GINI.a: At the adjuumed meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held on Tuesday. A
301' in the General District Courtroom of the F.dw~n R. Shields Courthouse Addition, the folluv+
httion was presented and adopted:
areas, George Henderson began coaching football, baseball and basketball in Pittsylvania County in 1~
became the Commissioner of the Pituylvania County Youth Football h:ague in 1981; and was named
imissioner ol'the Yuut}t Basketball League in 1984; and
areas, George Henderson was insulimcntal in the fonnatiun uC the Pittsyh~ania County Girls Volley
me in 2009 turd he bectune the tirst Commissioner of the Vollc~'hal I I.ea~ue in 2009: and
George (lenderson hxs mcntored in excess of 1,000 young adllctes each year through the vat
;rams of Pittsylcania County. preparing them Cor high school spurts in Pittsylvania County,
~I teams; and "i
~4 -
lvania County Youth Sports Leagues, which-provides tcu scholarships each year in the amount ul
to deserving athletes in the !'uutball. volleyball and basketball youth sports each year, and said
School League Oflicia] for baseball, for thirty fr
tas served one season as a Class.A Prulessional B
ball official litr the Danville Y~4CA for thirty-fi'
-rive l3>) vents to the PittsyhaniaCotmty Youth
as, on June 1, 2U] 1, (_ieorge Hrndenun retired as Commissioner of the Pittsylvania Count} Yot
tall League and the Pi[tsyh'ania County Youth Football League, after servin~> in those capacities
ne (31) years and hventy-eight (2R) years. respectively; and
F.FORE, BF, iT HERGBY' RESOLVED, on behall'of the citizens of Pittsyhania County, the Board
isors would like to express their sincere gratitude and appreciutiun for the many hours of volunteeris
tun, mentorship, commitment and vision by George Henderson to the youth sports programs of t
of Pittsvlvania.
FI`RTHER RESOLVEll that a copy of this resolution be presented to George Henderson, of Dry Fn
tinder m~~ hzmd this the 1 T° day of April, 2012.
" ~ fim R. Barber, Chairman
.,~ :~.. Pittsyh~aniaf'ounty Board of Supervisors