06-11-2015 LEPC MinutesPittsylvania County /Danville
Local Emergency Planning Committee
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County and Danville Local Emergency Planning
Committee was held on Thursday, June 11, 2015, 12:00 pm at Mary's Diner, Danville, VA. The
meeting was called to order by Chairperson Steve Dishman.
Drew Arnn, VA Department of Forestry
Philip Broadfoot, Danville Police Chief
Scott Budd, Pittsylvania County IT
Wade Collins, Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Steve Dishman, Danville Assistant Fire Chief
James Doss, Virginia State Police
David Eagle, Danville Fire Chief
Christopher Garrett, Virginia Department of Health
Mark Gauldin, Williams Pipeline
Whitt Hamrick, Virginia State Police
Otis Hawker, Pittsylvania County Assistant Administrator
Andrew Hornbeck, Dan Chem
Daniel Kendrick, Pittsylvania County Emergency Management
Stephanie LaPrade, Southern Area Agency on Aging
Ralph Lawson, American Red Cross
Tim Love, City of Danville Utilities
Barry Lynch, Caswell County EMS
Clarence Monday, Pittsylvania County Administrator
Bruce Newcomb, Danville Mass Transit
Al Smith, Danville CERT
Scott Veselicky, DTI
The minutes of April 9, 2015 were approved.
Chairperson's Report: Chairman Dishman advised that he was not aware of any major events
that had occurred since the last meeting.
Vice Chairperson's Report: Vice -chair Jim Davis was not present.
SubCommittee Reports:
Al Smith, Danville CERT, stated he planned to go to Richmond the following day to pick
up surplus equipment for the program, including 40 backpacks (approx. $1500 value), manuals,
and some odds and ends.
Eddie Walker, Pittsylvania County CERT, was not present.
Haz Mat Report:
Assistant Chief Dishman stated the Haz -Mat Team was completing the 2013 Haz -Mat
grant and was working with the 2014 grant. Each grant is over $30,000 and is being used for
upgrading and replacing equipment.
Wade Collins, VDEM, Haz Mat Division:
• VDEM is undergoing major reorganization for the first time in 30 years and new
assignments would be announced the following week. He stated that there
would be more visibility in the areas with each region having a local regional
coordinator, a planner and a hazardous materials officer. He stated there were
two area vacancies —one position had just closed and the other was hoped to be
opened soon.
• A Federal government report was released a few weeks ago. Of note was a
mandate that shippers and owners of materials are to more accurately define
hazards. They are also pushing to redo the DOT -111 railcar, but it will take time
to build them and get them in the fleet. A flammable liquids working group has
been formed statewide and assets will be pooled. There will be increased
capabilities in each region to respond to bulk flammable liquids. At the state level
the governor has set up a rail safety task force. Locally there will be increased
levels of training and programs, and support for the flammable liquids group.
VDEM has been invited to attend a group meeting in Chicago next month.
Stakeholders from across the country will be attending to discuss issues and
make recommendations for first responders and for local governments as far as
planning and responding to these types of incidents. Rail response training in
Pueblo, Colorado is still available
• Haz -Mat conference to be held September 15 -18`h in Virginia Beach
• Peer review processes are being utilized for grant applications. Anyone invited
to participate in the peer review process was asked to please consider doing so.
Deadline to apply for haz -mat grants is July 201h
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
County Administrator Clarence Monday gave a report on the status of the Fire /Rescue study for
the County.
Chris Garrett of the Virginia Health Department made note that even with a slight decrease in
cases, Ebola is still an issue and will continue to be watched. An issue to also watch is the
H5N1 that has been in Southeast Asia and Indonesia for over a decade now.
Tim Love of Danville Utilities, as Co -Chair for Damage Prevention Committee of the Lynchburg
and Danville area, reported that a meeting would be held in Danville on August 25`h, and will
provide opportunity for 811 personnel to discuss damage prevention and underground utilities.
Schedule for Next Meeting: Thursday, August 13, 2015, 12:00 PM, C &E's Restaurant,
Gretna, VA.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 after a motion from Tim Love and seconded by David
Steve Dishman, Chairperson
Pittsylvania County and Danville LEPC