11-09-2011 EMAC MINUTESPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 1 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMAC MINUTES November 9, 2011 6:30PM Pittsylvania County Administrator’s Conference Room Captain Martin’s Building Center St Chatham, VA Meeting was called to order by Chairman Cowan. Roll Call: Present: Kermit King, Scott Cowan, Jim Davis, Dan Sleeper, Riley Adkins. Absent: 640 Rescue Squad, Steve Finkner, Dr. Dallara, Cool Branch RS, Blairs Fire & Res. No Quorum was present. No action could be taken on any items. Agenda was provided and approved without additional items. Minutes from the previous meeting could not be approved. Item 1: Chairman appointed Mr. Tim Duffer to work with the County IT Dept for any website work for the EMAC. Approved by Mr. Sleeper to have IT Dept. to assist and place on County server. Information is copied and pasted from email from MED3000 and Chairman Cowan. “There a couple of things that should be addressed. Please stress to each representative of each squad that is in attendance tonight to please stress in the strongest of terms the need for those who have NOT attended the previous two trainings to make every effort to attend on the 17th of November. As you know the trainings have not been particularly well attended to date. Also we need reconciliation from each squad on billable calls for Sept and October. As you know we had some access issues and we want to be sure that we have downloaded all available calls and in order to insure this we need what each squad perceives as their call volume for Sept and Oct. I believe everyone is aware but please stress that all calls once they have the designated disposition as treated and transported are completed and marked with the “ready to bill” status indicating the calls that are ready for us to pull. Also in order to have a check and balance it would be helpful if the crews would utilize the “resident” tab indicating whether the patient being transported is a resident or non-resident so that we can minimize confusion on the part of the patient and the biller. So to summarize for quick reference: PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE EMAC 2 • Training participation on November 17th, 2011 • Obtain billable calls from each squad for September and October (can be e-mailed to me) • Check “ready to bill” status once disposition as treated and transported is complete • Designate residency status by utilizing the “resident” tab • Also confirm with everyone that there is NO default “on” that limits how far back we can retrieve calls ie. Cool Branch has a two day default limit which needs to be changed to having “NO” default or no limit to how far back we can retrieve calls New Business: No other items or discussion. Next Meeting Date: December 14, 2011 6:30PM County Administrators Conference Room Capt. Martins Building Center St, Chatham. Adjourn 8:15PM Respectfully submitted: Jim Davis