2010-01-05 Land Use Rates
WHEREAS, production agriculture has been in a state of devalued economics and this
trend is not forecasted to improve in the foreseeable future; and
WHEREAS, the current Land Use rate in Pittsylvania County has been and is still higher
than the State Land Evaluation and Advisory Council (SLEAC) published values since 2001; and
WHEREAS, the current Land Use rate in Pittsylvania County is already 238% higher
than the SLEAC published rate for 2010; and
WHEREAS, for 2010, SLEAC has devalued the county's forest land by 11%; and
WHEREAS, the averaging SLEAC's values for agricultural and forest land in
Pittsylvania County, the current rate is $62.00/acre higher than SLEAC's established rates for
2010; and
WHEREAS, individuals who participate in the Land Use program must continue to pay
real estate taxes based on the fair market values for their homes, buildings, and a portion of land
around their home; and
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that our farming community simply cannot withstand an
increase in Land Use rates, especially considering the possibility of increased value due to our
new reassessments; and
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
requests that the Commissioner of Revenue for Pittsylvania County preserve the current Land
Use rates as established and continue to offer an open door policy to accept farmer input on Land
Use and all associated rates.
Given under my hand this 19th day of January 2010.
~ ~
Henry A, Da s Jr. Chairman
Pittsylvania ~ounty Board of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors