03-20-2018 WS Meeting
Board of Supervisors
Work Session
March 20, 2018
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Work Session
March 20, 2018
VIRGINIA: The Work Session of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors began
at 4:34 PM on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 in the Main Conference Room of the County
Administration Building, located at 1 Center Street in Chatham, Virginia 24531. The following
members were present:
Tim R. Barber Tunstall District
Joe B. Davis Dan River District
Ronald S. Scearce Westover District
Ben L. Farmer Callands-Gretna District
Elton W. Blackstock Staunton River District
Robert W. Warren Chatham-Blairs District
The Honorable Charles H. Miller, Jr., Banister District, was absent from the meeting.
Mr. David M. Smitherman, County Administrator and Clerk of the Board; Mr. J. Vaden
Hunt Esq., County Attorney; Mr. Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning &
Administration, Mr. Richard Hicks, Assistant County Administrator for Operations, Mrs. Kim
Van Der Hyde, Director of Finance, and Mrs. Kaylyn McCluster, Deputy Clerk, were also
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve the agenda,
which was unanimously approved by the Board present.
Mr. Don Thomas, Wingate Appraisal Service, gave a Reassessment Recap for the 2018
County reassessment. He stated that there was a total of 49,891 real estate parcels and 5,425
total manufactured homes. The overall percent change from the prior year was 6.3% (taxable
property classes only). Thomas stated that the total parcels appealed was 1,077 (2.2% of total)
and the total value adjustment from those hearings was $6,143,500 (0.1% of the total). Mr.
Barber asked about the sales and the area that they were in and how were they based. Mr.
Thomas stated that location is very unique to real estate and that they try to pull the sales in the
communities that they are in to assess those particular properties. Mr. Blackstock said that he
had been asked a question by a citizen, therefore he was going to ask for clarification, that when
they started through the RFP, did anyone ask them to increase the tax value? Mr. Thomas stated
that it was an unacceptable assignment condition and no such conversations occurred.
Ms. Kelly Bailess presented to the Board the potential of moving some of the voting
precincts; 305-Riceville, 108-West Blairs, 402-Keeling, and 704-Mt. Hermon. The 640 Rescue
Squad is not ADA compliant, and also has no handicap parking. The Riceville Missionary
Baptist Church offered to allow use of the Family Life Center for Elections. The Keeling
precinct which is located in the Keeling Fire Department has moved elections into the bay
because of a large conference table preventing the flow of voters, and in the bay area there is no
Board of Supervisors
Work Session
March 20, 2018
air conditioning and the entrance is not ADA compliant. Within the same parking lot, is Oak
Grove Baptist Fellowship Hall, which has ample parking, is handicap accessible, and has air
conditioning. The Church has agreed to allow the use of the fellowship hall for elections. The
Blairs precinct has had some issues with elections being held in the building due to the traffic
pattern on Highway 29 not being safe. Since there is no crossover going southbound, there is
one access road and very limited parking to the very busy fire station which now has a helicopter
pad that causes further restrictions for signs and parking. Bailess stated that White Oak Worship
Center has welcomed the opportunity of allowing the use of their facility for the precinct for
elections. It has ample parking with handicap accessibility, as well as enough space to host
elections. The Mt. Hermon precinct is located at Mt. Hermon Courtyard and now has roof leaks
and the lighting and heat and air conditioning has been cut back. Bailess stated that the building
managers are almost impossible to contact to coordinate with to schedule setup and delivery and
each election costs $300 to rent. While looking for other options, Ms. Bailess stated that she has
run into a lot of issues that include precinct boundaries, not enough space, or parking. She has
not found a viable space for the Mt. Hermon precinct yet, but she has reached out to The Hughes
Center to see about possibly using their gymnasium. Mr. Blackstock questioned if the state
board would have a problem with voting in places of worship and Ms. Bailess said that they
would not, that the Virginia code states that it is an allowable place. Mr. Farmer asked about the
process of having to notify the citizens, and Bailess responded that when they find a new
location, they have to hold a public hearing, vote on it, and then letters are sent out to the voters
within two (2) weeks of the elections. Mr. Blackstock asked about adding the public hearing to
the business meeting and Mr. Hunt said that there was a placeholder on there and that he would
take care of it. Mr. Davis asked if the state had any consideration when it comes to a situation
like this when you have to be within that one-mile radius, and Bailess said that there is another
option of changing the precinct boundary lines which would cause redistricting for the County.
Mr. Warren stated that if they went that route and adjusted those lines, we could have some real
big adjustments in the numbers because of the condensed population and wide developments.
Bailess agreed and also noted that you cannot have a precinct with more than 5,000 voters.
Mr. Steve Nesbitt gave a presentation on the Preliminary Feasibility Analysis and
Comprehensive Solid Waste Planning and Business Advisory Services. Nesbitt stated that there
is opportunity for economies of scale and that there is a highly competitive/consolidated “waste-
shed” with a modest commercialization potential. He stated that there is a revenue potential and
they had it broken down by different cities/counties; although some of them were already in
current contracts and would be several years before they were available. (Presentation can be
viewed fully at https://www.pittsylvaniacountyva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2801)
Staff Reports
Mr. Hicks spoke on the Green Box sites and stated that there had been advertisement for
bids to pick up the remaining green boxes that the County has. Hicks recommended that the
Board award the bid on the green box collections to First Piedmont for $245,559.60 yearly. Mr.
Blackstock said that he has been receiving a tremendous amount of complaints about some of the
sites and that there is trash is overflowing. Hicks said that it was possible that moving forward,
there could be some additional boxes added to help offset that. Mr. Farmer echoed Mr.
Blackstock in that he has gotten numerous phone calls because his area was hit with the green
box removals. He also asked if this would cause an impact to employment and the reduction of
jobs, and Mr. Smitherman stated that there would be a reduction of two (2) truck drivers due to
the bid and one of them would be through retirement. Mr. Blackstock continued to speak on his
Board of Supervisors
Work Session
March 20, 2018
concern of the overflowing green box sites due to the reduction. He stated that with social media
and the way technology is now, it gets blasted all over very quick and looks very bad and that it
is a problem that needs to be resolved. Mr. Warren questioned if it was a problem to be more
flexible with our hours and holidays in order to minimize those problems and Hicks stated that
he would be looking at the Landfill hours to try and fix some of these problems. Mr. Blackstock
stated his concern about going to head to head with a private business, because we don’t have to
make money and they do. Mr. Davis stated that the numbers don’t add up in order for the Board
to make money, but Mr. Smitherman stated that the number shown was not gross, and could
potentially be much more.
Hicks then spoke on an unsolicited conceptual Landfill management proposal. He stated
that there was a change in the law a few years ago, and it dealt with public and private
partnerships and the Board of Supervisors had previously adopted a policy on unsolicited
proposals and it sets out guidelines and a timetable. Hicks received a call from SANTEK Waste
Services wanting to give the County an unsolicited proposal for operation of the Landfill. He
stated that if the Board was interested, they would have to open it up for other vendors, but that it
was totally up to them; and it was also no cost related to do this. Mr. Blackstock asked if
Arcadis could have a hand in this, but Mr. Smitherman responded that they had already shown
that the County was running a pretty lean operation with what we are already doing. Mr.
Smitherman stated that it wouldn’t hurt to at least let them look at it and see if they could run it
any more efficiently than we already are. Mr. Farmer asked if SANTEK would want to do more
than just operate, and put their own trucks on the road, Mr. Smitherman said that this proposal
was just to get them inside the gate. Mr. Smitherman said they were asking for a general
consensus to look at this proposal. The Board agreed that there was a consensus to look at the
Closed Session
Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Blackstock to enter into Closed
Session, which was unanimously approved by the Board present.
1. Legal Authority: Virginia Code §2.2-3711(A)(8)
Subject Matter: Department of Social Services
Purpose: Discussion of Employment Situation/Legal Implications
The Board entered into Closed Session at 5:55pm.
Upon a Motion by Mr. Blackstock, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board re-entered Open
Session and the following Certification was recorded:
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Work Session of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on March 20, 2018, the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the best of
Board of Supervisors
Work Session
March 20, 2018
each board member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open
meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the motion
authorizing the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. If any
member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code, he shall so state
prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall be recorded in the
minutes of the Board.
Tim R. Barber Yes
Elton W. Blackstock Yes
Joe B. Davis Yes
Ben L. Farmer Yes
Charles H. Miller, Jr. Absent
Ronald S. Scearce Yes
Robert W. Warren Yes
The Board re-entered Open Session at 6:47pm.
Mr. Warren adjourned the meeting at 6:48pm.
Robert W. “Bob” Warren, Chair
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
David M. Smitherman, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors