Whereas, ALI. of the programs and services under Piedmont Access to Health
Services, Inc. (PATHS), in particular the Health Centers of the Piedmont, are nonprofit,
community-owned and operated health care providers serving uninsured and medically
underserved people in the Dan River region; and
Whereas, Federally qualified health centers ("FQHC') like the Health Centers of
the Piedmont, expand access to quality health care for all people and contain health care
costs by fostering prevention and integrating the delivery of primary care with aggressive
outreach, patient education, case management and other enabling services; and
Whereas, Health Centers of the Piedmont have made great strides in the Dan River
Region's health care system specifically by maintaining high standards of accountability,
demonstrating cost effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of care ,and empowering
communities to address unmet health needs, reduce health disparities, and reduce
preventable deaths, costly disabilities and communicable diseases; and
Whereas, There is a continuing need to support implementation of FQHC's
throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia as part of Virginia's enduring commitment to the
provision of quality primary health care; and
Whereas, The Health Centers of the Piedmont promote 100% access and zero health
disparities to help achieve health care for all people.
Now, Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved, by the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors officially recognize and proclaim the week of August 10-16, 2008 as National
Health Center Week in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and urge citizens to recognize the
important contributions of the Health Centers of the Piedmont in safeguarding health and
improving the quality of life for the community.
Given under my hand this 4`h day of August 2008.
Coy E. H t e, Chairman
Pittsylvania C my Board of Supervisors
l t
William D. Sleeper, C erk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors