VIRGINIA: At the adjourned meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in
the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition on Tuesday,
October 20, 2009, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Pittsylvania County requires volunteer services of the citizens of the
County to help provide for proper elections of government officials; and
WHEREAS, it is the job of these citizens to guard the safety and security of the voting
rights of the citizens of Pittsylvania County in general and special elections; and
WHEREAS, Viola Barbour has served as an Election Official for the Renan precinct for
50 years; and
WHEREAS, Viola Barbour served as the Chief Election Officer at the Renan precinct
for 30 years; then
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, that
they express their sincere appreciation and that of the citizens of Pittsylvania County for the
services provided by Viola Barbour for 50 years as an Election Official of the Renan precinct
and for 30 years as the Chief Election Officer. Viola Barbour carried out her duties in a faithful,
wise and considerate manner providing services to the citizens of Pittsylvania County during
general and special elections; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be presented to Viola
Barbour on Tuesday, October 20, 2009.
Given under my hand this 20`h day of October, 2009
William D. Sleeper,