VIRGINIA: At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County,
Virginia, held on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, the following resolution was presented and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County has requested the
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, upon several occasions, to consider the extension of
hunting season to be uniform throughout the County for seven (7) weeks; and
WHEREAS, Pittsylvania County is one of the largest geographic counties in Virginia and
it is confusing to have two different hunting seasons, virtually bisecting the County with different
regulations on the east and west side of the tracks; and
WHEREAS, it appears that Pittsylvania County is unique in that the County is the largest
geographic county in Virginia not involved in any of the bear hunting seasons that are west of the
tracks as the counties of Nelson, Campbell, and Amherst that are north whose seasons splits along
the Norfolk-Southern Railway; and
WHEREAS, it appears to be a significant increase in the deer population throughout
Pittsylvania County, requiring the consideration of restricting the killing of bucks and allowing an
extended number of doe to be removed; and
THEN BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors expresses
its strong recommendation to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to consider Pittsylvania
County's request to extend the hunting season west of the Norfolk-Southern Railroad to the
Pittsylvania County line from four (4) weeks to seven (7) weeks, making the season uniform
throughout the County, as well as making Pittsylvania County a district by itself apart from Nelson,
Campbell, and Amherst; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors is requesting for the Year
2007-2008, that the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries restrict the taking of buck and
increase the number of doe tags in order to reduce the increase of population; and
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to express this Board of Supervisors' strong support of
these issues.
Given under my hand this 20`h day of November, 2007.
Coy E. H ille, Chairman
Pittsylvania ounty Board of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Jerk