10-15-2019 Work Session - DRAFT October 15, 2019 Work Session Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Work Session October 15, 2019 VIRGINIA: The Work Session of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held on October 15, 2019 in the Main Conference Room, County Administration Building, Chatham, Virginia 24531. Chairman, Dan River District, Joe B. Davis, called the Meeting to Order at 4:30 PM. The following Members were present: CALL TO ORDER (4:30 PM) Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Joe B. Davis Chairman - Dan River District Present 4:18 PM Charles H. Miller Vice Chairman - Banister District Present 4:15 PM Tim R. Barber Supervisor - Tunstall District Present 4:21 PM Elton W. Blackstock Supervisor - Staunton River District Present 4:21 PM Ben L. Farmer Supervisor - Callands-Gretna District Present 4:24 PM Ronald S. Scearce Supervisor - Westover District Present 4:21 PM Robert W. "Bob" Warren Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District Present 4:15 PM AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve Agenda. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ronald S. Scearce, Supervisor - Westover District SECONDER: Tim R. Barber, Supervisor - Tunstall District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren PRESENTATIONS STAFF, COMMITTEE, AND/OR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER REPORTS a. New Solid Waste Convenience Sites Timeline and Engineering Cost Update (Staff Contact: Richard N. Hicks); (15 minutes) Mr. Hicks presented the Board with an update on the proposed timeline for design and construction of the new County Convenience Centers. The first convenience center would be the Climax Road Neighborhood Convenience Center with a total of $37,900.00The projected completion date is August 18, 2020. The second site is the Level Run Road Neighborhood Convenience Center with a total of $37,900 and a projected completion date of August 18, 2020. The third site is the US Highway 29 Road Regional Convenience Center with a total of $63,960 and a projected completion date of March 19, 2020. The projected FY 19/20 capital funds available is $525,000 and the site evaluation, permitting and final design costs for the three (3) sites is $82,190. Complete paving at the Mount Hermon Convenience Center is $39,485. Board of Supervisors October 15, 2019 Work Session Installation of a second driveway at Smith Mountain Lake Convenience Center is $7,480 and installation of a second gate at the Smith Mountain Lake Convenience Center is $2,500. The base bid for Brosville/622 Paving and Improvements is $95,000. The Change Order to adjust the existing concrete pad is $1,700. The Change Order for the rock base at the site entrance is $3,200. The existing compactor repairs and renovations totals $50,000 and the total projected capital costs for FY 19/20 totals $281,555. b. Wayside Park Update and Discussion of Potential Playground Award (Staff Contact: Mark W. Moore); (15 minutes) Mark Moore updated the Board on the Wayside Park Project and discussed awarding a contract for playground installation at the park. The playground is $192,000, completely paid for with Grant money. This will be a destination playground and park once it is complete. Students from the Skills USA program at the Career and Technical Center will be partnering with Parks and Recreation to create a “LOVE” sign for Wayside Park. There is a Grant for “Love” signs and Mr. Moore plans to submit that to the Tourism Corporation. c. Review of CSA Year-End Financials (Staff Contact: Cheryl J. Boswell); (15 minutes) Cheryl Boswell presented to the Board the CSA Year-End Financial Report. Fiscal year 2018 savings was $941,718.52 and Fiscal Year 2019 savings was $682,051.81. $1,623,770.33 has been saved over the past two years. Mrs. Boswell stated that CSA is continuing to work on strategies to continually be responsible and serve the children and families in our community. The Board commended her for her hard work and efforts. d. Discussion of SVMP Timber Harvesting (Contact: Supervisor Barber); (15 minutes) Mr. Barber led discussion about timber at the Berry Hill Park. He suggested talking with a timber consultant and consider putting this in a management plan, due to there being a lot of marketable timber there. Mr. Warren stated that the land is owned by RIFA and they are looking into this and are planning to attempt something such as this. e. Fire and Rescue Policies and Procedures Committee Recommendations (Contact: Supervisor Scearce); (10 minutes) Mr. Scearce briefed the Board on the earlier Fire and Rescue Policies and Procedures Committee Meeting. He stated the County was split into four (4) quadrants and are requesting each quadrant to submit nominees for the Fire and Rescue Commission. There will be a letter with an interest application attached sent out for those interested in serving. The applications will be reviewed at the November Work Session and then recommended to the full Board for approval. Mr. Slemp also suggested developing a long term strategic plan to help fund fire and rescue apparatus. f. Other Reports BUSINESS MEETING DISCUSSION ITEMS CLOSED SESSION Motion to enter Closed Session and add projects MEP and 500 to Closed Session. Board of Supervisors October 15, 2019 Work Session The Board entered Closed Session at 5:44 PM RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ronald S. Scearce, Supervisor - Westover District SECONDER: Robert W. "Bob" Warren, Supervisor - Chatham-Blairs District AYES: Davis, Miller, Barber, Blackstock, Farmer, Scearce, Warren a. Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. (Staff Contact: David M. Smitherman) (1) Legal Authority: Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(5) Subject Matter: Projects AF and Uniform Purpose: Discussion of Prospective Business/ Economic Development Update RETURN TO OPEN SESSION & CLOSED SESSION CERTIFICATION a. Closed Session Certification (Staff Contact: J. Vaden Hunt, Esq.) The Board returned to Open Session at 6:14 PM, and the following Certification was recorded: CLOSED MEETING CERTIFICATION BE IT RESOLVED that at the Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on October 15, 2019, the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each Board Member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the Open Meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (the “Act”) and identified in the Motion authorizing the Closed Meeting were heard, discussed, or considered in the Closed Meeting. If any Member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Act, he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The Statement shall be recorded in the Board’s Minutes. Vote Tim R. Barber Yes Elton W. Blackstock Yes Joe B. Davis Yes Ben L. Farmer Yes Charles H. Miller, Jr. Yes Ronald S. Scearce Yes Robert W. Warren Yes ADJOURNMENT Mr. Davis adjourned the Meeting at 6:15 PM.