08/13/2013PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REGULAR MEETING August 13, 2013 MINUTES VIRGINIA: The Pittsylvania County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, in the General District Courtroom, Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addirion, Chatham, Virginia. Mr. Talbott called the meeting to order at appro�mately 7:00 p.m. The Board observed a few moments of silence. Ms. Hayes called the roll. PRESENT Kenneth Talbott Larry Estes Helen Glass H. Blair Reynolds R. Allan Easley Ronald Merricks Carroll Yeaman Karen N. Hayes APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES By morion of Mr. Estes, seconded by Mr. Easley, and by unanimous vote the Minutes of the July 9, 2013, meeting were approved as presented. Old Business There was no old business. New Business Ms. Hayes reported on the case for the September 2013 rycle. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT A motion was made by Mr. Merricks, seconded by Ms. Glass that a four hour/half day refresher course be provided by Mike Chandler or another trainer for the Board of Zoning Appeals members. The vote was unanimous to adopt the motion. THE ZONING PRECEPTS WERE READ BY Mr. Talbott to OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING at appro�mately 7:01 p.m. Case S-1, Charles and Sandra Davis, S-13-010 — Mr. Talbott opened the public hearing at approxirnately 7:02 p.m. Ms. Hayes, Deputy Zoning Administrator, reported Charles and Sandra Davis had petitioned for a Special Use Permit on 1.50 acres, located on State Road 878/Pine Lake Road, in the Westover Election District, for a public garage. Ms. Hayes further reported the Planning Commission, with opposition, recommended granting the petiuoner's request. Mr. Charles Davis was present to represent the petition. Mr. Davis stated VDOT had approved the entrance and parking for the garage. The Board and Mr. Davis discussed some issues related to the case including, but not limited to: number of cars parked outside, lighting, cars coming to the site, hours of operation, etc. Mr. Talbott also explained the Special Use process and condirions that may be placed on this Special Use Permit. Mr. Davis stated he understood. There was no opposition to the perition. Mr. Talbott closed the public hearing at approximately 7:08 Board of Zoning Appeals Page 2 August 13, 2013 p. m. The Board discussed the petirion as the Committee of the Whole and determined there were no adverse effects that could not be mitigated by conditions. The Board discussed the number of cars to be parked at the site, road signage and parts storage. It was also stated that the site was well kept. Upon motion of Mr. Easley, seconded by Mr. Estes, the following motion was adopted: Whereas, Charles B. Davis, Jr., and Sandra M. Davis have petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals for a Special Use Permit for a public garage and, Whereas, we find no substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the zoning district will not be changed thereby, and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be granted with the following conditions: 1) No car parts storage. 2) Outside storage limited to ten (10) vehicles. 3) No roadside signage. Motion passed unanimous. Case S-2, Cliserio and Brenda Rojas, S-13-009 — Mr. Talbott opened the public hearing at approxirnately 7:14 p.m. Ms. Hayes, Depury Zoning Administrator, reported Cliserio and Brenda Rojas had peurioned for a Special Use Permit on 0.58 of an acre, located on State Road 740/Iris Lane, in the Westover Election District, for placement of a single- wide mobile home for their personal residence. Ms. Hayes further reported the Planning Commission, with no opposition, recommended granting the petitionexs' request. There was no opposition to the petition. Ms. Rojas was present to represent the petition and stated she would like to purchase a double wide home but would like the oprion to place a single-wide home on the property. Mr. Talbott closed the public hearing at appro�mately 7:15 p.m. The Board discussed the petition as the Coininittee of the Whole and determined there were no adverse effects. Upon motion of Mr. Reynolds , seconded by Ms. Glass, the following motion was adopted: Whereas, Cliserio Rojas and Brenda E. Rojas have petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals for a Special Use Permit for placement of a single-wide mobile home for their personal residence and, Whereas, we find no substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the zoning district will not be changed thereby, and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be granted. Motion passed unanimous. This concludes the Special Use cases. The meeting adjourned at appro�citnately 7:18 p.m. Kenneth Talbott, Chairman Hannah R. Orgain, Clerk