VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in the General
District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia on Monday July
7, 2014, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, Pittsylvania County has experienced an intense early to mid season drought that
encompassed the entire geographical area of the County and has significantly affected many annual
crops and most perennial crops including hay and pasture; and
WHEREAS, livestock watering has been affected with creeks drying, wells drying up and report
of one well collapsing, producers are reducing herd numbers and feeding hay, and weight gain decreases
due to the severe nature of this drought and there is an increased incidence of pink eye; and
WHEREAS, the loss of revenue due to these environmental factors has caused a significant
financial burden on the agricultural community in Pittsylvania County; and
WHEREAS, conservative estimates of crop losses due to the environmental conditions
experienced thus far are being compiled, damages are expected to be significant; then
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors declare a
disaster area in Pittsylvania County due to the extreme drought and petition the Honorable Terry
McAuliffe, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to declare Pittsylvania County a disaster area
due to the extreme drought conditions in order to provide the means for those affected to qualify for any
{ available relief assistance; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forward to the Honorable
Terry McAuliffe, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, respectfully requesting that he forward
this resolution to the U.S. Department of Agriculture on the behalf of Pittsylvania County.
Given under my hand this 7`t'day of July, 2014.
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`i Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
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)i .�I/. Cl. e C. Monday, Clerk/
Pittsylvania County Board f Supervisors