2013-09-03 National Teach Ag MonthPitt5p[bauia Couutp 36oarb of 6uperbi oro Vrodamatiou National Teach Ag Day September 26, 2013 Whereas, over 12,000 secondary and post- secondary agricultural educators teach in over 7,500 public middle schools and high schools in the United States; and Whereas, approximately one million students receive agricultural education in the United States; and Whereas, more than 500, 000 of these students are members of the National Future Farmers ofAmerica (FFA) Organization; and Whereas, there is a nationwide teacher shortage in agricultural education and many agricultural education programs suffer from lack of qualified teachers; and Whereas, the National Association of Agricultural Educators, on the behalf of the National Council for Agricultural Education, is organizing National Teach Ag Day on September 26, 2013, as one component of the National Teach Ag Campaign; and Whereas, the goal of National Teach Ag Day is to have every agricultural educator in America teaching a lesson to encourage their students to consider a career in agricultural education; and Whereas, agricultural educators contribute to a strong and effective education in public schools; and Whereas, a student's growth and future are positively impacted by the dedication and quality teaching of agricultural educators; then Now, Therefore, Be It Proclaimed, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors proclaims September 26, 2013 as National Teach Ag Day in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and wishes to express their gratitude to the County's local agriculture educators for their dedication and contribution in agricultural education and supports the goals and purposes of National Teach Ag Day. Given under my hand this day 3.d day of September, 2013. 4j4///, 44��— arshall A. Ec r, Chairman Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors & �y Z&O Otis S Hawker, Clerk Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors