2011-07-02 VDA - Danville Regional AirportPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY I3OARll OF SUPERVISORS
RESOLUTION 2011-07-02
VIRGINIA: At the adjourned meeting oC the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held on Tuesday,
June 2l, 2011, in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, the
following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the City of Danville and the Danville Regional Airport Commission have filed two (2)
grant applications with the Virginia Aviation Board to provide necessary improvements at the Danville
Regional Airport; and
WHEREAS, the two grant applications incorporate one for the necessary engineering of
improvements to the Danville Regional Airport for extending the runway, providing changes to the
navigational equipment and drainage to match the improvements made by the Federal Aviation
Administration Grant; and
WHEREAS, a second grant is requested in a timely manner to provide supplemental funding for the
construction of the extension oP the runway and the navigational aids to match the Federal Aviation
Administration improvements at the Danville Regional Airport; and
WHEREAS, the Danville Regional Airport is a critically important transportation and economic
development asset in the region providing required business and commercial jet aircraft service, as well as
the Averett University Flight School; and
WHEREAS, the approval of these grants by the Virginia Aviation Board is critical in providing the
necessary supplement funding and accomplishing the required crossed benefits of coordinating with the
existing construction and renovation project; then
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors respectfully request the
Virginia Aviation Board to approve the two grant applications submitted by the City of Danville and the
Danville Regional Airport Commission for the required engineering and construction supplementing the
Federal Aviation Administration runway project at the Danville Regional Airport providing a 600 foot
extension and necessary navigational aids and drainage to that project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cotmty Administrator is directed to provide a copy of this
resolution to the Honorable Robert F. McDonnell, Governor, Commomvealth of Virginia and the Honorable
Danny Marshall, the Honorable Ronald Merricks, the Flonorablc Charles Poindexter and the honorable Bill
Given under my hand this 5`h day of July, 201 1.
Tim R. Barber, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
William D leeper, erk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors