APRIL 9, 2073
VIRGINIA: "fhe Pittsylvania County Boacd of Zoning 1lppeals met on Tuesday, Apri19, 2013, in the Genexal
District Couxtroom, F_dwin R. Shields Courthouse Addirion, Chatham, Virginia. Mr. "1'albott callcd the meeung to
order at appro�mately 7:00 p.m. The Board obseroed a few moments of silence. Mr. Shelton called the roll.
Kenneth Talbott
Laxry Bstes
Helen Glass
H. Blair Reynolds
R. Allan Easley
Ro�ald Merricks
Carroll Yeaman
Odie H. Sheltoq Jr.
By motion of I�fr. Easley, seconded by Ivfr. Yeaman, and by unanimous vote the l�finutes of the March 12, 2013,
meeting were appxoved as presented.
Old Business
These was no old business.
New Business
Mr. Shelron repoeted on the case for the May 2013 cycle.
There was no Chairmads report. N�. Talbott intcoduced Bob Nelson and Chris �lliott, two visitors from South
Boston, attending the meeting for the� B"L�i cexdficatio�.
approsimatcly 7:04 p.m.
Case S-1 JEL, Ine., 5-13-005 — I��.'1'albott opcncd the public hearing at appxoximately 7:05 p.m. Mr. Shelton,
Director of Code Compliance/"Loning Administcatox, repoxted JEL, Inc. had pednoned for a Special Use Permit on
334.874 acres, ((�er plat) located on State Road G86/ElkhoTn Road, in the Banister Elecdon Distcict
for expansion of the e�sdng campground located on the propexty. Mr. Shelton further repar[ed the Planning
Comrrussion, with no opposition, recommended grandng the peuuoners' xequest 'Ihomas Bxooks was present ro
xepxesent die pednon. He gave backgxound on rhe site andex peurio� and stated this pxopexry had been xezoned for
the expansion. He fuether stated there would be approxirnately 14 sites and this expansion would bring people and
business into the county. 1�. Bcooks stated these sites would be Eor larger vehicles and the vehicles could stay ]ong
ox short term. Therc was no opposition to the pcdtion. Mr. "1'albott closed thc public heaxing at approximately 7:09
p.m. The Boazd discussed the petition as the Committee of the Whole and detexmined thexe were no adverse effects.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 2
Apri19, 2013
During thc ciiscussion it was statcd this expansion would allow for the parking of larger vehicles and this was a
beaudful campgxound and lake. Upon morion of Mr. F.asley, seconded by Ms. Glass, thc Eollowing mouon was
adopted: Wheteas, JEL, Inc. has peddoned the Board of Zorung Appeals, for a Special Use Permit for expansion of
the eusdng camp�ound located on the pxoperry and, Whereas, we End no substandal detriment to adjacent
properry, that the character of the zoning disrrict �uill not be changed thexeby, and that such use urill be in harmony
with the putpose and intent of ttie Ordinance, I move the Special C'se Permit be gtanted. Motion passed unatumous.
Case S-2, Ma[k Osborne, S-]3-006 — Mr. Talbott opened the puUlic hearing at appxoxixnately 7:11 p.m. b1r.
Shelton, Di�ectoc of Code Compliance/Zoning Administcatox, cepocced Mark Osborne had petitioned foi a Special
Lse Pemut on .70 of an acre, located on State Road 634/Blue Ridge Drive, in the Callands-Grema Elecdon District
fox placement oE a single-wide mobile home foc his personal cesidence. NIr. Shelton furthec reported the Planning
Commission, urith no opposiuon, remmmended grannng the petitioners' xequest. I.isa Osborne was ptesent to
represent the perition. Ms. Osboxne stated theu home had burned and chey wanted to put something on the land.
Thexe was no opposiuon to the peddon. b1r. Talbott closed the public hearing at approacimatel}' 7:12 p.m. The Boaxd
discussed the peddon as die Committee of the Whole and determined rhere wem no advesse effeccs. Duxing the
discussion i[ was stated this was a beaudful area and a beaunful site. Upon modon of Mx. Reynolds, seconded bp Mr.
Estes, the following mouon was adopted: Whereas, Mark C. OsboTne has peudoned the Board of 7oning Appeals,
fox a Special lise Perxnit for placement oE a single-wide mobile home for his personal residence and, Whereas, we
find no substanual deuunent to adjacent propetty, that the chatactex of the zoning district will not be changed
thereby, and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and inte�t of the Oxdinance, 1 move the Special Use
Permit be gtanted. Mouon passed unanunous.
Case S-3, AMC Investocs, 5-13-007 — Mr. Talbott opened the public hearing at appro�mately 7:13 p.m. Mt.
Shelton, D�ector of Code CompGance/Zoning Administrator, reported AMC Investoxs, Inc. had periuoned for a
Special Use Peimit on 45 feet x 60 feet (2,700 square feet axea), part of 2.01 acres, locared off State Road 790/Brushy
Mountain Road, in rhe Callands-Grema Election District for the addition oE a microwave dish at a centexline height
of 118 feet on the e�sting 180 gayed tower, within a fenced 45 feet x 60 feet (2,700 square feet) compound �vhexe
Verizon Wireless is currendy co-]ocated. Mr. Shelton further reported the Planning Commission, w-ith no opposiuon,
cecommended grandng the pedtioners' request Steve Blaine and Claue Novak were pxesent to represent the petition.
Mx. Blaine explained this microwave dish was to support date on the tower. Thece was no opposidon to the pention.
Mt. Talbott closed the paUlic hearing at appxo�tnarelj� 7:15 p.m. The Board discussed the petition as the Committee
of the Whole and determined there wece no advexse eEfects. Duxing the disc�ssion it was scated this was a very
isolated axea. Upon modon of Mr. Merxicks, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, the Eollowing modon was adopted:
Whereas, :iMC Incestors, Inc. has petitioned the Board of Zoning Appeals, fox a Special lise Permit for the
addition of a microwave dish at a centeLline height of 118 fee[ on the e�s[ing 180 foot guyed tower, witkun a Eenced
45 x 60 feet (2,700 square feet) compound where Verizon Wireless is cuxcently m-located and, Wheteas, we find no
substanrial detriment to adjacent pxopexry, ehat the character oE the zoning distcict will not be changed thereby, and
that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance, I move the Special Use Permit be
granted. i�'Iotion passed unanunous.
'I'his concludes the Special Use Cases.
The meeting adjourned at appcoacimately 7:16 p.m.
Kenneth Talbott, Chaicman
Hannah R. Orgain, Clerk