02-04-2008-Beautification & Cleanup Week (Litter Control)PITTSYL VANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER VISORS
APRIL 7-13, 2008
Whereas, Pittsylvania County has won numerous State and National Awards for
Beautification and Clean up of Pittsylvania County; and
Whereas, the citizens of Pittsylvania County are proud of the appearance of their
County; and
Whereas, it is necessary that citizens continue to work to clean up Pittsylvania County
providing a number volunteer hours for beautification and litter control.
THEN, BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED, by the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors that the week of April 7-13, 2008 be declared Beautification and Cleanup Week in
Pittsylvania County and the Board of Supervisors requests all the citizens of Pittsylvania County
to work for beautification and cleanup of the County during this week.
Given under my hand this 4`h day of February, 2008.
Co . Harville, Chairman
Pittsy ania County Board of Supervisors
~~~~~f ~ ~~~~
William D. Sleeper, Clerk `'
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors