VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Pittsylvania held at the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition on March 5, 2007, at 7:00
Present were: Members of the Pittsylvania Board. of Supervisors and Mr. William D.
Sleeper, County Administrator.
On motion by Tim Barber,,seconded by Robert Scearce and carried:
WHEREAS, Sections §33.1=23 and §33.1-23:4 of the Code of Virginia, as
amended, provides the 6pportunity for each county to work with the Virginia Department of
Transportation in developing a Secondary'Sx-Year Road Plan; and
WHEREAS, this Board ..had previously agreed to 'assist in the preparation of this
Plan, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation policies and procedures,
and participated in a public hearing on the proposed Plan (2007/08; through 20i21T3) as well
as the Construction Priority List ;(2007/08) on March 5, 2007, after duly advertised so that
all citizens of the County had the opportunity to participate in said hearing and to make
comments and. recommendations concerning the proposed Plan and Priority List; -and
WHEREAS, Randy L. Hamilton, Residency Administrator, Virginia Department of
Transportation, appears before the Board and recommended approval of the Six-Year Plan
for Secondary Roads (2007/08 through 2012(13) and the Construction Priority List
(2007/08) for Pittsylvania County; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that since said Plan appears to be in
the best interests of the Secondary Road System in Pittsylvania County `and the citizens
residing on the Secondary System; ..said Secondary Six-Year- Plan (2007!08 through
2012/13) and Construction. Priority List (2007/08) are hereby approved as presented at the
public hearing.
Given under my hand this 5~' day of March
William D. Sleeper, clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors