalton Chairman, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors ________________________________________________ Stuart J. Turille, Jr. Clerk, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Approved to Form: ________________ J. Vaden Hunt, Esq. County Attorney EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN 2023 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 1 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN Table of Contents Basic Plan Plan Documentation Promulgation Document 5 Approval and Implementation 7 Record of Changes 8 Record of Distribution 9 I. Introduction 10 Purpose 10 Plan Elements 10 Scope 10 II. Demographics Hazards Analysis 12 13 III. Assumptions 15 IV. Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities 17 Elected Officials 17 Director of Emergency Management 17 Coordinator of Emergency Management 17 Local Government Agencies 17 Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) 17 Citizen Involvement 18 Private Sector 18 V. Concept of Operations 19 General 19 Organization 23 Sequence of Action 23 Non-Emergency/Normal Operations 29 Pre-Incident Actions 29 Response Actions 29 Recovery Actions 30 Mitigation Actions 30 Declaration of a Local Emergency 31 Activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 31 VI. Administration, Finance and Logistics 35 VII. Plan Development and Maintenance 39 VIII. Exercise and Training 40 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 2 Appendices Appendix 1 - Glossary 41 Appendix 2 - Acronyms 46 Appendix 3 - Authorities and References 48 Appendix 4 - Matrix of Responsibility 50 Appendix 5 - Succession of Authority 51 Appendix 6 - Emergency Operations Plan Distribution List 53 Appendix 7 - Essential Records 54 Appendix 8 - NIMS Resolution 55 Appendix 9 - Resolution of Adoption of EOP (sample) 58 Appendix 10 - Declaration of Local Emergency (sample) 59 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION ANNEXES ESF #1 – Transportation 61 Tab 1 - Resources 67 ESF #2 – Communications 69 Tab 1 – Emergency Notification Procedures 78 Tab 2 – Emergency Media Contacts 79 Tab 3 – Available Methods of Communications 80 ESF #3 - Public Works and Engineering 81 Tab 1 – Local Utility Providers 85 Tab 2 – Public Works Resources 86 ESF #4 – Firefighting 87 Tab 1 – Fire Department Resources 92 ESF #5 – Emergency Management 93 Tab 1 – Emergency Management Organization and Telephone 97 Tab 2 – Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 98 Tab 3 – Primary EOC Staffing 99 Tab 4 – EOC Floor Plan 100 Tab 5 – EOC Message Flow 101 Tab 6 – EOC Message Form 102 Tab 7 – EOC Message Log 103 Tab 8 – EOC Significant Events Log 104 Tab 9 – Incident Command System 105 Tab 10 – Organizational Chart Tab 11 – Virtual EOC 107 109 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Housing and Human Services 112 Tab 1 – Designated Shelter 118 Tab 2 – Shelter Registration Form 119 Tab 3 – Special Needs Population 121 ESF #7 – Logistics Support 122 Tab 1 – Staging Area 126 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 3 ESF #8 – Health and Medical Services 127 Tab 1 – Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Facilities 131 Tab 2 – Emergency MEDEVAC Services 134 Tab 3 – Virginia Funeral Directors Asoc – Mortuary Disaster Plan 135 Tab 4 – Virginia Medical Examiner Districts 136 ESF #9 – Search and Rescue 137 Tab 1 – Resource and Personal 140 ESF #10 – Oil and Hazardous Response 141 ESF #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources 143 Tab 1 – Emergency Food Consumption Standards 146 ESF #12 – Utilities 147 Tab 1 – Utility Providers 151 ESF #13 – Public Safety and Security 152 Tab 1 – Entry Permit 157 Tab 2 – Waiver of Liability 159 Tab 3 – Law Enforcement Resources 160 ESF #14 – Long Term Community Recovery 161 ESF #15 – External Affairs 163 Tab 1 – Emergency Public Information Resources 167 Tabs 2-7 – (6) Samples - Emergency Public Info Advisories 168 ESF #16 – Military Support 178 ESF #17 – Volunteer and Donations Management 179 Tab 1 – Sample Volunteer Registration Form 182 Tab 2 – Donation Sites 183 Evacuation Annex 187 Tab 1 – Assembly Areas 195 Tab 2 – Pickup Points 196 Animal Care and Control Animal Sheltering Annex 197 Appendix 1 – Household Pet Sheltering Plan 206 Tab 1 – Pet Friendly Shelter Pet Registration/Discharge Form 213 Tab 2 – Pet Friendly Shelters 215 Appendix 2 – Animal Disease Management Plan 216 Appendix 3 – Animal Recovery Plan 224 Tab 1 – Emergency Animal Care and Control Sites 230 Tab 2 – Lost Animal Report 231 Appendix 4 – Local Animal Related Facilities 233 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 4 Damage Assessment Annex 235 Tab 1 – Damage Assessment Team Assignments 244 Tab 2 – Damage Assessment Telephone Report 247 Tab 3 – Cumulative Initial Damage Assessment Report 249 Tab 4 – Public Assistance Damage Assessment Guidelines 251 Tab 5 – Public Assistance Damage Assessment Field Form 253 Tab 6 – Individual Assistance Damage Assessment Level Guidelines 254 Tab 7 – Locality Individual Damage Assessment Field Form 256 Dam Safety Annex 257 Tab 1 – Dam Classifications and Emergency Stages 261 Tab 2 – Directory of Dams 263 Tab 3 – Registered Dam Contact Information 265 Tab 4 – Registered Dams Map 266 Pandemic Influenza Plan 267 Tab 1 – Legal Authorities 281 Tab 2 – Influenza Fact Sheet 286 Tab 3 – Community Mitigation Strategy 288 Congregate Household Pet Sheltering Support Annex 294 Contact Numbers 303 Emergency Community Notification System (Reverse 911) 311 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 5 PROMULGATION OF THE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 44-146.19 of the Code of Virginia as the Emergency Services Director, I hereby promulgate and issue the Emergency Operations Plan (“the Plan”), dated January 1, 2023, which provides for a County response to emergencies and disasters wherein assistance is needed by affected citizens in order to save lives; to protect public health, safety, and property; to restore essential services; and to affect an economic recovery. As necessary, the Emergency Management Coordinator, on behalf of the Director, is hereby authorized to activate the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in order to direct and control County emergency operations. Activation of the County’s EOC shall constitute implementation of the Plan. As directed by the Plan, the Director of Emergency Management is responsible for command and control, and direction of recovery efforts following any disaster that confronts the County. In the absence of the Director, the Deputy Director assumes the responsibility. In the absence of both the Director, and Deputy Director, this responsibility is assumed by the coordinator. In accordance with the duties and responsibilities assigned in the Plan, each designated county department or agency shall: 1. Become familiar with and maintain the part(s) of the Plan for which it is responsible; 2. Conduct an on-going training program and participate in exercises as needed in order to maintain an appropriate emergency response capability; 3. In time of emergency, implement emergency response actions as specified in the Plan, in coordination with the County’s EOC; and 4. Assist with post-disaster restoration and recovery operations as required. The Plan is consistent with the Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Laws of 2000, as amended (Chapter 3.2, Title 44 of the Code of Virginia) and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288, as amended) and its implementing regulations. This Executive Order shall be effective upon its signing and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or rescinded by further executive order. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 6 Insert NEW Promulgation Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 7 INSERT NEW Resolution Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 8 Record of Changes Change Number Date of Change Page or Section Changed Summary of Change Name of Person Authorizing Change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 9 Record of Distribution Director of Emergency Management Deputy Director of Emergency Management Coordinator of Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management Sheriff’s Office Fire and Rescue Squads Assistant County Administrator/Public Works Director Finance Department Director of Social Services Danville-Pittsylvania County Chapter American Red Cross Extension Service Health Department County Attorney Emergency Communications Center Board of Supervisors Public School System Code Compliance Planning Official Building Official Fire Marshal Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 10 I. Introduction A crisis or emergency can happen at any time and could impact one individual, a single building or the entire community. This document is Pittsylvania County’s Emergency Operation Plan (EOP). Emergencies cause confusion and stress for all involved. In order to minimize these effects, initial activation and implementation of the emergency plan should always be handled in a calm, consistent manner. Efficient implementation of the plan will provide a clear direction, responsibility and continuity of control for key officials and administrators. The basic idea to any well-constructed emergency plan is to minimize the possible threat to individuals and properties during an actual emergency. In order to minimize the threat of an emergency, annual evaluation and reviews need to be done to the emergency plan. Purpose The purpose of the Basic Plan is to establish the legal and organizational basis for operations in the effective response to and recovery from all-hazards disasters and/or emergency situations. It assigns broad responsibilities to local government agencies and support organizations for disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. These responsibilities are generally extensions of normal, day-to-day functions involving the same personnel and material resources. Supporting plans for all-hazards disasters set forth the concepts and procedures whereby the County can effectively apply available resources to ensure that casualties and property damage will be minimized and that essential services will be restored as soon as possible following an emergency or disaster situation. Plan Elements This plan consists of the basic plan, the appendices, and the emergency support function and incident annexes. The basic plan provides an overview of Pittsylvania County’s approach to emergency response and operations. It explains the policies, organization and tasks that would be involved in response to an emergency. The appendices give definition to the terms and acronyms used throughout the basic plan, and are the location for any supporting figures, maps, and forms. The emergency support function annexes focus on detailing the specific responsibilities, tasks and operational actions to complete a specific emergency operations function; while the incident annexes focus on any additional special planning or response needs beyond the basic response plan for particular event scenarios. Scope and Applicability The Emergency Operations Plan identifies a range of disasters that could possibly occur in or near this locality. The EOP works to anticipate the needs that the jurisdiction might experience during an incident and provides guidance across County Departments, agencies, and response organizations by describing an overall emergency response system: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 11  How County departments/agencies will be organized during response to an event, including command authorities  Critical actions and interfaces during response and recovery  How the interaction between the jurisdiction and its private partner organizations (Hospitals, non-governmental emergency organizations and others) is managed during the emergencies  How the interaction between the jurisdiction and regional, state and federal authorities is managed  How to handle and manage needs with the resources available. The plan is applicable to all local agencies that may be requested to provide support. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 12 II. Demographics Pittsylvania County is located in south central Piedmont region of Virginia. It covers approximately 978 square miles and has a population of approximately 61,000. It is the largest county in Virginia. The land is rolling to hilly with elevations averaging from 400 to 800 feet above sea level. The highest point in the county is Smith Mountain which is 2,043 feet high. Pittsylvania County is a surplus water area in Virginia. The area’s four major rivers – the Roanoke, Dan, Pigg and Banister – have a total of 196 miles of shoreline in the county. There are also numerous small streams throughout the county which provide valuable supplies of soft water this is of excellent quality for municipal and industrial use. Forests cover 405,446 acres of the County. Hardwood covers approximately 263,533 acres and pine approximately 96,610 acres. Hardwood and pine mixed cover 45,303 acres The county is also rich in mineral deposits with bountiful supplies of barite, mica, manganese and iron. There are 1,354 active farms in the County. The principal crops are tobacco, corn, wheat, soybeans and broccoli. Principal secondary activities are livestock production and dairy products. Pittsylvania County through the years has become an important trade center with an economic base of tobacco, textiles, time and agricultural products. The major transportation routes in Pittsylvania County are state highways 29, 40, 57, 41, 360, 58, and 62. With the amount of water flowing through Pittsylvania County there is always a high possibility of flooding. Also, the acres of forest make a forest fire possibility high. According to the most current US Census the population estimate as of July 2021 is approximately 60,833 people with 49% being males and 51% being female. Based on a hazard analysis of the area, the primary hazards are floods, hazardous material incidents, severe storms, etc. In accordance with the Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 2000, as amended, Pittsylvania County EOP has been developed. This plan will be revised, exercised, readopted, and reissued once every four years. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 13 Hazard Analysis Summary Hazard Risk Analysis Score Highway Accident High Flash Flood High Winter Storm High Haz Mat Accident Medium-High Flood, Major Hurricane/Tropical Storm Medium-High Windstorm/Severe Thunderstorm Medium-High Tornado Medium-High Fire/Explosion Medium Drought Medium Major Power Outage Medium Pipeline Incident Medium Railroad Disaster Low Air Pollution Low Fuel Shortage, Major Low Airplane Crash Low Structural Collapse Low Terrorism Low Water Supply Shortage or Contamination Low Dam Failure Low Earthquake Low Nuclear Accident Low Civil Disturbance Low Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 14 HAZARDS ANALYSIS SUMMARY Explanation Each of the criteria identified for describing and assessing potential hazards is to be assigned a descriptive term based on the vulnerability, maximum threat and probablity of occurance as follows: Low Medium Medium-High High All listed situations refer to major disasters causing loss of life, human suffering, and property damage. Day-to-day emergencies or accidents that are routinely responded to by local emergency organizations are not included. 1. Estimates of VULNERABILITY can be derived by comparing the area at risk to the population and property density. For example, thinly populated rural jurisdictions near nuclear power plants are considered less "vulnerable" than more heavily populated urbanized ones. 3. The MAXIMUM THREAT is the greatest destruction that could occur for the disaster under study. For example, with a nuclear attack, jurisdictions within a high-risk or target area receive a "high" rating; those within 30-40 miles - "medium"; and other, more remote jurisdictions - "low." 4. The PROBABILITY of a disaster is a subjective judgment to be made primarily by local officials. The following guide may be used: a. Chances per year greater than 1 in 10 - "high" b. Chances per year between 1 in 10 and 1 in 500 - "medium-high" c. Chances per year between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000- “medium” d. Chances per year less than 1 in 1000 - "low" The 2021 West Piedmont Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan combined with local resources were used to develop the Pittsylvania County Hazard Analysis summary. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 15 III. Assumptions A. Incidents are typically managed at the lowest possible level of government. B. Incident Management activities will be initiated and conducted using the principles contained in the National Incident Management System (NIMS). C. The combined expertise and capabilities of government at all levels, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations will be required to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. D. Incidents requiring local government to coordinate operations and/or resources may: ➢ Occur at any time with little or no warning; ➢ Require significant information sharing across multiple jurisdictions and between the public and private sectors; ➢ Involve single or multiple geographic areas; ➢ Have significant impact and/or require resource coordination and/or assistance; ➢ Span the spectrum of incident management to include prevention, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation; ➢ Involve multiple highly varied hazards or threats on a local or regional scale; ➢ Result in numerous casualties; fatalities; displaced persons; property loss; disruptions of normal life support systems, essential public services and basic infrastructure; and significant damage to the environment; ➢ Attract a sizeable influx of independent, spontaneous volunteers and supplies; ➢ Require short notice State and Federal asset coordination; ➢ Require prolonged, sustained incident management operations and support activities; and, ➢ Attract a sizeable influx of media personnel. E. The top priorities for the jurisdiction are to: ➢ Save lives and protect the health and safety of the public, responders, and recovery workers; ➢ Ensure security of the jurisdiction; ➢ Prevent an imminent incident from occurring; ➢ Protect and restore critical infrastructure and key resources; ➢ Ensure local government continues to function throughout the incident; ➢ Protect property and mitigate damages and impacts to individuals, communities, and the environment; and ➢ Facilitate recovery of individuals, families, businesses, government, and the environment. This plan encourages the development of a plan that is based on the all-hazards principle that most emergency response functions are similar regardless of the hazard. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 16 ➢ The emergency manager will mobilize resources and personnel as required by the situation; ➢ Incidents are managed at the local level; ➢ They will have mutual aid agreements with neighboring jurisdictions; ➢ They will use the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command Structure (ICS); ➢ Special facilities (schools, nursing homes, adult day care and child care facilities) are required to develop emergency plans; and ➢ Regulated facilities (Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act sites), power plants, etc. posing a specific hazard will develop, coordinate, and furnish emergency plans and procedures to local, county and state departments and agencies as applicable and required by codes, laws, regulations or requirements. (See Pittsylvania Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan.) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 17 IV. Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities A successful local emergency management program involves local government officials, local government agencies, private sector and non-profit organizations. Their roles are summarized in the following discussions. Elected Officials – County Board of Supervisors (BOS) ➢ Protect the lives and property of citizens ➢ Establish the local emergency management program ➢ Appoint the local emergency manager ➢ Adopt and promulgate the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Director of Emergency Management – Chairman of the Board Deputy Director of Emergency Management – County Administrator ➢ Implement the EOP ➢ Determine the need to evacuate an endangered area ➢ Exercise direction and coordination from the EOC during disaster operations ➢ Hold overall responsibility for maintaining and updating the plan. Coordinator of Emergency Management – Department Director of Public Safety and Emergency Communications Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management – Deputy Director of Public Safety ➢ Ensure the local EOC is in a constant state of readiness; ➢ Develop and maintain the EOP; ➢ Assume certain duties in the absence of the director of emergency management including implementing the EOP; and ➢ Ensure that the EOP is reviewed, revised and adopted every four years. Local Government Agencies ➢ Develop and maintain detailed emergency plans and standard operating procedures (SOPs); ➢ Identify sources of emergency supplies, equipment and transportation; ➢ Negotiate and maintain mutual aid agreements which are identified in the plan; ➢ Maintain records of disaster related expenditures including appropriate documentation; ➢ Protect and preserve vital records essential for the continuity of government and delivery of essential functions; and ➢ Establish and maintain list of succession of key personnel Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) An ESF is a grouping of government and certain private-sector capabilities into an organizational structure to provide support, resources, program implementation, and emergency services that are most likely to be needed during emergencies. Operating agencies and local departments participate in the Emergency Support Functions (ESF) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 18 structure as coordinators, primary response agencies, and/or support agencies and/or as required to support incident management activities. The ESFs: ➢ Develop and maintain detailed plans and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support their functional requirements; ➢ Identify sources of emergency supplies, equipment and transportation; ➢ Maintain accurate records of disaster-related expenditure and documentation; ➢ Continue to be responsible for protection and preservation of records essential for continuity of government; and ➢ Establish a line of successions for key emergency personnel. Private Sector The private sector may take on many different roles, which could include: ➢ Private owners of critical infrastructure (either a facility that could be impacted by a disaster or used as a resource) ➢ A response organization (e.g., private ambulance services, environmental clean-up services); ➢ A regulated or responsible party: owner operators of certain regulated facilities may have responsibility under law to prepare for and prevent incidents from occurring; and ➢ A local emergency organization member The private sector has the responsibility to: ➢ Plan for personal and business disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery; ➢ Have knowledge of local emergency response plans and procedures; and ➢ Implement protective actions as requested or required by the Emergency Manager Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 19 V. Concept of Operations General In the event an incident exceeds local emergency response capabilities, outside assistance is available, either through mutual aid agreements with nearby jurisdictions and volunteer emergency organizations or, through the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC). A local emergency must be declared and local resources must be fully committed before state and federal assistance is requested. This section described the local coordinating structures, processes, and protocols employed to manage incidents. These coordinating structure and processes are designed to enable execution of the responsibilities of local government through the appropriate departments and agencies, and to integrate State, Federal, nongovernmental organizations and private sector efforts into a comprehensive approach to incident management. 1. The Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 2000, as amended, provide that Emergency Management organizations and operations will be structured around existing constitutional government. The organization for emergency operations consists of existing government departments and private emergency response organizations. 2. The Chairman, Board of Supervisors is the Director of Emergency Management. The day-to-day activities of the emergency preparedness program have been delegated to the Coordinator of Emergency Management. The Director, in conjunction with the Coordinator of Emergency Management, will direct and control emergency operations in time of emergency and issue directives to other services and organizations concerning disaster preparedness. 3. The Director of Emergency Management, assisted by the Coordinator and department heads, will develop and maintain a primary Emergency Operations Center (EOC) from which to direct operations in time of emergency. The primary EOC is currently located at 200 H.G. McGee Dr. Chatham, VA 24531(William Pritchett Training Center). The alternate EOC is located in the Pittsylvania County Schools ECC Computer Training Center (Old Planetarium). 39 Bank St. Chatham, VA 24531. The Mobile Command Vehicle is stationed at the Sheriff’s Dept Annex, 117 Tightsqueeze Rd. Chatham, VA 24531 4. The day-to-day activities of the emergency management program, for which the Coordinator of Emergency Management is responsible, include developing and maintaining an Emergency Operations Plan, maintaining the County EOC in a constant state of readiness, and other responsibilities as outlined in local and state regulations. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 20 5. The Director of Emergency Management is the constituted legal authority for approving Emergency Operations Plans and declaring a local state of emergency, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors. 6. A local emergency may be declared by the Director of Emergency Management or the Coordinator of Emergency Management with the consent of the entire Board of Supervisors within five (5) days. The declaration of a local emergency activates the Emergency Operations Plan and authorizes the provision of aid and assistance there under. It should be declared when a coordinated response among several local agencies/organizations must be directed or when it becomes necessary to incur substantial financial obligations in order to protect the health and safety of persons and property or to provide assistance to the victims of a disaster. 7. The Director of Emergency Management or, in his absence, the Deputy Director assumes this responsibility. In the absence of both the Director, and Deputy Director, this responsibility is assumed by the Coordinator to determine the action needed to mitigate the emergency, including the need for evacuation of large areas and will issue necessary orders for evacuation or other protective action as needed. The Sheriff’s Department will implement evacuation and provide security for the evacuated area. In the event of a hazardous materials incident, the Fire Chief or his representative on the scene should implement immediate protective action to include evacuation as appropriate. 8. Succession to the Director of Emergency Management will be the Deputy Director, the Coordinator of Emergency Management, or the Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management. 9. The Director of Emergency Management or, in his absence, the Coordinator of Emergency Management will notify the Virginia Department of Emergency Management immediately upon the declaration of a local emergency. Daily situation reports are also required. All appropriate locally available forces and resources will be fully committed before requesting assistance from the state. All disaster-related expenditures must be documented in order to be eligible for post-disaster reimbursement should a federal disaster be declared. 10. The heads of operating agencies will maintain plans and procedures in order to be prepared to effectively accomplish their assigned responsibilities. 11. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will assure compatibility between the County’s Emergency Operations Plan and the plans and procedures of key facilities and private organizations within the County as appropriate. 12. The County must be prepared to bear the initial impact of a disaster on its own. Help may not be immediately available from the state or federal government after a natural or man-made disaster. All appropriate locally available forces and resources will be fully committed before requesting assistance from the state. Requests for assistance will be made through the State EOC to the State Coordinator. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 21 13. The Director of Emergency Management or, in his absence, the descending order established in Item 8, with support from designated local officials, will exercise direction and control from the EOC during disaster operations. The EOC may be partially or fully staffed depending on the type and scope of the disaster. The EOC will provide logistical and administrative support to response personnel deployed to the disaster site(s). Available warning time will be used to implement increased readiness measures that will insure maximum protection of the population, property, and the supplies from the effects of threatened disasters. 14. The heads of operating agencies will develop and maintain detailed plans and standing operating procedures necessary for their departments to effectively accomplish their assigned tasks. Department and agency heads will identify sources from which emergency supplies, equipment, and transportation may be obtained promptly when required. Accurate records of disaster-related expenditures will be maintained. All disaster-related expenditures will be documented to provide a basis for reimbursement should federal disaster assistance be needed. In time of emergency, the heads of County offices, departments, and agencies will continue to be responsible for the protection and preservation of records essential for the continuity of government operations. Department and agency heads will establish lists of succession of key emergency personnel. Day-to-day functions that do not contribute directly to the emergency operation may be suspended for the duration of any emergency. Efforts that would normally be required of those functions will be redirected to accomplish the emergency task by the agency concerned. 15. Declaration of a Local Emergency a. The Director of Emergency Management with the consent of the Board of Supervisors, by resolution, should declare an emergency to exist whenever the threat or actual occurrence of a disaster is, or threatens to be, of sufficient severity and magnitude to require significant expenditures and a coordinated response in order to prevent or alleviate damage, loss, hardship, or suffering. b. A declaration of a local emergency activates the response and recovery programs of all applicable local and interjurisdictional Emergency Operations Plans and authorizes the furnishing of aid and assistance in accordance with those plans. In the event the Board of Supervisors cannot convene due to the disaster, the Director of Emergency Management or, in his/her absence, any other Emergency Management staff may declare a local emergency to exist subject to confirmation of the Board, within forty-five (45) days. The Director of Emergency Management or, in his absence, the Coordinator will advise the State EOC immediately following the declaration of a local emergency. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 22 c. When local resources are insufficient to cope with the effects of a disaster and the County requests state assistance, the following procedures will apply. The Director of Emergency Management, by letter to the State Coordinator of Emergency Management, will indicate that a local emergency has been declared, the local Emergency Operations Plan has been implemented, available resources have been committed, state assistance is being requested and, if appropriate, it is recommended that the Governor declare a state of emergency. A copy of the resolution declaring a local emergency to exist should accompany this letter. 17. The State Emergency Operations Plan requires the submission of the following reports by local government in time of emergency. a. Daily Situation Report b. Damage Assessment Report c. After-Action Report 18. Support by military units may be requested through the State EOC. Military forces, when made available, will support and assist local forces and may receive, from the local Director of Emergency Management or his designated representative, mission-type requests to include objectives, priorities, and other information necessary to accomplish missions. 19. Emergency assistance may be made available from neighboring jurisdictions in accordance with mutual aid agreements. Emergency forces may be sent from Pittsylvania County to assist adjoining jurisdictions. Such assistance will be in accordance with existing mutual aid agreements or, in the absence of official agreements, directed by the Director of Emergency Management or, in his absence, the Coordinator of Emergency Management when he/she determines that such assistance is necessary and feasible. 20. The Director of Emergency Management, the Coordinator of Emergency Management, and the Division of Social Services will assist disaster victims in obtaining post-disaster assistance, such as temporary housing and low-interest loans. 21. This plan is effective as a basis for training and pre-disaster preparedness upon receipt. It is effective for execution when: a. Any disaster threatens or occurs in the County and a local disaster is declared under the provisions of Section 44-146.21, the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Management and Disaster Law of 2000, as amended. b. A state of emergency is declared by the Governor. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 23 22. The Director of Emergency Management, assisted by the Coordinator of Emergency Management, has overall responsibility for maintaining and updating this plan. It should be updated based on lessons learned, and republished following an actual or threatened emergency situation. The Coordinator will have the EOP readopted every four years. Guidance and assistance are provided by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. A plan distribution list must be maintained. Responsible individuals and officials should recommend to the Director of Emergency Management or the Coordinator of Emergency Management appropriate improvements and changes as needed based on experiences in emergencies, deficiencies identified through drills and exercises, and changes in government structure. Concurrent Implementation of Other Plans Local Emergency Operations Plan is the core plan for managing incidents and details the local coordinating structures and processes used during incidents. Other supplemental agency and interagency plans provide details on the authorities, response protocols, and technical guidance for responding to and managing specific contingency situations (such as hazardous materials spills, wild land fires, etc.). In many cases these local agencies manage incidents under these plans using their own authorities. The supplemental agency or interagency plans may be implemented concurrently with the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) but are subordinated to the overarching core coordinating structures, processes, and protocols detailed in the EOP. Organizational Structure In accordance with NIMS process, resource and policy issues are addressed at the lowest possible organizational level. If issues cannot be resolved at that level, they are forwarded up to the next level. Reflecting the NIMS construct and in alignment with the National Response Framework, the Emergency Operations Plan includes the following command and coordination structures: ➢ Incident Command Post, on scene using the Incident Command System; ➢ Area Command (if needed); ➢ Emergency Operations Centers; ➢ Joint Field Office, which is responsible for coordinating Federal Assistance and supporting incident management activities locally; ➢ Local Department of Emergency Management; ➢ Director of Emergency Management; ➢ Coordinator of Emergency Management/Deputy Coordinator; and ➢ Incident Command. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 24 When the local emergency operations center (EOC) is activated, there should be coordination between the emergency manager and the incident commander to ensure a consistent response: Emergency Coordinator Operations Section Planning Section Logistics Section PIO Safety Officer Finance/ Administration Section Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 25 Emergency Coordinator Operations Section Planning Section Logistics Section PIO Deputy Coordinator Finance/ Administration Section Emergency Services Branch Human Services Branch Infrastructure Branch Mission/ Assignment Tracking Situation Unit Plans Unit Technical Specialists GIS/Mapping Unit Coordination/ Planning Unit Resource Management Unit Communications System Unit Procurement Unit Personnel Unit Administration Unit Finance Unit Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 26 Operations Section Emergency Services ESFs Operations Section Chief Emergency Services Branch Human Services Branch Infrastructure Branch ESF #16 Military Support ESF #17 Volunteers & Donations EMERGENCY SERVICES BRANCH ESF #4 Firefighting ESF #8 Health & Medical ESF #9 Search & Rescue ESF #10 Oil & HAZMAT ESF #13 Public Safety/Security Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 27 Human Services ESFs Infrastructure Support ESFs HUMAN SERVICES BRANCH ESF # 6 Mass Care ESF # 11 Agriculture & Natural Resources INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT ESF #1 Transportation ESF #2 Communications ESF #3 Public Works/Engineering ESF #12 Energy Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 28 Planning Section ESFs Logistics Section ESFs Command Staff PLANNING SECTION ESF #5 Emergency Mgmt LOGISTICS SECTION ESF #7 Resource Mgmt COORDINATOR ESF #15 Public Affairs/Information Deputy Coordinator ESF #14 Long Term Recovery Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 29 Non-Emergency/Normal Operations These are actions that are implemented during non-emergency or disaster periods that will prepare the locality for potential emergency response if necessary. 1. Public information and educational materials will be provided to the public via municipal newsletters, brochures, publications in telephone directories, municipal web-sites and other media. 2. Develop, review and exercise emergency operations plan and standard operating procedures. 3. Assure the viability and accuracy of emergency contact lists, resource lists and emergency contracts. 4. Update, review, and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). 5. Ensure that the EOP includes a provision that the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Criminal Injury Compensation Fund shall be contacted in the event of an emergency (as defined in the EOP) when there are victims as defined in Code of Virginia §19.2-11.01 The current contact for each organization must be maintained by the locality. Pre-Incident Actions These are actions that are implemented if the Emergency Manager receives notice of a potential emergency from the federal Homeland Security Advisory System, National Weather Service watches and warnings or other reliable sources. Actions: ➢ Communication alert & warning; ➢ Public health and safety; ➢ Responder health and safety; ➢ Property protection; and ➢ Possible partial activation of the EOC. 1. Alert emergency response personnel and develop a staffing pattern. 2. Determine any protective action measures that need to be implemented in preparation for the situation. Response Actions Actions taken to preserve life, property, the environment, and the social, economic, and political structure of the community ➢ Law enforcement; ➢ Protection of responder health and safety; ➢ Fire suppression; ➢ Emergency medical services; ➢ Evacuations; ➢ Dissemination of public information; ➢ Actions to minimize additional damage; ➢ Urban search and rescue; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 30 ➢ Public health and medical services; ➢ Distribution of emergency supplies; ➢ Debris clearance; and ➢ Protection and restoration of critical infrastructure. Some actions that may be necessary at this point in the incident are: 1. Suspension of daily functions of the government that do not contribute directly to the emergency operation. 2. Efforts and resources may be redirected to accomplish an emergency task. 3. Implement evacuation orders as needed. 4. Open and staff emergency shelters as needed. Once immediate response missions and life-saving activities conclude, the emphasis shifts from response to recovery. Brief the local governing body of the impending situation. Recovery Actions These actions should assist individuals and communities to return to a normal state as much as feasible. During the recovery period, some of the actions that may need to be implemented: ➢ Preliminary damage assessment; ➢ Long-term recovery; ➢ Cleanup and restoration of public facilities, businesses, and residences; ➢ Re-establishment of habitats and prevention of subsequent damage to natural resources; and ➢ Protection of cultural or archeological sites during other recovery operations. Open a Joint Field Office (JFO) to assist those impacted by the disaster if the event is declared a Federal Disaster. The JFO is the central coordination point among Federal, State and Local agencies and voluntary organizations for delivering recovery assistance programs. 1. Within 72 hours of impact, complete an Initial Damage Assessment and submit to the VEOC. 2. Assess local infrastructure and determine viability for re-entry of residents. 3. Begin immediate repairs to electric, water and sewer lines and stations. Mitigation Actions These actions are completed to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their side effects. During the mitigation process, these issues will need to be addressed: ➢ Grant programs for loss reduction measures (if available); ➢ Delivery of loss reduction building-science expertise; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 31 ➢ Coordination of Federal Flood Insurance operations and integration of mitigation with other program efforts; ➢ Conducting flood recovery mapping to permit expedited and accurate implementation of both recovery and mitigation programs; ➢ Predictive modeling to protect critical assets; ➢ Early documentation of losses avoided due to previous hazard mitigation measures; and ➢ Community education and outreach necessary to foster loss reduction. 1. Review the All-Hazard Mitigation Plan and update as necessary any mitigation actions that could prevent similar impacts for a future disaster. 2. Work with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management Mitigation Program to develop mitigation grant projects to assist in areas most at risk. 3. Implement mitigation measures in the rebuilding of infrastructure damaged in the event. Declaration of a Local Emergency The Governing Board shall declare by resolution an emergency to exist whenever the threat or actual occurrence of a disaster is or threatens to be of sufficient severity and magnitude to require significant expenditure and a coordinated response in order to prevent or alleviate damage, loss, hardship or suffering. A local emergency may be declared by the Director of Emergency Management with the consent of the Board of Supervisors. If the Board cannot convene due to the disaster or other exigent circumstances, the director or in his absence, the deputy director shall declare the existence of an emergency, subject to the confirmation by the governing board at its next regularly scheduled meeting or at a special meeting within 45 days of the declaration, whichever occurs first. Activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) MISSION When there is no emergency, the mission is to assign emergency duties and responsibilities, direct planning, conduct training, and generally to maintain an effective emergency response capability. In time of emergency, the mission is to direct and control emergency operations, assure the implementation of actions as called for in this plan, disseminate emergency information to the public, and coordinate with the State EOC should outside assistance be required. ORGANIZATION Emergency operations will be directed and controlled from the Emergency Operations Center located in Chatham, Virginia. The EOC staff will consist of the Director, Deputy Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 32 Director, Coordinator, and Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management, and key department heads or their designated representatives. Support personnel to assist with communications, designated logistics, and administration will also be designated. The Director of Emergency Management will be available for decision-making as required. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will assure the development and maintenance of SOPs on the part of each major emergency support service. Generally, each service should maintain current notification rosters, designate and staff an official emergency control center, designate an EOC representative, establish procedures for reporting appropriate emergency information, develop mutual aid agreements with like services in adjacent localities, and provide ongoing training to maintain emergency response capabilities. More specific SOP requirements are listed in each respective functional annex. When an emergency threatens, available time will be used to implement increased readiness measures as listed in each annex to this plan. The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will assure that all actions are completed as scheduled. The EOC support staff will include a recorder, message clerk, and other support personnel as required in order to relieve the decision-making group of handling messages, maintaining logs, placing maps, etc. Procedures for these support operations should be established and maintained. A separate reports section should be established as an adjunct to the EOC staff. An EOC wall map should also be prepared and be readily accessible. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - DIRECTION AND CONTROL 1. Normal Operations a. Complete a hazards analysis to determine which potential disasters are most likely to occur and which mitigation and preparedness actions are most needed. b. Develop and maintain an operational capability for emergency operations and reflect it in the local Emergency Operations Plan. (1) Make individual assignments of duties and responsibilities to staff the EOC and implement emergency operations. Maintain a notification roster of these key personnel and their alternates. (2) Assure that adequate facilities and resources are identified to conduct emergency operations at the EOC and the designated evacuation assembly center. (3) Develop mutual support agreements with adjacent jurisdictions and with relief organizations, such as the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 33 (4) Develop plans and procedures for providing timely information and guidance to the public in time of emergency. Consummate official working agreements with local EAS radio stations. (5) Identify and maintain a list of essential services and facilities, which must continue to operate and may need to be protected during an emergency. (6) Test and exercise plans and procedures with periodic exercises and drills. Revise plans and provide training as indicated by test or exercise results. c. Assure compatibility between this plan and the emergency plans and procedures of key facilities and organizations within the county. d. Develop accounting and record-keeping procedures for expenses incurred during an emergency. Become familiar with federal disaster assistance procedures, the Disaster Preparedness and Assistance Handbook, and the State Emergency Services Law of 2000. e. Define and encourage hazard mitigation activities, which will reduce the probability of the occurrence of a disaster and/or reduce its effects. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Review emergency operations plans and procedures and update if necessary. Ensure the operational capability of the EOC facility and alert on-duty personnel. b. Alert appropriate personnel of the situation and assure that appropriate mitigation and preparedness measures are being taken. Begin to provide periodic staff briefings as required. c. Implement record keeping of all incurred expenses, if applicable. d. Prepare to provide emergency information to the public. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Direct and control emergency operations. Complete all checklist items listed above. Staff the EOC, as required. Provide logistical support to on-site emergency response personnel. (2) Brief the Board of Supervisors as appropriate. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 34 (3) Call a meeting of county personnel. Review actions already taken and expedite those necessary to conduct in-the-field mitigation and preparedness activities. Assure the completion of checklist items in each functional annex. (4) Disseminate emergency information and protective action guidance to the public. Advise individuals to evacuate from danger areas, if appropriate. (5) Establish and maintain liaison with the State EOC and adjacent jurisdictions. Provide daily situation reports to the State EOC. (6) Continue to maintain records for all expenses incurred. Coordinate daily with department heads. b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Direct and control emergency operations. Ensure that previous checklist items have been completed or initiated. (2) Provide emergency information and protective action guidance to the public. (3) Declare a local emergency if the situation warrants. (4) Provide periodic situation reports and requests for assistance to the State EOC as the situation requires. (5) Ensure that an accurate record of expenses is maintained. (6) Make an Initial Damage Assessment, an Incident Needs Assessment Report (if needed) and an Initial Damage Assessment Report and forward to the State EOC. 4. Recovery This phase requires that priority attention be given to the restoration of essential facilities and an assessment of damage effects. a. Restore essential facilities and services. b. Provide temporary housing and food as required. c. Continue to maintain a record of disaster-related expenditures. d. Coordinate with the State EOC. Provide supplementary damage assessment information as required. Request post-disaster assistance if appropriate. e. Provide information to the public. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 35 VI. Administration, Finance and Logistics MISSION To ensure that the necessary management controls, budget authorities, and accounting procedures are in place to provide the necessary funding in a timely manner to conduct emergency operations, document expenditures, and maximize state and federal assistance following the disaster. ORGANIZATION The County Administrator and the Finance Director are responsible for developing and implementing the necessary management policies and procedures that will facilitate and ensure an accurate accounting of disaster expenditures during all phases of disaster operations. These procedures will be designed to support and expedite emergency response operations, as well as maximize state and federal assistance. The County Administrator and the Finance Director will coordinate with all departments, government entities, and representatives from the private sector who support disaster operations. This may involve working with other local jurisdictions that provide mutual aid, state and federal governments, private contractors, local retailers, volunteer organizations, etc. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS In an emergency situation, as defined by the Emergency Operations Plan, the County Administrator and Finance Director will be responsible for expediting the process of procuring the necessary goods and services to support emergency operations; designating disaster account numbers(s) that disaster expenditures will be charged to, coordinating with department heads and the real estate assessor during the damage assessment and recovery phases of disaster operations; assisting in the development of applications for state and federal assistance; participating in the development and review of vendor contracts; developing, documenting, and providing financial data to the proper authorities, as necessary. The County Administrator and Finance Director will meet with department directors to inform them of emergency authorities that will be delegated to them in order to make the necessary expenditures to address the situation in a timely manner. Department heads will be responsible for developing and maintaining accurate records and documentation to support all expenditures related to the disaster (e.g., personnel, equipment, facilities, contracts etc.). Department Heads will be responsible for keeping an accurate inventory of resources and identifying potential needs for emergency/disaster situations. A listing of potential resource providers will be developed and maintained for anticipated equipment and service needs, as required. Mutual aid agreements and sample contract agreements will be developed to facilitate the receipt of assistance and Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 36 expedite the procurement process during the response and recovery phases of disaster operations. The accounting process followed by all departments will follow existing standardized procedures. All departments must adhere to established disaster accounting and finance procedures to minimize the potential for waste, fraud, and delays in processing requests, maximize state and federal assistance, and facilitate the documentation of disaster expenditures, the development of disaster cost statistics, and audits following the disaster. The County Administrator and Finance Director will be responsible for developing and providing its own logistical support to carry out the assigned emergency duties and will also be responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing the necessary measures to protect vital records and critical systems to ensure their continued operation during a disaster as well as facilitate their restoration if impacted by the disaster. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 37 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - BUDGET AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. Normal Operations a. Develop, maintain, disseminate budget and management procedures to ensure the prompt and efficient disbursement and accounting of funds to conduct emergency operations, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster b. Provide training to familiarize staff with internal procedures, as well as federal and state disaster assistance requirements and forms c. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking d. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand e. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for disaster operations f. Develop and maintain the necessary measures to protect vital records and critical systems to ensure their continued operation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their restoration if impacted by the disaster 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area a. Review emergency budget and management procedures and update if necessary b. Review federal disaster assistance procedures, the Disaster Preparedness and Assistance Handbook, and the State Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 2000, as amended c. Review resource inventories and prepare to make emergency purchases of goods and services. Major claimants will be Public Works, Schools and Social Services d. Review procedures to be followed in documenting and reporting disaster-related expenditures with all departments e. Pre-identify one or more cost center code numbers to the potential emergency/disaster incident to facilitate disaster cost accounting, and notify departments of code assignment Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 38 f. Review and update mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for disaster operations g. Ensure that the necessary measures to protect vital records and critical systems are in place and can be implemented 3. Emergency Operations a. Implement emergency budget and financial management procedures to expedite the necessary procurement of good and services to effectively address the situation at hand b. Begin tracking and compiling accurate cost center records from data submitted by departments c. Assist in damage assessment survey d. Implement the necessary mutual aid agreements e. Begin utilizing sample contracts and the resource listing to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for disaster operations f. Implement the necessary measures to protect vital records and critical systems to ensure their continued operation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their restoration if impacted by the disaster 4. Recovery a. Prepare and submit disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures b. Assist in finalizing damage assessment report c. Review and revise real estate assessments based upon damages sustained to local infrastructure d. Assist in the preparation and submission of government insurance claims e. Conduct the necessary internal audits as well as support external audits required by state and federal governments for assistance received f. Identify and correct any shortfalls in emergency budget, accounting, and procurement procedures, as well as measures implemented to protect critical systems Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 39 VII. Plan Development and Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________ Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 2000, as amended, requires jurisdictions to develop, adopt, and keep current a written crisis emergency management plan. Every four years, Pittsylvania County shall conduct a comprehensive review and revision of its crisis and emergency management plan to ensure the plan remains current, and the revised plan shall be adopted formally by the governing Board of Supervisors. Such review may also be certified in writing to the Department of Emergency Management. Drafting an emergency plan is a community effort and relies heavily on the administrators and experts to provide comprehensive guidance on hazard analysis, exercise design, evacuation planning, emergency management, mitigation, recovery, emergency preparedness, and educational awareness. Examples of plan participants: ➢ Coordinator of Emergency Management ➢ Public Works ➢ Examples of Internal Groups: o Department of Finance; o Department of Human Resources; o Purchasing Department; o Emergency Medical Services; o Fire Department; o Police Department; o Sheriff’s Department; and/or o Red Cross. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will update the Emergency Operations Plan annually. The Coordinator will coordinate with each emergency resource organization and assure the development and maintenance of an appropriate emergency response capability. It is the responsibility of the Coordinator or Emergency Management to assure that the plan is tested and exercised on a scheduled basis. The Coordinator will maintain the schedule and assure that the appropriate resources are available to complete these activities. After each drill, exercise or actual event, a hot wash and/or after-action review will take place. Any findings from these post-event reviews will be incorporated into an update of the plan. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 40 VIII. Exercise and Training Trained and knowledgeable personnel are essential for the prompt and proper execution of the Emergency Operations Plan and sub-plans. The Director of Emergency Management will ensure that all response personnel have a thorough understanding of their assigned responsibilities in a disaster or emergency situation, as well as how their role and responsibilities interface with the other response components of Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan. All personnel will be provided with the necessary training to execute those responsibilities in an effective and responsible manner. The Coordinator of Emergency Management is responsible for the development, administration, and maintenance of a comprehensive training and exercise program customized to the needs of Pittsylvania County. This program will be comprised of a general, core, functionally specific, as well as on-going refresher training programs designed to attain and sustain an acceptable level of emergency preparedness for Pittsylvania County. Training will be based on federal and state guidance. Instructors will be selected from the government officials and staff, state and federal governments, private industry, the military, and volunteer groups trained in emergency services and response. All training and exercises conducted in Pittsylvania County will be documented. Training needs will be identified and records maintained for all personnel assigned emergency response duties in a disaster. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will develop, plan, and conduct table top, functional and/or full-scale exercises annually. These exercises will be designed to not only test the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan and sub-plans, but to train all appropriate officials, emergency response personnel, Pittsylvania County employees, and improve the overall emergency response organization and capability of Pittsylvania County. Quasi-public and volunteer groups and/or agencies will be encouraged to participate. Deficiencies identified by the exercise will be addressed immediately. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 41 Appendix 1 – Glossary of Key Terms Amateur Radio Emergency Services A public service organization of licensed amateur radio operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment to provide emergency communications for public service events as needed American Red Cross A humanitarian organization led by volunteers, that provides relief to victims of disasters and helps prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. It does this through services that are consistent with its Congressional Charter and the Principles of the International Red Cross Movement. Command Section One of the five functional areas of the Incident Command System. The function of command is to direct, control, or order resources, including people and equipment, to the best possible advantage. Command Post That location at which primary Command functions are executed; usually collocated with the Incident Base, also referred to as the Incident Command Post. Comprehensive Resource Management Maximizes the use of available resources, consolidates like resources and reduces the communications load on the Incident Command Operation. Coordination The process of systemically analyzing a situation, developing relevant information, and informing appropriate personnel of viable alternatives for selection of the most effective combination of available resources to meet specific objectives. Emergency Any occurrence, or threat, whether natural or man-made, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property or natural resources and may involve governmental action beyond that authorized or contemplated by existing law because governmental inaction for the period required to amend the law to meet the exigency would work immediate and irrevocable harm upon the citizens or the environment of the Commonwealth or clearly defined portion or portions thereof. Decontamination The process of making people, objects, or areas safe by absorbing, destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing the Hazardous Materials/HAZMAT Emergency/Disaster/Incident An event that demands a crisis response beyond the scope of any single line agency or service and that presents a threat to a community or larger area. An emergency is usually an event that can be controlled within the scope of local capabilities; a major emergency or disaster usually requires resources beyond what is available locally. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 42 Emergency Alert System A network of broadcast stations interconnecting facilities authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to operate in a controlled manner to warn and inform the public of needed protective actions in the event of a disaster or emergency situation. Emergency Operations Center A facility from which government directs and controls its emergency operations; where information about the status of the emergency situation is officially collected, assimilated, and reported on; where coordination among response agencies takes place; and from which outside assistance is officially requested. Emergency Operations Plan A document which provides for a preplanned and coordinated response in the event of an emergency or disaster situation. Emergency Management The preparation for and the carrying out of functions (other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible) to prevent, minimize, and repair injury and damage resulting from natural or manmade disasters. These functions include fire- fighting, police, medical and health, rescue, warning, engineering, communications, evacuation, resource management, plant protection, restoration of public utility services, and other functions related to preserving the public health, safety, and welfare. Emergency Support Function A functional area of response activity established to facilitate the delivery of Federal assistance required during the immediate response phase of a disaster to save lives, protect property and public health and maintain public safety. Exercise An activity designed to promote emergency preparedness; test or evaluate emergency operations plans, procedures, or facilities; train personnel in emergency response duties, and demonstrate operational capability. There are three specific types of exercises: tabletop, functional, and full scale. Evacuation Assisting people to move from the path or threat of a disaster to an area of relative safety. Federal Disaster Assistance Aid to disaster victims and/or state and local governments by federal agencies under provisions of the Robert T. Stafford Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of (PL 93- 288). Geographic Information System A computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e.-data identified according to their locations. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 43 Hazardous Materials Substances or materials which may pose unreasonable risks to health, safety, property, or the environment when used, transported, stored or disposed of, which may include materials which are solid, liquid, or gas. Hazardous materials may include toxic substances, flammable and ignitable materials, explosives, or corrosive materials, and radioactive materials. Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan The plan was developed in response to the requirements of Section 303 (a) of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (Title III) of Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. It is intended to be a tool for our community’s use in recognizing the risks of a hazardous materials release, in evaluating our preparedness for such an event, and in planning our response and recovery actions. This plan is separate from the county’s Emergency Operations Plan. Incident Command System A model for disaster response that uses common terminology, modular organization, integrated communications, unified command structure, action planning, manageable span or control, pre-designed facilities, and comprehensive resource management. In ICS there are five functional elements: Command, Operations, Logistics, Planning and Finance/Administration. Incident Commander The individual responsible for the management of all incident operations. Initial Damage Assessment Report A report that provides information regarding overall damage to public and private property, thereby providing a basis for emergency declaration and/or disaster assistance. Integrated Communications Plan This plan coordinates the use of available communications means and establishes frequency assignments for certain functions. Local Emergency The condition declared by the local governing body when, in its judgment, the threat or actual occurrence of a disaster is or threatens to be of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant coordinated local government action to prevent, or alleviate loss of life, property damage, or hardship. Only the Governor, upon petition of a local governing body, may declare a local emergency arising wholly or substantially out of a resource shortage when he deems the situation to be of sufficient magnitude to warrant coordinated local government action to prevent or alleviate the hardship or suffering threatened or caused thereby. Local Emergency Planning Committee Appointed representatives of local government, private industry, business, environmental groups, and emergency response organizations responsible for ensuring that the hazardous materials planning requirements of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) are complied with. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 44 Mitigation Activities that actually eliminate or reduce the chance occurrence or the effects of a disaster. Examples of mitigation measures include, but are not limited to, the development of zoning laws and land use ordinances, State building code provisions, regulations and licensing for handling and storage of hazardous materials, and the inspection and enforcement of such ordinances, codes and regulations. Mobile Crisis Unit A field response tram staffed and operated by mental health professionals specially trained in crisis intervention. The Mobile Crisis Unit is available to provide on-scene crisis intervention to incident victims and to follow up work with victims and formal Critical Incident Stress Debriefings for service providers after the incident has been brought under control. Mutual Aid Agreement A written agreement between agencies and/or jurisdictions in which they agree to assist one another, upon request, by furnishing personnel and/or equipment in an emergency situation. National Response Framework Is a guide to how the Nation conducts all-hazard response. It is built upon scalable, flexible and adaptable coordinating structures to align key roles and responsibilities across the nation. National Weather Service The federal agency which provides localized weather information to the population, and during a weather-related emergency, to state and local emergency management officials. Preparedness The development of plans to ensure the most effective, efficient response to a disaster or emergency. Preparedness activities are designed to help save lives and minimize damage by preparing people to respond appropriately when an emergency is imminent. Preparedness also includes establishing training, exercises and resources necessary to achieve readiness for all hazards, including Weapons of Mass destruction incidents. Presidential Declaration A presidential declaration frees up various sources of assistance from the Federal government based on the nature of the request from the governor. Primary Agency While several County departments will be performing varied and critical tasks during a disaster, in most cases only one agency will be considered the ‘primary agency.’ The primary agency shall be responsible for detailed planning, testing, and evaluation of their respective emergency support function. The Department Director of the primary agency shall serve as the principal advisor to the County Executive during the response and recovery phase. In addition, the Department Director or the primary agency must assure that essential operations of his/her agency will continue, unless otherwise directed by the County Executive or his/her designee. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 45 Regional Information Coordination Center The center facilitates communications and coordination among local, state, and federal government authorities to ensure an effective and timely response to regional emergencies and incidents, including coordination of decision-making regarding events such as closings, early release of employees, evacuation, transportation decisions, health response, etc. Situation Report A form which, when completed at the end of each day of local Emergency Operations Center operations, will provide the County with an official daily summary of the status of an emergency and of the local emergency response. A copy should be submitted to the State EOC via fax or submitted through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management website. Span of Control As defined in the Incident Command System, Span of Control is the number of subordinates one supervisor can manage effectively. Guidelines for the desirable span of control recommend three to seven persons. The optimal number of subordinates is five for one supervisor. State of Emergency The condition declared by the Governor when, in his judgment, a threatened or actual disaster in any part of the State is of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant disaster assistance by the State to supplement local efforts to prevent or alleviate loss of life and property damage. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 Established Federal regulations for the handling of hazardous materials. Unified Command Shared responsibility for overall incident management as a result of a multi-jurisdictional or multi-agency incident. In the event of conflicting priorities or goals, or where resources are scarce, there must be a clear line of authority for decision-making. Agencies contribute to unified command by determining overall goals and objectives, jointly planning for tactical activities, conducting integrated tactical operations and maximizing the use of all assigned resources. Weapons of Mass Destruction Any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than 4 ounces, or a missile having an explosive incendiary charge of more than 0.25 ounce, or mine or device similar to the above; poison gas; weapon involving a disease organism; or weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life. (Source: 18 USC 2332a as referenced in 18 USC 921). Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 46 Appendix 2 – List of Acronyms APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service CERT Community Emergency Response Team CFO Chief Financial Officer CR Community Relations DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer DHS Department of Homeland Security DRC Disaster Recovery Center DMME Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy DRM Disaster Recovery Manager EAS Emergency Alert System EOC Emergency Operations Center ESF Emergency Support Function EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERT-A Emergency Response Team – Advance Element FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FCO Federal Coordinating Officer FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency ICS Incident Command System JIC Joint Information Center JFO Joint Field Office MACC Multi-agency Command Center MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding NAWAS National Warning System NCR National Capital Region NGO Nongovernmental Organization NIMS National Incident Management System NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRP National Response Plan NWS National Weather Service Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 47 PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment PIO Public Information Officer POC Point of Contact RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services SAR Search and Rescue SCC State Corporation Commission SOG Standard Operating Guideline SOP Standard Operating Procedures USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USCG U.S. Coast Guard USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture VOAD Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster WAWAS Washington Area Warning System WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 48 Appendix 3 – Authorities and References The organizational and operational concepts set forth in the plan are promulgated under the following authorities: 1. Federal A. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended. B. The Homeland Security Act/National Response Framework, December 2004 2. State A. Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Management and Disaster Law of 2000, Title 44-146.28, Code of Virginia, as amended. B. The Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan: Volume I, Basic Plan, October 2021 Volume II, Disaster Recovery Plan, January 2019 Volume III, Radiological Emergency Response Plan, March, 2002 Volume IV, Oil and Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan, December 2001 Volume V, Virginia Hurricane Emergency Response Plan, August 2001 Volume VI, Hazard Mitigation Management Plan, March 2018 Volume VII, Transportation Plan, July 2000, (limited distribution) Volume VIII, Terrorism Consequence Management, August 2005 (limited distribution) 3. Local A. The County of Pittsylvania Emergency Operations Plan REFERENCES 1. Objectives for Local Emergency Management, CPG 1-5, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1984 2. Disaster Operations, CPG 1-6, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1981 3. Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plan, CPG 1-8, Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 1990. 4. Guide for the Review of State and Local Emergency Operations Plan, CPG 1-8A, Federal Emergency Management Agency, October 1992. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 49 5. Disaster Preparedness and Assistance Handbook, Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Emergency Management, January 1984. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 50 Appendix 4 – Matrix of Responsibilities Agency ESF # 1 Transportation ESF # 2 Communications ESF # 3 Public Works ESF #4 Fire Fighting ESF #5 Emergency Management ESF #6 Mass Care ESF #7 Resource Support ESF #8 Health & Medical ESF #9 Search & Rescue ESF #10 Hazardous Materials ESF #11 Agriculture & Natural Resources ESF #12 Energy ESF # 13 Public Safety ESF #14 Long-Term Recovery ESF #15 External Affairs Emergency Management S S P P S P S S P Fire P S S P EMS/Health S S P S S Sheriff’s Dept. P P S Public Works S P S S S S Building/Zoning/ Planning S S P County Government S Red Cross Information Technology S Social Services S Finance S S Transportation S Public Schools P S S Community Services Board S Water Authority S County Attorney S S Public Affairs S VVOAD S Local Recovery Task Force P P-Primary S-Secondary Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 51 Appendix 5 – Succession of Authority Continuity of Government is critical to the successful execution of emergency operations. Therefore, the following lines of succession are specified in anticipation of any contingency, which might result in the unavailability of the ranking member of the administrative hierarchy. The decision-making authority for each organization or service function is listed below by position in decreasing order. Organization/Service Function Authority in Line of Succession Direction and Control 1. Director/Chairman Board of Supervisors 2. Deputy Director/Co. Administrator 3. Coordinator of Emer. Management 4. Member BOS by Seniority Emergency Public Information 1. Director/Chairman BOS 2. Deputy Director/Co. Administrator 3. Coordinator of Emer. Management 4. Member BOS by Seniority Sheriff’s Office 1. Sheriff 2. Chief Deputy 3. Captain 4. Lieutenant Public Safety 1. Director 2. Deputy Director 3. Division Chief School System 1. Superintendent 2. Assistant Superintendent 3. Administrative Assistant for Maintenance Public Works Department 1. Assistant County Administrator 2. Superintendent Building/Grounds 3. Solid Waste Supervisor/Landfill Community Development/Building Dept. 1. Director of Code Compliance 2. Building Official 3. Building Inspector Health Department 1. Health Director 2. Environmental Health Manager 3. Nursing Supervisor Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 52 Fire Services 1. Fire Chief 2. Assistant Fire Chief 3. Line Officers Rescue Services 1. Squad Chief or Captain 2. Second Line Officer 3. Third Line Officer VPI-SU Extension Service 1. Unit Director 2. Extension Agent 3. Senior Secretary Social Services 1. Director 2. Assistant Director 3. Social Work Supervisor 4. Eligibility Supervisor Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 53 Appendix 6 – Emergency Operations Plan Distribution List Director of Emergency Management Coordinator of Emergency Management Sheriff's Office Fire Departments Fire Marshal Utilities Director of Inspections Director of Parks and Recreation Assessor (Chief) Director of Social Services County Administrator Unit Director - Extension Service Health Department County Attorney Communications Center Board of Supervisors/ Townships Public School System Public Information Office Rescue Squads Damage Assessment Team Virginia Department of Transportation Virginia Department of Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 54 Appendix 7 – Essential Records Court Records The preservation of essential records for the locality is the responsibility of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. All essential records are to be stored in the records vault located in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. These records include the following: Real Estate Records* Criminal Records Wills Civil Records Chancery Records Marriage Licenses The evacuation of records in the event of an emergency will be accomplished only by approval of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The loading and transportation of these records is the responsibility of the Sheriff’s Department. * A microfilm copy of all real estate records for the locality is stored in the Archives, State Library, Richmond, Virginia. Agencies/Organizations Each agency/organization within the structure of local government should establish its own records protection program. Those records deemed essential for continuing government functions should be identified and procedures should be established for their protection, such as duplicate copies in a separate location and/or the use of safe and secure storage facilities. Provisions should be made for the continued operations of automated data processing systems and records. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 55 Appendix 8 –NIMS NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a widely used incident management system that is used by the United States Coast Guard (USCG), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal, state, and local agencies. Many fire departments across the country are using the NIIMS model for an IMS at all incidents. Implementation of NIMS as a statewide incident management system will enhance all emergency operations by increasing efficiency, and consistency in first responder communication while providing a safer emergency scene. In order to enhance on-scene response to natural and technological emergencies at the local level, there is a need to have an incident level management system in place that provides a standardized organizational framework that responders can quickly recognize and adapt to. The management system will provide the necessary tools to effectively manage and efficiently coordinate local and regional resources, utilizing common terminology and standard operating procedures. The incident level management system must be designed to quickly organize and integrate multiple disciplines into one functional organization that has the flexibility to adapt to and meet the demands of any emergency/disaster situation involving one or more jurisdictions. The strength and effectiveness of such a system will be based upon written procedures that reflect department policies, and provide incident management with standardized and effective response strategies to diverse emergency situations that vary in terms of their size, scope, and nature of the hazard(s) they pose to the community. These procedures, which will be implemented routinely to address any given situation, can also be used as a training tool for department staff, as well as provide a baseline for assessments and critiques of emergency operations following an actual incident or exercise to test the plan. Pittsylvania County recognizes the critical importance of having such an organizational structure in place and has adopted the Incident Management System (IMS). This command system is comprised of five functions, which include the following: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration. An Incident Commander is responsible for ensuring that all functions identified above are effectively working in a coordinated manner to fulfill the established objectives and overall management strategy that were defined for the emergency situation at hand. An Operations Section Chief, who reports directly to the Incident Commander, is designated to conduct the necessary planning to ensure operational control during emergency operations. This system has been proven nationally to be capable of adapting to a variety of situations with relative ease, while allowing the Incident Commander to effectively maintain a continuous and reasonable span of control and operational efficiency throughout the emergency response. Incidents that involve multiple jurisdictions will be managed under a Unified Command management structure composed of individuals designated by their jurisdictions or by departments within a single jurisdiction, who are jointly responsible for the development of objectives, strategy, and priorities to effectively address the emergency situation at hand. All agencies involved in the emergency response report to one Incident Command Post and follow one Incident Action Plan similar to a single command structure. Also, as in a single command structure, the Operations Section Chief, who is designated by the Unified Command, will be responsible for the implementation of the plan. The designation of the Operations Section Chief is based on a variety of factors which may include, but not limited to, such things as which jurisdiction has the greatest involvement, the number of resources involved, existing statutory authority, or mutual knowledge of the individual’s qualifications. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 56 RESOLUTION FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT EDWIN R. SHIELDS COURTHOUSE ADDITION, ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2005, RESOLUTION #2005-09-67 ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania, Virginia, does hereby find as follows: WHEREAS, the President in Homeland Security Directive (HSPD)-5, directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS), which would provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, and local governments to work together more effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity; WHEREAS, the collective input and guidance from all Federal, State, and local homeland security partners has been, and will continue to be, vital to the development, effective implementation and utilization of a comprehensive NIMS; WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that all Federal, State, and local emergency agencies and personnel coordinate their efforts to effectively and efficiently provide the highest levels of incident management; WHEREAS, to facilitate the most efficient and effective incident management it is critical that Federal, State, and local organizations utilize standardized terminology, standardized organizational structures, interoperable communications, consolidated action plans, unified command structures, uniform personnel qualification standards, uniform standards for planning, training, and exercising, comprehensive resource management, and designated incident facilities during emergencies or disasters; WHEREAS, the NIMS standardized procedures for managing personnel, communications, facilities and resources will improve the county's ability to utilize federal funding to enhance local agency readiness, maintain first responder safety, and streamline incident management processes, WHEREAS, the Incident Command System components of NIMS are already an integral part of various county incident management activities, including current emergency management training programs; and Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 57 WHEREAS, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks (9-11 Commission) recommended adoption of a standardized Incident Command System. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the County Board of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania, Chatham, Virginia, that the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is established as the County standard for incident management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 58 Appendix 9 – Sample Resolution of Adoption of EOP Resolution Emergency Operations Plan WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia recognizes the need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural and manmade disasters; and WHEREAS Pittsylvania County has a responsibility to provide for the safety and well being of its citizens and visitors; and WHEREAS Pittsylvania County has established and appointed a Director and Coordinator of Emergency Management. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County Virginia, this Emergency Operations Plan as revised is officially adopted, and IT IS FUTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Director of Emergency Management, or his/her designee, are tasked and authorized to maintain and revise as necessary this document over the next four (4) year period or until such time be ordered to come before this board. _______________________________________ Chairman, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors ATTEST: _____________________________ Clerk Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Adopted this ___ day of ____________________ 20_____. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 59 Appendix 10 – Sample Declaration of Local Emergency WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Management of Pittsylvania County does/did hereby find: 1. That due to _____________ (Specify Event) __________, County is facing/faced dangerous conditions; 2. That due to the ____________ (Specify Event) __________, a condition of extreme peril to life and property necessitates/necessitated the proclamation of the existence of a local emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that an emergency does now/or did exists throughout said Pittsylvania County; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said emergency, the powers, functions, and duties of the Emergency Management Organization of Pittsylvania County shall be/were those prescribed by State Law and the Ordinances, Resolutions, and approved plans of Pittsylvania County in order to mitigate the effects of said emergency. ________________________ Date ___________________________ Chairman, Board of Supervisors Pittsylvania County Commonwealth of Virginia Attest: _________________________ Clerk, Board of Supervisors Pittsylvania County Commonwealth of Virginia Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 60 Page Intentionally Left Blank Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 61 Emergency Support Function #1 – Transportation Introduction Purpose: Coordinate Pittsylvania County’s transportation resources to respond to an emergency. ➢ Identify the need for resources. ➢ The County should coordinate with other localities and private organization to ensure that potential resources are available in the time of an emergency (MOUs, mutual aid agreements) Scope: The full scope of the County’s ESF #1 should be based on the County’s resources and capabilities. Examples: • Evacuation • Maintain ingress/egress • Traffic control Primary Agencies: Schools Local transit (if MOUs have been developed) Secondary/Support Agencies: Emergency Management Law Enforcement Public Works Virginia Department of Transportation Policies: The County transportation policies should be reviewed and revised, if necessary, to provide for an emergency response. ➢ Planning will use available transportation resources to respond to an incident; ➢ Provide traffic control; ➢ Facilitates the prompt deployment of resources, priorities for various incidents are developed and maintained through an interagency process led by the County; and ➢ Request additional resources if unable to provide services of ESF 1 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 62 Concept of Operations Coordination: The Coordinator of Emergency Management, assisted by the Superintendent of Schools, will coordinate all transportation resources that will be utilized in the evacuation. The School Superintendent and the Director of Transportation Services will provide school buses for transporting those people who do not have any means of transportation. If necessary, additional transportation resources will be solicited from public and private bus companies, churches, as well as private non-profit agencies that provide transportation services for special populations in the County. Local service stations and independent towing services will provide road services as necessary. General: The Emergency Operations Plan provides guidance for managing the use of transportation services and request for relief and recovery resources. Access routes should remain clear to permit a sustained flow of emergency relief, All requests for transportation support will be submitted to the County Emergency Operations Center for coordination, validation, and/or action in accordance with this Emergency Support Function. Organization: Pittsylvania County is responsible for transportation infrastructure of Pittsylvania County. Pittsylvania County is responsible for coordinating resources needed to restore and maintain transportation routes to the County if necessary to protect lives and property during an emergency or disaster. Responsibilities ➢ Develop, maintain, and update plans and procedures for use during an emergency; ➢ The personnel will stay up to date with education and training that is required for a safe and efficient response to an incident; ➢ Alert the County, and local primary agency representative of possible incident, and begin preparations for mobilization of resources; ➢ Keep record of all expenses through the duration of the emergency; ➢ Follow emergency policies and procedures for evacuation ➢ Include procedures for traffic control ➢ Identify pre-designated Pick-Up Sites ➢ Identify viable transportation routes to, from and within the emergency or disaster area. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 63 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - WARNING/EVACUATION/EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION 1. Normal Operations a. Delineate hazard-prone areas that may need to be evacuated. b. Develop plans and procedures to provide warning and effect evacuation. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. Example: "Flash Flood Watch." a. Review and update plans and procedures. (1) Delineate the specific areas that may need to be evacuated and designate evacuation routes. (See paragraph 1a above.) (2) Make a list of potential evacuees, if feasible. (3) Prepare news releases. (4) Anticipate and resolve special problem such as evacuating nursing homes, schools, etc. b. Alert personnel to standby status. c. Begin to keep records of all expenses incurred and continue for the duration of the emergency. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Implement evacuation. Disseminate warning via radio and TV news releases and via mobile loudspeakers. (2) The EOC staff via evacuation warning teams in the field should maintain a log of emergency operations noting the time each area or family is alerted to the evacuation order, as feasible. (3) Provide security for the evacuated area. Set up barricades and deny access to all but essential traffic. (4) Advise the State EOC of the order to evacuate and advise again when the evacuation has been completed. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 64 b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Complete evacuation. (2) Consider expanding the evacuation area, if necessary. (3) Continue to provide security and access control for the evacuated area. (4) Record disaster-related expenses. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide security and access control for the evacuation area, if necessary. b. Prepare for and implement populace return to evacuated areas. c. Compile and submit records of disaster-related expenses. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 65 REENTRY MISSION To develop a reentry process to the disaster area that will ensure an orderly and expedient return to the evacuated area, provide for the safety and welfare of the people- -as well as the security of their property--after their return, and allow recovery teams the opportunity to accomplish their tasks, as assigned. SITUATION The evacuated population will want to return to their homes and businesses immediately following the disaster. The same routes used in the evacuation will be used to return to the disaster area. Traffic in the return phase will be heavy and will experience similar problems as in the evacuation phase. Access to and mobility in the stricken area will be impeded by damaged segments of the transportation system, debris, areas cordoned off due to identified hazards, and recovery teams attempting to restore the areas. ORGANIZATION The Deputy Director of Emergency Management in coordination with damage assessment teams, local departments, and state and federal agencies, will determine the level of accessibility to the disaster-stricken areas by the general population, businessmen, media, and recovery teams. The sheriff’s office will be responsible for implementing the necessary traffic control measures on return routes, establishing security measures around and in the stricken area, and enforcing access restrictions directed by Pittsylvania County officials. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will develop accessibility policies to the stricken areas, in coordination with the appropriate service chiefs, state and federal officials. Access to areas of the county will vary depending on the extent of the damage sustained and the conditions of the area at the time immediately following the disaster and who is requesting accessibility. The accessibility policies developed and implemented will define who will be given access to the damaged areas initially, any time restrictions regarding their access, whether escorts will be necessary, and what protective gear or identification will be required, if any, to enter the area requested. Methods to facilitate identification of emergency workers, media, insurance adjusters, retail owners, etc., will also be developed for safety and security purposes, utilizing some system of colored badges, name tags, arm bands, etc. The sheriff’s office will be responsible for enforcing these policies and procedures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 66 The disaster-stricken area will have to be evaluated quickly in terms of public safety to determine the degree of accessibility allowable given the conditions observed. Initially, most if not the entire area, will probably be restricted to damage assessment, search and rescue, debris removal, and critical facilities restoration teams. Those areas identified as posing a potential danger or risk to the general population will be identified and cordoned off with warning placards posted. As roads are cleared and serious hazards removed or cordoned off, areas of the county will be opened up to the general public. Retail merchants and industries will be provided early access to the disaster area to assess their damages and make the appropriate arrangements to secure and protect their inventories. The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will be responsible for developing announcements that address the following: • Notification of residents and retail merchants when it is appropriate to return • Area condition reports that identify the areas which are safe or unsafe for entry, as well as the restrictions that apply to those areas • Post-disaster operations of local, state, and federal agencies • Where to go to apply for disaster assistance programs The Public Works Department, in coordination with other appropriate departments, and state and federal agencies, will make arrangements to provide essential services and accommodations, such as potable water, food, and waste disposal, to support recovery teams and the general public as they return to the area. The Planning Office will identify facilities to temporarily house departments and service agencies that were destroyed in the disaster. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 67 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #1 Transportation Resources Resource Organization Address Contact Phone Number(s) School Buses Pittsylvania County Schools 1001 Tightsqueeze Rd Chatham, VA 24531 Kenyon Scott Dr. Mark Jones 434-432-8821 (w) 434-203-3773 (c) 434-432-2761 (w) 434-250-2200 (c) Lift Buses and Vans Pittsylvania County Schools 1001 Tightsqueeze Rd Chatham, VA 24531 Kenyon Scott 434-432-8821 (w) 434-203-3773 (c) Churches Various Media Release Requesting Help at time of event Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 68 Page Intentionally Left Blank Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 69 Emergency Support Function #2 - Communications Primary Agencies Emergency Communications Center Emergency Management Information Technology Department Public Affairs Secondary/Support Agencies Law Enforcement Local Telephone Service Provider(s) Amateur Radio Introduction Coordination: The Operations Supervisor from the County’s 911 Center (Central Communications Center) will serve as the Coordinator for ESF# 2. Purpose: The purpose of Emergency Support Function #2 – Communication is to support public safety and other County agencies by maintaining continuity of information and telecommunication equipment and other technical resources. ESF #2 is responsible for keeping the public and County employees informed in regards to an emergency situation, provide guidance when appropriate to help save lives and protect property, and support County agencies with the restoration and reconstruction of telecommunications equipment, computers, and other technical resources. This section describes the locality’s emergency communications/notification and warning system. The locality will coordinate with the State Emergency Operations Center should outside assistance be required. Scope: ESF #2 works to accurately and efficiently transfer information during an incident. This ESF is also responsible for the technology associated with the representation, transfer, interpretation, and processing of data among people, places, and machines. Communication includes transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writing, images, and sounds or intelligence of any natures by wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems. Policies: ▪ Central Communications (CECOM) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and serves as the 911 center and the locality warning point; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 70 ▪ CECOM is accessible to authorized personnel only; ▪ The EOC staff will consist of the Director, Deputy Director, Coordinator, and Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management, and key department heads or their designated representatives. Support personnel to assist with communications, designated logistics, and administration will also be designated. The Director of Emergency Management will be available for decision-making as required; and ▪ CECOM will initiate notification and warning of appropriate personnel. Concept of Operations General: The Emergency Operations Plan provides guidance for managing emergency communications resources. The County of Pittsylvania primary EOC is located in the William Pritchett Training Center, 200 H.G. McGhee Dr., Chatham, VA 24531. CECOM is responsible for the receipt of all 911 calls and for the dispatch of emergency services, fire, police and rescue. This facility is operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will house the County’s VCIN and NCIC teletype system, as well as the NAWAS radio system for receiving weather information from the National Weather Service. CECOM is accessible to authorized personnel only. CECOM is most often the first point of contact for the general public. CECOM has the capability to access the Emergency Alert System to deliver warnings to the public. Use of all available forms of warning and notification will not provide sufficient warning to the general public and special needs population. The telephone companies will ensure that communications essential to emergency services are maintained. During a major disaster, additional telephone lines may be installed in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate emergency operations. At least one phone with a special publicized number will be reserved for “rumor control” to handle citizen inquiries. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will coordinate with the telephone company to provide for these services. Amateur radio operators may provide emergency backup radio communications between the EOC and the State EOC, should normal communications be disrupted. They may also provide communications with some in-field operations. It is important that while communicating, standard or common terminology is used so that multiple agencies are better able to interact and understand each other. Should an evacuation become necessary, warning and evacuation instructions will be put out via radio, TV and County Internet Site. The Public Information Officer will develop and provide public information announcements and publications regarding evacuation procedures to include recommended primary and alternate evacuation routes, designated assembly points for those without transportation, rest areas and service facilities along evacuation route, if appropriate, as well as potential health hazards associated with the risk. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 71 Note: For hurricanes, evacuation should be completed prior to the onset of sustained tropical storm force winds (39 mph). Organization: The Coordinator of Emergency Management will assure the development and maintenance of SOPs on the part of each major emergency support service. Generally, each designated agency should maintain current notification rosters, designate and staff an official emergency control center, designate an EOC, establish procedures for reporting appropriate emergency information, develop mutual aid agreements with like agencies in adjacent localities, and provide ongoing training to maintain emergency response capabilities. When an emergency threatens, available time will be used to implement increased readiness measures as listed in each annex to this plan. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will assure that all actions are completed as scheduled. The Public Information Officer will represent and advise the Incident Commander on all public information. This includes rumors that are circulating the area, what local media are reporting, as well as warning and emergency public information. The EOC support staff will include a recorder, message clerk, and other support personnel as required relieving the decision-making group of handling messages, maintaining logs, placing maps, etc. An EOC wall map should be prepared and be readily accessible. A separate Reports Section should also be established as an adjunct to the EOC staff. The County of Pittsylvania emergency communications are heavily dependent on the commercial telephone network. The telephone system is vulnerable to the effects of emergencies and disasters and to possible system overload due to increased usage. Technical failure or damage loss of telecommunications equipment could hamper communications or the ability to communicate with emergency personnel and the public throughout the locality. Mutual aid repeaters in contiguous jurisdictions may not be available or may not be able to provide sufficient coverage or channel loading to compensate for technical failure or damage to telecommunications resources in the locality during an emergency. Amateur radio operators and other nongovernmental volunteer groups used to assist with emergency radio communications support will be under the authority of the Director of Emergency Management or the Coordinator of Emergency Management. The amateur radio or other nongovernmental volunteer operators will be required to actively participate in regular training and exercises established by the Office of Emergency Management and the Information Technology Department. Actions: ▪ ESF #2 will establish a working arrangement between the local Primary Agency, the local Emergency Operations Center, and local news media; ▪ CECOM will initiate notification and warning of appropriate personnel. Landline telephones, voice or data-2-way radio, and wireless telecommunications Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 72 devices may be utilized to notify officials, EOC staff, emergency personnel and others; ▪ Emergency Service vehicles equipped with public address systems may be used to warn the general public; ▪ The Coordinator of Emergency Management or his/her designee must authorize the use of the Emergency Alert System; and ▪ Emergency warning may originate at the federal, state, or local level of government. Timely warning requires dissemination to the public by all available means: o Emergency Communications Center o Emergency Alert System o Local radio and television stations o NOAA Weather Radio – National Weather Service o Mobile public address system o Telephone o General broadcast over all available radio frequencies o Newspaper o Amateur Radio Volunteers Responsibilities: ➢ Develop and maintain primary and alternate communications system for contact with local jurisdictions, state agencies, nongovernmental and private sector agencies required for mission support; ➢ Ensure the ability to provide continued service as the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for incoming emergency calls; ➢ Ensure communication lines and equipment essential to emergency services are maintained by the appropriate vendor; ➢ Provide additional staffing in the EOC to assist with communication functions; ➢ Develop and maintain an emergency communications program and plan; ➢ Provide telephone service providers with a restoration priority list for telephone service prior to and/or following a major disaster; and ➢ Maintain records of cost and expenditures and forward them to Finance Section Chief. EOC PROCEDURES CECOM is a 24-hour operation that handles incoming calls for emergency services to include law enforcement, fire, and EMS. All message traffic is tape recorded and logged. Dispatchers notify the Coordinator of Emergency Management and other officials in the event of flooding, a hazardous materials incident, or other threatening emergency situation. The primary EOC should be operational within one hour of official notification or alert (normally received by the Emergency Communications Center). Skeletal staffing is listed at Tab 5. The Coordinator of Emergency Management or his/her designee will ensure the operational capability of the EOC by providing adequate working space and materials for each member of the EOC staff. Wall maps and a status board with Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 73 damage assessment information will also be provided. The Message Clerk will begin an official log and begin to process and monitor all emergency message traffic. A photocopier is available in the EOC. Also, when the EOC becomes operational, dispatchers will be assigned to assure adequate communications. Arrangements must be made to install adequate phone service, either for a skeletal or for a full-staffing operation, depending on the situation. The phone system must be geared up to handle a large number of incoming calls. Each department head needs a separate phone, preferably within the EOC. Back-up radio communications should be established from the local EOC to the State EOC, to in-the- field emergency services, and to adjacent jurisdictions. A licensed RACES operator will be designated to man the radio in the EOC and CECOM. An operations log should be maintained. Periodic briefings should be provided to the EOC staff. A status board with damage assessment information should be displayed. The Director of Emergency Management, assisted by the Coordinator of Emergency Management, will direct and control all emergency operations. The succession of authority for all key positions is listed in Appendix 5. Back-up personnel should be dispatched to the alternate EOC as appropriate. An EOC reports section should be established to monitor the emergency situation, provide special reports and briefings as required, and to process and officially record damage assessment information. The Emergency Management Coordinator/PIO will be responsible for public information and rumor control. This operation will be established in a separate location. Adequate phone lines, personnel, security, and a news media briefing room must be provided. All releases will be reviewed by the Director of Emergency Management and/or Coordinator of Emergency Management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 74 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - COMMUNICATIONS 1. Normal Operations Maintain effective communications in order to have the capability to direct and control emergency operations, as well as to provide initial warning and alerting, in the event of an emergency. a. Develop procedures for communications, to include setting up telephones in the EOC on short notice and backup radio communications for operations in the field. b. Develop procedures for warning. Describe the warning devices to be used. Assure complete geographical coverage. Assign responsibilities for activating warning systems. Include provisions for warning special facilities (schools, hospitals, nursing homes, major industrial employers, etc.) and individuals (hearing-impaired and non- English speaking), as appropriate. c. Maintain, test, and upgrade communication equipment as necessary, to ensure as well as enhance the county's communications capability in the event of an emergency. d. Assign emergency duties and provide specialized training, as needed. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Alert on-duty personnel, chiefs, and department heads, as required, by the type of incident and standard operating procedures. b. Continue to monitor the situation. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Alert all personnel. (2) Ensure the operational capability of the EOC. Test communications systems and backup electrical power. (3) Alert special facilities, if appropriate, that would require assistance to evacuate from threatened areas. (4) Ensure that amateur radio operators are on standby to provide emergency backup radio communications in the event normal communications are disrupted. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 75 b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Maintain essential communications. (2) Activate rumor control communications equipment and personnel to handle citizen inquiries. (3) Coordinate, as necessary, with amateur radio operators to enhance the existing communications network and possibly to facilitate communications with selected in-the-field operators. 4. Recovery a. Continue to maintain essential emergency communications through the established emergency communications network or through the use of amateur radio operators, if necessary, until the emergency has subsided. b. Continue to provide rumor control communications equipment and personnel until the fears and concerns of the public have been alleviated. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 76 TAB A AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is an unincorporated association of federally licensed amateur radio operators who have voluntarily offered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in public service when disaster strikes, pursuant to Federal Communications Rule 97.1(a). A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Emergency Management and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service for the Radio Amateur Emergency Civil Service was signed on June 1, 1991, and remains in effect. The RACES 24-hour pager number for available through the Virginia Emergency Operations Center. Upon notification by the EOC, the County of Pittsylvania ARES Emergency Coordinator will alert his ARES members, task organize his personnel and communications resources, and report immediately to the EOC or other locations as directed. Upon reporting to the responsible The County of Pittsylvania official directing activation, the ARES Emergency Coordinator shall receive tasking from that official until termination of the emergency. Should the Virginia Department of Emergency Management or higher authority activate the Radio Amateur Civil Service (RACES) as specified in the Code of Virginia, Section 44-146.16, the ARES members will then assume the authorizations and responsibilities as defined under the FCC rules and regulations. The County of Pittsylvania ARES members are prepared to provide emergency backup radio communications, sustained by their own emergency backup power, from any location within The County of Pittsylvania to other local, state, and national locations, should the emergency so warrant. Emergency backup radio communications provided by ARES members include equipment utilizing a wide variety of media and frequencies that are capable of passing telecommunications requirements of the EOC or other local officials. It shall be the responsibility of the ARES Emergency Coordinator to ensure that personnel and communications resources assigned to his area remain fully prepared to support any of the functional operations phases. He shall keep the EOC fully advised of the state of readiness of ARES in the County of Pittsylvania. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 77 TAB B USE OF CABLE TELEVISION DURING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS During emergencies, it is especially important that the public be kept informed of available resources, dangerous conditions, and the response that emergency personnel are making to the situation. In addition to using other media outlets, cable television should be used to disseminate this type of information as follows: 1. Emergency Override – The emergency override on the cable system allows the Emergency Management Coordinator and the Public Information Officer to inform the public of immediate crisis situations. The override operates over all channels and anyone watching cable will see the message. It is to be used only where instant notification is essential. The above resources are to be used in conjunction with cable company personnel and the Public Information Officer. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 78 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #2 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES Until the EOC is activated, the Emergency Communications Center of Pittsylvania County (CECOM) will notify the following officials upon receipt of a severe weather flash flood or tornado watch or warning, or when directed by an on-scene incident commander: County Administrator 434-432-7710 Director of Emergency Management 434-432-7710 (Chairman BOS) Deputy Director of Emergency Management 434-432-7710 (County Administrator) Coordinator of Emergency Management 434-432-7921 (Director of PS) Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management 434-432-7922 (Deputy Director of PS) Sheriff’s Office 434-432-7800 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 79 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #2 EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION RESOURCES Contact/Telephone Newspapers Danville Register & Bee 434-793-2311/434-791-7971 Lynchburg News & Advance 434-385-5400/434-385-5440 Radio Stations WKBY-AM 1080 434-432-8108 WDVA-AM 1250 434-797-1250/434-797-1266 WBTM-AM 1330/FM-102.5 434-793-4111/434-793-1330 WAKG-FM 103.3 434-797-4290/434-797-2555 WWDN-FM 104.5 434-799-1010/434-790-1045 WMPW-FM 105.9 434-799-1010/434-799-1059 TV Stations WDBJ, Roanoke, Channel 7 540-344-7000/800-777-9325 WFXR, Roanoke, Channel 8 540-344-2127 WSLS, Roanoke, Channel 10 540-981-9126/540-981-9110 WSET, Lynchburg, Channel 13 434-528-1313/434-455-5131 Rivercity TV, Danville, Channel 11 434-773-8106 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 80 Tab 3 –Available Methods of Communications WARNING FAN-OUT SYSTEM VERIFIED LOCAL SOURCES VDEM STATE DEPT. OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT VCIN VIRGINIA CRIMINAL INFO NETWORK TELE TYPE FROM STATE POLICE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER SHERIFF OPERATIONS COORD- INATOR OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMEN T SUPER- INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS FIRE DEPTS. AND RESCUE SQUADS DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MGMT OTHER EMERGENCY AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS GENERAL PUBLIC MOBILE UNITS DISPATCHED WITH PUBLIC ADDRESS TO AREAS WITH NO OTHER COVERAGE EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICIALS SCHOOLS COOPERATE WITH SHERIFF ON PUBLIC ADDRESS RADIO STATIONS PHONE STATE FROM EOC BY ANY MEANS PHONE PUBLIC ADDRESS LOCAL RADIO PUBLIC ADDRESS FIXED SIREN Radio Phone e Phone PPhone or Radio Phone or Radio PHONE, RADIO PHONE, RADIO PHONE, RADIO or PAGER PHONE, RADIO PHONE, RADIO Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 81 Emergency Support Function #3 – Public Works ESF #3 is public works, functions such as maintenance, inspections, buildings and grounds, debris removal, and facilities management will be addressed in this ESF. Purpose: Assess the overall damage to the community after a disaster. Assist with the recovery Coordination: The Assistant County Administrator of Operations will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #3. Primary Agencies: Public Works Department Emergency Manager Secondary/Support Agencies: Public Schools Water Authorities Fire Department Law Enforcement Department of Transportation County Attorney Virginia Department of Transportation Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Scope: The scope of work includes the following, but is not limited to: ➢ Assess extent of damage ➢ Repair and maintenance ➢ Debris removal ➢ Provide maintenance of the buildings and grounds and engineering-related support ➢ Clear roadways Policies: ➢ Personnel will stay up to date with procedures through training and education ➢ Develop work priorities in conjunction with other agencies when necessary ➢ Local authorities may obtain required waivers and clearances related to ESF #3 support ➢ Acquiring outside assistance with repairs to the facility that are beyond the capability of the community. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 82 Concept of Operations General: ➢ Determine if buildings are safe or need to be closed; ➢ Coordinate with other ESFs if there is damage to utilities or water or plumbing system ➢ Clear debris ➢ Coordinate with law enforcement to secure damaged buildings adjacent areas that may be unsafe ➢ Coordinate with insurance companies. Organization: ➢ Assess damaged facilities ➢ Inspect for structural, electrical, gas, plumbing and mechanical damages ➢ Determine what type of assistance will be needed ➢ Facilitation of the building permit process ➢ Debris removal ➢ Manage contracts with private firms ➢ Coordinate with the Department of Transportation for road clearance. Actions/Responsibilities ➢ Alert personnel to report to the EOC ➢ Review plans ➢ Begin keeping record of expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency ➢ Prepare to make an initial damage assessment (IDA) ➢ Activate the necessary equipment and resources to address the emergency ➢ Assist in assessing the degree of damage of the community ➢ Assist in coordinating response and recovery ➢ Identify private contractors and procurement procedures ➢ Prioritize debris removal ➢ Inspect buildings for structural damages ➢ Post appropriate signage to close buildings Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 83 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - PUBLIC WORKS 1. Normal Operations a. Help develop plans and strategies to prevent and/or mitigate damage resulting from potential emergency events that have occurred locally in the past or that have a high probability of occurring in the future (i.e., spill cleanup). b. Develop contingency plans to provide emergency lighting, procure and distribute emergency water and provide sewage disposal, if necessary. c. Procure and store appropriate resource material to effectively deal with common emergency response incidents (i.e., snow, ice, and spills). d. Identify and maintain liaison with business, industries and local contractors, as well as federal and state agencies, which could provide additional expertise, equipment/resources and personnel if necessary. e. Make task assignments and delineate emergency roles of staff. f. Maintain accurate and portable list of home and cell telephone numbers for essential staff. g. Delineate areas served by private water companies and maintain a portable list of 24x7 contact numbers for owners/maintenance of each system. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Alert personnel; place off-duty personnel on standby. b. Review existing plans and procedures. c. Ensure that the necessary equipment and resources are available and ready to be activated. d. Contact and maintain liaison with state and federal agencies, as well as private industry, to ensure that backup resources are available and can be quickly dispatched, if necessary. e. Notify public of proper policies and procedures to follow to ensure their safety. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 84 (1) Representatives should report to EOC. (2) Call into service off-duty personnel. (3) Activate the necessary equipment and resources to address the emergency. (4) Begin to implement record keeping of all expenses and continue to do so throughout the duration of the event. (5) Coordinate response with fire and sheriff's departments as well as other service departments. b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Follow established procedures and implement appropriate strategies to address emergency at hand. (2) Continue to coordinate response with other service agencies. (3) Contract with federal and state agencies, as well as private industry for additional resources, equipment, and personnel, if necessary. 4. Recovery a. Clear streets and remove debris. Inspect, designate, and demolish hazardous structures as needed. Drain flooded areas. b. Assist in assessing the damage. c. Repair and restore public facilities and services promptly and properly, coordinating the resumption of gas, electric, utility companies and code enforcement departments. d. Compile and submit records of disaster-related expenses incurred by the various departments that fulfill the public works role and responsibilities to the Deputy Director of Emergency Management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 85 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #3 Local Utility Providers Emergency Contact Numbers Company Phone # Contact Person Electric Dominion Power 1-800-826-1027 1-866-366-4357 American Electric Power 1-800-956-4237 1-800-277-2177 Mecklenburg Electric Coop 1-434-656-1280 1-800-989-4161 Southside Electric Coop 1-436-645-3211 1-800-522-2118 / 1-866-878-5514 City of Danville 1-434-773-8300 Jason Grey 434-799-5270 Natural Gas Columbia Gas of VA 1-800-543-8911 1-800-544-5606 City of Danville 1-434-799-5284 Jeff Bustamante, Jason Grey Telecommunications Centurylink 1-800-788-1907 Verizon 1-800-773-7911 Fairpoint 1-434-656-2291 Gamewood 1-434-799-2253 Fiber Optic Cable Verizon 1-877-483-9322 Centurylink 1-877-290-5458 Gamewood 1-434-799-2253 Fairpoint Communications 1-434-656-2291 Mecklenburg Electric Coop 1-434-656-1281 Water Pittsylvania County Public Works 1-434-432-7135 Chris Adcock 434-432-7136 or 434-713-0250 Town of Chatham 1-434-432-8153 434-432-9515 Town of Gretna 1-434-656-6834 434-656-6572 Town of Hurt 1-434-546-5435 Ed Hodges 434-608-0554 City of Danville 1-434-799-5284 Alan Johnson 434-799-6473 Waste Water Treatment Pittsylvania County Public Works 1-434-432-7135 Chris Adcock 434-432-7136 or 434-713-0250 Town of Chatham 1-434-432-8153 434-432-9515 Town of Gretna 1-434-656-6834 434-656-6572 Town of Hurt 1-434-324-7251 434-605-0554 Solid Waste Disposal Pittsylvania County Landfill 1-434-432-7980 Rodney Poole 434-432-1972 Hazardous Waste Disposal/First Piedmont Corp. 1-434-822-7428 Ricky Harris 434-822-6904 1-800-476-6780 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 86 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #3 Public Works Resources Resource Provider Address Phone Number(s) Contact Person Assistant County Administrator 434-770-0394 Dave Arnold Building and Grounds Director 434-432-7725 434-710-1029 Tom Worley Assistant Building and Ground Supervisor 432-7726 Eddie Waller Public Works Director 434-432-7135 Chris Adcock Director of 434-432-7722 VACANT County Operations Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 87 Emergency Support Function #4 - Firefighting Introduction Coordinator: The President of the Pittsylvania County Fire & Rescue Association and/or the Vice- Chair of the Association shall serve as the Coordinator of ESF#4. Purpose: Directs and controls operations regarding fire prevention, fire detection, fire suppression, rescue, and hazardous materials incidents; as well as to assist with warning and alerting, communications, evacuation, and other operations as required during an emergency. Primary Agencies: Fire Department Secondary/Support Agencies: Mutual Aid Departments Local Law Enforcement Scope: ESF #4 manages and coordinates firefighting activities including the detection and suppression of fires, and provides personnel, equipment, and supplies to support to the agencies involved in the firefighting operations. Policies: ➢ Priority is given to, the public, community, firefighter safety and protecting property (in that order); ➢ For efficient and effective fire suppression mutual aid may be required from various local firefighting agencies to aid in the community’s emergency response team. This requires the use of the Incident Command System together with compatible equipment and communications; and ➢ Personnel will stay up to date with procedures through education and training. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 88 Concept of Operations General: The coordinator will contact the Fire Department if resources are needed to handle the situation, and be prepared to have the Fire Department assume primary operational control in fire prevention strategies, fire suppression, and hazardous material incidents. (See the Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan.) Fire department personnel who are not otherwise engaged in emergency response operations may assist in warning and alerting the public, evacuation, and communications as is necessary and appropriate during an emergency situation . When the Emergency Support Function is activated all requests for firefighting support will, in most cases, be submitted to the 9-1-1 Center for coordination, validation, and/or action. The director of Emergency Management and/or designee will determine the need to evacuate and issue orders for evacuation or other protective action as needed. The incident commander may order an immediate evacuation prior to requesting or obtaining approval, if in his/her judgment this action is necessary in order to safeguard lives and property. Warning and instructions will be communicated through the appropriate means. In addition, Law Enforcement will use mobile loudspeakers or bullhorns, or go door to door to ensure that all affected residents have received the warning. Organization: A fire representative will be assigned to the EOC in order to coordinate the fire service response. The fire representative will be a part of the EOC staff and will assist with the overall direction and control of emergency operations. The Fire and Rescue Departments will implement evacuations and the Sheriff’s Department will assist and provide security for the evacuated area. In the event of a hazardous materials incident, the Incident Commander should implement immediate protective actions to include evacuation as appropriate. Actions ➢ Develop and maintain plans and procedures to provide fire and rescue services in time of emergency; ➢ Document expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency; ➢ Check firefighting and communications equipment; ➢ Fire Service representatives should report to the Local Emergency Operations Center to assist with operations; ➢ Fire department personnel may be asked to assist with warning and alerting, evacuating, communications, and emergency medical transport; ➢ Follow established procedures in responding to fires and hazardous materials incidents and in providing rescue services; and ➢ Request mutual aid from neighboring jurisdictions. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 89 Responsibilities ➢ Fire prevention and suppression; ➢ Emergency medical treatment; ➢ Hazardous materials incident response and training; ➢ Radiological monitoring and decontamination; ➢ Assist with evacuation; ➢ Search and rescue; ➢ Temporary shelter at prearranged stations for evacuees; ➢ Assist in initial warning and alerting; ➢ Provide qualified representative to assist in the State EOC; ➢ Requests assistance from supporting agencies when needed; ➢ Arranges direst liaison with fire chiefs in the area; and ➢ Implements Mutual Aid. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 90 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - FIRE SERVICE 1. Normal Operations Develop and maintain plans and procedures to provide fire and rescue services in time of emergency. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. Alert on-duty personnel. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Review and update plans and procedures. (2) Alert personnel to stand-by status. (3) Begin to implement record keeping of all incurred expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency. (4) Check firefighting and communications equipment. All primary dispatch operations will be assigned to frequency 156.135 until advised otherwise by Communications. (5) The designated fire service representative should report to the EOC and assist with emergency operations. (6) As the situation worsens, assign duties to all personnel. Fire department personnel may be requested to assist with warning and alerting, evacuation, communications, and emergency medical transport. b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Follow established procedures in responding to fires or hazardous materials incidents and in providing rescue services. (2) For other disasters: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 91 Continue to assist with warning and alerting, evacuation, communications and emergency medical transport as well as any other emergency response operation, as required, in time of emergency. (3) Record disaster-related expenses. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide essential services as required. b. Continue search and rescue operations, if required. c. Assist with cleanup operations. d. Assist with the inspection of damaged facilities, if applicable. e. Compile and submit records of disaster-related expenses incurred by the fire service to the Deputy Director of Emergency Management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 92 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #4 Fire Department Resources Bachelors Hall VFD 1301 Berry Hill Rd. Danville, VA 24541 685-3820 Blairs VFD 7100 U. S. Highway 29 Blairs, VA 24527 836-3065 Brosville VFD 11912 Martinsville Hwy. Danville, VA 24541 685-3797 Callands VFD 11741 Callands Rd. Callands, VA 24530 724-6459 Cascade VFD 5497 Cascade Rd. Cascade, VA 24069 685-1522 Chatham VFD 35 Depot St. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1516 Climax VFD 4166 Climax Rd. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1944 Cool Branch VFD 3016 Smith Mtn. Rd. Penhook, VA 24137 927-5131 Dry Ford VFD 4860 Dry Fork Rd. Dry Fork, VA 24549 432-0431 Gretna VFD 122 E. Gretna Rd. Gretna, VA 24557 656-2621 Hurt VFD 203 School Rd. Hurt, VA 24563 324-4141 Keeling VFD 2200 Oak Grove Rd. Keeling, VA 24566 797-2209 Kentuck VFD 250 Ringgold Church Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-8026 Laurel Grove VFD 2081 Laurel Grove Rd. Sutherlin, VA 24594 822-8821 Mount Cross VFD 4812 Mt. Cross Rd. Danville, VA 24540 797-5535 Mount Hermon VFD 4268 Franklin Tpke. Danville, VA 24540 836-1869 Renan VFD 405 Straightstone Rd. Gretna, VA 24557 335-5209 Riceville-Java VFD 3105 Java Rd. Java, VA 24565 432-8623 Ringgold VFD 3880 Tom Fork Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6989 Riverbend VFD 1535 Ferry Rd. Danville, VA 24541 792-2312 Tunstall VFD 740Tunstall High Rd Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-6677 A list of Fire Department resources is kept in the 911 Dispatch Center. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 93 Emergency Support Function #5 – Emergency Management Introduction Coordination: The Deputy Director of Emergency Management and/or the Coordinator of Emergency Management will be the Coordinator for ESF#5. Purpose: Directs controls and coordinates emergency operations from the Emergency Operation Center (EOC). Scope: ESF #5 coordinates the response of all the departments within the community and the use of community resources to provide emergency response. Identify actions to be taken in the pre-incident prevention phase. Coordinate with agencies, organizations, and outside organizations when capabilities are exceeded Identify post-incident response phase activities. Functions that support and facilitate planning and coordination are: ➢ Alert and notification; ➢ Deployment and staffing of emergency response teams; ➢ Incident action planning; ➢ Coordination of operations with local government for logistics and material; ➢ Direction and control; ➢ Information management; ➢ Facilitation of requests for assistance; ➢ Resource acquisition and management (to include allocation and tracking); ➢ Worker safety and health; ➢ Facilities management; ➢ Financial management; and ➢ Other support as required. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 94 Primary Agencies: Emergency Management Secondary/Support Agencies: Police Health Department Facilities Management Law enforcement Local Fire/EMS Policies: ➢ Provides a multi-departmental command system; ➢ Manages operations at the county level; ➢ The Incident Command System can be used in any size or type of disaster to control response personnel, facilities, and equipment; ➢ The Incident Command System principles include use of common terminology, modular organization, integrated communications, unified command structure, coordinated action planning, and manageable span of control, pre-designated facilities, and comprehensive resource management; ➢ ESF #5 staff supports the implementation of mutual aid agreements to ensure seamless resource response; ➢ Provides representatives to staff key positions on Emergency Response Teams; and ➢ Departments and agencies participate in the incident action planning process which is coordinated by ESF #5. Concept of Operations General: The Coordinator of Emergency Services: ➢ Assures development and maintenance of SOPs on the part of each major emergency support function; ➢ Each service should maintain current notification rosters; ➢ Designate staff to the Emergency Operations Center; ➢ Establish procedures for reporting appropriate emergency information; ➢ Coordinate emergency response plan with the local government; ➢ Develop mutual aid agreements with the local government; ➢ Designate a representative to the local EOC if the local plan is implemented and a representative is needed; and ➢ Develop threat levels. The Coordinator of Emergency Management or designee will assume all responsibilities and assure that all actions are completed as scheduled. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 95 Procedures for these support operations should be established and maintained. Planning Section: ➢ Produce situation reports, which will be distributed to the EOC staff, on-scene incident command staff, and the locality and VEOC; ➢ Support short term and long-term planning activities; ➢ Develop short/concise plans; ➢ Record the planned activities; and ➢ Track their progress. The response priorities for the next operational period will be addressed in the Incident Action Plan (IAP). Organization: The Coordinator of Emergency Management will assure that: ➢ Emergency operations may be directed and controlled from the Emergency Operations Center (EOC); ➢ Identify the responsibilities of the emergency manager; ➢ Identify the role of the EOC; ➢ Identify the EOC staff; ➢ Identify the departments that have a role in the emergency management organization; ➢ Identify succession of authority within these key departments and positions; ➢ Develop and scale the Incident Command System to the particular incident; ➢ Exercise the plan annually as pursuant to The Code of Virginia; ➢ Staffing responsible for implementing the Crisis Management Plan; and ➢ Procedures for reporting emergency information, provide ongoing training to maintain emergency response capabilities. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will assure that all actions are completed as scheduled. The Coordinator of Emergency Management will coordinate training for this emergency support function and conduct exercises involving the EOC. Responsibilities: ➢ Maintain a notification roster of EOC personnel and their alternates; ➢ Establish a system and procedure for notifying EOC personnel; ➢ Coordinate Emergency Management mutual aid agreements dealing with adjunct jurisdictions and applicable relief organizations; ➢ Maintain plans and procedures for providing timely information and guidance to the public in time of emergency through ESF #2; a. Identify and maintain a list of essential services and facilities, which must continue to operate and may need to be protected; b. Test and exercise plans and procedures; c. Conduct outreach/mitigation programs for the community; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 96 ➢ Ensure compatibility between this plan and the emergency plans and procedures of key facilities and private organizations within the community; ➢ Develop accounting and record keeping procedures for expenses incurred during an emergency; ➢ Define and encourage hazard mitigation activities, which will reduce the probability of the occurrence of disaster and/or reduce its effects; ➢ Prepare to provide emergency information to the community in coordination with ESF #2; ➢ Provide logistical support to on scene emergency response personnel; ➢ Maintain essential emergency communications through the established communications network; ➢ Provide reports and requests for assistance to the local and Virginia EOC; ➢ Ensure that the county Crisis and Emergency Plan is developed and coordinated with the local EOP pursuant to Code of Virginia 3.2 §44-146; ➢ Activate and convene county emergency assets and capabilities; and ➢ In instances when there are criminal victims as defined by Code of Virginia §19.2-11.01, the local government must contact The Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Virginia Criminal injury Compensation Fund immediately to deploy assistance in the event of an emergency. (Current contact information must be maintained for each organization) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 97 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #5 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION AND TELEPHONE LISTING County Administrator 434-432-7710 Director of Emergency Management 432-7710 Deputy Director of Emergency Management 432-7710 Coordinator of Emergency Management 432-7921 Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management 432-7922 Sheriff’s Office 432-7800 Treasurer 432-7963 Animal Control 432-7937 Health Department 799-5190 Health Department (Alternate) 766-9828 Sovah Health - Danville 799-2100 Department of Social Services 432-5321 / 432-7281 Department of Social Services (Alternate) 432-5308 School Division Superintendent 432-2761 Director Pupil Transportation 432-8821 President Fire & Rescue Association 434-709-3687 Fire & Rescue Alternate 432-7921 Building Official 432-7750 Hazmat Coordinator 432-7922 Virginia Extension Agent 432-7770 Public Works 432-7135 American Red Cross 540-985-3560 Town of Chatham Mayor 432-8003 Town Manager 432-8153 Public Works 432-9515 Police Chief 432-8121 Town of Gretna Mayor 656-6572 Town Manager 656-6572 Public Works 656-2557 Police Chief 656-6572 Town of Hurt Mayor 324-4411 Town Clerk 324-4411 Public Works 324-4411 Police Chief 324-8511 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 98 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #5 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) Mission To provide centralized direction and control of any or all of the following functions: direction of all emergency operations; communications and warning, consolidation, analysis and dissemination of damage assessment data; collection and analysis of radiological monitoring readings; forwarding consolidated reports to state government; and, issuing emergency information and instructions. Concept of Operations The EOC will be activated and operated as follows: 1. The activation of the EOC will be ordered by the Director or Coordinator of Emergency Management based upon the best available information. Depending on the situation, a partial or full activation will be ordered. 2. Partial activation will be ordered when the emergency requires relatively few personnel to accomplish the necessary tasks. Such situations might vary from weather warnings or operations resulting from minor storm damage, fire, and vehicular accidents with multiple casualties, etc. 3. Full activation will be ordered when widespread destruction has occurred or there is an imminent threat of such destruction. An incident of such magnitude would require commitment of a large number of personnel and equipment resources to properly respond to and recover from an incident. 4. Initial situation briefings will be provided by the Director of Emergency Management. 5. Direction and control of county personnel and resources employed in support of disaster operations is exercised by the department or agency furnishing support. 6. When the State EOC is operational, all requests for State or Federal resources are made via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management at (804) 674-2400, 1-800-468-8892 or Web EOC. 7. Depending upon the severity and magnitude of the incident, the EOC may have to operate for an extended period of time. Therefore, each department or agency assigning personnel to the EOC should allow for additional relief personnel on a shift basis. Location The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located at 200 H. G. McGee Dr. Chatham. (William Pritchett Training Center). The alternate EOC site is located at 21 N. Main St. St., Chatham, (Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Conference Room Top Floor). Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 99 Tab 3 to Emergency Support Function #5 PRIMARY EOC STAFFING Skeletal Staffing Coordinator of Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management Sheriff Designated Person Message Clerk Phone Operator Full Staffing Coordinator of Emergency Management Director of Emergency Management Law Enforcement & Search and Rescue Fire and Rescue Chief or Designated Person Health Department Representative Social Services Representative Red Cross Communications Public Works Asst. County Administrators Finance & Purchasing Schools National Guard CERT Dept of Forestry Cooperative Extension VDOT Animal Control Information Technology Town of Chatham, Gretna & Hurt VSP Message Clerks (2) PIO Officer Utility Director or Designated Person County Attorney Messengers (2) Status Board/Map Assistants (2) Plotter Security Phone Operators (2) Public Information/Rumor Control Public Information Officer Phone Operators Message Clerk Messenger Security Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 100 Tab 4 to Emergency Support Function #5 EOC FLOOR PLAN William H. Pritchett – Training Center Pittsylvania County Social Services 220 H.G. McGhee Dr. Chatham, VA Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 101 Tab 5 to Emergency Support Function #5 SUGGESTED EOC MESSAGE FLOW Dispatcher/Phone Operator Receive incoming messages. Record them on standard 3-color form. Enter in personal log and make a photocopy if desired. Deliver messages to the Coordinator. Coordinator Direct and control all emergency operations. Delegate action to service chiefs as needed by giving them the yellow action copy of the message. Assure the routing of all official messages through the Coordinator to the Message Clerk for filing. Message Clerk Maintain the official files for the Coordinator— “Incoming Messages,” “On-going Actions,” and “Completed Actions.” Maintain a log of all messages. Assist the Coordinator in keeping abreast of the status of all actions. Service Chiefs Receive task with yellow copy from Coordinator. Complete action. Make a record of all action and attach to yellow “action copy” of message. Return to Coordinator. Retain a photocopy of yellow message plus attachments. Messengers Make photocopies of messages and supporting documentation and return them with the original to the individual making the request. Deliver messages and perform other support duties as required. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 102 Tab 6 to Emergency Support Function #5 EOC MESSAGE FORM EOC MESSAGE URGENT  ROUTINE  MESSAGE NO: DATE: TIME: INFO ONLY  TO: NAME: FROM: ORGANIZATION: ORGANIZATION: TELEPHONE: TELEPHONE: SITUATION/INCIDENT DESCRIPTION: ________ ACTION TAKEN/RESPONSE/REPLY: EOC ACTION OFFICER: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 103 Tab 7 to Emergency Support Function #5 EOC MESSAGE LOG EOC MESSAGE LOG EOC: DATE: Message Time No. In Out Incident/Message To From Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 104 Tab 8 to Emergency Support Function #5 EOC SIGNIFICANT EVENTS LOG Date: TIME AREA AFFECTED EVENT STATUS Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 105 Tab 9 to Emergency Support Function #5 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM (See Next Page) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 106 INCIDENT COMMANDER INFORMATION SAFETY LIAISON PLANNING SECTION LOGISTICS SECTION FINANCE/ ADMINISTRATION SECTION OPERATIONS SECTION RESOURCES UNIT SITUATION UNIT DOCUMENTATION UNIT DEMOBILIZATION UNIT TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS STAGING AREA AIR OPERATIONS BRANCH BRANCHES UP TO 5 DIVISIONS/ GROUPS TO 25 TASK FORCES STRIKE TEAMS SINGLE RESOURCE S AIR SUPPORT GROUP HELIBASES HELIPORTS FIXED WING BASES AIR ATTACK GROUP HELICOPTER COORDINATION AIR TANKER COORDINATION SUPPORT BRANCH SUPPLY UNIT FACILITIES UNIT GROUND SUPPORT UNIT SERVICE BRANCH COMMUNICATIONS UNIT MEDICAL UNIT FOOD UNIT REHAB UNIT TIME UNIT PROCUREMENT UNIT COMPENSATION CLAIMS UNIT COST UNIT Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 107 Tab 10 to Emergency Support Function #5 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART (See Next Page) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 108 Policy Development Decision Making/Management Interdepartmental Coordination County Attorney Interpretation of Law Emergency Authorities Preparation of Opinions Preparation of New Ordinances/Regulations/ Contracts County Administrator/ Deputy Director Emergency Planning Hazard Mitigation Emergency Response Emergency Relief Disaster Assistance Coordinator of Emergency Management Assists in all functions Acts in Deputy Directors Absence VPI-SU Extension Damage Assessment Lead Agency Building Dept/ Planning/Zoning/ Development Services Building Req. Inspection/Demolition Code Enforcement Construction Permits Plan Review Land Use Zoning Variances Environmental Review Redevelopment Debris Removal Schools Mass Care Transportation Human Services Social Services Mass Care Emergency Relief Purchasing Department Space Supplies/Equipment Vehicles Resource Support Quasi-Public & Volunteer Relief Organizations Public Works Department Develop, maintain, and protect water and sewer systems, all county properties. Assist with debris removal Fire, Rescue & HAZMAT Fire/HAZMAT/ EMS Search and Rescue Communications Sheriff’s Dept. Law Enforcement Traffic Control Security Communications Search & Rescue l Health Dept Food/Water Inspection Medical Care Assist HAZMAT Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 109 Tab 11 to Emergency Support Function #5 Virtual EOC Virtual Common Operating Picture (VCOP) Mission To provide continuous EOC operations during disasters and or hazardous events that require an EOC activation from within a virtual environment. VCOP will follow the same standardized guidelines set forth by the primary EOC in that it will provide: direction of all emergency operations; communications and warning, consolidation, analysis and dissemination of damage assessment data; collection and analysis of radiological monitoring readings; forwarding consolidated reports to state government; and, issuing emergency information and instructions. Concept of Operations VCOP will be activated and operated as follows: 1. The activation of VCOP will be ordered by the Director or Coordinator of Emergency Management based upon the best available information. Depending on the situation, a partial or full activation will be ordered. 2. Partial activation will be ordered when the emergency requires relatively few personnel to accomplish the necessary tasks. Such situations might vary from weather warnings or operations resulting from minor storm damage, fire, and vehicular accidents with multiple casualties, etc. 3. Full activation will be ordered when widespread destruction has occurred or there is an imminent threat of such destruction. An incident of such magnitude would require commitment of a large number of personnel and equipment resources to properly respond to and recover from an incident. 4. In the event of a full activation all VCOP activities may need to be upgraded to the permanent EOC location listed in Tab 3 of ESF #5. This will be ordered by the Director or Coordinator of Emergency Management based on information available at the time. 5. Initial situation briefings will be provided by the Director of Emergency Management. 6. Direction and control of county personnel and resources employed in support of disaster operations is exercised by the department or agency furnishing support. 7. When the State EOC is operational, all requests for State or Federal resources are made via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management at Web EOC or by phone (804) 674-2400,1-800-468-8892. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 110 8. Depending upon the severity and magnitude of the incident, the EOC may have to operate for an extended period of time. Therefore, each department or agency assigning personnel for VCOP should allow for additional fully trained relief personnel on an adequate basis deemed by their department. Location VCOP unlike traditional brick and mortar EOC’s will not function from one primary location. Instead VCOP operations will take place through secure website access located online at www.pittcoem.org. Each individual department will be responsible for securing internet access and logging onto the system at the designated time set forth by the Director or Coordinator of Emergency Management or as needed to monitor situation development. Essential Personnel In order to function at its highest level, VCOP will require the personnel as listed below to be active during partial and full activations and follow the Incident Command System. Skeletal Staffing Coordinator of Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator of Emergency Management Sheriff Designated Person Full Staffing Coordinator of Emergency Management Director of Emergency Management Law Enforcement & Search and Rescue Fire and Rescue Chief or Designated Person Health Department Representative Social Services Representative Red Cross Communications Public Works Asst. County Administrators Finance & Purchasing Schools National Guard CERT Dept of Forestry Cooperative Extension VDOT Animal Control Information Technology Town of Chatham, Gretna & Hurt VSP PIO Officer Utility Director or Designated Person County Attorney Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 111 *** Messengers and phone operators will be excluded from the list above due to the virtual nature of the EOC in that messages and incident logs will be sent through the program from one agency to another via email/chat capability and bulletin board software. The need for security will also be eliminated since there is no set location. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 112 Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Housing, Human Resources Introduction: ESF #6 Mass Care, Housing, and Human Resources addresses the non-medical mass care, housing, and human services needs of individuals and/or families impacted by natural and/or technological incidents. Coordinator: The Director of Social Services shall serve as the Coordinator of ESF#6. Policies: ➢ ESF-6 support may vary depending on an assessment of incident impact(s); the magnitude and type of event, and the stage of the response and recovery efforts; ➢ To support mass care activities and provide services without regard to economic status or racial, religious, political, ethnic, or other affiliation; ➢ To coordinate with ESFs #1, #3, # 5, #11, #14 and others regarding recovery and mitigation assistance, as appropriate; ➢ To support mass care activities and provide services without regard to economic status or racial, religious, political, ethnic, or other affiliation; ➢ To assign personnel to support ESF-6 functions in accordance with the rules and regulations of their respective parent agencies; and ➢ To reduce duplication of effort and benefits, to the extent possible. This includes streamlining assistance as appropriate and identifying recovery and mitigation measures to support local planning efforts. Scope: ESF# 6 is intended to address non-medical mass care, housing and human service needs for individuals and family members of the community affected by a disaster. The services and programs include the following: ➢ Sheltering; ➢ Food service; ➢ Emergency First Aid; ➢ Counseling; ➢ Family Assistance Center (FAC); ➢ Reunification Services; and ➢ Virginia Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 113 Primary Agencies: Department of Social Services American Red Cross Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Schools Secondary/Support Agencies: Department of Criminal Justice Services Department of Health Law enforcement (security for shelter or evacuation) Salvation Army VaVOADs Concept of Operations General: Pittsylvania County will provide sheltering if the need is short term and within its capabilities. The School Superintendent will open schools as necessary to shelter those who have had to leave their home. Short term sheltering may be available in Fire Stations/Rescue Stations. Sheltering ➢ An emergency shelter is an immediate short-term accommodation either (1) designated by local officials for persons threatened by or displaced by an incident, or (2) designated by state officials directing a mandatory evacuation across jurisdictional boundaries either before or after an incident; ➢ Public emergency shelters will provide accommodations for all population groups. Appropriate provisions must be made within the shelter facilities to accommodate people with special medical needs that do not require hospital admission, people without their own transportation, and registered sex offenders; ➢ Additionally, sheltering for pets and service animals must be included in planning and coordinated with ESF-11; and ➢ For mass evacuations directed by state officials, the VDSS will coordinate the designation of shelter facilities and the operation of shelters for people who evacuate out of their home jurisdiction. Feeding ➢ Feeding is provided to disaster victims and emergency workers through a combination of fixed sites, mobile feeding units, and bulk distribution of food; and ➢ Feeding is based on sound nutritional standards and to the extent possible and includes meeting the requirements of victims with special dietary needs. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 114 Emergency First Aid ➢ Emergency first aid, consisting of basic first aid and referral to appropriate medical personnel and facilities, is provided at mass care facilities and at designated sites. Provision for services is coordinated with ESF-8. Counseling ➢ The Department of Health will coordinate counseling services for the local government; ➢ Provide counseling through local government services if it appropriate based on the scale of the emergency and the capabilities of the counseling services; ➢ Events in which there are mass casualties and injuries that exceed local governments resources and capabilities can contact the following agencies; and ➢ Outside counseling can be provided via the Department of Criminal Justice’s Victims’ Services Section, and the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services, Emergency Mental Health Section, and activated via the local government. Security The Sheriff’s Department will be responsible for security at the site and at the Shelters. Transportation: School buses will be used as transportation, including handicapped buses. Family Assistance Center (FAC) The purpose of the FAC is to provide the seamless delivery of services and the dissemination of information to victims and families following a large-scale incident or one in which there are mass casualties, as stated in the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan, ESF #6 (Co VEOP). The scope of services that the FAC may provide include: reunification services, behavioral health care, medical records collection communication services, benefits application entry points, and personal care. Reunification Services ➢ This service collects information regarding individuals residing within the affected area and makes the information available to immediate family members outside the affected area. The system also aids in reunification of family members within the affected area. The FAC plan should be based on the Commonwealth of Virginia FAC, which is currently under development by the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS). The final version will be posted on the VDSS website; VDEM will announce when the information is posted. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 115 ESF-6 personnel will report to the incident, coordinate/determine a physical site for FAC operations, and assume oversight and management of the FAC including establishing operational policies, maintaining situational awareness, coordinating needed services and/or resources, identifying gaps and requesting additional resources. The plan should identify by title the individual responsible for this function and identify an alternate. If the services of the Virginia Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund (CICF) are required by the FAC, the State Program should be contacted, who will deploy the appropriate personnel to the FAC. These services will be necessary in cases where there are victims of crime in need of financial or advocacy assistance. 800-552-4007 The current* contact information for the program is: CICF: P.O. Box 26927 Richmond, Virginia 23261 PHONE: (804) 367-1018 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 116 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - SHELTER OPERATIONS 1. Normal Operations Develop plans and procedures to receive and care for an indeterminate number of evacuees. a. Designate shelter center(s). Determine maximum capacities for each. b. Designate manager(s) and other key staff personnel. c. Negotiate agreements with local motels/hotels or other facilities for lodging small numbers of displaced persons. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Review and update plans and procedures. (1) Confirm task assignments and alert key personnel to stand-by status. (2) Prepare the necessary forms. (3) Anticipate and resolve special problems, such as receiving nursing home patients, closing of schools, etc. b. Begin record keeping of disaster-related expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) When advised that evacuation order has been issued, activate the shelter center or activate agreements for other lodging, as required. (2) Provide mass transportation, as required. (3) Receive and care for evacuees/displaced persons. Register and maintain accurate records on their status. Provide mass feeding, as required. (4) Provide periodic reports to the EOC. b. Response Phase Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 117 Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Continue to receive and care for displaced persons. Provide mass feeding as required. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide for the lodging and care of displaced persons, as required. b. Consolidate and report disaster-related expenses. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 118 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #6 Designated Shelter Pittsylvania County Shelter Sites (All these schools have generators with limited capabilities) (* Red Cross Certified) Chatham High 100 Cavalier Circle Chatham, VA 24531 432-8305 *Chatham Middle 11650 U. S. Highway 29 North Chatham, VA 24531 432-2169 Dan River High 100 Dan River Wildcat Circle Ringgold, VA 24586 822-7081 *Dan River Middle 5875 Kentuck Road Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6027 Gretna High 100 Gretna Hawk Cir Gretna, VA 24557 656-2246 *Gretna Middle 201 Coffey Street Gretna, VA 24557 656-2217 Tunstall High 100 Trojan Circle Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7111 *Tunstall Middle 1160 Tunstall High Road Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7086 * Community Center at Chatham 115 South Main St Chatham, VA 24531 432-3115 Temporary Connivence Centers (Heating/Cooling/Power Stations) Ringgold VFD 3880 Tom Fork Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6989 Blairs VFD 7100 U. S. Highway 29 Blairs, VA 24527 836-3065 Tunstall VFD 740 Tunstall High Rd Dry Fork VA 24549 724-6677 Gretna VFD 122 E. Gretna Rd Gretna, VA 24557 656-2621 Chatham VFD 35 Depot St. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1516 Renan VFD 405 Straightstone Rd Gretna, VA 24557 335-5209 Brosville VFD 11912 Martinsville Hwy Danville VA 24541 685-3797 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 119 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #6 Shelter Registration Form American Red Cross DISASTER SHELTER REGISTRATION Family Last Name: _____________________________ Shelter Location: _________________________________________ Family Member(s): ______________________________ Shelter Telephone No: ______________Date of Arrival: __________ Pre-Disaster Address & Telephone No: _______________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please note any special medical conditions and age Post-Disaster Address & Telephone No: ____________ ___________________________________________________________________ Date/Time Left Shelter: ______________________ Number of Children in Family: ___________________ Pet(s) (Include Name, Breed, Type, & Location): ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature Family Member not in Shelter (Location if Known) I do, do not, authorize release of the above information concerning my whereabouts or general condition. __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ SHELTER MASTER FILE AMERICAN RED CROSS FORM 5972 (5-79) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 120 This "Disaster Shelter Registration" form (#5972) is the standard form used in all American Red Cross Shelter Centers. It is a four-part carbon form with the back copy made of card stock. Copies are distributed within the Shelter Center for various functions such as family assistance and outside inquiry. This form should be kept on hand locally in ready-to-go Shelter Manager Kits. It is available from the American Red Cross-National Office through local chapters. They recommend keeping 150 forms for every 100 expected shelterees. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 121 Tab 3 to Emergency Support Function #6 Special Needs Population Requiring Special Care in Times of Emergency General Commercial and charitable visiting nurse or aid organizations may call in individuals or lists of individuals with special needs. Such calls should be patched to the PIO/rumor control position until a focal action position has been established. Churches who call in known elderly will be encouraged to verify or provide transport for those which can be moved by private auto, identify those which need handicapped vehicle or ambulance transport, and provide reports back to the EOC/Social Services representative of those who have been provided for. In order to best identify the transportation need, callers will be asked for a brief summary of the specific handicap. The focal staff officer will "scrub" the various lists against each other in order to delete the inevitable duplications and assemble as current a list as possible. This list should not be considered a comprehensive list of the entire special needs’ population in Pittsylvania County. TDD services are available in the Communications dispatch center, and will be augmented to a full keyboard position during mobilization for any large-scale disaster. During increased readiness for large-scale disasters, the list will be sorted by evacuation zones, geographic village or street listings with assistance from the 911 staff, in order to provide geographic listings for transportation/officers/fire/rescue. As in-field warning progresses, "found" individuals lacking family or other appropriate transportation will be identified back to the EOC. Special Transportation Resources Pittsylvania County Public School Buses Contact: Kenyon Scott – 434-432-8821 (w) 434-203-3773 (c) Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc. Contact: Evalena Ross 434-432-8250 (w) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 122 Emergency Support Function #7 - Logistics Support Introduction Coordination: The Assistant County Administrator of Operations will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #7. Purpose: Identify, procure, inventory, and distribute critical resources, for Pittsylvania County during an emergency. Scope: Pittsylvania County will determine what resources are available and identify potential sites for receiving, storing, and distributing resources if outside assistance is needed. Resource support may continue until the disposition of excess and surplus property is completed. During an incident, if demand for resources exceeds the locality’s capabilities, then outside requests will be made based on MOUs, Mutual Aid agreements and state policy. Primary Agencies: Emergency Management ESF #2 – Communications ESF #15 – External Affairs Secondary/Support Agencies: American Red Cross Salvation Army Examples of Policies: ➢ Pittsylvania County will use their own resources and equipment during incidents and will have control over the management of the resources as needed to respond to the situation; ➢ Individuals involved in distributing and/or obtaining resources will be aware of emergency procurement policies and have the authority to do so in an emergency situation; ➢ Each department with an emergency management role will be responsible for identifying its resources that could be used in an emergency; and ➢ Pittsylvania County’s plan will reflect state policy, regarding requesting resources based when that policy is determined. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 123 Concept of Operations General: Potential sites for distribution centers will be identified, if necessary, and strategically located to facilitate recovery efforts. Priorities will be set regarding the allocation and use of available resources. Organization: Departments, with an emergency function, will be responsible for identifying resources, including human resources. Convey available resources to emergency manager. Identify potential distributions sites for emergency response. Identify policies and personnel responsible for obtaining resources. Actions/Responsibilities: ➢ Designate local department(s) within the community responsible for resource management; ➢ Develop resource lists that detail type, location, contact arrangements, and acquisition procedures for critical resources; ➢ Prepare mutual aid agreements with local, and surrounding jurisdictions to aid the locality; ➢ Develop SOPs to manage the processing, use, inspection, and return of resources coming to the locality; ➢ Identify actual or potential facilities and ensure they are ready and available to receive, store, and distribute resources (government, private, donated); ➢ Develop training/exercises to test plan, and to ensure maximum use of available resources and understanding of policies to obtain resources from outside the locality; ➢ Develop and maintain a detailed list of available community resources; and ➢ Ensure the community is aware of available resources. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 124 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS – LOGISTICS SUPPORT 1. Normal Operations a. Identify essential resources to carry out mission in each functional area and to support operation of critical facilities during the disaster. b. Designate local department(s) responsible for resource management c. Identify personnel requirements and training needs to effectively carry out mission d. Develop resource lists that detail type, location, contact arrangements, and acquisition procedures for critical resources e. Prepare mutual aid agreements with surrounding jurisdictions to augment local resources f. Review compatibility of equipment of local departments and surrounding jurisdictions and identify specialized training or knowledge required to operate equipment g. Develop SOPs to manage the processing, use, inspection, and return of resources coming into area h. Identify actual or potential facilities to receive, store, and distribute resources (government, private, donated) i. Develop training/exercises to test plan, and to ensure maximum use of available resources j. Coordinate and develop pre-scripted announcements with Deputy Director of Emergency Management regarding potential resource issues and instructions (e.g., types of resources required, status of critical resource reserves, recommended contingency actions, etc.) Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area a. Review and update plans, standard operating procedures, and checklists detailing the disposition of resources in an emergency b. Ensure personnel, facilities, and equipment are ready and available for emergency use Response a. Activate resource management plan, coordinate with needs assessment team Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 125 1. Begin documenting costs 2. Coordinate and track resources 3. Establish priorities regarding allocation and use of available resources 4. Identify sites to receive, store, stage, and disperse resources . Activate mutual aid agreements, as necessary b. Request state assistance as required Recovery a. Continue to coordinate and track resources (government, private, donated) b. Continue to document costs c. Continue to coordinate with the Deputy Director of Emergency Management or his designee Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 126 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #7 Staging Areas/Points of Distribution Pittsylvania County will utilize vacant Industrial Parks building owned by the County. The sites would be determined at the time of need. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 127 Emergency Support Function #8 – Public Health and Medical Services Introduction The purpose of ESF #8 is to provide health and medical services to the residents of Pittsylvania County during and/or after an emergency situation. Coordination: The Director of the Pittsylvania-Danville Health District or his/her designee will coordinate emergency health services. Rescue squads serving the county will provide emergency medical transportation, assist with the evacuation of endangered areas, and assist in land search and rescue operations. Local funeral homes will assist the Health Department and the Medical Examiner’s Office in disasters involving mass casualties. The following officials and organizations are responsible for providing emergency health services in Pittsylvania County: Danville Regional Medical Center Pittsylvania County Rescue Squads Purpose: Guide a response using communities’ resources and to coordinate a response with Pittsylvania County government and/or state agencies when the incident exceeds the community’s capabilities. Primary Agencies: Health Department Secondary/Support Agencies: Local Physicians and/or nursing care facilities. Scope: The scope is an all-hazards approach based on the community’s ability to provide medical resources. When an incident exceeds the community’s capabilities, outside assistance should be requested through MOUs, Mutual Aide Agreements and the coordination of this plan with the Pittsylvania County EOP. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 128 Policies: ➢ Internal policies and procedures and regulations; ➢ Privacy policies and laws with regard to provision of medical care; ➢ Policies regarding provision of first aid and health care; and ➢ When the community’s capabilities are exceeded, outside assistance should be requested. Concept of Operations General: The community will respond with available resources as designated in the plan. Support and assistance from the local government will be requested based on mutual aid agreements and coordination with local government plans. If the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Center is activated during the response, representatives of this ESF be assigned to the EOC. Responsibilities/Actions: ➢ Provide personnel, equipment, supplies and other resources necessary to coordinate plans and programs for a medical response during an incident; ➢ Designate an individual to coordinate medical, health, and rescue services; ➢ Coordinate and develop SOPs for personnel in this ESF; ➢ Develop and maintain procedures for providing a coordinated response with community’s resources and then with local government and private organizations; ➢ Maintain a roster of key officials in each medical support area; ➢ Review emergency plans with local governments; and ➢ Implement mutual aid agreements as necessary. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 129 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - MEDICAL AND HEALTH 1. Normal Operations a. Designate individuals who will coordinate medical, health, and environmental health services. b. Develop and maintain procedures for providing a coordinated response. Maintain a roster of key officials in each medical support area. c. Establish a working relationship and review emergency roles with the local hospital and rescue squads. d. Review and update emergency plans and procedures. 2. Increased Readiness (A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area) a. Inform Health Department management and other essential individuals of the threat and possible response actions. b. Review emergency plans and procedures. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase (Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities) (1) Review and update emergency plans and procedures. (2) Alert appropriate agencies and staff members. (3) Implement mutual aid agreements and incorporate resources from adjacent jurisdictions as appropriate. b. Response Phase (Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property) The Director of Public Health or his representative should report to the EOC. (1) Coordinate medical, health and environmental health services. (2) Coordinate health services, such as testing food and water supplies and controlling communicable diseases, as appropriate. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 130 (3) Obtain crisis augmentation of health/medical personnel (e.g., nurse's aides, paramedics, ARC personnel, and other trained volunteers) and supplies as needed. (4) Maintain a record of disaster-related expenses incurred by Health Department personnel. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide health services and to coordinate medical services. Maintain records and monitor the status of persons injured during the emergency. Assist the State Medical Examiner's Office in the identification and disposition of the deceased. b. Assist with damage assessment when appropriate. Consolidate and submit a record of disaster-related expenses incurred by Health Department personnel. Also, assist with the damage assessment of water and sewage facilities, as needed. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 131 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #8 Hospitals, Clinics, and Medical Facilities AREA HOSPITALS THAT SERVE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY Sovah Health – Danville Total Beds: 250 142 South Main Street Danville, VA 24541 (434) 799-2100 Carilion Franklin Memorial Hospital Total Beds: 37 390 South Main Street Rocky Mount, VA 24151 (540) 483-5277 Centra Lynchburg General Hospital Total Beds 330 1901 Tate Springs Road Lynchburg, VA 24501 (434) 200-3000 Sentara Halifax Regional Hospital Total Beds 132 2204 Wilborn Avenue South Boston, VA 24592 (434) 517-3100 Sovah Health - Martinsville Total Beds 220 320 Hospital Drive Martinsville, VA 24112 (276) 666-7200 Centra Gretna Medical Center ER Total Beds 15 291 McBride Lane Gretna, VA 24557 (434) 656-1274 A list of county EMS resources is kept in the 911 Dispatch Center. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 132 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - RESCUE/EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 1. Normal Operations Develop and maintain plans and procedures to implement search and rescue operations in time of emergency to provide emergency medical treatment and pre-hospital care to the injured; and to assist with the warning, evacuation and relocation of citizens during a disaster. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. Alert on-duty personnel. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Review and update plans and procedures. (2) Alert personnel to stand-by status. (3) Begin to implement record keeping of all incurred expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency. (4) Check rescue and communications equipment. All primary dispatch operations will be assigned to frequency 156.135 until advised otherwise by Communications. (5) The designated rescue squad service representative should report to the EOC and assist with emergency operations. (6) As the situation worsens, assign duties to all personnel. Rescue Squad department personnel may be requested to assist with warning and alerting, evacuation and communications. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 133 b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Follow established procedures in providing rescue services, emergency medical treatment and pre-hospital care to the injured. (2) For other disasters: Continue to assist with warning and alerting, evacuation, communications and emergency medical transport as well as any other emergency response operation, as required, in time of emergency. (3) Record disaster-related expenses. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide essential services as required. b. Continue search and certain rescue operations, if required. c. Assist with cleanup operations. d. Assist with the inspection of damaged facilities, if applicable. e. Compile and submit records of disaster-related expenses incurred by the fire and rescue service to the Deputy Director of Emergency Management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 134 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #8 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA EMERGENCY MEDEVAC SERVICES VIRGINIA AEROMEDICAL SERVICES ALERT NON-EMER. ARIES - (Fairfax County Police) (703) 280-0840/WAWAS (703) 830-3105 EAGLE - 1&2 (U.S. Park PD, D.C.) (202) 619-7310/WAWAS (202) 426-6969 LIFEGUARD 10 (Carilion Health Systems) (888) 377-7628 (888) 377-7628 MEDEVAC (Ft. Belvoir) (703) 664-6565 (703) 664-4401 MED-FLIGHT - 1 (VSP-Chesterfield) (800) 468-8892 (804) 674-2089 MED-FLIGHT - 2 (VSP Abington) (800) 433-1028 (703) 466-3188 MED-FLIGHT – 3 (VSP Lynchburg) (800) 552-0962 (434) 582-5115 MEDICAL AIR CARE (INOVA-Fairfax) (800) 258-8181 (703) 698-2930 MED STAR (Com., D.C.) (800) 824-6814 (202) 877-7234 NIGHTINGALE (Norfolk General) (800) 572-4354 (804) 628-2435 986th MEDEVAC (VNG-Richmond) (804) 222-4580 (804) 222-4580 PEGASUS (UVA Charlottesville) (800) 522-1826 (804) 924-9287 CENTRA – Lynchburg (866) 924-7633 NORTH CAROLINA AEROMEDICAL SERVICES AIRCARE (WFUBMC Winston-Salem) (800) 336-6224 (336) 713-3110 UNC AIRCARE (Chapel Hill) (800) 247-6264 (800) 247-6264 LIFEFLIGHT (Duke Univ. Durham) (800) 362-LIFE (5433) (919) 681-4506 A list of Helicopter resources is kept in the 911 Dispatch Center. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 135 Tab 3 to Emergency Support Function #8 Virginia Funeral Directors Associations Inc. Mortuary Disaster Plan Organization Mission – To develop an efficient and effective management response system in mass fatality disaster situations to facilitate the preparation, processing, and release of deceased human remains to the next of kin or family representative. Organization – The Virginia Funeral Directors Association (VFDA) is responsible for the statewide coordination of the mortuary activities in the state. VFDA's Disaster Response Team is comprised of two state coordinators, four regional coordinators, and seven district coordinators. Each district has a response team comprised of members who have completed training in the VFDA-approved program that qualifies them as certified disaster coordinators. The VFDA response teams will provide support in recovery, evacuation, and identification of the remains. The State Medical Examiner's Office is by law responsible for the deceased. Virginia is divided into four medical examiner districts that include the Northern Virginia District based in Fairfax, the Western District based in Roanoke, the Central District based in Richmond, and the Tidewater District based in Norfolk (Attachment 1). Concept of Operations – In the event of a mass fatality disaster situation, the State EOC will contact the State Medical Examiner's Office, who will in turn notify the Virginia Funeral Directors Association (VFDA). Once contacted by the State Medical Examiner's Office, the VFDA will activate the Mortuary Response Plan and response teams. The VFDA Response Teams will operate under the direction of the District Medical Examiner of the district in which the incident occurred. In order to ensure a prompt and professional response, the Virginia Funeral Directors Association maintains a resource manual of needed supplies, equipment, and vehicles. If additional resources are necessary to effectively respond to a disaster, the VFDA Executive Director has emergency purchasing authority up to a specified limit. The VFDA also has a specially equipped disaster trailer to assist the State Medical Examiner's Office and other funeral directors in the state with disaster field response. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 136 Tab 4 to Emergency Support Function #8 Virginia Medical Examiner Districts OFFICES OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER Central District (Richmond) Tidewater (Eastern) District 400 East Jackson Street 830 Southampton Avenue Richmond, VA 23219-3694 Suite 100 (804) 786-3174 Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 683-8366 Northern District (Manassas) Western District (Roanoke) 10850 Pyramid Place 6600 Northside High School Rd Suite 121 Roanoke, VA 24019 Manassas, VA 20110 (540) 561-6615 (703) 530-2600 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER 400 East Jackson Street Richmond, VA 23219-3694 (804) 786-3174 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 137 Emergency Support Function #9 - Search and Rescue Introduction Coordinator: The Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff and/or his designee will be the Coordinator of ESF #9. Purpose: Provide for coordination and effective use of search and rescue activities to assist people in potential or actual distress. Scope: Communities are susceptible to many different natural and technical hazards that may result in the damage or collapse of structures within the county. Search and Rescue must be prepared to respond to emergencies and provide specialized assistance. Operational actives can include locating, extricating, and providing on site medical treatment to victims trapped in collapsed structures. Additional, people may be lost, missing, disoriented, traumatized, or injured in which case the agency must be prepared to respond to these incidents and implement appropriate tactics to assist those, in distress or imminent danger. Primary Agency Emergency Management Fire Department Sheriff’s Department Police Department Secondary/Support Agencies Civil Air Patrol Volunteer Search and Rescue Groups Virginia Department of Emergency Management Public Works GIS Department Virginia State Police Policies: The EOP provides the guidance for managing the acquisition of Search and Rescue resources; ➢ All requests for Search and Rescue will be submitted to the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Center for coordination, validation, and/or action; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 138 ➢ Communications will be established and maintained with ESF #5 – Emergency Management and Virginia Emergency Operations Center to report and receive assessments and status information; ➢ Will coordinate with local, state, and federal agencies when necessary; ➢ Personnel will stay up to date with procedures through training and education; and ➢ Search and rescue task forces are considered federal assets under the Robert T. Stafford Act only when requested for a search and rescue for a collapsed structure. Concept of Operations General: During a search and rescue operation in an emergency, local fire and law enforcement departments will assist in the operation. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers will also assist with other function to search and rescue as set forth in the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squad’s Operation Plan. Organization: The Fire Department will, typically, be the primary agency in any SAR operation. EMS, law enforcement, public works and environmental services will assist when required for structural evaluation of buildings and structures. The Sheriff’s Department will be the primary agency in any ground searches. The Department of Public Works, Environmental Services, and GIS will assist with any equipment, maps, staff, and vehicles. In a secondary role local law enforcement will assist with perimeter security, communications, and assistance as required. The Fire Department and EMS will work in a secondary role to provide medical resources, equipment and expertise. Actions ➢ Develops and maintains plans and procedures to implement search and rescue operations in time of emergency; ➢ Provide emergency medical treatment and pre-hospital care to the injured; ➢ Assist with the warning, evacuation and relocation of citizens during a disaster; ➢ The designated representatives should report to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). When necessary, assign duties to all personnel; ➢ Follow established procedures in responding to urban search and rescue incidents; and ➢ Record disaster related expenses. Responsibilities ➢ Manages search and rescue task force deployment to, employment in, and redeployment from the affected area; ➢ Coordinates logistical support for search and rescue during field operations; ➢ Develops policies and procedures for effective use and coordination of search and rescue; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 139 ➢ Provides status reports on search and rescue operations throughout the affected area; and ➢ Request further assistance from the local jurisdiction and Virginia Department of Emergency Management for additional resources. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 140 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #9 Search and Rescue Resources and Personnel Information maintained by Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department and/or Emergency Management Office. Also, Angel Search and Rescue could be utilized. Contact VDEM. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 141 Emergency Support Function #10 - Oil and Hazardous Materials THE COMPLETE HAZMAT PLAN IS KEPT UNDER SEPARATE COVER. Introduction The local fire department should be contacted immediately and the Fire Chief will likely assume primary operational control of all hazardous materials incidents. The County Fire Marshal/Deputy Fire Marshal is the County’s Hazardous Materials Coordinator. The Coordinator of Emergency Management shall be notified on all hazardous materials working incidents. Other departments in the community may provide support to the fire department, depending on their capabilities. Scope: The initial response will be handled by the local fire department. Other state agencies may be called upon depending on the nature of the incident The community should determine which departments have the capability to support a hazard material response. Primary Agencies: Fire Department Emergency Management Secondary/Support Agencies: Virginia HazMat Response Officers and Teams Policies: The community resources as well as its policies and procedures regarding hazardous material incidents should be reviewed and possibly revised. ➢ Fixed Facilities will report annually under SARA Title III; ➢ Notify the community of the need to evacuate or shelter in place; ➢ Mutual aid agreements will be implemented; and ➢ Establish communications with ESF # 5 and ESF #15. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 142 Concept of Operations General: Organization: The Local Fire Chief or designee will assume primary operational control of all hazardous materials incidents. Mutual aid agreements between the community and the local government will be implemented. The local fire chief may request Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s (VDEM) Regional Hazardous Materials Officer and Hazardous Materials Response Team. The fire chief will determine the need to evacuate or shelter in place. Law enforcement may coordinate the evacuation of the area. The community’s ESF# 2 and ESF# 15 will coordinate the dissemination of public information. Actions/Responsibilities: ➢ Review procedures for hazard material incident. ➢ Develop procedures aimed at minimizing the impact of an unplanned release of a hazardous material to protect life and property; ➢ Conduct training for personnel in hazardous materials response and mitigation; ➢ Follow established procedures in responding to hazardous materials incidents; and ➢ Record expenses Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 143 Emergency Support Function #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Introduction Coordinator: The Pittsylvania County Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #11. Purpose: Agriculture and Natural Resources work to address the provision of nutrition assistance; control and eradication of an outbreak of a highly contagious or economically devastating animal disease, highly infective plant disease, or economically devastating plant pest infestation; assurance of food safety and security; and protection of cultural resources and historic property resources during an incident. Primary Agencies: Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Virginia Department of Social Services Secondary/Support Agencies: Health Department Red Cross Local/Regional Food Banks Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VVOAD) Federation of Virginia Food Banks Scope: Determined based on the community’s capabilities and may include: ➢ Identify food assistance needs; ➢ Obtain appropriate food supplies; ➢ Arrange for transportation of food supplies to the designated area; ➢ Implement an integrated response to an outbreak of highly contagious or economically devastating animal disease, infective exotic plant disease or an economically devastating plant pest infestation; ➢ Coordinate with Public Health and Medical Services to ensure that animal/veterinary/and wildlife issues are supported; ➢ Inspect and verify food safety in distribution and retail sites; ➢ Conduct food borne disease surveillance and field investigations; and ➢ Coordinate appropriate response actions to conserve, rehabilitate, recover, and restore natural, cultural, and historic properties resources. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 144 Policies: ➢ Each supporting agency is responsible for managing its assets and resources after receiving direction from the Department of Social Services; ➢ Actions will be coordinated with agencies responsible for mass feeding; ➢ This ESF will encourage the use of mass feeding as the primary outlet for disaster food supplies; ➢ Schools and communities may be able to feed affected population for several days; ➢ Food supplies secured and delivered are for household distribution or congregate meal service; ➢ Transportation and distribution may be arranged by volunteer organizations; ➢ Priority is given to moving supplies into areas of critical need and then to areas of moderate need; ➢ Animal depopulation activities and disposal will be conducted as humanely as possible; and ➢ Ensure food safety. Concept of Operations General: Provide for an integrated response to an outbreak of highly contagious or economically devastating animal/zoonotic disease, exotic plant disease, or economically devastating plant or pest infestation. Ensure the safety and security of the commercial supply of food (meat, poultry and egg products) following an incident. Identifies, secures and arranges for the transportation of food to disaster areas. Protects cultural resources and historic property resources during an incident. Organization: The Emergency Manager or Coordinator will determine what tasks are to be completed and designate the appropriate agency and individuals by title who are responsible for: ➢ Assess damage to facilities and infrastructure; ➢ Assess current food supply of community and determine if safe for human consumption; ➢ Assess sensitive areas on community, such as plant and animal laboratories, to ensure secure; and ➢ Conduct inventory of sensitive items, in regard to agriculture and horticulture. Actions These items should be based on the community’s capabilities and the type and magnitude of the emergency event. ➢ Assist in determining the critical needs of the affected population; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 145 ➢ Catalog available resources and locate these resources; ➢ Ensure food is fit for consumption; ➢ Assist and coordinate shipment of food to staging areas; ➢ Work to obtain critical food supplies that are unavailable from existing inventories; ➢ Identify animal and plant disease outbreaks; ➢ Assist in providing inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest termination and destruction of animals or articles found to be contaminated or infected; and, ➢ Proper containment and disposal of contaminated food, animals, and/or plants. Responsibilities ➢ Assist with guidance to unaffected areas as to precautions that may be taken to ensure animal and plant health; ➢ Assist handling and packing of any samples and shipments to the appropriate research laboratory; ➢ Provides information and recommendations to the Health Department for outbreak incidents; ➢ Assign veterinary personnel to assist in delivering animal health care and performing preventative medicine activities; ➢ Participate in subsequent investigations jointly with other law enforcement agencies; ➢ Assess the operating status of inspected meat, poultry and egg product processing, distribution, import and retail facilities in the affected area; ➢ Evaluate the adequacy of inspectors, program investigators and laboratory services relative to the incident; ➢ Assist with establishing logistical links with organizations involved in long- term congregate meal service; and ➢ Establish need for replacement food products; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 146 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #11 EMERGENCY FOOD CONSUMPTION STANDARDS Per Person Food Groups and Food Items per Week Standard Meat and Meat Alternatives (red meat, poultry pounds, fish, shellfish, cheese, dry beans, peas, and nuts) 3 Eggs 6 Milk (pints) 7 Cereals and cereal products (flour including mixes, bakery products, cornmeal, rice, macaroni, and breakfast cereals) 4 Fruits and vegetables (fresh and frozen) 4 Food fats and oils (butter, margarine, lard, shortening pound and salad and cooking oils) 0.5 Potatoes (white and sweet) 2 Sugars, syrups, honey, and other sweets 0.5 Total (equivalent pounds per week): 27.0 lbs. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 147 Emergency Support Function #12 - Utilities Introduction Coordinator: The Director of the Pittsylvania County Public Works will serve as the Coordinator for ESF #12. Purpose: Estimate the impact of energy system outages in the community Make decisions about closings based on: ➢ Duration of the outage; ➢ If portions of the community are affected or if it the entire community; ➢ Ability to be operational; and ➢ Current weather conditions. Help to prioritize facilities and infrastructure so that power may be restored or other energy supplies may be provided in such a way to enable life to be restored to full capacity as soon as possible. Scope: ESF #12 will collect, evaluate, and share information on energy system damage. Estimate the impact of energy system outages in the community. Provide information concerning the energy restoration process such as: ➢ Projected schedules; ➢ Percent completion of restoration; and ➢ Determine schedule for reopening facilities. The incident may impact the community only or it may be part of a larger incident that impacts the locality or the region. In the latter cases, the community will follow its plans, policies and procedures, but ensure that they are also following local and regional plans. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 148 Primary Agencies: Pittsylvania County Public Works Power Company/Plant Officials Utility providers Secondary/Support Agencies: Local electricians Out of region power company agencies Policies: ➢ Provide fuel, power, and other essential resource; ➢ Community will contact the locality and utility providers; ➢ Work with utility providers to set priorities for allocating commodities; ➢ Personnel will stay up to date with procedures through education and training; ➢ Restoration of normal operations at critical facilities will be a priority; ➢ Maintain a list of critical facilities and continuously monitor those to identify vulnerabilities; ➢ Make decisions concerning closures; and ➢ Community will manage independently, until it needs additional resources. Concept of Operations General: The supply of electric power to customers may be cut off due to either generation capacity shortages and/or transmission/distribution limitations. Generation capacity shortfalls are a result of: ➢ Extreme weather conditions; disruptions to generation facilities. Other energy shortages (such as natural gas or other petroleum products) may result from: ➢ Extreme weather; ➢ Strikes; ➢ International embargoes; ➢ Disruption of pipeline system; and ➢ Terrorism. And can impact transportation and industrial uses. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 149 Other Impacts: ➢ Sever key energy lifelines; ➢ Constrain supply in impacted areas, or in areas with supply links to impacted areas; and ➢ Affect transportation, communications, and other lifelines needed for public health and safety. There may be widespread and prolonged electric power failures beyond the community. Without electric power, communications could become interrupted. Organization: Pittsylvania County may activate its EOC to: ➢ Provide for the health and safety of individuals affected by the event; ➢ Comply with local and state actions to conserve fuel, if needed; ➢ Coordinate with local government and utility providers to provide energy emergency information, education, and conservation guidance to the community; ➢ Coordinate information with local, state, and federal officials and energy; ➢ Suppliers about available energy supply recovery assistance; ➢ Send requests to Pittsylvania County or State EOC for fuel and power assistance, based on current policy; and ➢ Coordinate with local government if power outage affects an area beyond the community. The State Corporation Commission (SCC) is the designated commodity manager for natural gas and electric power. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) is the commodity manager for petroleum products and for solid fuels. Following a catastrophic disaster, the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC), with staff support from SCC and DMME, will coordinate the provision of emergency power and fuel to affected jurisdictions to support immediate response operations. They will work closely with federal energy officials (ESF 12), other Commonwealth support agencies, and energy suppliers and distributors. The community will identify the providers for each of their energy resources. Actions: ➢ Identify, quantify, and prioritize the minimum essential supply of fuel and resources required to ensure continued operation of critical facilities; ➢ Monitor the status of all essential resources to anticipate shortages; ➢ Maintain liaison with fuel distributors and local utility representatives; ➢ Implement local conservation measures; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 150 ➢ Keep the public informed; ➢ Implement procedures for determining need and for the distribution of aid; ➢ Allocate available resources to assure maintenance of essential services; ➢ Consider declaring a local emergency; and ➢ Document expenses. Responsibilities: ➢ Review plans and procedures. Review procedures for providing lodging and care for displaced persons (see ESF #6); ➢ In the event of a fuel shortage, establish procedures for local fuel suppliers/distributors to serve customers referred to them by local government; ➢ Keep the public informed and aware of the extent of the shortage, the need to conserve the resource in short supply, and the location and availability of emergency assistance; ➢ Provide emergency assistance to individuals as required; ➢ Enforce state and local government conservation programs; and ➢ Identifies resources needed to restore energy systems. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 151 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #12 Utility Providers Emergency Numbers Company Phone # Contact Person Electric Dominion Power 1-800-826-1027 1-866-366-4357 American Electric Power 1-800-956-4237 1-800-277-2177 Mecklenburg Electric Coop 1-434-656-1280 1-800-989-4161 Southside Electric Coop 1-436-645-3211 1-800-522-2118/866-878-5514 City of Danville 1-434-773-8300 Jason Grey 434-799-5270 Natural Gas Columbia Gas of VA 1-800-543-8911 1-800-544-5606 City of Danville 1-434-799-5284 Jeff Bustamante, Jason Grey Telecommunications Centurylink 1-800-788-1907 Verizon 1-800-773-7911 Fairpoint 1-434-656-2291 Gamewood 1-434-799-2253 Fiber Optic Cable Verizon 1-877-483-9322 Centurylink 1-877-290-5458 Gamewood 1-434-799-2253 Fairpoint Communications 1-434-656-2291 Mecklenburg Electric Coop 1-434-656-1281 Water Pittsylvania County Public Works 1-434-432-7135 Chris Adcock 434-713-0250 Town of Chatham 1-434-432-8153 434-432-9515 Town of Gretna 1-434-656-6834 434-656-6572 Town of Hurt 1-434-546-5435 Ed Hodges 434-608-0554 City of Danville 1-434-799-5284 Alan Johnson 434-799-6473 Waste Water Treatment Pittsylvania County Public Works 1-434-432-7135 Chris Adcock 434-713-0250 Town of Chatham 1-434-432-8153 434-432-9515 Town of Gretna 1-434-656-6834 434-656-6572 Town of Hurt 1-434-324-7251 434-605-0554 Solid Waste Disposal Pittsylvania County Landfill 1-434-432-7980 Rodney Poole 434-432-1972 Hazardous Waste Disposal/First Piedmont Corp. 1-434-822-7428 Ricky Harris 434-822-6904 1-800-476-6780 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 152 Emergency Support Function #13 - Public Safety and Security Introduction Coordinator: The Pittsylvania County Sheriff and/or his designee will serve as the Coordinator of ESF# 13. Propose: ESF# 13 will identify the particular functions and capabilities for the community. Several factors may require outside assistance to respond to the event: ➢ Law or regulation may require involvement of state or federal agencies due to circumstances of the event (E. G. a terrorist event); and ➢ If the community is impacted by a larger event that affects the local or regional area. Primary Agencies: Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department Secondary/Support Agencies: Virginia State Police Department Emergency medical care Pittsylvania County PIO Pittsylvania County Communications Center Scope: ESF #13 responds to an emergency in the community using existing procedures. Examples: ➢ Maintain law and order; ➢ Coordinate public warning public warning; ➢ Provide security of community facilities; ➢ Control traffic under normal conditions; ➢ Control traffic control for special events or disruptive incidents; ➢ Provide security of unsafe areas or potential crime scenes; ➢ Assist with evacuation of buildings or the entire community; and ➢ Provide security if the community opens a shelter. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 153 Identify the full scope of response activities that ESF #13 could provide Policies: ➢ The community’s plan will be coordinated with the Pittsylvania County EOP pursuant to Code of Virginia; ➢ Law enforcement will coordinate the response with other ESFs on community based on the details of the events; ➢ The community will have appropriate MOUs and Mutual Aid agreements; and ➢ The Emergency Operations Plan and the incident command staff may become subordinate if other organizations are called upon. Concept of Operations General: Describe the sequence of events of responding to an event Existing procedures in the form of department directives may provide the basis for a law enforcement response in times of emergency. The Pittsylvania County Communications Center is the point of contact for the receipt of all warnings and notification of actual or impending emergencies or disasters. Organization: ➢ The Sheriff’s Department will utilize their normal communications networks during disasters; ➢ Designate areas that need to be evacuated; ➢ Provide traffic control and security; and ➢ Coordinate with local law enforcement if the event exceeds the local capability. Actions/Responsibilities ➢ Maintain police intelligence capability to alert government agencies and the public to potential threats; ➢ Develop strategies to effectively address special emergency situations that may require distinct law enforcement procedures, such as civil disorders, hostage taking, weapons of mass destruction, terrorist situations, and bomb treats/detonations; ➢ Test primary communications systems and arrange for alternate systems, if necessary; ➢ Assist with the implementation of the evacuation procedures for the threatened areas, if necessary; ➢ Provide traffic and crowd control as required; ➢ Provide security and law enforcement to critical facilities; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 154 ➢ Implement existing mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions, if necessary; ➢ Document expenses; ➢ Coordinates backup support from other areas; ➢ Initial warning and alerting; ➢ Security of emergency site, evacuated areas, shelter areas, vital facilities and supplies; ➢ Traffic control; ➢ Evacuation and access control of threatened areas; and ➢ Assist the Health Department with identification of the dead. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 155 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - LAW ENFORCEMENT 1. Normal Operations Develop and maintain plans to provide for effective law enforcement, prompt warning and evacuation, traffic and crowd control, search and rescue, and the security of vital facilities and supplies. a. Identify essential facilities and develop procedures to provide for their security and continued operation in time of emergency. b. Develop procedures for promptly warning the public of an emergency, using any means necessary and available (i.e., telephone, public address systems, knocking on doors.). c. Develop procedures for warning and evacuating residents with special needs (elderly, handicapped, etc.) Anticipate and resolve problems associated with these population groups such as evacuating nursing homes and schools. The Sheriff’s Office will handle the jail. d. Identify potential evacuation routes in the event of a major emergency situation. e. Develop strategies to effectively address special emergency situations that may require distinct law enforcement procedures, such as civil disorders, hostage or terrorist situations, and bomb threats or detonations. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Review and update plans and procedures. (1) Assign emergency duties and provide specialized training as needed. (2) Delineate the specific areas that may need to be evacuated and designate evacuation routes. b. Alert personnel to standby status. c. Begin to keep records of all expenses incurred and continue for the duration of the emergency. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) Alert all personnel and special facilities, as required. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 156 (2) Test primary communications systems and arrange for alternate systems, if necessary. (3) Implement evacuation procedures for the threatened areas, if necessary. Instruct evacuees to bring one change of clothes, medicine, baby food, sleeping bags, and other supplies, as required. (4) Provide traffic and crowd control, as required. (5) Implement the necessary security at the emergency site, evacuated areas, vital facilities, shelter areas, and supplies. (6) Begin recording disaster-related expenses. b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Effect evacuation, as required. (2) Secure the emergency site, evacuated areas, vital facilities, and supplies. (3) Continue to provide traffic and crowd control. (4) Continue to warn the public and assist with providing protective action guidance. (5) Conduct search and rescue operations, as required. (6) Implement existing mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions, if necessary. 4. Recovery a. Continue to provide traffic and crowd control, as well as the necessary security. b. Complete the necessary post-emergency investigations while continuing to maintain law and order within the county. Assist in state and federal investigation as necessary. c. Support cleanup and recovery operations as required. d. Assist with identification of the dead, if necessary. e. Assist with damage assessment. f. Complete disaster-related expense records for services provided and within your control and submit to the Coordinator. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 157 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #13 ENTRY PERMIT TO ENTER RESTRICTED AREAS 1. Reason for entry (if scientific research, specify objectives, location, length of time needed for study, methodology, qualifications, sponsoring party, NSF grant number and date on separate page). If contractor/agent--include name of contractual resident party, attach evidence of right of interest in destination. Resident: Purpose. 2. Name, address, and telephone of applicant, organization, university, sponsor, or media group. Also contact person if questions should arise. 3. Travel (fill out applicable sections; if variable call information to dispatcher for each entry) Method of Travel (vehicle, aircraft) Description of Vehicle/Aircraft Registration Route of Travel if by Vehicle Destination by legal location or landmark/E911 address Alternate escape route if different from above 4. Type of 2-way radio system to be used and your base station telephone number we can contact in emergency (a CB radio or radio telephone will not be accepted). Resident: cellular or home number. Entry granted into hazard area. Authorizing Signature _________________________________Date _____________ The conditions for entry are attached to and made a part of this permit. Any violation of the attached conditions for entry can result in revocation of this permit. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 158 The Waiver of Liability is made a part of and attached to this permit. All persons entering the closed area under this permit must sign the Waiver of Liability before entry. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 159 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #13 WAIVER OF LIABILITY (TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED WITH APPLICATION FORM) I, the undersigned, hereby understand and agree to the requirements stated in the application form and in the safety regulations and do further understand that I am entering a (high) hazard area with full knowledge that I do so at my own risk and I do hereby release and discharge the federal government, the Commonwealth of Virginia and all its political subdivisions, their officers, agents and employees from all liability for any damages or losses incurred while within the Closed Area. I understand that the entry permit is conditioned upon this waiver. I understand that no public agency shall have any duty to attempt any search and rescue efforts on my behalf while I am in the Closed or Restricted Area. Signatures of applicant and members of his field party Date Print full name first, then sign. ________________________________________________________ ___________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability _________________________________________________________ ___________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. _______________________________________________________ ___________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. _______________________________________________________ __________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. _________________________________________________________ ___________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. _________________________________________________________ _______ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. _________________________________________________________ ___________ I have read and understand the above waiver of liability. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 160 Tab 3 to Emergency Support Function #13 Law Enforcement Resources I. Sheriff's Department A. Personnel: Road Deputies 33 + 9 Supervisory Deputies Investigators 16 + 2 Supervisors School Resource 5 Jailers 29 + 6 Supervisors Court Security 7 Jail Medical 3 Cooks 2 Secretaries/Administrative 9 Other 5 B. Equipment and Facilities: Marked cars Forensic van Unmarked cars Inmate Transport van 4-wheel drive vehicles SWAT van II. County Animal Control Department A. Personnel: 3 officers B. Equipment and Facilities: 3 radio-equipped 4-wheel drive trucks Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 161 Emergency Support Function #14 – Long Term Recovery Introduction Coordinator: The County Director of Economic Development will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #14. Purpose: To facilitate both short term and long-term recovery following a disaster. The recovery process begins with an impact analysis of the incident and support for available programs and resources and to coordinate programs to assist in the comprehensive economic, social, and physical recovery and reconstruction of the community impacted by the emergency. Scope: The full scope of ESF# 14 should be based on the community’s resources, capabilities, and community master plans. Primary Agencies: Economic Development Office Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Planning Department Code and Zoning Office Policies: ➢ ESF #14 will begin the recovery process for any disaster with the implementation of short-term disaster relief programs by non- governmental organizations and federal and state programs authorized by a presidential declaration of major disaster; ➢ The initiatives of the Governor and the Economic Crisis Strike Force will be tailored for the needs of the impacted communities and will utilize new and existing programs; ➢ Long-term recovery and mitigation efforts are forward-looking and market- based, focusing on permanent restoration of infrastructure, housing, and the local economy, with attention to mitigation of future impacts of a similar nature, when feasible; and ➢ Federal agencies may be requested to continue to provide recovery assistance under independent authorities to the state and local governments; the private sector; and individuals, while coordinating activities and assessments of need for additional assistance. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 162 Concept of Operations General: Existing procedures or directives may provide the basis for short or long – term planning operations. Organization: ➢ The Governor will determine the need for high-level oversight of the process of reconstruction and redevelopment of the impacted area; ➢ The Governor may activate the Economic Crisis Strike Force (ECSF), led by the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, to organize and direct redevelopment activities; ➢ The Governor and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade will determine the mission and scope of the Economic Crisis Strike Force based on the sectors of the community that need redevelopment or reconstruction – such as infrastructure, economic structure, human services or special accountability issues; ➢ The strategy for long-term recovery should encompass, but not be limited to, land use, public safety, housing, public services, transportation services, education; AND ➢ The ECSF will establish the organization, plan the strategies, and oversee the efforts to accomplish the mission. Actions/Responsibilities ➢ Partner with disaster recovery agencies to implement recovery programs; ➢ Coordinate the state’s participation in recovery operations with FEMA, SBA and other federal agencies co-located in the Joint Field Office or other command center; ➢ Develop a recovery strategy that addresses, but is not limited to, infrastructure (land-use, transportation, housing, public services), economic development, and human services (public health, medical care, behavioral health services); ➢ Advise on the recovery implications of response activities and coordinate the transition from response to recovery in field operations; ➢ Identify appropriate Federal programs and agencies to support implementation of the long-term community recovery plan, ensure coordination, and identify gaps in resources available; ➢ Avoid duplication of assistance, coordinate to the extent possible program application processes and planning requirements to streamline assistance, and identify and coordinate resolution of policy and program issues, and; ➢ Determine and identify responsibilities for recovery activities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 163 Emergency Support Function #15 – External Affairs Introduction Coordinator: The Pittsylvania County Sheriff and/or his designee (PIO/PR Manager) will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #15. Purpose: Provide for efficient and coordinated continuous flow of timely information and instructions to the public using all available communications media prior to, during, and following an emergency or disaster. Scope: Provide emergency public information actions before, during, and following any emergency. Potential public information response could involve personnel from all jurisdictions, organizations, agencies, and areas within the affected area. Primary Agency: Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Communications Center Emergency Manager Secondary/Support Agencies Local Television/Radio Stations Local Newspaper Concept of Operations General: The Public Information Office is responsible for providing the community with information on impending or existing emergencies, to include immediate protective actions they should take such as sheltering or evacuation. A Joint Information Center (JIC) may be activated, if the situation warrants. The JIC will likely be at an off-site location. Agencies involved will staff telephones and coordinate media activities under the supervision of the EPIO. All agencies and organizations are responsible for providing the PIO with appropriate timely information about the incident and actions needed to save lives and protect property. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 164 Organization: A Public Affairs Officer may be appointed to serve as the primary communities ESF #15 coordinator. Other community officials will serve within the JIC. Additionally, the community will establish a Community Relations (CR) plan which will include incident specific guidance and objectives at the beginning of the incident. Conducting the CR function is a joint responsibility between community, local, state, and federal personnel. The composition of field teams should involve a variety of university personnel, such as facility, staff, administrator, students, and local community members. These teams assist in the rapid dissemination of information, to identify unmet needs, to establish an ongoing dialogue and information exchange, and to facilitate collaborative community, local, state, and federal planning and mutual disaster recovery support. Responsibilities/Actions: ➢ Develop standard operations procedures (SOPs) to carry out the public information function; ➢ Develop and conduct public information programs for community/citizen awareness of potential disasters, as well as personal protection measures for each hazards present; ➢ Develop Rumor Control Procedures; ➢ Prepare advance copies of emergency information packages for release through the news media during actual emergencies; ➢ Brief local news media personnel, community officials, local, state, and federal agencies on External Affairs policies, plans, and procedures; ➢ Maintain current lists of radio stations, televisions stations, cable companies, websites, and newspapers to be utilized for public information releases; ➢ Maintain support agreements and liaison arrangements with other agencies and the new media, if needed; ➢ Maintain arrangements to provide a briefing room for the media in the vicinity of the EOC or at the location of the disaster; ➢ Coordinate with VDEM PIO, Governor’s Press Secretary and the Secretary of Public Safety to prepare initial press releases; ➢ Assist with the preparation/transmission of EAS messages, if needed; ➢ Disseminate news releases and daily Situation Reports from the State EOC via the agency’s website; ➢ Disseminate information to elected officials through the legislative liaison function; ➢ Establish, with assistance from VDEM and other agencies, the Virginia Public Inquiry Center for the general public to call for information; ➢ Monitor the media to ensure accuracy of information and correct inaccurate as quickly as possible; ➢ Plan and organize news conferences with the Governor’s staff, if necessary; ➢ Provide information to the public about available community disaster relief assistance and mitigation programs; ➢ Coordinate efforts to provide information to public officials, and; ➢ Facilitate communications between the public and other agency officials to ensure that affected people have access and knowledge about benefits for which they may be eligible. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 165 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS - EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION 1. Normal Operations a. Establish a working arrangement between the Deputy Director of Emergency Management, the local EOC, and local radio stations and newspapers. b. Encourage local newspapers to periodically publish general information about those specific hazards, which are most likely to occur, such as flooding and industrial accidents. Emphasize citizen response and protective action. c. Prepare and provide general information as appropriate to special groups such as the visually impaired, the elderly, etc. 2. Increased Readiness A natural or man-made disaster is threatening the local area. a. Monitor national and state level news coverage of the situation (if applicable). b. Prepare locally unique, supplementary public information news releases and keep them updated to reflect the current emergency situation. c. Evaluate the situation. Consider putting out news releases when there is a public "need to know." The content should be coordinated with adjacent jurisdictions and the State EOC. 3. Emergency Operations a. Mobilization Phase Conditions continue to worsen requiring full-scale mitigation and preparedness activities. (1) After coordination with the State EOC, time permitting, the Deputy Director will begin to disseminate emergency public information via news releases to the local news media. (2) If necessary, designate phone number and personnel to handle citizen inquiries. (3) Assure the availability of back-up generators at local EAS radio stations. (4) Maintain a record of all expenses throughout the emergency. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 166 b. Response Phase Disaster strikes. An emergency response is required to protect lives and property. (1) Develop accurate and complete information regarding incident cause, size, current situation, and resources committed. (2) Continue to keep the public informed of the situation and of recommended protective actions. 4. Recovery a. Continue to keep the public informed concerning local recovery operations. b. Assist the Health Department in disseminating public health notices, if necessary. c. Assist state and federal officials in disseminating information concerning relief assistance Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 167 Tab 1 to Emergency Support Function #15 EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION RESOURCES Contact/Telephone Newspapers Danville Register & Bee 434-793-2311/434-791-7971 Lynchburg News & Advance 434-385-5400/434-385-5440 Radio Stations WKBY-AM 1080 434-432-8108 WDVA-AM 1250 434-797-1250/434-797-1266 WBTM-AM 1330/FM-102.5 434-793-4111/434-793-1330 WAKG-FM 103.3 434-797-4290/434-797-2555 WWDN-FM 104.5 434-799-1010/434-790-1045 WMPW-FM 105.9 434-799-1010/434-799-1059 TV Stations WDBJ, Roanoke, Channel 7 540-344-7000/800-777-9325 WFXR, Roanoke, Channel 8 540-344-2127 WSLS, Roanoke, Channel 10 540-981-9126/540-981-9110 WSET, Lynchburg, Channel 13 434-528-1313/434-455-5131 Rivercity TV, Danville, Channel 11 434-773-8106 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 168 Tab 2 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information PIO Prearranged Messages Release or Spill (No explosion or fire) 1. Local - Public Information Notification of an Incident (Fire and/or Explosion Imminent) At (a.m./p.m.) today, an incident/accident occurred on ____ (hwy/street). Certain dangerous materials have been spilled/leaked/released from a tank car/truck. Due to the toxicity of material released to the atmosphere, all traffic on (hwy/street) is being rerouted via _ (hwy/intersection) until further notice. Due to the possibility of an explosion and major fire, all residents living within ___ feet of the site are urged to leave immediately and report to (school, church, etc.). Follow directions given by emergency workers, State Police, or Police Department. You will be notified when it is safe to return to your homes. Stay tuned to this station for additional information/instructions. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 169 Tab 3 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information PIO Prearranged Messages (FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION IMMINENT) 2. Local - Public Information Notification of an Incident (Fire and/or Explosion Imminent) At (a.m./p.m.) today, an accident occurred on ________________ (hwy/railroad) at (location). All traffic on (hwy) is being rerouted via (hwy/intersection) until further notice. Due to the possibility of an explosion and major fire, all residents living within ___ feet of the site are urged to leave immediately and report to _____________________ (school, church, etc.). Follow directions given by emergency workers, State Police, or Police Department. You will be notified when it is safe to return to your homes. Stay tuned to this station for additional information/instructions. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 170 Tab 4 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information Health Advisory for Shelter Centers DATE: TO: All Primary Care Facilities in County FROM: (Name of Health Director) Pittsylvania County Department of Health SUBJECT: Health Risks resulting from (event, site, and date) The __________________________ at ___________________________ EVENT SITE in Pittsylvania County on _______________ released chemical particles into the DATE environment in concentrations sufficient to cause health problems in some persons. Individuals suffering with chronic respiratory conditions, the elderly, infants and young children, and other individuals highly sensitive to air pollutants are at increased risk. Although precautions were taken, it is possible that some residents in the area may experience symptoms which are characteristic of over exposure to these chemicals. Exposure to _________________ __________________ should be considered LIST CHEMICALS INVOLVED with patients experiencing _______________________________________________________________ LIST SYMPTOMS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________. In addition to specific information on patient’s medical condition and treatment, record specific information related to the incident, such as: patients’ location when exposed to contaminants, estimated distance of that location from ________________________________________________________________, LOCATION OF RELEASE and estimated time of onset of symptoms. Report incidents to the Pittsylvania County Department of Health. For additional information, contact Pittsylvania County Department of Health at 434-799-5190/434-432-7232. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 171 Tab 5 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information EVACUATION ASSEMBLY CENTERS DATE: TO: Medical Aid Station Evacuation Assembly Center FROM: (Name of Health Director) Pittsylvania County Department of Health SUBJECT: Health Risks resulting from (event, site, and date) The __________________________ at ___________________________ EVENT SITE in Pittsylvania County on _______________ released chemical particles into the DATE environment in concentrations sufficient to cause health problems in some persons. Individuals suffering with chronic respiratory conditions, the elderly, infants and young children, and other individuals highly sensitive to air pollutants are at increased risk. Although precautions were taken, it is possible that some residents in the area may experience symptoms which are characteristic of over exposure to these chemicals. Exposure to _________________ __________________ should be considered LIST CHEMICALS INVOLVED with patients experiencing _______________________________________________________________ LIST SYMPTOMS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________. In addition to specific information on patient’s medical condition and treatment, record specific information related to the incident, such as: patients’ location when exposed to contaminants, estimated distance of that location from ________________________________________________________________, LOCATION OF RELEASE and estimated time of onset of symptoms. Report incidents to the Pittsylvania County Department of Health. For additional information, contact Pittsylvania County Department of Health at 434-799-5190/434-432-7232. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 172 Tab 6 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information Health Advisory for Physicians DATE: TO: All Primary Care Physicians Serving City of Danville FROM: (Name of Health Director) Pittsylvania County Department of Health SUBJECT: Health Risks Resulting from (event, site, and date) The __________________________ at ___________________________ EVENT SITE in Pittsylvania County on _______________ released chemical particles into the DATE environment in concentrations sufficient to cause health problems in some persons. Individuals suffering with chronic respiratory conditions, the elderly, infants and young children, and other individuals highly sensitive to air pollutants are at increased risk. Although precautions were taken, it is possible that some residents in the area may experience symptoms which are characteristic of over exposure to these chemicals. Exposure to _________________ __________________ should be considered LIST CHEMICALS INVOLVED with patients experiencing _______________________________________________________________ LIST SYMPTOMS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________. In addition to specific information on patient’s medical condition and treatment, record specific information related to the incident, such as: patients’ location when exposed to contaminants, estimated distance of that location from ________________________________________________________________, LOCATION OF RELEASE and estimated time of onset of symptoms. Report incidents to the Pittsylvania County Department of Health. For additional information, contact Pittsylvania County Department of Health at 434-799-5190/434-432-7232. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 173 Tab 7 to Emergency Support Function #15 Emergency Public Information Health Advisory for Primary Health Care Facilities The __________________________ at ___________________________ EVENT SITE in Pittsylvania County on _______________ released chemical particles into the DATE environment in concentrations sufficient to cause health problems in some persons. Individuals suffering with chronic respiratory conditions, the elderly, infants and young children, and other individuals highly sensitive to air pollutants are at increased risk. Although precautions were taken, it is possible that some residents in the area may experience symptoms which are characteristic of over exposure to these chemicals. Exposure to _________________ __________________ should be considered LIST CHEMICALS INVOLVED with patients experiencing _______________________________________________________________ LIST SYMPTOMS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________. In addition to specific information on patient’s medical condition and treatment, record specific information related to the incident, such as: patients’ location when exposed to contaminants, estimated distance of that location from ________________________________________________________________, LOCATION OF RELEASE and estimated time of onset of symptoms. Report incidents to the Pittsylvania County Department of Health. For additional information, contact Pittsylvania County Department of Health at 434-799-5190/434-432-7232. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 174 PUBLIC INFORMATION CHECKLIST CHECK PLANS TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE MEDIA 1. Designate a public information team, which includes a public information officer and at least two backups. Appoint a public information team to avoid conflicts in official statements that could result in confusion, panic, or public outcry about the mishandling of the incident. The Deputy Director/Spokesperson should be experienced in dealing with the media and familiar with the community’s emergency response plans. 2. Evaluate media capabilities Ascertain the status of the capabilities of the local media to reach the public. Identify alternate sources of public information. Throughout the incident monitor media activities and messages. 3. Establish a media center Designate a single media center to manage the press proactively and to keep them apprised of the ongoing situation. Conduct hourly media briefings. Make the media center close enough to the scene for media to get pictures but far enough away to avoid any interference with the command center. 4. Coordinate and receive approval from the local EOC for all news releases. Establish an approval process for press releases so as they are formulated, they are routed through the CEO and coordinated with affected agencies. Particular care must be given with evacuation and return announcements. 5. Other public information concerns Search and Rescue Incidents Brief family members before the media. Family members need special attention. Hazardous Materials Incidents Establish an “air exclusionary zone” because media helicopters can sometimes cause problems with incidents. 6. If appropriate, designate a CPCS-2 station (alternate key station). Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 175 Exhibit 9 to Functional Annex E (Continued) 7. List the emergency situation in which your local EAS Operational Area would be activated (e.g., tornadoes, flash floods, earthquakes, heavy snows, industrial explosions, power failures, civil disorders, toxic gas discharges). Local EBBS activation may be requested in response to: a. Severe weather warning from the National Weather Service (e.g., severe thunderstorms or tornado warnings). b. Flash floods c. Earthquakes d. Toxic gas discharges e. Imminent explosion f. Civil disorders g. Radiological emergency h. Any emergency situation where the immediate dissemination of information is likely to result in the savings of lives. 8. Organizations (e.g., National Weather Services, local Emergency Management, local government, public safety, etc.) that should be responsible for requesting EAS activation on the local level for your operational area include: National Weather Service (Blacksburg) ......................... (800) 221-2856 Virginia State Police ...................................................... (804) 674-2000 State Office of Emergency Services (Radiological) ....... (804) 674-2400 Local activation by county governments is to be coordinated through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. VDEM has expertise and facilities to determine the extent of an emergency and to determine whether activation of EAS is advisable. 9. Authentication will be by code word. In the interest of expediting activation, no authentication will be deemed necessary if, in the judgment of the individual receiving the activation request, there is sufficient collaborative evidence to indicate the validity of the request. In all cases, the final authority to activate rests with the management of the evolved broadcast facilities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 176 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA VIRGINIA EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM LOCAL AREA STATE RELAY CONTACT PHONE NO. Danville/South Boston WAKG-FM Johnny Cole 434-572-2988 The Danville / South Boston Local Area is: 51037 Charlotte 51590 Danville 51143 Pittsylvania 51083 Halifax Roanoke Extended WVTF-FM J. J. Largen 540-774-9200 The Roanoke Extended Local Area is: 51089 Henry 51155 Pulaski 51141 Patrick 51071 Giles 51690 Martinsville 51045 Craig 51067 Franklin Co. 51121 Montgomery 51063 Floyd 51161 Roanoke Co. 51750 Radford 51775 Salem 51023 Botetourt 51019 Bedford Co. 51031 Campbell 51680 Lynchburg 51011 Appomattox 51009 Amherst 51530 Buena Vista 51678 Lexington 51163 Rockbridge 51580 Covington 51005 Allegheny 51560 Clifton Forge 51107 Bath 51091 Highland 51770 Roanoke City 51515 Bedford City Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 177 EAS Checklist PROCEDURES FOR OFFICIALS ACTIVATING EAS 1. Request activation of the EAS facilities through the appropriate telephone number(s) using your prearranged authentication procedures. 2. Work out broadcast details (i.e., live or recorded, immediate or delayed) with broadcast station personnel. 3. The following format is recommended: a. This is Name/Title of Organization with a request to activate the Virginia Emergency Broadcast System. I authenticate as follows: (Initiate Authentication Procedures). b. Describe the nature of the emergency. c. Provide instructions or message to the public. d. List actions being taken by state/or local governments(s) or other organizations(s). 4. Keep telephone line open if necessary. 5. Issue Virginia EAS termination. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 178 Emergency Support Function #16 – Military Support Introduction Purpose: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #16 – Military Affairs is to assist and provide Military Support (Virginia National Guard) in times of a major or catastrophic disaster, and/or civil unrest. Primary Agency: Department of Military Affairs – Virginia National Guard Secondary/Support Agencies None Concept of Operations General: The Virginia National Guard, when directed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, can employ Virginia National Guard personnel, equipment, and resources, through appropriate commanders, to assist civil authorities. The Virginia National Guard will provide Military Support to Civil Authorities in accordance with the existing Virginia National Guard Operation Plan for Military Support to Civil Authorities. Organization: The Virginia National Guard is a support agency for the other Emergency Support Functions located in the Emergency Operations Center. Responsibilities ➢ Provide Emergency Coordination Officer Representative on the State Emergency Response Team; and ➢ Provide Military Support to civil authorities on a mission request basis, within the Virginia National Guard’s capability, and within the limitations of existing State law, military regulations, and the applicable Governor’s Executive Order. Policies: In accordance with existing National Guard Bureau Regulations, it is understood that the primary responsibility for disaster relief shall be with the community. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 179 Emergency Support Function #17 – Donations and Volunteer Management Introduction Coordinator: The Coordinator of Emergency Management will serve as the Coordinator of ESF #17. Purpose: ESF # 17 – Donations and Volunteer Management describes the coordinating process used to ensure the most efficient and effective utilization of unaffiliated volunteers and unsolicited donated goods during a disaster or emergency situation. Scope: Donations and volunteer services in this section refer to unsolicited goods and unaffiliated volunteer services. Primary Agency: Emergency Management Secondary/Support Agencies Cert Teams American Red Cross (ARC) Salvation Army Faith based organizations Department of Social Services God’s Pit Crew Policies: Community officials, in conjunction and coordination with VVOAD, have the primary responsibility for the management, organization, storage, and distribution of unsolicited donated goods. They must also have a plan in place to cope with self-deployed volunteers. The donation and volunteer management process must be organized and coordinated in such a way to ensure that the affected community is able to take full advantage of the appropriate types and amounts of the donated materials and volunteers in a manner that precludes interference with or hampering of other emergency operations. The Coordinating official or agency will also: ➢ Coordinate with other agencies to ensure goods and resources are used effectively; ➢ Looks principally to those organizations with established volunteer and donation management structures; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 180 ➢ Encourages cash donations, as the best assistance for helping affected population; and ➢ Encourages the use of existing nongovernmental organizational volunteer and donations resources before seeking governmental assistance. Concept of Operations General: Volunteer and Donations Management operations may include, but not limited to the following: ➢ Volunteer and/or Donations Coordinator; ➢ Phone Bank/Contact Center; ➢ Effective liaison with other emergency support functions, local, state, and federal officials; ➢ Check for existing MOA and/or MOU; ➢ Facility Management; ➢ Organization and Distribution of goods, services, and resources; ➢ Pre-selecting and identifying locations for storage and distribution; and ➢ Perform Record Keeping, to include monetary financial tracking and procurement, if need be. Donated Goods Management Function: ➢ Officials, in conjunction with VVOAD, are responsible for developing donation management plans and managing the flow of donated goods during the emergency time-frame; ➢ Communicate what is needed in the disaster area – cash, goods, and/or services; and ➢ Know how to transport donations to drop-off site, storage, and distribution areas. Volunteer Management Function: ➢ Management of unaffiliated volunteers requires a cooperative effort between community officials, local, and community-based organizations; ➢ Community officials, in conjunction with VVOAD, are responsible for developing plans that address the management, organization, and staffing of unaffiliated volunteers during the emergency; ➢ Organize and maintain a database to track volunteer’s names, address, contact information, hours worked, and specialty; ➢ Ensure that agencies and organizations accept and manage their own staff/volunteers; ➢ Provide equal access for volunteers to affect community and other agencies; and ➢ Identify individuals with specific talents, skills, or training such as doctors, nurses, communication specialists, and utilize them accordingly. Organization: Officials will identify several sites and facilities that will be used to receive, process, and distribute unsolicited donated goods. Necessary staff, equipment, communications, resources, and security will be provided by the community and by other volunteer organizations as needed. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 181 Officials will coordinate the disaster relief (and develop either an MOU and/or MOA with neighboring communities) actions of quasi-public and volunteer relief organizations. This is necessary to ensure maximum effectiveness of relief operations and to avoid duplication of effort and services. American Red Cross officials should coordinate operations for providing food, clothing, and shelter to the affect victims. Standard operating procedures will be developed to address the screening, processing, training, and assignments of volunteers who arrive following the disaster or emergency. The service to which personnel are assigned will determine the necessary training. Individuals already possessing a specialized skill or trait should be assigned duties that allow for the maximum benefit of their skills and/or traits. Each individual volunteer will be registered, and a log will be maintained of hours worked. Accurate record keeping is an essential function that must be completed on an hourly or daily basis, depending on degree of involvement. Responsibilities ➢ Identify potential sites and facilities such as churches, warehouses, gymnasiums, etc. to manage donated goods and services being channeled into the disaster area; ➢ Identify the necessary support requirements to ensure the prompt establishment and operations of facilities and sites; ➢ Assign the tasks of coordinating auxiliary manpower and material resources; ➢ Develop procedures for recruiting, registering and utilizing manpower and materials; ➢ Develop a critical resource list and procedures for acquisition in time of crisis; ➢ Identify a list of special materials needed, such as medical supplies for special needs population, formula for infants, insulin, and so forth; ➢ Develop procedures for the management, organization, storage, and distribution of donated goods and items; ➢ Develop and maintain MOU/MOA/Mutual Aid Agreements; ➢ Assist with emergency operations, if requested; ➢ Assign volunteers to tasks that best utilize their skills and experience; ➢ Develop and maintain a data-base to track individual volunteers and financial contributions, as well as developing and maintaining a database of received goods; ➢ Develop and staff a “Donations Hot-Line” for individuals with questions concerning donations and volunteering; and ➢ Compile and submit records for all disaster-related events. Direction, Control, and Coordination Pittsylvania County Department of Public Works will be the lead agency. Donations Management and Distribution Coordinator will be God’s Pit Crew (http://www.thegodspitcrew.org/). Their offices are located in the City of Danville at 2499 North Main Street but operations would be set up in Pittsylvania County at one of the Industrial Parks Buildings owned by the County. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 182 Tab 1: Volunteer and Donations Management Annex Volunteer Registration Form Name: Address: Contact Number(s): Email: Organization, if applicable: Skills or Specialized service: Estimated length of service: Special equipment needed to perform service: Languages Known: Verbal Y/N Written Y/N Read Y/N Emergency Contact Name/Number: Assigned Location: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 183 Tab 2: Volunteer and Donations Management Annex Donation Sites Donation sites will be determined at the time of need and would be set up in buildings owned by Pittsylvania County in the Industrial Parks. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 184 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Between GOD’S PIT CREW, INC. And PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, VIRGINIA 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Statement of Understanding (SOU) between God’s Pit Crew, Inc. (GPC) and the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, Virginia (County) is to establish an GPC-County partnership for the management of donated goods and services within the County and in accordance with this agreement. 2. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS LOCATING AND ACCESSING A POSSIBLE WAREHOUSE: The County agrees to use its resources to help identify and obtain adequate warehouse facilities. If the warehouse facility is on government-controlled property, GPC personnel (including volunteer workers), and all inbound and outbound delivery vehicles, will be granted 24/7 access to such facilities, and any required property access passes or badges will be provided to all personnel and vehicles approved by the Coordinator of Emergency Management, or designee. At any facility not on government property, GPC would be responsible for granting access privileges. ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED BY GOD’S PIT CREW, AS REQUIRED: Warehouse facilities, 22,000 square feet estimated minimum. Utilities and telephone service (4 voice lines (with 4-line phones), (1 FAX line minimum). Voice lines to be in a “hunt group”, to provide “roll-over” when a dialed line is busy. High-speed Internet connection for access to web-based inventory system (minimum 4 access points, or adequate secured wireless access). Forklifts (propane only) and fuel (4 minimum) with maintenance and fuel support (with on-site propane tank rack and 6 spare tanks minimum). Pallet jacks (6 minimum), dock plates (2 minimum), hand trucks (6 minimum). Pallets (200 minimum), stretch wrap (50 rolls minimum to start). Boxes (approximately 20” l x 20” w x 13” h) (Estimated 2000 to start). Packaging tape (125 rolls to start) and dispensers (5). Dumpster service (1 - 20 cu yard minimum), with “on demand” pick-up service. Trucks (1 cargo van, 2-24’ straight-body trucks (with lift gates preferred), fuel, insurance, and maintenance), for the delivery of goods to emergency distribution sites and/or survivors. Tables, 25 ea, approximately 30” w x 8’ l, and chairs (20). (Tables can be 4’ x 8’ x ¾” plywood supported by 6 saw horses per sheet.) Computers (with MS Office professional) (5) and printers (3) with ink and paper. (Networking of computers, printers, FAX, and copier is preferred) Copier (1) and FAX machine (1) with paper and toner/ink. Desks and chairs (4 each) File Cabinets (4-drawer), locking (with keys) (2 ea.). Supplies (paper, pens, markers, box knives, clip boards, etc.) Golf Carts (for warehouses over 200,000 square feet) (3) Paper products, etc. required for restrooms. Janitorial supplies, trash cans, etc. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 185 GPC is willing to use its equipment, as available, to help meet the above requirements. GPC agrees to log in all equipment, and indicate its status regarding rental, loaned, donated, etc. STAFF SUPPORT: The County agrees to provide adequate management staffing for the operation of the warehouse at the time of request for activation. If the County can obtain State of Federal reimbursement above and beyond the grant, the County will provide those funds accordingly. FACILITY SECURITY: If GPC utilizes a county government owned facility or their own, the County work with local, state, and/or federal police or security agencies to assure site, facility, and commodity security, and the safety of related personnel during the time of the required disaster donation management needs for the County. ADMINSTRATIVE CONSIDERATIONS: The County will assist with communication between GPC and state/federal personnel by providing access to the (Joint Field Office) JFO and all informational meetings that may involve donations management matters. GPC is specifically a member of the Donations Coordination Team (DCT). GPC AGREES TO: a. Maintain a national training program to maximize the number of GPC management and general personnel for the operation and staffing of the warehouse. This does not preclude the use of local community volunteers, and other volunteers, as they are always needed. b. Provide management of a multi-agency warehouse and supervise GPC and local volunteers in receiving, sorting, packing, inventorying, and shipping of donated goods. c. Cooperate with state and local authorities in the distribution of emergency items to disaster survivors, either directly through GPC channels and/or through approved non- GPC distribution sites. d. Maintain records of volunteers and their hours of participation. e. Maintain records of inbound and outbound commodities and in-house inventory. 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES GPC and the County will collaborate and coordinate to ensure efficient and effective processing of donated goods and services. The County and GPC agree to the following: a. GPC and the County will coordinate to establish an GPC-County SOU prior to implementing a donated goods and services program. b. GPC will track all administrative costs and hours of volunteer service incurred by GPC during the operation in a manner specified by the County. All costs and hours are to be reported to the designated County personnel at the end of the activity period. c. GPC and the County will collaborate in the development of the Volunteer and Donations Management Annex of the County and other associated planning documents fulfilling their identified roles and responsibilities and executing operations within the parameters outlined in those documents. 4. PERIODIC REVIEW Representatives of Adventist Community Services (GPC) and the County will meet annually, on or around the date of this Agreement, to evaluate the progress in the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 186 implementation of this Statement of Understanding (SOU) and to revise and develop new plans or goals, as appropriate. 5. AMENDMENTS The County or GPC may request amendments to this SOU at any time. An amendment is effective upon signature by the GPC director or designee and the County, or designee. 6. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective on ________________ and terminate on ________________ (5) five years after the effective date. Six months prior to termination, the parties shall meet to review the progress and success of this SOU and determine whether it shall be extended for an additional (5) five years. In no event shall any extension of this SOU be for a period exceeding (5) five years. 7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT It is understood by both parties that at any time, except during the operational period of a Gubernatorial or Presidential Disaster Declaration, this Agreement may be terminated by a (30) thirty day written notification by either party. PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY: GOD’S PIT CREW: _____________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ Date Date Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 187 Evacuation Support Annex Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Department of Public Works Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services Pittsylvania County Department of Health Pittsylvania County Animal Control Introduction Purpose: The Evacuation Support Annex describes the coordinated process of communities and agencies to ensure a smooth evacuation of any portion or all of Pittsylvania County attributable to a hazard including a catastrophic event. Additionally, the plan outlines details of an evacuation process for events occurring without warning, and the transportation components necessary to address the operations of assembly areas that may be used during a declaration of emergency. Scope: This annex is applicable to departments and agencies that are participating and responding with assistance to an evacuation as coordinated by Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. This document will address wide-ranging scenarios with no consideration for special incident(s) at this time. There are four basic scenarios in which a planned evacuation or evacuation without warning may be required: 1. Catastrophic event with warning – An event where citizens may need to evacuate or shelter in place then seek evacuation; citizens will not be able to return home in a reasonable period of time. Examples may include major hurricanes, wildland fires and severe river flooding. 2. Disruptive event with warning – An event where citizens may need to evacuate; citizens will be able to return home in a reasonable period of time. Examples may include hurricanes, minor to moderate flooding events, or hazardous materials events. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 188 3. Catastrophic event without warning – An event where citizens need to take immediate action to protect themselves which may or may not involve evacuation efforts after the event. Citizens will not be able to return home in a reasonable period of time. Examples may include terrorism events, severe tornadoes and hazardous material events. 4. Disruptive event without warning – An event where citizens need to take immediate action to protect themselves which may or may not involve evacuation after an event. Citizens will be able to return home within a reasonable period of time. Examples may include severe weather, flash flooding and transportation accidents. Definitions: Assembly Area: Site where mass transit resources collect as directed by the EOC to assist in the transporting of populations out of the risk area. Evacuation Route - Road or highway designated as a primary route for motorists evacuating from the threat. Evacuee: A person moving out of the risk area of a potential or occurring hazard. Evacuees are designated into those that are transit dependent and those who are “self- evacuating”. Transit dependent evacuees may require public transportation for immediate life safety, and it is assumed that this population will require public sheltering. The self-evacuating population can be categorized into two groups: evacuees with end- point destinations (i.e., hotel, family or friends’ home) and evacuees without end point destinations. It is possible that the self-evacuating population without end-point destinations will require public sheltering. Pick-up Point: Site that is used to pick up transit dependent evacuees to move them to the assembly area(s) to be transported out of the risk area. Refuge of Last Resort: A facility that may be identified that can provide temporary relief from the risk. A refuge of last resort is not intended to be designated as a “shelter” and may not be able to provide basic services such as food, accommodations for sleeping or first aid, but security is provided. It should be considered only as a probable safe haven for evacuees who are unable to clear the area until the risk passes. IN many cases these sites can be pre-identified. Shelter – A facility where evacuees with no end destination point can be processed evaluated and provided disaster services from government agencies and/or pre- established voluntary organizations. This facility is generally designed for stays less than 3 days. Supplies available are meals and water for 3 days, basic first aid, pet sheltering (if applicable,) sleeping quarters, hygienic support and basic disaster services (counseling, financial assistance and referral, etc.) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 189 Assumptions: 1. A decision to implement voluntary or mandatory evacuation may require interaction and coordination between local, state, federal and certain private sector entities. 2. Warning time, in the case of a hurricane or river flooding, will normally be available to evacuate the threatened population. A local evacuation might be needed because of a hazardous materials incident, major fire, terrorist incident or other incident. Additional regional and/or county-wide evacuations may be necessary in the event of a larger incident such as an impending hurricane. 3. Given warning of an event, a portion of the population will voluntarily evacuate before an evacuation has been recommended or directed. Most people who leave their homes will seek shelter with relatives, friends or in motels. 4. Evacuation of people at risk for emergency situations that occur with little or no warning will be implemented as determined necessary to protect life and property. Evacuation instructions should be based on known or assumed health or safety risks associated with the hazard. The individual responsible for implementing it should be the Incident Commander at the scene of the emergency, with support from the EOC as necessary. 5. The timing of an evacuation directive will be determined by the circumstances of the event. 6. A hazard analysis and vulnerability assessment has been completed which identifies the types of threats, the areas and population along the established evacuation routes most vulnerable to these threats. A hazard analysis has also been completed for routes that will be used primarily for pedestrian traffic. 7. During events without warning, there might be limited to no time prior to the event to implement more formalized evacuation processes. 8. Emergency evacuations might require evacuation of all or part of the county or neighborhood. Evacuation from a designated risk area will affect adjacent and outlying areas within and outside of Pittsylvania County. Traffic control resources must be in place prior to public release of an evacuation order. 9. Evacuation will require a greater lead-time to implement than that of in-place sheltering. A delayed evacuation order could endanger the lives and result in civil disorder. 10. There are on-going efforts to proactively reach out and educate citizens in Pittsylvania County on family preparedness, evacuation procedures, and where to go for additional information on these subjects. 11. Evacuation procedures, to include notification and routing, will be made available to the public by all available means. 12. The primary means of evacuation from any event will be private vehicles. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 190 13. Residents who are ill or disabled may require vehicles with special transportation capabilities. 14. Stranded motorists could present significant problems during an evacuation situation. 15. Evacuation or protective action guidance must be communicated in a clear, concise and timely manner in order to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy recommended. A variety of communication pathways may have to be utilized in order to effectively communicate the hazard, level or risk and the recommended evacuation or protection action to the public. 16. Some owners of companion animals might refuse to evacuate unless arrangements have been made to care for their animals. 17. Despite the comprehensive effort implemented to communicate evacuation or protective action guidance, some segments of the population might not receive or follow the instructions given. 18. Every hospital, long-term care facility and home health agency is to have plans in place to shelter in place, evacuate patients in their care, transport them to safe and secure alternate facilities and support their medical needs. 19. Local emergency managers have been given the authority to review and collaborate with managers of nursing homes, childcare facilities and assisted living facilities in developing emergency plans. Policies: Under the provisions of Section 44-146.17 of the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law, the Governor may direct and compel evacuation of all or part of the populace from any stricken or threatened area if this action is deemed necessary for the preservation of life or other emergency mitigation, response or recovery; prescribe routes, modes of transportation and destination in connection with evacuation; and control ingress and egress at the emergency area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein provided resources are in place to support such an operation. Concept of Operations Organization: Evacuation of Pittsylvania County will be directed by the Director of Emergency Management or his/her appointed person within the official line of succession as laid out in the continuity of government plan. In small-scale incidents or incidents needing immediate evacuation, the on-scene incident commander will have the authority to determine and implement evacuation orders. The implementation of the evacuation will be managed in a unified command format to best integrate all necessary ESFs for a successful result. This concept will also be utilized to coordinate without warning evacuations. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 191 Additional ESFs may need to be utilized to enhance the results of the evacuation such as ESF 7 (Resource Management) and ESF 5 (Emergency Management). If the incident involves chemicals or radiation that may cause contamination of evacuees, staff or workers, ESF 8 (Health and Medical) and ESF 10 (Oil and Hazardous Materials) may also be needed. The primary ESFs as listed will utilized their full ESF specific annex and any supporting agencies and ESFs to implement their portion of the evacuation. Responsibilities: 1. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department a. Coordinate traffic control in the event of an emergency requiring evacuation in accordance with Highway Laws of Virginia and the policies of the State Highway Commission and any local laws and ordinances; b. Coordinate resources and information with state and adjacent jurisdiction law enforcement; c. Assist in directing motorists to refuges of last resort as an event with warning approaches; d. Provide security for ingress and egress of the evacuated area(s) and for shelters and refuges of last resort; e. Assist with the development, review and testing of the Pittsylvania County evacuation plans, policies and procedures. CEO and/or Incident Commander On-Scene Traffic Management Pittsylvania County Dept of Trans. Traffic Control Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Dept. ESF #1 Transportation ESF #13 Public Safety and Security ESF #6 Mass Care, Housing and Human Services Sheltering/Refuges Pittsylvania County Dept of SS Security Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Dept Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 192 2. Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services a. Assist in selection of and initiation of sites to serve as refuges of last resort and shelters; b. Fulfill sheltering plan as required in response to an evacuation (see Sheltering Annex); c. Assist with outreach efforts to citizens on evacuation education pre-event and notification during an event regarding personal evacuation and sheltering planning; d. Assist with the development, review and testing Pittsylvania County evacuation plans, policies and procedures. 3. Pittsylvania County Emergency Management a. Recommend policies, procedures and projects necessary for the implementation of evacuation plans for the locality; b. Facilitate training to local agencies and other organizations regarding evacuation plans; c. Provide subject matter expertise as needed; d. Publish approved policy guidance including performance measures; e. Coordinate evacuation efforts with external agencies including, federal, state and other localities; f. Coordinate and disseminate public information through all media types regarding evacuation efforts pre-event, during the event and post-event; g. Assist with the development, review and testing Pittsylvania County evacuation plans, policies and procedures. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Any special facilities will be encouraged to develop emergency procedures and evacuation plans for those charged to their care and custody and provide them to the Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager for comment and review; 2. Citizens will be encouraged to develop household emergency plans that would include their pets and any other dependents in all aspects of response including evacuation and sheltering. Preparedness: 1. Develop, review and test Pittsylvania County evacuation plans, policies and procedures; 2. Provide training to agencies and staff on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 3. Provide adequate support for evacuation preparedness and planning; 4. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand; 5. Selection, prepare plans for and initiate sites to serve as refuges of last resort and/or shelters; 6. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for emergency operations; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 193 7. Develop and maintain the necessary measures to protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster. Response: 1. Implement evacuation plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to an emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 2. Provide on-the-spot training as necessary on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 3. Provide adequate support for evacuation response. Report any shortfalls and request needed assistance or supplies; 4. Implement mutual aid agreements, contracts, and the listing of potential resource providers to fill resource needs for emergency operations; 5. Provide evacuation support in a timely manner; 6. Coordinate information dissemination internally and externally; 7. Protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster; 8. Ensure appropriate recordkeeping such that federal or state disaster assistance can be sought for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Recovery: 1. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 2. Review evacuation plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 3. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; 4. Review mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers in respect to recent emergence response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 5. Review measures to protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster. Update as necessary and disseminate; 6. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 194 Administration and Logistics Administration: Basic administrative and accountability procedures for any evacuation will be followed as required by Pittsylvania County, state and federal regulations. As with any disaster or incident response, the ICS/NIMS will be used to organize and coordinate response activity. Logistics: If supplies, materials, and equipment are required, records will be maintained in accordance to Pittsylvania County, state and federal reporting requirements. All procurement processes will also follow appropriate Pittsylvania County procurement policies and regulations, and state and federal policies and regulations as necessary. Public Information: The Public Information Officer will follow procedures established in the Public Affairs Support Annex to: 1. Ensure prior coordination with appropriate evacuation coordination ESFs to provide periodic spot announcements to the public on pertinent aspects of the emergency; and 2. Ensure availability of the media in the event an emergency requiring evacuation arises. Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility of the Pittsylvania County Department of Public Safety, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 195 Tab 1 to Evacuation Annex ASSEMBLY AREAS Pittsylvania County Shelter Sites (All these schools have generators with limited capabilities) (* Red Cross certified) Chatham High 100 Cavalier Circle Chatham, VA 24531 432-8305 *Chatham Middle 11650 U. S. Highway 29 North Chatham, VA 24531 432-2169 Dan River High 100 Dan River Wildcat Circle Ringgold, VA 24586 822-7081 *Dan River Middle 5875 Kentuck Road Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6027 Gretna High 100 Gretna Hawk Cir Gretna, VA 24557 656-2246 *Gretna Middle 201 Coffey Street Gretna, VA 24557 656-2217 Tunstall High 100 Trojan Circle Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7111 *Tunstall Middle 1160 Tunstall High Road Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7086 *Community Center at Chatham 115 South Main St Chatham, VA 24531 432-3115 Temporary Shelter Sites Ringgold VFD 3880 Tom Fork Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6989 Blairs VFD 7100 U. S. Highway 29 Blairs, VA 24527 836-3065 Tunstall VFD 740 Tunstall High Rd Dry Fork VA 24549 724-6677 Gretna VFD 122 E. Gretna Rd Gretna, VA 24557 656-2621 Chatham VFD 35 Depot St. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1516 Renan VFD 405 Straightstone Rd Gretna, VA 24557 335-5209 Brosville VFD 11912 Martinsville Hwy Danville VA 24541 685-3797 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 196 Tab 1 to Evacuation Annex PICK-UP POINTS To be determined at time of emergency. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 197 Animal Sheltering Annex Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Animal Control Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Department of Health Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Virginia Cooperative Extension Private Non-profit Organizations: Animal Welfare/Rescue Organizations (i.e., SPCA) 4H and other animal/agricultural education organizations Private Industry: Local Veterinarians Local Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers and/or Certified Wildlife Rehabilitators Animal Boarding Facilities Local Zoological Parks and/or Aquariums including petting zoos Local Agricultural Farms Local Animal Crematoriums Introduction Purpose: The Animal Care and Control Annex provides basic guidance for all participants in animal related emergency management activities. This includes guidance for all departments and agencies providing assistance in response to a local disaster declaration. The animal care and control function is a component of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources. The emergency mission of animal care and control is to provide rapid response to emergencies affecting the health, safety and welfare of animals. Animal care and control activities in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery include, but are not limited to, companion animals, livestock and wildlife care, facility usage, displaced pet/livestock assistance, animal owner reunification, and carcass disposal. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 198 Scope: This annex is applicable to departments and agencies that are participating and responding with assistance or relief to an animal emergency as coordinated by the Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. Definitions: Household Pet: A domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, rodent, or fish, that is traditionally recognized as a companion animal and is kept in the home for pleasure rather than commercial purposes. This does not include reptiles. (ASPCA Model Pet Policy Guidance) Feral/Stray Domesticated Animals: An animal that is typically known as a household pet that is either not with its owners by accident or otherwise or has reverted back to a wild state. Livestock: Domesticated animals that may be kept or raised in pens, houses, pastures, or on farms as part of an agricultural or farming operation, whether for commerce or private use. Such animals may include goats, sheep, beef or dairy cattle, horses, hogs or pigs, donkeys or mules, bees, rabbits or 'exotic' animals (those raised outside their indigenous environs) such as camels, llamas, emus, ostriches, or any animal, including reptiles, kept in an inventory that may be used for food, fiber or pleasure. Poultry: The class of domesticated fowl (birds) used for food or for their eggs. These most typically are members of the orders Galliformes (such as chickens and turkeys), and Anseriformes (waterfowl such as ducks and geese). Wildlife: All animals, including invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, which are indigenous to the area and are ferae naturae or wild by nature. Exotic Animals: Any animal that is not normally domesticated in the United States and wild by nature, but not considered wildlife, livestock or poultry due to status. This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following orders and families, whether bred in the wild or captivity, and also any of their hybrids with domestic species. Listed examples are not to be construed as an exhaustive list or limit the generality of each group of animals, unless otherwise specified. 1. Non-human primates and prosimians – examples: monkeys, baboons, chimpanzees 2. Felidae (excluding domesticated cats) – examples: lions, tigers, bobcats, lynx, cougars, jaguars 3. Canidae (excluding domesticated dogs) – examples: wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals 4. Ursidae – examples: all bears 5. Reptilia – examples: snakes, lizards, turtles 6. Crocodilia – examples: alligators, crocodiles, caiman 7. Proboscidae – examples: elephants 8. Hyanenidae – examples: hyenas 9. Artiodatyla (excluding livestock) – examples: hippopotamuses, giraffes, camels 10. Procyonidae – examples: raccoons, coatis Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 199 11. Marsupialia – examples: kangaroos, opossums 12. Perissodactylea (excluding livestock) – examples: rhinoceroses, tapirs 13. Edentara – examples: anteaters, slots, armadillos 14. Viverridae – examples: mongooses, civets, genets Assumptions: 1. The care and control of non-wildlife and non-feral animals (including household pets, livestock and poultry) is primarily the responsibility of the owner of the animal(s). In times of emergency or disaster, owners may need assistance in the care and control of their animals. 2. A hazard analysis and vulnerability assessment has been completed which identifies the types of threats, the areas that they threaten, and types and numbers of animals most vulnerable in these areas. 3. The Director of Emergency Management or her/her designee of Pittsylvania County may issue an emergency proclamation or disaster declaration. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) will be used to establish the organizational structure. 4. The Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Center may be activated to manage the emergency. 5. Any disaster may potentially have adverse effects on the jurisdiction’s animal population or the public health and welfare. 6. State or Federal Assistance to deal with animal emergencies may not be available. Local resources must be utilized before requesting outside assistance. Policies: Following recent Congressional action on the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act, S. 2548 and H.R. 3858, President Bush signed the historic legislation into law. The PETS Act requires state and local agencies to include animals in their disaster plans. All Local governments must develop and maintain an animal emergency response plan (SB 787, Animal Emergency Response Plan, 2007 Session) with the assistance of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Animal and Food Industry Services has the responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the regulations listed below pertaining to the health, humane care, and humane handling of livestock, poultry, and companion animals in the Commonwealth. These include: • 2 VAC 5-30-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Reporting Requirements for Contagious and Infectious Diseases of Livestock and Poultry in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-40-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Prevention, Control, and Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in Virginia Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 200 • 2 VAC 5-50-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Prevention, Control, and Eradication of Brucellosis of Cattle in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-60-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation of Livestock Markets • 2 VAC 5-70-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Health Requirements Governing the Control of Equine Infectious Anemia in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-80-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Requirements Governing the Branding of Cattle in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-90-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Control and Eradication of Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid in Poultry Flocks and Hatcheries and Products Thereof in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-100-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Qualifications for Humane Investigators • 2 VAC 5-110-10 Rules and Regulations, Guidelines Pertaining to A Pound or Enclosure to be Maintained by Each County or City • 2 VAC 5-120-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Record keeping by Virginia Cattle Dealers for the Control or Eradication of Brucellosis of Cattle • 2 VAC 5-130-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Laboratory Fees for Services Rendered or Performed • 2 VAC 5-140-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Health Requirements Governing the Admission of Livestock, Poultry, Companion Animals, and Other Animals or Birds into Virginia • 2 VAC 5-150-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Companion Animals • 2 VAC 5-160-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Horses • 2 VAC 5-170-10 Rules and Regulations Governing the Registration of Poultry Dealers • 2 VAC 5-180-10 Rules and Regulations Governing Pseudorabies in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-190-10 Rules and Regulations Establishing a Monitoring Program for Avian Influenza and Other Poultry Diseases • 2 VAC 5-200-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Disposal of Entire Flocks of Dead Poultry in Virginia • 2 VAC 5-205-10 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Shooting Enclosures Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 201 Concept of Operations Organization: Under ESF #11, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is designated as the lead agency for animal care and control. Within Animal Control, the Director is designated as the Coordinator for the management of operations, planning, and training for the animal care and control function. The Director of Animal Control and Coordinator of Emergency Management are responsible for developing and implementing the necessary management policies and procedures that will facilitate and ensure a safe, sanitary and effective animal care and control effort. These procedures will be designed to support and expedite emergency response operations, as well as maximize state and federal assistance. Plans and procedures for Pittsylvania County Animal Control and supporting agencies define the roles of agencies and support organizations in preparedness, response and recovery of an animal emergency. These plans and procedures establish the concepts and policies under which all elements of their agency will operate during an animal emergency. They will provide the basis for more detailed appendices and procedures that may be used in a response. The Director of Animal Control and Coordinator of Emergency Management will coordinate with all departments, government entities, and representatives from the private sector who support animal emergency operations. This may involve working with other local jurisdictions that provide mutual aid, state and federal governments, private contractors, local retailers, volunteer organizations, etc. and assuring that all involved have current Memorandums of Agreement with the Locality in respect to their agreed support. ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources Household Pet Sheltering Section Animal Control Operations Director Animal Disease Management Section Department of Agriculture Director of Agriculture Animal Recovery Section Animal Control Senior Animal Control Officer Animal Care and Control Branch Pittsylvania County Animal Control Director of Animal Control Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 202 Responsibilities: 1. Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager a. Act as advisor to all involved on emergency management issues. 2. Pittsylvania County Animal Control a. Determine which county agencies/departments/organizations have responsibilities in all animal emergencies for animal care and control; b. Maintain current listings of emergency contacts and resources necessary for response to an animal emergency; c. Produce and maintain plans, policies and procedures for overarching animal care and control activities, animal recovery, and household pet sheltering; d. Oversee all activities (mitigation, planning, response and recovery) in regards to emergency animal care and control. 3. Pittsylvania County Department of Agriculture a. Produce and maintain maps/listings with locations of large livestock operations and other special animal facilities identified to include volume, contact information, etc.; b. Produce and maintain plans, policies and procedures regarding Animal Disease Control. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Any zoological or wildlife parks, marine animal aquariums, laboratory animal research facilities, university veterinary medical and animal science centers, livestock markets and large livestock operations, will be encouraged to develop emergency procedures and evacuation plans for the animals in the care and custody and provide them to Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager for comment and review. 2. Citizens will be encouraged to develop household emergency plans that would include their pets in all aspects of response including evacuation and sheltering. Preparedness: 1. Develop, maintain, and disseminate animal care and control plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to and recovery from an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from local, state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 2. Provide training to agencies and staff on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 203 3. Provide adequate support for animal preparedness and planning; 4. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand; 5. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for emergency operations; 6. Develop and maintain the necessary measures to protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster. Response: 1. Implement animal care and control plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 2. Provide on-the-spot training as necessary on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 3. Provide adequate support for animal response. Report any shortfalls and request needed assistance or supplies; 4. Implement mutual aid agreements, contracts, and the listing of potential resource providers to fill resource needs for emergency operations; 5. Provide animal care and control support in a timely manner; 6. Protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster; 7. Ensure appropriate recordkeeping such that federal or state disaster assistance can be sought for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Recovery: 1. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 2. Review animal care and control plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 3. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; 4. Review mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers in respect to recent emergence response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 5. Review measures to protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster. Update as necessary and disseminate; 6. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 204 Administration and Logistics Administration: Basic administrative and accountability procedures for any animal emergency will be followed as required by Pittsylvania County, state and federal regulations. As with any disaster or incident response, the ICS/NIMS will be used to organize and coordinate response activity. Logistics: If supplies, materials, and equipment are required, records will be maintained in accordance to Pittsylvania County, state and federal reporting requirements. All procurement processes will also follow appropriate Pittsylvania County procurement policies and regulations, and state and federal policies and regulations as necessary. Public Information: The Public Information Officer will follow procedures established in the Public Affairs Support Annex to: 1. Ensure prior coordination with appropriate agricultural, veterinary, and public health officials to provide periodic spot announcements to the public on pertinent aspects of the emergency; and 2. Ensure availability of the media in the event an animal emergency arises. Direction and Control 1. All animal emergencies will be coordinated through the EOC 2. The EOC is responsible for providing support and resources to the incident commander. 3. The Emergency Manager will assist the senior elected official in the EOC and coordinate with the PIO. The Emergency Manager and PIO will have at least one assistant to support 24-hour operations and act in the absence of the primary. 4. In the event an incident is suspected or determined to be a terrorist event, a Joint Operations Center will be established to coordinate Federal and State support. A separate Joint Information Center will provide media interface. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 205 Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility for the Pittsylvania County Animal Control, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 206 Animal Care and Control Support Annex Appendix 1 – Household Pet Sheltering Plan Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Animal Control Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services Pittsylvania County Department of Health Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Virginia Cooperative Extension Private Non-profit Organizations: Red Cross Animal Welfare/Rescue Organizations (i.e., SPCA) 4H and other animal/agricultural education organizations Private Industry: Local Veterinarians Animal Boarding Facilities Introduction Purpose: The Animal Care and Control Annex, Household Pet Sheltering Plan provides basic guidance for all participants in animal related emergency evacuation and sheltering management activities. This includes guidance for all departments and agencies providing assistance in response to a local disaster declaration. The animal care and control function are a component of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources. Although, the sheltering and protection of animals is the responsibility of their owners, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is the lead agency on animal issues and is responsible for situation assessment and determination of resource needs. Pet-Friendly shelters are being established in an effort to assist evacuated residents with sheltering of companion animals and their owners during a declared evacuation. It is the goal of this plan to control and support the humane care and treatment of companion animals during an emergency situation and to provide safe sheltering for people and their pets before, during or after a disaster in a designated site in cooperation with the Department of Social Services. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 207 Scope: This annex is applicable to departments and agencies that are participating and responding with assistance or relief to an emergency requiring the sheltering of people and their household pets as coordinated by Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. Situation: After Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida in 1992 and Katrina hit both Louisiana and Mississippi in September of 2005, city emergency response personnel realized the convergence of animal and people issues during a disaster. They learned that, under adverse circumstances, the ultimate safety of many citizens depends on the safety of their pets. Until that time, people in harm’s way were told by state emergency management to evacuate their home, but to leave their pets. Relaying this information has often created situations where animals were technically neglected and/or abandoned and it added additional stress to people who evacuate without their animals. These scenarios produce serious complications for Emergency Management. It stands to reason, if humans were at risk from an impending cataclysm, so were the lives of animals, and vice versa. We now understand that many people, especially the elderly, simply do not abandon their companion animals, even in life-threatening situations. Assumptions: 1. Any emergency resulting in evacuation of residents to a shelter will result in household pet issues. 2. The protection of household pets is ultimately the responsibility of their owner. 3. Many household pet owners will not evacuate to safety if their pets must stay behind. 4. Pet owners will frequently live in the streets rather than abandon their animals so that they may enter evacuation shelters. 5. This type of behavior puts animals, their owners and emergency responders at risk. 6. Pet-friendly shelters will only shelter those animals defined as household pets. 7. No dogs with a known bite history or previously classified by Animal Control as “Dangerous” or “Potentially Dangerous” will be accepted into a pet-friendly shelter. 8. No dog that shows signs of aggression during initial check-in will be accepted. 9. All dogs and cats must be accompanied by proof of current vaccinations and current rabies tags. 10. No feral cats or wild-trapped cats will be accepted. 11. Animals should be brought to the Pet-Friendly shelter in a suitable cage or on a leash provided by the owner. 12. Birds must be brought in the owner’s cage. Bird breeders with large numbers of birds will need to seek sanctuary elsewhere. 13. Pocket pets (hamsters, gerbils, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, etc.) must be brought to shelter in owner’s cage. The cage must be of good material to prevent escape. 14. No reptiles will be accepted. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 208 Concept of Operations Organization: Under ESF #11, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is designated as the lead agency for animal care and control. Within Animal Control, the Director is designated as the Coordinator for the management of operations, planning, and training for the animal care and control function. Pittsylvania County Animal Control will be lead in all pet-friendly sheltering functions with the Pittsylvania County Animal Control Operations Director as the Section Chief. In response to an emergency requiring sheltering, ESF #11 will work together with other ESFs including ESF #6, Mass Care, Housing and Human Services, to complete the mission of household pet sheltering. Other agencies/ESFs may need to be utilized to fulfill other needs as determined. The Operations Director of Animal Control, in coordination with Department of Social Services and/or Red Cross, is responsible for developing and implementing the necessary management policies and procedures that will facilitate and ensure a safe, sanitary and effective animal care and control effort. These procedures will be designed to support and expedite emergency response operations, as well as maximize state and federal assistance. Plans and procedures for Pittsylvania County Animal Control and supporting agencies define the roles of agencies and support organizations in preparedness, response and recovery of an animal emergency. These plans and procedures establish the concepts and policies under which all elements of their agency will operate during household pet sheltering activities. They will provide the basis for more detailed standard operating procedures that may be used in a response. The Operations Director of Animal Control will coordinate with all departments, government entities, and representatives from the private sector who support pet-friendly sheltering operations. This may involve working with other local jurisdictions that provide mutual aid, state and federal governments, private contractors, local retailers, volunteer organizations, etc. and assuring that all involved have current Memorandums of Agreement with the Locality in respect to their agreed support. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 209 Responsibilities: 1. Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager a. Prepare and coordinate pre-incident training and exercise of pet-friendly shelter incident management teams to included NIMS, ICS, EOC Operations, and reimbursement procedures for eligible costs under state and federal public assistance programs; b. Obtain and deliver pre-identified resource requirements to the appropriate shelter sites within the time schedule agreed upon; c. Obtain and deliver requested but not previously identified resource requirements as expeditiously as possible. 2. Pittsylvania County Animal Control a. Create and maintain all household pet sheltering policies, plans and procedures; b. Maintain current listing of emergency contacts and resources necessary for a household pet sheltering response; c. Coordinate and insure rapid response to pet-friendly sheltering needs; d. Coordinate incident management activities for the overall operation of the pet-friendly shelters with the EOC and quasi-government, volunteer relief Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources Director of Agriculture Household Pet Sheltering Section Animal Control Director of Operations ESF #6 Mass Care, Housing and Human Service Sheltering Branch Department of Social Services/Red Cross Animal Care and Control Branch Director of Animal Control Housing Animal Control Veterinary Care Animal Control Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 210 organizations and contractors who are staffing and providing support to shelter operations; e. Maintain situational awareness of pet-friendly shelter operations and provide situation/status reports/updates to the EOC; f. Process requests for assistance or additional resources to support household pet sheltering operations through the EOC; g. Facilitate the reunification of pets to owners during the transition from response to recovery; h. Provide shelter occupancy data to facilitate the movement of traffic along the evacuation routes; i. Use media to assist with outreach efforts to citizens on evacuation education pre-event and notification during an event regarding routing to be used; j. Monitor, coordinate and manage pet-friendly shelter activation and sequencing; k. Provide subject matter expertise to support agencies, as needed. 3. Pittsylvania County Department of Education (if schools will be used for pet-friendly shelters) a. Insure timely response to request for activation of the designated facilities for household pet sheltering activities; b. Participate in initial pre-event walk-through and final post-event walk-through of designated facilities to assess pre-existing and incident related damages; c. Assign a primary, secondary and tertiary contact with Animal Control to insure immediate response as necessary. 4. Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services/Red Cross a. Coordinate the relationship between the human and household animal sheltering functions; b. Assist in creating public information releases regarding sheltering in coordination with Animal Control. 5. Pittsylvania County Department of Health a. Ensure that human health will not be impacted in conjunction with the operation of pet-friendly shelters. 6. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department a. Assure the safety and security of household pet sheltering personnel; b. Enforce movement restrictions and establish perimeters for pet-friendly sheltering areas. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Encourage citizens to develop emergency plans and go-kits for the animals in their care; 2. Determine the best means for information dissemination to the public in regards to an evacuation order and its related sheltering activities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 211 Preparedness: 1. Establish an organizational structure, chain of command, and outline of duties and responsibilities, required for any household pets sheltering response; 2. Develop, maintain, and disseminate household pet sheltering plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to and recovery from an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 3. Identify local veterinarians, humane societies, local household pet sheltering volunteers and animal control personnel in site-specific standard operating procedure and insure that contact information is maintained; 4. Provide training to agencies, staff and volunteers on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 5. Provide adequate support for animal preparedness and planning; 6. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand; 7. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for emergency operations. Response: 1. Implement household pet sheltering plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 2. Secure supplies, equipment, personnel and technical assistance from support agencies, organizations and other resources to carry out the response plans associated with animal health emergency management; 3. Provide on-the-spot training as necessary on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 4. Provide adequate support for household pet sheltering response. Report any shortfalls and request needed assistance or supplies. Request assistance from the Commonwealth as needed; 5. Implement mutual aid agreements, contracts, and the listing of potential resource providers to fill resource needs for emergency operations; 6. Provide household pet sheltering support in a timely manner; 7. Ensure appropriate recordkeeping such that federal or state disaster assistance can be sought for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Recovery: 1. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 2. Review household pet sheltering plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 3. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 212 4. Review mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers in respect to recent emergence response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 5. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility for Pittsylvania County Animal Control, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 213 Appendix 1, Tab 1 Pet-Friendly Shelter Pet Registration/Discharge Form Owner Information Full Name: Driver’s License Number: Street Address: City, State, Zip Phone Numbers: Home: Cell or Alternate: Pet Information Description of Animal:  Dog  Cat  Other ________ Pet’s Name: Crate Assigned: MALE  Intact  Neutered FEMALE  Intact  Spayed  In Heat Breed: Color: Age: Distinctive Markings: Microchip:  Yes  No If yes, number: Veterinarian Name: Pet Medications - List any medications below that you pet is currently taking Name of Medication Dosage Purpose TO BE COMPLETED BY SHELTER Arrival Date: Departure Date: Did the owner provide proof of the following: Yes No • Written proof of vaccinations during the past 12 months • Proper ID collar and up to date rabies tag. If yes, record Tag #_________________________ • Proper ID on all belongings • Leash • Ample food supply • Water/food bowls • Necessary medication(s) (ensure medications are listed above) • Owner provided cage has owner’s name, address, pet name and other pertinent information labeled clearly and securely on the cage Registration Agreement I understand that I must pick up my pet(s) when leaving the designated shelter or at the closing of the shelter, whichever comes first, or may pet(s) will become property of the local animal control facility and treated as stray(s). I, the animal owner signed below, certify that I am the legal owner and request the emergency housing of the pet(s) listed on this form. I hereby release the person or entity receiving the pet(s) from any and all liability Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 214 regarding the care and housing of the animal during and following this emergency. I acknowledge if emergency conditions pose a threat to the safety of these animals, additional relocation may be necessary, and this release is intended to extend to such relocation. I acknowledge that the risk of injury or death to my pet(s) during an emergency cannot be eliminated and agree to be responsible for any additional veterinary expenses which may be incurred in the treatment of my pet(s) outside of the shelter triage. I also understand that it is the owner or his/her agent’s responsibility for the care, feeding, and maintenance of my pet(s). Check-out is required when departing from the shelter. I have read and understand this agreement and certify that I am the owner/agent of the above listed animal(s). SIGNATURE Owner’s Signature Shelter Intake personnel Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 215 Appendix 1, Tab 2 Pet-Friendly Shelter Sites To be determined at the time of an emergency. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 216 Animal Care and Control Support Annex Appendix 2 – Animal Disease Management Plan Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Department of Health Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Animal Control Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Virginia Cooperative Extension Private Non-profit Organizations: Animal Welfare/Rescue Organizations (i.e., SPCA) 4H and other animal/agricultural education organizations Private Industry: Local Veterinarians Local Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers and/or Certified Wildlife Rehabilitators Animal Boarding Facilities Local Zoological Parks and/or Aquariums including petting zoos Local Agricultural Farms Local Animal Crematoriums Introduction Purpose: The Animal Care and Control Annex, Animal Disease Management Plan provides basic guidance that addresses rapid local response to Foreign Animal Disease or Animal Disease (FAD/AD) incidents and other events affecting the health, safety and welfare of humans and animals in disaster situations. A coordinated local response if necessary to effectively deal with the crisis and minimize the consequences in order to return the jurisdiction to normal as quickly as possible following a disaster or incident. Due to their complexity, infectious animal diseases add new dimensions to disaster management. There are many disease characteristics to consider such as stability of the agent, route of transmission, incubation time, potential species affected, and transfer to humans (zoonotic) potential. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 217 Scope: This annex is applicable to departments and agencies that are participating and responding with assistance or relief to a FAD/AD emergency as coordinated by the Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. Situation: In recent years, several serious FAD/AD outbreaks have occurred outside of the United States. The incorporations of animals and animal products from foreign countries, the ease of travel throughout the world, and the ongoing threat of agro-terrorism, indicates our vulnerability to an FAD/AD. The introduction of an FAD/AD would present Pittsylvania County, State, and Nation with a time sensitive, critical situation that affects not only animal health, but also a potentially debilitating economic situation. Protecting the agriculture and food distribution industry in Pittsylvania County requires cooperation, participation and partnership. Any large disaster or emergency may cause substantial suffering to human and animal populations. With the advent of larger animal production facilities, an ever-increasing pet population, and the increased vulnerability to intentional introduction of animal disease, a coordinated local animal response plan is imperative. The Virginia Department of Agriculture is tasked with dealing with infectious animal and plant disease and have the authority to work with local officials and responders to make all necessary rules for suppression and prevention of infectious and contagious diseases among animals and mitigating the spread of plant disease in the state (see Animal Care and Control Annex Basic Document – Policies). Depending on the size and nature of the event, the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC) may be activated to coordinate other state agency and county resources needed to response, contain, and eradicate the disease. The Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan, Emergency Support Function #11, Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex addresses interagency cooperation and responsibilities at the state level in the event local resources are overwhelmed. Not all animal disease introductions require emergency response functions. Many disease introductions are routinely handled by private practice veterinarians. Response measures are greatly influenced by the infectivity of the disease, it’s characteristics of transmission, and the actions necessary to contain it. Response functions may be initiated in the event of an introduction of a highly infectious animal disease, foreign animal disease, emerging animal disease, or any other animal disease that meets one or more of the following criteria: a. It is one of the International Animal Health Code “List A” diseases, as designated by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) which lists the following diseases: • Foot and mouth disease • Swine vesicular disease • Peste des petits ruminants • Lumpy skin disease • Bluetongue • African horse sickness • Classical swine fever • Vesticular stomatitis Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 218 • Rinderpest • Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia • Rift Valley fever • Sheep pox and goat pox • African swine fever • Highly pathogenic avian influenza • New castle disease b. It falls outside of the domain of the locality’s routine prevention and response activities and capabilities; c. It is highly contagious, and therefore creates a significant risk of rapid transmission across a large geographical area, including non-contiguous areas; and d. It creates the potential to cause widespread personal hardship within the agricultural community and/or is detrimental to the local, state or national economy. Assumptions: 1. The identification of a FAD/AD outbreak anywhere in the Commonwealth of Virginia would affect Pittsylvania County. This could result in the creation and enforcement of movement controls of people, livestock, agricultural products, and other property. 2. It is likely that livestock producers will be the first to notice unusual behavior or symptoms in their animals. 3. Private veterinary practitioners will likely be the first responders to any FAD/AD outbreak. A local veterinarian is required to immediately notify the State Veterinarian of suspected FAD/AD. 4. The potential exists in Virginia for FAD/AD introduction as a mechanism of agro- terrorism. 5. Suspected or positive detection of a FAD/AD in Pittsylvania County will prompt State and/or federal officials to employ additional precautions to prevent or mitigate the possibility of spreading the disease. 6. Numerous local, State and federal agencies will play a role in eradicating the disease. 7. Large numbers of domestic livestock and wildlife may need to be destroyed or controlled to prevent the spread of a disease after it has been confirmed in Pittsylvania County. 8. Immediate quarantine areas may be required where suspected or confirmed cases may have originated, inside of which increased biosecurity measures can be implemented. The zone establishment may require the development of cleaning and disinfecting procedures and additional record keeping by producers and/or veterinarians. 9. Facilities and transport vehicles suspected of being contaminated will need to be cleaned and disinfected. 10. Depopulation of animals will be conducted in the most humane, expeditious manner to stop the spread of the disease and limit the number of animals affected. 11. Carcass disposal sites will need to be rapidly identified or other solutions such as rendering, burial on site or incineration utilized. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 219 Concept of Operations Organization: Under ESF #11, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is designated as the lead agency for animal care and control. Within Animal Control, the Director is designated as the Coordinator for the management of operations, planning, and training for the animal care and control function. Pittsylvania County Department of Agriculture will be lead in all animal disease management functions with the Director of Agriculture as the Section Chief. In response to a FAD/AD, ESF #11 will work together with other ESFs including ESF #8, Health and Medical, and ESF #10, Oil and Hazardous Materials Response, to complete the mission of animal disease control. Other agencies/ESFs may need to be utilized to fulfill other needs as determined. The Director of Agriculture, in coordination with Department of Health and Department of Environmental Quality, is responsible for developing and implementing the necessary management policies and procedures that will facilitate and ensure a safe, sanitary and effective animal care and control effort. These procedures will be designed to support and expedite emergency response operations, as well as maximize state and federal assistance. Plans and procedures for Pittsylvania County Department of Agriculture and supporting agencies define the roles of agencies and support organizations in preparedness, response and recovery of an animal emergency. These plans and procedures establish the concepts and policies under which all elements of their agency will operate during a FAD/AD. They will provide the basis for more detailed standard operating procedures that may be used in a response. The Director of Agriculture will coordinate with all departments, government entities, and representatives from the private sector who support FAD/AD operations. This may involve working with other local jurisdictions that provide mutual aid, state and federal governments, private contractors, local retailers, volunteer organizations, etc. and assuring that all involved have current Memorandums of Agreement with the Locality in respect to their agreed support. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 220 Responsibilities: 1. Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager a. Act as advisor to local veterinarians, regulatory veterinarians, humane organizations, farm service agents, and others on emergency management issues. 2. Pittsylvania County Animal Control a. Maintain current listing of emergency contacts and resources necessary for an FAD/AD response; b. Coordinate and insure rapid response to suspected or proven FAD/AD; c. Determine potential of spread in coordination with VDACS and USDA. Respond accordingly; d. Coordinate with agriculture environmental officials (ESF #10) to determine the best methods for disposing of dead animals; e. Coordinate with health officials (ESF #8) to determine potential impact on humans and prevention options if necessary. 3. Pittsylvania County Animal Control & Pet Center a. Determine best methods for disposing of dead animals; b. Assist in the selection of a disposal site. 4. Pittsylvania County Department of Health a. Determine potential human impact of the disease and determine protective actions as necessary; Pittsylvania County EOC Emergency Management Emergency Manager ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources Director of Agriculture Animal Disease Management Section Department of Agriculture Director of Agriculture ESF #8 Health and Medical ESF #10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Veterinary Care Supporting Agency Laboratory and Testing Supporting Agency Epidemiology/Zoonotics Department of Health Epidemiologist Hazardous Waste Removal Department of Environmental Quality Animal Care and Control Branch Pittsylvania County Animal Control Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 221 b. Assist in preparing public outreach and education materials in response to the FAD/AD. 5. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department a. Assure the safety and security of veterinarians and inspection personnel; b. Enforce movement restrictions and establish perimeters for quarantine areas; c. Assist in investigation if the incident is ruled deliberate disease introduction. 6. Pittsylvania County Fire Departments a. Coordinate decontamination stations in coordination with ESF #11, ESF #8, and ESF #10; b. Aid in possible rescue situations. 7. Pittsylvania County Public Works a. Assist in perimeter rerouting and logistical support; b. and support needs for disposal resources. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Encourage any zoological or wildlife parks, marine animal aquariums, laboratory animal research facilities, university veterinary medical and animal science centers, livestock markets and large livestock operations, to develop FAD/AD emergency procedures and plans for the animals in the care and custody and provide them to Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager for comment and review; 2. Determine the best means for information dissemination to the public in regards to a FAD/AD emergency. Preparedness: 1. The Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (through VEOC ESF #11), will establish an organizational structure, chain of command, and outline of duties and responsibilities, required for any FAD/AD response; 2. Develop, maintain, and disseminate animal care and control plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to and recovery from an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 3. Identify local veterinarians, humane societies, and animal control personnel in the appropriate standard operating procedures and insure that contact information is maintained; 4. Provide training to agencies and staff on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 5. Provide adequate support for animal preparedness and planning; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 222 6. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand; 7. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for emergency operations. Response: 1. Immediately report any suspected or observed cases of FAD/AD to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). 2. Implement animal care and control plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 3. Secure supplies, equipment, personnel and technical assistance from support agencies, organizations and other resources to carry out the response plans associated with animal health emergency management; 4. Provide on-the-spot training as necessary on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 5. Provide adequate support for animal response. Report any shortfalls and request needed assistance or supplies. Request assistance from the Commonwealth as needed; 6. Implement mutual aid agreements, contracts, and the listing of potential resource providers to fill resource needs for emergency operations; 7. Provide animal disease management support in a timely manner; 8. Protect vital records, critical systems, and essential operations to ensure their uninterrupted continuation during a disaster, as well as to facilitate their full restoration if impacted by the disaster; 9. Ensure appropriate recordkeeping such that federal or state disaster assistance can be sought for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Recovery: 1. Evaluate quarantines that were put in place during the FAD/AD outbreak to decide if they are still needed; 2. Augment veterinary medical services to expedite rapid recovery; 3. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 4. Review animal disease management plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 5. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; 6. Review mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers in respect to recent emergence response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 7. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 223 Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility for Pittsylvania County Animal Control Division, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 224 Animal Care and Control Support Annex Appendix 3 – Animal Recovery Plan Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Animal Control Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services Pittsylvania County Department of Health Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Virginia Cooperative Extension Private Non-profit Organizations: Red Cross Animal Welfare/Rescue Organizations (i.e., SPCA) 4H and other animal/agricultural education organizations Private Industry: Local Veterinarians Local Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers and/or Certified Wildlife Rehabilitators Animal Boarding Facilities Local Zoological Parks and/or Aquariums including petting zoos Local Agricultural Farms Local Animal Crematoriums Introduction Purpose: The Animal Care and Control Annex, Animal Recovery Plan provides basic guidance for all participants in an animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification scenario. This includes guidance for all departments and agencies providing assistance in response to a local disaster declaration. The animal care and control function are a component of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources. Although, the care and control of animals is the responsibility of their owners, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is the lead agency on animal issues and is responsible for situation assessment and determination of resource needs. Animals are not only companions, but can be the livelihood of families and communities where agriculture is key. In some situations, owners will not be able to evacuate their animals, and due to impacts of the event, they may not be able to re-enter the area post-event to recover or care for their animals. It is the goal of this plan to control and support the animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification process during or after an emergency Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 225 situation and to ensure the continued care of those animals that are unable to be relocated outside of the disaster area. Scope: This annex is applicable to departments and agencies that are participating and responding with assistance or relief to an emergency requiring the search, rescue, recovery or reunification of animals with their owners as coordinated by Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. Situation: Any natural, technological or manmade disaster could affect the well-being of animals. Although many owners of animals will work very diligently to protect their animals in the event of an emergency, it is not always feasible or possible to relocate the animals in every situation. Some animals may be left behind because families are unable to enter a hazardous area to retrieve their animals, the number or size (such as a herd of cattle) of the animal(s) make it unfeasible to relocate within a reasonable timeframe, or the owners do not feel that they have any other option, either due to lack of proper planning or education, when evacuating themselves. In these cases, it will be vital to assist these animal owners in the search, rescue, recovery and care of these animals until they can be reunited with their owners. Assumptions: 1. The care and control of non-wildlife and non-feral animals (including household pets, livestock and poultry) is primarily the responsibility of the owner of the animal(s). In times of emergency or disaster, owners may need assistance in the care and control of their animals. 2. People will frequently try to reenter an area to retrieve animals before an all clear is given. 3. Those animals that become homeless, lost or stray as a result of a disaster will be protected by Pittsylvania County. Volunteer organizations will assist in this effort. 4. Those animals that are rescued and are not identified by their owners and a reunification plan determined within 10 days will be considered the property of Pittsylvania County and normal animal care and control policies and procedures will be followed in regards to euthanasia, adoption, and/or release to rescue organizations. 5. Policies and procedures will be written in regards to requests for animal search and rescue, animal identification requirements and in-place animal care. Concept of Operations Organization: Under ESF #11, Pittsylvania County Animal Control is designated as the lead agency for animal care and control. Within Animal Control, the Director is designated as the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 226 Coordinator for the management of operations, planning, and training for the animal care and control function. Pittsylvania County Animal Control will be lead in all animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification operations with Pittsylvania County Lead Animal Control Officer as the Section Chief. In response to an emergency requiring sheltering, ESF #11 will work together with other ESFs to complete the mission of animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification as necessary. Pittsylvania County Animal Control is responsible for developing and implementing the necessary management policies and procedures that will facilitate and ensure a safe, sanitary and effective animal care and control effort for day-to-day operations and emergency response. The emergency plans will define the roles of agencies and support organizations in preparedness, response and recovery of an animal emergency and establish the concepts and policies under which all elements of the responding agencies will operate during animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification activities. They will provide the basis for more detailed standard operating procedures that may be used in a response. The Lead Animal Control Officer will coordinate with all departments, government entities, and representatives from the private sector who support animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification activities. This may involve working with other local jurisdictions that provide mutual aid, state and federal governments, private contractors, local retailers, volunteer organizations, etc. and assuring that all involved have current Memorandums of Agreement with the Locality in respect to their agreed support. Pittsylvania County Emergency Management Emergency Manager ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources Director of Agriculture Household Pet Sheltering Section Animal Control Director of Operations Animal Care and Control Branch Pittsylvania County Animal Control Director of Animal Control Housing (assist in reunification) Animal Control Veterinary Care (assist in recovery) Animal Control Animal Recovery Section Animal Control Lead Animal Control Officer Search and Rescue Animal Control Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 227 Responsibilities: 1. Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager a. Prepare and coordinate pre-incident training and exercise of animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification teams to included NIMS, ICS, EOC Operations, and reimbursement procedures for eligible costs under state and federal public assistance programs; b. Obtain and deliver pre-identified resource requirements to the appropriate sites within the time schedule agreed upon; c. Obtain and deliver requested but not previously identified resource requirements as expeditiously as possible. 2. Pittsylvania County Animal Control a. Create and maintain all animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification policies, plans and procedures; b. Maintain current listing of emergency contacts and resources necessary for an animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification response; c. Coordinate and ensure rapid response to animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification needs; d. Coordinate incident management activities for the overall operation of the animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification effort with the Lynchburg EOC and quasi-government, volunteer relief organizations and contractors who are staffing and providing support to shelter operations; e. Maintain situational awareness of animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification operations and provide situation/status reports/updates to the EOC; f. Process requests for assistance or additional resources to support search, rescue, recovery and reunification operations through the EOC; g. Use media to assist with outreach efforts to notify citizens of the efforts of animal control on animal recovery issues; h. Monitor, coordinate and manage animal recovery activities activation and sequencing; i. Provide subject matter expertise to support agencies, as needed. 3. Humane Organizations (list specific name and what each will do) a. Under the supervision of Pittsylvania County Animal Care and Control, lead efforts for animal search and rescue and support the effort with trained staff and volunteers. 4. Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services/Red Cross a. Assist in creating public information releases regarding sheltering in coordination with Animal Control. 5. Pittsylvania County Department of Agriculture b. Coordinate and insure the in-place need of agricultural animals are met with owners. 6. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 228 c. Assure the safety and security of animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification personnel; d. Enforce movement restrictions and establish perimeters for animal recovery and reunification areas. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Encourage citizens to develop emergency plans and evacuation plans for the animals in the care; 2. Determine the best means for information dissemination to the public in regards to an animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification activities. Preparedness: 1. Establish an organizational structure, chain of command, and outline of duties and responsibilities, required for any animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification response; 2. Develop, maintain, and disseminate animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to and recovery from an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 3. Identify local veterinarians, humane societies, volunteers and animal control personnel in standard operating procedures and insure that contact information is maintained; 4. Provide training to agencies, staff and volunteers on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 5. Provide adequate support for animal preparedness and planning; 6. Develop the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to maintain an inventory of supplies on hand; 7. Develop the necessary mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers to expedite the procurement of anticipated resource needs for emergency operations. Response: 1. Implement animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification plans, policies and procedures to ensure the safe, sanitary and efficient response to an animal emergency, as well as support and maximize claims of financial assistance from state and federal governments, and facilitate audits following the disaster; 2. Secure supplies, equipment, personnel and technical assistance from support agencies, organizations and other resources to carry out the response plans associated with animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 229 3. Provide on-the-spot training as necessary on task-appropriate plans, policies and procedures; 4. Provide adequate support for animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification response. Report any shortfalls and request needed assistance or supplies. Request assistance from the Commonwealth as needed; 5. Implement mutual aid agreements, contracts, and the listing of potential resource providers to fill resource needs for emergency operations; 6. Provide animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification support in a timely manner; 7. Ensure appropriate recordkeeping such that federal or state disaster assistance can be sought for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Recovery: 1. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 2. Review animal search, rescue, recovery and reunification plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 3. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; 4. Review mutual aid agreements, sample contracts, and listing of potential resource providers in respect to recent emergence response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 5. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditure. Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility for Pittsylvania County Animal Control, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 230 Appendix 3, Tab 1 Emergency Animal Care and Control Sites To be determined at time of need. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 231 Appendix 3, Tab 2 Lost Animal Report Today’s Date Information Received By Owner Information Name Address Temporary Address Phone Number Date/Location Where Animal Was Last Seen Date Last Seen Location Do You Have A Picture Of The Animal? Is The Animal Friendly? Does The Animal Have A History Of Running Away? Animal Description Type Of Animal If A Litter, Number In Litter Breed Size (Small/Medium/Large) Animal’s Name Male/Female/Fixed Tail (Short/Long/Curly/Straight) Distinguishing Marks Fur Length/Coat Type Colors Ears (Floppy/Erect) Is Animal Wearing A Collar? Does The Animal Have An ID Tag? Info On Tag? Rabies License Number? Indoor/Outdoor Animal Cat – Declawed? Veterinarian Used Name Phone Address Are Shots Current? Animal On Any Medication? Frequency When Was Medication Last Given? Contacts Who Else Have You Notified That The Animal Is Missing? Comments Office Use Only Lost Animal Matched With Animal ID # Date Owner Contacted Date Animal Reclaimed Released to Owner Print & Sign Name Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 232 Owner’s Driver’s License # State Phone Number Status Of Animal Owner Located Matched at Shelter Deceased Unknown After 30 Days Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 233 Appendix 4 Animal Care and Control Support Annex Local Animal Related Facilities Private Non-Profit Organizations Organization Address Mission Business/Industry Organization Address Type and Number of Animals in Care Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 234 Page Intentionally Left Blank Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 235 Damage Assessment Support Annex Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Assessor’s Office Pittsylvania County Department of Public Works Pittsylvania County Department of Parks and Recreation Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Department of Finance Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services Private Non-profit Organizations: Red Cross Amateur Radio Emergency Services Pittsylvania County CERT Team Private Industry: Mass Transit Authorities/Companies Electric Companies and Cooperatives Gas Utilities Water Utilities Introduction Purpose: The Damage Assessment Support Annex describes the coordinating processes used to ensure the timely and accurate assessment and reporting of damages in Pittsylvania County after an emergency or disaster. It provides procedures to estimate the nature and extent of the damage and outlines details of the damage assessment process as required by the Commonwealth for determination of the need to request a Presidential Disaster Declaration as outlined in the Stafford Act. Scope: Damage assessment activities are an evaluation (in dollars) of the estimated cost for damages or loss to agriculture, infrastructure, real property (Pittsylvania County, state and private) and equipment. This annex covers a broad scope of responsibilities, Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 236 assignments and standard forms to be used in the overall process; it is applicable to departments and agencies that are assisting with the post-event damage assessment as coordinated by Pittsylvania County Emergency Management. This document will address general situations with no consideration given for special incident scenarios. Definitions: Initial Damage Assessment (IDA): Independent review and documentation of the impact and magnitude of a disaster on individuals, families, businesses, and public property. This report is due into the Virginia Emergency Operations Center in the required format (see Tab 1) within 72 hours of disaster impact. The Governor will use this information to determine if a Preliminary Damage Assessment needs to be requested from FEMA in response to outstanding needs. Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA): A joint venture between FEMA, State and local government to document the impact and magnitude of the disaster on individuals, families, businesses, and public property. The Governor will use the information gathered during the PDA process to determine whether Federal assistance should be requested. Situation: Following any significant disaster/emergency, a multitude of independent damage assessment activities will be conducted by a variety of organizations including American Red Cross, insurance companies, utility companies, and others. Outside of these assessments, a series of local, state and federal damage assessment activities will be conducted. During the recovery phase of a disaster, Pittsylvania County will conduct a systematic analysis of the nature of the damage to public and private property, which estimates the extent of damage based upon actual observation and inspection. Damage assessment will be performed on an urgent basis to provide an initial estimate of damage. A damage estimate of public and private property is required for Pittsylvania County to determine actions needed, the establishment of properties, and the allocation of local government resources, and what, if any, outside assistance will be required. Based upon the local damage assessment reports, the Governor may request a Presidential declaration of a “major disaster”, “major emergency”, or a specific federal agency disaster declaration (Small Business Administration, Department of Agriculture, Corps of Engineers, etc.) to augment state/local/private disaster relief efforts. The President, under a “major emergency” declaration may authorize the utilization of any federal equipment, personnel and other resources. The President under a “major disaster” declaration may authorize two basic types of disaster relief assistance: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 237 1. Individual Assistance (IA) a. Temporary housing; b. Individual and family grants (IFG); c. Disaster unemployment assistance; d. Disaster loans to individuals, businesses and farmers; e. Agricultural assistance; f. Legal services to low-income families and individuals; g. Consumer counseling and assistance in obtaining insurance benefits; h. Social security assistance; i. Veteran’s assistance; and j. Casualty loss tax assistance. 2. Public Assistance (PA) a. Debris removal; b. Emergency protective measures; and c. Permanent work to repair, restore or replace road systems, water control facilities, public buildings and equipment, public utilities public recreational facilities, etc. Assumptions: 20. Fast and accurate damage assessment is vital to effective disaster responses; 21. Damage will be assessed by pre-arranged teams of local resource personnel; 22. If promptly implemented, this plan can expedite relief and assistance for those adversely affected; 23. A catastrophic emergency will require the expenditure of large sums of local funds. Financial operations will be carried out under compressed schedules and intense political pressures, which will require expeditious responses that meet sound financial management and accountability requirements; 24. Damage to utility system and to the communications systems will hamper the recovery process; and 25. A major disaster affecting Pittsylvania County could result in the severance of a main transportation artery resulting in a significant alteration of lifestyle in the community. Policies: 1. The Initial Damage Assessment (IDA) results will be reported to the Virginia EOC within 72 hours of the incident (Web EOC –primary; Fax or Call – secondary); 2. At the Incident Commander’s request, the first priority for damage assessment may to be to assess Pittsylvania County’s structural/infrastructure damage; 3. A Federal/State supported Preliminary Damage Assessment will be conducted in coordination with Pittsylvania County to verify IDA results and determine long-term needs. This data will be used to determine the need for a Presidential Disaster Declaration; 4. An estimate of expenditures and obligated expenditures will be submitted to both Pittsylvania County and the VEOC before a Presidential Disaster declaration is requested; 5. Additional reports will be required when requested by the Emergency Management Director or Emergency Manager depending on the type and magnitude of the incident; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 238 6. Supplies, equipment and transportation organic to each organization will be utilized by that organization in the accomplishment of its assigned responsibility or mission; 7. Additional supplies, equipment and transportation essential to the continued operation of each organization will be requested through ESF #7 (Resource Support) in the EOC; and 8. The approval to expend funds for response and recovery operations will be given by the department head from each agency or department involved in recovery operations. Each agency or department should designate a responsible person to ensure that actions taken and costs incurred are consistent with identified missions. Concept of Operations The ultimate responsibility of damage assessment lies with the local governing authority. The Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager or his/her designee will be responsible for damage assessments, collection of the data and preparation of necessary reports through the functions of ESF 14, Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation. Damage assessments will be conducted by qualified, trained local teams under the supervision of Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning. The damage assessment teams will be supported by multiple agencies from Pittsylvania County. If the nature of the incident is such that local resources are incapable of assessing the damage, state assistance will be requested through normal resource request procedures to the VEOC. ESF #14 Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager Building Assessment Pittsylvania County Building Official Damage Assessment Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning Transportation Systems Assessment Pittsylvania County Transportation Engineer Public Utilities and Debris Assessment Pittsylvania County Utilities Engineer Agricultural Assessment Local Extension Office Emergency Costs Pittsylvania County Finance Officer Security and Access Control Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 239 Additional ESFs may need to be utilized to enhance the results of the evacuation such as ESF 7 (Resource Management), ESF 5 (Emergency Management) and ESF 11 (Agriculture and Natural Services). If the incident involves chemicals or radiation that may cause contamination of damage area, ESF 8 (Health and Medical) and ESF 10 (Oil and Hazardous Materials) may also be needed. The primary ESFs as listed will utilize their full ESF specific annex and any supporting agencies and ESFs to implement their portion of the damage assessment. Responsibilities: 4. Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning a. Assemble the appropriate team and develop damage assessment plans, policies and procedures; b. Maintain a list of critical facilities that will require immediate repair if damaged; c. Appoint a representative to be located within the EOC to direct damage assessment operations to include operation of the teams, collecting data, and developing accurate and appropriate reports for the Pittsylvania County Emergency Manager; d. Solicit cooperation from companies and local representatives of support agencies to serve as member of damage assessment teams; e. Conduct damage assessment training programs for the teams; f. Coordinate disaster teams conducting field surveys; g. Collect and compile incoming damage reports from teams in the field, from other operations directors, and outside agencies, systems and companies; h. Using existing policies and procedures, determine the state of damaged buildings and place notification/placards as needed; i. Using existing policies and procedures, facilitate the issuance of building permits and for the review and inspection of the site-related and construction plans submitted for the rebuilding/restoration of buildings; j. Assist in the establishment of the sequence of repairs and priorities for the restoration of affected areas; k. Correlate and consolidate all expenditures for damage assessment to the Department of Finance; and l. Ensure that there will be an escort available for any State or Federal damage assessments and prepare an area map with the damage sites prior to their arrival. 5. Pittsylvania County Department of Public Works a. Designate representatives to serve as members of damage assessment teams; b. Participate in damage assessment training; c. Collect and compile damage data regarding public and private utilities, and provide to Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning within the EOC; and Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 240 d. Participate as requested in Initial Damage Assessment field reviews and escorting for State and Local damage assessments. 6. Local Extension Office a. Designate representatives to serve as members of damage assessment teams; b. Participate in damage assessment training; c. Collect and compile damage data regarding public and private agricultural resources, and provide to Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning within the EOC; and d. Participate as requested in Initial Damage Assessment field reviews and escorting for State and Local damage assessments. 7. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department a. Provide security for ingress and egress of the damaged area(s) post- event; and b. Provide access and security for damage assessment activities within Pittsylvania County. 8. Pittsylvania County Department of Finance a. Collect, report and maintain estimates of expenditures and obligations required for response and recovery activities; b. Maintain accurate records of funds, materials and man-hours expended as a direct result of the incident; and c. Report these estimates and obligations to the Emergency Coordinator for inclusion into the appropriate Public Assistance IDA categories. d. Insert any other local responsibilities here. 9. Pittsylvania County Emergency Management a. Overall direction and control of damage assessment for Pittsylvania County; b. Reporting of damages to the Virginia EOC within 72 of the incidents in the appropriate Initial Damage Assessment format; and c. Ensuring appropriate and adequate public information and education regarding the damage assessment process. Action Checklist Mitigation/Prevention: 1. Develop public awareness programs from building codes, ordinances and the National Flood Insurance Program; 2. Develop a damage assessment training program; 3. Develop damage assessment plans, procedures and guidance; 4. Designate representatives to lead damage assessment activities within the EOC; and 5. Designate damage assessment team members. 6. Insert any other preparedness actions here. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 241 Preparedness: 1. Identify resources to support and assist with damage assessment activities; 2. Train personnel in damage assessment techniques ; 3. Review plans, procedures and guidance for damage assessments, damage reporting and accounting; and 4. List all critical facilities and all local buildings requiring priority restoration. Response: 1. Activate the damage assessment staff in the EOC; 2. Organize and deploy damage assessment teams or team escorts as necessary; 3. Organize collection of data and record keeping at the onset of the event; 4. Document all emergency work performed by local resources to include appropriate photographs; 5. Compile and disseminate all damage reports for appropriate agencies; 6. Determine the state of damaged buildings and place notification/placards as needed; and 7. Inform officials of hazardous facilities, bridges, roads, etc. Recovery: 1. Continue damage assessment surveys as needed; 2. Advise on priority repairs and unsafe structures; 3. Facilitate the issuance of building permits and for the review and inspection of the site-related and construction plans submitted for the rebuilding/restoration of buildings; 4. Monitor restoration activities; 5. Complete an event review with all responding parties; 6. Review damage assessment plans, policies and procedures in respect to the recent emergency response. Update as necessary and disseminate; 7. Review building codes and land use regulations for possible improvements; 8. Review and update the necessary logistical support to carry out emergency tasking. Instruct all departments to replenish used on-hand inventory of supplies; and 9. Assist the Department of Finance in the preparation and submission of disaster assistance applications to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies for reimbursement of disaster related expenditures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 242 Administration and Logistics Administration: Basic administrative and accountability procedures for any damage assessment activities will be followed as required by Pittsylvania County, state and federal regulations. As with any disaster or incident response, the ICS/NIMS will be used to organize and coordinate response activity. Logistics: If supplies, materials, and equipment are required, records will be maintained in accordance to Pittsylvania County, state and federal reporting requirements. All procurement processes will also follow appropriate procurement policies and regulations, and state and federal policies and regulations as necessary. Public Information: The Public Information Officer will follow procedures to: 1. Ensure prior coordination with appropriate damage assessment coordination ESFs to provide periodic spot announcements to the public on pertinent aspects of the assessments; and 2. Ensure availability of the media in the event an emergency requiring evacuation arises. Direction and Control 1. All damage assessment activities will be coordinated through the EOC and employ the ICS/NIMS. Small scale or immediate need evacuations may be coordinated on-site as necessary. These on-site coordinated evacuations will also employ the ICS/NIMS. 2. The EOC is responsible for providing support and resources to the incident commander. 3. The Emergency Manager will assist the senior elected official in the EOC and assistant to support 24-hour operations and act in the absence of the primary. 4. In the event an incident is suspected or determined to be a terrorist event, a Joint Operations Center will be established to coordinate Federal and State support. A separate Joint Information Center will provide media interface. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 243 Plan Development and Maintenance This plan should be reviewed annually in its entirity for any needed updates, revisions, or additions. It is the responsibility of the Pittsylvania County Department of Building and Zoning, as the lead agency for this plan, to insure that this is completed. This plan should also be reviewed after every incident in which it is activated to reflect any needed updates, revisions or additions that were found within that response effort. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 244 Tab 1 to Damage Assessment Annex Damage Assessment Team Assignments The appointed representative from the Department of Building and Zoning will report to the EOC when activated by the Emergency Manager. Damage assessment teams will be assembled and instructions provided relative to the emergency. Team leaders will be designated to compile information for situation and damage assessment reports. TEAM ASSIGNMENTS (based on categories in Damage Assessment Form) will be determined at the time of need. I. PRIVATE PROPERTY Category A – Residential/Personal Property Houses, manufactured homes, apartments, duplexes (identify number of families and units affected) – Include estimate for structures, private bridges, fencing and vehicles/boats. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category B – Business and Industry Industrial plants and businesses (facilities, equipment, materials, commercial vehicles). Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category C – Agriculture An agricultural parcel is at least 5 acres. Include estimate of all damage to houses, manufactured homes, crops (type and acres), farm buildings, livestock (number and type), fencing (in miles) and equipment (pieces and type). Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 245 II. PUBLIC PROPERTY Category A – Debris Clearance Debris on roads and streets, on public property, on private property and structure demolition. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category B – Protective Measures 1. Life and safety (all public safety report costs) Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 2. Barricading, sandbagging, stream drainage channels, health (rodents/insect control) Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category C – Road Systems Damage to roads and streets, bridges, culverts, sidewalks, traffic control systems. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category D – Water Control Facilities Damage to dams and drainage systems. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 246 Category E – Public Buildings and Equipment Damage to buildings, inventory, vehicles and equipment. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category F – Public Utility Systems Damage to water plants, dams, sanitary/sewage systems and storm drainage systems. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Category G – Recreational Facilities Damage to parks, shelters, lighting and equipment. Team: Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 247 Tab 2 to Damage Assessment Annex LOCAL GOVERNMENT DAMAGE ASSESSMENT – TELEPHONE REPORT 1. CALLER NAME 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS (include apt. no; zip code) 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4. TYPE OF PROPERTY 5. OWNERSHIP Home Work Cell Single Family Multi-Family (usually Apts.) Business Check here if residence is a vacation home—not a primary residence Own Rent Lease (business only) Best time to call Best number to use 6. CONSTRUCTION TYPE Masonry Wood Frame Mobile Home Manufactured Other 7. TYPE OF INSURANCE Property Sewer Back-up Flood (Structure) Flood (Contents) Wind/Hurricane None 8. DAMAGES (Check all that apply) HVAC Yes No Water Heater Yes No Electricity On Off Natural Gas On Off Roof Intact Yes No Foundation Yes No Windows Yes No Sewer OK Not OK Major Appliances Yes No Basement Flooding Yes - Depth____Feet Furnace Yes No 9. SOURCE OF DAMAGES Sewer back-up Primarily Flood Wind/Wind driven rain Tornado Other ______________ 10. Based on the damages reported, the property is currently Habitable Uninhabitable 11. CALLER’S ESTIMATE OF DAMAGES REPAIRS CONTENTS TOTAL $ $ $ 12. COMMENTS Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 248 12. CALL TAKER 13. DATE & TIME REPORT TAKEN Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 249 Tab 3 to Damage Assessment Annex Cumulative Initial Damage Assessment Report PRIMARY: Input into WebEOC SECONDARY: VDEM VEOC Phone Number (804) 674-2400 Fax Number (804) 674-2419 Jurisdiction: Date/Time IDA Report Prepared: Prepared By: Call back number: Fax Number: Email Address: Part I: Private Property CUMULATIVE DAMAGES Type Property # Destroyed # Major Damage # Minor Damage # Affected Dollar Loss % Flood Insured % Property Insured % Owned % Secondary Single Dwelling Houses (inc. condo units) Multi-Family Residences (count each unit) Manufactured Residences (Mobile) Business/Industr y Non-Profit Organization Buildings Agricultural Facilities Part II: Public Property (Includes eligible non-profit Facilities) CUMULATIVE DAMAGES Type of Property Estimated Dollar Loss % Insured Category A (Debris Removal) Category B (Emergency Protective Measures) Category C (Roads and Bridges) Category D (Water Control Facilities) Category E (Public Buildings and Equipment Category F (Public Utilities) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 250 Category G (Parks and Recreation Facilities) TOTAL $0.00 Additional Comments: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 251 Tab 4 to Damage Assessment Annex Public Assistance Damage Assessment Guidelines Category Purpose Eligible Activities A: Debris Removal Clearance of trees and woody debris; building wreckage; sand, mud, silt, and gravel; vehicles; and other disaster-related material deposited on public and, in very limited cases, private property • Debris removal from a street or highway to allow the safe passage of emergency vehicles • Debris removal from public property to eliminate health and safety hazards B: Emergency Protective Measures Measures taken before, during, and after a disaster to save lives, protect public health and safety, and protect improved public and private property • Emergency Operations Center activation • Warning devices (barricades, signs, and announcements) • Search and rescue • Security forces (police and guards) • Construction of temporary levees • Provision of shelters or emergency care • Sandbagging • Bracing/shoring damaged structures • Provision of food, water, ice and other essential needs • Emergency repairs • Emergency demolition • Removal of health and safety hazards C: Roads and Bridges Repair of roads, bridges, and associated features, such as shoulders, ditches, culverts, lighting and signs • Eligible work includes: repair to surfaces, bases, shoulders, ditches, culverts, low water crossings, and other features, such as guardrails. D: Water Control Facilities Repair of irrigation systems, drainage channels, and pumping facilities. Repair of levees, dams, and flood control channels fall under Category D, but the eligibility of these facilities is restricted • Channel alignment • Recreation • Navigation • Land reclamation • Fish and wildlife habitat • Interior drainage • Irrigation • Erosion prevention • Flood control E: Buildings and Equipment Repair or replacement of buildings, including their contents and systems; heavy equipment; and vehicles • Buildings, including contents such as furnishings and interior systems such as electrical work. • Replacement of pre-disaster quantities of consumable supplies and inventory. Replacement of library books and publications. • Removal of mud, silt, or other accumulated debris is eligible, along with any cleaning and painting necessary to restore the building. • All types of equipment, including vehicles, may be eligible for repair or replacement when damaged as a result of the declared event. F: Utilities Repair of water treatment and • Restoration of damaged utilities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 252 delivery systems; power generation facilities and distribution lines; and sewage collection and treatment facilities • Temporary as well as permanent repair costs can be reimbursed. G: Parks, Recreational Facilities, and Other Items Repair and restoration of parks, playgrounds, pools, cemeteries, and beaches. This category also is used for any work or facility that cannot be characterized adequately by Categories A-F • Roads, buildings, and utilities within those areas and other features, such as playground equipment, ball fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, boat docks and ramps, piers, and golf courses. • Grass and sod are eligible only when necessary to stabilize slopes and minimize sediment runoff. • Repairs to maintained public beaches may be eligible in limited circumstances. Only states, local government agencies and authorities, public utilities, and certain non-profit organizations may be eligible for Public Assistance grants. Eligibility Criteria: Virginia Population per latest US Census x annual multiplier for state eligibility; Locality population per latest US Census x annual local multiplier for local eligibility. Adapted from the Public Assistance Guide, FEMA 322; Additional policy information is available at http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/pa/policy.shtm Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 253 Tab 5 to Damage Assessment Annex Public Assistance Damage Assessment Field Form JURISDICTION: INSPECTOR: ______ _DATE: PAGE ____ of ____ Key for Damage Categories (Use appropriate letters in the ‘category’ blocks below) A. Debris Clearance B. Emergency Protective Measures C. Roads & Bridges D. Water Control Facilities E. Public Buildings & Equipment F. Public Utility System G. Parks, Recreation Facilities & Other SITE # WORK CATEGORY: NAME of FACILITY and LOCATION: GPS (in decimal deg.): DAMAGE DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY FOLLOW-UP NEEDED? Y N TOTAL ESTIMATED DAMAGES: $ FLOOD INSURANCE Y N PROPERTY INSURANCE Y N NO DATA AVAILABLE (check box) SITE # WORK CATEGOR Y: NAME of FACILITY and LOCATION: GPS (in decimal deg.): DAMAGE DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY FOLLOW-UP NEEDED? Y N TOTAL ESTIMATED DAMAGES: $ FLOOD INSURANCE Y N PROPERTY INSURANCE Y N NO DATA AVAILABLE (check box) SITE # WORK CATEGOR Y: NAME of FACILITY and LOCATION: GPS (in decimal deg.): DAMAGE DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY FOLLOW-UP NEEDED? Y N TOTAL ESTIMATED DAMAGES: $ FLOOD INSURANCE Y N PROPERTY INSURANCE Y N NO DATA AVAILABLE (check box) Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 254 Tab 6 to Damage Assessment Annex Individual Assistance Damage Assessment Level Guidelines Damage Definitions General Description Things to Look For Water Levels DESTROYED DESTROYED DESTROYED DESTROYED Structure is a total loss. Not economically feasible to rebuild. Structure leveled above the foundation, or second floor is gone. Foundation or basement is significantly damaged. Structure leveled or has major shifting off its foundation or only the foundation remains. Roof is gone, with noticeable distortion to walls. More than 4 feet in first floor. More than 2 feet in mobile home. MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Structure is currently uninhabitable. Extensive repairs are necessary to make habitable. Will take more than 30 days to repair. Walls collapsed. Exterior frame damaged. Roof off or collapsed. Major damage to utilities: furnace, water heater, well, septic system. Portions of the roof and decking are missing. Twisted, bowed, cracked, or collapsed walls. Structure penetrated by large foreign object, such as a tree. Damaged foundation. 2 to 4 feet in first floor without basement. 1 foot or more in first floor with basement. 6 inches to 2 feet in mobile home with plywood floors. 1 inch in mobile home with particle board floors. MINOR MINOR MINOR MINOR Structure is damaged and uninhabitable. Minor repairs are necessary to make habitable. Will take less than 30 days to repair. Interior flooring / exterior walls with minor damage. Tree(s) fallen on structure. Smoke damage. Shingles / roof tiles moved or missing. Many missing shingles, broken windows and doors. Loose or missing siding. Minor shifting or settling of foundation. Minor damage to septic system. 2 inches to 2 feet in first floor without basement. 1 foot or more in basement. Crawlspace – reached insulation. Sewage - in basement. Mobile home, "Belly Board" to 6 inches. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 255 AFFECTED HABITABLE AFFECTED HABITABLE AFFECTED HABITABLE AFFECTED HABITABLE Structure has received minimal damage and is habitable without repairs. Chimney or porch damaged. Carpet on first floor soaked. Broken windows. Few missing shingles, some broken windows. Damage to air conditioning units / etc. Some minor basement flooding. Less than 2 inches in first floor Minor basement flooding. Mobile home, no water in "Belly Board". IDA Tips: Estimating Water Depths Brick - 2 1/2 inches per course Lap or aluminum siding - 4 inches or 8 inches per course Stair risers - 7 inches Concrete or cinder block - 8 inches per course Door knobs - 36 inches above floor Standard doors - 6 feet 8 inches Additional information: www.VAEmergency.com Adapted from FEMA 9327.1-PR April 2005 Revised 03/13/07 VDEM Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 256 Tab 7 to Damage Assessment Annex Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 257 DAM SAFETY SUPPORT ANNEX Coordinating Agency Sheriff’s Department Pittsylvania County Emergency Management Cooperating Agencies Pittsylvania County Administrator Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Introduction Purpose: To facilitate the evacuation of downstream residents or notification of the public in the event of an imminent or impending dam failure. Scope: The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) provides detailed guidance to dam owners in developing emergency action plans and emergency preparedness plans in the event of dam failure. Local government is also responsible for developing compatible procedures to warn and evacuate the public in the event of dam failure. Concept of Operations General: Dam owners are responsible for the proper design, construction, operation, maintenance, exercising, and safety of their dams. They are also responsible for reporting abnormal conditions at the dam to the Sheriff, the County Administrator and the Coordinator of Emergency Management and to recommend evacuation of the public below the dam if it appears necessary. Owners of dams that exceed 25 feet in height and impound more than 50 acre-feet (100 acre-feet for agricultural purposes) of water must develop and maintain an (EAP). This plan shall include a method of notifying and warning persons downstream and of notifying local authorities in the event of impending failure of the dam. An EAP is one of three items required prior to issuance of an Operation and Maintenance Certificate by the Virginia DCR. In addition to the Virginia DCR, a copy of the plan must be provided to the local Director of Emergency Management and to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 258 Standards have been established for “Dam Classifications” and “Emergency Stages.” See Tab 1. The affected public will be routinely notified of conditions at the dam during Stage I. If conditions escalate to Stage II, emergency services personnel will immediately notify the public affected to be on alert for possible evacuation of the areas that would be flooded. If conditions deteriorate and overtopping or failure of a dam has occurred or is imminent, as in Stage III, the County Administrator and/or the Coordinator of Emergency Management and/or the Chairman/Director of Emergency Management will warn the public, order evacuation from the affected area, and declare a local emergency. Organization: (The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors/Director of Emergency Management, the County Administrator and/or the Coordinator of Emergency Management, or appointee), are responsible for making the decision to order evacuation in the event of an imminent or impending dam failure. The Sheriff’s Office will disseminate the warning to evacuate. AUTHORITIES: In addition to those listed in the Basic Plan: A. The Virginia Dam Safety Act, Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 10.1 (10.1-604 et seq) of the Code of Virginia B. Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board, Chapter 20 – Impounding Structure Regulations. 4VAC50-20-10 through 4VAC50-20-400 of the Virginia Administrative Code Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 259 Emergency Management Actions – Dam Safety 1. Normal Operations A. Dam Owners a. Develop an Emergency Actions Plan (EAP) for warning and evacuating the public in event of dam failure. b. Obtain an Operations and Maintenance Certificate from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. c. Operate and maintain the dam to assure the continued integrity of the structure. d. Exercise and test dam EAP to ensure that it meets current codes and regulations. B. Local Government a. Develop compatible procedures to warn and evacuate the public in event of dam failure. 2. Increased Readiness A. Stage I Conditions a. Alert on-duty emergency response personnel. B. Stage II Conditions a. Alert on-duty emergency response personnel. b. Notify the public of possible dam failure. c. Review warning and evacuation plans and procedures. d. Place off-duty emergency response personnel on alert. 3. Emergency Operations A. Mobilization Phase – Latter Part of Stage II or at Stage III Conditions a. Activate EOC. b. Notify Virginia Emergency Operations Center. c. Alert emergency response personnel to standby status. d. Begin record keeping of all incurred expenses B. Response Phase – Stage III Conditions a. Activate EOC. b. Order immediate evacuation of residents in expected inundation areas. c. Sound warning though use of sirens, horns, Emergency Alert System, telephone, or door to door notification to evacuate individuals immediately out of the area or to high ground in area for later rescue. d. Call in necessary emergency response personnel to provide help required to save lives and property. e. Follow all established procedures within designated functional areas specified in this plan. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 260 4. Recovery A. Provide assistance to disaster victims. B. Clean up debris and restore essential services. C. All agencies tasked in this plan implement recovery procedures. D. Review emergency procedures used and revise, if necessary, to ensure lessons learned are applied and incorporated into future plans. E. Determine what mitigation measures, if any, should be initiated (zoning, design of dams, etc.) Responsibilities Dam Owners: ➢ Develop an emergency action plan (or emergency preparedness plan) for warning and evacuating the Public in the event of dam failure; ➢ Obtain an Operation and Maintenance Certificate from the Virginia DCR; ➢ Provide plan copies to the locality, Virginia Departments of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Emergency Management (VDEM); ➢ Operate and maintain the dam to assure the continued integrity of the structure; ➢ Conduct exercises to ensure responsible parties understand their role and appropriate response capabilities exist; and ➢ If an owner or the owner's engineer has determined that circumstances are impacting the integrity of the impounding structure that could result in the imminent failure of the impounding structure, temporary repairs may be initiated prior to approval from the board. The owner shall notify the Virginia DCR within 24 hours of identifying the circumstances impacting the integrity of the impounding structure. Local Government: ➢ Develop compatible procedures to warn and evacuate the public in the event of dam failure; ➢ Notify public of possible dam failure; ➢ Order immediate evacuation of residents in expected inundation areas; ➢ Sound warning through use of sirens, horns, and vehicles with loudspeakers, Emergency Alert System, telephone calls, and door-to-door notification to evacuate individuals immediately out of the area or to high ground in area for later rescue; ➢ Provide assistance to disaster victims; ➢ Clean up debris and restore essential services; ➢ All agencies tasked in this plan implement recovery procedures; ➢ Review emergency procedures used and revise, if necessary, to ensure lessons learned are applied in future disasters; and ➢ Determine what mitigation measures, if any, should be initiated (zoning, design of dams, etc.). Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 261 Tab 1 to Dam Safety Support Annex DAM CLASSIFICATIONS AND EMERGENCY STAGES Dam Classifications Dams are classified, as the degree of hazard potential they impose should the structure fail completely. This hazard classification has no correlation to the structural integrity or probability of failure. Dams which exceed 25 feet in height and impound more than 50-acre feet in volume, or 100-acre feet if for agricultural purposes, are required to obtain an Operation and Maintenance Certificate which includes the development of an emergency action plan administered by the Department of Conservation and Recreation. High - dams that upon failure would cause probable loss of life or serious economic damage Significant - dams that upon failure might cause loss of life or appreciable economic damage Low - dams that upon failure would lead to no expected loss of life or significant economic damage. Special criteria: This classification includes dams that upon failure would cause damage only to property of the dam owner. Emergency Stages When abnormal conditions impact on a dam, such as flooding or minor damage to the dam, the dam owner should initiate specific actions that will result in increased readiness to respond to a potential dam failure. The following stages identify actions and response times which may be appropriate. Stage I - Slowly developing conditions; five days or more may be available for response. Owner should increase frequency of observations and take appropriate readiness actions. Stage II - Rapidly developing conditions; overtopping is possible. One to five days may be available for response. Increase readiness measures. Notify local Coordinator of conditions and keep him informed. Stage III - Failure has occurred, is imminent, or already in flood condition; overtopping is probable. Only minutes may be available for response. Evacuation recommended. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 262 Reference: “Dam Safety, Floodplain Management.” Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. October, 29 2008. www.dcr.virginia.gov/dam_safety_and_floodplains/ Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 263 Tab 2 to Dam Safety Support Annex PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY DIRECTORY OF DAMS REGULATED BY VIRGINIA DCR AND RECREATION AND REQUIRING EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS Class I Smith Mountain Lake Dam Structural Height: 235 feet Hydraulic Height: Maximum Capacity: 1,142,000 acre-feet Normal Capacity: 18,200 acre-feet Type: Arch Purpose: Hydroelectric and Recreation Owner: Appalachian Power Company PO Box 2021 Roanoke, VA 24022 Leesville Lake Dam Structural Height: 90 feet Hydraulic Height: feet Maximum Capacity: 94,960 acre-feet Normal Capacity: acre-feet Type: Gravity Purpose: Hydroelectric Owner: Appalachian Power Company PO Box 2021 Roanoke, VA 24022 Class II Cherrystone Creek Dam #1 Structural Height: 57 feet Hydraulic Height: feet Maximum Capacity: 7,152 acre-feet Normal Capacity: acre-feet Type: Earth Purpose: Recreation Owner: Town of Chatham PO Box 380 Chatham, VA 24531 Cherrystone Creek Dam #2A Structural Height: 73 feet Hydraulic Height: feet Maximum Capacity: 1636 acre-feet Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 264 Normal Capacity: acre-feet Type: Earth Purpose: Flood Control & Recreation Owner: Town of Chatham PO Box 380 Chatham, VA 24531 Multitrade Raw Water Storage Structural Height: 42 feet Hydraulic Height: feet Maximum Capacity: 193 acre-feet Normal Capacity: acre-feet Type: Earth Purpose: Water Supply Owner: Multitrade Limited Partnership PO Box 717 Ridgeway, VA 24148 Class III Elkhorn Dam Owner: Java, VA 24565 Burton Dam Owner: Va. Dept. Game and Inland Fisheries Richmond, VA Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 265 Tab 3 to Dam Safety Support Annex PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY REGISTERED DAM CONTACT INFORMATION (Include a map indicating local of dams within jurisdiction) Name of Impounding Structure: Inventory Number: City/County: Other Name (if given): Stream Name: Latitude: Longitude: Name of Impounding Structure Operator: Address: Telephone: Alternate Number(s): Other means of communication: Name of Impounding Structure: Inventory Number: City/County: Other Name (if given): Stream Name: Latitude: Longitude: Name of Impounding Structure Operator: Address: Telephone: Alternate Number(s): Other means of communication: Name of Impounding Structure: Inventory Number: City/County: Other Name (if given): Stream Name: Latitude: Longitude: Name of Impounding Structure Operator: Address: Telephone: Alternate Number(s): Other means of communication: Name of Impounding Structure: Inventory Number: City/County: Other Name (if given): Stream Name: Latitude: Longitude: Name of Impounding Structure Operator: Address: Telephone: Alternate Number(s): Other means of communication: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 266 Tab 4 to Dam Safety Support Annex REGISTERED DAMS MAP (Include a map indicating local of dams within jurisdiction) Maintained in Emergency Communications Center Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 267 Local Government Non-Medical Pandemic Influenza (Flu) Plan August 2009 Instructions: This document is a template of a local non-medical pandemic influenza annex which serves as a part of your local Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). This template is not intended to be a “boiler plate” document. It is intended to be used as a tool in the planning process, which should include all stake holders within the community and outside agencies and organizations. It suggests an overall format and examples of items that may or may not be applicable to your community. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 268 Pandemic Influenza (Flu) Annex Coordinating Agency Pittsylvania County Department of Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Department of Health Cooperating Agencies Government Agencies: Pittsylvania County Social Services Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department Private Industry: Local Hospitals Local Clinics Purpose This annex serves to provide information and guidelines to local government officials and public service authorities for the potential outbreak of influenza resulting in a pandemic. These guidelines are intended to provide non-medical direction to local officials and/or emergency managers during the planning and implementation phases of a pandemic influenza emergency, while remaining general enough to allow for flexibility at the local level. The local government should look to the local health department for direction on medical interventions. Coordination between the local government and the health department are paramount in mitigating the effects of a pandemic. Pandemic planning requires that people and entities not accustomed to responding to health crises understand the actions and priorities required to prepare for, respond to, and recover from these potential risks. With that said, this annex is designed to establish strategies and/or measures that may contain and control influenza outbreaks; limit the number of illnesses and deaths, and minimize social disruption and economic losses. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 269 Situation Pandemic Influenza (Flu) Pandemics are different from seasonal outbreaks or “epidemics” of influenza. Seasonal outbreaks are caused by subtypes of influenza viruses that already exist among people. They occur from time to time and in most cases can be treated through vaccinations and/or medicines. An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease similar to a seasonal flu. The difference between the two is that an epidemic outbreak may affect a limited area, such as a city, county, and/or state. A pandemic can extend beyond the borders of several or more countries. As noted, a pandemic may also be regional or localized if it involves more cases than a simple epidemic. Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that can spread from the coughing and sneezing of an infected individual or by picking up the virus from a contaminated surface, such as a door knob, a person’s hand, etc. Signs and symptoms of influenza illness may include fever, muscle aches, headache, malaise, coughing, sore throat, and runny nose. Children may show signs of the infection through ear infections, nausea and vomiting. More information regarding influenza can be found in Tab 2 of this plan annex. Event Phases The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is continuously monitoring the types, frequency, and character of outbreaks that are occurring in the international community, in coordination with its federal partners. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed and refined Pandemic Influenza Phases, which are illustrated on Figure 1. These phases are intended to characterize the progression of transmission that may be experienced during the course of an event. Sustained human-to-human transmission, Phase 6, will trigger the implementation of plans and mobilization of resources in an attempt to contain and mitigate the effects of the event on the world community. The federal government developed stages associated with the WHO Global Pandemic Phases to facilitate federal agency planning process. Virginia will use the framework of the United States Government (USG) stages as they relate to the planning and coordination of response initiatives between the levels of government. It is important to understand, however, that the Federal government may not necessarily declare a USG stage concurrent with a WHO Phase, unless there is compelling need to do so. A WHO Phase declaration does not automatically result in a USG Phase declaration. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 270 Figure 1 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 271 Assumptions A. Pre-event planning is critical to ensure a prompt and effective response to a pandemic influenza, as its spread will be rapid, reoccurring (in multiple waves), and difficult to stop once it begins. B. A pandemic disease outbreak may precipitate infection rates exceeding 25 percent in an affected population, with projected mortality rates in excess of normal seasonal flu activity. C. Workforce absenteeism may rise as high as 40 percent at the height of a given pandemic wave, significantly affecting critical services, infrastructure, supply chain pipelines, etc. D. All operations and services within the public and private sector will be compromised in varying degrees throughout the response and recovery phases; however, proper planning and adequate resources may sustain essential operations/services and mitigate the effects of the event across all sectors (e.g., government, education, health, commerce and trade, critical infrastructure, etc.) E. Due to the universal susceptibility of the public to an influenza virus and the anticipated pervasive impact on all segments of society, the majority of the medical and non-medical consequences of the event will be addressed by the public and private sectors in the context of the existing emergency management framework, supporting infrastructure, available resources, and associated supply chains with marginal support from new or external parties. F. Although technical assistance and support will be available through the federal government prior to, during, and following the event period, it will be limited in contrast to other natural and man-made events that impact a specific geographic area in a more defined, shorter, and nonrecurring timeframe. G. A comprehensive and integrated strategy will require the involvement of all levels of government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), and citizens. H. At the state level, the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP), which is in compliance with the National Response Framework (NRF) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS), provides the framework to coordinate response and recovery operations and associated support to address the consequences of a pandemic disease outbreak. I. Pan Flu planning is inherent in continuity of operations and business planning initiatives in the public and private sectors. It focuses on implementing strategies and tools required to adapt to an environment where there is a reduced capacity to sustain essential operations, services, resource support, and critical infrastructure due to increased illness and death rates. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 272 J. The Commonwealth has secured a large inventory of antiviral drugs so as to be able to treat a significant portion of the affected population; these antivirals will be released once evidence suggests normal commercial supplies are inadequate or are reasonably expected to be depleted. There will be a significant and sustained increase in demand for medical services during each wave that will overwhelm the healthcare system and compromise the overall standard of care provided. K. Vaccines will be in limited quantities when made available, necessitating the need to develop and implement a distribution plan. VDH has developed a Pandemic Vaccine Distribution and Administration Plan for this purpose. L. Local and regional health infrastructure and associated resources will be quickly committed to providing the necessary treatment and supporting strategies to effectively respond to a potentially developing or actual event. M. Non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, if applied in a timely manner, will play a significant role in mitigating the impacts of the disease at the local and state level. O. Of those who become ill with influenza, 50% may seek outpatient care. Ill persons should call ahead to their health care providers for guidance rather than presenting at provider treatment locations to avoid exposing other persons seeking medical care but who do not have influenza. *Special Note on Continuity of Operations Plans, Pandemic Flu Annex Through guidance from the Office of Commonwealth Preparedness (OCP) continuity planning program, VDEM created a Pandemic Influenza Annex to its pre-existing continuity of operations (COOP) plan guidance. This annex can be used by state agencies, institutions of higher education or local governments. This can be found at http://www.vaemergency.com/library/coop/panflu/index.cfm Citizen Preparedness The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) website includes links to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to provide the necessary information and guidance to citizens regarding what they need to do to be prepared in the event of a pandemic influenza. The website also provides information on a variety of programs that citizens can become a part of to support community preparedness and response activities. Some of these include: the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Neighborhood Watch Program, Public Safety Volunteers in Virginia, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), Fire Corps, and Volunteers in Police Service. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 273 Concept of Operations Community Mitigation Strategies Pittsylvania County Emergency Management, in coordination with the Pittsylvania County Health Department will determine the need to implement any of these initiatives. More information on Community Strategy and further explanation can be found in Tab 3 of this plan annex. External Affairs/Public Information Dissemination and sharing of timely and accurate information with all stakeholders and the public will be one of the most important facets of the pandemic response. Advising the public on actions they can take to minimize their risk of exposure or actions to take if they have been exposed, will reduce the spread of the pandemic and may also serve to reduce panic and unnecessary demands on vital services. Clear, concise, consistent and timely public information is essential to a successful response effort. To this end, VDH may activate a Public Health Information Center (Call Center) and important information will be posted on the agency website. If necessary and the need exists, VDEM may choose to open the Public Information Center. Jurisdictions should also consider staffing Call Centers in the event a high demand for local information is anticipated. Pittsylvania County will coordinate the sharing of information among decision makers along with other agencies vital to mitigating the hazard, more specifically, all agencies listed under the “Responsibilities” as appropriate. This effort will follow the already established processes of information sharing as outlined in the External Affairs/Public Information section of the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan. Declaration of State of Emergency Pittsylvania County All of the current authorities granted to Pittsylvania County remain constant as described by the Code of Virginia in Title 44 §146.21. A declaration of a local emergency shall activate the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan. Commonwealth of Virginia In order to mobilize the necessary resources to respond to an influenza pandemic, the Governor will declare a State of Emergency through the issuance of an Executive Order. The projected impact of an influenza pandemic on local and state government will necessitate a request for federal assistance. A State of Emergency will be considered when the State response stage reaches #3, or as determined by the Governor in consultation with the State Health Commissioner. While unlikely, an Executive Order could be issued or an existing order amended to mandate the closure of public and private facilities such as, but not limited to, schools and institutions of higher education. A further explanation of these authorities can be found in Tab 1 of this plan annex. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 274 Public Health Authorities The State Health Commissioner and the Board of Health have the authority under the Code of Virginia to take the necessary actions to protect the public health. Under Virginia law and the Department of Health, the Health Commissioner and his/her local designee, the District Health Director, as quoted “shall take measures as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease or occurrence of additional cases” and to protect the public’s health. These authorities are listed in Tab 1 of this plan annex. Virginia Department of Health The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) will be the lead agency with regard to addressing all health and medical issues and needs related to the influenza pandemic and providing the necessary guidance to responders, government agencies, businesses, and citizens throughout the Commonwealth. VDH developed a pandemic influenza plan in 2002 and will continue to make revisions, as necessary, to reflect the most current guidance provided by HHS. The VDH Pandemic Influenza Plan and the Pandemic Influenza Annex to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Emergency Operations Plan, which focuses on the non-health sectors, represent the Commonwealth’s overall plan to respond and recover from a pandemic influenza outbreak. Sources of medical and non-medical stockpiles include: ➢ Virginia’s purchase of an antiviral stockpile (maintained by a contract vendor responsible for storage and emergency distribution); ➢ Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) caches in Virginia’s three (3) MMRS areas (Northern Virginia, Richmond and Hampton Roads, hospital supplies provided through Health Resources and Services; ➢ Administration/Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (HRSA/ASPR) grants; ➢ Supplies purchased by the Health Districts and stored onsite for immediate response purposes; and ➢ The Commonwealth of Virginia Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Plan for federal stockpile assets. Virginia may also request federal assets through the use of the FEMA Action Request Form process as described in the SNS Plan. Just-in-time purchasing arrangements exist through VDH’s pre-approved vendor list as well as pre-scripted VEOC equipment and supply lists, available for activation in the event of a declared emergency. Virginia’s primary SNS Remote Storage Sites (RSS) site, a state-owned facility, will be made available for storage and redistribution of received just-in-time supplies, among other warehousing options. Coordination of Response Operations An influenza pandemic will require a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained response over an extended period of time lasting 18-24 months. Local response operations may be coordinated from Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Center, if appropriate. All requests for local or state resources from any entity must be submitted Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 275 to the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Center which will then follow the proper process of submission to the Virginia Emergency Operations Center. However, efforts to accomplish this using telecommunications/telework practices to minimize mass gatherings of responders and maximize social distancing should be implemented to help reduce infection. Pittsylvania County Office of Emergency Management and the Pittsylvania County Health Department are the primary agencies responsible for assisting the locality and coordinating with the Virginia Emergency Operation Center (VEOC) in the event of a Pandemic Influenza Outbreak. The Pittsylvania County EOC will facilitate and request resources, assistance, and points of contact(s) in response to immediate vaccine shortages, medical supplies, and equipment. It is also the responsibility of the Pittsylvania County EOC to implement the locality emergency plans and mutual aid agreements. In addition, the health department will coordinate the county wide public health and emergency medical response and will activate its Health Department Operations Center (or equivalent) and request the activation of the Pittsylvania Countywide Emergency Operation Center (EOC) when a unified response is necessary. The VEOC will assist the affected jurisdiction(s) and maintain overall direction and control over statewide emergency operations. When the locality has exhausted their resources, the local emergency manager will contact the VEOC for assistance. WebEOC and/or written requests can be faxed to the VEOC. VEOC will then coordinate to fulfill pandemic influenza related requests (i.e., vaccinations, medical supplies and equipment, etc.). Responsibilities Pittsylvania County ➢ Prepare agency specific Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs) that address the unique consequences of a pandemic; ➢ Identify and list emergency contact information for the Point of Contact and the lines of succession for all agencies that will respond to the pandemic. Include this information in local emergency plans; ➢ Describe the procedures for rotating employee shifts during the emergency event; and ➢ Determine the steps that will be taken to preserve continuity of critical government functions. Pittsylvania County Office of Emergency Management ➢ Pittsylvania County shall develop and maintain emergency pandemic influenza response plans to include mutual aid agreements for resources in neighboring jurisdictions; ➢ Identify the leading agency that will be in charge of all pandemic influenza health related issues and the supporting agencies. Create a flowchart identifying lines of authority and communication; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 276 ➢ Identify potential local partnerships with community and private industries for resources; ➢ Identify critical government functions, services, or operations that address critical health, safety, and welfare needs of the public that must be maintained; and plan accordingly to maintain those critical functions; ➢ List and explain the communication strategy and devices for both internal and external sources, to communicate information to government officials, county agencies, the public, public health partners, other jurisdictions, and authorities; ➢ Describe local training and education the locality will provide for incidents regarding a pandemic; ➢ Create and maintain an Incident Command Structure (ICS) and comply with the National Incident Management System (NIMS); ➢ Local government will have the primary responsibility of ensuring that adequate medical and/or resource supplies within their jurisdiction during an emergency have been received; ➢ Describe how the public will be notified to stay at home, receive medicine, and/or advisories, if necessary; ➢ Identify staging areas for vaccine, medicine, food, fuel, water and security, if necessary; ➢ Pre-identify and list potential long –term shelters; and ➢ Describe the steps the locality will implement to contain and control the disease outbreak. Pittsylvania County Health Department ➢ Clearly state the responsibilities and roles for the jurisdiction’s health department, local health provider and partners, and local response agencies during all phases of a pandemic; ➢ Describe the response, coordination, and decision-making structure for the pandemic that incorporates the combined social/health services and local response agencies within the locality; ➢ Define preparedness activities that should be taken into account before a pandemic occurs that will enhance the effectiveness of response measures; ➢ Describe training and education the health department will provide for incidents regarding a pandemic; ➢ Identify critical functions, services, or operations that address critical health, safety, and welfare needs of the public that must be maintained; ➢ List and explain the communication strategy and devices for both internal and external sources, to communicate information to the local Emergency Operation Center, county agencies, the public, public health partners, other jurisdictions, and authorities; ➢ Develop and disseminate recommendations on the use of influenza diagnostic tests, antiviral drugs, and vaccines during a pandemic; ➢ Describe how the public will be notified to stay at home, receive medicine, and/or advisories, if necessary; ➢ Identify the position/ person who is the point of contact at the local Emergency Operation Center (EOC) of an impending pandemic; Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 277 ➢ Identify and describe the steps that will be taken by the health department to activate the plan and notify support agencies; ➢ Identify the position or person responsible for collecting and providing situation reports to the local EOC as related issues of influenza challenges continue; ➢ Describe the procedures for obtaining, storing and distributing vaccinations and/or medicine(s); and ➢ Work with partner organizations to discuss and resolve clinical issues related to pandemic influenza response. Pittsylvania County Schools The responsibilities and authorities with regard to emergency management issues and specifically school closure decisions (both prior to and during a declared state of emergency) rest at the local level. School closure and emergency management issues for post-secondary schools (including state funded) are decided by the administration of the particular institution. However, due to the impacts that school closure will have on the community in an influenza pandemic, it is important for the local government to be more engaged in monitoring the following: ➢ Level of absenteeism of students, faculty, and staff; ➢ Impacts absenteeism is having on operations; ➢ Strategies that are being considered or employed to sustain operations; and ➢ Resource and supply chain issues that need to be addressed. The decision to close schools will necessitate consideration of other actions related to other types of facilities, activities, and functions that bring people together, particularly in closed environments. The decision to close schools will need to be made in coordination with a variety of community partners, and implemented in conjunction with other actions that will complement and reinforce the desired objective of social distancing. To accomplish this, the school system must have a representative in a strong and continuous link to, the local emergency operations center to provide the necessary guidance, technical assistance, and support in regard to response operations, public information, and policy issues. It is important to understand school closure is an extreme measure with serious social and community ramifications. Localities should maintain awareness, through the Department of Health, on federal school closure guidance developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in coordination with the Department of Education. The rates of absenteeism and operational impacts being experienced by the school system will be reported to the local emergency operations center by the school system, as well as to the state agency that typically interfaces with the system/institution reporting. Pittsylvania County schools will request assistance through the local emergency operations center, like in any other disaster event. If the request exceeds the capability of local government, the request will be forwarded to the VEOC for consideration. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 278 The Virginia DOE has updated the Pandemic Influenza Plan Guidelines for Virginia Public Schools. The plan is available on the Virginia DOE Web site at the following address: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/VDOE/studentsrvcs/. The guidance document includes specific considerations during each phase of a pandemic regarding expected local school division actions; DOE activities; access control; surveillance, screening, and triage; infection control and precautions; communication and education; social distancing; and school closure strategies. Colleges/Universities Colleges and universities present unique challenges in terms of pre-pandemic planning because many aspects of student life and activity encompass factors that are common to both the child school environment (e.g., classroom/dormitory density) and the adult sphere (e.g., commuting longer distances for university attendance and participating in activities and behaviors associated with an older student population). It is important for the local government to be more engaged in monitoring the following: ➢ Level of absenteeism of students, faculty, and staff. Administrators should coordinate with the college/university clinic to monitor and report the number of students presenting with flu-like symptoms. It is important for the school to distinguish absenteeism due to flu and routine absences from class; ➢ Impacts absenteeism is having on operations; ➢ Strategies that are being considered or employed to sustain operations; and ➢ Resource and supply chain issues that need to be addressed. Colleges/universities will request assistance through the local emergency operations center, like in any other disaster event. If the request exceeds the capability of local government, the request will be forwarded to the VEOC for consideration. Colleges/universities should identify a liaison to Pittsylvania County Emergency Management Organization. Frequent communication should occur. In addition to regular sharing of information and message coordination, decisions of either party should be shared with the other before implementation. Pittsylvania County Emergency Medical Services As the nation’s health care “safety net,” EMS will be faced with higher demands for services while experiencing problems similar to the rest of the nation – increased employee absenteeism, disruption of supply chains and increased rates of illness and death. EMS is only one component of a coordinated system response. If predictions about the surge of patients and the concomitant increase in absenteeism among EMS personnel become a reality, EMS providers’ regular day-to-day practices may need to be modified during pandemic influenza. OEMS field representatives will continue to disseminate important information to localities and squads including emerging protocols before and during an influenza pandemic. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 279 Virginia OEMS will support local EMS providers in establishing procedures to, if necessary, legally deviate from established treatment procedures during response to pandemic influenza to support mitigation of and response to such patients. EMS providers should look to Virginia OEMS for final guidance on protocols and for any changes in protocols that may occur. Additional Standards of Care Considerations: 1. EMS medical directors should play a lead role in pandemic influenza planning efforts in collaboration with public health officers. 2. EMS medical directors should have knowledge and experience with the clinical and operational aspects of the EMS System. 3. Local EMS medical director oversight, including credentialing of additional EMS personnel skills, modification of treatment protocols should be consistent with State laws, rules and policies. Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Department ➢ Provide security for the transportation and/or storage of vaccine, antivirals, and other medical supplies, if such support is requested; ➢ Enforcing orders of quarantine and isolation, in the unlikely event these are implemented (atypical for a pandemic, but more realistic for an isolated disease outbreak); ➢ Preventing and responding to civil disturbances associated with the pandemic; and ➢ Assisting law enforcement agencies unable to provide essential law enforcement services due to high rates of absenteeism. Local Hospitals/Clinics ➢ Determine the steps that will be taken to preserve continuity of critical healthcare functions; ➢ Collaborate closely with the Health Department on the availability of prophylactic and treatment supply items (e.g., antivirals, vaccines and ancillary supplies), the most recent guidance available, etc.; and ➢ Register with the Health Department as vaccination locations/vaccine reception sites to help assure a controlled supply ordering, delivery and documentation capability. Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services The Department of Social Services (DSS) oversees many programs that provide benefits and services to eligible applicants. Persons adversely affected in a pandemic may apply and, if eligible, receive direct financial aid from Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Energy Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Auxiliary Grants, and General Relief. Each program is governed by federal and/or state law/regulations that define the parameters for eligibility. Policies governing the eligibility for these programs and services already exist in program manuals. In the event of a Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 280 pandemic, the provision of benefits and services will continue to the extent possible. DSS, through its regional and home offices will continue to provide program supervision, secure program waivers, and resolve conflicts relative to program operations. Information regarding these programs, eligible applicants, and how to apply will be disseminated through DSS’s Public Information Officer in coordination with Pittsylvania County Public Information Officer. Finance/Administration Pittsylvania County will follow the established procedures for procurement and record keeping as outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan and individual department’s standard operating procedures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 281 Tab 1 Legal Authorities Local Powers Declaration of a local emergency (§44-146.21) The Director or Emergency Management may declare a local emergency with the consent of the governing body. These powers are already listed and detailed in the Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan. State Powers Powers and duties of the Governor (§44-146.17) In addition to all authorities vested in the Governor of Virginia during a declared emergency or disaster, specifically: Such executive orders declaring a state of emergency may address exceptional circumstances that exist relating to an order of quarantine or an order of isolation concerning a communicable disease of public health threat that is issued by the State Health Commissioner for an affected area of the Commonwealth pursuant to Article 3.02 (§ 32.1-48.05 et seq.) of Chapter 2 of Title 32.1. Reporting of Disease (§32.1-35; §32.1-36; §32.1.-37) Requires reporting of selected diseases to the Board of Health by physicians practicing in Virginia and others, such as laboratory directors, or persons in charge of any medical care facility, school or summer camp. Investigation of Disease (§32.1-39) Authorizes the Board of Health to provide for surveillance and investigation of preventable diseases and epidemics, including contact tracing. Authority to Examine Records (§32.1-40; §32.1-48.015) Authorizes the Commissioner or his designee to examine medical records in the course of investigation, research, or studies, including individuals subject to an order of isolation or quarantine. Emergency Orders and Regulations (§32.1-13; §32.1-42; §32.1-20) Authorizes the Board of Health to make orders and regulations to meet any emergency for the purpose of suppressing nuisances dangerous to the public health and communicable, contagious, and infectious diseases and other dangers to public life and health. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 282 Authorizes the Commissioner to act with full authority of the Board of Health when it is not in session. Disease Control Measures (§32.1-43; §32.1-47; §32.1-48) Authorizes the Commissioner to require quarantine, isolation, immunization, decontamination, and/or treatment of any individual or group of individuals when the Commissioner determines these measures are necessary to control the spread of any disease of public health importance. Permits the Commissioner to require immediate immunization of all persons in the event of an epidemic; permits the exclusion from public or private schools of children not immunized for a vaccine-preventable disease in the event of an epidemic. Isolated or Quarantined Persons (§32.1-44) Permits any isolated or quarantined person to choose their own treatment, whenever practicable and in the best interest of the health and safety of the isolated or quarantined person and the public. However, conditions of any order of isolation or quarantine remain in effect until the person or persons subject to an order of quarantine or order of isolation shall no longer constitute a threat to other persons. Isolation or Quarantine of Persons with Communicable Disease of Public Health (§32.1-48.05 through §32.1-48.017) Defines a communicable disease of public health threat as a communicable disease of public health significance coinciding with exceptional circumstances. Authorizes the Commissioner to issue orders of isolation or quarantine for individuals or groups of individuals infected with or exposed to a communicable disease of public health threat. Outlines conditions necessary for invoking orders, process for seeking ex parte court review in the circuit court of residence, and appeal process. Authorizes the Commissioner, during a state of emergency, to define an affected area (s) wherein individuals are subject to an order of isolation and/or quarantine. Authorizes the Commissioner, in concert with the Governor, during a state of emergency to require the use of any public or private property to implement any order of quarantine or order of isolation. Outlines accommodations for occupants of property not subject to the order(s) and compensation. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 283 Administration and dispensing of necessary drugs and devices during a declared disaster or state of emergency (§ 32.1-42.1) Gives the Commissioner of Health the ability to allow non-physician and non- pharmacy staff to dispense drugs in limited circumstances. The Commissioner, pursuant to § 54.1-3408, may authorize persons who are not authorized by law to administer or dispense drugs or devices to administer or dispense all necessary drugs or devices in accordance with protocols established by the Commissioner when (i) the Governor has declared a disaster or a state of emergency or the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services has issued a declaration of an actual or potential bioterrorism incident or other actual or potential public health emergency; (ii) it is necessary to permit the provision of needed drugs or devices; and (iii) such persons have received the training necessary to safely administer or dispense the needed drugs or devices. Such persons shall administer or dispense all drugs or devices under the direction, control and supervision of the Commissioner. For purposes of this section, "administer," "device," "dispense," and "drug" shall have the same meaning as provided in § 54.1-3401. The Commissioner shall develop protocols, in consultation with the Department of Health Professions, that address the required training of such persons and procedures for such persons to use in administering or dispensing drugs or devices. Immunity from Liability (§ 32.1-48.016) Any person, including a person who serves in a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit or on a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), who, in good faith and in the performance of his duties, acts in compliance with this article and the Board of Health's regulations shall not be liable for any civil damages for any act or omission resulting from such actions unless such act or omission was the result of gross negligence or willful misconduct. Immunity for public and private employees who are complying with the statute, rule, regulation, or executive order (§44-146.23(A)) Neither the Commonwealth, nor any political subdivision thereof, nor federal agencies, nor other public or private agencies, nor, except in cases of willful misconduct, public or private employees, nor representatives of any of them, engaged in any emergency services activities, while complying with or attempting to comply with this chapter or any rule, regulation, or executive order promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be liable for the death of, or any injury to, persons or damage to property as a result of such activities. Vaccination Authorities There is no Virginia statute that gives the Commissioner or any other public official the explicit authority to mandate the use of drugs to protect the public health. There are two Virginia statutes that discuss ordering Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 284 “treatment” for certain individuals or groups of individuals. The first statute concerning mandatory treatment, Va. Code Ann. § 32.1-43, gives the State Health Commissioner the broad authority to require “…quarantine, isolation, immunization, decontamination, or treatment of any individual or group of individuals when he determines any such measure to be necessary to control the spread of any disease of public health importance.” There is one additional statute that can be used to mandate treatment, but it will be of limited value in a Pandemic Influenza scenario. Va. Code Ann. § 32.1- 48.02(C) gives the State Health Commissioner the authority to order outpatient treatment at a local or district health department for persons who (i) are infected with a “communicable disease of public health significance caused by an airborne microorganism … that causes serious disease and can result in death,” (ii) have “refused or failed to adhere to treatment, despite counseling,” and (iii) are “engaging in conduct that places uninfected persons at risk of contracting such disease.” This statute, which pre-dates the 2004 amendments to the isolation and quarantine laws applies primarily to tuberculosis. Invocation of the Commissioner’s powers under this statute requires the Commissioner to follow cumbersome procedures that are heavily loaded on the front-end with due process protections. Vaccinator Statutes, Protocols and Training Plan (§54.1-3401) Definitions. "Administer" means the direct application of a controlled substance, whether by injection, inhalation, ingestion or any other means, to the body of a patient or research subject by (i) a practitioner or by his authorized agent and under his direction or (ii) the patient or research subject at the direction and in the presence of the practitioner. Professional use by practitioners (§54.1-3408) A. A practitioner of medicine, osteopathy, podiatry, dentistry, or veterinary medicine or a licensed nurse practitioner pursuant to § 54.1- 2957.01, a licensed physician assistant pursuant to § 54.1-2952.1, or a TPA- certified optometrist pursuant to Article 5 (§ 54.1-3222 et seq.) of Chapter 32 of this title shall only prescribe, dispense, or administer controlled substances in good faith for medicinal or therapeutic purposes within the course of his professional practice. B. A prescriber may authorize, pursuant to a protocol approved by the Board of Nursing, the administration of vaccines to adults for immunization, when a practitioner with prescriptive authority is not physically present, (i) by licensed pharmacists, (ii) by registered nurses, or (iii) licensed practical nurses under the immediate and direct supervision of a registered nurse. A prescriber acting on behalf of and in accordance with established protocols of the Department of Health may authorize the administration of vaccines to any person by a pharmacist or nurse when the prescriber is not physically present. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 285 C. In addition, this section shall not prevent the administration or dispensing of drugs and devices by persons if they are authorized by the State Health Commissioner in accordance with protocols established by the State Health Commissioner pursuant to § 32.1-42.1 when (i) the Governor has declared a disaster or a state of emergency or the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services has issued a declaration of an actual or potential bioterrorism incident or other actual or potential public health emergency; (ii) it is necessary to permit the provision of needed drugs or devices; and (iii) such persons have received the training necessary to safely administer or dispense the needed drugs or devices. Such persons shall administer or dispense all drugs or devices under the direction, control and supervision of the State Health Commissioner. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 286 Tab 2 INFLUENZA FACT SHEET Note: Up-to-date information on influenza, as well as guidance, Q&A’s and public information material is readily accessible using the CDC website at http://www.cdc.gov. What is influenza? Influenza is commonly referred to as "the flu." It is a viral infection of the lungs. There are two main types of influenza virus, A and B. Each type includes many different strains that tend to change each year. When does influenza occur? Influenza occurs most often in the late fall and winter months. Who gets influenza? How is it spread? Anyone can get influenza, but it is most serious in the elderly, in people with chronic illnesses (such as lung disease, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes) or those with weak immune systems. Influenza spreads very easily, usually through contact with droplets from the nose and throat of an infected person during coughing and sneezing. How soon after exposure do symptoms appear? What are the symptoms of influenza? Symptoms usually appear 1 to 3 days after exposure. Influenza symptoms can include a sudden onset of headache, fever, chills, cough, sore throat and body aches. Diarrhea and vomiting are not common. Although most people are ill for less than a week, some people have complications and may need to be hospitalized. How is influenza diagnosed and treated? Some laboratory tests are available to diagnose influenza; however, doctors usually diagnose influenza from the person’s symptoms. Rest, liquids and over-the-counter medicine (e.g., acetaminophen [Tylenol]) are the usual treatments. Some prescription drugs may prevent or reduce the severity of influenza. Aspirin should not be given to children with influenza because of the possibility of causing a complication called Reye syndrome. How long can a person spread influenza? The contagious period varies, but probably begins the day before symptoms appear and extends for a week. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 287 Does past infection with influenza make a person immune? Generally, no. Influenza viruses change frequently, so people who have been infected or given a flu shot in previous years may become infected with a new strain. Therefore, people need to be vaccinated (with either a shot or a nasal-spray vaccine) against influenza every year. What are other steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of flu? Good health habits can help prevent the flu. These include covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, washing your hands often to help protect yourself from germs, avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth, staying home from work, school, and errands when you are sick, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Antiviral medications may also be used to prevent or treat the flu – talk to your healthcare provider for more information. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 288 Tab 3 Community Mitigation Strategy HHS and CDC developed interim planning guidance with regard to the application and timing of non-pharmaceutical interventions for states and local governments in February 2007. This guidance supports the development and implementation of a community’s overall mitigation strategy that includes both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical measures, in the context of a Pandemic Severity Index. The Pandemic Severity Index (PSI) provides a framework that integrates the types of partially effective non- pharmaceutical interventions with suggested implementation and duration times in an attempt to maximize the overall benefit to the community, while minimizing the potential cascading consequences of implementing recommended interventions. The PSI uses a case fatality ratio as the critical factor in categorizing the severity of a pandemic. This tool will serve as a guide in discussions with schools, colleges and universities, and other community sectors and support the timely development and implementation of an effective local, regional, and state strategy in the context of an estimated level of severity. The guidance recognizes that the connectedness of communities goes beyond spatial proximity to include ease, speed, and volume of travel between geopolitical jurisdictions. To balance the relationship of connectedness and optimal timing, the guidance proposes that the geopolitical trigger be defined as the cluster of cases occurring within a U. S. state or proximate epidemiological region which spans beyond a state’s boundary. The Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation can be found at the following website: http://www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/community/commitigation.html. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 289 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 290 SUMMARY OF THE COMMUNITY MITIGATION STRATEGY BY PANDEMIC SEVERITY INDEX *All these interventions should be used in combination with other infection control measures, including hand hygiene, cough etiquette, and personal protective equipment such as face masks. Additional information on infection control measures is available at http://www.pandemicflu.gov/. †This intervention may be combined with the treatment of sick individuals using antiviral medications and with vaccine campaigns, if supplies are available. §Many sick individuals who are not critically ill may be managed safely at home The contribution made by contact with asymptomatically infected individuals to disease Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 291 transmission is unclear. Household members in homes with ill persons may be at increased risk of contracting pandemic disease from an ill household member. These household members may have asymptomatic illness and may be able to shed influenza virus that promotes community disease transmission. Therefore, household members of homes with sick individuals would be advised to stay home. **To facilitate compliance and decrease risk of household transmission, this intervention may be combined with provision of antiviral medications to household contacts, depending on drug availability, feasibility of distribution, and effectiveness; policy recommendations for antiviral prophylaxis are addressed in a separate guidance document. ††Consider short-term implementation of this measure—that is, less than 4 weeks. §§Plan for prolonged implementation of this measure—that is, 1 to 3 months; actual duration may vary depending on transmission in the community as the pandemic wave is expected to last 6-8 weeks. The above interventions that comprise the pandemic mitigation strategy include the following: 1. Isolation and treatment (as appropriate) with influenza antiviral medication of all persons with confirmed or probable pandemic influenza. Isolation may occur in the home or healthcare setting, depending on the severity of an individual’s illness and/or the current capacity of the healthcare infrastructure. 2. Voluntary home quarantine of members of households with confirmed or probable influenza case(s) and consideration of combining this intervention with the prophylactic use of antiviral medications, providing sufficient quantities of effective medications exist and that a feasible means of distributing them is in place 3. Dismissal of students from school (including public and private schools as well as colleges and universities) and school-based activities and closure of childcare programs, coupled with protecting children and teenagers through social distancing in the community to achieve reductions of out-of-school social contacts and community mixing. 4. Use of social distancing measures to reduce contact between adults in the community and the workplace in order to decrease social density and preserve a healthy workplace to the greatest extent possible without disrupting essential services (e.g., cancellation of large public gatherings; alteration of workplace environments and schedules; and implementation of remote access/telecommute strategies. Enable institution of workplace leave policies that align incentives and facilitate adherence with the non- pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) noted in the community mitigation strategy. The Severity Index categories are defined as follows: Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 292 Generally, Not Recommended = Unless there is a compelling rationale for specific populations or jurisdictions, measures are generally not recommended for entire populations as the consequences may outweigh the benefits. Consider = Important to consider these alternatives as part of a prudent planning strategy, considering characteristics of the pandemic, such as age-specific illness rate, geographic distribution, and the magnitude of adverse consequences. These factors may vary globally, nationally, and locally. Recommended = Generally recommended as an important component of the planning strategy. TRIGGERS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION STRATEGY BY PANDEMIC SEVERITY INDEX AND U.S. GOVERNMENT STAGES Alert: Notification of critical systems and personnel of their impending activation. Standby: Initiate decision-making processes for imminent activation, including mobilization of resources and personnel. Activate: Implementation of the community mitigation strategy. *Widespread human outbreaks in multiple locations overseas. †First human case in North America. §Spread throughout the United States. ¶Recommendations for regional planning acknowledge the tight linkages that may exist between cities and metropolitan areas that are not encompassed within state boundaries. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 293 **Standby applies. However, Alert actions for Category 4 and 5 should occur during WHO Phase 5, which corresponds to U.S. Government Stage 2. ††Standby/Activate Standby applies unless the laboratory-confirmed case cluster and community transmission occurs within a given jurisdiction, in which case that jurisdiction should proceed directly to Activate community interventions defined in the above table. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 294 CONGREGATE HOUSEHOLD PET SHELTERING SUPPORT ANNEX COORDINATING AGENCY The Coordinating Agency coordinates the response activities and missions of all agencies that have responsibilities in the plan and provides reports on response activity throughout an incident Pittsylvania County Animal Control COOPERATING AGENCIES Cooperating agencies are those that have resources and or capabilities that will allow them to carry out responsibilities that have been identified in the plan. Any of the Coordinating or Cooperating agencies that are identified in the plan may be designated as the Coordinating Agency, should the change be warranted by the particular incident. Pittsylvania County Emergency Management Pittsylvania County Animal Control Veterinarians or Veterinary Technicians Sheriff’s Department Fire Departments Emergency Medical Services Schools Public Information Health Department Social Services Private Stakeholders NGO Stakeholders PURPOSE The congregate household pet sheltering support annex provides basic guidance for all participants in congregate household pet sheltering related emergency management activities. This includes guidance for all departments and agencies providing assistance in response to a local disaster declaration. The pet care and control function is a responsibility of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11, Agriculture and Natural Resources. SCOPE The Scope of the Pittsylvania County congregate household pet sheltering support annex shall include statements that present the limits of what the locality is prepared/not prepared to do for pets in an emergency. 1. The number and types of pets that are to be sheltered according to the plan. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 295 2. The factors of pet disease that are addressed in the plan: prevention, monitoring, diagnosis, and disposal of remains. 3. The phases of emergency management that are addressed in the plan. PLANNING ASSUMPTIONS “This section identifies what the planning team assumed to be facts for planning purposes in order to make it possible to execute the congregate household pet sheltering plan. 1. For purposes of Pittsylvania County congregate household pet shelters, “household pets” are defined as: “A domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, rodent, or turtle that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes, can travel in commercial carriers, and be housed in temporary facilities. Household pets do not include reptiles (except turtles), amphibians, fish, insects/arachnids, farm animals (including horses), and animals kept for racing purposes” (DAP 9523.19). NOTE: An inventory of the locality’s animal population and corresponding demographics is important to this planning process. “There is a strong possibility that citizens will arrive at public shelters with pets that do not fall within the confines of FEMA disaster assistance policy. Jurisdictions may develop procedures to accommodate those citizens and their animals; however, keep in mind such activities will not be eligible for reimbursement.” 2. People will risk their lives and, thereby, the lives of others to protect both companion pets and service animals. 3. An inability or unwillingness to evacuate pets will adversely impact evacuation operations and may result in human fatalities. According to a Fritz Institute survey, approximately 44% of the people who did not evacuate for Hurricane Katrina stayed, at least in part, because they did not want to leave their pets behind. 4. The primary responsibility for evacuating and providing care for pets during an emergency, whether it is a hurricane, flood, earthquake, wild fire, or terrorist incident, rests with the pets’ owners. 5. There is a Federal and a State mandate “to address the needs of individuals with household pets and service animals in the event of a disaster and assist and coordinate with local agencies in developing an emergency response plan for household pets and service animals” (VA Code § 44-146.18). 6. Pets that are lost, strayed, incapable of being cared for by their owners, or a danger to themselves or the public will be the responsibility of Pittsylvania County Animal Control. These pets will be sheltered, fed, and if possible, returned to their owners. If the pets cannot be returned to their owners, they will be disposed of in accordance with routine Animal Control procedures. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 296 7. The (locality) should plan for emergencies and associated response and recovery operations using local resources. In preparation for emergencies that will overcome the local resources of this or our neighboring locality, mutual aid agreements should be coordinated with nearby jurisdictions. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS It is the intent of Pittsylvania County to open a congregate household pet shelter in the event of an emergency which threatens to, or already has, displaced a number of the residents of the locality and their pets. The opening of pet friendly shelters will not preclude service animals from being allowed access to regular congregate/public shelters when accompanied by their owners. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES Local Agencies Health Department ➢ Provide services which address injuries/bites/diseases related to the protection of humans and pet; and ➢ Provide public health services to prevent/mitigate zoonotic disease outbreaks. Animal Control ➢ Provide and coordinate personnel and equipment to collect, rescue, and shelter stray or aggressive companion pets; ➢ Assist in identifying, surveying, and maintaining a list of congregate household pet sheltering facilities and transportation resources as part of the Community Animal Response Team (CART); ➢ Pre-designate pet receiving locations, protocols, and standard pet check- in checklists to inspect pets for injuries, hazmat exposures, and disease; ➢ Plan for the set-up of a first aid area inside each shelter; ➢ Plan for the quarantine of pets, including the seclusion and securing of diseased/contaminated pets; ➢ Provide for segregation or seizure of household pets showing signs of abuse; ➢ Provide training to agencies and staff on plans, policies, procedures, equipment and pre-credential volunteer workers/organizations; ➢ Identify appropriate sanitary procedures for storage of food/water, removal of contaminated food/water, and timely disposal of feces/carcasses; ➢ Develop plans, policies, and procedures for the closing of congregate household pet shelters and requirements for returning the facility to normal daily use; and Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 297 ➢ Assist in planning how the locality will incorporate unaffiliated volunteers into the plan for disaster response. ➢ Sheriff’s Department – Coordinate and execute search and rescue operations. Assist in enforcing pet quarantines, and the control of access to incident and/or shelter sites. Pittsylvania County Attorney Office – Provide counsel on pet emergency response annex confidentiality, to include Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests . Soil/Water District Office – Assist in determination of appropriate burial sites for pet remains and an emergency incident’s effect on surface and groundwater in coordination with the Federal EPA and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) . Pittsylvania County Social Services - Assist in identifying, surveying, and maintaining a list of congregate household pet sheltering facilities. Pittsylvania County Emergency Management ➢ Transportation of people will often necessitate transportation of companion pets. Identify methods, resources, and personnel required for transporting pets to shelters; ➢ Assist in identifying, surveying, and maintaining a list of congregate household pet sheltering facilities; and ➢ Describe/identify what mutual aid agreements are in place for the quick activation and sharing of resources during an emergency. o Examples of agreements that may exist include the following: ▪ Agreements between response groups (fire and police, emergency veterinary medicine, animal control, transportation). (CPG 101, C-9) ▪ Agreements for additional resources/assistance between neighboring jurisdictions’ response forces (animal control, law enforcement). ▪ Resource agreements (such as: outside assistance, personnel, equipment). ▪ Agreements between public/private veterinary facilities inside and outside the jurisdiction (such as for using facilities/staff/resources and accepting pet patients). NOTE: If veterinary assistance comes from out of state, there will be limitations to what veterinarians can do if they are not licensed to practice in Virginia. Localities should contact the Board of Veterinary Medicine at the Virginia Department of Health Professions for guidance if a need to use out of state veterinary services during an emergency is identified. ▪ Evacuation agreements, (such as: use of buildings, food supplies, kennels/farms as temporary shelters or foster Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 298 homes, and transportation support) including agreements between jurisdictions for the acceptance of pet evacuees. Commonwealth/Federal Agencies Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)– Provide resources necessary for protection of environment and water quality related to pet remains disposal and decomposition. Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) – Assist in providing information and direction whenever possible with regard to the general management of sheltered pet populations. VDACS is responsible for enforcement of Commonwealth regulations concerning animal health and the interstate movement of animals affected by those regulations should such become necessary in response to an emergency. VDACS is also responsible for the management of State Managed Household Pet Shelters. Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) – VDEM works to coordinate an efficient and effective use of resources from the Commonwealth throughout the phases of emergency management. Private Partners Licensed Veterinarians – May assist in providing information and direction with regard to the general health of pets within their area of expertise. Provide planning assistance with identifying needs of pets in shelter situations. Provide medical care within their area of expertise in accordance with memorandums of understanding (MOU)/mutual aid agreements (MAA) (hereafter abbreviated, when listed concurrently, as MOU/A). Private Farms, Kennels, Veterinary Hospitals – Provide shelter and supplies to care for displaced domesticated pets in accordance with MOU/A’s. NGO Partners Humane Society – May provide trained personnel (staff or volunteers) and equipment to assist in the protection of pets during an emergency, working in cooperation with local Animal Control. Veterinary Medical Association – May provide contact information on local veterinarians. Encourage their involvement in planning for and responding to local pet emergencies and disasters. Pet Rescue Groups – May provide trained volunteers and equipment to assist in the rescue and sheltering of pets during an emergency. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 299 Local American Red Cross Chapter – May advise and work with the CART when planning locations for congregate shelters so that congregate household pet shelters can be co-located if possible. May advise on general issues related to human care and sheltering which may be impacted by pet care facilities. Direction, Control, and Coordination 1. Identify who has tactical and operational control of locality animal emergency response assets (such as trailers, animal control vehicles, routinely operated animal sheltering facilities). 2. Discuss multijurisdictional coordination systems and processes used during an emergency. Communications Describe the framework for interoperable communications between animal emergency response personnel and other responders. ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, AND LOGISTICS Administration 1. Describe the process and personnel used to document the actions taken during and after the emergency (example: incident and damage assessment and cost recovery). 2. Describe/summarize the reasons for documenting the actions taken during both the response and recovery phases of the disaster (create historical records, recover costs, address insurance needs, and develop mitigation strategies). 3. Include copies of the reports that are required as tabs to the congregate household pet sheltering annex (cost recovery, damage assessment, incident critique, historical record). 4. Identify who is responsible for, and describe the procedures used to, create a permanent historical record of the event (after-action report) and include information identifying the actions taken, resources expended, and lessons learned as a result of the disaster. NOTE: The after-action review (AAR) is an administrative process used by Pittsylvania County to review and discuss the response in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in the emergency management and response program. 5. Describe the reasons and need to conduct an AAR (such as: review actions taken, identify equipment shortcomings, improve operational readiness, and highlight strengths/initiatives). 6. Describe the methods used to organize and conduct an AAR of the disaster, including how recommendations are documented to improve local readiness Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 300 (change plans/procedures, acquire new or replace outdated resources, retrain personnel). Finance 1. Describe/identify the various programs that allow local political jurisdictions and their response/support agencies to recover their costs. (CPG 101, C-11) 2. Describe the procedures agencies follow to document any extraordinary costs incurred during shelter operations (personnel overtime, equipment used/expended, contracts initiated, in accordance with the FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.19 - Eligible Costs Related to Pet Evacuations and Sheltering). 3. Describe the methods used to educate animal response organizations and local personnel/officials about the cost recovery process. Logistics 1. Describe/identify the procedures and departments/agencies involved in using the existing hazard analysis and capability assessment to identify what resources are needed to operate a congregate household pet shelter, including using past incident critiques to identify/procure additional resources. 2. Describe/identify the steps taken to overcome the jurisdiction’s identified resource shortfalls, including identifying the resources that are only available outside the jurisdiction (such as: long term animal sheltering facilities, veterinary care/euthanasia) and the procedures to request those resources. 3. Provide a brief summary statement about specialized equipment, facilities, personnel, and emergency response organizations currently available to respond to the defined hazards. 4. Identify who is responsible for, and describe the process used to identify private agencies/NGO’s that will support resource management issues (food/water suppliers, shelter staff training). Identify existing memorandums of agreement or understanding and contingency contracts with these organizations. AUTHORITIES & REFERENCES Definitions Congregate Shelter: Any private or public facility that provides contingency congregate refuge to evacuees, but that day-to-day serves a non-refuge function. Examples include schools, stadiums, and churches (FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy (FEMA DAP) 9523.15). Household Pet: A domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, rodent, or turtle that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes, can travel in commercial carriers, and be housed in temporary facilities. Household pets do not include reptiles (except turtles), amphibians, fish, insects/arachnids, farm animals (including horses), and animals kept for racing purposes (FEMA DAP9523.19). Service Animal: Any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability including, but not limited to, guiding Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 301 individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items (FEMA DAP9523.19). Congregate Household Pet Shelters: Any private or public facility that provides refuge to rescue household pets and the household pets of persons sheltered in response to a declared major disaster or emergency (FEMA DAP9523.19). Community Animal Response Team (CART): The grassroots level responders in an emergency in which an organized response to meet the needs of animals is required and are components of a State Animal Response Team (SART). State Animal Response Team (SART): A unifying network of organizations, businesses, federal and state government agencies, and individuals that supports the prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies affecting animals. Acronyms AAR: After Action Review CART: Community Animal Response Team COVEOP: Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP) CPG: Comprehensive Preparedness Guides (FEMA planning guides) EOC: Emergency Operations Center DAP: Disaster Assistance Policy NGO: Non-governmental organization NIMS: National Incident Management System VASART: Virginia State Animal Response Team Authorities The Code of Virginia, Section 44-146.18 of the amended and reenacted as follows: “The Virginia Department of Emergency Management shall in the administration of emergency services and disaster preparedness programs: Develop an emergency response plan to address the needs of individuals with household pets and service pets in the event of a disaster and assist and coordinate with local agencies in developing an emergency response plan for household pets and service pets.” Federal Emergency Management Agency, Disaster Assistance Directorate. Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.19: Eligible Costs Related to Pet Evacuations and Sheltering, 2007. (http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/pa/9523_19.shtm). Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 302 “State and local governments that receive evacuees from areas declared a major disaster or an emergency may seek reimbursement for eligible pet rescue, sheltering, and evacuation-support costs.” United States Congress. Animal Welfare Act of 1990. Public Law 101-624. (http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/usdaleg1.htm). United States Congress. Pets Evacuation and Transportation Act of 2006. Public Law 109-308. Approved January 3, 2006. (www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-3858) United States Congress. Sections 403 and 502 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), 42 U.S.C. 5170b, 42 U.S.C. 5192; the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act) of 2006, P.L. No. 109- 308, § 4, 120 Stat. 1725 (2006); and 44 CFR §§ 206.223(a), 206.225(a). (http://www.fema.gov/pdf/about/stafford_act.pdf) United States Department of Justice. Americans with Disabilities Act. (http://www.ada.gov/). Planning Resources American Red Cross, EvacMyPet. (http://www.evacuatemypet.com/) ASPCA, (2009). Shelter Disaster Planning: Step by Step. http://www.aspcapro.org/disaster-preparedness/planning-for-your-shelter/shelter- disaster-planning.html Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan, Mass Sheltering Support Annex 6, Volume II, June 2009, Mass Sheltering Support Annex, Appendix 2 – Pet Evacuation and Sheltering. (http://www.vaemergency.com/library/plans/coveop/MassShelteringPlan_VolumeIISuppo rtAnnex6.pdf) Dennison, Kevin. "Pet Emergency Management." ASPCApro. Colorado Veterinary Medical Foundation. 21 Jul 2009 <http://www.aspcapro.org/disasterpreparedness/documents/pet-emergency- management.pdf>. FEMA. Incorporating Household Pets and Service Animals Considerations into Emergency Operations Plans. http://www.iaem.com/committees/governmentaffairs/documents/CPG_302_HPSA_Coor dDRAFT_20090506.pdf Ready.gov. Pet Sheltering: Building a Community Response. http://www.ready.gov/america/_downloads/toolkit_pets/ARCPetsandSheltering_3 pg.pdf VDEM, Virginia Emergency Management Agency, (2009). Pet Safety Plan. http://www.vaemergency.com/prepare/pets/index.cfm Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 303 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY CONTACT INFORMATION County Administrator 434-432-7710 Emergency Management Coordinator 432-7921 Emergency Director 432-7710 Deputy Director 432-7710 Deputy Coordinator 432-7922 Sheriff’s Office 432-7800 Treasurer 432-7963 Animal Control 432-7937 Health Department 799-5190 Health Department (Alternate) 766-9822 Danville Regional Medical Center 799-2100 Department of Social Services 432-5321 Department of Social Services (Alternate) 432-5308 School Division Superintendent 432-2761 Director Pupil Transportation 432-8821 President Fire & Rescue Association 434-709-3687 Fire & Rescue Alternate 432-7921 Building Official 432-7750 Fire Marshal 432-7922 Virginia Extension Agent 432-7770 Public Works 432-7725 American Red Cross 540-985-3560 Town of Chatham Mayor 432-8003 Town Manager 432-8153 Public Works 432-9515 Police Chief 432-8121 Town of Gretna Mayor 656-6572 Town Manager 656-6572 Public Works 656-2557 Police Chief 656-6572 Town of Hurt Mayor 324-4411 Town Clerk 324-4411 Public Works 324-4411 Police Chief 324-8511 Adjacent Jurisdictions Henry County Sheriff 276-638-8751 Franklin County Sheriff 540-483-9227 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 304 Bedford County Sheriff 540-586-7827 Campbell County Sheriff 434-332-1159 Halifax County Sheriff 434-476-3334 Danville Police 434-799-5111 Caswell County, NC 336-694-9311 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 305 SCHOOLS SCHOOL ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER STEM Academy 956 Woodlawn Academy Rd, Chatham, VA 24531 432-8185 Brosville Elementary 195 Bulldog Lane Danville, VA 24541 685-7787 Career and Tech Center 11700 U. S. Highway #29 Chatham, VA 24531 432-9416 Chatham Elementary 245 Chatham Elementary Lane Chatham, VA 24531 432-5441 Chatham High 100 Cavalier Circle Chatham, VA 24531 432-8305 Chatham Middle 11650 U. S. Highway 29 North Chatham, VA 24531 432-2169 Dan River High 100 Dan River Wildcat Circle Ringgold, VA 24586 822-7081 Dan River Middle 5875 Kentuck Road Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6027 Gretna Elementary 302 Franklin Blvd. S Gretna, VA 24557 656-2231 Gretna High 100 Gretna Hawk Cir Gretna, VA 24557 656-2246 Gretna Middle 201 Coffey Street Gretna, VA 24557 656-2217 John L. Hurt, Jr. Elementary 315 Prospect Road Hurt, VA 24563 324-7231 Kentuck Elementary 100 Kentuck Elementary Cir. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-5944 Mt. Airy Elementary 100 Mt. Airy Elementary Cir. Gretna, VA 24557 335-5291 Southside Elementary 440 East Witt Road Blairs, VA 24527 836-0006 Stony Mill Elementary 100 Stony Mill Elementary Cir. Danville, VA 24541 685-7545 Tunstall High 100 Trojan Circle Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7111 Tunstall Middle 1160 Tunstall High Road Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-7086 Twin Springs Elementary 100 Twin Springs Elementary Cir., Danville, VA 24540 724-2666 Union Hall Elementary 100 Union Hall Circle Chatham, VA 24531 724-7010 Victory Academy 326 S. Main Street Chatham, VA 24531 433-1843 Hargrave Military Academy 200 Military Dr Chatham, VA 24531 432-2481 Chatham Hall 800 Chatham Hall Circle Chatham, VA 24531 432-2941 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 306 Faith Christian Academy 691 Main Street Hurt, VA 24563 434-324-8276 Heritage Academy 1461 Dry Fork Rd Dry Fork, VA 24549 434-432-8380 CHILDCARE Chatham Head Start 508 N. Main Street Chatham, VA 24531 432-2747 432-8911 Bethel Baptist Church Head Start 6620 Old Richmond Rd. Danville, VA 24540 797-2183 Shiloh Baptist Church Head Start 13602 Martinsville Hwy. Cascade, VA 685-7150 Children First Learning Center LLC 5000 U. S. Highway 29 Blairs, VA 24527 836-9156 Discovery Place Gretna (Gretna Elementary) 302 Franklin Blvd Gretna, VA 24557 369-9622 Little Blessings Childcare, Inc 1133 Locust Dr. Cascade, VA 24069 685-2458 Mt. Herman Baptist Church 4385 Franklin Tpke. Danville, VA 24540 724-7118 Play-N-Pretend 2276 Franklin Tpke Danville, VA 24540 836-8953 Hughes Center for Exceptional Children 1601 Franklin Tpke. Danville, VA 24540 836-8536 Kid-Konnection Child Development Center 2825 Stony Mill School Rd., Danville, VA 24541 685-7663 The Learning Tree Daycare LLC 12 Court Place Chatham, VA 24531 429-7579 ADULT CARE Gretna Health Care 595 Vaden Dr. Gretna, VA 24557 656-1206 Pinecrest Adult Home 709 River Ridge Rd. Danville, VA 24541 685-1620 Chatham Nursing and Rehabilitation 100 Rorer St. Chatham, VA 24531 432-0471 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 307 FIRE DEPARTMENTS Bachelors Hall VF&R 1301 Berry Hill Rd. Danville, VA 24541 685-3820 Blairs VF&R 7100 U. S. Highway 29 Blairs, VA 24527 836-3065 Brosville VF&R 11912 Martinsville Hwy. Danville, VA 24541 685-3797 Callands VF&R 11741 Callands Rd. Callands, VA 24530 724-6459 Cascade VF&R 5497 Cascade Rd. Cascade, VA 24069 685-1522 Chatham VFD 35 Depot St. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1516 Climax VFD 4166 Climax Rd. Chatham, VA 24531 432-1944 Cool Branch VFD 3016 Smith Mtn. Rd. Penhook, VA 24137 927-5131 Dry Ford VFD 4860 Dry Fork Rd. Dry Fork, VA 24549 432-0431 Gretna V&R 122 E. Gretna Rd. Gretna, VA 24557 656-2621 Hurt VFD 203 School Rd. Hurt, VA 24563 324-4141 Keeling VFD 2200 Oak Grove Rd. Keeling, VA 24566 797-2209 Kentuck VFD 250 Ringgold Church Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-8026 Laurel Grove VFD 2081 Laurel Grove Rd. Sutherlin, VA 24594 822-8821 Mount Cross VFD 4812 Mt. Cross Rd. Danville, VA 24540 797-5535 Mount Hermon VF&R 4268 Franklin Tpke. Danville, VA 24540 836-1869 Renan VFD 405 Straightstone Rd Gretna, VA 24557 335-5209 Riceville-Java VFD 3105 Java Rd. Java, VA 24565 432-8623 Ringgold VF&R 3880 Tom Fork Rd. Ringgold, VA 24586 822-6989 Riverbend VFD 1535 Ferry Rd. Danville, VA 24541 792-2312 Tunstall VF&R 740 Tunstall High Rd Dry Fork, VA 24549 724-6677 Virginia Department of Forestry 9 Woodlawn Heights Chatham, VA 24531 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 308 RESCUE SQUADS Chatham Rescue 28 Military Dr. Chatham, VA 24531 434-432-8827 Cool Branch Rescue 3060 Smith Mtn. Rd. Penhook, VA 24537 434-927-5050 Pittsylvania County Public Safety Station 1 1122 Highwayview Rd Hurt, VA 24563 Pittsylvania County Public Safety Station 2 35 Depot St. Chatham, VA 24531 Pittsylvania County Public Safety Station 3 4268 Franklin Tpke. Danville, VA 24540 Pittsylvania County Public Safety Station 4 1604 Riceville Rd Java, VA 24565 Angel Search & Rescue 457 Ringgold Depot Rd, Ringgold, VA 24586 822-5960 Danville Life Saving Crew 202 Christopher Ln Danville, VA 24541 North Halifax Rescue 4201 Leda Grove Rd Nathalie, VA 24577 434-349-3500 Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 309 State Agencies Any of the numbers below can be called for information, guidance, or assistance. State Assistance Phone Number 1. Virginia Department of (804) 897-2400 Emergency Management 1-800-468-8892 2. State Department of Environmental (703) 583-3900 Quality (DEQ) 1-800-275-3844 3. Virginia State Police 1-800-542-5959* 4. State Department of Transportation (VDOT) 1-800-367-7623 5. Virginia National Guard (804) 786-4400 6. Virginia Poison Control Center (800) 222-1222 * 7. Virginia Water Resources Board (804) 698-4000 1-800-592-5482 8. Virginia Corporation Commission Public Utilities Communications 804-371-9420 Economics and Finance 804-371-9295 Energy Regulation 804-371-9611 Electric, Gas, Water & Sewer Public Utility Accounting 804-371-9950 Public Service Taxation 804-371-9679 Utility and Railroad Safety 804-371-9980 9. Virginia Department of Wildlife (804) 367-1000 * 24 hours a day Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 310 Federal Agencies Any of the numbers below can be called for information, guidance, or assistance. Federal Assistance Phone Number 1. National Response Center Toll Free: 1-800-424-8802* a. Center is staffed by Coast Guard personnel. b. Notifies all appropriate federal authorities. c. Maintains contact with all federal agencies that can furnish information, direction, or assistance to on-scene responders. 2. Federal Aviation Administration Operations Center Jamaica, NY 718-553-3100 3. US Environmental Protection Agency 1-866-372-7745* 4. US Department of Transportation (Enforcement) 1-800-759-7243 5 US Department of Energy 6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission – HQ 301-415-7000 301-415-5575 1-800-368-5642 Private Assistance CHEMTREC (Operated by Chemical Manufacturers Assn.) 800-424-9300* Provides immediate advice to emergency responders on fixed-site as well as transportation emergencies. CHEMTREC contacts shipper/ producer of the hazardous material(s) involved in the emergency for more detailed assistance and appropriate follow-up. CHEMTREC also maintains contact with the Chlorine Institute for access to the Chlorine Emergency Plan (CHLORREP) and with the Pesticide Safety Team Network (PSTN) operated by the National Agricultural Chemical Association. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 311 EMERGENCY COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (ECNS) POLICY The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures and guidelines governing the use of the County of Pittsylvania ECNS. The ECNS may be used for both crisis and non-crisis situations to notify citizens of the County as deemed necessary by the County Administrator, Sheriff or the Coordinator of Emergency Management or their designees. Examples of information that may be communicated through this system are: A. Urgent information related to police, fire, or public health emergencies affecting the residents of the County. B. Notification of a lost child or and adult on the Project Lifesaver. C. Notification of a search for a fleeing felon. D. Evacuation of a specified area. E. Information about road closings, water main breaks, or other problems affecting specific addresses. F. Information to employees of Pittsylvania County. The ECNS shall be activated only when approved by the County Administrator, Sheriff, Coordinator of Emergency Management or their designees. The ECNS shall not be used for any non-governmental purpose. DEFINITIONS The ECNS is an automated notification system with the ability to notify all county residents or a subset of residents or County employees. The system uses an internet- based web launched application under the name of Twenty First Century Communications, Inc. and is based in Columbus, Ohio. This system is able to call all phone numbers within the database within four hours. The Sheriff and the Coordinator of Emergency Management shall jointly serve as System Coordinators and shall oversee the operation of the system, including resolving operational issues, ensuring that there are sufficient users, ensuring that users are properly trained to operate the system, and ensure that the system is tested regularly. Authorized Users are personnel employed by the County who are trained in the operation of the ECNS and have been designated by the Sheriff or Coordinator of Emergency Management to activate the system. A list of authorized users will be maintained and found in the E-911 Center. Pittsylvania County Emergency Operations Plan May 2023 312 PROCEDURE Activation of a Notification The following procedures shall be followed to activate a notification through ECNS: 1. A notification will generally be activated by the Sheriff or the Coordinator of Emergency Management. 2. The notification shall contain accurate and complete information. 3. The County Administrator, Sheriff and Emergency Management Coordinator shall all be notified prior to the message being sent if possible. 4. All non-crisis or informational messages shall be sent so as to be complete prior to 8:00 p.m. 5. The message will be sent again to the news media contacts in the event of an Emergency Community Notification. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The database is currently being maintained by contract with VERIZON to Twenty First Century Communications, Inc. The ECNS will be tested on a weekly basis to ensure that it is working properly. THE END 7.f. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Solid Waste Engineering Services Contract Award Approval (LaBella) Staff Contact(s): Chris Adcock Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.f. Attachment(s): 1. Engineering Contract unsigned 2. RFP 20230330 Solid Waste Engineering 2023 Reviewed By: SUMMARY: The County's Purchasing Department issued an RFP for Solid Waste Engineering. It was posted on the County's website, the Virginia Business Opportunity website, and there were eight (8) proposals received. After evaluation of the proposals, County Staff selected the top four (4) scoring firms for presentations. The Presentation Committee voted unanimously that LaBella Associates ("LaBella") would be the best fit for the County. For the Board's review and consideration, an attached Solid Waste Engineering Contract ("Contract") is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Budgets will be developed and presented to the Board as various capital projects materialize and move forward. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends awarding the attached Contract to LaBella. MOTION: "I make a Motion awarding the attached Contract to LaBella." Master Professional Services Agreement No. 2295R Dated August 4, 2023 between LaBella Associates, D.P.C., P.C. ("LaBella") and Pittsylvania County, Virginia ("Client") For services related to the following: Solid Waste Engineering Services Pittsylvania County, Virginia LaBella and Client hereby agree as follows: 1. Description of Services: Client engages LaBella to perform professional services on various projects as set forth and described in proposals which shall be submitted by LaBella in response to the Client’s requests. LaBella accepts this engagement, and shall perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract attached as Exhibits A, C and D. 2. Term of Contract: The term of the contract will begin on August 16, 2023, and end on August 15, 2024, with four one (1)-year renewals. 3. Compensation for Services: LaBella’s fees with respect to each project shall be set forth in each proposal, or as modified in writing signed by both parties. Client shall compensate LaBella for its professional services in accordance with LaBella’s Professional Rate Schedule attached as Exhibit B. LaBella shall submit invoices for services rendered monthly. Client shall make payment to LaBella no later than thirty (30) days after the date of each invoice. 4. Insurance: LaBella shall maintain, at its own expense, throughout the term of this Agreement and until the expiration of all applicable statutes of limitation, the following insurance coverages:  Comprehensive general liability insurance with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury and property damage;  Automobile liability insurance covering owned, non-owned, rented and hired vehicles operated by LaBella with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit and aggregate for bodily injury and property damage;  Umbrella liability insurance with policy limits of not less than $10,000,000 each occurrence and $10,000,000 in the aggregate;  Worker’s compensation insurance at statutory limits and employer’s liability insurance with a policy limit of not less than $1,000,000 for all employees engaged in the rendering of professional services under this Agreement; and  Professional liability insurance with policy limits of not less than $5,000,000 per claim and $5,000,000 in the aggregate. Client shall be named as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis under the CGL, Automobile and Umbrella insurance policies. LaBella shall provide to the Client certificates of insurance evidencing compliance with the requirements of this Agreement. The certificates shall contain a provision that at least thirty (30) days prior written notice shall be given to Client in the event of cancellation, non-renewal, or reduction of the insurance. 4. Indemnification: To the fullest extent permitted by law, LaBella shall indemnify and hold the Client and its officers and employees harmless from and against liabilities, damages, losses and judgments, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses recoverable under applicable law, but only to the extent they are caused by the negligent acts or omissions of LaBella, its employees and its consultants in the performance of professional services under this Agreement. Client agrees that LaBella’s financial responsibility for any and all liabilities, damages, losses, judgments, expenses and attorneys’ fees shall be limited to the lesser of $200,000 or the available proceeds of LaBella’s insurance coverage. LaBella Associates, D.P.C., P.C. Pittsylvania County, Virginia By: By: Name Name Title Title Date: Date Exhibit A Terms and Conditions Exhibit A Terms and Conditions LaBella’s Responsibilities: LaBella shall designate a representative authorized to act on its behalf with respect to the Project. All notices required under this Agreement shall be given to that representative. LaBella shall perform its services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by members of the same profession practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. LaBella shall perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent with such professional skill and care, and the orderly progress of the Project. LaBella shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect during the term of this Agreement. LaBella shall promptly inform Client of any changes to any laws and regulations that LaBella reasonably believes will have a material effect upon the cost of the Project, or the scope of LaBella’s services. In such event, Client and LaBella shall re-negotiate the terms of this Agreement, and if unable to do so, then either party may terminate this Agreement without cause and without penalty or liability to the other party. Client’s Responsibilities: Client shall designate a representative authorized to act on its behalf with respect to the Project. All notices required under this Agreement shall be given to that representative. Client shall provide LaBella with all available information regarding the Project necessary for LaBella to perform its professional services, including Client’s requirements for the Project. Client also shall provide information regarding the Project site and any existing facilities, including destructive testing and investigation of concealed conditions and hazardous substances, in a timely manner. If Client does not perform destructive testing or investigation, nor provide information beyond that which is apparent by non-intrusive observations, or in the event documentation or information furnished by Client is inaccurate or incomplete, then any resulting damages, losses and expenses, including the cost of LaBella’s changes in service or additional services, shall be borne by Client. Client shall examine documents submitted by LaBella and render decisions pertaining thereto promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of LaBella’s services. Additional Services: LaBella may provide additional services after execution of this Agreement without invalidating the Agreement. LaBella shall not proceed to provide any additional services, unless and until LaBella receives written direction from Client. Client shall compensate LaBella for additional services as set forth in LaBella’s proposal, or as agreed upon in writing signed by both parties. Assignment: Neither party may assign any benefit or obligation under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except LaBella may use the services of persons and entities not in LaBella’s employ when appropriate and customary to do so. Confidentiality: During the Project, confidential and/or proprietary information of the Client might be furnished to LaBella. LaBella shall use such information for the purpose of providing its professional services on the Project, and for no other purpose. LaBella shall hold such information in strict confidence, and shall not disclose such information to any person or entity, except sub-consultants engaged on the Project. Upon completion of its services, LaBella shall return or destroy all confidential and/or proprietary information to the Client. Instruments of Service: All documents prepared or furnished by LaBella pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of professional service, and LaBella shall retain its ownership and property interest therein, including all copyrights. Upon payment for services rendered, LaBella grants Client a license to use the instruments of service for the purposes of constructing, occupying and maintaining the Project. Reuse or modification of any such documents by Client without LaBella’s written permission shall be at Client’s sole risk, and Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold LaBella harmless from all claims, damages and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of such reuse by Client or by others acting through Client. Escalation: In the event the term of this Agreement is extended beyond the period of service set forth in LaBella’s proposal, then compensation for professional services are subject to review and escalation by LaBella upon thirty (30) days written notice to Client. Suspension: Client may suspend this Agreement in whole or in part at any time for convenience upon seven (7) days written notice. Upon receipt of notice, LaBella shall immediately discontinue all services. LaBella shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered up to the date of suspension. If the suspension exceeds three (3) months, an equitable adjustment in compensation shall be negotiated to compensate LaBella for all reasonable costs incurred by LaBella on account of the suspension of the Project. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon seven (7) days written notice with an opportunity to cure any default during that period. Disputes: The parties agree that mediation before a mutually agreeable neutral third party shall be a condition precedent to any legal action arising out of this Agreement, unless waived in writing by the parties. The cost of the mediation shall be borne equally by the parties. The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association, unless the parties agree otherwise. No demand for mediation shall be made after the date that the applicable statute of limitations would bar a legal or equitable action based on the claim or dispute. Venue and Jurisdiction: Any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be instituted in a court of competent jurisdiction located in the state and county where the project is located. The parties hereby waive any objection which they may have now or hereafter to the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding, and also hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction of any such court in any such suit, action or proceeding. Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state where the project is located without giving effect or reference to any conflict of laws provisions. Consequential Damages: In any suit, action or proceeding, the parties shall be entitled to recover compensatory damages incurred as a result of the breach of this Agreement, but neither party shall be liable to the other for any special, indirect, or consequential damages. Late Fees, Costs and Attorneys’ Fees: An additional charge of 1.5% of an invoice will be imposed each month on all past due accounts. Imposition of such charges does not constitute an extension of the payment due date. In the event that LaBella must bring suit to collect payment of any invoices, then Client agrees to pay LaBella’s costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. Remedies Cumulative: The rights and remedies available to a party under this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to, not exclusive of, or in substitution for, any other rights or remedies either party may have at law, or in equity, or under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to preclude either party from seeking injunctive relief, if necessary, in order to prevent the other party from willfully or intentionally breaching its obligations under this Agreement or to compel the other party to perform its obligations hereunder. Non-Waiver: Failure by either party at any time to require performance by the other party or to claim a breach of any provision of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any right accruing under this Agreement, nor affect any subsequent breach, nor affect the effectiveness of this Agreement or any part hereof, nor prejudice either party as regards any subsequent action. Force Majeure: Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable to the other for delays in performing the obligations called for by this Agreement, or the direct and indirect costs resulting from such delays, that are caused by labor strikes, riots, war, acts of government authorities other than the Client (if a governmental authority), extraordinary weather conditions or other natural catastrophe, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control or contemplation of either party. Severability: The provisions of this Agreement are hereby agreed and declared to be severable. Any term or provision of this Agreement which is held to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed to have been stricken from this Agreement, and the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced without such terms or provisions. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Scope of Agreement: This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral, except that terms specific to future projects shall be set forth in LaBella’s proposals. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. Exhibit B Rate Schedule Exhibit B LaBella Associates Professional Rate Schedule Fees for professional services include time incurred on a specific project by professional, technical, and administrative personnel and administrative fees, reimbursable expenses, consultant fees, vehicle expenses, and field expenses. Personnel charges are portal-to-portal from our office or from overnight accommodations when out of town. Personnel charges are not made for overhead work such as general secretarial services, office management, and accounting. The following hourly rates and expenses are subject to annual adjustments based on a calendar year. Technical Staff Engineering Environmental Engineer Technician $ 74 Environmental Technician $ 68 Staff Engineer $ 99 Staff Scientist/Geologist $ 78 Project Engineer $123 Project Scientist/Geologist $ 99 Senior Project Engineer $136 Senior Project Scientist/Geologist $122 Technical Engineer $158 Technical Scientist/Geologist $141 Senior Technical Engineer $182 Senior Technical Scientist/Geologist $168 CQA Manager $182 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting Staff Senior CADD Designer $ 98 CADD Designer $ 94 CADD Operator $ 75 Administrative Staff Administrative Assistant $ 62 Corporate Management Principal Engineer $255 Principal Geologist $200 Division Director $210 FIELD EXPENSES When directly related to a project, the following field expenses will be billed at our calculated costs as Units: Field Equipment Rentals Units Unit Cost Electronic Water Level Meter Per day $ 15.00 Electronic Skinny Dipper Water Level Meter Per day $ 30.00 Electronic Oil/Water Interface Probe Per day $ 60.00 Field Meters – Conductivity/Temperature/pH Per day $ 25.00 Field Meters – Turbidity Per day $ 15.00 Field Meters - Colorimeter Per day $ 55.00 Field Meters – Oakton Colorimeter (Chlorine) Per day $ 50.00 Hand Auger Per day $ 10.00 Bar Hole Sampler Per day $ 40.00 Bar Hole Sample Sleeve Each $ 5.00 Combustible Gas Monitor (GEM 2000) Per day $ 150.00 Combustible Gas Monitor (GEM 5000/Envision) Per day $ 175.00 Combustible Gas Monitor (RKI) w/magnehelic gauge Per day $ 100.00 Bascom-Turner Gas Meter Per day $ 75.00 Magnehelic Gauge Per day $ 20.00 Multi-Gas Monitor (QRAE II) Per day $ 50.00 Hand Vacuum Pump Per day $ 25.00 Converter Box – Redi-Flo Grundfos Per day $ 60.00 Pump – 2” Grundfos Per day $ 60.00 Pump – 12-v Electrical Submersible Per day $ 15.00 Pump – QED Well Development Pump Per day $ 45.00 Pump – 12-v Stainless Steel Pump w/Converter Box Per day $ 100.00 Pump – QED Bladder Pump Per day $ 45.00 Pump – Geotech Perastaltic Per day $ 40.00 Pump – Pneumatic Pump and Controller Per day $ 150.00 QED MP-15 Per day $ 100.00 QED MP-10H Per day $ 150.00 CO2 Tank Refill Each $ 20.00 NO2 or O2 Tank Refill Each $ 40.00 QED Air Compressor Per day $ 40.00 Flow Cell (YSI Pro and Horiba) Per day $ 100.00 QED Control Box Per day $ 40.00 Generator Per day $ 75.00 Tier II Probe Each $ 100.00 VFD Gas Extraction Unit (7.5 HP) Per week $ 750.00 VFD Gas Extraction Unit (7.5 HP) Per month $2,000.00 VFD Gas Extraction Unit (≤ 5.0 HP) Per day $ 500.00 VFD Gas Extraction Unit (≤ 5.0 HP) Per week $1,500.00 Digital Manometer Per day $ 35.00 Gas Extraction Unit (≤ 2 HP) Per week $ 350.00 Gas Extraction Unit (≤ 2 HP) Per month $1,050.00 Gas Flare Unit Per month $ 400.00 Drone Equipment Per day $ 320.00 Laser Survey Level Per day $ 150.00 GPS Magellan Professional Per day $ 175.00 ATV Per day $ 125.00 NOTE: When LaBella Associates equipment is not available for a project, equipment charges will be billed at rental cost plus 15 percent. EXPENSES AND FEES Reimbursable Expenses and Consultant Fees When directly related to a project, the reimbursable expenses and consultant fees will be billed at cost plus 15 percent: Consultant: The fees of consultants to LaBella Associates, who may perform surveying, geotechnical, electrical, structural, mechanical, laboratory, drilling or other technical or consulting services. Copy and Reproduction Services: Copy and reproduction expenses include the cost of using professional copy and reproduction. Delivery: Delivery expenses include the cost of using delivery and express services. Travel: Travel expenses include the cost of airfare, taxi, rental cars and fuel, tolls, and parking. Employee vehicle reimbursement will be the current IRS standard mileage rate. Lodging: Lodging expenses include the cost incurred during project related travel. Meal: Meal expenses include the cost incurred during project related travel. Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous expenses include the cost of expendable field supplies and other expenses directly incurred during a project. Vehicle Expenses When directly related to a project, the following vehicle expenses will be billed at our calculated costs as Units: Vehicle Expense: Vehicle expense includes the daily costs for the use of company field vehicles and fuel. Units Unit Cost Vehicle Expense Per half-day $ 100.00 Vehicle Expense Per day $ 150.00 Vehicle Expense Per week $ 450.00 Vehicle Expense Per month $1,350.00 NOTE: When LaBella Associates company vehicles are not available for a project, travel expenses as listed in the reimbursable expenses section will apply. 2023 Exhibit C Pittsylvania County Special Terms and Conditions Exhibit C Special Terms and Conditions BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any bid in response to this solicitation shall be valid for (120) days. At the end of the days the bid may be withdrawn at the written request of the bidder. If the bid is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARD: Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the purchasing agency will publicly post such notice on the County’s website, www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov and on the County Public Notice Bulletin Board located at 1 Center Street, Chatham, VA 24531. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: The purchasing agency reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. OWNERSHIP/FOIA: Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the County pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to the County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2- 4342D of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in rejection of the proposal. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Pursuant to Code of Virginia, §2.2-4311.2 subsection B, a bidder or offeror organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to B-30 Title 13.1 or Title 50 is required to include in its bid or proposal the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission (SCC). Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law is required to include in its bid or proposal a statement describing why the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized. Indicate the above information on the SCC Form provided. Contractor agrees that the process by which compliance with Titles 13.1 and 50 is checked during the solicitation stage (including without limitation the SCC Form provided) is streamlined and not definitive, and the Commonwealth’s use and acceptance of such form, or its acceptance of Contractor’s statement describing why the bidder or offeror was not legally required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth, shall not be conclusive of the issue and shall not be relied upon by the Contractor as demonstrating compliance. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: This contract may be renewed by the County for one (1) successive three- year period under the terms and conditions of the original contract. Price increases may be negotiated only at the time of renewal. Written notice of the County’s intention to renew shall be given approximately 30 days prior to the expiration date of each contract period Exhibit D Pittsylvania County General Terms and Conditions Exhibit D General Terms and Conditions 1. Reservation of County Rights: The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any informality and to make an award to a party other than the low bidder, if deemed in the best interest of the County, subject to the provisions under the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations. 2. Laws of the Commonwealth: Any purchase order/contract resulting from this bid process shall be governed; in all respects whether as to its validity, construction, capacity, performance or otherwise; by the laws of the Commonwealth. Successful bidders providing goods to the County herewith assure the County that they are conforming to the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable and Section 2.2- 4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act which provides: In every contract of over $10,000 the provisions in 1 and 2 below apply: (1) During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: A. Nondiscrimination Clause: The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. B. Equal Opportunity Employer: The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity employer. C. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section. (2) Subcontractors: The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs A, B, and C in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000 so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. (3) Drug Free Workplace – During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor’s employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor’s workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that such provision will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 3. Tax Exemption: The County is exempt from State sales, and use taxes and will issue a Certificate of Exemption upon request. Deliveries against any items of this bid procedure shall be free from any excise or transportation taxes. Excise exemption registration NO. 54-600-1508 may be used when required or necessary on behalf of the County. 4. Modifications, Additions, or Changes: Modifications, additions, or changes to the terms and conditions of this invitation to bid may be cause for rejection of your bid. All bids shall be entered on the official bid forms, if provided. Bidders who attach or submit bids on their or any other forms may be considered unresponsive and may be rejected if an official bid form is provided. 5. Delivery Point: Except when otherwise specified herein, all items shall be F.O.B. delivered to any point within the County as directed by the Central Purchasing Department. 6. Transportation and Packaging: The authorized agent by signing this bid certifies and warrants that the bid price offered for F.O.B. destination, includes only the actual freight rate costs at the lowest and best rate and is based on the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise specified herein, standard commercial packaging, packing and shipping containers shall be used. All shipping containers shall be properly and legibly marked or labeled on the outside with the commodity description and number, size and quantity. 7. Evaluation of Bid Documents: If any prospective bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other bid documents, the prospective bidders shall submit a written request, within the time frame provided, after receipt of the invitation to bid to the Central Purchasing Department. The Central Purchasing Department will have final authority to review any discrepancies or deficiencies in the specifications and then make the necessary interpretations or revisions. Interpretations or revisions shall be made official by the issuance of any necessary addendum and distributed to all potential bidders. The Central Purchasing Department will not be responsible for explanations or interpretations of the bid documents, except as issued in writing by the Purchasing Manager and/or County Administrator. 8. Default: In the case of default by the successful bidder or failure to deliver the goods or services ordered by the time specified, the Department of Central Purchasing, after due written notice may procure these goods or services from other sources and hold the defaulting vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 9. Anti-Collusion Certification: The authorized agent by signing this bid certifies and warrants that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, equipment or services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The signing agent understands collusive bidding is a violation of the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act and Federal Law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. The signing agent also agrees to abide by all conditions of this bid and certifies that he or she is duly authorized to sign this bid for the bidder represented herein. 10. Kickbacks: The signing agent certifies and warrants that neither he/she nor the bidder from whom he/she is authorized to act has offered or received any kickback from any other bidder, suppliers, manufacturer, or subcontractor in connection with his/her bid on this solicitation. A kickback is defined as an inducement for the award of a contract, subcontracts or order, in the form of any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value is exchange. Further, no person shall demand or receive any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of value in return for an agreement not to compete on a public contract. 11. Gifts by Bidder, Offeror, Contractor, or Subcontractor: No bidder, offeror, contractor, or subcontractor, shall confer on any public employee or official having formal responsibility for a procurement transaction, any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value is exchanged. 12. Termination/Cancellation of Contract: Subject to the provisions below, the contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party; but if any work or service hereunder is in progress, but not completed as of the date of termination, then this contract may be extended upon written approval of the County until said work or services are completed and accepted. A. Termination for Convenience In the event that this contract is terminated or cancelled upon request and for the convenience of the County, without the required thirty (30) days advance written notice, then the County shall negotiate reasonable termination costs, if applicable. B. Termination for Cause Termination by the County for cause, default or negligence on the party of the appraiser or firm shall be excluded from the foregoing provision; termination costs, if any, shall not apply. The thirty (30) days advance notice requirement is waived in the event of Termination of Cause. C. Non-Appropriation Clause/Termination due to Unavailability of Funds in Succeeding Fiscal Years When funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support continuation of performance in a subsequent fiscal year, the contract shall be cancelled and the contractor shall be reimbursed for the reasonable value of any non-recurring costs incurred but not amortized in the price of the supplies or services delivered under the contract. 13. Quantities: Quantities set forth in this invitation are estimates only, and the successful bidder shall supply at bid prices actual quantities as ordered regardless of whether such total quantities are more or less than those shown. 14. Ordering: All orders from the County shall be issued by the Central Purchasing Department. A County purchase order number is required for the contract; yet partial order quantities and deliveries will be accepted upon request or as outlined in the Special Specifications, by the Central Purchasing Department. No other department or personnel other than those in the Central Purchasing Department of the County are qualified to issue purchase orders, make changes in orders, or accept delivery on orders under this contract without specific written authorization being received by the contractor from the Central Purchasing Department or as otherwise specified in the Special Specifications. 15. Invoices/Billing Process: Invoices for items ordered, delivered, and accepted by the Central Purchasing Department or authorized departments shall be submitted by the contractor directly to the Accounting Department, at the address shown on the purchase order. The purchase order number must be referenced on all invoices regardless of quantities delivered, backordered, etc. Any outstanding quantities not included in the billing or invoice should be shown on a separate statement specifically marked, as not being an invoice for payment yet is an accountability of items and cost outstanding. 16. Discounts: All bids will be evaluated and awarded on net prices. Cash discounts will not be considered in making awards. If cash discounts for prompt payment are offered, it must be clearly shown on the bid forms in the space provided. On monthly invoices any payment terms must be clearly marked. The County will attempt to take advantage of any such discounts provided our timetable allows us to do so. 17. Hold Harmless: The successful contractor assumes and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pittsylvania County, Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, labor, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the contractor, but only to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence on the part of the using agency or to the manner outlined by the contractor and description literature or specifications submitted with the contractor’s bid. 18. Warranty: The contractor shall provide warranty documents on any material, goods or equipment of any kind or nature provided by the contractor, his subcontractor or other agents. The warranty shall be in effect for the period of time specified. 19. Contractual Intent Upon successful award of this bid by the County, it is the County’s intent to have a written contract fully executed by all participating parties. This contract shall delineate the capacity, performances and considerations for all parties involved. The contents of the bid submitted by the successful bidder and the bid specifications shall become a part of any contract awarded as a result of these specifications. The successful vendor will be expected to sign a “Standard Contract for Services” with the County. Sample contracts may be submitted by either party at the time of the bid, however, the County reserves the right to use its uniform contract format over all samples submitted. 20. Insurance By signing and submitting a bid/proposal under this solicitation, the Bidder/Offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will maintain all required Worker’s Compensation, Employer’s Liability, Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. Copies of insurance certificates shall be submitted with all bids/proposals. 21. Use of Name Brands Within These Specifications: The name of a certain brand, make, manufacturer, or definite specification is to denote the quality to the specific brand, make, manufacturer, or specification named; it is to set forth and convey to prospective bidders the general style, type, character and quality of article desired, and wherever in specifications or contract documents a particular brand, make of materials, device or equipment shall be regarded merely as a standard. Any other brand, make of material, device or equipment which is recognized the equal of that specified, considering quality, workmanship and economy of operation and is suitable for the purpose intended, shall be considered responsive to the specifications. 22. Access To Records: The County Administrator or his duly authorized agent, shall, until the expiration of three (3) years following the final payment on this Agreement, have access to and the right to examine and copy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of Lessor and Assignee involving transactions related to this Agreement. Lessor and Assignee shall have the reciprocal right, until the expiration of three (3) years following final payment on this Agreement, to have access to and examine and copy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the County Administrator in the event of litigation or arbitration involving this Agreement, rights of access, examination and copying hereunder granted to Lessor, Assignee, and Lessee shall continue until such claims have been finally disposed of. Exhibit E Services Guarantees EXHIBIT E SERVICE GUARANTEES© provided by LaBella Associates LaBella Associates and our project teams are excited to offer the following “service guarantees” to Pittsylvania County: I. If we are late for a meeting with you, there will be no charge for that meeting time. II. For tasks contracted on a time and materials basis, you will not be billed for professional services performed for these tasks after the scheduled completion date. III. For tasks contracted on a lump sum basis, your agreed upon fee will be reduced by 10 percent, in the unlikely event we do not meet the agreed-upon schedule for those tasks. If you have any questions about the above listed guarantees, please call us. Signed: Signed: Division Director Project Manager Dated: August 4, 2023 Dated: August 4, 2023 ©2023 LaBella Associates All rights reserved. COUNTY OF PITTSYLVANIA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) # 20230330 SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTACTS: CONNIE GIBSON, PURCHASING MANAGER 2 Pittsylvania County, Virginia RFP # 20230330 Solid Waste Engineering Services GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS DUE DATE: Sealed Proposals will be received until May 4, 2023, no later than 2:00PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour will result in disqualification. ADDRESS: One original and (4) copies and one electronic version of the proposals should be mailed or hand-delivered to: Pittsylvania County Purchasing Department Attn: Connie Gibson 1 Center Street Chatham, VA 24531. All Proposals must be in a sealed envelope or box and clearly marked in the lower left corner: "Sealed Proposal - RFP #20230330, “SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING SERVICES” Proposals not so marked or sealed shall be returned to the offeror and will not be considered. Proposals shall clearly indicate the legal name, address and telephone number of the offeror (company, firm, partnership, individual). Proposals shall be signed above the typed or printed name and include the title of the individual signing on behalf of the offeror (see page 3). All expenses for making Proposals to Pittsylvania County shall be borne by the offeror. All Proposals shall be received by 2:00pm, May 4, 2023. Any proposal received after this time and date will not be considered. The offeror has the sole responsibility to have the proposal received by the Pittsylvania County Purchasing Department at the above address and by the above-stated time and date. QUESTIONS: 1. All questions regarding this RFP must be made in writing. The written questions must be received by the County no later than 2:00 p.m., April 13, 2023. Questions may be faxed to (434) 432-7746 or emailed to Connie.gibson@pittgov.org. 2. All responses to questions will be posted on Pittsylvania County website: www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov by April 14, 2023, 2:00pm. The offeror has the sole responsibility to go to the website and receive the responses or by contacting Connie Gibson requesting they be emailed. The responses will be an addendum to the RFP. All such responses by the County shall become part of the RFP. 3. Oral instructions do not become part of the proposal documents. Note: The County of Pittsylvania, Virginia does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, §§ 2.2-4343.1, 1950 as amended or against a bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by Federal, State, and County law relating to discrimination in employment or contracting. 3 In Compliance with this Request for Proposal, the named party below hereby submits a proposal in response to Pittsylvania County to furnish services described in this RFP. The entire proposal, including the technical proposal, Proposal Cover Sheet, and any supplemental materials required to be provided by the offeror pursuant to the terms and conditions of the RFP, constitute the entire proposal. The party hereby certifies that such is genuine and not collusive or sham; that said offeror has not colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain from bidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communication or conference, with any person to fix the bid price or affiant or any bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of said bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against Pittsylvania County or any person interested in the proposed contract. The party submitting the forgoing Proposal acknowledges the provisions, terms and conditions of this RFP, including all attachments and addenda, and agrees to be bound by those provisions, terms and conditions. Further, the party certifies that all information submitted in response to this RFP is correct and true. The person signing this form shall be an authorized signatory officer of the corporation or an individual authorized by the By-Laws of the Corporation that has been given authoritative responsibility to bind the firm in a contract. Name and Address Of Firm: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ By: ______________________________________ (Signature in Ink by Officer of the Corporation) ___________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________ ______________________________________ (Please Print) _________________________Zip Code___________ Title: _____________________________________ Phone: (____) _______________________________ Fax: (_____) _________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ State of Incorporation: _________________________ State Corporation Commission #: _________________ Receipt of the following Addenda are acknowledged: Attach a copy of your company’s SCC Certificate and a list of officers Addendum No. ____________, dated____________ (Please note all addenda’s) (Return this Form) I. II. PURPOSE This Request for Proposal (RFP) by the County of Pittsylvania, Virginia, invites written proposals from qualified firms to provide environmental services, engineering, consulting and construction quality control/quality assurance services for the Solid Waste Division of Pittsylvania County Public Works including the County’s landfill facility. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for the required services and to set forth the terms and conditions whereby Pittsylvania County shall contract with the successful Proposer to provide the services described herein. The contract resulting from this RFP shall be for professional engineering services related to Solid Waste Management Services and shall be Task Order based for multiple projects issued on an as-needed basis. The project fee of any single project or Task Order may not exceed $100,000. The annual sum of all projects in a contract term shall not exceed $2,000,000. Any unused amounts from the first contract term shall not be carried forward to any additional contract term. Any contract resulting from this RFP shall have a term limit of three (3) years and may be renewable for one (1) additional three-year term at the option of Pittsylvania County. INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS A. This procurement shall be conducted in accordance with the competitive negotiation procedures of the Virginia Public Procurement Act – Section 2.2-4301 B. Four (4) copies and one (1) electronic copy of proposals shall be submitted to: Pittsylvania County Purchasing Department Att: Connie Gibson P.O. Box 426 1 Center Street – County Administration Building Chatham, VA 24531 C. All Proposals must be in a sealed envelope or box and clearly marked in the lower left corner: "Sealed Proposal - RFP #20230330 Solid Waste Engineering Services”. Proposals not so marked or sealed shall be returned to the offeror andwill not be considered. Proposals shall clearly indicate the legal name, address and telephone number of the offeror (company, firm, partnership, individual). Proposals shall be signed above the typed or printed name and include the title of the individual signing on behalf of the offeror. All expenses for making Proposals to Pittsylvania County shall be borne by the offeror. All Proposals shall be received by 2:00 P.M., Thursday, May 4, 2023. Any proposal received after this time and date will not be considered. The offeror has the sole responsibility to have the proposal received by 4 5 D. Any vendor transacting business with Pittsylvania County may be asked to provide proof of registration with the State Corporation Commission (SCC), as required by Sections 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia. III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Pittsylvania County is soliciting firms to provide Professional Engineering Services for environmental services, engineering, consulting, and construction quality control/quality assurance services for the Pittsylvania County Landfill. This contract will accomplish the objective of providing quality service and to assist the County in a cost competitive and compliant waste management program in accordance with the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, as well as, meeting all requirements outlined by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. The Pittsylvania County Landfill, opened in 1974, and is located approximately 6.5 miles south of Chatham and consists of approximately 450 acres. In January of 1989, the landfill was divided into a 4- phase development program. When Phase 1 trench 1A opened, it met all the criteria established under the regulations set forth by the Virginia Department of Waste Management. Groundwater monitoring was scheduled at regular intervals, the leachate collection system was in conformation with the established guidelines, and the single layer clay liner, was in place. In 1990, trench 1A was closed, meeting all the regulations set forth in the Closure Plan. Trench 1BC was opened in September 1990 and was closed in 1996. The County is currently filling in Phase two. Phase one is a subtitle D landfill and was opened in 1995 and was closed in August 2007. The Phase 2 landfill, which was permitted in 2003 and opened in June of 2005, has an anticipated life of 25± years. Phases 3 and 4, at a disposal rate of 125 tons/day have an estimated life of 125± years. The Landfill is designated a non-hazardous disposal facility, designed for the burial of municipal solid waste, demolition waste, inert waste (bricks, concrete, rubble), construction waste and brush, trees, tree trimmings, and stumps. No industrial, toxic or hazardous waste is accepted for disposal at this site. the Pittsylvania County Purchasing Department at the above address and by the above-stated time and date. Clearly identified proprietary information that will not be disclosed during the selection process. 6 Table 1: Pittsylvania County Landfill Trench Summary Trench Lined/Unlined Construction Started Waste Accepted Capacity Acreage Status Initial Trenches Unlined 3/1974 4/1974 696,960CY 27 Closed 12/1988 1A Compacted Clay 11/1987 1/3/1989 76,759CY 5.4 Closed 11/1991 1-BC Engineered Compacted Clay 9/1989 9/1990 337,165CY 7.1 Closed 9/1998 SHT Unlined Unknown 12/1987 532,000CY 5.5 Closed 2000 Phase 1 Synthetic 9/1994 9/1996 700,000CY 8.8 Closed 2003 Phase 2 Synthetic 07/2003 6/2005 2,982,000CY 26.8 Open Phase 1 Groundwater Monitoring System The groundwater monitoring network system at the Phase I area is monitored semi-annual and consists of one permanent up-gradient monitoring wells (MW-1A), eight permanent down- gradient compliance monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-4, MW-11, MW-13A, MW-14, MW-23, MW-27, and MW-28A), eleven permanent performance monitoring wells (MW-3A NES, MW- 16B(S) MW-16B(M), MW-15A, MW-15A NES, MW-29, MW-25A, MW-26, MW-30, MW- 27B(S), and MW-28C(D)) and eight permanent sentinel monitoring wells (MW-16B(D), MW- 15B NES, MW-25C, MW-25 NES(D), MW-27B(D), MW-27C, MW-28C(S), and MW-28D and two permanent surface water monitoring points SSL-3A NES and SSL-2. Phase I Gas Monitoring Quarterly landfill gas monitoring is conducted on eight (8) gas monitoring probes with the following identification numbers: GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-4A, GP-5A, GP-6, GP-7, and GP-8. The majority of the Phase I gas monitoring wells contain three (3) nested probes (shallow, middle, and deep). This allows gas sampling to be conducted at various subsurface depths. Gas monitoring is also conducted on seven (7) leachate collection points located throughout the Phase I area of the landfill (LC-1, LC-3 through LC-8 and six (6) of the temporary occupied landfill buildings (Bldg- 1 through 6) and the two (2) Pittsylvania County Sheriff shooting range buildings (Range Bldg-1 & 2). Phase II Groundwater Monitoring System The groundwater monitoring network system at the Phase II expansion area is monitored quarterly and consists of two permanent up-gradient monitoring wells (MW-1A and MW-101), five permanent down-gradient compliance monitoring wells (MW-102, MW104A, MW-108, MW- 7 109A, and MW-110), one permanent performance monitoring well (MW-109ANES) and two permanent sentinel monitoring wells (MW-109B(S) and MW-109B(D)). Four temporary wells (MW-103, MW-105, MW-106 and MW-107) were incorporated into the monitoring program to collect background water quality data until solid waste disposal began in July 2005. After July 2005 wells MW-103 and MW-105 were retained for the sole purpose of collecting groundwater elevation data. During Phase II cell construction MW-106 and MW-107 were abandoned. Phase II Gas Monitoring Quarterly landfill gas monitoring is conducted on seven (7) landfill gas monitoring probes with the following identification numbers: GP-9, GP-10, GP-11, GP-12, GP-13, GP-14, and GP-15. All of the Phase II gas monitoring wells contain (3) three nested probes (shallow, middle, and deep). This allows gas sampling to be conducted at various subsurface depths. Storm Water Monitoring Storm water discharges from the Facility are regulated under General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity (9VAC25-151-10 et seq.). Under this general permit, storm water runoff monitoring shall be conducted at Outfalls 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005. IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS The proposal shall provide information necessary for Pittsylvania County to evaluate the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the proposing firm and sub consultants to perform the solid waste engineering services. The Offeror or Proposer is to make a written proposal which presents an understanding of the work to be performed. The Offeror is asked to address each evaluation criteria contained in Section VI - Proposal Evaluation Criteria and to be specific in presenting their qualifications. Responses should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that the County may properly evaluate the firm’s capabilities to provide the required services. The Offeror should include in their proposal the following: A. Table of Contents – number all pages of the proposal. B. Introduction - Cover Letter/Executive Summary on company letterhead, signed by a person with the corporate authority to enter into any contract which results from the RFP. C. FOIA Exclusion Letter – Letter on company letterhead stating exclusions within the proposal. Identify the specificity of the data or other materials for which protection is sought and state the reasons why protection is necessary in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Chapter 43, § 2.2-4342. 8 D. Proposal – the Proposal submitted by Offeror shall include a minimum, the following: 1. The Offeror shall address each requirement of the Scope of Services or the area(s) of expertise proposed to be provided. 2. The Offeror shall provide evidence that demonstrates their ability to provide the services within reasonable completion dates and within budget. 3. The Offeror shall provide its current workload with particular reference to personnel and other resources being proposed. 4. Proposed approach to provide the requested services. 5. The Offeror shall provide information on the corporate structure of its firm as well as any proposed sub-consultants required to perform the required work. 6. Include as appendices the following information: a) A list of completed projects and a resume of personnel expected to be assigned to this project including the name(s) of the partner in charge; b) Provide a minimum of three references where similar work was performed. 7. The Offeror shall not have cost for services stated in the proposal. An estimated cost of services shall be requested when the evaluation committee short-lists the Offerors’ proposals and interviews are determined. V. SCOPE OF SERVICES Professional Engineering Services to provide environmental services, engineering, consulting, and construction quality control/quality assurance services for the Pittsylvania Landfill. This contract will accomplish the objective of providing quality service and to assist the County in a cost competitive and compliant waste management program in accordance with the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, as well as, meeting all requirements outlined by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. This contract is designed to provide services for all aspects of environmental monitoring, groundwater, surface water, wetlands and assessments, remediation, landfill gas capture, control and beneficial use, engineering design, operations assistance, annual updates of closure and post- closures site surveying, bidding and construction phase services, construction quality control/quality assurance, permitting, and general program per the Pittsylvania County Division of Solid Waste Disposal. Departments within Pittsylvania County may also, from time-to-time, require the services of this contract for assistance with similar services. Other environmental engineering and consulting services may be needed for other components of the County solid waste program, including but not limited to, the County’s recycling program, the County’s solid waste collection program, the composting/biosolids program, sludge disposal, landfill gas management and beneficial use, and leachate management. 9 The County intends to utilize the Consultant for services related to the development, operation, and maintenance of its solid waste management program. The following activities may be required of the consultant as needed on a task order basis. Environmental Services: • All aspects of groundwater monitoring and reporting. • Wetlands monitoring assistance. • Stormwater discharge program assistance. • Corrective Action Assistance. • Alternate Source Demonstrations or verification sampling and analysis • Any other activities if needed due to new policies, regulations or events, or at the discretion of the County, in relation to the County Solid Waste Management program or environmental response or environmental requirements. Items include but are not limited to: o Regulatory compliance and project management activities including periodic meetings with the County, DEQ and other stakeholders as needed. o Field work; characterizations of surface, air and or groundwater; assessment of corrective measures; corrective action planning and related measures if groundwater impact is detected. o Preparation of facility permits and/or modifications. o Well installation, sampling, analysis, and associated evaluations and reporting. o Well or monitoring point maintenance. o Modifications to the permit or related documents. o Alternate source demonstrations or verification sampling and analysis. o Revisions to groundwater protection standards and related work. o Regulatory compliance work. o Residential water well sampling, analysis, evaluation and reporting. o Surface water and other media sampling. Engineering / Construction / Consulting Services: • Annual post-closure cost estimates. • Cell construction/closure documents, bidding, and quality assurance. • Other activities if needed due to new policies, regulations or events, or at the discretion of the County, including but not necessarily limited to: o Master planning for overall facility development. o Permit reviews and modifications. o Feasibility, engineering and implementation of landfill gas utilization. o Review of leachate disposal options including sanitary sewer discharge. o Landfill gas migration control or beneficial use. o Other solid waste engineering activities that may arise related to closure and post- closure activities. 10 o 10-Yr permit review by DEQ / response. o Feasibility, engineering and implementation of landfill gas utilization. o Air / waste permitting amendments for gas system. o Aerial mapping / capacity analysis. o Fill area / borrow area stakeout. o Engineering and interface with the planning and engineering of the composting system. o Solid Waste Handling Facility siting and design. o SPCC plans. Miscellaneous Activities: • Operational assistance. • Solid waste management planning and plan updates. • Assistance with waste assessment and recycling reporting. • Regulatory assistance and representation. • Response to environmental, operational and design issues. • Landfill gas utilization planning, implementation. • Survey activities relative to topographic mapping, boundary mapping, construction stake- outs, and as-builts. • Wetlands delineations, mitigation, permitting and monitoring. • Stream assessments, delineations, mitigation, permitting and monitoring. • Assessments of environmental impact, assessment of corrective action, corrective action of closed or abandoned solid waste disposal facilities. • Funding evaluation, applications and assistance for the solid waste program or corrective action activities in regards to federal or state grants. • Activities as requested by the County relative to its solid waste management program or other environmental responsibilities. • Evaluation of any PPEA submitted to the County in regards to Solid Waste Management. • Miscellaneous engineering services related to Solid Waste Collections and Recycling Programs. • Miscellaneous engineering services related to the Pittsylvania Landfill Composting Operation. VI. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA A. Selection of the successful Offeror will be based upon submission of proposals meeting the selection criteria. The minimum selection criteria will include: 1. Specific experience, technical capabilities, professional competence, and qualifications of the proposing firm and project personnel, especially those assigned to provide the services in accordance with the Scope of Services. (40 points) 2. Clearly demonstrated understanding of the work to be performed and completeness and reasonableness of the Offeror’s plan for accomplishing the Scope of Services. (30 points) 11 3. Current experience in providing solid waste engineering services to governmental entities. (15 points) 4. References. (15 points) AWARD At the conclusion of discussion, on the basis of the evaluation criteria as set at the time of issuance of this proposal and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the County shall select in the order of preference two or more Offerors whose professional qualifications and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. Negotiations shall then be conducted, beginning with the Offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the County can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable, the award shall be made to that Offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the Offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the Offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price. Should the County determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully qualified or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified and suitable than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. Pittsylvania County reserves the right to award a contract to more than one Offeror, if it is in the County’s best interest. Pittsylvania County reserves the right to make multiple awards as a result of this solicitation. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of Request for Proposal if it is in the best interest of Pittsylvania County. VII . SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any bid in response to this solicitation shall be valid for (120) days. At the end of the days the bid may be withdrawn at the written request of the bidder. If the bid is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARD: Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a contract as a result of this solicitation, the purchasing agency will publicly post such notice on the County’s website, www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov and on the County Public Notice Bulletin Board located at 1 Center Street, Chatham, VA 24531. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: The purchasing agency reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice 12 shall not relieve the contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. OWNERSHIP/FOIA: Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the County pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to the County and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; however, the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342D of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in rejection of the proposal. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Pursuant to Code of Virginia, §2.2-4311.2 subsection B, a bidder or offeror organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to B-30 Title 13.1 or Title 50 is required to include in its bid or proposal the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission (SCC). Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law is required to include in its bid or proposal a statement describing why the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized. Indicate the above information on the SCC Form provided. Contractor agrees that the process by which compliance with Titles 13.1 and 50 is checked during the solicitation stage (including without limitation the SCC Form provided) is streamlined and not definitive, and the Commonwealth’s use and acceptance of such form, or its acceptance of Contractor’s statement describing why the bidder or offeror was not legally required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth, shall not be conclusive of the issue and shall not be relied upon by the Contractor as demonstrating compliance. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: This contract may be renewed by the County for one (1) successive three- year period under the terms and conditions of the original contract. Price increases may be negotiated only at the time of renewal. Written notice of the County’s intention to renew shall be given approximately 30 days prior to the expiration date of each contract period. 13 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PURCHASING DEPARTMENT I. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Reservation of County Rights: The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any informality and to make an award to a party other than the low bidder, if deemed in the best interest of the County, subject to the provisions under the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The County does not discriminate against faith-based organizations. 2. Laws of the Commonwealth: Any purchase order/contract resulting from this bid process shall be governed; in all respects whether as to its validity, construction, capacity, performance or otherwise; by the laws of the Commonwealth. Successful bidders providing goods to the County herewith assure the County that they are conforming to the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable and Section 2.2-4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act which provides: In every contract of over $10,000 the provisions in 1 and 2 below apply: (1) During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: A. Nondiscrimination Clause: The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. B. Equal Opportunity Employer: The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity employer. 14 C. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section. (2) Subcontractors: The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs A, B, and C in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000 so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. (3) Drug Free Workplace – During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor’s employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor’s workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that such provision will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 3. Tax Exemption: The County is exempt from State sales, and use taxes and will issue a Certificate of Exemption upon request. Deliveries against any items of this bid procedure shall be free from any excise or transportation taxes. Excise exemption registration NO. 54-600-1508 may be used when required or necessary on behalf of the County. 4. Modifications, Additions, or Changes: Modifications, additions, or changes to the terms and conditions of this invitation to bid may be cause for rejection of your bid. All bids shall be entered on the official bid forms, if provided. Bidders who attach or submit bids on their or any other forms may be considered unresponsive and may be rejected if an official bid form is provided. 5. Delivery Point: Except when otherwise specified herein, all items shall be F.O.B. delivered to any point within the County as directed by the Central Purchasing Department. 6. Transportation and Packaging: The authorized agent by signing this bid certifies and warrants that the bid price offered for F.O.B. destination, includes only the actual freight rate costs at the lowest and best rate and is based on the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise specified herein, standard commercial packaging, packing and shipping containers shall be used. All shipping containers shall be properly and legibly marked or labeled on the outside with the commodity description and number, size and quantity. 15 7. Evaluation of Bid Documents: If any prospective bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other bid documents, the prospective bidders shall submit a written request, within the time frame provided, after receipt of the invitation to bid to the Central Purchasing Department. The Central Purchasing Department will have final authority to review any discrepancies or deficiencies in the specifications and then make the necessary interpretations or revisions. Interpretations or revisions shall be made official by the issuance of any necessary addendum and distributed to all potential bidders. The Central Purchasing Department will not be responsible for explanations or interpretations of the bid documents, except as issued in writing by the Purchasing Manager and/or County Administrator. 8. Default: In the case of default by the successful bidder or failure to deliver the goods or services ordered by the time specified, the Department of Central Purchasing, after due written notice may procure these goods or services from other sources and hold the defaulting vendor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 9. Anti-Collusion Certification: The authorized agent by signing this bid certifies and warrants that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies, equipment or services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The signing agent understands collusive bidding is a violation of the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act and Federal Law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. The signing agent also agrees to abide by all conditions of this bid and certifies that he or she is duly authorized to sign this bid for the bidder represented herein. 10. Kickbacks: The signing agent certifies and warrants that neither he/she nor the bidder from whom he/she is authorized to act has offered or received any kickback from any other bidder, suppliers, manufacturer, or subcontractor in connection with his/her bid on this solicitation. A kickback is defined as an inducement for the award of a contract, subcontracts or order, in the form of any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value is exchange. Further, no person shall demand or receive any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of value in return for an agreement not to compete on a public contract. 11. Gifts by Bidder, Offeror, Contractor, or Subcontractor: No bidder, offeror, contractor, or subcontractor, shall confer on any public employee or official having formal responsibility for a procurement transaction, any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more 16 than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value is exchanged. 12. Termination/Cancellation of Contract: Subject to the provisions below, the contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party; but if any work or service hereunder is in progress, but not completed as of the date of termination, then this contract may be extended upon written approval of the County until said work or services are completed and accepted. A. Termination for Convenience In the event that this contract is terminated or cancelled upon request and for the convenience of the County, without the required thirty (30) days advance written notice, then the County shall negotiate reasonable termination costs, if applicable. B. Termination for Cause Termination by the County for cause, default or negligence on the party of the appraiser or firm shall be excluded from the foregoing provision; termination costs, if any, shall not apply. The thirty (30) days advance notice requirement is waived in the event of Termination of Cause. C. Non-Appropriation Clause/Termination due to Unavailability of Funds in Succeeding Fiscal Years When funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support continuation of performance in a subsequent fiscal year, the contract shall be cancelled and the contractor shall be reimbursed for the reasonable value of any non-recurring costs incurred but not amortized in the price of the supplies or services delivered under the contract. 13. Quantities: Quantities set forth in this invitation are estimates only, and the successful bidder shall supply at bid prices actual quantities as ordered regardless of whether such total quantities are more or less than those shown. 14. Ordering: All orders from the County shall be issued by the Central Purchasing Department. A County purchase order number is required for the contract; yet partial order quantities and deliveries will be accepted upon request or as outlined in the Special Specifications, by the Central Purchasing Department. No other department or personnel other than those in the Central Purchasing Department of the County are qualified to issue purchase orders, make changes in orders, or accept delivery on orders under this contract without specific written authorization being received by the contractor from the Central Purchasing Department or as otherwise specified in the Special Specifications. 17 15. Invoices/Billing Process: Invoices for items ordered, delivered, and accepted by the Central Purchasing Department or authorized departments shall be submitted by the contractor directly to the Accounting Department, at the address shown on the purchase order. The purchase order number must be referenced on all invoices regardless of quantities delivered, backordered, etc. Any outstanding quantities not included in the billing or invoice should be shown on a separate statement specifically marked, as not being an invoice for payment yet is an accountability of items and cost outstanding. 16. Discounts: All bids will be evaluated and awarded on net prices. Cash discounts will not be considered in making awards. If cash discounts for prompt payment are offered, it must be clearly shown on the bid forms in the space provided. On monthly invoices any payment terms must be clearly marked. The County will attempt to take advantage of any such discounts provided our timetable allows us to do so. 17. Hold Harmless: The successful contractor assumes and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pittsylvania County, Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, labor, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence on the part of the using agency or to the manner outlined by the contractor and description literature or specifications submitted with the contractor’s bid. 18. Warranty: The contractor shall provide warranty documents on any material, goods or equipment of any kind or nature provided by the contractor, his subcontractor or other agents. The warranty shall be in effect for the period of time specified. 19. Contractual Intent Upon successful award of this bid by the County, it is the County’s intent to have a written contract fully executed by all participating parties. This contract shall delineate the capacity, performances and considerations for all parties involved. The contents of the bid submitted by the successful bidder and the bid specifications shall become a part of any contract awarded as a result of these specifications. The successful vendor will be expected to sign a “Standard Contract for Services” with the County. Sample contracts may be submitted by either party at the time of the bid, however, the County reserves the right to use its uniform contract format over all samples submitted. 18 20. Insurance By signing and submitting a bid/proposal under this solicitation, the Bidder/Offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will maintain all required Worker’s Compensation, Employer’s Liability, Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. Copies of insurance certificates shall be submitted with all bids/proposals. 21. Use of Name Brands Within These Specifications: The name of a certain brand, make, manufacturer, or definite specification is to denote the quality to the specific brand, make, manufacturer, or specification named; it is to set forth and convey to prospective bidders the general style, type, character and quality of article desired, and wherever in specifications or contract documents a particular brand, make of materials, device or equipment shall be regarded merely as a standard. Any other brand, make of material, device or equipment which is recognized the equal of that specified, considering quality, workmanship and economy of operation and is suitable for the purpose intended, shall be considered responsive to the specifications. 22. Access To Records: The County Administrator or his duly authorized agent, shall, until the expiration of three (3) years following the final payment on this Agreement, have access to and the right to examine and copy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of Lessor and Assignee involving transactions related to this Agreement. Lessor and Assignee shall have the reciprocal right, until the expiration of three (3) years following final payment on this Agreement, to have access to and examine and copy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the County Administrator in the event of litigation or arbitration involving this Agreement, rights of access, examination and copying hereunder granted to Lessor, Assignee, and Lessee shall continue until such claims have been finally disposed of. 19 CONTRACTOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this person/firm/corporation has not been barred from bidding on contracts by any agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, nor is this person/firm/corporation a part of any firm/corporation that has been barred from bidding on contracts by any agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. ______________________________ Name of Official ______________________________ Title ______________________________ Firm or Corporation STATEMENT OF DISCLAIMER RE: ______________________________ (BID OR RFP #) This is to certify that no employee, official, or elected officer of the County of Pittsylvania has a proprietary interest in the company, corporation, partnership, or other organization, furnishing the goods and/or services, or stands to benefit personally from the furnishing of such goods or services as referenced above. FIRM: _________________________ BY: _________________________ TITLE: ________________________ 7.g. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Service Weapon Purchase Approval (Deputy Sheriff Howard Crump) Staff Contact(s): Michael Taylor Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.g. Attachment(s): 1. Howard Crump - Service Weapon Purchase Request Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Deputy Sheriff Howard Crump ("Crump") is retiring, with an effective date of September 30, 2023, and has requested to purchase his service weapon, a Generation 4 Glock 22 40 caliber, serial number YMT-800, per Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3. Crump is eligible for this purchase, per this Virginia Code Section, since he served in the Sheriff's Office for more than twenty-eight (28) years. As with all transfers of firearms from the Sheriff's Office to eligible deputies at their retirement, a registered Federal Firearms Licensed dealer engaged in a business pertaining to the manufacture or importation of firearms and ammunition, or the interstate and intrastate sale of firearms, will make the transfer. Crump will submit the required $1.00 for the purchase price. Said purchase price will be delivered to the County Treasurer with a letter of explanation. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Crump's firearm will be purchased for $1.00. RECOMMENDATION: As authorized by Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3, County Staff recommends approving the transfer of Crump's service weapon to him for $1.00. MOTION: “As authorized by Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3, I make a Motion approving the transfer of Crump's service weapon to him for $1.00.” 7.h. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Service Weapon Purchase Approval (Christopher Talley) Staff Contact(s): Michael Taylor Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.h. Attachment(s): 1. Letter of Response - Christopher Talley 2. Email from Christopher Talley Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Christopher Talley ("Talley") has requested to purchase his service weapon, a Glock 40 caliber, Model 22 S/NSDH-420, per Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3. Talley is eligible to purchase his weapon since he served in the Sheriff's Office for more than seventeen (17) years. As with all transfers of firearms from the Sheriff's Office to eligible deputies, a registered Federal Firearms Licensed dealer engaged in a business pertaining to the manufacture or importation of firearms and ammunition, or the interstate and intrastate sale of firearms, will make the transfer. Captain Webb will determine the fair market value for said service weapon, and payment from Talley will be delivered to the County Treasurer with a letter of explanation. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Captain Webb will determine the fair market value for said service weapon, and payment from Talley will be delivered to the County Treasurer with a letter of explanation. RECOMMENDATION: As authorized by Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3, County Staff recommends approving the transfer of Talley's service weapon to him for fair market value as determined by Captain Webb. MOTION: “As authorized by Virginia Code § 59.1-148.3, I make a Motion approving the transfer of Talley's service weapon to him for fair market value as determined by Captain Webb." 7.i. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Resolution Agenda Title: Resolution # 2023-08-01 (Dodson Recognition) Adoption Staff Contact(s): Board of Supervisors Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.i. Attachment(s): 1. 2023-08-01 Bert Dodson - Resolution of Appreciation Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Bert Dodson, Jr. (“Dodson”), served as a member of the Commonwealth Transportation Board representing the Lynchburg District (which includes Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“County”)) from 2018 to 2023. Dodson has diligently and tirelessly been a tremendous advocate for the County’s and region’s Economic Development efforts. He has given unselfishly his time and efforts for the County’s betterment, and as a result, thousands of jobs will be associated with, and due to, his efforts with the anticipated cumulative impacts of the Megasite and the SVMP. Accordingly, for the Board's potential adoption, Resolution # 2023-08-01 is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board adopt attached Resolution # 2023-08-01 as presented. MOTION: "I make a Motion adopting attached Resolution # 2023-08-01 as presented." PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION # 2023-08-01 _____________________________________________________________________________ BERT DODSON, JR., RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors’ (“Board”) Business Meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, in the Board Meeting Room, the following Resolution was presented and adopted: WHEREAS, Bert Dodson, Jr. (“Dodson”), served as a member of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (“CTB”) representing the Lynchburg District (which includes Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“County”)) from 2018 to 2023, having been appointed by Governor Ralph Northam in 2018 to fill an unexpired term, and subsequently reappointed for a full four (4)-year term by Governor Ralph Northam in 2019; and WHEREAS, Dodson has diligently and tirelessly been a tremendous advocate for the County’s and region’s Economic Development efforts; and WHEREAS, he was instrumental in securing over $71M in new road funding for the Southern Virginia Megasite (“Megasite”), including $33M for the new 2.2 mile Connector Road and $38M for widening existing U.S. Rt. 311 from two (2) lanes to four (4) lanes with median separation from the intersection of the Connector Road to Oak Hill Road; and WHEREAS, Dodson also led the approval process for Staunton River Plastics, LLC’s, Industrial Rail Enhancement Grant, which paid seventy percent (70 %) of the costs required to reconstruct an existing rail siding and switch at the Southern Virginia Multimodal Park (“SVMP”) in Hurt, Virginia; and WHEREAS, he has given unselfishly of his time and efforts for the County’s betterment, and as a result, thousands of jobs will be associated with, and due to, his efforts with the anticipated cumulative impacts of the Megasite and the SVMP; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board express their sincere appreciation to Dodson for his noble dedication of his time and efforts towards the development and advancement of the County and the region; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be presented to Dodson on behalf of the Board. Given under my hand this 15th day of August, 2023. ________________________________________________ Darrell W. Dalton Chairman, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors ________________________________________________ Stuart J. Turille, Jr. Clerk, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors 7.j. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Resolution Agenda Title: Resolution # 2023-08-02 (FY23-24 VJCCCA Plan) Approval Ratification Staff Contact(s): Dawn Loving Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.j. Attachment(s): 1. VJCCCA Grant Application Cover Sheet 2. Plan Info - Staff and Contacts 3. Budget Info 4. VJCCCA Expenditure Compliance Certification 5. 2023-08-02 VJCCCA Biennial Plan - FY23-24 Reviewed By: SUMMARY: The Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (“VJCCCA”) was enacted by the General Assembly, effective January 1, 1996, to ensure the imposition of appropriate and just sanctions, and to make the most efficient use of correctional resources for those juveniles before intake on complaints or the court on petitions alleging that the juvenile is a child in need of services, child in need of supervision, or delinquent. VJCCCA establishes a community-based system of intensive sanctions and services that correspond to the severity of offense and treatment needs. The purpose of this system is to deter crime by providing community diversion or community-based services to juveniles who are in need of such services and by providing an immediate, effective punishment that emphasizes accountability of the juvenile offender for his actions, as well as reduces the pattern of repeat offending. In furtherance of this purpose, counties, cities, or combinations thereof, are encouraged to develop, implement, operate, and evaluate programs and services responsive to their specific juvenile offender needs and juvenile crime trends. Although the FY23-24 VJCCCA Plan was already approved by Clarence Monday, Interim County Administrator, on August 10, 2022, Melissa Furtado, VJCCA Program Coordinator, has requested the attached Resolution be adopted for said Plan. These Plans are updated and approved on a biennium basis, and County Staff will continue to work with Staff at the Department of Juvenile Justice to ensure that required Resolutions accompany the Plan going forward. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board ratify the approval of the FY23-24 VJCCCA Plan and approve Resolution # 2023-08-02 evincing the same. MOTION: "I make a Motion to ratify approval of the FY23-24 VJCCCA Plan and approve Resolution # 2023-08-02 evincing the same." VJCCCA Grant Application Cover Sheet Plan Years: FY23/24 (Biennium July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024) Type: Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) Submitted to: Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, Richmond, VA Fiscal Agent:Name: Fiscal Agent FIPS:Title: Award Period:Agency: Date of Submission: Email: Type of Submission: Mailing Address: Phone: Pittsylvania 143 July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2024 4/4/2022 VJCCCA Data Contact CSU Director Office Service Specialist Joyce Green VJCCCA Plan Contact $41,765.00 $29,756.00 $0.00 Brenda Gee TOTAL $71,521.00 Other Revenue/Funds (Group Home/Shelter ONLY) $0.00 State Allocation FY2023 $41,765.00 Maintenance of Effort FY2023 $29,756.00 Additional Local Contribution FY2023 State Allocation FY2024 Maintenance of Effort FY2024 Additional Local Contribution FY2024 Other Revenue/Funds (Group Home/Shelter ONLY) DJJ DJJ 275 South Main St., St 53, Rocky Mount, VA 24151 5 Bank St, 3rd Floor, Chatham, VA 24531 Fiscal Agent Plan Proposed Budget FY23 (includes all localities part of Combined Plan) Fiscal Agent Plan Proposed Budget FY24 (includes all localities part of Combined Plan) TOTAL $71,521.00 Initial Proposed Plan FY23/24 Pittsylvania Co. PO Box 426, Chatham, VA 24531 The fields below will automatically calculate based on Plan Info (Fiscal) tab The fields below will automatically calculate based on Plan Info (Fiscal) tab Chief Administrative Officer Clarence Monday Interim Count Administrator (434) 432-7710 Joyce.Green@djj.virginia.gov Clarence.Monday@pittgov.orgBrenda.Gee@djj.virginia.gov (540) 483-3050 (434) 432-7863 Local VJCCCA Contacts and Planning Team Members, FY23-24 1 VJCCCA Local PLAN CONTACT Plan Contact FISCAL AGENT VJCCCA Local DATA CONTACT Data Contact FISCAL AGENT Plan Contact Name Joyce Green Plan Contact Name Brenda Gee Contact Title CSU Director Contact Title Office Service Specialist Contact Agency DJJ Contact Agency DJJ E-mail Address Joyce.Green@djj.virginia.gov E-mail Address Brenda.Gee@djj.virginia.gov Mailing Address 275 South Main St., St 53, Rocky Mount, VA 24151 Mailing Address 5 Bank St, 3rd Floor, Chatham, VA 24531 Phone (540) 483-3050 Phone (434) 432-7863 Fiscal Agent: Pittsylvania Name Role Email Address Phone Joyce Green CSU Director (Required) Joyce.Green@djj.virginia.gov (540) 483-3050 Brian Turpin Judge (Required) bturpin@vacourts.gov (434) 432-7861 Monica Karvanic CPMT Chair (Required) mkarvanic@thearcofsouthside.or g (434)836-3272 Ext 103 Member Name Member Affiliation Consulted Prior to Plan Development? (Y/N?) Invited to Planning Meetings? (Y/N?) Attended One or More Planning Meetings? (Y/N?) In Agreement With/Approves of Proposed Plan? (Y/N?) Joyce Green VJCCCA Plan Contact yes yes yes yes Brenda Gee VJCCCA Data Contact yes yes yes yes Joyce Green CSU Director (Required)yes yes yes yes Brian Turpin Judge (Required) yes yes yes yes Monica Karvanic CPMT Chair (Required) yes yes yes yes Dawn Loving CSU Supervisor yes yes yes yes Karen Dixon VJCCCA Data Contact yes yes yes yes Pittsylvania PLANNING TEAM COMPOSITION Mailing Address 275 South Main Street, Suite 53, Rocky Mount, VA 24151 List your Local VJCCCA Plan Contact, Local VJCCCA Data Contact and VJCCCA Local Planning Team Members (including required plan participants) in the cells below. 5 Bank St., 3rd Floor, Chatham, VA 24531 The ARC of Southside, 734 Main Street, Danville VA 24541 Pittsylvania CONTACT INFORMATION FOR REQUIRED PLAN CONTACTS Program/Service 1 Program/Service 2 Program/Service 3 Program/Service 4 Program/Service 5 Program/Service 6 Program/Service 7 Program/Service 8 Program or Service Name Pre-D Outreach Program Post-D Outreach Program Pre-D EM Program Post-D EM Program Pre-D Shelter Care Post-D Shelter Care 3rd Millennium Mentoring Assigned Program ID from CPR 143-520175-00 143-480175-00 143-510175-00 143-470175-00 143-530175-00 143-490175-00 143-210175-04 143-120175-01 Program Type (from Allowable Programs and Services List)PRE-D Outreach POST-D Outreach PRE-D EM & GPS POST-D EM & GPS PRE-D Shelter Care POST-D Shelter Care Pro-Social Skills Mentoring Program/Service Provider Youth Connect of VA Youth Connect Of VA Youth Connect of VA Youth Connect of VA Anchor House Anchor House 3rd Millennium Youth Connect Program Start Date 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 1/22/2020 1/22/2020 7/1/2022 7/1/2022 TOTALS FY2023 Contracted Service Provision $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $9,621.00 $8,000.00 $4,560.00 $4,940.00 $1,800.00 $31,293.00 $70,414.00 FY2023 Personnel $0.00 FY2023 Travel $0.00 FY2023 Staff Development $0.00 FY2023 Telecommunications $0.00 FY2023 Supplies & Materials $0.00 FY2023 Equipment/Office Space Rental $1,107.00 $1,107.00 FY2023 Total Budget $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $9,621.00 $8,000.00 $4,560.00 $4,940.00 $2,907.00 $31,293.00 $71,521.00 $71,521.00 Balanced 0 FY2023 Youth to be Served 8 8 10 6 2 1 30 8 FY2023 Program/Service Unit Type Days Days Days Days Days Days Courses Hours FY2023 Estimated # of Units Per Youth 21 30 21 30 12 26 1 65 FY2023 Program/Service Units 168 240 210 180 24 26 30 520 FY2023 Average Cost Per Unit $25.00 $25.00 $45.81 $44.44 $190.00 $190.00 $96.90 $60.18 FY2023 Projected Position(s) to be filled by ________________ FY2023 VJCCCA-Funded Positions 0.0 FY2023 Projected Positions to be Supervised by ________________ Private Provider/Contracted Services Costs If this program/service is being provided by a VJCCCA-funded local position, what would the cost be for operating this program/service through a contracted provider? Cost Comparison - FY20 & FY21 TOTALS FY2024 Contracted Service Provision $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $9,621.00 $8,000.00 $4,560.00 $4,940.00 $1,800.00 $32,400.00 $71,521.00 FY2024 Personnel $0.00 FY2024 Travel $0.00 FY2024 Staff Development $0.00 FY2024 Telecommunications $0.00 FY2024 Supplies & Materials $0.00 FY2024 Equipment/PlOffice Space Rental $0.00 FY2024 Total Budget $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $9,621.00 $8,000.00 $4,560.00 $4,940.00 $1,800.00 $32,400.00 $71,521.00 $71,521.00 Balanced 0 FY2024 Youth to be Served 8 8 10 7 2 1 30 9 FY2024 Program/Service Unit Type Days Days Days Days Days Days Courses Hours FY2024 Estimated # of Units Per Youth 21 30 21 25 12 26 1 60 FY2024 Program/Service Units 168 240 210 175 24 26 30 540 0 FY2024 Average Cost Per Unit $25.00 $25.00 $45.81 $45.71 $190.00 $190.00 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 FY2024 Projected Position(s) to be filled by ________________ FY2024 VJCCCA-Funded Positions 0 FY2024 Projected Positions to be Supervised by ________________ Private Provider/Contracted Services Costs If this program/service is being provided by a VJCCCA-funded local position, what would the cost be for operating this program/service through a contracted provider? Cost Comparison - FY20 & FY21 POSITIONS: REQUIRED FOR ALL LOCALLY OPERATED SERVICES COST COMPARISION: Program tab totals compared to Plan tab totals COST COMPARISION: FUNDING: BUDGET INFO: FUNDING: Program tab totals compared to Plan tab totals POSITIONS: REQUIRED FOR ALL LOCALLY OPERATED SERVICES PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION # 2023-08-02 _____________________________________________________________________________ COUNTY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE VIRGINIA JUVENILE COMMUNITY CRIME CONTROL ACT VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors’ (“Board”) Business Meeting on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, in the Board Meeting Room, the following Resolution was presented and adopted: WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors will participate in the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act and accept funds appropriate for the purpose set forth in this Act until it notifies the Department of Juvenile Justice, in writing, that it no longer wishes to participate; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a local plan on behalf of Pittsylvania County. Given under my hand this 15th day of August, 2023. ________________________________________________ Darrell Dalton Chairman, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors ________________________________________________ Stuart J. Turille, Jr. Clerk, Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors 7.k. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Certificates of Excellence (County Interns) Approval Staff Contact(s): Kaylyn McCluster Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.k. Attachment(s): 1. 2023 Intern Certificates Reviewed By: SUMMARY: For the third (3rd) year, the County supported the Summer Internship Program ("Program"). The Program is a collaboration between IALR, the County, County Schools, Pathfinders Resources, and Virginia Career Works-West Piedmont Region. The Program provided meaningful work experience for approximately seventeen (17) County High School and post-graduate students. The interns were able to get real life work experience and learning opportunities in different career fields, all while providing great service to the County and its citizens. County Staff desires recognize these interns. Accordingly, for the Board's review and consideration, related Intern Certificates of Excellence ("COE") are attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recomends the Board approve the issuance of the Intern COEs as attached and presented. MOTION: "I make a Motion approving the Intern COEs as attached and presented." C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Amaiya Griffin Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Amondria Harris Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Andrew Hammell Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Bralynn Patterson Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Brandon Thompson, Jr. Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Christian Dalton Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Ciara Keen Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Destiny Brown Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Heidi Ellis Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Jamarius Giggetts Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Ja-Meriona Valentine-James Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Jordan Elliott Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Makenzie Lovelace Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Morgan Burd Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Taniya Thacker Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Thomas James Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Zafiro Lopez Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere appreciation to you for your outstanding work during your internship this Summer. We thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future as you advance your education and join the workforce. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 7.l. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item Agenda Title: Certificates of Recognition Approvals (2); (Dan River High School Students); (Thomas; Ferguson) Staff Contact(s): Nancy Eanes Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.l. Attachment(s): 1. Certificate of Excellence - Jakari Thomas 2. Certificate of Excellence - Kasey Ferguson Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Dan River High School's "Virginia’s Ringgold Bassin’ team" members, Kasey Ferguson and Jakari Thomas, placed 12th out of 464 teams in the Strike King Bassmaster High School National Championship that was held on Lake Hartwell, South Carolina. They also won the Hunter Owens Memorial Scholarship and a scholarship from BASS. For the Board's review and consideration, attached are Certificates of Recognition (CORs) recognizing Ferguson and Thomas for their accomplishments. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board approve the attached CORs. MOTION: "I make a Motion to approve the attached CORs.." C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Jakari Thomas Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere congratulations and admiration to you for your outstanding accomplishments. Placing 12 out of 464 teams in the Strike King Bassmaster High School National Championship, winning the Hunter Owens Memorial Scholarship, and winning a scholarship from BASS is remarkable. We commend you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 Nancy K. Eanes, Dan River Supervisor C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e Kasey Ferguson Darrell W. Dalton Chairman The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses its sincere congratulations and admiration to you for your outstanding accomplishments. Placing 12 out of 464 teams in the Strike King Bassmaster High School National Championship, winning the Hunter Owens Memorial Scholarship, and winning a scholarship from BASS is remarkable. We commend you for your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors. Given this 15th day of August, 2023 Nancy K. Eanes, Dan River Supervisor Serve on a Board or Commission Submission Date: 08/09/2023 1:33 Full Name Randy Shackelford Full Address 2445 Inman Rd Danville, VA 24541 Election District Tunstall Phone (434) 770-2043 Email rlshack@hotmail.com Board, Committee, or Commission of Interest DCC Advisory Board *Disclaimer* Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals are appointed by a local judge. The Board of Supervisors can make recommendations, but a judge actually makes the appointment. Resume or Cover Letter Randy Shackelford DCC Advisory Board.docx Education Background Education: 1986: Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering 1983: Danville Community College, Danville VA A.S. in Engineering 1983 1981: Danville Community College, Danville VA 1 Year Drafting and Design Occupation Mechanical Engineer, Senior Manager of Technical Services, Vice President, General Manager, and Field Support of various manufacturing facilities and skilled trades companies Why do you want to serve on this Board? I would like to serve on the DCC Advisory Board to help continue to build the machining and welding program as well as all skilled trades at DCC. I have served on both the welding and machining advisory committees in the past as DCC developed the curriculum and sought out ways to meet the industry needs for machinist and welders. I have hired interns from the program and supported the efforts and direction of the committee and DCC. As a businessman, I have supported DCC efforts in letters of recommendation. I would like to be a part of the future growth of the curriculums, the students, and support manufacturing industry in our need to obtain the very needed skills group that D C is teaching. I would also like to be a part of developing new and potential ways to meet the needs of area businesses. I have a strong desire to help meet the needs of not only the industry, for machining and welding, but also the industry needs for skilled technicians. There is a big need for maintenance, electrical, HVAC and robotics technicians that are just not available tin the present workforce. I would like to be a part of this effort. I understand manufacturing in all areas that include the employee personal needs and benefits, World Class Manufacturing and Quality programs as well as the profitability and sustainability for a company to survive in today's environment. I understand what industry needs to be successful and have a heart for helping young adults in a career that will support them and their family. I feel my experience and desire would be a positive for the committee. I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of this next chapter for DCC to continue to be the leaders in this area and my hometown of Danville. What special skills/interests/qualifications would benefit you in this appointment? Designed and built many pieces of equipment from ground up and overseeing the machining, fabricating and electrical build. Past member of DCC Precision Machining Technology, Integrated Machining Technology, and Dimensional Inspection/Metrology Advisory Committee (6 years). Past Member of DCC Welding Advisory Committee (2 years) Manage and supported 100+ skilled machinist and welders over past 25 years. Worked with representatives of NNS and Huntington Ingalls Industries and obtained certification to perform machining and welding for these DOD vendors. Interested in identifying manufacturing needs to support Danville area skilled labor trades Understand the need to supply the manufacturing sector with a skilled workforce to enable success of the company and employees and our country. Presently supervising mechanical, electrical, HVAC, Refrigeration and robotics technicians as well as engineers. I have a servants heart and love to help people succeed and grow Code of Ethics/Model of Excellence Yes To: Members of the Board and DCC: I have submitted my application to serve on the DCC Board for Pittsylvania County. I have served on both the welding and machining advisory committees in the past as DCC developed the curriculum and sought out ways to meet the industry needs for machinist and welders. I have hired interns from the program and supported the efforts and direction of the committee and DCC. As a businessman, I have supported DCC efforts in letters of recommendation. I would like to be a part of the future growth of the curriculums, the students, as well as support manufacturing industry in our need to obtain all skilled trades that DCC offers. I would also like to be a part of developing new and potential ways to meet the needs of area businesses. I have a strong desire to help meet the needs of not only the industry, for machining and welding, but also the industry needs of qualified technicians. There is a big need for maintenance, electrical, controls, HVAC, refrigeration, and robotics workers in Danville that cannot currently be met. I would like to be a part of this effort. I understand manufacturing in all areas that include the employee personal needs and benefits, World Class Manufacturing and Quality programs as well as the profitability and sustainability for a company to survive in today’s environment. I understand what industry needs to be successful which includes having a meaningful skilled workforce. I also have a heart for helping young adults in a career that will support them and their family. I feel my experience and desire would be a positive for the committee. I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of this next chapter for DCC to continue to be the leaders in this area and my hometown of Danville. Sincerely, Randy Shackelford 434-770-2043 randy.shackelford@aerofarms.com Randy Shackelford Randy L. Shackelford 2445 Inman Road, Danville, VA 24541 (434)-770-2043, rlshack@hotmail.com Objective: I would like to serve on the DCC Advisory Board to help continue to build the machining and welding program at DCC and support industry needs for all skilled trades including maintenance, electricians, controls, HVAC, refrigeration, and robotics technicians. These are programs that DCC offers and there is a big need in industry today. Education: 1986: Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering 1983: Danville Community College, Danville VA A.S. in Engineering 1983 1981: Danville Community College, Danville VA 1 Year Drafting and Design Experience: 05/2022-Present: Aerofarms, Danville VA Senior Manager of Technical Services: Responsible for the implementation of the Maintenance and Reliability for Danville Farm and all future farms to include necessary Manuals, Guides, SOP’s, spare parts and electronic maintenance programs. Maintenance and Reliability Manager: Responsible to develop a program to maintain the maintenance and reliability of all equipment in the Farm. Responsible to maintain all equipment in the Farm thru maintenance personnel. Field Engineer: Responsible for all electrical and mechanical trades to set and install all mechanical and electrical manufacturing equipment used to grow, harvest and package leafy greens. 04/1997-05/2022: Piedmont Precision Machine, Inc., Danville, VA 2010-2017: Vice President/General Manager for Precision Machining Company ($10 mil annual sales, 120 employees). Services performed are all aspects of machining (CNC and manual), welding and fabrication, equipment manufacturing and off-site maintenance. Responsibilities include production, sales, customer support, quality, safety, scheduling and company performance. Set up production requirements, controls and guidelines to meet customer deliveries and quality commitments. Responsible for the profitability and growth of the company. Negotiate at corporate level for large customer for rates, terms and sell price. Randy Shackelford Piedmont Precision Machine, Inc. Danville VA, (Continued) • Set up Kanban system for work and workflow, encompassing job flow from initial order to final shipping. • Company growth of 10%-14% per year (from $4 mil - $10 mil) • Start up of off-site maintenance group with $0 sales to $2,600,000/yr. • Start up of new division, North American Mold Technologies as Plant Manager. Responsibilities include plant layout, equipment setting, gantry and jib cranes, lighting additions and installing electric and air facilities to the working area of new location. This business division has grown from $550,000 to $2,300,000/yr. • Implementing ISO 9001:2015. Responsible for process and method development for all departments. • Just implemented a new product service start up in an existing facility. Today’s sales are $1.2 mil annual. Selected the equipment, work procedures and developed the customer base. 2001-2010: Design Engineer/Sales Manager/Production Manager: Piedmont Precision Machine Inc. Responsible for production floor supervisors, sales, tool room, parts inventory, quoting, single source customer and frontline supervision of Tire Mold Repair department. • Designed and sold numerous process improvements and design changes to increase productivity and quality for end user. Re-design of existing equipment to upgrade for increased speed, repeatability, and quality. Implemented cost saving initiatives, set up reductions, ergonomic and safety designed products for the end user. • Expanded customer base from local to 12 states. • Managed sales force to grow additional customer base from 90% dependent on single customer to 50% while increasing overall sales by 12-15% growth/ year. 1997-2001: Flextec and Precision Design Group, division of Piedmont Precision Machine, Inc. Engineering Manager for equipment to support various OEM manufacturing businesses. Equipment was PLC driven to manufacture and assemble end user products to include structural design, pneumatic and hydraulic design, positioning devices utilizing servo, encoder and VFD, and tooling design to support the equipment. Built and designed new equipment and work cells integrated into existing customer product line. Optimization of existing customer manufacturing processes to streamline and increase productivity. Managed mechanical and electrical engineers and draftsmen in this design capacity. Supplied installation and operating manuals for all equipment. Managed and supplied start up support for equipment at customers’ site. Drawings generated using AutoCad, Cadra and Solidworks. 10/1996-04/1997: Mechanical Repair, Danville, VA: Co-Owner Design, manufacture and installation of conversions for furniture industry. Upgraded original manufacturing equipment to utilize PLC driven mechanical changes to ensure absolute location of process parameters. Product selection and process designed to ensure first pass quality which eliminated manpower and improved quality. Performed manual machining of steel, plastic, aluminum and brass parts to customer drawings. Randy Shackelford 06/1995-10/1996: Alpha Technologies Inc., Danville, VA: Design Engineer Design of equipment and optimization of existing equipment for furniture and textile manufacturing plants. Team of electrical, mechanical and maintenance specialists to design, build and install modified equipment. Designed changes to a product line to increase productivity and quality. Determined set up reductions for existing processes and performed installations. Design of spreaders and rotary cutters for textile industry. Design of equipment modifications for furniture manufacturers to improve quality of finished product. Analyzed air loss in various manufacturing plants for cost savings. 03/1994-06/1995: Smart Machine, Inc., Martinsville, VA: Design Engineer Design of tobacco conveyors utilizing belt and plastic mat top. Design of beverage conveying equipment utilizing mat top belting and automated guides for product flow. Design of Ash conveyors for power plants. Site visits to verify dimensions. Drawings generated using AutoCad. 06/1992-03/1994: Contract Facilities Engineer for Belcan Engineering assigned to DuPont Fibers, Martinsville, VA Facilities Engineer on the design of services for fiber manufacturing plant. Projects included pneumatic conveying of plastic pellets, power house lifting calculations, pressure vessel calculations, piping layouts, spot cooling, and facility safety. 01/1989-06/1992: Slant Systems, Danville, VA: Design Engineer/Engineering Manager Design of Car, Truck and Bus PLC controlled automatic wash systems for brush and brushless high pressure wash systems. Manufactured the wash systems for distributors in U.S. and Australia. Managed the drafting and design department to supply build drawings for shop floor and customer installations. Implemented a production line change to convert from process assembly line to team work cell concept to cut cost and gain accountability for quality. Oversaw all aspects of Quality Control. Supervised the technical support department and customer inside sales department to ensure product programmed correctly for installation and customer saatisfaction. Performed root cause analysis on all failures and complaints to ensure corrective action taken and implemented. Supervised all field crews for the installation of wash systems. Performed installation and final start up support for large truck wash systems. 10/1987-01/1989: Babcock and Wilcox, Lynchburg, VA: Process Engineer SPIS, Special Projects Group: Design of support equipment for inspecting and welding commercial nuclear reactor rods. Supplied drawings for manufacture. Naval Nuclear Fuel Facility: Process Engineer; Analyzied and dispositioned nuclear fuel cells manufactured for submarines. Provided reporting for all deviated fuel cells with recommendation to government for acceptance. DOD Security Clearance. 08/1986-10/1987: Naval Air Rework Facility, Norfolk, VA: Equipment and Tooling Engineer Design of support equipment used in the repair of A6 Intruder and F-14 fighter jet. Supplied drawings for design and build by naval personnel. Contracting Officer Technical Representative. Worked with Naval personnel on beneficial suggestions to optimize production and quality. Dispositioned the credibility of suggestions for employee awards. DOD Security Clearance. Randy Shackelford Serving Community: Danville Community College Precision Machining Technology, Integrated Machining Technology, and Dimensional Inspection/Metrology Advisory Committee (since 2014-2020) Danville Community College Welding Advisory Committee and Manufacturing Engineering Initiative Committee. Numerous mission trips in the U.S. and Nicaragua to support area missions in building homes, up fitting community centers and general evangelism. Email for further information, personal and professional references. 7.n. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Resolution Agenda Title: Resolution # 2023-08-04 (Authorization for Purchase of Property for a Public Purpose) Adoption Staff Contact(s): Vaden Hunt Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 7.n. Attachment(s): 1. 2023-08-04 Purchase of Public Property Reviewed By: SUMMARY: The Board is purchasing a 33.5-acre parcel of property for public use in Blairs, Virginia. To obtain title insurance during closing, the Board must adopt a Resolution authorizing the purchase and designating the County Administrator to sign all necessary related documents. Accordingly, for the Board’s review and consideration, Resolution # 2023-08-04 evincing the same is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: Property purchase price is $500,000. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends the Board adopt attached Resolution # 2023-08-04 as presented. MOTION: “I make a Motion adopting attached Resolution # 2023-08-04 as presented.” PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION # 2023-08-04 ______________________________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZATION OF PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FOR A PUBLIC PURPOSE _____________________________________________________________________________ VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors’ (“Board”) Business Meeting held on August 15, 2023, the following Resolution was presented and adopted: WHEREAS, under the Virginia Code, the Board is charged with protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens and visitors; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of said goals, the Board is authorized under the Virginia Code and the Pittsylvania County Code to purchase property for a public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board, by adoption of the Resolution, formally authorizes the purchase of the real property described in Schedule “A,” for public use and not for development of business and industry; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby formally and officially designates the County Administrator to accept the property described in Schedule “A” by signature on the face of the deed or on a separate written instrument. Given under my hand this 15th day of August, 2023. __________________________________________ Darrell W. Dalton (Chairman) Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors __________________________________________ Stuart J. Turille, Jr. (Clerk) Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Vote William V. (“Vic”) Ingram ___ Robert M. Tucker, Jr. ___ Nancy K. Eanes ___ Timothy W. Dudley ___ Ronald S. Scearce ___ Robert (“Bob”) W. Warren ___ Ayes __ Nays __ Abstentions __ SCHEDULE “A” The property is that certain lot, parcel or tract of land, together with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, briefly described as Tract D, containing 33.5 acres, more or less, as shown on a Map Showing Survey of Farms for J. W. Bryan Estate, dated August 27, 1962, made by H.S. Pierce, recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Pittsylvania County, Virginia in Deed Book 423, at pages 562 and 563, commonly referred to as 11965 U.S. Highway NO. 29 (Tax Parcel ID 2423-19-0816, Chatham (Pittsylvania County), Virginia. 8.a. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Information Only Agenda Title: General Presentations (Board of Supervisors); (if any) Staff Contact(s): Kaylyn McCluster Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 8.a. Attachment(s): None Reviewed By: The Board will present any Proclamations, Resolutions, and/or Certificates approved/adopted on the August Consent Agenda or at previous Meetings. 10.a.1. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Hearing Agenda Title: FY 2023 Year-End County Budget Amendments Staff Contact(s): Kim VanDerHyde Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.a.1. Attachment(s): 1. 2023 BUDGET YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS- PUBLIC HEARING WITH BACKUP Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Annually, Departmental/Fund Budgets are reviewed to determine if sufficient budget amounts exist to cover expenses until year-end. Most of these items are bookkeeping entries required by the County’s Auditors. The attached list shows the amount needed/requested and the reason for the need/request. Said list also contains suggested appropriations for year-end, as well as the categorical changes requested by the School Board. This list has been circulated to all Board members via the Friday Update and has been duly advertised in the Chatham Star Tribune. Prior to approval of the attached FY 2023 Budget Amendments, per the Virginia Code, a Public Hearing is required to be held. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: See attached list. RECOMMENDATION: Following conducting the legally required Public Hearing, County Staff recommends the Board approve the FY 2023 County Budget Amendments as attached and presented. The transfers have no monetary effect on the County Budget since monies are simply being moved from one (1) line item to the next to cover shortages. The Budget Appropriations included are utilizing 2023 actual revenues that have not been previously budgeted. These appropriations will cover the various line items listed in detail on the attached list. MOTION: “I make a Motion approving the FY 2023 County Budget Amendments as attached and presented.” PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Pursuant to §15.2-2507, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in the Board Meeting Room, 39 Bank Street, SE, Chatham, Virginia, 24531, to receive citizen input on the proposed FY2023 Year-End Budget Amendments. Public hearing documents are available for public inspection Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, in the Pittsylvania County Administration Building, 1 Center Street, Chatham, Virginia, 24531, and on the County’s website, www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov. Proposed Budget Amendments 2022-2023 REVENUES Current Budgeted Revenues $272,959,698.54 General Fund Revenue 14,330.00 School Revenues-Federal, State and Grants 5,903,927.03 School Nutrition Program Revenues 644,949.07 Pet Center-Memorials and Donations 19,411.08 Workforce Investment Board-Expenditure Refunds 2,133.00 Courthouse Maintenance Fee Revenue 10,760.83 CIP General Fund Transfer 22,509.60 Solid Waste Fund Bond Proceeds 73,261.04 Solid Waste Fund Revenue 481,821.49 Rescue Billing Fund Revenue 236,243.65 Proposed Amended Revenues $280,369,045.33 EXPENDITURES Current Budgeted Expenditures $272,959,698.54 General Fund Operating Budget 14,330.00 School Operating Budget 5,903,927.03 School Nutrition Program Expense 644,949.07 Pet Center Fund Expense 19,411.08 Workforce Investment Board Fund Expense 2,133.00 Courthouse Maintenance Fund Expense 10,760.83 Capital Improvements Projects 22,509.60 Solid Waste Bond Funded Projects 73,261.04 Solid Waste Operating Budget 481,821.49 Rescue Billing Fund Expense 236,243.65 Proposed Amended Expenditures $280,369,045.33 Department Line Items Providing Funds Line Item Description Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Reason for Transfer/Appropriation 2023 Expense Line Item Amount of Transfer/Appropriation YEAR-END TRANSFERS: General Fund:TRANSFER Year-End Bookkeeping Budgetary Adjustments Non-Departmental 100-4-091200-8109 Grants Local Match/Contingency (289,368.13) 100-4-012320 (Reassessment-Various)273,784.03 100-4-012510-5841 (IT-Ipads for the Board)15,584.10 TRANSFER Schools 205 School Transfers - Year-End Categorical Changes- See Attached Spreadsheet from the School Board 205-4-061000-1120 (Instruction)(2,001,294.86) 205-4-062000-1800 (General Support)(263,995.91) 205-4-063000-3400 (Pupil Transport)(11,224.32) 205-4-064000-3300 (Maintenance)(1,873,988.10) 205-4-065000-3179 (Non-Instructional)13,316.90 205-4-066000-5600 (Facilities)5,586,824.99 205-4-067000-5700 (Technology)(1,449,638.70) TRANSFER Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund 501-4-094165-8205 Robin Court Water System-a grant will be obtained to cover this project- previously approved by the Board (856,909.58) Transfers are needed to cover the total cost of the Horseshoe Road Water Extension Project 501-4-094165-8204 1,278,233.30 501-4-043220-3163 Engineerng (14,970.75) 501-4-043220-5141 Purchased Water (107,017.44) 501-4-043220-8216 Property Improvements (2,972.33) 501-4-043221-3163 Engineerng (29,735.00) 501-4-043221-5142 Sewer Treatment (178,890.89) 501-4-043221-8102 Capital Outlay-Equipment (37,737.31) 501-4-094166-8202 Pump Station Generator (50,000.00) Pittsylvania County FY 2023 Year-End Budget Adjustments Department Line Items Providing Funds Line Item Description Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Reason for Transfer/Appropriation 2023 Expense Line Item Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Pittsylvania County FY 2023 Year-End Budget Adjustments YEAR-END APPROPRIATIONS: APPROPRIATION Animal Control 100-3-000000-130102 Dangerous Dog Fee 95.00 A dangerous dog fee is required by the state for all citizens who own a dangerous dog. The citizen pays this fee to the County to pass on to the State.100-4-035100-5899 95.00 APPROPRIATION Sheriff 100-3-000000-189903 Project Lifesaver-Donations 1,900.00 We receive donations for the Project Lifesaver Program at the Sheriff's office. We received monies during the year that need to be appropriated back to the Project Lifesaver Expenditure line item 100-4-031200-5882 1,900.00 APPROPRIATION Sheriff 100-3-000000-189913 Halloween-Contributions 234.00 We receive donations for the Trunk or Treat event that is sponsored by the Sheriff's office. We received monies during the year that need to be appropriated back to the Halloween Expenditure line item.100-4-031200-5878 234.00 APPROPRIATION Sheriff 100-3-000000-189915 Donations-DARE 4,000.00 We receive donations for the DARE program each year. Funds are collected and used by the Sherriff's office to provide valuable educational programs in the schools to equip students to resist peer pressure to experiment with tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.100-4-031200-6002 4,000.00 Department Line Items Providing Funds Line Item Description Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Reason for Transfer/Appropriation 2023 Expense Line Item Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Pittsylvania County FY 2023 Year-End Budget Adjustments APPROPRIATION Sheriff 100-3-000000-189916 Donations-K9 50.00 We receive donations to help care for the dogs in the K-9 program. The Sheriff uses to these funds for food and supplies to care for these animals. Therefore, these funds need to be appropriated to the K- 9 expenditure line item.100-4-031200-6045 50.00 APPROPRIATION Community Development 100-3-000000-189926 Expenditure Refunds-SOLAR 8,051.00 We are requiring solar farms to pay the cost of inspections on their projects. These invoices are paid through the community development budget.100-4-081400-3161 1,944.00 100-4-092100-5834 6,107.00 APPROPRIATION Schools 205-3-000000-240201 State Sales Tax 870,759.28 Additional State and federal revenue were received for PCS as referenced in the attched letter. An appropriation is needed for expenditures of these funds 205-4-061000-1120 1,795,910.33 205-3-000000-240202 School Funds - Regular 24,000.00 205-4-062000-1800 147,941.06 205-3-000000-330201 Federal Funds 3,540,500.95 205-4-063000-3400 378,598.94 205-3-000000-240264 School Misc Receipts 1,468,666.80 205-4-064000-3300 788,660.34 207-3-000000-161204 School Cafeteria Receipts 644,949.07 205-4-065000-3179 646,949.07 205-4-066000-5600 1,373,764.86 205-4-067000-5700 772,102.43 207-4-065100-5700 644,949.07 APPROPRIATION Pet Center 245-3-000000-189911 Donations-Memorials 19,331.08 The Pet Center routinely receives memorial gifts to be used specifically at the Pet Center. These funds need to be appropriated to the Pet Center Fund for expenditure.245-4-035200-5849 15,750.00 245-3-000000-189921 Donations-Spay/Neuter 80.00 245-4-035200-58492 3,661.08 Department Line Items Providing Funds Line Item Description Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Reason for Transfer/Appropriation 2023 Expense Line Item Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Pittsylvania County FY 2023 Year-End Budget Adjustments APPROPRIATION WIA-Administrative 251-3-000000-180301 Expenditure Refunds 2,133.00 The WIB had a total of $2,133.00 in expenditure refunds that is needed to balance out their administrative budget 251-4-353160-6014 2,133.00 APPROPRIATION Courthouse Maintenance Fund 312-3-000000-160302 Courthouse Maintenance Fees 10,760.83 Fees are charged for Courthouse Maintenance thru the Circuit Court Clerk's Office. These funds are used to maintain the Courthouse and needs to be appropriated for recent repairs to the Courthouse.312-4-043200-3310 10,760.83 APPROPRIATION Capital Improvements Fund 310-3-000000-410503 Transfer from other Funds 22,509.60 Funds transferred to Capital Reserve for Volunteer Fire and Recue Agencies not meeting call volume requirements. Two agencies did not meet call volume for FY2023 (Mt. Cross and Kentuck) and 1 agency only received half of their allotment (Callands).310-4-094135-810215 22,509.60 APPROPRIATION Solid Waste Enterprise Fund-Bond Proceeds 520-3-000000-150101 Interest on Investments 73,261.04 Interest earned on bond proceeds for FY2023. These funds need to appropriated to the Landfill Bond Project Fund fo cover future expenditures.520-4-094151-8133 70,971.82 520-4-094151-8212 2,289.22 Department Line Items Providing Funds Line Item Description Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Reason for Transfer/Appropriation 2023 Expense Line Item Amount of Transfer/Appropriation Pittsylvania County FY 2023 Year-End Budget Adjustments APPROPRIATION Solid Waste Enterprise Fund 520-3-000000-160803 Solid Waste Fees 460,517.04 We have received additional funds for taking in more trash at the landfill. These funds will be used to cover budget deficits due to a shortage of staff, additional fuel costs, and increased equipment maintenance costs.520-4-042300-3311 195,589.00 520-3-000000-160804 Solid Waste Fees-Delinquent 21,304.45 520-4-042300-6008 42,782.33 520-4-042400-3311 243,450.16 APPROPRIATION Rescue Billing 530-3-000000-160404 Rescue Billing-Cool Branch 45,281.09 Estimates for the Rescue Billing Fund for FY2023 were underestimated. Therefore, an additional appropriation is needed to balance the Rescue Billing Fund for the year.530-4-035501-5830 1,922.89 530-3-000000-160410 Rescue Billing-PC Public Safety 171,896.82 530-4-035501-5898 1,000.20 530-3-000000-410501 Unapprop Surplus/Carryover 19,065.74 530-4-035501-5899 14,835.53 530-4-035501-58991 2,497.96 530-4-035501-58992 38,339.13 530-4-035501-58993 1,377.69 530-4-035501-58998 176,270.25 TOTAL APPROPRIATION 7,409,346.79 7,409,346.79 10.a.2. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Public Hearing Agenda Title: Public Hearing: Pittsylvania County Code Amendments (RPD); (PCC §§ 35-35, -295, -296, -298, -301, and -305) Staff Contact(s): Emily Ragsdale Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.a.2. Attachment(s): 1. CA-23-001 Southside Investing 2. 08-15-2023 PCC Ch 35-35-295-296-298-301-305 Residential Planned Unit Development District (RPD) 3. RPD - updated 4. Definitions 08152023 Reviewed By: SUMMARY: Southside Investing, LLC ("Applicant"), is proposing a 579-acre development located on/off of State Road 58/Martinsville Highway, State Road 851/Peach Orchard Road, and Sugar Tree Lane, in the Tunstall Election District. The Applicant submitted a separate application requesting to rezone the eleven (11) subject properties from A-1, Agricultural District, to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District, to allow for a mixed-use development consisting of 308 multi-family units, 542 townhomes, and 988 single-family homes, as well as various commercial uses. For the rezoning and the proposed development plan to be approved, various changes to the County's Zoning Ordinance would be necessary. The Applicant is requesting amendments to Pittsylvania County Code ("PCC") §§ 35-295, 35-296, 35-298, 35-301, and 35-305. On June 6, 2022, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 6-0 vote, with opposition, that the proposed PCC amendments be adopted. Additionally, County Staff has proposed amendments to PCC § 35-35 to add definitions for attached and detached single family dwellings. This Public Hearing was duly advertised in the Chatham Star Tribune on August 2, 2023, and August 9, 2023. For the Board's review and consideration, attached are the proposed PCC revisions and other relevant documentation. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: Following the conducting of the legally required Public Hearing, County Community Development Staff recommends the Board approve the PCC Amendments as presented. MOTION: "I make a Motion approving the attached revisions to PCC §§ 35-35, 35-295, 35- 296, 35-298, 35-301, and 35-305 as presented." PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at the Board Meeting Room, 39 Bank Street SE, Chatham, Virginia 24531, to receive citizen input on proposed revisions to Pittsylvania County Code (“PCC”), Chapter 35, Article I, Division 3. Definitions. PCC Sec. 35-35. General Usage Terms; Article III, Division 7. Residential Planned Unit Development District. PCC Sec. 35-295, Special Use Permits; PCC Sec. 35-296, Area Regulations, Items (A) Minimum Lot Size and (B) Maximum Density; PCC Sec. 35- 298, Minimum Yard Dimensions, Items (A) Front Setback, (B) Side Setback, (C) Rear Setback, (D) Minimum Distance Between Main Buildings and (E) Corner Lots; PCC Sec. 35-301, Open Space Requirements; PCC Sec. 35-305, Streets, Items (F) Alleys and (G) Private Streets. A complete copy of the proposed revisions is available at the Pittsylvania County Administrator’s Office, 1 Center Street, Chatham, Virginia 24531, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., as well as on the County’s website at www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov. DIVISION 7 RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (RPD) SEC. 35-293. PURPOSE The purpose of this district is to promote large scale development of innovative and creative design as a means of creating a well planned living environment, to encourage variety in housing and supporting community facilities while, encouraging accessory commercial uses, and to protect the natural beauty of the landscape through the use of advantageous construction techniques, with the greatest amount of open area and the least disturbance of natural features, and to encourage the preservation and the more efficient use of open space. Residential Planned Developments are intended to provide flexibility in the development of large tracts of land through adjustment of certain lot, setback and use restrictions, and should provide for increased amenities, safety and conveniences, reduced public and private costs and other public and private benefits. SEC. 35-294. PERMITTED USES Within the Residential Planned Unit Development District (RPD), the following uses are permitted: accessory uses apartment houses child day care centers (licensed) (Amended December 21,1993) churches clubs (private) clubs (public) community centers, buildings condominiums conservation areas (public and private) country clubs County government uses such as waste collection, recycling, recreation, etc. detached dwelling units: duplexes, triplexes, quad-plexes, townhouses, attriumatrium houses, patio houses garages-private for storage of personal vehicles gardens (private) golf club, club houses golf courses home occupations, class A homes, single-family detached dwelling maintenance facilities for dwelling units manses, church-owned dwelling units multi-family dwellings parks playgrounds recreational facilities (private) recreational facilities (public) roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements security man's house signs-See Sections 35-95--35-101. water systems SEC. 35-295. SPECIAL USE PERMITS The following uses shall be permitted only by special use permits: barber and beauty shop (Amended July 6, 2004) commercial uses such as stores, service centers offices, etc.,retail, grocery stores, hotels, assisted living, skilled nursing, and other similar uses for service to the residents of the planned area and adjacent communities (Amended December 21, 1993) emergency, services facilities-fire, rescue marinas non-emergency medical transport (Amended December 21, 2010) off-street parking public facilities, offices, storage yards public garages public utilities-including substations, power generation, public utilities-structures towers schools (public and private) special temporary churches (Amended December 21, 1993) stables (private) temporary uses, construction activity-including temporary buildings, portable buildings (these uses may be limited by the County as to time) SEC. 35-296. AREA REGULATIONS A. Minimum Lot Size 1. Area To be considered as a residential planned unit development, a project's area must include five (5) or more contiguous acres of land, none of which can be under water or within a flowage easement. Minimum permitted size of any residential planned unit development or lots and parcel within shall be subject to approval by the local Department of Health. The procedure for addition to a development shall be the same as if an original application were filed. 2. Areas of the residential planned unit development used for single-family detached residences shall follow the area requirements under Section 35-224 of this Ordinance unless approved for smaller lot sizes and setbacks by the Board of Supervisors as part of a rezoning application to the RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District which may allow single-family detached lots to be a minimum of 4,500 sq. ft. and single-family attached unit lots may be a minimum of 1,300 sq. ft. . B. Maximum Density Residential Uses: Units per Gross Acre: Single family 3 Two-family, detached dwelling 5 Duplexes Multi-family 15 Townhouses 10 The Board of Supervisors may approve a maximum density for the residential planned unit development that exceeds the units per gross acre stated in this Ordinance as part of a rezoning application to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development. District The permitted density in dwelling units per gross acre, notwithstanding the provisions of this Chapter, shall be subject to approval by the local Health Department. SEC. 35-297. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS The maximum height of buildings in this district shall be eighty (80) feet. Belfries, cupolas, chimneys, flues; flagpoles, television antennae, radio aerials, silos, and water tanks are exempted. Any building or structure shall be constructed, erected, installed, maintained, and be of an approved type in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code as amended and the Fire Prevention Code. SEC. 35-298. MINIMUM YARD DIMENSIONS A. Front Setback Setback from the nearest point on dwelling or principal structure (including porches or stoops or any accessory, buildings) shall be thirty-five (35) feet from the edge of right-of-way for exterior property lines of the residential planned unit of development. The setback from the nearest point on a dwelling or principal structure bordering interior front property lines within the residential planned unit of development shall be twenty (20) feet from the edge of the right-of-way. Accessory buildings, porches, bay windows, eaves, and stoops may encroach into the front setback of interior front yards of the planned unit of development provided that the setback is not less than ten (10) feet. B. Side Setback The minimum side setback, the distance from the side property line of a lot to the nearest point on a dwelling or principal structure (including porches, stoops, or accessory building) shall be a minimum often (10) feet for exterior property lines of the residential planned unit of development. The minimum side setback, the distance from the side property lines of a lot to the nearest point on a dwelling or principal structure shall be a minimum of six (6) feet and single-family attached dwellings may have no side setback where directly adjoining another unity within one building. Accessory buildings, porches, bay windows, eaves, and stoops may encroach into the side setback no more than four (4) feet. C. Rear Setback The minimum rear setback, the distance from the rear property line of an exterior property line of the residential planned unit development of a lot to the nearest point on a dwelling or principal structure (including porches, stoops, or,or accessory building) shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet. The minimum rear setback shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the rear property line of an interior lot line of the residential planned unit development to the nearest point on a dwelling or principal structure. Accessory buildings, porches, bay windows, eaves, and stoops may encroach into the rear setback of interior rear yards of the planned unit of development provided that the setback is not less than five (5) feet. For property bordering Smith Mountain Lake and other lakes 100 acres, or greater in size, the distance will be measured from the recognized full pond level. Rear setback requirements for property contiguous with Smith Mountain Lake may be reduced to twenty (20) feet for single-family detached dwellings only. Walkways and steps are exempt from rear setback requirements. D. Minimum Distance between Main Buildings For fire protection in rural areasthe residential planned unit development, the minimum distance between main buildings shall be no less than fifteen (15). it is required that principal structures be no less than twenty (20) feet apart. E. Corner Lots The minimum side yard depth on the side facing the side street shall be thirty-five (35) feet or more from the side building line to the right-of-way line for both main and accessory buildings adjacent to an exterior property line of the residential planned unit of development. The minimum side yard setback on the side facing the side street within the planned unit of development shall be twenty (20) feet. Accessory buildings, porches, eaves and stoops may encroach in the setback from an interior property line provided that the setback is not less than five (5) feet. SEC. 35-299. FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS Not regulated. SEC. 35-300. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE See General Regulations, Sections 35-80---35-82. SEC. 35-301. OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS See Application of Regulations and General Regulations, Sections 35-15--35-22 and 35-60--35- 66. 1. The required open space shall not be less than fifty (50) thirty (30) percent of the total gross area of the residential planned unit development. 2. The required developed recreational space, consisting of parks, play areas, and similar recreational uses, shall not be less than five (5) percent of the total gross area of the development. 3. Open space shall be defined for the purposes of this Section as that total land or water within the boundaries or a planned unit development, designed and intended for use and enjoyment as open areas, and not improved with building, structure, street, road, parking area, or any type of sidewalk, except for recreational structures. 4. All open space, including developed open space, shall be specifically,specifically included in the development schedule and be constructed and fully improved by the developer at an equivalent or greater rate than the construction of residential structures. SEC. 35-302. MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE (BY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION) 1. There shall be established a non-profit association, a stock or membership corporation, trust, or foundation of all individuals or corporations owning residential property within the planned unit development to insure maintenance of open spaces. 2. When the open space is to be maintained through a non-profit association, corporation, trust or foundation, said organization shall conform to the following requirements: a. The developer must establish the organization prior to the sale of any lots. b. The membership in the organization shall be mandatory for all residential property owners, present of future within the planned development, and said organization shall not discriminate in its members or shareholders. c. The organization shall manage all open space and recreational and cultural facilities; shall provide for the maintenance, administration and operation of said land and improvements, and any other land within the planned community, and shall secure adequate liability insurance on the land. d. The organization shall conform to the Condominium Act, Sections 55-79.39 through 55-79.103, Code of Virginia. 1950, amended to date. SEC. 35-303. SIGNS See Special Provisions, District Regulations, Sections 35-95--35-10 I. SEC. 35-304. OTHER SPECIAL REGULATIONS RESERVED SEC. 35-305.STREETS (B.M.S. 3-21-06, in its entirety) A. Alignment and layout. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas. The street arrangement must be such as to cause no unnecessary hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. Where, in the opinion of the agent, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary line of such property. Half streets along the boundary of land proposed for subdivision may not be permitted. Wherever possible, streets should interest intersect at right angles. In all hillside areas streets running with contours shall be required to intersect at angles of not less than sixty (60) degrees, unless approved by the highway engineer. B. Approach angle.Major streets shall approach the major or collector streets at an angle or not less than eighty (80) degrees, unless the agent upon recommendation of the highway engineer, shall approve a lesser angle of approach for reasons of contour, terrain or matching of existing patterns. C. Minimum widths. The minimum widths of proposed streets, measured from the lot line, shall be as shown on the major street plan, or if not shown on such plan shall be: 1. As identified in the VDOT subdivision street standards on 24VAC 30-90-380 Table I as revised by VDOT. 2. Rural rustic roads, as defined by Virginia Department of Transportation, not less than thirty (30) feet. (BOS November 19, 2002) 3. Or other minor streets which cannot be extended in the future – no less than forty (40) feet. (B.S.M. 9-01-02) D. Construction requirements. Unless otherwise specified, all street construction requirements shall be those of the Virginia Department of Transportation for acceptance into the State secondary system, including but not limited to the current edition of: "Subdivision Street Requirements" and "Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia”, as both are amended from time to time. (B.S.M. 7-1-02) E. Cul-de-sacs. Shall meet the requirements of VDOT 24VAC 30-90-380 subdivision standard as revised by VDOT. F. Alleys. Alleys should be avoided wherever possible except where approved as part of the site plan process for the residential planned unit development as part of the rezoning process. Dead-end alleys, if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities as determined by the agent. G. Private streets. Except as provided in Section 15.2-2267, Code of Virginia, 1950, as the same may from time to time be amended, there shall be no private streets platted in any subdivision. Every subdivided property shall be served from a publicly dedicated street unless approval is granted by the Board of Supervisors as part of a rezoning application to RPD, RPD, Residential Planned Unit of Development District. There shall be no reserved strips controlling access to streets, except where the control of such strips is definitely placed within the community under conditions approved by the agent. The Board of Supervisors may approve the creation and use of private streets as part of a rezoning application to RPD, Residential Planned Unit of Development District. H. Names. Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with other already existing and named streets shall bear the names of the existing street. In no case shall the name of proposed streets duplicate existing street names in Pittsylvania County and adjoining jurisdictions, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, way, place, lane or court. Street names shall be indicated on the preliminary and final plats, andplats and shall be approved by the agent. Names of existing streets shall not be changed except by approval of the Board of Supervisors. I. Identification signs. Street identification signs of an approved design shall be installed at all intersections. SEC. 35-306. UTILITIES Within a planned unit development, all newly installed utilities, including television cable, and electrical systems, shall be installed underground. Appurtenances to these, systems which require above ground installations shall be effectively screened. SECS. 35-307--35-315. RESERVED ▪DIVISION 3. DEFINITIONS, PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE SEC. 35-35. GENERAL USAGE TERMS Abandoned Motor Vehicle - means a motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer or part thereof that: a. Is inoperable and is left unattended on public property for more than forty-eight (48) hours, or b. Has remained illegally on public property for a period of more than forty-eight (48) hours, or c. Has remained without consent on private property, including but not limited to any commercial parking place, motor vehicle storage facility, or establishment for the service, repair, maintenance or sale of motor vehicles, whether or not such vehicle was brought onto or left at such property with or without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than forty-eight (48) hours. Adjacent-The word "adjacent" means "nearby" and not necessarily "contiguous." Antique Motor Vehicle - Every motor vehicle, as herein defined, which was actually manufactured, or designated by the manufacturer as a model manufactured in a calendar year not less than twenty-five (25) years prior to January 1 of each calendar year and is owned solely as a collector's item, and/or is used for participation in club activities, exhibits, tours; parades, and similar uses, but in no event used for general transportation, may be classified by the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles as an antique motor vehicle. Additionally, antique motor vehicles may be operated on the highways of the Commonwealth for the purposes of testing their operation, obtaining repair or maintenance, and transportation to events and activities as hereinabove provided. Building - The word "building" includes the word "structure." Buildable Area - The area of a lot remaining after required yards, open spaces, parking, loading and access areas have been provided. Code of Virginia - The term "Code of Virginia" shall include "as amended." County - The word "County" shall mean County of Pittsylvania or Pittsylvania County as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia; "County boundary" means any exterior boundary of the County or any boundary of unincorporated territory within the County. Construction Standards - The term "construction standards" means those construction standards approved by the Board of Supervisors and County Building Inspector and included in the Uniform Statewide Building Code. Land use: use of land - The terms "land use" and "use of land" shall be deemed also to include "building use" and "use of a building." Lot -The word "lot" includes the words "plot" or "parcel" Person - The word "person" includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or corporation, as well as an individual Shall - The word "shall" is mandatory. State -The word "State" shall mean Commonwealth of Virginia. Used - The word "used" shall be deemed to also include "erected", "reconstructed", "altered", "placed", or "moved." SEC. 35-36. INTERPRETATION OF DEFINITIONS BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR In case of any dispute over the meaning of a word, phrase, or a sentence, whether defined herein or not. SECS.35-37-35-39. RESERVED SEC. 35-40. PRINCIPAL DEFINITIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE (Amended June 7, 1999) Accessory Building - A subordinate building located on the same lot as the principal building, and the use of which is customarily associated with and incidental to the use of the principal building. An accessory building shall not dominate a principal building in area, extent or purpose. An accessory building that is attached to and is an integrated part of a principal building (by location, materials and architectural design) shall be governed by the regulations for principal buildings in this Ordinance. Accessory Structure - A subordinate structure located on the same lot as the principal use, and the use of which is customarily associated with and incidental to the principal use. Accessory Use - A use incidental to, and customarily associated with, the principal use of the lot. Acreage - A parcel of land, regardless of area, described by metes and bounds, which is not a numbered lot on any subdivision plat. Administrator, The Zoning - The official of the County charged with the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. He may serve with or without compensation as determined by the governing body and may be known as the Zoning Administrator. Alteration - Any change in the total floor area, use adaptability, or external appearance of an existing structure. Apartment House - A building used or intended to be used as the residence of three (3) or more families living independently of each other; a multi-family dwelling. Area Requirements - The minimum lot size in square feet and/or acreage specified for lots; satisfaction of lot dimensions or area shall not be achieved by including land covered by water or flowage easements. Barber and Beauty Shop - An establishment where hairdressing, facials, manicures and tanning are performed. Basement - A story having part but not more than one-half (1/2) of its height below grade. A basement shall be counted as a story for the purpose of height regulations if it is used for business purposes, or for dwelling purposes by other than a janitor employed on the premises. Block - That property abutting one side of a street, and lying between the two nearest intersecting streets or the nearest intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right-of-way, unsubdivided acreage, river or live stream or between any of the foregoing and any other barrier to the continuity of development. Board of Supervisors - The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors also referred to in this Ordinance as the Board or Board of Supervisors, who is the elected governing body for Pittsylvania County. Board of Zoning Appeals - The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals is a body appointed by the Circuit Court of Pittsylvania County and is to hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative officer of the County in the administration or enforcement of this Zoning Ordinance. Further, detailing of duties and powers to be provided in a subsection of this Ordinance. Buffer Zone - Term used in zoning and land use to describe an area separating two (2) different types or zones or classes of areas to make each blend more easily with the other. It may take one or more of several forms including but not limited to open strips of land, ornamental landscaping, berms, fencing, natural growth or other barriers. Natural growth shall be construed to mean coniferous trees, bushes, and/or shrubbery which shall be continuous. Trees shall be planted every six (6) to ten (10) feet. Such natural growth shall be maintained. Fencing shall be uniform in nature and construction. The Zoning Administrator, the Board of Zoning Appeals, or the Board of Supervisors may impose buffer zoning requirements upon any appropriate zoned district/lot/parcel. Building - Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls, for the housing or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels (personal property). Building Area - The area of a lot remaining after required yards, open spaces, parking, loading and access areas have been provided. Building Code - The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Building Line – Also the building setback line. The distance in which a building is from the front lot line or front boundary line. The line established beyond which a building shall not extend, except as provided specifically in this ordinance. Building Official - An appointed official of Pittsylvania County who is responsible for certifying building inspections, and who administers and enforces the provisions of the Pittsylvania County Building Code. Building, Main - The principal structure or one of the principal buildings on a lot, or the building or one of the principal buildings housing the principal use on the lot. Building Permit - A permit which is issued by the Building Inspector before a building or structure is started, improved, enlarged or altered as proof that such action is in compliance with the Pittsylvania County Building Code. Cellar - A story having more than one-half (1/2) of its height below grade and which may not be occupied for dwelling purposes. Certificate of Occupancy - The certificate issued by the building official which permits the use of a building in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and which certifies compliance with the building codes of the County and this Ordinance for use and occupancy of the building in its several parts together with any special stipulations or conditions of the building permit and/or zoning approval/permit. Certificate of Zoning Compliance - This certificate states that the proposed use of a building or land conforms to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with the approved zoning permit or variance. Cluster Development - An arrangement of structures on adjoining lots in groupings allowing closer spacing than would be generally permitted under Ordinance requirements for lot widths or area with the decrease in lot width or area compensated by maintenance of equivalent open space either elsewhere on the lot or in the form of common open space. Commercial Operations - A wholesale, retail, or service business activity established to carry on trade for a profit. Commission, The - The Planning Commission of Pittsylvania County. Common Open Space - An open tract or parcel of land not devoted to residential uses or structures but directly related and adjunct to a cluster development or planned development, as herein provided, and owned and/or controlled by the residents of such development. Conditional Zoning - Conditional zoning means, as part of classifying land within a governmental entity into areas and districts by legislative action, the allowing of reasonable conditions governing the use of such property, such conditions being in addition to the regulations provided for in a particular zoning district or zone by the overall zoning Ordinance. It is the purpose of this Code of Virginia provision(s) to provide a more flexible and adaptable zoning method to cope with situations found in such zones through conditional zoning, whereby a zoning reclassification may be allowed subject to certain conditions proffered by the zoning applicant for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned. Condominium - A single unit in a multiple unit residential or commercial structure that is offered for sale and shall be a part of a condominium project with general common elements as defined in Section 55- 79.2, Code of Virginia, 1950. County Building Code - The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code adopted by the Board of Supervisors and any amendments thereto. Cul-de-sac - A street with only one (1) outlet and having an appropriate turn-around for a safe and convenient reverse traffic movement. Development - A tract of land developed or to be developed as a unit under single ownership or unified control which is to be used for any business or industrial purpose, or is to contain three (3) or more residential dwelling units. The term "development" shall not be construed to include any property which will be principally devoted to agricultural production. District - A section of Pittsylvania County within which the zoning regulations are uniform; herein, this usually refers to zoning districts not to be confused with voting or other type districts. Dwelling - Any structure which is designed for use for residential purposes, except hotels, motels, boarding houses, lodging houses, tourist cabins, apartments and travel trailers. Dwelling, Multi-family – A structure arranged or designed to be occupied by more than three (3) or more families. A multiple family dwelling, commonly known as an apartment building, generally has a common outside entrance(s) for all the dwelling units. For the purpose of this ordinance, a multiple family dwelling shall not be construed to mean a single-family attached dwelling as defined herein. This may include apartment or townhouse-type units. Dwelling, Portable - See manufactured home definition. Dwelling, Single-Family - A structure arranged or designed to be occupied by one (1) family, the structure having only one (1) dwelling unit and placed on a permanent foundation. Dwelling, Single-Family Attached - A group of two (2) or more single-family dwelling units which are generally joined to one another by a shared wall, whether or not such a group is located on a single parcel or on adjoining individual lots. Each unit on a lot shall have its own outside entrance(s). For the purpose of this ordinance, dwellings such as a townhouses, rowhouses, and duplexes are considered single-family attached housing units, as long as there is no household living above another one within the walls extending from the basement to the roof that separate the units. Dwelling, Single-Family Detached - A single family dwelling unit which is entirely surrounded by open space or yards on the same lot. Dwelling Two-Family or Duplex - A structure arranged or designed to be occupied by two (2) families, the structure having only two (2) dwelling units. The units may be arranged one above the other or be semi-detached. Dwelling, Triplex - A multiple-family dwelling or series of attached single-family dwellings containing three (3) units. Dwelling Unit - One (1) or more rooms in a residential building or residential portion of a building which are arranged, designed, used or intended for use as a complete, independent living facility for one (1) family, and which include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.One (1) or more rooms in a dwelling designed for living or sleeping purposes, and having at least one (1) kitchen. Easement - A grant by a property owner of the use of his land by another party for a specific purpose. Engineer - An engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Federal Act - means the National Manufacturing Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 as amended. (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401 et. sec) Federal Regulation - Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations, enacted May 13, 1976, under authority granted by Sec. 625 of the act, and designated as part 3282, chapter XX, title 24 of HUD's regulations (24 CFR part 3282), and any and all future modifications and codifications thereof as from time to time are adopted (part 3282 consists of sub-parts A through L, with sections numbered 3282.1 through 3282.554, and has an effective date of June 15, 1976. Federal Standards - means the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. Floodplain or Flood-prone Areas - Those areas adjoining a river, stream, watercourse, or lake, which have been, or hereafter are likely to be covered by floodwaters. Flood Proofing - A combination of structural provisions, changes, or adjustments to properties and structures subject to flooding required for new construction in the floodway by the County Building Code. Floor Area - The sum of the gross areas of the several floors of a building or buildings measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center lines of walls separating two (2) buildings. In particular, floor area includes: a. Basement space, except such space in a basement which has at least one-third (1/3) of its height below curb level, and which is located in a residential building with not more than two (2) stories entirely above curb level; b. Elevator shafts or stairwells at each floor; c. Floor space in penthouses; d. Attic space (whether or not a floor has been laid) providing structural headroom of eight (8) feet or more; e. Floor space in interior balconies or mezzanines; f. Floor space in open or roofed terraces, exterior balconies, breezeways, or porches, if more than fifty (50) percent of the perimeter of such terrace, balcony, breezeway, or porch is enclosed; g. Any other floor space used for dwelling purposes, no matter where located within a building, when not specifically excluded; h. Floor space in accessory buildings except for floor space used for accessory off-street parking. Floor Area or a Building shall not include: a. Cellar space, except that cellar space used for retailing shall be included for the purpose of calculating requirements for accessory off-street parking spaces and accessory off-street loading berths; b. Elevator or stair bulkheads, accessory water tanks, or cooling towers; c. Uncovered steps; d. Attic space; whether or not a floor actually has been laid, providing structural headroom of less than eight (8) feet; e. Floor space in open or roofed terraces, exterior balconies, breezeways, or porches, provided that not more than fifty (50) percent of the perimeter of such terrace, balcony, breezeway, or porch is enclosed; f. Unenclosed floor space used for permitted or required accessory off-street parking spaces; g. Floor space used for accessory off-street loading berths; h. Floor space used for mechanical equipment. Flowage Easement - Easement rights retained by Appalachian Power Company on certain parcels of land at Smith Mountain Lake to allow for the rise and fall of the lake pool height during daily operations, with allowance for flood induced variations. Frontage -The distance measured along the right-of-way line between its intersection with side lot lines. Garage, Private - Accessory building designed or used for the storage of automobiles owned and used by the occupants of the building to which it is accessory. Governing Body - The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors. Health Department- The Pittsylvania County Health Department or its designated agent or representative. Height, Building -The vertical distance from the grade to the top of the highest roof beams of a flat roof; or the mean level of the highest gable or slope of a hip rook When the building faces on more than one (1) street, the height shall be measured from the average of the grades at the center of each street front. (Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code) Height, Story - he vertical distance from top to top of two (2) successive tiers of beams finished floor surfaces; and, for the topmost story, from the top of the floor finish to the top of the ceiling joists, or, when there is not a ceiling, to the top of the roof rafters. (Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code) Highway, Primary - All state highways in the "State Highway System" so designated by the State Highway and Transportation Commission under requirements of Section 33.1-25 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Highway, Secondary - All roads of the Commonwealth of Virginia not currently in the primary system of state highways as provided for in Section 33.1-67 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Home Occupations - An occupation conducted in a dwelling unit for profit. The County uses two (2) categorizations of home occupations: Class A and Class B, with Class B being less restrictive. The following general regulations apply: a. The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by the family. b. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation other than signs, which do not exceed the sign regulations of this Ordinance. c. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in the immediate neighborhood and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met of the street and other than in a requited front yard. d. No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation, which creates noise, vibrations, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot, if the occupation is conducted in a single-family residence, or outside the dwelling unit if conducted in other than a single-family residence. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio or television receivers off the premises. Boarding houses and rooming houses, tourist homes and private educational institutions shall not be deemed home occupations. Home Occupation, Class A - An occupation conducted in a dwelling unit for profit in connection with which no person other than members of the family residing on the premise is engaged in such occupation. Home Occupation, Class B - An occupation conducted in a dwelling unit for profit, with or without the use of one or more accessory structures, in connection with which there are employed not more than two (2) persons other than members of the family residing on the premise, which persons may be in addition to such family members. HUD - means the United States Department of Housing end Urban Development. Label or Certification Label - means the approved form of certification by the manufacturer that, under 24 CFR 3282.362 (c) (2) (i) of the Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations, is permanently affixed to each transportable section of each manufactured home manufactured for sale to a purchaser in the United States. Lot - A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a main structure or group of main structures end accessory structures, together with such yards, open spaces, lot width end lot areas as are required by this Ordinance, and having frontage upon a street, either shown on a plat of record or considered as a unit of property and described by metes and bounds. Lot Area -The total horizontal area included within the rear, side and front lot lines or proposed street lines of the lot, excluding any streets or highways, whether dedicated to public use, including off street automobile parking areas and other accessory uses. Lot area shall not include portions underwater except where the total urea or a body of water is within the lot. Lot, Corner - A lot abutting on two (2) or more streets at their intersection; the shortest side fronting upon a street shall be considered the from of the lot, end the longest side fronting upon a street shall be considered the side of the lot. Lot Coverage - The ratio of the horizontally projected area of the main end accessory buildings on a lot to the total area of the lot except where otherwise defined herein. Lot, Depth of- The mean horizontal distance between the front end rear lot lines. Lot, Double Frontage - An interior lot having frontage on two (2) streets. Lot Frontage Width- The distance between side property lot lines measured at the front lot line. Lot, Interior- Any lot other that a comer lot, but including a through lot. Lot, Through (Double Frontage) - A lot other than a comer lot with frontage on more than one (1) street. Through lots abutting two (2) streets may be referred to as double frontage lots. Lot Line - The boundary of a lot. As a guiding principle, lake front lots at Smith Mountain Lake end other lakes greater than one hundred (100) acres in size should have rear of side lot lines coterminous with the high water contour line for the lake so as to insure that lot owners shall have legal access to the lake. Lot Width - The average horizontal distance between side property lot lines. Lot of Record - A lot, which has been recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court. Manufactured Home - A structure subject to federal regulation, that meets or exceeds man~ home construction and safety standards promulgated by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (the "Federal Standards"), which is transportable in one or more sections; is eight (g) body feet or more in width and forty (40) body feet or more in length in the traveling mode, or is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet when erected on site; is built on a permanent chassis; is designed to be used as a single-family dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, and is designed to be connected to the required utilities; and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems contained in the structure. Note: Pittsylvania County considers mobile homes and manufactured homes to be synonymous as regards to its subdivision and manufactured homing park ordinances. Manufactured Home Lot - A parcel of land for the placement of a manufactured home and the exclusive use of its occupants. Manufactured Home Pad - That part of an individual manufactured home lot, which has been reserved for the placement of a manufactured home. Manufactured Home Park - Three (3) or more manufactured home lots, tracts or parcels of land, corporately or privately owned, used or offered for use in whole or part for consideration, for the parking of manufactured homes. Under no circumstances are lots in manufactured home parks to be sold unless in accordance with the Pittsylvania County Subdivision Ordinance. Mobile Home - a manufactured home as defined in this Ordinance. Mobile Home Lot - A parcel of land for the placement of a mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants. Mobile Home Subdivisions - Lots and parcels of land, which have been planned and improved for the exclusive use of mobile homes. These lots will be individually owned by the mobile home dweller and the subdivision shall be planned, designed, end approved in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of Pittsylvania County. Nonconforming Lot - An otherwise legally platted lot that does not conform to the minimum area and width requirements of this Ordinance for the district in which it is located either at the effective date of this Ordinance or as a result of subsequent amendments to the Ordinance. Nonconforming Structure - An otherwise legal building or structure that does not conform with the lot area, yard, height, lot coverage, or other area regulations of this Ordinance, or is designed or intended for a use that does not conform to the use regulations of this Ordinance, for the district in which it is located, either at the effective date of this Ordinance or as a result of subsequent amendments of the Ordinance. Nonconforming Use - The otherwise legal use of a building or of a tract of land that does not conform to the use regulations of this Ordinance for the district in which it is located, either at the effective date of this Ordinance or as a result of subsequent amendments to this Ordinance. Office - A room or building in which a person transacts his business or carries on his stated occupation. Off-street Parking Area - Space provided for vehicular parking outside the dedicated street right-of-way. On-site Sewerage System - A sewerage system designed not to result in a point source discharge, including individual septic tanks used by the main dwelling on an individual lot, and approved by the Health Department. Two different subcategories of system specifically recognized: a. Individual On-site Sewerage System. A wastewater treatment system included on an individual lot or parcel on which health department has approved an individual septic tank or similar wastewater treatment system to serve a single-family dwelling or duplex dwelling along with a septic system drain field to serve a single-family dwelling or duplex dwelling. b. Mass Drainfield On-site Sewerage System. A wastewater treatment system on a lot or common area or parcel that is normally separated from residential lots that may or may not be contiguous. Both septic tank and drainfield serve multiple units of residential uses or other uses. Open Space - Water or land left in undisturbed open condition or developed as a landscaped area unoccupied by habitable buildings, streets or parking lots. Also a yard area which is not used for or occupied by a driveway, off-street parking loading space, refuse storage space. Open Space Easement - An easement tied to the title of the land restricting the development rights so to ensure the retention of the land as open space. Permitted Use - A permitted use is one which is allowed in the zoning district in which the land is situated. Where the proposed use is permitted and is in accordance with other regulations herein, a zoning permit will be issued by the Zoning Administrator, without hearing thereon. Planned Development, Residential - A residential planned development is a planned unit development consisting of varied types of residential land use and densities. All residential planned developments must comply with the Pittsylvania County Subdivision Ordinance and are subject to additional requirements and allowances as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors or its designated agent. Planning Commission -The Pittsylvania County Planning Commission, which may be referred to in this Ordinance as the Planning Commission or the Commission and which is created in order to promote the orderly development of Pittsylvania County and its environs and which shall serve primarily in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors. Plat - Plat includes the terms map, plan, plot, replat, or replot; a map or plan of a tract or parcel of land which is to be, or which has been subdivided. When used as a verb, "plat" is synonymous with "subdivide." Prescriptive Easement - An easement granted the Virginia Department of Transportation for the construction and maintenance of public roads owned by said Department. Proffer - To offer or tender. Usually to offer to perform some action. For example: when a developer offers to dedicate a portion of a development for some beneficial use to the public. Public Sewerage System - A sewerage system owned or operated by any incorporated Town of Pittsylvania County, a state chartered authority or sanitary district that operates or will operate in the County, and any future agency or agent of the County. These systems result in a point discharge and must be approved by the State Health Department and the State Water Control Board. Public Utilities - Public service structures such as power plant substations; water lines; treatment plants or pumping stations, sewage disposal systems and treatment plants; or such similar operations publicly or privately owned furnishing electricity, gas, rail transport, communication or related services to the general public. Public Water System - A water system owned or operated by any incorporated Town of Pittsylvania County, a state chartered authority or sanitary district that operates or will operate in Pittsylvania County, and any future agency or agent of the County providing water treatment services to multiple users. These systems provide for drinking or domestic water use, are approved by the State Health Department; generally have at least fifteen (15) connections or an average of twenty-five (25) individuals for at least sixty (60) days out of the year. Ouadruplex: Quadplex - A multiple-family dwelling or series of attached single-family dwellings containing four (4) dwelling units. Required Open Space - Any space required in any front, side, or rear yard. Resident Engineer - The Resident Engineer for Pittsylvania County, Virginia, employed by the Virginia Department of Transportation, or his designated agent. Residential Area (gross) - The total area within a residential development including land but not land under water or a flowage easement. Residential Area (net) -The area of land within a development designed for residential uses and unoccupied by streets, open spaces or parking areas. Private driveways accessory to residential uses shall not be considered streets or parking areas and are thus included in the net area. Residential Density (gross) - The total number of dwelling units within a development divided by the gross residential area and expressed in dwelling units per acre. Residential Density (net) -The total number of dwelling units within a development divided by the net residential area and expressed in dwelling units per acre. Residential Use - A building or part of a building containing dwelling units or rooming units, including single-family or two (2) family houses, multiple family dwellings, mobile and manufactured homes, boarding or rooming houses, dormitories, fraternity or sorority houses or apartment hotels; but not including monasteries, convents, transient accommodations, such as hotels, motels, tourist cabins, or travel trailer parks, or that part of a mixed building used for any non-residential use, except accessory to residential uses. Rezone - To change the zoning classification of particular lots or parcels of land. Right-of-Way - Access over or across particularly described property for specific purpose or purposes. Right-of-Way Line - The dividing line between a lot, a tract, or parcel of land and a contiguous street, railroad, or public utility right-of-way. Right-of-Way, State Owned - The right-of-way owned outright by the Virginia Department of Highways on which public roads are constructed and maintained. Setback - The minimum distance by which any building structure and/or parts must be separated from the centerline of the roadway or property line. Setback Line - A line parallel to a street and extending the full width of the lot for a specified distance at all points from the street's centerline, and thus defining an area in which no building or structures or portions thereof may be constructed. Sign - Any display of any letters, words, numerals, figures, devices, emblems, pictures, or any part or any parts or combinations thereof by any means whereby the same are made visible for the purpose of making anything known, whether such display be made on, attached to, or as a part or a structure, surface or any other thing, including, but not limited to, the ground, any rock, tree, or other natural object, which display is visible beyond the boundaries of the parcel of land on which the same is made. A display of less than one (1) square foot in area is excluded from this definition. Sign Area - The area of a sign shall be determined from its outside measurements, including any wall work incidental to its decoration, but excluding supports, unless such supports are used to attract attention. In the case of a sign where lettering appears on opposite sides of the sign, the area shall be considered to be that of only one. In the case of an open sign made up of individual letters, figures or designs, the area shall be determined as if such display were made on a sign with straight lines or circular sides. Sign, Commercial - A sign informing or advertising products or activities for sale or profit. Sign, Directional - A sign indicating only the name and direction to a business, farm, or activity. Sign, On-Site - A sign relating to its subject matter to the premises on which it is located, or to products, accommodations, services, or activities on the premises. On-site signs do not include signs erected by the outdoor advertising industry in the conduct of the outdoor advertising business (i.e., billboards). Sign Off-Site - A sign, either free standing or attached to a building, for the purpose of conveying information, knowledge, or ideas to the public about a subject not specific to the premises upon which it is located. Sign, Outdoor Advertising - A structural poster or painted sign, either free standing or attached to a building, for the purpose of conveying information, knowledge, or ideas to the public about a subject related to the premises upon which it is located. Sign Portable - A sign, usually of a temporary nature, securely but not permanently anchored to the ground or to a building or structure, and which obtains some or all of its structural stability with respect to wind or other normally applied forces by means of its geometry or character. Sign, Temporary - Any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other materials with or without frames intended to be displayed for a period of not more than sixty (60) consecutive days. Site Development Plan - The proposal for a development or a subdivision including all covenants, grants or easements and other conditions relating to use, location and bulk of buildings, density of development, common open space, public facilities and such other information as required by the Subdivision Ordinance or other ordinances to which the proposed development or subdivision is subject. Site development plans and requirements for them may apply to developments whose purpose is for uses other than residential. Skirting - means a weather resistant material used to enclose the space from the bottom bf the manufactured home to grade. Special Use/Special Exception - A special use that is a use not permitted in a particular zoning district except by a special use permit granted under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The terms special exception and special use permit are typically considered to be interchangeable, I Both terms refer to the delegated power of the State to set aside certain categories of uses which are to be permitted only after being submitted to governmental scrutiny in each case, in order to insure compliance with standards designed to protect neighboring properties and the public. (Code of Virginia). The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals shall be responsible for the granting, or refusal to grant, special use permits (special exceptions). Special Use Permits - See Special Exception. Special use permits may be considered as the actual writing of the action taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals in granting a special exception (special use) requested by a person or other entity. Street, Road - A public thoroughfare, which affords principal means of access to abutting property. The strip of land comprising the entire ~ea within the right-of-way intended for possible use as a means of vehicular and pedestrian circulation to provide access to more than one lot. The word street includes road, thoroughfare, parkway, avenue, lane, boulevard, expressway, highway, place, throughway, square, alley, or however designated within the above maintained right-of- way. Street Centerline - A line generally parallel to the right-of-way lines that equally divide the street right-of- way. Street Line - The dividing line between a street and road right-of-way and the contiguous property. Street Width - The total width of the strip of land dedicated or reserved for public travel, including roadway, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and planting strips. Structure - Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the grounds, or attachment to something having a permanent location on the ground. This includes, among other things, dwellings, buildings, signs, etc. Subdivision - A subdivision shall mean the division of any lot, parcel, or tract of land into four (4) or more parts of less than five (5) acres each for the purpose of building development. If a new street is involved in such division it is required to meet the requirements of this Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance. The term subdivision shall not include a bona fide division or partition of agricultural land for agricultural purposes or for the building site for members of the family owning any such agricultural lands, nor any division of land which may be ordered by the Circuit Court. The word "subdivide" and any derivative thereof shall have reference to the term "subdivider" as defined below. Subdivider - An individual, corporation or registered partnership, owning any tract, lot or parcel of land to be subdivided, or group of two or more persons owning any tract, lot or parcel of land to be subdivided, who has given their power of attorney to one of their group or to another individual to act on their behalf in planning, negotiating for, in representing, or executing the legal requirements of the subdivision. Surveyor - A land surveyor certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Townhouse - A residential unit in a series of from three (3) to twelve (12) single-family attached dwellings separated from one another by common vertical walls with no openings. Use -The principal purpose for which a lot or the main building thereon is designed, arranged, or intended and for which it is or may be used, occupied, or maintained. Use, Accessory - A subordinate use, customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use. Examples of accessory uses are private garages, storage sheds, playhouses, and swimming pools. Variance - Means, in application of a zoning Ordinance, a reasonable deviation from those provisions regulating the size or area of a lot or parcel of land, or the size, area, bulk or location of a building or structure when the strict application of the Ordinance would result in unnecessary or unreasonable hardship to the property owner, and such need for a variance would not be shared generally by other properties, and provided such variance is not contrary to the intended spirit and purpose of the Ordinance, and would result in substantial justice being done. (Code of Virginia definition). Also, establishment or expansion of a use otherwise prohibited shall not be allowed by variance, nor shall a variance be granted because of the presence of nonconformities in the zoning district or adjoining districts. Yard - An open space on a lot other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. a. Front. An open space on the same lot as a building between the front line of the building (excluding steps) and the front lot or street line, and extending across the full width of the lot. b. Rear. An open, unoccupied space on the same lot as a building between the rear line of the building (excluding steps) and the rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot. c. Side. An open unoccupied space on the same lot as building between the side line of the building (excluding steps) and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line. Smith Mountain Lake - Front yards for lots and lots in subdivisions that border on the edge of Smith Mountain Lake shall be assumed to be located between the principal building on the lot and the road fronting the lot; front yards shall not be considered to be between the principal building and the lake. Zoning or "to zone" - Means the process of classifying land within a governmental entity into areas or districts, such areas and districts being generally referred to as "zones," by legislative action and the prescribing and application in each area and district of regulations concerning building and structure designs, building and structure placement and uses to which land, buildings and structures within such designated areas and districts may be put. The local government may regulate, restrict, permit, prohibit, and determine the following: a. The use of land, buildings, structures and other premises for agricultural, business, industrial, residential, flood plain and other specific uses; b. The size, height, area, bulk, location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, maintenance, razing, or removal of structures; c. The areas and dimensions of land, water, and air space to be occupied by buildings, structures and uses, and of courts, yards, and other open spaces to be left unoccupied by uses and structures, including variations in the sizes of lots based on whether a public or community water supply or sewer system is available or used; d. The excavation or mining of soil or other natural resources. Zoning District, Overlay - Any section of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, for which regulations governing the use of buildings and land, the height of building, the size of yard, and the intensity of use are uniform and which district overlays one or more principal zoning districts so as to impose special requirements in addition to the requirements of the principal zoning district. Zoning District. Principal - Any section of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, for which regulations governing the use of buildings and land, the height of buildings, the size of yards, and the intensity of use are uniform. Whenever used in this Ordinance the term "district" or "zoning district" shall mean the same as the term "principal zoning district" as if the latter term were fully set out. Zoning Map - The official Zoning District Map for Pittsylvania County. 10.b.1. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rezoning Case Agenda Title: Public Hearing: Case R-23-018 Rhetson Companies, Inc; Rezoning M-1, Industrial District, Light Industry, to B-2, Business District, General; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Scearce) Staff Contact(s): Emily Ragsdale Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.b.1. Attachment(s): 1. R-23-018 Rhetson Companies, Inc. App 2. R-23-018 Rhetson Companies, Inc. Plat 3. R-23-018 Rhetson Companies, Inc. Concept Plan Reviewed By: SUMMARY: In Case R-23-018, Rhetson Companies, Inc. (“Petitioner”), has petitioned to rezone 3.15 acres, from M-1, Industrial District, Light Industry, to B-2, Business District, General (to allow for a retail business). The subject property is located on State Road 29/U S Highway 29, in the Westover Election District, and shown on the Tax Maps as part of GPIN # 2420-66-9558. Once the property is rezoned to B-2, all uses listed under Pittsylvania County Code § 35-365 are permitted. On July 6, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. For the Board’s review, the County Staff Summary is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends approval of Case R-23-018 as presented. The subject property is adjacent to other properties currently zoned B-2, Business District, General, and the rezoning would be consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. MOTION: “In Case R-23-018, I make a Motion approving the rezoning of 3.15 acres from M-1, Industrial District, Light Industry, to B-2, Business District, General, to allow property for a retail business on the property.” 10.b.2. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rezoning Case Agenda Title: Public Hearing: Case R-23-019; Neil Waltman; Rezoning from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Eanes) Staff Contact(s): Emily Ragsdale Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.b.2. Attachment(s): 1. R-23-019 Neil Waltman App 2. R-23-019 Neil Waltman Map 3. R-23-019 Neil Waltman Plat Reviewed By: SUMMARY: In Case R-23-019, Neil Waltman (“Petitioner”) has petitioned to rezone 2.990 acres, from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District (to allow the property to be consolidated with an adjacent parcel zoned R-1). The subject property is located on State Road 729/Kentuck Rd, in the Dan River Election District, and shown on the Tax Maps as part of GPIN # 2359-19-8720. Once the property is rezoned to R-1, all uses listed under Pittsylvania County Code § 35-222 are permitted. On July 6, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. For the Board’s review, the County Staff Summary is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends approval of Case R-23-019 as presented. The subject property is adjacent to other properties currently zoned R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District, and the rezoning would be consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. MOTION: “In Case R-23-019, I make a Motion approving the rezoning of 2.990 acres from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District, to allow property lines to be adjusted.” 10.b.3. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rezoning Case Agenda Title: Public Hearing: Case R-23-020; Emmanuel Pentecostal Holiness Church; Rezoning A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Superiviors Ingram) Staff Contact(s): Emily Ragsdale Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.b.3. Attachment(s): 1. R-23-020 Emmanuel Pen Hol Ch App 2. R-23-020 Emmanuel Pen Hol Ch Map 3. R-23-020 Emmauel Pen Hol Ch Plat Reviewed By: SUMMARY: In Case R-23-020, Emmanuel Pentecostal Holiness Church (“Petitioner”) has petitioned to rezone 0.859 acres from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District (to allow the property to be consolidated with an adjacent parcel zoned R-1). The subject property is located on State Road 836/White Oak Circle, in the Tunstall Election District, and shown on the Tax Maps as part of GPIN # 2403-63-9907. Once the property is rezoned to R-1, all uses listed under Pittsylvania County Code § 35-222 are permitted. On July 6, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 7-0 vote, with no opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. For the Board’s review, the County Staff Summary is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends approval of Case R-23-020 as presented. The subject property is adjacent to other properties currently zoned R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District, and the rezoning would be consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. MOTION: “In Case R-23-020, I make a Motion approving the rezoning of 0.859 acres from A-1, Agricultural District, to R-1, Residential Suburban Subdivision District, to allow property lines to be adjusted.” 10.b.4. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rezoning Case Agenda Title: Public Hearing: Case R-23-016; Southside Investing, LLC; Amending the Future Land Use Designation from Agricultural and Rural Residential to Medium to High Density Residential and Rezoning from A-1, Agricultural District, to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District; The Planning Commission recommended by a 6- 0 vote, with opposition, that the petitioner's request be granted. (Supervisor Ingram) Staff Contact(s): Emily Ragsdale Agenda Date: August 15, 2023 Item Number: 10.b.4. Attachment(s): 1. R-23-016 Southside Investing App 2. R-23-016 Southside Investing Map 3. Axton Pittsylvania CP2rev 2023-08-09 4. R-23-016 Southside Investing Proffers 5. Bruce Lawrence - Notice of Withdrawal - Rezoning Application R-23-016 Reviewed By: SUMMARY: In Case R-23-016, Southside Investing, LLC (“Petitioner”), has petitioned to amend the future land use designation shown in the County's Comprehensive Plan from Agricultural and Rural Residential to Medium to High Density Residential and to rezone 579.72 acres, from A-1, Agricultural District, to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District (to allow a mixed-use development that will consist of single-family and multi-family residential and commercial uses). The subject property is located on/off of State Road 58/Martinsville Highway, State Road 851/Peach Orchard Road, and Sugar Tree Lane , n the Tunstall Election District, and shown on the Tax Maps as part of GPIN #s 1349-43-8879, 1349-33-2695, 1349-63-1387, 1349-44-8645, 1349-45-6135, 1349- 45-7830, 1349-46-9383, 1349-56-2916, 1349-66-4776, 1349-65-1626, 1349-54- 9601. Once the property is rezoned to RPD, all uses listed under Pittsylvania County Code § 35-294 are permitted. On June 6, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended, by a 6-0 vote, with opposition, that the Petitioner's request be granted. For the Board’s review, the County Staff Summary and related documentation is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT AND FUNDING SOURCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: County Staff recommends approval of Case R-23-016 with the proffers submitted by the Petitioner. The subject property is adjacent to properties currently designated as Medium to High Density Residential and is in close proximity to property designated as Commercial. The rezoning would then be in accordance with the County's Comprehensive Plan and would meet a housing need identified in recent studies. MOTION: “In Case R-23-016, I make a Motion approving the amendment of the Future Land Use Designation from Agricultural and Rural Residential to Medium to High Density Residential and the rezoning of 579.72 acres, from A-1, Agricultural District, to RPD, Residential Planned Unit Development District to allow a mixed- use development that will consist of single-family and multi-family residential and commercial uses as shown on the submitted concept plan with the proffers submitted by the Petitioner."