December 14, 2011 6:45PM
Chatham Fire Department
Chatham, VA
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Scott Cowan at 6:45PM.
Roll Call:
Present: Scottie Adams, Cool Branch Rescue; Riley Adkins, Mt. Cross; Scott Cowan, Laurel Grove; Tim
Duffer, Blairs; Kermit King, Callands
Absent: 640 Rescues, Steve Finkner, Coy Harville, Jim Davis, Dr. John Dallar
Agenda was provided and approved.
Minutes from the meetings, October 4th and November 9th was approved. King motion, Adkins 2nd,
approved unanimous.
Reporting issues: Need to add the question; do they reside in our county? Tim Duffer explains how to
go into Image Trend State Bridge to add questions. Don’t for get to switch status from NA to ready to
bill. No default tab need to ask Med 3000 to explain what they talking about on this.
Training update: The last Med 3000 training at Blairs had over 20 people attend. King would like to
see if can get copy of the power point from Med 3000. Chairman Cowman asks Duffer if he would train
people/dept if the needed help.
Ordinance payment interval clarification: Duffer asks the question why do have to wait a year for
payment, it was the understanding from Dan Sleeper County Administrator that for the first year we
have to wait and after that the ordinance could be changed.
Discuss to start working on the ordinance change around March 2012.
Discuss on having meeting once a quarter unless we need to have a special called meeting. Everyone
was in agreement for that.
Next meeting will be March 14, 2012, 6:30 p.m. Administrator’s Conference Room.
No other business the meeting was adjourn 7:30 p.m.
Scottie Adams, Vice Chairman