08-01-2016 Regular MeetingRegular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Monday, August 1, 2016
Regular Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was held
on Monday, August 1, 2016 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Addition in
Chatham, Virginia. Elton W. Blackstock, Jr., Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The
following members were present:
Elton W. Blackstock Staunton River District
Tim Barber Tunstall District
Ronald S. Scearce Westover District
Jerry A. Hagerman Callands-Gretna District
Robert W. Warren Chatham-Blairs District
Joe B. Davis Dan River District
Mr. Jessie L. Barksdale, Chair, was absent from the meeting. Mr. Elton W. Blackstock, Jr.,
Vice-Chair, led the meeting.
After a Moment of Silence, Mr. Blackstock led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Clarence C. Monday, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Ms.
Kim Van Der Hyde, Director of Finance, and Ms. Rebecca Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Board were
also present.
Mr. Blackstock led the Moment of Silence, and then the Pledge of Alliance.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to approve the agenda, which
was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Hearing of the Citizens
Donna Hudson, Chief Clerk for the Treasurer’s Office, spoke on behalf of County employees
concerning the County insurance premium rate increase. Ms. Hudson felt the Board should cover the
cost of this increase because most County employees hardly afford the current premium prices.
Carmellier Haskins, Clerk in the Treasurer’s Office, also commented on the health insurance
increase and how costly the premiums were and asked the Board to consider covering the cost of the
Cathryn East, President of the Pittsylvania County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (SPCA) stated it was the Board of Supervisors’ responsibility to build the proposed Animal
Shelter and to use any potential donations towards the project to build the alternate additions.
Portia Fitzgerald of the Banister District thanked the Board of her previous appointments to
the Danville Community College Board of Trustees.
Joann Roberts of the Banister District, said she was not a member of SPCA but was a member
of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, who stated the previous Board, of which some members were still
serving, committed to building a new shelter and called the Board to task to keep their commitment to
build a shelter.
Regular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Jim Scearce of the Westover District came before the Board as a responsible pet owner and
stated many of the problems with stray animals in this County were due to irresponsible pet owners.
Mr. Scearce said everyone who owned pets needed to become responsible owners and that the
taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for a $3.5 million Animal Shelter when there were teachers and county
employees who can’t afford health insurance.
Lesley Jones, Clerk in the Treasurer’s Office, stated she was one of the employees whose
salaries was one below $22,000 annually, and since her husband had recently lost his job, she would
need to take out the family plan to cover her spouse and children (along with herself) with health
insurance; and with her calculations, that would leave her with approximately $200 a month with
which to pay all of her other bills. She hoped the Board would consider more funding towards the
County employees’ health insurance plans.
Matthew Stevens of the Dan River District spoke with concerns about a proposed solar farm
that would be near the Dan River Elementary the Dan River Middle, and Dan River High Schools.
Along with his feeling there were potential health hazards with the panels being so close and facing
the schools, he was also concerned about the decommission process and possible cost to the County
down the road.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Warren, to approve the Consent Agenda,
which was approved by the Board of Supervisors with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was
(a) Minutes:July 10, 2016 – Regular Meeting
(b) Bill List – July 2016 (Online)
(c)Proclamation – National Farmers’ Market Week: August 7-13, 2016
Unfinished Business
At the July 19, 2016 Board of Supervisors’ meeting, a motion was made by Mr. Barber,
seconded by Mr. Warren, to approve and amend the library’s 2017 budget and appropriate $9,575.30
to the Memorial Gifts Fund (265-4-073310-6012), noting that since these monies were originally
deposited into the General Funds. This motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met and
the following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes;
Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Blackstock-Yes. Mr. Barber’s motion was unanimously
approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
At the July 19, 2016 Board of Supervisors’ meeting, a motion was made by Mr. Barber and
seconded by Mr. Warren for the reappropriation of $36,382.42 as follows: $100.00 to Clerk of
Court-Copier Lease (100-4-021600-60051), $18.01 to Sheriff-Subsistence & Lodging (100-4-
031200-5530), $150.00 to Sheriff-Undercover Work (100-4-031200-6024), $2,773.23 to Sheriff-Parts
(100-4-031200-6030), $1,058.80 to Sheriff-Labor (100-4-031200-6031), $806.81 to Extradition (100-
4-033100-5550), $35.00 to Jail-Food Supplies (100-4-033100-6002), $896.10 to CSA-Pool Program
(100-4-053500-7003), $140.00 to Ag Development-Farmer’s Market (100-4-082500-6014), $95.80
to WIA-Other Operating Supplies (251-4-353851-6014), $29,053.67 to WIA-Rent (251-4-353853-
6014), $1,250.00 to WIA-Other Operating Supplies (251-4-353878-6014), $5.00 to WIA-Other
Operating Supplies (251-4-353853-6014). This motion had now met the required 10-Day Layover
and the following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Scearce-
Regular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes; and Mr. Blackstock-Yes. Mr. Barber’s motion was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
New Business
Blair Smith, Architect with Dominion 7, reviewed the build Request For Proposals and
Alternates 1-5. Mr. Smith’s recommendation was the Board go with the apparent lowest responsive
construction bid submitted from Blair Construction of $3,149,000 and include Alternate #5 for
acoustic paneling for an additional cost of $11,000. After discussion of the project and noting the bids
were good for 45 days, it was the consensus of the Board to bring the item back to the Board at its
Regular meeting on August 16, 2016 to award the bid and begin the 10-Day Layover process.
Mr. Monday explained that the County had received a copy of a Joint Petition from the
County of Nottoway, and the Towns of Blackstone, Burkeville and Crewe, Virginia that requests the
Commonwealth of Virginia to consider legislation that will allocate 5% of total lottery sales back to
the general revenue funds of localities where the sale originated. The localities authoring the petition
were asking other localities to consider drafting a similar petition to submit to their local state
representatives. Motion was made by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Scearce, to bring back a similar
resolution for the Board’s consideration at their Regular meeting, which was unanimously approved
by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Mr. Jim Bebeau, Executive Director for the Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services Board
(DPCS), presented the DPCS’s FY2017-18 Performance Contract for the Board of Supervisors’
approval. Motion was made by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve the contract and
authorize the County Administrator to sign all necessary documentation. The following Roll Call
Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr.
Warren-Yes; and Mr. Blackstock-Yes. Mr. Warren’s motion was unanimously approved by the
Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
The Finance Committee met at 5:00 PM on Monday, August 1, 2016. No recommendations
came from that meeting for the Board’s consideration.
Mr. Monday explained earlier in the year, the Commonwealth of Virginia and Department of
Military Affairs (DMA) decommissioned the Chatham Amory located at 326 South Main Street in
Chatham. Following said decommission, the DMA offered ownership of the Amory to Pittsylvania
County. At a previous meeting, the Board of Supervisors directed County Staff to work toward
potentially acquiring the Armory. Mr. Monday said before the Board now was an Armory Access
Agreement negotiated between the County and DMA that would protect the County’s interests in
allowing the County to enter the Armory for purposes of conducting inspections, surveys, appraisals,
and soil testing of the Armory prior to the County potentially acquiring the Armory. Motion was
made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Davis, to approve the Access Agreement and authorize the
County Administrator to sign all necessary documentation. The following Roll Call Vote was
recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr. Warren-Yes;
and Mr. Blackstock-Yes. Mr. Barber’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board with the
exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Mr. Blackstock declared that he had a Conflict of Interest with the agenda item concerning a
contract between the Blue Ridge Regional Jail (BBRJ) and the Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s
Regular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Department for Inmate Housing as he was formerly the Director for BBRJ and currently continues to
provide some contract services for BBRJ. Mr. Blackstock then excused himself from the Chair seat.
Mr. Monday then took nominations for a Temporary Chair for this one item. Motion by Mr.
Davis, and seconded by Mr. Barber, to nominate Mr. Warren as Temporary Chair. No other
nominations were made. Motion was then made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to close
the nominations, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr.
Blackstock, who abstained, and Mr. Barksdale who was absent. Mr. Warren was unanimously
approved by the Board as Temporary Chair for this one item with the exception of Mr. Blackstock,
who abstained, and Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Motion was then made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Davis, to award the Inmate Housing
contract to Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority and authorize the Pittsylvania County Sheriff to
execute the Agreement, which was unanimously approved by the Board as Temporary Chair for this
one item with the exception of Mr. Blackstock, who abstained, and Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Mr. Warren ceased as Temporary Chair and Mr. Blackstock resumed a Chair for the
remainder of the meeting.
Mr. Monday stated in invitation to bid on a roll off truck for the Pittsylvania County Landfill
was advertised on June 27, 2016. Bids were received and publicly opened on Wednesday, July 20,
2016 at 10:00 AM. Five (5) bids were received. Excel Truck Group was the apparent low bidder
with a bid price of $134,456.00. Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Scearce, to award
the bid to Excel Truck Group, at a cost of $134,456.00, noting funds were already appropriated in the
2016/2017 budget in landfill fund line item #310-4-094110-8123000. Mr. Barber’s motion was
unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Item 15, The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region would be brought back as an
item for the August 16, 2016 meeting of the Board.
Mr. Greg Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development, updated the
Board of Supervisors with VDOT Smart Scale Project Applications, which discussed proposed
highway projects to be submitted to VDOT under this process, which prioritizes submissions based
on General Assembly legislation previously referred to as HB2 (House Bill number 2). The program,
Mr. Sides said, was now in its 2nd year. Based on discussions with the Board’s prior input, and
meetings with staff from VDOT and the West Piedmont Planning District Commission, the
recommended projects were :
Wards Road Improvements (Route 640)
Intersection Improvements at Vaden Drive (Route 40) and McBride Lane in Gretna.
Berry Hill Road Widening (Route 311)
The consensus from the Board was for Mr. Sides to send VDOT a Notice of Intent to submit
applications for recommended projects, noting required resolutions and applications will be brought
back for the Board’s consideration at a later date.
Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, reappropriation of $4,790.92 as
follows: $100.00 to Clerk of Court-Copier Lease (100-4-021600-60051), $500.00 to Sheriff-Printing
(100-4-031200-3500), $100.00 to Sheriff-Office Supplies (100-4-031200-6001), $50.00 to Sheriff-
Undercover (100-4-031200-6024), $2,341.95 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030), $469.20 to
Regular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Sheriff-Labor (100-4-031200-6031), $35.75 to Extradition (100-4-033100-5550), $29.00 to Jail-Food
Supplies (100-4-033100-6002), $14.33 to Solid Waste Disposal-Telephone (100-4-042400-5230),
$100.00 to Library-Travel (100-4-073100-5500), $916.69 Library-Office Supplies (100-4-073100-
6001), $134.00 to Farmer’s Market Operations (100-4-082500-6014) and the following Roll Call
Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Mr. Scearce-Yes; Mr. Davis-Yes; Mr.
Warren-Yes; and Mr. Blackstock-Yes. Mr. Davis’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board
with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Mr. Monday explained after carefully reviewing the financial status of County Departments
for fiscal year 2015-2016, several items need to be transferred and/or appropriated to either eliminate
bottom line deficits in these departments or to provide funding for the upcoming budget year. The
departments affected are: Sheriff, Animal Control, Non-departmental, State Restricted Seizure Fund-
Sheriff, Landfill and Schools, along with suggested appropriations for year-end as well as the
categorical changes requested by the School Board. Motion was made by Mr. Warren, seconded by
Mr. Barber, to appropriate a total of $254,646.93 and approve transfers of $137,041.92 for a grand
total adjustment of $391,688.85, which will be adjusted in the FY2016 Budget. This motion required
a 10-Day Layover.
Mr. Sides stated the Legislative Committee of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
requested that staff prepare and submit a document to regulate the review and permitting of solar
energy facilities in the County. A draft document was presented at the July 19, 2016 meeting of the
Legislative Committee that proposed a section regulating solar energy be added to the Pittsylvania
County Zoning Ordinance, under the Supplementary Regulation section. The draft document included
all the allowable regulatory design and permitting criteria authorized to local governments by the
Code of Virginia. Mr. Sides said at its July 19, 2016 meeting, the Board asked that the request for
scheduling a Public Hearing be included on the agenda for the August 1, 2016 meeting. Staff was
directed to include any necessary revisions in the proposed document. Mr. Sides stated the standard
procedure for zoning ordinance amendments is that the governing body would refer the proposed
amendment to the Planning Commission for its recommendations. Included in this process is a Public
Hearing by the Planning Commission, followed by its recommendation to the governing body. The
governing body would then hold at least one public hearing before approving and adopting the zoning
ordinance amendment. Motion was made by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Barber, refer the proposed
amendment to the Planning Commission with a request to review and schedule a Public Hearing, and
report its recommendation to the Board. Mr. Davis’ motion was unanimously approved by the Board
with the exception of Mr. Barksdale who was absent.
Mr. Monday explained that Pittsylvania County was in the process of installing four (4)
playgrounds at the County’s Middle Schools. One component was to have restroom facilities built at
each playground. The County solicited bids with specifications prepared by Solex Architecture for
the installation of the restrooms at the 4 schools. Bids were received with the lowest responsive
bidder being Quality Construction of Danville, Inc. in the amount of $514,000. This bid, said Mr.
Monday, was substantially above the allocated funds for this project. Accordingly, it will be
necessary for the County to review options in the future to substantially reduce the scope of the
project or find a different mechanism of funding going forward. Motion was made by Mr. Barber,
seconded by Mr. Davis, to reject all bids related hereto due to the unavailability of the funds allocated
for this project, and record the appropriate documentation in the permanent file as required by
Regular Meeting
August 1, 2016
Virginia Code, which was unanimously approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Barksdale
who was absent.
Board Announcements
Mr. Warren thanked Ms. Portia Fitzgerald for her invaluable service during her tenure as a
Pittsylvania County representative on the Danville Community College Board of Trustees. Mr.
Warren also assured those still present that concerns over the health insurance costs to the County’s
employees were heard.
Mr. Barber requested Mr. Warren to schedule a Personnel Committee meeting to discuss
insurance increases, and to discuss another personnel matter.
Mr. Blackstock thanked Mr. Smith from Dominion 7 of the presentation concerning the
Animal Shelter.
Motion was made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to adjourn the meeting, which
was unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting ended at 8:45 pm.