10-10-2013 LEPC MinutesLEPC Minutes October 10, 2013 Mary’s Diner—12:00 pm
Members Present:
First Name Last Name Organization
Matthew Arroyo Pittsylvania/Danville Health Dept.
Steve Bowman Pittsylvania County Fire Marshal's Office
Philip Broadfoot City of Danville Police Department
Chris Bruner American Red Cross
Betty Bryant Pittsylvania County Emergency Management
Steve Dishman Danville Fire Department
David Eagle Danville Fire Department
Bobbie Grogan Southern VA Mental Health Inst.
JoAnn Holland Shorewood Packaging
Terry Kelly Pittsylvania County Emergency Management
Stephanie LaPrade Southern Area Agency on Aging
Chris Loftis Virginia State Police
Barry Lynch Caswell County EMS
Leslie Mace Virginia Department of Forestry
Chris Mitchell Virginia Department of Health
Donald Motley Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office
Bruce Newcomb City of Danville – Mass Transit
Rick Scoppa HEPACO, LLC
John Sherrill Commonwealth of Virginia
Eddie Walker Pittsylvania County
Summary of Meeting:
Chairman David Eagle called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. and asked if there were
any visitors. He recognized Rick Scoppa with HEPACO, LLC and stated that later in the
meeting he would have a presentation of his company. Everyone was invited to go
through the lunch buffet line. The meeting reconvened at 12:37 pm.
There was discussion regarding members in attendance and it was noted that since
there was not a quorum of voting members present the meeting could not be deemed an
official meeting; and that there would be additional discussion on this subject later in the
Chief Eagle asked for the approval of the last meeting’s minutes. They were approved
following a motion by Steve Bowman and seconded by Steve Dishman.
Chairperson Report.
Chief Eagle advised that Stan Crigger had passed away and asked everyone to
remember him and his family. Mr. Crigger was the former Region 6 Coordinator for
the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Mike Guzo has been named
as his replacement for Region 6.
The Great Southeast Shake Out is to be held on October 17th to raise the awareness
and need of earthquake preparedness.
Vice-Chairperson Report. Steve Bowman had nothing to report.
Subcommittee reports:
CERT Teams
In the absence of Al Smith, Steve Dishman gave Danville’s CERT report.
Eddie Walker reported for Pittsylvania County’s CERT: There are fifty five students
enrolled in CERT classes in the county.
Haz Mat Reports: Steve Dishman reported there had been no major calls in the
region since the last meeting. Five members of the haz-mat team attended the
annual haz-mat conference held in Virginia Beach last month. Also, grant
applications are being filed for upgrades to equipment.
Presentation/discussion: Rick Scoppo gave a presentation of HEPACO, LLC, which is a
natural disaster and response company.
Unfinished Business:
There were not enough members in attendance to vote on the proposed bylaws and
the vote was tabled until the next meeting.
New Business:
The bylaws have to be finalized and passed before elections can be held for next year.
The bylaws state that the officers are to come from both the city and county—usually the
emergency coordinator and deputy emergency coordinator of each jurisdiction serve as
chairperson and vice-chair on an alternating basis. The bylaws currently state the
committee should have twenty members and no more than thirty. Since the joint LEPC
is now a large group, the proposed bylaws have been changed to state that the number
of members shall be thirty and no more than forty. There was discussion regarding
culling the list by either calling, emailing or sending a letter to the members and advising
the members they need to attend two-thirds of the meetings, as stated in the bylaws or
they would be removed from the list of members. A suggestion was then made if the
required number of voting members could be changed from 50% to ten members, and
that the number of meetings that need to be attended should be changed from two-thirds
to one-half. Also, the need to define the primary members was noted. The bylaws are
to be worked on and will be presented at the next meeting for vote.
Next Meeting: To be held December 12th, 12:00 noon at C & E’s Restaurant in Gretna,
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.