10-13-2015-IDA MinutesINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' CONFERENCE ROOM 1 CENTER STREET PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 6:00 P.M. MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2015 IDA Members Present Eddie L. Hite, Jr., Chairman Charlie Mahan, Vice-Chairman Stanley Simpson, Secretary/Treas. Randy Anderson Ron McMahon Ronnie Haymore Dr. Joey Faucette Staff Present J. Vaden Hunt, Esq., (County Attorney/IDA Attorney); Gregory L. Sides, (Assistant County Administrator/Planning); and Brenda O. Robertson (Legal Secretary/IDA Clerk). Call to Order The meeting of the Industrial Development Authority of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (the "IDA"), was called to order by Mr. Hite (Chairman) at 6:00 P.M. in the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors' Conference Room, 1 Center Street, Chatham, Virginia, 24531. Roll Call IDA roll call by Ms. Robertson (IDA Clerk). All IDA members present. Approval of A enda Motion was made by Mr. Haymore, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve the meeting's Agenda. Motion carried unanimously by IDA members. Approval of the Minutes Motion was made by Mr. Mahan, seconded by Dr. Faucette, to approve the minutes for August 11, 2015, meeting. September meeting was cancelled. Motion carried unanimously by IDA members. October 13, 2015 IDA Minutes Page 2 Financial Reports The IDA Checking Account balance as of September 8, 2015, was $298,010.58. The IDA Checking Account balance as of October 5, 2015, was $300,262.73. The Axxor Debt Reserve Account balance as of September 8, 2015, was $263,555.72, and the Axxor Debt Reserve Account balance as of October 5, 2015, was $269,251.06. BB&T Loan Account balance as of September 8, 2015, was 1,643,237.81. BB&T Loan Account balance as of October 5, 2015, was $1,637,269.53. Motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. McMahon, to approve the financial reports for both months. Motion carried unanimously by IDA members. New Business for Discussion Axxor LPA Report IDA Attorney informed IDA that Axxor is contractually obligated to purchase the building under its Lease Purchase Agreement with the IDA on or by September 30, 2016. VCC Certifcate of Satisfaction, Modification A reement, Promissorv Note, Commercial Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, and AssiEnment of Leases and Rents for loan (#100000548) Report IDA Attorney informed IDA that the VCC loan has been paid off in its entirety. A Certificate of Satisfaction was recorded in the Pittsylvania County Circuit Court, on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. Countv Reimbursement Renort IDA clerk informed IDA that the County has reimbursed the IDA $3,550.00 for the 2014 audit. Intertape Amendment to Lease A reement Renort IDA Attorney informed IDA that Intertape Lease Agreement Amendment has been executed. Southern Vir inia Aoldings, LLC, Sqecial Use Permit Renort IDA Attorney notified IDA of above-referenced SUP. IDA had no objection to said SUP. SIPS of America. Inc., LPA Report IDA Attorney informed IDA that SIPS has received letter detailing that the CNC Router Machine must be purchased and/or returned to IDA on or by January 18, 2016. Updates Gregorv L. Sides (Assistant Countv Administrator/Planning & Development) Mr. Sides gave Brosville Industrial Park update. With there being no further business, motion was made by Mr. Haymore, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to adjourn meeting. Chairman, Mr. Hite, adjourned meeting at 6:52 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Appr d: W_ W. Stanley Simpsvn IDA, Secretary Eddie L. Hite, Jr., IDA, Chai an