01-05-2009 BOS Re-Organizational MeetingRe-organizational Meeting
January 5, 2009
VIRGINIA: The re-organizational meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors was held on Monday, January 5, 2009 in the General District Courtroom of
the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia. William D. Sleeper,
County Administrator, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. The following members
were present:
Fred M. Ingram
Tim R. Barber
James H. Snead
William H. Pritchett
Henry A. Davis, Jr., Jr
Marshall A. Esker
Coy E. Harville
Callands-Gretna District
Tunstall District
Dan River District
Banister District
Chatham-Blairs District
Staunton River District
Westover District
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. John P. Light, Legal Counsel
for the County and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk, were also present.
Mr. Henry Davis, Jr., gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Harville, to approve the agenda
with the following item additions/deletions:
(a) Industrial Development Authority (IDA) Appointment -Westover District
(b) To Removed the IDA Dan River appoint as it was already addressed at a
previous meeting.
Mr. Snead's motion to approve the agenda with additions/deletions was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Re-Organization of the Board:
Election of Chairman
Mr. Sleeper opened the floor for nominations for Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors for 2008. Mr. Ingram nominated Mr. Henry Davis, Jr., seconded by Mr.
Ecker. Mr. Barber nominated Mr. Coy Harville, seconded by Mr. Pritchett. Motion was
made by Mr. Esker, seconded by Mr. Snead, to close nominations. Motion to close
nominations passed unanimously.
Mr. Sleeper took votes for Chairman; Mr. Harville received four votes: Mr. Davis,
Jr. received three votes. Mr. Sleeper then turned the meeting over to Mr. Harville as the
new Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2009.
Election of Vice-Chairman
Mr. Harville opened the floor to nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors. Mr. Esker nominated Mr. Henry Davis, Jr., which was seconded by Mr.
Ingram. Mr. Pritchett nominated Mr. Tim Barber, which was seconded by Mr. Snead.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Pritchett, to close the nominations.
Motion to close nominations carried unanimously.
Re-organizational Meeting
January 5, 2009
Mr. Harville took votes for Vice-Chairman: Mr. Barber received four votes; Mr.
Davis, Jr. received three votes. Mr. Barber was named Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Supervisors for 2009.
By Laws and Rules of Order
Motion was made by Mr. Pritchett, seconded by Mr. Barber to re-adopt the
existing by-laws and Robert Rules of Order. A substitute motion was made by Mr.
Ecker, seconded by Mr. Davis, to amend the by-laws and limit the chairmanship term to 1
year per the fours years that a Board member serve. This motion requires a 10-day
layover and no action was taken by the Board at this meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Ingram, that the Board of
Supervisors meetings continue to be held on the first Monday and third Tuesday each
month, at 7:OOpm, in the General District Courtroom and that Mr. Snead's motion was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Set Day and Time of Regular Meeting
The Board unanimously approved Mr. Snead's motion, seconded by Mr. Ingram,
to continue to hold meetings at 7:00 pm on the first Monday and third Tuesday of each
month. Mr. Harville stated that the Board of Supervisors meetings would continue to be
held on the first Monday and third Tuesday each month, at 7:00 pm, in the General
District Courtroom.
Appointments of Committees by Chairman
Mr. Harville appointed the following Board members to:
Standing Committees
(a) Finance/Insurance Committee : Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. -
Chairman, Mr. William Pritchett, Mr. Fred Ingram and Mr.
Marshall Ecker
(b) Personnel Committee: Mr. James Snead -Chairman, Mr.
Marshall Ecker and Mr. Tim Barber
(c) Property/Building Committee: Mr. Tim Barber -Chairman,
Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. and Mr. Fred Ingram
Special Committees
(d) Solid Waste Committee: Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. -Chairman,
Mr. Fred Ingram and Mr. Tim Barber
(e) Legislative Committee: Mr. Marshall Ecker -Chairman, Mr.
William Pritchett and Mr. Henry Davis, Jr.
(~ Computer/Radio/Telecommunications Committee: Mr.
James Snead -Chairman, Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. and Mr.
Marshall Ecker
(g) Board of Supervisors/School Board Liaison Committee: Mr.
William Pritchett -Chairman, Mr. James Snead and Mr.
Marshall Ecker
(h) Joint Sites and Facilities Committee: Mr. William Pritchett -
Chairman, Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. and Mr. Fred Ingram
(i) Fire & Rescue Policies and Procedures Committee: Mr. Fred
Ingram -Chairman, Mr. James Snead and Mr. Marshall
Re-organizational Meeting
January 5, 2009
(j) Economic Development Committee: Mr. Tim Barber -
Chairman, Mr. James Snead and Coy Harville
(k) Agricultural Development Board: Mr. Tim Barber
Other Appointments by Mr. Harville were:
Mr. Fred Ingram to the Tri-County Lake Advisory Committee
Mr. William Pritchett and Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. to the West Piedmont Planning
District Commission
Mr. James Snead to the Pittsylvania County Planning Commission
Mr. Coy Harville to the Virginia Association of Counties
Mr. William Pritchett to the Pittsylvania County Community Action Agency
Mr. James Snead, Mr. Henry Davis, Jr., and Mr. Coy Harville to the Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO); Mr. Sleeper, County Administrator, is the alternate
Mr. Fred Ingram to the Transportation Safety Commission
Mr. William Pritchett and Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. to the SARA Title III (LEPC)
Mr. William Pritchett to the Social Services Board
Mr. Henry Davis, Jr. to the Roanoke River Basin Association
Mr. Coy Harville-(3-years); Mr. James Snead-(1-year); and Mr. Tim Barber as
Alternate - (1-year) to the Danville-Pittsylvania County Regional Facility
Hearing of Citizens
Mr. Herbert Strange, of the Tunstall District, addressed the Board as
representative of the citizens in Cascade who live on SR 622 with concerns about the
remainder of the road that needs to be finished (3.6 miles) and repairs to the bridge. Mr.
Harville said the Board would forward this to Randy Hamilton, Resident Engineer, with
the Virginia Department of Transportation.
The last person to speak was Anna Anderson, of the Tunstall District, with
concerns about stray animals.
This concluded the hearing of the citizens.
Consent Agenda
(a) Minutes: December 1, 2008 Regular Meeting
December 16, 2008 Adjourned Meeting
December 22, 2008 Adjourned Meeting
(b) Bill List: December 2008
Re-organizational Meeting
January 5, 2009
(a) December 1, 2008 Minutes-Page 3 of the Board Packet, paragraph 4, sentence should
state "Diversion Center" instead of Conversion Center.
(b) December 16, 2008 Minutes-Page 9 of the Board Packet, paragraph 6, should include
that Mr. Sleeper explained questioned items on the November Bill list and the minutes
should have also included that Mr. Sleeper explained the term "business card" is the
County's credit card.
(c) December 16, 2008 Minutes-Page 10 of the Board Packet, paragraph 2, should
include in the motion that the contract amendment amount with Hurt & Proffitt (Sanitary
Sewer) and Reynolds-Clark (water) for the Berry Hill Water & Sewer project was at total
of $92,400.
(d) December 16, 2008 Minutes-Page 11, paragraph 3, Mr. Snead's motion should
include the following contract amounts: 1) Amendment to the Hurt & Proffitt contract
for Witcher Road Sanitary Sewer project in the amount of $34,275, 2) amendment to the
engineering contract with Hurt & Proffitt for professional services on the Ringgold &
Tom Fork Road Water Project in the amount of $47,275 and 3) Amendment to proposal
for services by Reynolds-Clark in the amount of $$7,600 for an additional waterline
extension to Woodbriar Lane, which was beyond the original Ringgold Waterline
Extension Project. Mr. Snead's motion did not include any amends to contracts
concerning Berry Hill and should be removed from the draft minutes found on page 11,
paragraph 3, of the January 2009 Board Packet.
(e) December 22, 2008 Minutes-Page 13, paragraph 1 under Old Business, should
include a contract in the amount of $38,100 with Reynolds-Clark for engineering on the
Whispering Pines project.
(f) December 22, 2008 -Ratify the action taken on Page 14, paragraph one concerning
the appropriation of $50,000 to pay $23,552 for Region One for ambulance services that
the County owes from September to December and the monthly appropriation of $5,888
to Region One. Because this is an appropriation of unappropriated funds, this action
requires a roll call vote.
(g) December 16, 2008 Minutes-Page 10, Paragraph 3, in Mr. Ecker's motion it states
"the County has already given the old Chatham Elementary School back to the Town of
Chatham. " This should be corrected to state that the County has proposed to give the old
Chatham Elementary School to the Town of Chatham.
Motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Snead to approve the Consent
Agenda items with the corrections to the minutes listed and the ratification required to
include a roll call vote of the Board. The following roll call vote was recorded: Mr.
Ingram -Yes, Mr. Barber -Yes, Mr. Snead -Yes, Mr. Pritchett -Yes, Mr. Davis -Yes,
Mr. Ecker -Yes and Mr. Harville -Yes. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Motion was made by Mr. Pritchett, seconded Mr. Snead, to appoint Mr. Ronald "Ron"
McMahon as the Westover District Representative to the Industrial Development
Authority (IDA). The Board unanimously approved Mr. Pritchett's motion.
Board Announcements
Mr. Ecker reminded everyone of the meeting concerning Uranium Mining Tuesday,
January 6, 2009 at 6pm at the Chatham High.
Re-organizational Meeting
January 5, 2009
Mr. Sleeper made the following announcements:
(a) Donnachaidh Associates, Ltd, has announced they will be opening up in the Cyber
Park, creating 25 new, high paying jobs and investing up to $7 million with these 25 jobs.
(b) The Tobacco Commission meets in Richmond this month on Monday, January 12 -
13th. Mr. Sleeper, Mr. Harville and Mr. Snead will be in Richmond for the Prayer
Breakfast on January 14, 2009, prior to the General Assembly opening.
(c) The Employee Service Recognitions will be held on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at
3pm in the General District Courtroom.
Mr. Harville asked that remember Lori Moran, Executive Director for the Chamber of
Commerce, for the loss of her stepson in a car accident.
Motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Barber, to adjourn, which was
unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at7:30pm.