12-13-2012 LEPC MinutesLEPC Minutes December 13, 2012 C & E’s Restaurant—12:00 pm
Members Present:
Barker Danny Cook Composites Polymers
Barksdale Jessie Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Bartos Myles US EPA
Boswell Pete Pittsylvania County
Bowman Brenda Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Bowman Steve Pittsylvania County
Broadfoot Philip City of Danville Police Department
Bruner Chris American Red Cross
Cholko Michael Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality
Conner John Virginia Dept. of Transportation
Dishman Steve City of Danville Fire Department
Eagle David City of Danville Fire Department
Gauldin Mark Williams Pipeline
Grogan Bobbie Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute
Kelly Terry Pittsylvania County
Lesie Sid Virginia State Police
Mace Leslie Virginia Department of Forestry
Mitchell Chris Virginia Department of Health
Motley Craig Sartomer USA, LLC
Niesen Ric Cook Composites Polymers
Sherrill John Commonwealth of Virginia
Smith Al City of Danville
Smith Steve American Red Cross
Thurman Brian Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Walker Eddie Pittsylvania County
Summary of Meeting:
Chairman David Eagle called the meeting to order at approximately 12:00 pm.
Following a moment of silence everyone had an opportunity to go through the
buffet line.
The meeting reconvened at 12:30 pm and Chief Eagle asked for approval of the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved following a motion by Steve
Bowman and seconded by Mike Cholko.
Chairman & vice chairman report:
Chief Eagle advised he did not have anything new except for several items that
would be included in the presentation and discussion items. Vice chairman Bowman advised he also had one item to be included in the presentation and
discussion item.
Subcommittee reports:
a. CERT Reports.
Al Smith reported that the City had classes planned for the public in January and one for business starting in February. He is also working
to schedule classes for neighborhood watches, probably in March and April.
Eddie Walker reported that the County has recently graduated 43
students. He stated that the classes had significant impact on the
students and they all seemed sorry when the classes ended. He also reported that one of the students has already had the opportunity to use the knowledge gained from the classes when she helped her
grandmother to properly extinguish a grease fire.
Al Smith stated that Danville and Pittsylvania County CERT teams are
recognized in the state and FEMA Region 3 and nationally as two of the most progressive CERT organizations in the country, having almost 1000 trained members Chief Eagle asked for a round of
applause to show appreciation for the work of the Pittsylvania and
Danville CERT teams
b. Hazmat reports
Steve Dishman reported the Propane Gas Association has donated a transfer pump to the Danville Haz-Mat Team to provide faster and
safer off-loading of propane. The team has also received a grant from
Homeland Security to purchase equipment to identify chemicals, to
provide upgrade of Level A suits and to replace outdated equipment. In association with Henry County the team has also received an area detection device system to enable the remote monitoring of a large
area. All these items are valued at a total of $124,000 and have been
received at no additional cost to the team or the community.
A large scale training exercise is planned for the spring. This will be a multi agency training exercise, and more details will be forthcoming.
Presentation / Discussion topics
a. Steve Smith of the Red Cross reported on the agency’s vast response for
Hurricane Sandy which involved an overall total of 15,000 Red Cross workers
with 2000 still on the scene. A total of 368 shelters were open for 157,000 but now that most of the victims are back at home, living with family or are in a hotel or motel only one Red Cross shelter is open. He stated that 8.7 million
meals have been served, and the mobile kitchen was still in operation and
that 75 response vehicles are still on location. Approximately 6.5 million bulk
distribution items have been distributed—brooms, mops, clothing, first aid kits, and so forth. Health and mental health contacts were made for 98,000 victims. The regional Red Cross offices provided 75 workers for the relief
effort. He stated that individuals are still coming to volunteer. Mr. Smith also
announced that in the past there have been separate chapters in Danville,
and Martinsville but these have now been combined into one chapter—the Piedmont Chapter. Offices will be maintained in both areas and Chris Bruner has been hired to provide a more concentrated effort for the region.
b. Sid Leslie of the State Police reported on a new federal program—SHRP-2
(Strategic Highway Research Project)—that is being adopted by the state.
The program is a training concept for the safe efficient mitigation of highway traffic incidents by all public safety entities—law enforcement, fire, EMS and
the private sector such as wrecker companies. It is a concept to be taught to public safety providers at the local level.
c. New business—Election of officers: Chief Eagle stated that presently the
bylaws require the city and county to be represented in the chair and vice-
chair position. Currently Chief Eagle is the chair and Steve Bowman is the vice-chair. As currently written, the bylaws have Steve Bowman becoming the chairman and Steve Dishman becoming the vice-chairman effective
January 2013. In January 2014 Jim Davis and Chief Eagle would be the
chairman and vice-chairman, respectively. Discussion by Steve Bowman
included the continuation of the officers as is for one more year which would provide time for consideration of changes to the bylaws, particularly in regard to the election of officers. The need for multiple revisions to update the
bylaws was also indicated by Chief Eagle. A motion was made by Steve
Bowman and seconded by Al Smith to leave the slate of officers as is for
another year—with Chief Eagle as chairman and Steve Bowman as vice-chairman—to allow time for the bylaws to be reviewed. The motion was approved. Another motion was made by Steve Bowman and seconded by
Steve Dishman for the bylaws to be reviewed, with suggested changes
proposed and presented to the members for approval/adoption at a future
meeting. The motion was approved. A Bylaws Committee comprised of Jim Davis, David Eagle, Myles Bartos and Steve Bowman was established to review the bylaws and present suggested changes.
The next LEPC meeting is scheduled for February 14th at Mary’s Diner, 1203
Piney Forest Road, Danville, VA, at 12:00 pm.
Chief Eagle adjourned the meeting at 1:15 pm.