03-15-2022 Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April) PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
VIRGINIA: At the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors' Business Meeting on Tuesday, March
15, 2022, the following Proclamation was adopted:
WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is
widespread and impacts every person in this community. Sexual Assault is a nationwide public health crisis,
but the public is not fully aware of the magnitude of the problem, and the primary reason is that most victims
never disclose; and
WHEREAS, women sexual assault statistics reveal some extremely disturbing facts. One (1) out of
every six (6) American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime, and out of
that group, an estimated seventy (70) women commit suicide daily in the United States, directly because of
sexual violence. Sexual abuse is not limited to females. Twenty-five percent (25%) of male sexual assault
victims will experience their first assault before ten(10) years of age; and
WHEREAS, statistics show that one (1) in ten (10) children will be sexually abused before their 18th
birthday. About one (1) in seven (7) girls and one (1) in twenty-five (25) boys will be sexually abused before
they turn eighteen (18); and
WHEREAS, all must work together to educate our community about sexual violence prevention,
supporting survivors, and speaking out against harmful attitudes and actions; and
WHEREAS,prevention is possible when everyone gets involved. The first step is increasing education,
awareness, and community involvement.
THEREFORE, the Board does hereby proclaim April 2022 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in
recognition of the important work done by sexual assault programs and victims' service providers and urges all
citizens to work towards the elimination of sexual assault.
Given under my hand this 15th day of March, 2022.
Willi V. ("Vi " gram (Chairman)
Pittsyly is County kard of Supervisors
_ Clarence C. Monday (Interim ounty Administrator)
Pittsylvania County Board of upervisors