08-05-2013 regular meetingRegular Meeting
August 5, 2013
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Monday, August 5, 2013
Regular Meeting
VIRGINIA: The Regular Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors was
held on Monday, August 5, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields
Addition in Chatham, Virginia. Marshall A. Ecker, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:01
p.m. The following members were present:
Marshall Ecker Staunton River District
Brenda H. Bowman Chatham-Blairs District
Coy E. Harville Westover District
James Snead Dan River District
Jessie L. Barksdale Banister District
Jerry A. Hagerman Callands-Gretna District
Tim Barber Tunstall District
Mr. William D. Sleeper, County Administrator, Mr. J. Vaden Hunt, County Attorney, Mr.
Greg L. Sides, Assistant County Administrator for Planning and Development, and Ms. Rebecca
Flippen, Deputy Clerk to the Board, were also present.
Mr. Harville led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the agenda
with the following addition:
Additions: (a) Closed Session-Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff
members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such
consultation or briefing in an open meeting would adversely affect the negotiation
or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with legal counsel
employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by such counsel.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Barbara Hudson vs. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Purpose: Briefing by Legal Counsel
Deletions: (a) Strike Item #18; Motion to rescind motion that created Disciplinary
Mr. Barksdale’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Hearing of the Citizens
Don Scearce of the Chatham-Blairs District had comments concerning a ticket he
received after dumping what he said was scrap carpet into a compactor at the Mr. Hermon
compactor site.
Richard Shumate of the Westover District thanked the Board of Supervisors concerning
their stand on the prayer issue and offered a word of prayer.
This concluded the Hearing of the Citizens.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Hagerman, to approve the Consent
Agenda, with the correction to the July 1, 2013 minutes correcting an error on Page 14 of the
Board packet concerning a Roll Call Vote of the Main Motion of Item 7, Amendments to By-
Laws, under Unfinished Business, that should have read Mr. Barksdale’s vote was “No”.
Consent Agenda:
(a) Minutes: July 1, 2013 Regular Meeting
July 16, 2013 - Adjourned Meeting
(b) Bill List July 2013 (Online)
(c) Resolution – National Day to Serve
(d) Resolutions to Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) – Rural
Rustic Roads
(e) Proclamation – National Farmers’ Market Week
(f) Letter of Approval for Annual Sartomer Race
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
Mr. Barksdale’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At a meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on Monday, August
5, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, the
following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the Governors of Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia, and the Mayor of
Washington, D.C. have come together to support “Day to Serve”; and
WHEREAS, “Day to Serve” is a unique event that has inspired a diverse group of
people of our larger region to set aside their political, religious and cultural differences to
strengthen our collective communities by coming together to “feed the hungry, protect and
enhance the environment, as well as strengthening our communities”; and
WHEREAS, the Honorable Robert F. McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has issued a
proclamation encouraging all citizens of Virginia to participate in a Day of Service, between
September 15-29, 2013; and
WHEREAS, since the inaugural “Day to Serve” in 2012, this remarkable and
unprecedented event swept from the state capital to local churches, schools, neighborhoods and
families and resulted in over 750 community events with more than 14,000 volunteers,
culminating in 26,000 hours of service rendered, resulting in over 600,000 pounds of food being
donated to local food banks; and
WHEREAS, the Governor of Virginia has requested Virginians redouble our efforts in
2013; then
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
supports Governor McDonnell on this observance to call upon all faith based organizations,
community organizations and Pittsylvania County residents to participate in a Day to Serve in
their communities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
encourages all of our West Piedmont Planning District local governments to adopt a similar
resolution in their communities; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors calls
upon the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and Virginia’s Planning District
Commissions to adopt similar resolutions and encourage all local governments to support the
“Day to Serve.”
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in the
General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia
on Monday, August 5, 2013, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, permits the hard surfacing of
certain unpaved roads deemed to qualify for designation as a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, any such road must be located in a low-density development area and have
no more than 1,500 vehicles per day; and
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“Board”) desires
to consider whether Route 758 (Rose Street), From: Summerset Road/State Route 668 around
Summerset Road/State Route 668 , a distance of 2.43 miles, should be designated a Rural Rustic
Road; and
WHEREAS, the Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect
the existing traffic on this road; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes that this road should be so designated due to its
qualifying characteristics; and
WHEREAS, this road is in the Board’s six -year plan for improvements to the secondary
system of state highways.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board requests that this road be hard
surfaced and, to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing right-of-way and
ditch-lines to preserve as much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural
rustic character along the road in their current state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to
the Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in the
General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia
on Monday, August 5, 2013, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, permits the hard surfacing of
certain unpaved roads deemed to qualify for designation as a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, any such road must be located in a low-density development area and have
no more than 1,500 vehicles per day; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“Board”) desires
to consider whether Route 755 (Mercury Road), From: Rockford School Road/State Route 665
to Marina Drive/State Route 642, a distance of 1.41 miles, should be designated a Rural Rustic
Road; and
WHEREAS, the Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect
the existing traffic on this road; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes that this road should be so designated due to its
qualifying characteristics; and
WHEREAS, this road is in the Board’s six -year plan for improvements to the secondary
system of state highways.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board requests that this road be hard
surfaced and, to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing right-of-way and
ditch-lines to preserve as much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural
rustic character along the road in their current state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to
the Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator.
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in t he
General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia
on Monday, August 5, 2013, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, permits the hard surfacing of
certain unpaved roads deemed to qualify for designation as a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, any such road must be located in a low-density development area and have
no more than 1,500 vehicles per day; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“Board”) desires
to consider whether Route 644 (Cooksburg Road), From: Oxford Road/State Route 750 to
existing pavement, a distance of 1.26 miles, should be designated a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, the Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect
the existing traffic on this road; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes that this road should be so designated due to its
qualifying characteristics; and
WHEREAS, this road is in the Board’s six -year plan for improvements to the secondary
system of state highways.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board requests that this road be hard
surfaced and, to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing right-of-way and
ditch-lines to preserve as much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural
rustic character along the road in their current state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to
the Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At the regular meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors held in the
General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition in Chatham, Virginia
on Monday, August 5, 2013, the following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia, permits the hard surfacing of
certain unpaved roads deemed to qualify for designation as a Rural Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, any such road must be located in a low-density development area and have
no more than 1,500 vehicles per day; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, Virginia (“Board”) desires
to consider whether Route 749 (Cedar Road), From: Blue Ridge Drive/State Route 634 to
Rockford School Road/State Route 665, a distance of 0.87 mile, should be designated a Rural
Rustic Road; and
WHEREAS, the Board is unaware of pending development that will significantly affect
the existing traffic on this road; and
WHEREAS, the Board believes that this road should be so designated due to its
qualifying characteristics; and
WHEREAS, this road is in the Board’s six -year plan for improvements to the secondary
system of state highways.
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board requests that this road be hard
surfaced and, to the fullest extent prudent, be improved within the existing right-of-way and
ditch-lines to preserve as much as possible the adjacent trees, vegetation, side slopes, and rural
rustic character along the road in their current state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to
the Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
August 4-10, 2013
WHEREAS, shopping at a farmers’ market is a wholly unique experience that benefits farmers
and producers directly, allowing them to go home with a greater share of the retail price than they would
by selling wholesale; and
WHEREAS, The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) reports
farmers’ markets in Virginia continue to grow in popularity, from 88 markets in 2006 to more than 230
markets this year-a growth of more than 160% in just seven years; and
WHEREAS, the continued growth of Virginia’s farmers’ markets helps maintain agriculture as
the Commonwealth’s number one industry with an economic impact of $52 billion annually and 357,000
jobs to its credit; and
WHEREAS, by patronizing your local farmers’ market, you hand your money to the person who
grew or made the products in front of you; and
WHEREAS, farmers’ markets bring business to neighboring stores and communities where the
market is located, and shopping at the markets keeps money circulating in the local community, helping
to preserve and create local jobs; and
WHEREAS, the Virginia Cooperative Extension reports show if each household in Virginia
spent just $10 a week in locally grown agricultural products, consumers would invest an additional $4.65
billion back into the local economy each year; and
WHEREAS, shopping at farmers’ markets offers the consumer fresher, more unique products,
more heirloom varieties, and more opportunities to build relationships and learn about healthy eating; and
WHEREAS, price comparison studies show that produce was less expensive at farmers’ markets
compared to supermarkets, on average by 22%, benefitting both the local agriculture industry and the
local consumer; and
WHEREAS, shopping at farmers’ market located at the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex is
a community experience, where you can meet your neighbors, friends, and farmers, and where more
dollars will stay in the Pittsylvania County community; then
BE IT HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors that the
week of August 4th thru 10th, 2013 be proclaimed “National Farmers’ Market Week” in Pittsylvania
County and all citizens of Pittsylvania County are encouraged to visit local f armers’ markets and
celebrate the benefits of the markets and their bountiful fresh produce and products.
Unfinished Business
At the Board of Supervisors’ adjourned meeting on July 16, 2013, a motion was made by
Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, for appropriations necessary to complete FY2013,
totaling $932,260.12 that affect the following departments: Sheriff, Jail, Library, Schools and
Capital Improvements, as outlined in the report provided by the Director of Finance. Mr.
Harville’s motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met and the following Roll Call
Vote was recorded: Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr.
Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; and Mr. Ecker-Yes. Mr. Harville’s motion was unanimously
approved by the Board.
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
At the Board of Supervisors’ adjourned meeting on July 16, 2013, a motion was made by
Mr. Harville, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve and appropriate the carryover funds from
FY2013 budget to the FY2014 budget, totaling $1,009,326.96 and affects the following
departments: Board of Supervisors, Independent Audit, Sheriff, Fire & Rescue, Jail, Animal
Control, E911, Economic Development and Schools, as outlined in the report provided by the
Director of Finance. Mr. Harville’s motion required a 10-Day Layover that had now been met
and the following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Harville-Yes; Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr.
Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Barber-Yes; and Mr. Ecker-Yes.
Mr. Harville’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
New Business
A motion came from the Legislative Committee that the Board of Supervisors and the
Planning Commission form a Joint Study Committee, along with strategic partners, to review set
the Set Back Progress Report and make recommendations concerning ordinance changes, which
was unanimously approved by the Board.
A motion came from the Legislative Committee that the Board of Supervisors approved
the draft County Credit Card Policy, as amended to include the Board of Supervisors’ approval
date, and “that this policy cannot be changed without a vote of approval by the Board of
Supervisors”, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve the Dewberry
& Davis, Inc. contract amendments for Phase I for the landfill gas monitoring at a cost of $3,400
and $3,400 for Phase II gas monitoring, for a total gas monitoring cost of $6,800 and the
Dewberry & Davis, Inc. amendment the Engineering Services Agreement to provide the
necessary storm water monitoring services at the Pittsylvania County Landfill for the next fiscal
year, beginning July 1, 2013, for a lump sum of $7,000 and an additional estimated $2,500 in
laboratory fees, for a total estimated cost of $9,500, but that the landfill groundwater monitoring
program for Phase I and Phase II be put out to bid by Requests For Proposals (RFP) which was
unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Ms. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to ratify a sole source
purchase of the Sandvik Coromant tools in the amount of $22,733.50 from Master Gage & Tool
Co. of Danville, Virginia and charge the purchase to 325-4-081004-8102 Tobacco Grant/Vo-
Tech Precision Machining Project, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to approve Resolution
2013-08-07, supporting the request to the Department of Conservation and Recreation that the
Banister River designation as a Virginia Scenic River be extended, and authorize the County
Administrator to forward the resolution to the Department of Conservation and Recreation and
request our local General Assembly representatives to serve as patrons for legislation to codify
the new limits of the designation, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
VIRGINIA: At a meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors on Monday, August
5, 2013 in the General District Courtroom of the Edwin R. Shields Courthouse Addition, the
following resolution was presented and adopted:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Scenic Rivers Program was enacted by the Virginia General
Assembly in 1970 for the purpose of identification, protection, and preservation of certain rivers,
or sections of rivers, which possess high quality natural beauty; and
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation has been charged
with administering the Scenic Rivers Program and developing an objective evaluation process to
judge the suitability of river segments; and
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
WHEREAS, several Pittsylvania County residents joined staff from the Virginia
Department of Conservation and Recreation to visit the Banister River and evaluate its eligibility
for Scenic River designation; and
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation completed its
evaluation and determined that the portion of the Banister River under review in Pittsylvania
County was found to qualify as a Virginia Scenic River; then
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
does hereby support the designation of the Banister River, from the Route 29 bridge in
Pittsylvania County to the point where the Banister River leaves the County at the
Pittsylvania/Halifax County line, as a Virginia Scenic River; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pittsylvania County will
contact our General Assembly representatives to request that they serve as patrons for the
legislation that will codify the Scenic River designation.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to appropriate $185,343.85
to the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Communication Equipment line item (100-4-032200-8103) and
$16,000.00 be appropriated to the Volunteer Fire and Rescue-Data Management Software line
item (100-4-032200-8104), which required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Snead, to appropriate an additional
$8,125.00 to the Commissioner of Revenue’s budget from the State Compensation Board, which
required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to amend the library
state budget (250-073300) by $6,705.00 and also appropriate these funds for expenditure. The
following Roll Call Vote was recorded: Mr. Snead-Yes; Mr. Barksdale-Yes; Mr. Hagerman-
Yes; Ms. Bowman-Yes; Mr. Barber-Yes; Mr. Harville-Yes; and Mr. Ecker-Yes. Mr.
Hagerman’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Ms. Bowman, to reappropriate funds as
follows: $199.67 to Clerk of Court-Copier Lease (100-4-021600-60051), $215.30 to Sheriff-
Subsistence & Lodging (100-4-031200-5530), $60.00 to Sheriff-Parts (100-4-031200-6030),
$300.56 VFD-United Way Contributions (100-4-032200-5567), $1,339.29 to Jail-Extradition
(100-4-033100-5550), $2,551.00 to E911-Telephone (100-4-035500-5230), $7,523.76 to WIA-
Rent (251-4-353160-5420), $4,125.14 to Landfill-Engine Accessories (520-4-042300-6032).
This motion required a 10-Day Layover.
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to send the Regional One
contract renewal to the Fire and Rescue Committee, which was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Snead, to approve Resolution
2013-08-01, requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to accepting the re-aligned
road on State Road 1140 due to the construction on U.S. Route 58, which was unanimously
approved by the Board.
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
RESOLUTION 2013-08-01
The Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County, in regular meeting on the 5th day of August,
2013, adopted the following:
WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation has completed project 6058-071-E15,
C504), and
WHEREAS, the project sketch and VDOT Form(s) AM4.3, attached and incorporated herein as
part of this resolution, defines adjustments required in the Secondary System of State highways
as a result of construction, and
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
WHEREAS, certain segments identified on the incorporated Form AM4.3 appear to no longer
serve public convenience and should be abandoned as a part of the Secondary System of State
Highways, and
WHEREAS, certain segments identified on the incorporated Form AM4.3 are ready to be
accepted into the Secondary System of State Highways, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this board hereby requests the Virginia Department
of Transportation to take the necessary action to abandon those segments identified on the
attached AM4.3 Form and project sketch as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways,
pursuant to §33.1-155, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation
to add the segments identified on the incorporated Form AM4.3 to the Secondary System of
State highways, pursuant to §33.1-229 of the Code of Virginia, for which sections this Board
hereby guarantees the right of way to be clear and unrestricted, including any necessary
easements for cuts, fills, and drainage, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Virginia Department of Transportation.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to authorize the County
Administrator to sign a Change Order submitted by Gamewood-Kimbanet, the County’s E-911
700Mhz Radio System contractor for the new tower sites, for required structural modifications to
the Smith Mountain Williams Pipeline-Transco Tower Site in the amount of $89,022.00 that will
be paid from the E-911 Loan Proceeds. Mr. Snead’s motion was unanimously approved by the
Motion was made by Mr. Hagerman, seconded by Mr. Harville, to appoint Ms. Marie
Young as the Callands-Gretna District representative to the Danville-Pittsylvania Community
Services Board of Directors, which was unanimously approved by the Board.
Board Announcements
Mr. Ecker directed that Mr. Barber set a Solid Waste Committee meeting, and directed
Mr. Hagerman to set a Fire and Rescue Committee meeting.
Closed Session
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Snead, to enter into Closed Session
for the following:
Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining
to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in an open meeting would
adversely affect the negotiation or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with
legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by such counsel.
Authority: §2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended
Subject Matter: Barbara Hudson vs. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Purpose: Briefing by Legal Counsel
Mr. Barksdale’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board and they entered into Closed
Session as 7:54pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Snead, seconded by Mr. Barksdale, to re-enter into Open
BE IT RESOLVED that at the Adjourned Meeting of the Pittsylvania County Board of
Supervisors on Monday, August 5, 2013 the Board hereby certifies by a recorded vote that to the
best of each board member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from
the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the
motion authorizing the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered in the closed
meeting. If any member believes that there was a departure from the requirements of the Code,
he shall so state prior to the vote indicating the substance of the departure. The statement shall
be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2013
Jerry A. Hagerman Yes
Brenda Bowman Yes
Marshall Ecker Yes
Coy E. Harville Yes
James H. Snead Yes
Jessie L. Barksdale Yes
Tim R. Barber Yes
Mr. Snead’s motion was unanimously approved by the Board and they re-entered into Open
Session at 8:03pm.
Motion was made by Mr. Barksdale, seconded by Mr. Snead, to adjourn the meeting,
which was unanimously approved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:04pm.
Marshall A. Ecker, Chairman
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors
William D. Sleeper, Clerk
Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors