2019-08-02 Library Expansion PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION #2019-08-02 RESOLUTION ON LIBRARY EXPANSION IN PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY WHEREAS,since 1939,the Pittsylvania County Public Library("PCPL")has grown from a single building in the Town of Chatham,to,in 2019,a system with branches in Brosville/Cascade,Chatham,Gretna,and Mt. Hermon; and WHEREAS, since the 1970s the PCPL has also sought to establish a Library Branch in the Town of Hurt in the Staunton River District;and WHEREAS,in 2018,a group of interested citizens formed an ad hoc committee to explore the expansion of Library services to under-served County areas,including the Banister,Dan River,and Staunton River Districts;and WHEREAS, in July 2018, the PCPL and the ad hoc committee delivered a report, Expanding the Reach, to the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors (the "Board") outlining their findings that new libraries were needed in the Banister, Dan River, and Staunton River Districts, and that existing Library Branches in the Town of Gretna and the Brosville/Cascade community merited expansion and increased hours of service;and WHEREAS,in August 2018, the Board approved a Resolution calling for a Feasibility Study(the "2019 Study") to explore the need for additional County Libraries, and established a Library Advisory Committee to provide support to said Study;and WHEREAS, in May 2019, the Board received the findings of the 2019 Study conducted by Enteros Design of Richmond,Virginia,and endorsed by the Library Advisory Committee and PCPL Board of Trustees;and WHEREAS, the 2019 Study indicated a high demand for additional access to Library services in the County, including expansion of existing facilities and/or construction of up to three (3) new Library Branches, of 11,000-12,000 square feet each,in the Dan River, Staunton River,and Banister Districts,and the renovation of the Gretna Library Branch; and WHEREAS, expanding Library services to under-served County areas would support the transformation of the County by addressing the increasing needs of the high technology, information-based economy, which demands greater print and digital literacy and support for distance education and lifelong learning; THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: (1) Values the long-term needs of County residents and the positive impact of new libraries in attracting new residents and businesses to the County,as well as supporting existing residents and businesses; (2) Endorses the findings of the 2019 Study;and (3) To the extent financially allowed, supports including Library construction and funding needs in future budgets,capital investment,and strategic planning documents. Gle/i/g4aU-r-4 \41.11 J B.Davis,Chairman •.!" ria C. upervisors • 1*5, f -` ,' _ - id M. Smitherman,Clerk • Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors