BZA Minutes 03 14 2019PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, March 14, 2019 MINUTES VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, March 14, 2019, in the General District Courtroom, Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, Chatham, Virginia. Mr. Talbott called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. The Board observed a moment of silence. Mrs. Hayes called the roll. PRESENT Kenneth Talbott R. Allan Easley Leon Griffith Helen Glass Joseph “Jay” Craddock Carroll Yeaman Karen N. Hayes Christopher Dadak, Attorney ABSENT Ronald Merricks APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Upon motion of Mr. Yeaman, seconded by Mrs. Glass, and by a unanimous vote, the agenda was approved as presented. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Easley, seconded by Mr. Craddock, and by a unanimous vote, the minutes of the February 12, 2019, meeting were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Hayes reported there is one (1) case for next month, a Variance to Section 35-369.MINIMUM YARD DIMENSIONS. (A.) Front Setback, of the Pittsylvania County Zoning Ordinance for 25 feet to allow for installation of a 20 x 20 canopy over an existing gas pump that is located too close to the road. Board of Zoning Appeals March 14, 2019 Page 2 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT There was no Chairman’s Report. THE ZONING PRECEPTS WERE READ BY Mr. Talbott to OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING at approximately 7:06 p.m. Revocation of Case S-05-012, Steven Anderson – Mr. Talbott opened the public hearing at approximately 7:06 p.m. Mrs. Hayes, Deputy Director of Community Development, reported that Steven Anderson was issued a Special Use Permit (S-05-012) on 1.22 acres, located on State Road 750/Whitmell School Road in the Tunstall Election District. She then stated the purpose of the hearing was to gather information to determine if the Special Use Permit Case should be revoked for willful noncompliance with conditions. Mr. Steven Anderson was present to represent the petition. He stated he makes his living working on cars and his sons bring cars in to be repaired. He then stated he has purchased a rollback and he has removed twenty (20) cars from the property; he is not selling parts; he is trying to get rid of his stuff and is cleaning stuff out of his buildings. No one spoke in opposition to the petition; however, Mr. Anderson’s daughter, Whitney Fulton, spoke in support of her father and stated he is trying to clean up the property. Mr. Talbott closed the public hearing at approximately 7:13 p.m. The Board discussed the petition as the Committee of the Whole. Upon motion of Mr. Easley, seconded by Mr. Yeaman, the following motion was adopted: to defer the case until the August 2019 meeting and allow four (4) months for Mr. Anderson to bring his property into compliance, and if the property is not brought into compliance, the ordinance will be upheld and the Special Use Permit will be revoked. The Board members will also need a report from Mrs. Hayes regarding the progress of this case until the August meeting is held. Motion passed unanimously. This concludes the Special Use Permit case. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:25 p.m. _________________________________ Kenneth Talbott, Chairman ________________________________ Kathy H. Belton, Clerk