BZA Minutes 01 08 2019PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 8, 2019 MINUTES VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, in the General District Courtroom, Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, Chatham, Virginia. Mr. Talbott called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. The Board observed a moment of silence. Mrs. Hayes called the roll. PRESENT Kenneth Talbott R. Allan Easley Joseph “Jay” Craddock Helen Glass Leon Griffith Ronald Merricks Carroll Yeaman Karen N. Hayes Christopher Dadak, Attorney ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN Upon motion of Mr. Yeaman, seconded by Mr. Griffith, and by unanimous vote, Mr. Talbott was elected Chairman and Mr. Easley was elected Vice Chairman for the year 2019. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Upon motion of Mr. Craddock, seconded by Mr. Merricks, and by unanimous vote, the agenda was approved as presented. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Upon motion of Mr. Merricks, seconded by Mr. Yeaman, and by unanimous vote, the minutes of the November 13, 2018, meeting were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS The Board reviewed the 2018 Annual Report. Upon motion of Mr. Easley, seconded by Mrs. Glass, and by unanimous vote, the Annual Report was approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. Board of Zoning Appeals Page 2 January 8, 2019 THE ZONING PRECEPTS WERE READ BY Mr. Talbott to OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING at approximately 7:04 p.m. Case S-19-001, Hope Center Ministries – Mr. Talbott opened the public haring at approximately 7:04 p.m. Mrs. Hayes, Deputy Director of Community Development, reported that Hope Center Ministries had petitioned for a Special Use Permit on 20.06 acres, located on State Road 742/Walnut Creek Road, in the Westover Election District for a residential addiction treatment group home. She further stated the Planning Commission, with opposition, recommended denying the petitioner’s request. No one was present to represent the petition. Upon motion of Mr. Yeaman, seconded by Mr. Merricks, and by a unanimous vote, the Board elected to proceed with the meeting without the applicant present. Robert Arnn (presented a petition with thirteen (13) additional signatures in opposition to the petition), David Barnes, Susan Clark, Meaghan Smith, James Clark, Jim Scearce, Vanessa Scearce, Petra Haskins, Bryan Haskins, Debra Warren, Justin Hastings, and Reed Rogers spoke in opposition to the petition. Their concerns included, but were not limited to, the following: public safety hazard; lack of information at the Planning Commission meeting; lower property values; need a more suitable location; need more information on the case; there is a need for this type of facility, but not in a residential area; this has always been a peaceful neighborhood; this is a threat to the community, etc. The Chairman closed the public hearing at approximately 7:40 p.m. The Board discussed the petition, at length, as the Committee of the Whole. The adverse effects discussed included the following: (1) inadequate security; (2) poor police response time and public safety; (3) would change the character of the neighborhood and lower property values; (4) magnet for drug trafficking; (5) unsupervised residence and unsecured; (6) traffic increased; (7) better locations and buildings; and (8) personal risk. The Board members also discussed their personal concerns regarding the following issues: (1) The applicant was not present to offer a rebuttal; (2) The application was inadequate; (3) Staff and number of residents at the facility; (4) Certain things cannot be mitigated by conditions; and (4) This is not the place for this type of facility. Upon motion of Mr. Merricks, seconded by Mr. Yeaman, the following motion was adopted: Whereas , Hope Center Ministries has petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals for a Special Use Permit for a residential addiction treatment group home, and, Whereas, we find substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the zoning district will be changed thereby, and that such use will not be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be denied. Motion passed unanimously. This concludes the Special Use Case. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:50 p.m. _________________________________ Kenneth Talbott, Chairman ________________________________ Kathy H. Belton, Clerk