2012-04-05 David J. BullinsRP:SOLUTIUN 2012-04-OS A: :fit the adjourned meeting of the Pittsylvania Cuuuty Board uC Supervisors hold nn 'I ursday.:~prn in the General District Courtroom of the Gdwin R. Shields Cowthouse Addition, the following was presented and adopted: David J. Hollins has been a resident of Pittsylvania County for i7 years, :utd working wilt his wife, tev have Provided assistance to the children of Pittsylvania County participating in recreation in the •eas, David Bullins has provided suppot lvania County Youth Football l,eaguc for tl -cos, David Bullins has coached youth too the Stanleytown Y"outh League in Basset ling guidance, traittitg and assistance for cl real, during the 31 years llavid Bullins has h:u won the championship Tor the past ng 3~3 of them, making his career as a coat real, David Bullins' volunteCring during am helped to provide guidance ro many c raced by' their ability to ptuticipate in these . counseling to children participating in the and :, Virginia for over 41 years, w~urkittg 5 years in llanviile :uxi Pittsylv:utia County leagues, ng in those leagues; and Sylvania Cotmty Youth Football I,eaguc, his A ng his tenure Davicl hati coached 4i~ games, achieving a 7~'7o winning record; and of the Pittsylswia County Youth recreation 1970s that have gone onto crrrcrs that were and crcas, David J. Bullins is an assistance coach fur varsity lixrtb:tll at Dan River high School, where he :imtcs to provide service fur the citizens of Pittsyh~ania{'ounty: Utrn IT F~REBY RF.SOLVF.I), that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisor ta'ould like to express their ere gratitude and appreciation to David .I. Bullins for his outstanding service ^nd exemplary leadrrslip in :ping under the Pit[syhania County Youth recreation programs liar over 30 years, giving unselfishly to icatc his service to the cititcns of Pittsylvania County; and IT FURTIIF:R RESOLVED drat a copy of this resolution he prescutzd to David J. Bullins of Ringgold, ;inia. en under nry' hand this the 17°i day of April. 2012. ..{{y~,,.• cgy n~t 1 .< ,~` ~{• n - ,- Tim R. Barber, Chairman Pittsylv/a/ni/a- County Boar/d~//of Su/p//e/n~isors i// Y ~ / / / . ///. . 0 Wil(itmt D. Sleeper, C1l=rk / Pittsyh~ania Couury Board of Supervisors