10-02-2001-RIFA ResolutionPRESENTED: OCtober 2, 2001 ADOPTED: October 2, 2001 RESOLUTION N0. 2001- 10 ,07 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA AND THE COUNTY OF PITTSYLVANIA RELATING TO THE SHARING OF REVENU~S FROM TWO REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARKS. WHEREAS, the City of Danville and Pittsylvania County have formed a Regional Industrial Facility Authority; and WHEREAS, one of the main focuses of the regional authority is to develop and manage two reqional industrial parks; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the revenues generated from these two regional industrial parks will be ~ shared equally between the two localities; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that econornic cooperation with Pittsylvania County and the sharing of revenues from the two industrial parks enhances and promotes economic development in the region and benefits the health, safety, welfare, convenience, and prosperity of the citizens of the City of Danville. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that a Revenue Sharing Agreement by and between the City of Danville and The County of Pittsylvania, n~rorHr ~. s~NCSa CITY ATTORNEY W. CiARKE WHffFIElO. JR. A3919TANT GlY ATtORNEY CfTY OF DANVIILE, YIRIiRiIA / ~•r. ~*:~,q~r• Virginia, substantially in the form attached hereto and --~ 1' incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same is hereby approved. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOI~VED that Jerry L. Gwaltney, I ~ City Manager, be, and he is hereby authorized to execute said Revenue Sharing Agreement on behalf of the City. ~ ~^ ~ Approved as to ~ Form and Legal Sufficiency: I C ~ ~ ' y A rney ,--. ~,. ~uonir R. s~CER pTY ATTORNEY VK ClARKE WHIiFIEID, Jp. ~eetsrarrc c~rr Rnawer arr o~ o,wvrue, rnr~nu --~~- ~ ~ ~ -- - REGIONAL INDUSTRIAG FACILITY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING AND REVENUE SHARING BETWEEN TI~ CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGIl'~IA AND PITTSYLVA1~iIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA ~ This Agreement is made and entered into this day of I I 2001, by and between the City of Danville (hereafter "Danville") and the Pittsylvania I County (hereafter "Pittsylvania"). I 1. RT,~CIT 1CI0„]~TS: ~ WHEREAS, Danville and Fittsylvania have heretofore adopted a Memorandum t j af Understanding, dated April, 2001, in wluch Danville and Piitsylvania ha~e agreed to ~ work cooperatively to develop a regional cyber pazk located in Danville, Virginia, and a ~ regional industrial pazk located in Pittsylvania County, Virginia; and r WI-TEREA5, the parties hereto wish to more thoroughly memorialize and confirm ~ this Agreement by entering into this Revenue Sharing Agreement pursuant to the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act, Title 15.2, Chapter 64, Code of Virginia, 1950, as ' amended; and I WHEREAS, the gart.ies recognize that prior investrnents have been made by l~anville on #he initia1219 acres, more or less, now owned by the Danville IDA, I including the purchase of the land and its associated development in the amount of ~ $4,930,000; and ~ i WHEREAS, the parties recognize that prior investrnents have been made by f Pittsylvania County for the MSAP program in the arnount of $Z,000,000; and WHEREAS, the Danville IDA has exercised an option to purchase the 88.5 acre property owned by the option "Sellers" and has pwchased such property for a tatal sum of $2,584,618.25 and is cuxrendy titled in the name of the Industrial Development Aufhority of Danville, Virginia; aud WHEREAS, the parties desire, in conjunction with Vir$inia Polytechnic Instiiute and State University, Averett University, and Danville Cornmunity College, to develop and conshvct, on approximately eleven (11} acres of the Additional City Property, an institute for advanced leaming and research (the "Institute"), which is designed to , ;r---~~__.~ provide advanced technology-integf~te,~'~ducation an~ research in Southside Virginia and serve as a focal point for economic developrnent in the region; and WHEREAS, the parties further agree to develop a joint industrial pazk located in the County hereafter known as the Pittsylvania-Danville Regional Industrial Park, as generally autlined and described in this Agjeement. To that end, th~ parties have received from the Commonwealth of Virguua fiu~ds to assist in providing initial engineering, feasibility, and related studics ("Initial Studies Report") far a joint indushial park located in Pittsylvania County, Virginia> as hereafter described ("Study Grant"); and WHEREAS, the parties agree to praceed with the acquisition of options and eontracts for the purchase of the real property for the Pittsylvania-Danville Regional Industrial Park to be located in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to each of the localities hereto, and in furkher consideration af the duties and responsibility hereby imposed. upon fihe parties hereto, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 2. DEFINITI4NS; A. Act: "Act" shall be defined as the Virginia Regiona! Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64, Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia,1950, as amended. $. Additional Citv Property: "Additional City Property" shall be defined as 88.5 acres, more or less, lacated in the City of Danville. Virginia, and as shown on a certain plat of survey entitled "A Plat of Survey from the Zndustrial Developrnent Authority of Danville, Virguua" dated February 28, 2001, a copy ~f which is attached to this Agreement as E~ibit "A". C. A~r.~em~nt: "Agceement" sha11 he defined as this Revenue Sharing Agreement, when entered into by all parties, made pursuant to the Virginia Regionai Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64, Tide 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, 195Q, as amended. D. ber Paz :"Cyber Park" shall be defined as the additional City property and the existing City property containing 308 acres, more or less. E. Dissolution of Authoriri: "Dissolution of Authority" shall be defined as -2- set forth in ~lirginia Code Section 15.2-6415, as amended, regarding the procedures and division of assets upan dissolution of a regional industrial facility authority. F. Existin~ Citv Pronertv: "Existing City Property" shall be defined as 219.5 acres, more or less, located and lying in the City of Danville, Virguua, and as shown on a certain plat of survey entided "Plat of Survey far River View Industrial Park" dated February 29, 2000, including lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 on said plat and excluding lots 6, 8, 9 and the roadways, a copy of w}uch plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". G. I~ost Locality: "Host Lacality" shall be defiried as the locality where the Regional Industrial Facility is physically located. H. ~n~o~e and revenues g~enerated bv ~n~faciiity owned bv the Authority: "Income and revenues generaied by any facility owned by the Authoriry" shall be defined as any and all identifiable ta.~ revenues generated from property owned currently or at some dme by the Authority which may have been sold, leased, conveyed or transferred to any third party. I. Iv~ember Localities: "Member Localities" shall be defined as the City of Danville and Pittsylvania County, Virginia. J. Nan-host I,ocalitv: "Non-host Locality" shall be defined as the partner locality that is not the host locality. K. di c:"Ordinance" shal] mean an Ordinance adopted by both Member T.ocalities which creates the Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Indust~ial Facility Authority pwrsua~at to the Virguva Regional Industrial Facility's Act, Chapter 64, Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as L. Pitt~ylvania-Danville Regional Industrial Park: "Pittsylvania-Danville Regional Industrial Park " shall be defined as a joint industrial park to be located in Pittsylvania County near the City of Danville. M. Re 'onal Industria~,Fac~ty: "Regional Tndustrial Facility" shall be defined as any jQint industrial project contemplated arid agreed to by the partner localities. -3- . .- ._ T'__. .' - '_ _ ' '- ~ - _ _ '- ~' 3. C A'~`IQN O~ REGIONAL INDU,~TRYAL,~ACILITY A~JTHORITYt I Danville and Pittsylvania County have established a regiona] industrial facility ~ authority thz'ough adoption of respective ordinances, as allowed by and in compliance ~ with the Act. The terms and duties of the members of the Board of Directors aze specified in said ordinance and in the Act. The regional industrial facility authority shall I be named the "Danville-Pittsylvania Count~RggiQnal Ir~dustrial Facility Authority," hereinafter referred to as the "Re~ional Authority." ~ 4. PUR~I~.~E OF PROPERTY. I A. Danville and Pittsylvania have each contributed the sum of $1,000,000 for ~ the pwchase of the 88.5 acres. A.n additional $1,d00,0U0 has been committed by the + Future of the Piedmant Foundation for the purchase and development of the Institute. I The Danville Industrial Development Authority has ciosed on the purchase of the 88.5 acres, more or less, for a total cost of $2,584,b18.25. ~ B. Danville ~nd Pittsyivania agre;e to jointly purchase and development ~ property to be located in Pittsylvania County near the City of Danville municipal I boundary for a Joint Industrial Pazk. 5. TRA~1S R O TITLE TO P~tOPERTY. DanvilIe and Pittsylvania agree that the acreage in the Cyber Park and the Pittsylvania-Danville Regional Industrial Pazk shall be conveyed to and titled in the name of the Regional Authority. 6. ~ROJECT COSTS. In order to and as a condition of sharing the revenues from any property owned by the Regianal Authority, each of the Member Localities must contribute equally in the cost of development and mazketing of the Regional Indushial Facilities described in this Agreement, as well as one-half (I/2) of the cost of fhe recnutment and incenrive packages offered to any industry to lacate within any of the joint Regional Industrial Facilities described herein. A. Construction and Development C4sts. Member Locaiiries hereby agree to ~ each pay ane-half (ll2) of the cost to ttze Member Localities for de~elopment ~ constru~ction af the doint Industrial Facilities described~ herein as we11 as the Institute. -4- w~'.T" ~r -• -- - - - - -- - --- - 8. Marketi~g and Fromdtion~l Costs. Member Localities hereby agree to each pay one-half (112) of the cost for al] marketing and promotion of the Joint Regional Industrial Facilities described in this Agreement. C. Recruitment Incentives. Member Localities hereby agree to each pay one- half (112} of the cost of any grants or incentives af any type of~ered to an industry client in order to entice such industry or business to locate within any of the Joint Regional Facilities described in tlus Agreement. D. Utilitv Extensions. Each locality will be responsible for the cost of utility installation, separate from this Ag~eement, for industrial facilities within its service jurisdiction in acc~ordance with its established policies and procedures and the cost for such utility extensions will not be used to compute any dissolution, des~ribed herein. 7. PRO.XECT FUNDING. A, initial Studies Grant. The parties have received an Izutial Studies Grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia in the amount of $40,000 to complete initial studies of a Regional Industrial Pazk in Pittsylvanis County. These funds were matched by the Member Localities at $S,Q00 each. B. Future of the Piedmont. The Future of the Piedmont Foundation (the "Foundation") is an oxganization organized under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), wluch has been actively in~olved in efforts to promote the economic growth and development of the City and the County. The Foundatian bas COMMITTED One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) from a United States governmsnt grant for the acquisition, development and construction of the Institute. C. Member Locality Funding. Danville and Pittsylvania agree to provide on an annual basis, as and when each party receives distributions from the Tobacco Commissian, an amount of One Million Dollars ($1,(}40,000) from such funds received from the Tobacco Commission be paad or delivered to the Regional Authority, or to such fund or account as the parties may mutually agree for the joint development of the Institttte. D. Income generated b~Authorit~. Danville and Pittsylvania agree that any and all income generated as a result of salea, leases, conveyances, and/or interest on funds held by the Regional Authority sha11 constitute income generated by the Regional -5- Authority. Such iacome generated by the Regional Authority will be held by the Regional Authority and utilized by the Regionat Authority to further promote econornic development within the two localities as the Regional Authority deeras appropriate. E. Anv add~tional funding agreed to bv both partners/localities iaintlv. The Member Localities understand and agree that additional funding may be necessary for the aequisition and development of the two joint industrial parks outlined in this Agreement. Member Localities agrse that in the event that they both jointly determine that additional funds need to be allocated towards the Regional Authority that such funds will be tendered to the Authority for the uses permitted by tlvs Agreernent and the Act. 8. A~DM~NISTRATION OF_PRQJECT FUNDING. Member Localities do hereby agree that the administration and support given to each project described in this Agreement as well as such support given to the Regional Authority sha11 be allocated and determined by the Regional Authority. As af the date of this Agreement the City of Danville has acted as "Development Support Agent" for the project funding in the Cyber Park and far the initial filing process for an Initial Study Crrant for the Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Industriai Park. The parties agree that the allocation of such adrninistrative support duties is best allocated by and through the Regional Authority. 9. PURSUTT OF QTHER FUNDIN~. Nothir-g in this Agreement shall preclude either locality, either jointly or separately, frflm pursuing, and successfully receiving, other funding sources to pay for site develppment of any regiona! project. It is understoad and agreed tinat ane Member Locality cannot bind another Member Locality to any Grants without the approval of all Member Localities. 10. PRI,SIR EXPENDITURES BY PARTNER LO ALITIE5. It is understaod and agreed that in cansideration of Pittsylvania support of the location of the "High Tech Institute" within the City of Danville that Danville will not seek a contribution for the existing 219 acres and its improvements. The parties acknowledge that the City's initial contribution for Existing City Property is four millian nine hundred thirty thousand dullars ($4,930,000). The parties fiirther acknowledge that the MSAP prograrn is a vital element to the successful development of The ~yber Park of -fr .~ Danville and Pittsylvania County. The County has aIlacated two million dollars ($2,000,000) of its distributian this year from the Tobacco Commission to the Fuhue of the Piedmont Founciation far tlze MSAP program. Therefore, the parties acknawledge that the County's initia.t cantribution for the MSAP is two rnillion dollars {$2,OQ0,000) tawazds proposed joint projects outlined by this Agreement. Further, both localities agree to pledge at least $1,000,000 per yeaz from the tobacco allotrnent that each locality receives frorn the Virginia Tobacco Commission. 11. SHARING OF MACHINERY AND T40LS TAX REVENUES. Once one or more industries or businesses have located within any Regional Industrial Facility, the host locality will begin to realize tax revenues from such industries or businesses for machinery and taols tax. The host locality alone shall determine the rate at which machinery and toals are taxed and the due date of such taxes. The host lvcality agi~ees that upon receipt of machinery and tools tax remitted by an industry located witlun the Regianal Park, it shall appropriate the total of taxes so received and pay one-half {1/2) thereof to the non-host lacality and retain the remaining one-half (1/2}. lZ. S~,ARIlYG OF REAL PROPERTY AND PERS4NAL PROPERTY TAX RE'vENiJE: Once ane or more industries or businesses have located within any Regional Industrial Facility or purchased real praperty in any Regional Industrial Facility, the host locality wiIl begin to realize tax revenues from such industries or businesses for real property and personal properry. The host locality alane shall determine the rate at which real and personal property is taxed and the due date of such taxes. The host locality agrees that upon receipt of such taxes remitted by an industry, it shall appropriate the total of taxes so received and pay one-half {1!2) thereof to the non-hast locality and retain the rema,ining one-half (1/2). 13. SHARING OF MISCELLANEOUS TAX R~VENUES. Once one or more industries or businesses have located within one of the Regional Industrial Facilities, the host locality will begin ta realixe ta~c revenues frorn business license tax, meals tax, lodging tax and any alcohal tax or any income and revenue generated by any facility owned by the Authority as defined in this Agreement. The h~st locality alone shall determine the tax rates for these taxes and their due dates. Upon receipt, the host locality shall ap~-ropriate the total taxes so received fi-om these -7- industries located in the Regional Pazk arld will pay one-half (1/2) thereof to the non-host locality while retaiaing the other one-half (1/2). The parties farther agxee that shouJd the General Assembly of the State of Virginia authorize a locality to levy and collect a new iocal tax and should the hast locality choose to implement such future tax on property, then the parties agree that such new tax revenues realized from a joint regional authozity will be shared equally in the same manner and fashion as other ta~~es within this Agreement. 14. PAYII~NT OF TAX REVENUES. The host locality shalI pay the portion of tax revenues due to the non-host locality within sixty (60) days of receipt and appropriation of such tax revenues. If any tax delinquencies occur, the non-host locality will pay for one-half of the cost of cc>llecting past due taxes, and will receive one-half of the penalties and interest accrued and paid. I5. AMENllMENTS. Thia Agreement rnay be modified or arnended by written Agreement approved by all parties, for fu,rther development of other future development of other industrial properties, ur for other agreed upon reasons. 16. SEVERABILITY. The pazts and pmvisions of this Agreement are severable. if any part or pravision shall be held in~alid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 17. 3U~CESSORS IN TITLE. It is agreed that the terms and r..onditions hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and in addition, upon successors to the parkies hereto. 18. DISSOLUTION OF AUTHORITY. Dissolution of the RegionaI Authority, should such occur, shall be made pursuant to Virguua Code Section 15.2-6415. 14. DISSQ~.,UTION UF R~VENUE SHARIlVG AGREEIVIENT. Once obligations ha~e been incurred by the Authority in favor af any of the regional parks, the parties hereto may withdraw from this Agreement only as the Member Localities mutually agree. -8- 20. ~~,OICE OF LAW. The parties aclmowledge that this Agreement shall be govemed by t.he laws of the Comm~nwealth of Virginia. 21. ~INIITATIQN OF LIABILITY. The Authority shall ensure the payment of all obligarions, cost, and expenses for the implementation of any project anticipated under this Agreernent. The Authority acknowledges that the participating goveming bodies to this Agreement sha11 not be liable nor responsible for the financing or for any debts of any projects described within this Agreemen~ 22. FU'TUR~_ANNEXATiON. It is agr@ed ta by the Member Localities that should the City ever annex property within the DanvilleJPittsylvania County Joint Industrial Park or the adjacent Ringgold Industrial Park, withaut the appmval of the Boazd of Supervisars, the City shaIl forfeit all future revenues from the Joint Inde~strial Park located in the County. 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The parties acknow~edge that this Agreernent supercedes any prior Agreements and incorporates all terms and conditions agreed to between them, and further agree that there shall be no oral madification hereof, and that any written modificaxion shall be effective only if duly signed on behalf of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Agreement is executed on behalf of the City of Danville, Vizginia, by its Mayor, pursuant to action duly taken by the City Council; and on behalf of Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors by its Chairman, pursuant to action duly taken by the Board. The City of Dauxville, Virginia By: ATTEST: Clerk -9- Appraved as to Forrn: Pittsylvania Cotmty sy: ATI'EST: Clerk Appraved as ta Form: -1 U-