03-17-2009 National Animal Control Apreciation WeekPITTSYL VANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER i~ISORS PROCLAMATION NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL APPRECIATION WEEKApril 12rh -April 18`h' 2009 Whereas, the National Animal Control Association has designated the second week in April each year as Animal Control Appreciation Week; and Whereas, the various Federal, State, and Local Government Officials throughout the Country takes this time to recognize, thank, and commend all Animal Control Officers for the dedicated service they provide to the Citizens, various Public Safery, Public Service Agencies and Departments throughout the Country; and Whereas, the shocking and dramatic turn of events of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation to the Ciry of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast showed the critical need of services of Animal Control Officers, the dedication, honor and respect for those individuals serving on the front lines as Fire Fighters, Rescue Personnel, Police Officers and Emergency Animal Control Officers was never greater or more strikingly illustrated; and Whereas, the Pittsylvania Counry Board of Supervisors would like to express its sincere thanks and appreciation for the outstanding service the Pittsylvania Counry Animal Control Officers provide on a daily basis to the Citizens of the County and to the various Public Safery, Public Service Agencies and Departments; and Whereas, the Pittsylvania Counry Board of Supervisors recognizes and commends the Animal Control Officers for the many dedicated and long hours of service they perform in serving this communiry, and for fulfrlling their commitment to providing the highest and most efficient level of service. Now, Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved, by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors officially recognize and proclaim the week of April 12`h through 18`h , 2009 as National Animal Control Appreciation Week and respectfully asks all Citizens, Public Safery, Health and Public Service Personnel alike to join in expressing their sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for the many long hours of outstanding service and quality performance these outstanding individuals provide throughout the year to assure the safety and welfare of all. Given under my hand this 17`h day of March 2009. ~ ~ Coy E. H e, Chairman Pittsylvania,County Board of Supervisors William D. Sleeper, Clerk - Pittsylvania Counry Board of