06-19-2018 WS Meeting Minutes - DRAFT June 19, 2018 Work Session Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Work Session June 19, 2018 VIRGINIA: The Work Session of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held on June 19, 2018 in the Main Conference Room, County Administration Building, Chatham, Virginia. Chairman - Chatham-Blairs District Robert "Bob" Warren, called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. The following members were present: CALL TO ORDER (4:30 PM) Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Robert "Bob" Warren Chairman - Chatham-Blairs District Present 4:28 PM Joe Davis Vice Chair - Dan River District Present 4:29 PM Tim R. Barber Supervisor - Tunstall District Present 4:25 PM Elton W. Blackstock Supervisor - Staunton River District Present 4:29 PM Ronald Scearce Supervisor - Westover District Present 4:29 PM Charles Miller Supervisor - Banister District Present 4:28 PM Ben Farmer Supervisor - Callands-Gretna District Present 4:28 PM Also in attendance were Mr. David M. Smitherman, County Administrator/Clerk of the Board; Mr. J. Vaden Hunt Esq., County Attorney; Mr. Gregory L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning & Administration; Mr. Richard N. Hicks, Assistant County Administrator for Operations; Mrs. Kimberly G. Van Der Hyde, Director of Finance; the Honorable Vincent E. Shorter, Treasurer; Mrs. Cheryl J. Boswell, CSA Coordinator; the Honorable Shirley Y. Hammock, Commissioner of the Revenue; Mark W. Moore, Director of Parks and Recreation; Chris C. Slemp, Public Safety Coordinator; and Mrs. Kaylyn M. McCluster, Deputy Clerk. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED None APPROVAL OF AGENDA RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Tim R. Barber, Supervisor - Tunstall District SECONDER: Ben Farmer, Supervisor - Callands-Gretna District AYES: Warren, Davis, Barber, Blackstock, Scearce, Miller, Farmer PRESENTATIONS STAFF, COMMITTEE, AND/OR CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICER REPORTS a. CPMT Attendance Report (Staff Contact: Cheryl J. Boswell); (5 minutes) Ms. Cheryl Boswell presented the attendance record for the Board. The report was included in the Board packet and she stated that everyone is in compliance. Board of Supervisors June 19, 2018 Work Session b. Wayside Park Improvements Update (Staff Contact: Mark W. Moore); (15 minutes) Mr. Moore was present and gave a PowerPoint presentation about the Wayside Park Improvements. Wayside Park is located just off 29 about one (1) mile from the Town of Hurt. Moore stated that funding is in the FY19 budget for the Phase One (1) improvements and there is a very good chance that additional grant funding may be available. The improvements are set to begin in the Fall/Winter to allow for grant opportunities to play out. Some improvements to the park will include replacing and adding new picnic tables, adding trash cans, updating any interior park signage, re-gravelling the pull off road, installing a new front gate, paving the entrance up to the gate, and repairing the hanging bridge. Mr. Barber asked how many acres were at the park and Mr. Moore stated that the park consisted of sixty-five (65) acres. Mr. Blackstock stated that the SR RIFA owns the park, and it joins on the back side. Mr. Davis commended Mr. Moore on his efforts on this park. c. EMS Transport Update (Staff Contact: Chris C. Slemp); (10 minutes) Mr. Slemp stated that Mr. Fowler and Mr. Adams have been instrumental and their help is ve ry valuable. Mr. Blackstock asked if there had been an increase or decrease since Regional One left, and if there were more or less. Slemp stated that numbers are down due to the volunteers picking up a lot of the calls. The Board commended the agencies and Mr. Warren thanked Mr. Slemp, Mr. Fowler, and Mr. Adams for stepping up to help to ease this transition. d. Gretna Ballfield Lease/Public Hearing Authorization (Staff Contact: Richard N. Hicks); (5 minutes) Mr. Hunt noted that the Gospel Tabernacle Outreach Center really desires to purchase the property, but due to financial obligations of replacing the roof, they are unable to do so at this time. The Outreach Center will keep a record of all expenses incurred at this property until they are able to purchase. There was consensus of the Board to hold a Public Hearing at the July Business Meeting for the Gretna Ballfield Lease. e. Solid Waste Disposal Fee Implementation Update (Staff Contact: Gregory L. Sides); (20 minutes) Mr. Hicks gave a presentation on how Bedford County handles its Solid Waste Collections. Bedford has no open top boxes at the manned sites for household waste; the only open top boxes were for metal and white goods. Citizens arriving at the sites know what is allowed and what is not due to signage. There was consensus of the Board to move forward and Mr. Sides stated that they would be coming back in the future with some possible Ordinance changes for the due dates of the solid waste billing. Mr. Warren asked that as this process moves forward to send updates to the Board's Solid Waste Committee as well as the Legislative Committee. Mr. Blackstock commended the Committee for looking for ways to help the tax paying citizens and looking at adjusting the due dates. Mr. Hunt gave a han dout with an overview of their enforcement committee review. Mr. Warren strongly suggested pushing it out to the public that our sites are for Pittsylvania County residents only. Mr. Warren thanked all committees for their work, and Mr. Barber stated that going out and seeing how other localities do this is a huge positive. Board of Supervisors June 19, 2018 Work Session f. Information Sharing Agreement for Broadband Project Implementation (Staff Contact: Matthew D. Rowe); (5 minutes) Mr. Rowe gave an update on the internet project where Pittsylvania County and Halifax County will share all information regarding their respective internet projects with each other. Said Counties worked together and applied jointly for a Tobacco Commission Last Mile Broadband Grant, which was fully awarded this spring. This Grant will further efforts to expand broadband internet service to unserved and underserved areas. The County is currently in the process of reviewing possible grant agreements and determining degree of possible tax payer liability; SCS Broadband is providing the required dollar-for-dollar match. g. Other Reports BUSINESS MEETING DISCUSSION ITEMS CLOSED SESSION Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Barber, to enter into Closed Session, which was unanimously approved by the Board. The Bo ard entered into Closed Session at 5:55 PM. a. Consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel. (Staff Contact: J. Vaden Hunt) b. Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. (Staff Contact: Matthew D. Rowe) RETURN TO OPEN SESSION & CLOSED SESSION CERTIFICATION a. Closed Session Certification The Board returned to Open Session at 6:47 PM and the following Certification was recorded: PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CERTIFY CLOSED MEETING BE IT RESOLVED that at the Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on June 19, 2018, the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of each board member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion authorizing the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board. Board of Supervisors June 19, 2018 Work Session Vote Tim R. Barber Yes Elton W. Blackstock Yes Joe B. Davis Yes Ben L. Farmer Yes Charles H. Miller, Jr. Yes Ronald S. Scearce Yes Robert W. Warren Yes ADJOURNMENT Mr. Warren adjourned the meeting at 6:49 PM.