2012-02-01Trey Edmunds-Dan River High SchoolP[TTSYLVANIA COUNTY 130ARD OP SUPERVISORS
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held on Monday, hbbnrary 6, 2012
in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, the Ibllowing resolution +e:u presented
and adopted:
Whereas, Dan River Iligh School varsity athlete'I'rey Edmunds has Ixen named to PART\DE Magazine's 2012 All-
American High School football Team, which has been the nation's premicrAtl-American high school football team for
the last 41 years. In partnership with Sporting :Yens, PARADE' editors chose 53 seniors througlwut the nation, whose
nn-the-fiend performances represent the best of high school football, and'I'rcy Edmunds was one of only 7 athletics from
Virginia selected For this prestigious award; and
Whereas, Trey Edmunds is the first player in Dan River High School's history to be named to PARADE. Magazine's
All-American High School Football Team; and
Whereas, for a career at Dan River I ligh School "trey Edmunds accounted for 1642 all-pur(mse yards, including 4,516
rushing yards, GS rota) touchdowns, while defensively totaling 771 tackles and 1 I interceptions-an impressive record in
itself and romarkahle in that Trey has only played running back these last two years and has just tw•ncd 17 years old:
Whereas, along with the. honor of being named a PARADE All-American, 'I'rcy Edmunds was named the Single A
Oflicc Player of the Ycar by VirginiaPreps.com and named to the Virgin'rrPreps.com Single AAll-Blatt football team
as a ramming Mack; and
Whereas, "troy Edmunds was also named 201 I Danville Register Nc Bee All-Metro Football Offensive Player of the
Ycar, was named first-team offense mm~ing back for both Region B and the Dogwrood District, and was first-team
linebacker on defense in the Ikrgwood District: and
Whereas, a native of Ringgold, Virginia, Trey C•dmunds is the son of Ferrell and F'clicia Edmunds and is a member of
the junior usher board at his church where he also sings in the chair and is a member of the church step team; and
Whereas, 'I'rcy Edmunds is descritx:d by local coaches and peers as displaying excellent character, integrity, and a
positive attitude on and off the field, making him not only a special athlete and outstanding student but an extraordinary
young man;thcn
TtiEttEFOR@; BF: 1'l' RlSOLVF.1), that the Pittsylvania County Boazd of Supervisors, on the behalf of all of the
citizens of Pittsylvania Cuuuly, express Urcir sincere appreciation, admiration, and congratulations to'frey Edmonds on
being named to PARADE Magazine's 2012 :111-American Iligh School Football "Team. bringing not only honor to
himself and his family, but to Dan River High School :trtd all of the citizens of Pitlsyh~ania County and furthcrniore. the
Board of Supervisors con~audalcs 'trey Edmunds rni signing his National Letter of Intent to continue his li~o[ball
career at Virg~nia'I'cch, wishing him the bl'St in his future academic endeavors and athletic career; and
BF. IT NUR'THN:N RN:SOLVF.D that a copy of this resolution be presented by the Board of Supervisors to Trey
Given under my hand this the G'h day of Febnrary, 2012.
~' ~= ` Tim R. B: ber, Chairman c
~. PiUsyly ria (:'aunty Board Su rvisors
\Villiam I). Sleeper, rk
Pittsyvania County oard of Supervisots