2021-12-01 Danville Enterprise Zone 57B Amendment RESOLUTION#2021-12-01
The following Resolution was adopted at the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors'
("Board")Business Meeting on December 21, 2021:
WHEREAS,Pittsylvania County,Virginia("County"),shares a joint Enterprise Zone with
the City of Danville, Virginia ("Danville"), designated as Zone #57, that provides a combination
of State and Local incentives to promote economic development; and
WHEREAS, Danville desires to amend the incentives for Danville's portion of the joint
zone with the County ("Enterprise Zone#57B");and
WHEREAS, the Enterprise Zone Program guidelines restrict total amount of available
acreages to include no more than seven percent (7%) of the jurisdictions land area, which in
Danville totals 1,658 acres in Enterprise Zone#57B; and
WHEREAS,currently,County staff is requesting the Board approve an amendment to the
incentives for Danville's portion of Enterprise Zone 57B to encourage and incentivize new capital
investment and job creation to qualify for local and state incentives for capital improvements and
job creation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board authorizes the County
Administrator to sign all necessary documentation on behalf of the County for these proposed
Enterprise Zone amendments, and to meet other program administrative and reporting
requirements, as defined by the Enterprise Zone Regulations throughout the life of the Zones.
Given and adopted under my hand this 21 St day of December, 2021.
) . R ert("Bob") W. Warren
._ • Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
4.eig ith an
` - - Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Recorded Vote