08-09-2012 LEPC MinutesLEPC Meeting Minutes August 9, 2012 C&E’s Restaurant – 12:00pm
Members Present:
First Name Last Name Company
Danny Barker Cook Composites Polymers
Myles Bartos US EPA
Steve Bowman Pitts. Co. Fire Marshal's Office
Betty Bryant Pitts. Co. Emerg. Mgmt.
Verna Burnette Pitts. / Danville Health District
James Davis Pitts. Co. Emerg. Mgmt.
Steve Dishman Danville FD / EM
Barry Dunkley Danville Utilities
David Eagle Danville FD
Craig Fulcher DRMC
Laura Gateley Pitts. / Danville Health Dept.
Mark Gauldin Williams Pipeline
Bobbie Grogan Southern VA Mental Health
Stephanie LaPrade SAAA
Sid Leslie VSP
Craig Motley Sartomer
Donald Motley Pitts. Co. Sheriff's Office
Ric Niesen Cook Composites Polymers
Kelley Satterfield Danville Emerg. Mgmt.
John Sherrill Commonwealth of VA
Stuart Sutphin VA Cooperative Extension
Danny Tate American Red Cross
Summary of Meeting:
Chairman, David Eagle, welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if there were any new
members. The meeting started approximately at 12:30 pm, after everyone had the chance to go
through the lunch buffet line.
Chief Eagle then asked for the approval of the last meeting’s minutes, and they were approved
with the appropriate motions.
CERT reports: The City just recently held the National Night Out in cohorts with the Danville
Police Department and Neighborhood Watch Program, and it was successful.
o Jim Davis reported for County CERT. The County is about to roll out some teen and
adult training classes that will be available to residents in the county, and additional
recertification classes will be available as well for First Aid and CPR. The county also
wants to utilize the CERT members in the month of September to do some public
relations to get energized for National Preparedness Month.
Asst. Fire Marshal, Richie Guill, reported for the HazMat team. They haven’t been extremely
busy over the last couple of months, but have stayed active with regional responses in
monitoring the clearing of land in South Hill and several suspicious package runs in the City. The
incident at Goodyear included a bomb that was a part of a training exercise for Homeland
Security, but Homeland Security did not mean for it to stay on the truck to Goodyear. The
incident ended up being a full response for the City and they had to call bomb techs in to
analyze the situation – good training exercise. Also, the Post Office incident for the City included
OC spray for dogs. It came across in packaging, and the employees did not realize why their
eyes were burning. The team had to de-con the employees, and they found out that the
LEPC Meeting Minutes August 9, 2012 C&E’s Restaurant – 12:00pm
substance was pepper spray. The team also monitored their normal hydro-carbon responses
and on the environmental side, some illegal dumping and tires. The City hopes to get some
training scheduled for a tabletop drill in the near future. EPA offered their assistance in getting
some training scheduled through grant funding as well.
Cooperative Extension Agent, Stuart Sutphin, presented information on what the Cooperative
Extension can do to help citizens, especially after a natural disaster. He brought with him news
releases and publications of helpful information for after-disaster questions. The Coop.
Extension has multi-functions. They work on damage to crops from storms, to disaster
declarations, to special needs, to emergency preparedness items, and they also serve as a
Liaison to Presidential Declarations of Disaster. All of which is designed to help citizens have
answers to their after-disaster questions. If the Extension does not have answers, they have
access to a wealth of information from other agencies. You may also check out their website for
more helpful information, http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/ .
There was general discussion about the Derecho Storm. This storm caused probably the worst
utility outage in quite some time. There has been some discussion about utilizing the old
emergency notification system sirens, but Chief Eagle states that is far from realization. DEQ
experienced a lot of phone problems of getting information disbursed to everyone. Jim Davis
reported that there was $14,000 worth of damage done to agricultural mean. However citizens,
as a whole, did not report much damage, but they have the ability to file and get public
assistance. Cooling shelters were found used more than usual during the extreme heat weeks,
14 shelters were opened during this time. God’s Pit Crew helped out greatly in getting 28,000
bottles of fluid out to the county.
National Preparedness Month is coming up. Danny Tate from the American Red Cross
presented some information on how to help our community during September. Time got away
from us this year, so we are not going to be able to get preparedness kits together for this year
but the hope is to definitely get this planned for next year! We want to be able to get vendors
to supply items for home, pet, and elderly needs, and put all these items together in a 5 gal.
bucket to give to people in order to be prepared for disaster. The goal is to get all of this
together for next year, and hope to start working on it in the Spring
Next Meeting: October 11, 2012
Mary’s Diner – Danville, VA
Chief Eagle then asked if there was any other discussion for the good of the meeting and
adjourned the meeting, at approximately 1:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelley G. Satterfield
Senior Secretary, Danville Emergency Management