WHEREAS, the County Administration Building (Moses Building) was constructed in
1939 with WPA funds; and
WHEREAS, the County Administration Building (Moses Building) has serviced the
citizens of Pittsylvania County for more than seventy years providing space for County
Administrative offices, Constitutional Officers and services to the citizens; and
WHEREAS, the years of public service has provided significant wear on the building
such that significant improvements are necessary to insure the safe and energy efficient operation
of the building in the future; and
WHEREAS, the Honorable Tom
Mark Warner have been requested to ~
(Moses Building) in the 2011 Federal Buc
WHEREAS, the Pittsylvania CoL
improvements to this building; then
'erriello, the Honorable Jim Webb and the Honorable
~ce earmark funding for the County Administration
;et; and
ty Board of Supervisors are aware of the need for the
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
respectfully requests the Virginia Representatives in Congress to provide the necessary earmarks
as requested totaling $3 million for necessary energy efficient improvements to the County
Administration (Moses Building) and authorize the County Administrator to sign all necessary
documentation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to all
Congressional Delegates requesting their support of this project.
Given under my hand this 1 st day of March 2010.
County Board of Supervisors
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors