02/11/2014PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2014 MINUTES VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, in the General District Courtroom, Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addirion, Chatham, Virginia. Mr. Easley called the meeting to order at appro�mately 7:00 p.m. The Board observed a few moments of silence. Mr. Shelton called the roll. PRESENT R. Allan Easley Ronald Merricks Joseph "Jay" Craddock Carroll Yeaman Larry Estes Odie H. Shelton, Jr. ABSENT Kenneth Talbott Helen Glass APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES By motion of Mr. Merricks, seconded by Mr. Estes, and by unanimous vote the Minutes of the January 14, 2014, meeting were approved as presented with the following correction: No one spoke in opposition to the petition. Old Business There was no old business. New Business Mr. Shelton reported on the cases for the March 2014 Cycle. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT There was no Chairinan's report. THE ZONING PRECEPTS WERE READ BY Mr. Easley to OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING at approxirnately 7:01 p.m. Case S-1, David and Ruthann Miller S-14-002— Mr. Easley opened the public hearing at approxirnately 7:02 p.m. Mr. Shelton, Director of Code Compliance/Zoning Administrator, reported David and Ruthann Miller had petitioned for a Special Use Permit on 3.90 acres, located on U. S. Highway 57/Callands Road, in the Callands-Gretna Election District for a general store. He further stated the Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granring the peririoners' request. Mr. Miller stated he had nothing to add. No one was present to oppose or spoke in opposition to the petition. Mr. Easley closed the public hearing at approxirriately 7:04 p.m. The Board deterinuied this was the same application that had come before the Board at a different location. The Board discussed the peririon as the Committee of the Whole and determined there were no adverse effects. Upon motion of NIr. Estes, Board of Zoning Appeals February 11, 2014 Page 2 seconded by Mr. Merricks, the following motion was adopted: Whereas, David and Ruthann Miller have peririoned the Board of Zoning Appeals for a Special Use Permit for a general store and, Whereas, we find no substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the zoning district will not be changed thereby, and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be granted. Motion passed unanimous. The vote was five (5) to 0, with two members absent, Mr. Talbott and Mrs. Glass. This concludes the Special Use case. The meeting adjourned at approxirnately 7:05 p.m. R. Allan Easley, Chairman Hannah R. Orgain, Clerk